■'Wi ure. !e in iiio a pock is ^G. aing. IS. ■!| The •ay. TSc State t)ispa^. ^-if •? ^ mnVGIIUTESTKEN Carnegie Says Eveiy One of Tkem Was Born Poor. (From an Addreiss Andrew Carnegie.) Shakespeare. Morton, discover of ether. Jenner, discover of vaccination Neilson, inventor of hot blast in manufacturd of iron. Lincoln, Burns, the Scotch poet. Gutenbery, inventor of print- ing- Edison, applier of electricity. Siemens, inventor of water meter. Bessimer, inventor of steel pro cess. Columbus. Watt, improvement on steam engine. Bell, inventor of telephone. Arkwright, inventor of cotton- spinning machinery. Franklin, discover of electrici ty. niurdock, first to employ coal as illuminant. Hargreaves, inventor of spin* ning jinny. Stephenson, inventor of loco motive. Symington, inventor of rotary engine. UST OF UNCLWinERS Remaining in Pc»t Offii?e at Burlington, N. C. Dec. 1911. Gentlemen: A. R. Boswell, A. E. Carter, N. F. Davis, J. L. Faulkner, W. H. M. Isley, Joseph W. Miller, Sunpsom Moser, Henry Price, Jno. T. West. Ladies: Miss Sorele Pickard, Miss Vinnie Pegram, Mrs. W. J. Wat son. Persons calling forany of these letters will please say “Advertis ed," and give date of advertised list. J. Zeb Waller, Post Master. Wonderfttl Man. Decem—Ginks had the most wonderful control of his features of any man I ever knew. Bvrr—I understand he was a marvel. Decem—He was. Why, I've even seen that man look pleased when he saw what his wife had bought him for Christmas. Bryan says he wants to see the! day when no matter which way i the election goesjthe people will win. Does the man realy hope' to run on both tickets at the same time before he dies? Detective Burns v/ill have all the work he attend to in his reg ular profession, with probably a few magazine contracts on the side. The police officer who thinks he can solve a murder mystery by following a clew suggested by a dream should be advised that even Sherlock Holmes never dreamed of such a thing. It takes a bride with a vivid imagination to keep on believing it is still the honeymoon when she is busy at the washtub. Ends Winter’s Trou&Ies. m To many, winter is a season of trouble. The frost-bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold-sores, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles fly before Buck- lin’s Arnica Salve. A trial con vinces. Greatest healer of bums, Boils, Piles, Cuts, Sores, Bruises Eczema and Sprains. Only 25c at Freeman Drug Co, Promotions Along ikt K'orfolk & Western. Effective December 28, 1911, Mr. R. M. Wilson has been ap pointed Roadrnaster in charge of the Clinch Valley District, vice Mr. B. F. Dye. Mr. Wilson's headquarters will be at Bluefield, Mr. B. F. Dye will act as Gener al Foreman in charge of new work between Eckman, W. Va., and Welch, W. Va. BURLINGTON OFFICIALS Jos. H. Freeland, W. P. Ireland, T. S. Faucette, A. A, Apple, Lynn B. Williamson, H. C. Stout, J. G. Rogers, Eugene Holt, J. L. Scott, Jas. P. Montgomery, E. 3. W. Dameron, Dr. L. A. Walker, J. L. Patillo, A. A. Russell, W. F. Amick, L. P. Shepherd, Jerry Sellers, John A. King, R. J. Hall, Mayor. Aldermam, First Ward. Alderman, First Ward. Alderman, Second Ward. Alderman, Second Ward. Alderman, Third Ward. Alderman, Third Ward. Alderman, Fourth Ward. Alderman, Fourth Ward. Secretary & Ti’easurer. City Attorney. City Health Officer. Chief Police. I’ax Collector and Police. Night Police. Cemetery Keeper—White Cemetery Cemetery Keeper—Col. Cemetery Street Commissioner. City Scavenger. Notice of Sale of ^‘Richmond Hill” Property. Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Ala mance County, made in the'spec- ial proceeding entitled E. S. W. Dameron, Administrator of J. C. Bradsher, deceased. Plaintiff, vs. J. P. Bradsher, and wife, Ali^e Bradsher, R. H. Bradsher and wife, Lula Bradsher, W. J. Por terfield and wife, Fannie Porter field, by her Guardian Ad Litem, W. I Ward, A. R.