* t i V S4. Athaaa»as Episcopal Clrardi. The RcfefeBd Jeba Bennerf GibMe, Rector. Senrkes: Every Sunday, 11:00 a. in. and 7;30 p. m. . t.- .. o Holy Communion: First Sun day, 11:00 a- m. Third Sunday, 7:30 a. m. Holy and Saints Days, m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. The public is cordially All pews free. 10:00 a. m. invited. Cbmtiiaii Church. Oorn^ Church and Davis Sts. Rev. A. B KeaiJ&ll.. Pallor. Smiees: Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. Jno. R. Foster, Supt. Christian Endeavor Services, Sunday evenings at 7:15 Mid-week Prayer Service, eve ry Wednesday at 8:30 p. m. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary So ciety meets on Monday after the Second Sunday in each month- A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home for Visitors and Strangers. Boriifigton Reformed Ghnrch. Corner Front and Anderson Sts. Rev. J. I). Andrew, Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath, 9:45 a. m. Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sabbath, 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. OQ. Mid-week Service every Thurs day, 7:45 p. me A cordial welcome to all. Parsonage 2nd door east of church. Presbyterian Churcli. R«t. OoB%ld Mclver, PastM. Slices every Sunday at 11:00 7:30 p. m. jchool at 9:45 a. m. jeting, Wednesday cordially invited Front Sire^^ M. £. Churcli, Souih. *• Lct. T. a. 3;kes, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morn ing and evening. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Prayer ^ Service, Wednesday •vening. Danvilie, Va., Dec, 13.-In an humble home on a suburijan street the bodies of Mrs. Fannie New Pinnix and her husband. William G. Pinnix, tonight lier^ dead as a result of a dual homi cide at 4 o’clock this afternoon, committed by the husband. Pin nix, who is a former employe the freight department of Southern Railway and a ^mem ber of a prominent North Caroli na family, left letters and mem oranda showing he that had plan ned the tragedy as long ago as Thanksgiving day. The husband was, in poor health and had been drinking re cently. This afternoon while his son was lyin§ down in an axi joining room and husband and wife together, Pinnix, without warning, fired upon the unsu& necting wife twice in quick sue cession, one ball entering the right temple, the other the cheek. She collasped in a dying condition just as the son rushed in. At that moment the father turned the weapon upon himself and sent a bullet though his right temple, the ball emerging at the left side of the head. He died at 8 o'clock without regaining con sciousness. Two hours before the tragedy Pinnix had turned over to his son to be delivered to a friend a package of letters and papers, impressing their importance upon the boy. Most of these letters were written to “Mrs. Maria New Pinnix” and couched in terms of endearment. They are signed “A.'’ One of Pinnix’s letters identifies the anonymous writer as “A. Bridges,” formerly an insurance solicitor here, now of Richmond. While clean in ver biage, these letters show an inti macy which impelled Pinnix to his homiedal act. The slain woman is a daughter of W. W. New, formerly wealth- y and prominent socially here. Pinnix is a son of Colonel Pinnix, deceased, of Yanceyville, N. C. Both families are prominently connected here. Two childaen, a son, W. G., Jr., 18 years old, and daughter, Polly, aged 12, are orphaned. 4 Dee. 14.