' 4r^fusircTt}^I- Y’’ ^ The Suite DisfutcK « -*•, F .I./”' r - " 1 ?■■ ■‘S® ii s' WAl a: ^:i " il I’ ;i r? THE STATE DISPATCH Pub!ishp(i Bver,v Wednesday -By- Tkt State DUpaUfa PublivJiins Cett|MMiy. ^ortingtoa, N. C. Or. J. A. Pickett, - • President JAMES ,E, FOUST, Sea-etjiry »nd Tre»»nrer and Bttsinei* Mkukfer. Office First Floor, W«!ller^BuUdin^r. Telephone No p«y- ubecription. One OollHi,- per year able in adv^iiiice. All comnuinicati jns in i,®gard to news iteiTi^t or businea« Imatters Bhouid be ^dressed to "nse State and »ot to any individual connec^l witu tiie paper. i All news notesi and cotiamunieation« oi mportance must be sijfJtwi by the writer. We are not reflponniblii for opinions of our eorrespondent*. And B/0. Davis of the Anti-sa- locin league actually called names in Raleigh and yet the Solicitcr for that district and the city po licemen want more evidence; When an official don’t want to know a thing, you cant make hira know' it. See, SubscriberB will tftke uotice that no re^ Wlpt for siibflcription for 'lV Stale Ditpitch will be honored at thiH office imleHR it w Buoibered with staoiped fieurcp. Rntered »» second-clasM matter May SO, 190^, at the po«t olfitie at Buriinp ton, North Carolina, iimdw the Act of Conicress of March 3 1879. Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1912. Judging from the recent row we judge Mr. Wood-row is all his name indicates. And they do say.. That The Chamber of commerce has come to life again. So mote it be. you doing- to boost Join the boosters club and get busy. What are your tOAvn, The Democratic senatorial scramble has been sv/allowed up by the Watterson-Wilson Pi-esi- dential wrangle. A wide awake police force and blind tiger can not live together in the same town. Which have we here? Get ready to enter the contest. Its going to be the biggest thing ever attempted by any News Paper in the south. Have you paid your poll tax. This ia Presidential year, and un less you paj your poll tax you cannot vote. Pay now, do not wait until the last moment. ^ Some one has said: *fhe net re sult of the discussiort about can didate Woodrow Wiiaon is that he has lost ground. If the Hon. Thos, Fortune Ry an would offer it as a pension we ^ess the Doctor would not ob ject. Why does he not substitute it in the place of the Carnegie pension fund. Has any thing been done to the public roads in Cobles and Pat tersons townships, 5f not we hope our county commissioners will or 4er something done at their next ;meeting. Tlie Virginia Boai'd of Educa tion recommencfs that every high school teacher shoulii be a college graduate. A mighty good recom mendation, but in our opinion should not only be a recommenda tion but a requirement. nefarious proposition long e- nough to appreciate its merits. It is always well to look twice at anything that glitters on the surface or at a distance. Do not be deceived by gorgeous glam our. That which promises much often yields less. There is no short cut to prosperity and men tal comfort. We do not move by leaps and bou’ids. If we accept a system which revolutionizes old customs and business notions we will pay for it. There is compen sation for all things. Would we consider the parcel post a bless ing? Never, but a disguise, a bur]?lar and we fear its friends and many of them are deceived while others are trying to deceive The money that North Carolina earns is hers, and the money that the people of Alamance County earn belong to them, in the sense that they should keep it at home instead of sending it to two or three cities for the necessaries of life which they could buy from the home merchants who help his neighbor to pay the expenses of the government, signs good road petitions, helps to build school! hoiises and churches, to say noth ing of■ the town tax he pays every yea.r for the building of streets, side walk^ etc. Would the faiTO er aid irt a scheme which wt)uld induce the consumer to buy all his eggs and produce from Canada when he could get it at horae. Would the physician en dorse a plan whereby his people should come to look to the quack doctors of distance cities for their physical ministration ? Certain ly not. Then why should we wel come a scheme which will break the middle mans back as sure as the sunshines. This iact should seem clear to any open mind. If tne Government goes into part nership with a half dosen mail order houses, agreeing to do the hauling for a part of the proceeds where does your home merchant who has done nothing to be con^ demned for, come in. We readi ly admit that there are to many middle men, some of whom de pend for their living on the use- i Nev/s, who is so well and favor ably known to our people, has purchased the Durham Daily