‘ Bradsher and wife, Sarah Bradsher, C. P. Bradsher and wife, Balkie Brad sher, Daniel R. Bradsher, Lula Bradsher, Ida E. Bradsher Mar garet Savannah Thomas and her husband, W. 0. Thomas, Eliza Jane' Burch and her husband, Robero Burch. Defendants, the same being No. upon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commis sioner will, on Monday, the 8th day of JANUARY, 1912, at 12 o'clock M., at the court- hnuse door in Graham, N. C., of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands'. LOT NO. 1.—A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Johnson, Big Fall Roa J, a street and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt on the N. side of said road corner with said Johnson; running thence N. 74 degrees E. 180 ft. i o an iron bolt at the S. N. cor ner of said street into the said road; thence N. 4| degrees E. 150 ft. TO an iron bolt corner on W. side of said strieet; thence S. 74 degrees \V. 180 ft. to an iron bolt; thence S. 4| degrees W. 150 ft. to the BEGINNIG, containing .57 of an acre, more or less. LOT NO. 2.—A certain tract or parcel of land lying in Burling ton Townshipship, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Daniel Roberts, the heirs of J. C. Bradsher, de ceased, and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe cor ner with said Roberts and Brad sher land; running thence N. 86| degrees W. 75 ft. to an iron bolt in said Roberts line; thence S. 2| degrees W. 96 ft. to an iron bolt; thence 90 degrees S. E. 87 de grees E.; 150 feet to an irop bolt, thence 98 degrees N. 2J dgs, E. 100 ft. to an iron bolt, thence S. 881 degrees' W. 75 ft. to the BEGINNING, containing .33 of an acree, more or less; upon which is situated a two-room log house. Terms of ^ale—Cash. This 80 day of November, 1911. E. S. W. Dameron, . Commissioner. BOARD OF EDUCATION. B. R. Sellers, J. W. Cates Eugene Holt, T. S. Faueette, O, P. Shelton, Jos. A.-Isley, Jas. P. Montgomery. WATER-LIGHT & POWER COMMISSION. R. M, Morrow, Eugene Holt, J. L. Scott Southern Railway Passenger Scbednle. No. 112 East 1:32 A. M. No. Ill West 5:32 A. M. No. 108 8:12 A. M. No. 21 11 11:18 A. M. No. 144 10:25 A. M. No. 139 (1 6:29 P. M. No. 22 ( ( 5:00 P. M. No. 131 i 1 9:17 P. M. Post'Office Hours. General Delivery of Mail 7:00 a. m. to 7:30 P. M. Money-order and R^stration Hours 7:00 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Sunday Hours. General Delivery Lobby open all hours to box renters. 7:00 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. J. Zeb Waller, Postmaster. Your Attention. I have bought the entire lot of cattle raised on the farm of Mr. L. Banks Holt, which are stall fed and will butcher them myself. By purchasing your meats from my markets you will get advan tage of this home grown stock, which will be nice and fresh at all times. We carry a complete line of fri^sh meats. J. G. Stuart, Burlington, N. C. Phone 329-J. The confession in the McNa mara case has interested Detect ive Burns so much that he would like to hear some more. SUITS ^ OVERCOATS would not seem natural for you to ill let the Christmas season go by without f I t getting you a new suit or overcoat. It is 8 S the endeavor of every man to look his ijesf on iliis occasion, and he should be interested in'the new heavy suits and overcoats we have just received. Prices ranging on our suits, and boys’suits, from $6.00 to $22.50. Suits and overcoats of every description ready to we^ to-day. We also have some great bar gains in ladies’ and children’s coats and shoes. With our broad variety of styles we can please you. B. GOODMAN of Good QiotHes Burlington, N. C. T The State Dispatch has the largest home Circulation of any paper in Alamance County—Try an ad—Mr, Merchant and be convinced. Terrible Picture oi Suffering Clinton, Ky.