—Wall-: laik TOgro preacher tcace dot^ wibich, ikillMig -erf. -J^esse ^iii^ley, -a^^^w plaateK, was hepe shorfcl y -afIjer moon in ^ hpu intended ito hang the negro in the jail yard but the w«aQier was very disa^ gr'eeabib and relati ves of the nauir- dered man wanted to be p»esent, so he decided to have the execu tion in the opera bouse. A gal- lowB was er^ected on the atagfe and the excecution passed off without incident. The. boxes and front seats were omipi^ by relatives and friends of the murdered man. Before the trap was sprung, the negirO; confesi^d that he ifired the fthot that killed ^Singley and warned members of the race > against whiskey drinking. Three sons ^of Turner are in jail awaiting trial for the same crime ibr which the father was hanged. Clip out this coupon presen t same to Frefiirian | Drug Co., Burlington, N. C... and receive4n exchange a aiam- le bottle of our Farao«« emedy, ‘THAT mMM MiESH SlBttSER’ for Consumption,In- dig^tion, Constipation and all run down -ecmditions. Many ■patients are gaining from 3 to 7 ipouiids from taking only a sample bottle. Manufactur ed by The T-‘B iCo.,,Chai’lolte, N. C. Nawfe. Addrees... ivtujLvq. ADVERTlSINa IN TBlSrPAFER IS NOT AN , JffiR0PtANIGiEXPEKIMjENT Ourratcs,are rijht-they let ;piopl« know your goods and ' pmes ire righj. Run a serleis of ads. in'this paper, suit* show, other coiidi' tioiis ;bcing repeal, asli u* iibout a yc^’s contract TRAT 4;£ver lost A I. ERCHANT ONE ENNY Saved M wae’s LHe. '"Myjivife would have been i*i her grave today,” writes O- H. Brown, of Muscadine. Ala., “if it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery. She was down in her'bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe b>^onchial trouble and a dread ful coug:h. I got her a bottle. of Dr. ib'ng’s New Discovery, and she soon began to iTsend, and was v/ellin a short time.” Infalli- able for coughs and colds, its the most reliable remedy on earth tor desperate lung trouble, hem- orrages, lagrippe, asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping cough. 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Freeman Drug Co. “Five in the writes Ends Vinter’S Troubles. ^cedonia Lulheian Church. Front Street. Rev. C. 1. Morgao, Pastor. {Eesidence next door to Church.) Morning Service at 11:00 a. m. Vespers ^at 3:30 p. m. (No services on third Sundays.) Sunday School 9:45 a. m., ev ery Sunday. Teachers' Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 p. m. (at parsonage.) Woman's Missionary Society (after morning service on fourth Sundays.) L. C. Bs., Saturday before third Sundays, 3:00 p. m. L. L. L., third Sundays at 8:00 p. m. Rev. S. L. Morgac, Pastsr, Morning Services, 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic Services, 7:30 p.m Wednesday nightpr^yer meet- Sisg services, 7:30 p. m. Business meeting, first Wed- n^day evening of the month at 6:15 p. m. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. , J. L. Scott. Supt. The Methodist Protestant Church, East Davis Street. R«t. Tltcnuts E. DiV)*, Pastor. (Parsonoge next door to Church) ScrvicGs' M^ing, 11:00 Evening, 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednes day evenings. Ladies’ Aid and Missionery So cieties every Monday afternoon ftfter first Sunday in each month. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. J- Rogers, Supt. Exellent Baraca and Philathea Classes. You are invited to at tend all services. Wehb Ayeoue M. E. Church, Rev. B. T. Hcurlsy. Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11 a.m. and p.m., 7:30 second Sunday at 7:30 p. m.. Sunday School every Sundav 4Eprning at 10 a. m. „ Idol, , Supt, Everybody Welcome; ‘ ' - To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold-sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Buck- lin's Arnica Salve. A trial con vinces. Greatest healer of burns, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises Eczema and Sprains, Only 25c at Freeman Drug Co. For Quiet Streets h'ear Puhiic Schools. “To promote the quietude of pupils and teachers in the public schools, ’' Alderman John A. Bol- les wants an ordinance passed prohibiting heavy vehicular traf fic during school hours on streets immediately bounding public schools, just as such traffic is now prohibited on- hospital streets. Mr. Bolls has introduced such an ordinance at the request Mrs. Isaac L. Rice, the anti noise crusader, and a public hearing will be had on it soon. The ordinance authorizes the borough presidents to erect signs designating the school streets and to repave the streets sui- rounding the school buildings with less noisy pavement what ever possible; calls on the police commissioner to see that vehicu lar traffic is diverted from the streets in qusstion between the hours of 8:45 a. m. and 3:15 p. m, and provides a.fine of $10 or im prisonment for ten days as a penalty for driving through a school street at a pace faster than a walk.