Means something when you go to a reliable drug store. offer you prompt and ac curate service, and wish you a happy new year Delay V Estat^[ Under and by virtue of a con tract executed to the Central L^n & Trust Co., by the follow ing persons: J. B. Gerringer Lot Nos. 12 and 13, J. M. Shoff- ner, Lots Nos. 14 and 15, and J. W. Ingle Lot No. 18, all shown and described in plat Book No. one, page one of the public reg- Health is gradually istry of Alamance County, and I, Backache J head-; Assignee of Trustee, will sell at ache, nervousness, lameness,' public auction for cash to the soreness, lumbago, urinary trou-[highest bidder on Monday, Jan- Kidaey Dueaset Are Too Danger ous for Burlington People to Neglect. The great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm holid before the sufferer recog nizes them, undermined. Local ^ Personal Cocoanuts, Raisins, Mixed nuts and Malaga Grapes, Burlinston Grocery Co. Wholesale only. WANTED-To buy all kinds second-hand sacks and bags for cash. Burlington Grocery Co. Messrs. W. J. Fix and Russell Garvin of Raleigh spent Christ mas with their parents. FOR SALE—Good oak stove- wood. Will deliver. Phone No. ^1. H. F. Bass. 2 HORSES FOR SALE.-Work anywhere.—Cheap price. Ellis Machine & Music Co. Misses Edith and Georgia Moore of near Whitsett spent Christmas the guests of Misses Julia and Lizzie Fogleinan. WANTED—To Buy For Cash 1000 bushels New Corn, also the s^e amount of sweet potatoes. Apply to Burlirgton Grocery Co. WANTiED—Second hand bag^ and burlap: Write for prices. Riclmiond Bag Company. Richmond, Va. Mr. R. H, Pearson !ias bought the interest of the American Cafe from Mr. B. E. Dickens and is now sole owner. If you are looking for Fruits and produce, you will find it at Burlington Grocery Co. Whole sale, only. Misses Mary, Beulah and Sallie F^ter spent Wednesday with their grandmother at Prospect Hill. LOST.—A black and white pig. Finder will please notify Mrs. Mary S. Oakley at Burlington and get the reward. WANTED. —A woman of middle age to stay with my mother who is not able to work. Also boy to stay in blacksmith shop. Apply to Andy Long, Graham, N. C. Miss Beulah Foster returned Sunday to Bonsel whe;e she is teaching. She has been the guest of her father Mr. J. R Foster. WANTED. —Several able bodi ed men to cut cord wood. Also have some land to rent on shares. Apply to F. L. Renigar, Burling ton, N. C. Miss Nellie Flemings spent the Holidays with the Misses Fos ters, Carrolls and Miss Sadie Montgomery. Miss Nellie is in s ;hool at Elon College this year. Apples, all varieties, and sizes, fine flavored and mellow, just right for eating fpurposes, see them before you, buy, Burlington Grocery Co. Wholesale only. Misses May Speer and Cora Pfaff of Winston-Salem and Georgia "Hudgins of Norfolk have been the guests of Miss Flossie Loy during the Holidays. Spoon's Croup and Pneumonia Salve, best salve for croupe, pneumonia colds, sore throat and tonsilitis. For sale at your drug or grocery store. Mr. Roy Cates of Camden, N. J. v;ho is in a Pharmachutal school is visiting in town, having been called home on account of the death of his father. Mince Meat. Coble’s Grocery. Mr. Chas. Jeffreys who has been the guest of his relatives returned Monday to Durham. The only sure cure fortonsilitis Spoon’s salve. Call on your drug gist or groceryman. Mibs Verona Gant of Reidsville spent last week the guest of Miss Bessie Aldridge. Car load fancy Florida oranges, ripe and sweet, all sizes, Burling ton Grocery Co. Wholesale only. Misses Agnes Heritage and Opal Nicholson spent the Holi days in Raleigh. Mr. E. V. Neville of Columbia, Miss, has arrived to be the guest of friends and relatives. Miss Bettie Stroud of Siler City has been the guest of her friend Miss Myra Dorsett for several days. Miss Mollie Ireland of Greens boro spent several days at the home of Miss Mable Lea is visit ing in the country. Friday night somewhat of a surprise party was given at the home of Miss Mable Lea . when sixteen of her friends enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Miss