fL I II I ^1 •VS ■=.' I :?5 k 'I; I I s I li If :i 5 ^?!3?3 mmm ■rjlf^cvfV' 3^5 J'T iv!';i;rto-:fjC;^ What the New Teaf W31 Bring You depends to a considerable extent on yourself. One way to insure its being a satisfactory one is to come here for your toilet arti cles. Burlington Drag Co. TL it, „ I SiUaofSitoiililftafawt I brOW^ vGS tuC Lilllc and by virtue oi a ran^^ .: tracft executed' to the Central* Hi^ln and Manv Loan & Trust Go:by the f&lldw- Givethe Kidneys Kelp aim many persons: Bruce H. Carro- BurBngton Peqpfo Widl be Happier, way, Let No.6; W. G; Isley^ Lots ..mu r\ 4. T Nos. 8>S>> 10 andi 11,. all giiownj Throw Out th« I^fe Line ; described in plat ' Book No. The Kidneys . one, pag® one of the public reg- They re overworked ^can g jstry of Alamance Gounty, aad I^. the poison filtered out of the Assignee of Trustee, will seMb at public auction for cash to the They re g.tting w .. highest bidder bn Sat’day, Feb- ■ 1 ruary 101^12; at 11 o’clock A. M. Will you . at Grahanii, K 3.. the land sitiaat u Central Ave., Burlington, brought thousands of kid^^^ to satisfy said contract, ferersback from the verge of This th&ith day of Jan. 19125 Local tc Personal E. L. Graves spent Sunday at home the guest of his family. Mr. E. G. Gheek spent Sunday visiting friends near Mebane. Miss Bertha Neese spent Sat urday and Sunday in Greensboro the guest of friends. Miss Agnes Gourtney of Gra ham has been visiting her friend Miss Myra Dorsett recently. Ked Indian Brand Liver Pills 2oc, at your druggist or by mail of lilrs. Joe Persons Remedy Co., of Kittrell, N. C. The new floor is about complet cd and within the next few days Mr. A. Bradley will move his stock into the Paragon building. Miss Maude Rumbley spent Sa;tu.rday and Sunday the guest of her parents near St. Marks Church. Miss Florine Robertson princi pal of the McCray school spent Sunday in town the guest of her sister and relatives, Eev. C. J. Thompson traveling representative for Meredith Col lege Raleigh was at the Baptist Church Sunday soliciting funds. JViiss Nora Hughes’of Ossipee spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs, Saul Hughes. Mr. Chas. Brown of Efland spent last Thursday the guest of his cousin Mr. W. W. Brown and family. Mrs. Charlie Newman and sis ter Miss Curley Kenion of Meb- sune are the guest of Mrs. Robt. Eamwell this week. Spoon’s Croup and Pneumonia Salve, best salve for croupe, pneumonia colds, sore throat and tonsilitis. For sale at your drug or grocery store. FOR SALE—One seven horse power gasoline engine, good as new. T*do light for my use. Phone 611 Snow Gamn, or ad dress F. L. Spoon, Hartshorn, N. G. Have you tried the Red Indian Brand Liver and Kidney Pills? Ask your Druggist. If he has none, Write'to the Mrs. Joe Per sons Remedy Co., Kittrell, for them. Hed Iiidian Brand Kidney Pilis act at once, you don’t have to wait. Small bottle at 25c. each, larger bottles. Month's treat ment, $1.00. Why not avoid Bright’s disease, while you have time. Drop a lette, of any of the Drug Stores, for Mrs. Tremmier. She will be in Graham and Bur lington for the next two weeks, and will be glad to talk to you a- - foout your troubles and she prob ably can give you some good ad vice. Red Indian Brand Liver Pills are the'easiest and most pleasant Laxative Purgative on the mar ket. Ask your druggist for a sample, and if he has none, write The Mrs. Joe Persons Remedy Ca, of Kittrell, N. C. for them. 2 HORSES FOR SALE.-Work anywhere.—Cheap price. Ellis Machine & Music Co. Mr. Sam Hill 9f Richmond was a recent visitor in our town. Mrs. Ferrell of Durham is the guest of her sister Mrs. H. R. May this week. Mr. Harrison Thompson elec- trian at Elon College spent Sun day in town the guest of his par ents and friends. LIST OF UNMED LETTERS Remaining in Post Office at Burlington, N. G. Jan. 20, 1911. Gentlemen: Luther Cheek, Wm. T. Brown, G. G. Curtis, Jasper J, Bradsher, Alfter Cook, Master I^aijy Hall, W. A. Hinshaw, Will Maihn (2), i. M, Parker, F. A. Pope (2), G. W. Stanford, Albeit Smith, C. G. Steele, Willis Wade, N. A. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. T. West. Ladies: Miss Claudy (2), Miss Ada Donell, Mrs. M. E. Fitch, Mrs. Magie Headen, Miss Plumer Gib son, Mrs. G. Holt, Miss Mary Johnson. Mrs. L. A. Murray, Miss Grace Tate, Nancy A. Wil liams, Misses Lulia Williamson. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed,” and give date of advertised list. J. rf'Waller, Post Master. despair. Mrs. C. G, Moser, 505Mean St., Burlington, N. C., says:. “lam such astrong believer in Doan’ts Kidney Pills that I do not hesitate to give them my endor^ment. My Kidneys were badly disorder ed for a long time and I had be come discouraged, as nothing seemed to bring me any perma nent benefit. Finally I decided to use Doan’s Kidney Pills, hav ing seen them higMy recom mended in the newspapers by people whom I knew. I was not disappointed with the results, as the cure effe'’.ted has. been per manent.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remeinber the name—Doan’s —and take no oth«r. B. M. Hoffman, Assignee of Trustee.. Do You Want Bigger Pay? If you want bigger pay for your services, or to stop the leaks in your business, or to be a suc cessful business man or woman, take the Draughon Training. For prices on lessons by mail, address Jno. F. Draughon, Pres ident, Nashville, Tenn. For cat alogue on courses at College, ad dress Draughon’s Practical Bus iness College, CharioUe of Raleigli, N. C, or Knoxville or Naslivllle, Tenn. Corpse Came tv Life. Asheville, N. C., Jan. 17. —Sup posed by his family to be dead, Robert Smith, a 70-year-old resi dent of the hominy section, w^ prepared for burial by them in the best room of the farm house Tuesday and covered with a sheet. News of the death being circulated in the neighborhood, manv friends called to express sympathy and these were invited in to view the corpse. They were massed in the room when the sheet was removed and Smith’s face '^as made visible, but none remained when he open ed his eyes and asked, “It’s rain ing, ain’t it?” Some went out through the doorp, but others preferred windows, whose sash they took with them. For some time no one returned. Smith died again next day, and, after a physician had pronounced him dead, h2 was buried. Spin Quit, Fit. Hines, Ala.—In a letter fmm this place; Mars. Eula Mae Bsad- ley says: used to spit up aJl I ate. I was^ tired and sleepy all the time. My head ached, amd I could haifdly drag around. S^ce taking Gasdui, this has entiasely quit, and.now I feel quite it.” Mrs. Bra^y suffered from ner vous indi®S5stion. Gardui l^ilds up the nervous system, and strengthiHQs the womanly c®nsti- tution. That’s why Gardui help ed Mr&. Bradley and why It will help yoa. Try it; § i pretty Then eonsnlt us for ideap abcutfuri^iture. No mRtter if you are not quite ready to buy. Gome in and see the fnrriiture that wiil mske j'our new home a nest of cosiness and TOmfort Rfrrn'ning the pock etbook too hard. Bring the other party with you. Advertise in the Dispatch. 1,156,622 Cattle Killed In 3 Years by Company. Chicago, Jan 16.—In an effort to refute the charges made by the government, the defense in the packers’ trial today submit ted figures from the books of Morris and Company, showing that in 1.907, 1908, 1909 and 1910, 1,156,622 cattle were killed at the f'ompany’s Chicago plant on which total net profits realiz ed by the sale of fresh meats and by-products was $1,008,215.76 or 87 cents a head. The next profit on fresh meat in this period was one-eight of a cent a pound, according to the books of the company. This information was brought out in the cross-examination of i Witness Harrj A. Timmins, chief ^^e, the unaeisigned, have known I. 5,l\Tni‘ris nnri Pnm ,1. Chenev for the lastt 15 years, and be- aCCOUntani 101 iOiriS and Uom Killed by Snowball. Atlanta, Jan. 17.—Little girls who came to school this morning in the seventh grade at the pub lic school, reported that one of their number, named Mamie El der O’Shields, had been accident ally killed by a snowball, which had struck her a day or two ago directly over the temple. Eow’s This ? We offer One liundretl Dollars Iteward foraDvceseof CuTarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. .1. CHENEY iV: CO., Toledo, 0. lieve him pei-tectly honorable in all busi- nesB transactione and financial!j able to carry out anv oblif?atious made by his firm, WALDING, KiXNAN & ilARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toleio, 0. Hall’e Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting: directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi menials sent free. Price cents per bottle. Sold by all Drug"ist.s. Take Hall'i^ Family Pills for constipa tion. P. Spoon, D. V. S. W. Hornaday Spoon 1^ Hornaday Veterinarians OHice and HospitH.1 Officft Pbon^ 87T 415 Main St, Hesi«l«n(?e I’hone C. A. Anderson M. D. Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 to8 p.m. First National Bank Building. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug Store. Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAV^ E. S. W. DAMERON Burlihgtov office in [^ledoitDt BvlWlug PIlODe • 250 AptPH L 0 N 6 Graham IToffice ill Hoii.Nieb«lMD Bldg. Pfaone 100-B John H. Vernon, Attorney aua uounsellor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Officp over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phone 6 >. John R. Hoffman, A^orney-at-Law Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Secood Floor r'irst National Babk Bailding. pany. He explained the account ing system in use by Morris and Company and assumed personal, responsibility for the various changes made in the amount of the allowances for by-products in figuring the test cost of beef. The witness said he ordered the changes without consulting with the defendants, Edward Merris and Louis H. Heyman, DR. J. H. BRO;OKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building l>URLINGTON,5|N. C. ' J. N. Taylor, M. D. Physician & Surgeon. JOffice in Piedraont'Building.^ja Office Hours.J 8:00 to 10:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-RAYIWORK. Scholarship For Sale. , I will sell at a discount a $50 and denied ever conferring with j Scholarship in one of _ LHE representatives of Armour and i BEST Business Colleges in the The Democrats in Congress ap- pear to think their chances next ] c"(>mpany, Swift and Companv country. Scholarship is good at year would be better if the Pres- • and the National Packing Com“- College or for a Home-Study ident didn’t travel around so | pany in figuring the test cost of Course. Address JNO. DOE, i beef. much. care this paper. i if you are in the market for good house. We can plea ant’ surpri e ‘ o i n both price and terms. We also h ave several buyers seeking an invest* ment in rca' estate. So if you want either to buy or sell you will iind it decidedly to your interest to stop in and talk matters over, anyway. ALAMANCE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE COMFY Burlington, N orth Carolina M' T a Better That quertion will be asked you almost daily by business yout Jervicei, if you qualify-^take the DraughoHTraining^andshow ambition to /isg. More BANKERS indorse DRAUGHON’S Colleges thanJndorse all other bn.si' jiess colleges COMBINED. 48 Colleges in 18 States. International reputation * Bankliigr. Typewrltiaigr, ¥«'nnu8hip; BmIIrIi, Bpelltnfc Arltknetle* Letter IFrttlnr* Bnslneit!. 3kw—FREE aaxillkry l)r»|ieh«s. tiood POSITIONS GUARANTEED Under reaaonaUe iBondltions. Bookkeeping. Bookkeepers all over fhe United States ^ay that Dr^ughon’s Jew System of Bookkeeping saves them tom 25 to SO per cent in work and worry. Shorthand. Practically all U. S. offi* Jsal court reporters write the tsystem of Emorthand Draughon Colleges teach. t'hyf Because they know it is desi. Heme Stu^. Thousands of bankco.'^” ierSy boof^epers, find iienographeri. holding good positions as the resui ^'iking Draughon’s Home Study. CATALOGUE. For'prices on lesson^ Sy MAIL,, write! Jno. P. DRAUGHOi>t, President, Nashyille, Tehn. Fory>ri’cat alogue oh courseTCOLLEGE, wriu mAUGHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLtEGF R.’^leiqb or Charlotte, N. C., or K.noxville or Na>hvitle, Tean. ceccswvswaexB ou Have a Right to Independence If you have the am bition and energy, to gether with an honest purpose to earn it We Win Help You. The first stepltoward financial independence is to own your own home. Begin now. Don't wait You have waited all these years and you, are still paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT and try ^The PIEDMONT WAY.” Invest a few dollars saved each week or month, together with the interest, taxes, in surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent - that you have been paying to the “Other Fel low’’ and soon it will be YOUR VERY OWN HOME And not the Some body’s house to rent. Others by the score have tried the “Piedinont Wafy” and found it easy. Will you? Call and talk it over with us. t.eal Ertate JepvTtment. Bnrlragton, Phone No. 76 ^ \vav^ i^ky Mount, which has slowlj destroying over tons of coal has t the Atlantic Cmii South Rocky Mo several days, I what caused the at the railroad s working in vain 1 blaze, it being in with the situatio inanaging to sav pile from around seat of the fire b the center of the When discover afifo, it had alrea nole down towai and the pile coul ^ving in, and a have been unabk although at all i umes of smokes the top of the pi hard to estimate fact that it is r much of the coal