—New York Even ing Sun. Fifty Young Men Wanted. Fifty, more young men are wanted to learn Telegraphy and accept positions as telegraph op erators on the L. & N. Railroad. Address E, H. ROY, Nashyille:, Tenn. - . STORE BURLmOTON, ovei paterns 300 different WALL PAPER CatrgM In a lain. Daugiasville, Tex. - years ago I was carght rain at the tame/’. Edna Ruther/ord, of Douglas- ville, .t'and from that time, was taken with dumb ehiils and fe vers, and suffered more tha^i I can tell. I triied everything that 1 thought:would help, and had four doctors, but got no releil I took Cardui, the woman's tonie. Now, I feel better than in many months. ’ ^ Cardui does one thing aiid does it well’, That^s the se* eret of its 50 years of suecessi, Try Cardui. BJink, $3, 14, and JS Each. J. D. P«TH«, ferliniton N. e. WANTEDSecond hand bags and buriap: ; Write for prices. Richmond Bag Company. «t cash pnc« ill the Counfy. srea- to to serve G. £• Cook stance ihe cht k Palo! lick Siuli Lady Paint Lick, Ey.-—Mrs. ]^eeman, of this place. FOUND $10,000 IN OLD WOODEN lE(i Oklahoma City, Okla., Dec. 14—An old wooden leg may not be much of a legacy, but when it contains $10,000, Jacob Randall, a pauper at the poor farm of Canadian county, thinks it worth hping. The leg was given to hiin by Alexander P. Hamilton, a supposed pauper at the farm just before he died a few days ago. Last night Randall discov ered the roll of money in the stock of the artificial limb. ■; If H^hiilton had relatives they are not'known here. > Llglitnfng Klfis Few. In 1906 lightning killed only 169 people in this whole country. One’s chances of death by light- enir»g are less than two in a mil lion. The chance of death from liver, kidney or stomach trouble is vastly greater, but not if Elec tric Bitters be used, as Rqpert Madsen, of West Burlington, la., proved. Four doctors gave him up after eight months of suffer ing from virulent liver trouble and yellow jaundice. He was then completely cured by Elec tric Bitters. They’re the best stomach,, liver, nerve and kid ney remedy and blood purifier on earth. Only 50c. at Freeman Drug Co. Mary of this place, says: Before I commenced to take Cardui, I suffered so much from womanly trouble, I was so weak that I was down on my back nearly all the time.. Cardui has done me more good than any medicine I ever took in my life.” You need not be afraid to take Cardui. It is no new experiment. Composed of gentle-acting, herb ingredients, it has been found to safely relieve headache, backache and similar female troubles. Try it for your troubles. |\i^W Norfolk & Western JUNE 31, 1911. ' No. 22 «* Daily Hindsome Scarl-Pin FREE A Fkenomena) Offer Made hy a New York Firm. Thousands all over the United States are taking advantage of a generous offer of the Gotham Company 1161 Broadway, N. Y. City, making request for a beau tiful gold-plated scarf-pin for lady or gentlemen, which is mail ed to any one sending name and address free of charge. This offer is made to introduce their catalague of general mer chandise, household goods, jewel ry, novelties, &c. Readers of this paper are requested to send name and address immediately, nclosing five two-cent stamps to cover packing and postage. Send to-day and receive with out cost a piece of jewelry that yOu will be proud of. REST AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND GKILD.ff Mrs.Winsi.ow’s soothing Svrtjp has been vised for over SIXTY YEARS by MIWONS oj MOTHERS for their CHII^CREN WHILE TEETHING, -with PERFECT SUCCESS, It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUM& ALLAVS aM PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHCEA. It is ab* solutely harmless. Be sure and,ask for *'Mrs Wifislowi’s Soothing Syrup,” and take lio other ]Hud. Tiffeaty-five cents a bottle. Subscribe for The Dispatch Lv. Charlotte Lv, Winston Lv. Waluut C. Lv, Madison Lv. Mayodan Lv. MWnv'lle Ar Roanoke m. m. m. m. m. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Foanoke M rt’nv’lle Mayodan Madieop Walnut C Winetoii Charlotte 10:20 a. 2:05 p. 2:40 p. 3:08 p. 3:11 p. 4:09 p. la. 6:25 p. m. No. D-iily 9:15 a. m, 11:40 a, m, 12:52 p. m. 12:95 p. HI. l:24p. m 2:05 p, m. 5:50 p. m, No. 24 Dfeily 7:20 to 7:57 a. jx 8:25 a ir, 8’29 a. OS; 9:26 a. m 11.-45 a. m No, 28. Dailj 5:10 p. nri 7:35p. lu. b:SO p. rn 8;34p. m, 9:01 p, m. 9:40p. IB. ManufactiiredbyF. A.GIan- & Co„ of York. Fully guaranteed. Get one Oil trial. Heaters, and Ranges and Hardware of every descrip tion. Horse blankets, Lap robes, Buggies and Harness. Meiids tniliftf ' X Ludj bfthe * iler of i July 8, /^ many ] ** in the surprifi 6f a n Lady ( age fr r6sidei went c and ha disapp was s chang almost Progre The of A the* monst] mance meetin Sale: day £ Schbo] imbe lOOl ber School eeinbe Thei . primal ation i going years best n t there Com Clubs, and b ent CO invite ings. Si A Year Coonectione at Roaaoke for all pointe North, East and West; Pnllmftn Parlor sleeping caris. dining care; meals a la carte. II you are thinking of takfng a trip yon want quotations, cheapest, fares, reliable and correct information, ae to route, train eehedulee the most comfort> able and qnickeet way, write ami the in- formatiou is yours for the asldng with one of our map foMere. ^ Trains leave Durham for Boxboro SoHiJtt i:k)Hton and Lynchburg 7:00 a. m daily, and 5:30 p. m. dailyexceptSunday W. B. BEVILL, Wen. Agt. M. F, BR4GG, Trav. Pw.. A|rt. Boanoke, Va, FEATHER BED3 AND PILLOWJ Free Mail us $10 for 36-pound Feather Bed and receive 6"pound pair pil lows Free. Freight prepaid. New feathers, best ticking, satisfac tion guaranteed. Agents wanted. TURNER & CORNWELL Feather Dealers Charlotte, N. C. These Beds and Pillows are also on sale at E. A. Hensley’s, 304 Tarpley Ave., Burlington, N. C. Congress will have to looU into this hazing of West Point by.^n- _ While the ink holds out to run, the fierce French duelists have their fun, ^' DetnvlJIe, Virginia : : : Making Big Sales and Higli : : t Tobacco continues to sell at high prices with us, higher than we have seen it in years. e give you below a few sales made by us this*week that sold at top prices. Cfon ie A s{ munit 4th w Mrs. I passec ness 0 twent was a ter, ai knew why 8 life, b good w«lL Please Mauri funen two Ir two si of reli their ] Mrs siek V ting. Mis W. J. Turner, Burlington, N. C, 103 194 45 91 420 252 at Average Douglass Burlington, N. C. 15-50 23.60 46.00 35.00 2(^;00 13.25 $20,95 Warren,' J. M. Roney, Watson, 175 at 200 “ 465 ^3 2o3 341 N.C. 18.50 39.00 20.00 20.60 16.00 17.50 24.00 98 264 290 94 147 240 at 12.00 laco 31.00 45.00 33.00 22.50 Average $25.94 W. H.:WrenD. Leasburg, N. C. ’ 16.50 18.00 31.06 29.00 18.00 232 100 225 210 308 at i ( Average $22.25 Average $21.75 I. T. Murray, Mebane,N.C. 114 lbs ' 75 125 90 78 64 117 82 63 : 96 : > : ■ 158 63 1125 Average 304.62 27.07 Lea Bradsher, Bushy Fork, N. C. 65 at 19.50 82 30.00 169 ti 45.00 210 tt 45.00 108 € t 32.00 172 if 3i00 210 ff 19*50 Average $33.81 Mr. visite Satur( Mr, ited tl Mis day ai Burch & Eastwood, Bushy Fork, N. C. at 16.50 28.00 98 68 78 104 115 117 205 80 92 If Average 39.00 17.00 15.00 19.50 31.00 41.00 17.50 12.50 8.50 $23.68 We had cn our sale of Wednesday, Dec. 6th 53,863 pounds of tobacco that sold for $8,198.01, madking an average of $15.22 for the entire sale. Let us add your name to a ,long list or satisfied customers. , \ Mr. ited ]\ Sunds Mr. atives week, Mr. visite Sund3 Mis week Oi Har rope, who V ata mg€ week, ajtid ti 5^«sd Walk of a « lynch: hundi t >■ ■ Ad’ \

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