Ada Bell Isley of the State Normal who has been at home visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Isley returns to her work today, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel May who have been in Alabama since their marriage last fall returned home the past week to visit their relatives. FOR SALE—One seven horse power gasoline engine, good as new. Too light for my use. Phone 611 Snow Camp, or ad dress F. L. Spoon, Hartshorn, N. C. bles, dropsy, gravel and Bright’s disease follow in merciless suc cession. Don't neglect your kid neys. Cure the kidneys vrith the certain and safe remedy, Doan’s Ktdney Pills, which has cured people right here in Burlington. Mrs. S. C. Albright, Anthony St.,Burlington, N.C., says; “For at least five years I suffered from kidney and bladder trouble. My back pain^sd me almost continu ally, the kidney secretions an noyed me and I did not sleep well. I had not taken more than half the contents of a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills before I found that they were just what I needed and after I had used three boxes, I was entirely cured.” Fcr sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the naihe—Doan’s —and take no other. uary 8, 1912, at 12 o’clock P. M. on the land situated on Central Ave., Burlington, N. C. to sat isfy said cor tract. This the 13 th day of Nov. 1911. B. M. Hoffman, Assignee of Trustee. FOR SALE—Light rotten speck ed apples for family use, 75 cents per bushel. Fine for baking, pies, jelly, preserves, marme- lade and school children. Bur lington Grocery Co. Your Opportanity. The DOOR of OPPORTUNITY swings both ways. One side is labeled “Push,” the other side, “Pull.” Whether you enter from the “Push” side or the */^li” side, you must have BUS INESS TRAINING in order to succeed. The BEST PLACE to get it is Draughon’s Practical Business College, Charlotte or Ratelgb, N. C, or Knox A or^asbiriile, lean. Subscribe fojr The I 'ispatcf. Spit, Quit, Fft. Hines, Ala.—In a letter from this place, Mrs. Eula Mae Brad ley says: “I used to spit up all I ate. I was tired and sleepy all the time. My head ached^ and I could hardly drag around. Since taking Cardui, this has entirely quit, and now I feel quite fit.” Mrs. Bradley suffered from ner vous indigestion. Cardui builds up the nervous system, _ and strengthens the womanly consti tution. That’s why Cardui help ed Mrs. Bradley and \v)iy it will help you. Try it. ’ iviiii pi’etty soon? Then consult ns for ii^f»?Xnhoutf’irr.ilure. No matter if you are not quite ready to buy. Come in and see the furriiturfe chat Will maice youi nek Lome a nest of cosiness and comfort Avitho’’*^ ?*t'. aining the pock etbook too hard. Bring the other party with you. ‘ /I • Burlmgtoik N. C. rrofasbnal Cilrat P. Spoon, D W. A. HornadaT Spoon & Hor naday Veterinarians Office anl Hospital Office Phone 377 4L5 Main St, Elesid^Bce Phone 282, C. A. Anderson M. D, Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m. First National Bank Building. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug Store. Of course there can’t be much politics in Canada as in the Unit ed States, but, all things con sidered, there is as much as sev en or eight million people can carry. How’s This? / We uiier One Hundre.(i Dollars Reward for anj case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv Hall’s Caitanh Cure; F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. We, the andersijae(l, have known F. J. Cheney for the laatt 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honocable in all buei- ness trannactions and linano’allyable to carry out any oblipfattons made by hie firm, WaIiDIKG, Kinnan * Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Half's Catarrh Cure is taken jnternaJ- ly, acfciRf; directly apoD the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for coastipB'- tion. When you send us items be sure to sign your name. Almost every week we receive news by mail with no name signed. We will not publish the name but must know who the writer is. SALE Of KEAL ESTATE. By virtue