—Mrs. ^.1. C. Me Elroy, in a letter from Clinton, writes:" For six years, I was a sufferer from female troubles. I could not eat, and could not stand on my feet, .without suffering great pain. I had lost hope. After using Cardui a week, I began to imj^rove. Now I feel better than in six years." Fifty years of success in actual practice, is positive proof, furnished by those who have used it, that Cardui can always be relied on for re lieving female weakness and di'^ease. Try Cardui, today, now! WANT a Better l i.at querfion will be iasked yon almost daily by tmsfness men seeliitig yow krvice'j, if you qtialify~talie the Dr&ughonTraiiliiig—and show ambition to rise. 1 More BANKERS indorse DRAUG^^HON’S Colleges tiuoi indorse all other ^si- colleges COMBINED; 48 ColliegeB in 18 States. Intematidnal reputation. I Hiiukine, TTpeirrItiD«r PenmBBBhlp, EiwllBEi. Letter Wiltiae, BubiMt -FitEE auxUlary bnineheH. Good POSITIONS GUA£ANTEEI> A Terriadle Blunder to neglect liver trouble. Never do it. Take Dr. Kings New Life Pills on the first sign of constipa tion, biliousness or inactive bowls and prevent virulent indigestion, jaundice or gall stones. They regulate liver, stomach and bow els and build up your health. Only 25c at Freeman Drug Co. Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason wc urge you in buymg to be easeful to get the genuine— BU^:»GI(T Liver Medicine The reputation of this old, relia^ ble medicine, for constipation, io> digestion and liver trouble, is Snu- ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or it would not be the fa-' vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOID IN TOWN Bookkeeping.. Bookkeepers all over [fie United States say that Draughon’s Mew System of Bookkeeping saves, them *om 25 to 50 per cei,. ‘.i work and Worry. Shbrtliand. Practically all TJ. S. offi“ court reporters write the System ©£ 'saiorthand Draughon Colleges teach. ♦ Because they know it is ike best. ^ HomaSttady. Tft^dnds oi bankcas^ iers, bookkeepert^ tixA Stenographers holding good positions as the restilt Mking Draughon’s Homei Study. CATALOGUE. Foir prices oh lessons MAIL, vrrits Jno. F. l>RAt!OHOK, President, Njfehville, Tenn. Por/n?tf cat alogue on course yi TCOLLEGE, writ". >RAUGHON*SPKACTICAL BUSINESS COMEGIr CharfoSle, N. C.^ Or Knoxville or NashviUe, Toun^ Women Read what Cardui did for Miss Myria Engler, of Faribault Minn. She says: "Let me teU you how much good Cardui has done me. As a young girl,:! always hswl to suffer so much with all kind of pain. Sometimes, I was so weak that I could harc y stand on my feet; I'got a bottle of Cardui, at the dru^ store, and as soon a* 1 fund taken a few doses, I began to feel better. Today, I feel as well as anydr.2 can.’* Are yott a woman? Then ypa ai« sublect to a kuvft number of troubles and irregularities, peculiif to wmnen« which, in time, often lead to more seflGUi trwblfli A tonio is netded to help you ov& tiie hard; to relieve weakness, head|u;he, and other unnecfss^ paini^ the signs of weak lierves and over-work. For a tonic, taka Cardui, the woman's tonic. You will liever regret it, lor It will certiiii^y help you. Ask your druggi^ aliout it He khowi^ l^a ieUsit Wrth to: LwUm! Adviwrr Ggiu OisKvmwm. T« totjSpixlal InttructhM, and 64-pagt § 4-room cottage on Dixie St., $U)00. 7-room two story dwelling on the car line near graded School, Ireland St. We will sell this place for $2750. 5-ioom cottage on Grace St., at $1400. 7-room, two story dwelling on corner of Grace and Gilmer St. We will sell this place for $1750,. 7-room cottage on Broad St.,water, lights and sewerage connection. We will sell this place for $3500. 4-room cottage on Ruffin St., practically new. We will sell for $1000. 67 1'2 acre farm 1 1-2 miles Southwest of Burlington, all necessary buildings 1-3 red soil and 2-3 gray. We will sell at a bar gain , 84 acre farm, 2 miles Northwest of Bur lington, 7-room cottage, good barn good or chard. 50 acre farm 11-2 miles West of Burling ton. We will sell this place for $1500.00. 8-room two story dwelling, on corner of Morehead and Mebane St., lot 105 x 214. We will sed for $2500, This is a great bagain If you have money to loan, place it through our company. We give you first mortgage on real estate and we never loan more than one- half cash value of property taken as security and our company guariui- tees payment of principal and 6 per cent interest, payable semi-annu- ally. . We write Fire, Life and Live Stock Insurance. The Central JUoan 6S: Trust Co. CAPITAL STOCK «e0,000.00 J. A. Davidson, Pres. W. W. Brown, M|r, J. R. Hoffman, Sec.-Treas, JjJ|

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