of the power con tained in a certain Mortgage executed to the undersigned on the 27th day of Jan., 1909 and duly re^stered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, North Carolina, in Book No. 43, pages 4^-458 to secure the payment of a certain Bond, conveyM certain real es tate, and whereas default having been made in the payment of said Bond and interest, I will ex pose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of the County of Alamance, on Sat. Jan. 20, 1912 at eleven o'clock a. m., the land conveyed in said Mortgage Deed to wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Al amance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Washington Street, Lot No. 12, and others, boundedtas. follows, viz :HH8iOKIIZS3'eH8 Beginning at stake comer of Washington & 40 ft Street (un named) running thence with said Washington Street South 88’ 45’ East 98 ft. to a stake comer of lot No. 12, thence with line of lot No. 12 South 1’ 30’ East 167 1-3 feet to comer of lot No. 23, thence, with line of lot No. 23 West 98^ ft. to comer on said 40 ft Street, thence with line of said Street North 1’ East 1671-3 feet to the beginning containing 37-100 of an acre, more or less, and being lot No. 11 in survey of Ireland property, a diagram of which appears in book of deeds No. 36, page 108, office of Regis ter of Deeds, Graham, N. C. This is a comer lot situated only one block from street car line. This 11th day of Dec., 1911. Grace F. Hoffman, Mortgagee. Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAW E. S. W. DAHEIOilf Burlington offlc« In ;pmbmi Mil Pkiiie ADOLPH L 0 Graham |olAc« In lolHlieiMlMii BMs. PhODe 100-B John H. Vernon, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. OiSoe over Bradley's^Drug Store. Phone 65. John R. Hoflfanan, f Attomej-at-Law.} Burlington, NorthJ Gu-olina. OfBttTfSMOwl Floor First National i.. ;dr. j. h. brooks ^Surgeon Dentis^ ^Foster Building BURLINGTON, N.“C. J. N. Taylor, M* D. ^Physician & Surgeon. ^OiHcc^in^Piedmont Building.- ^ Office;Houi?s; 8:00:to:i0:00] *^^4:00 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. s our stock of Furniture and H o use Furnishings? You would be surprised and wonder l7ow we could ever sell so much tur. iture. When ^• ou get our prices you would wonder how we can get it in fast enough to supply the de mand. We buy right; we sell right Come to see our line for it talks for itself ; . . i . (From Shakeij Mortoj Jenne^ Neilsc in manul Lincoll Burnj Gutenl ing. Edison Siemei ipeter. Bessii cess. Colui Watt,| engine. Bell, Arkw! spinning FranV ty. Mure as illui Harj ning jw Step! motive.! Symij engine. Bryj day wl the ele^ win. to fun time The he can I by foll^ adi Itta imagin it is s she is j: f Green & McClure Furniture Co. Graham, N. C. Scholarship For Sale. I will sell at a discount a $50 Scholarship in one of LHE BEST Business Colleges in the country. Scholarship is good at College or for a Home-Study Course. Address JNO. DOE, care this paper. ANYTHING IN TAILORiNG^ Also the Home of Satisfaction in Cleaning, Pressing, and Dying. BDrllngton Tailoring and (leaning W^rks, Jas. M. Leath, Prop. rHENCH CUEANINd A -SPECIALTY Jo W. T. A. U H J. EtI J. Jal E. D! J. A W L J4 J For Results, advertise in State Dispatch. It will pay. No. : No. : No. No. 3 Gene lfon Gene Lobb You Have a Right to If you have the am bition and energy, to gether with an honest purpose to earn it We Win Help You. The first stepStoward financial independence is to own your own home. Begin now. Don’t wait You have waited all these years and you are still paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT and try “The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent —that you have been paying to the “Other Fel low*' and soon it will be YOUR VERY OWN HOME And not the some body’s g house to rent. Others by tl](e a score have tried the “PiMmorit ® Way” andfound it easy. you? Call and talk it over wll^ UiS. PIEDMONT TRUST CO. Real Estate Jepaiiment. - - - - ? Nitftik Can PhoRefte.T® ...

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