Sun. We understand that he has others associated with him in the undertaking. That he will make a success of the ven ture goes without saying. Mr. Crowson is an able News paper man, having had years of experience, in fact he is a veter- congress has ; the business. And he is ; very much like a sailor, in that once upon the sea, never satis- Mr. Crowson has tried to quit the Newspaper field and follow oth er persuits, but like the sailor he always returns to his first love. The people of Burlington who have felt his influence, and ap preciated his foresight in the up building of the city regret to see hira Ifjave, and had hoped that he hiight And some other vocation to his liking, Mr. Crowson has Burlington and is Parcels'Post Should be Defeated In recent years shown that it could do almost any thing, and would do nearly that ^ much. Therefore let us not be fjgd except upon the sea. surprised if it takes across its knee the middleman and the con sumer, and give to a half dozen mail order houses the largest, swjetest stick of candy in the box, which is to say if the par- eel.'J post measure become a law at this session of congress we need not be surprised. However we trust we may have more con fidence in the aggressiveness of those who have thought over this i (Jone much fc identified wirVi many of the busi- nciia’ of the city and frru't l.c will retain his connec tions and continue to reside here. The business interests as well as the Newspaper in';erests of Dur ham are to be congcatulated upon securi. g such a progressive and veteran Newspaper man, what ever he goes into is with push and vim, and the sleepy eyes as well as his competitors, might as well set up and take notice. Sportsmen take Notice. The bird law closes March 1st. The law in Alamance County pro tects the robin, partridge or quail dove, lark from JNlarch First to November 15th, and also requires ! that all bird dogs be kept tied or from running at large during the months of June, July and August It is not generally known that it is also unlawful for any one to shoot birds on the ground. Mr. Henderson Gnatt, a weil-to-do farmer of Rowan County, had to pay a fine of $20. (K) last Tuesday, in Judge B. B. Millers couW, Salisbury, for shooting birds in a huddle, before they were flashpd. The makers of the famous “Queen Qiality** Shoe for women usher in the Autumn ai^ Winter season with new unsurpassed for style, fit and woikmanship. Smart original designs with the distinctive touches thit have^ linked the woids “Queen Qgalily** with them footwear are here in profusion, at moderate prices. It will be a pleasure to show you these l>cautiful e our stodc is at its best notsee them toilay^^ FOSTER SHOE COMPANY messK^ & Bnrlingtou, N, C. The Fine old gentlemen, Marse Watterson, Says that Govenor Wilson the moses tJiat is going to lead the democrats out of the mire of despair, la the biggest liar that ever come dfjiwn the pike. This is the boasted democi'atic harnion.’v-. with a big: [i, SALE OF SEAl ESTATE. V By virtue of the power cqaw tainted in a certain Mortgage 6^- «eute4 to the undersign^ on thje Sthdiy of Nov., 1909 and iluly registered in the pflfke of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, Norih Carolina, in IJoo|( No. 4(), pages 'US to 2t9, to ; se cure rl;e payment of a certain Bond, conveyed certain real esr ta.te, and whereas default having been made in the payment; of said Bond and interest, the un dersigned will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door of the county of Alamance, on Sat; Feb. 10, at eleven o’clock a. m., the land conveyed in said Mort gage Deed to wit: A ceriain tract of land situate in Alamante County, Thompson Township, bounded by James PaiTish Samuel Thompson, Wil liam Turrentine, Johnson Par rish, James Newlin, and others, and lying on the road leading from Swepsonville to Saxapa^ haw, andmore particular describ ed as follows: Beginning at a stone net^' the branch Wm. Turrentine'j comer running thence So. 791-4 EL ^ the election lottery. Ther r« three donkeys once uijun a within. whc»e reach n hnrid!^ of fodder was hung. Each of titein might have nibbled quietly at ihe lieaves of the pi;ovftaei’ newieai his nose and «') nil hivsv the chance fro- h o*-' f*d. But they must need snarl and bite for exclujsive fv^siise^sion. and so finally, while they were ahsob-1 ed in their selfish stniggle! a m- i^ublican ox came uo on. the other: side of the fence and marched off; with the prize. The harmony dinner came oif j^ust three ago and the prospects of defno- eratic sucee^.« have already been lowered by 30 per cent through bickerings among democrats. ~ Va. Pilot ivdsy Orange , Potatoes. Cbcoanuts. ful ones, these should be eliminat I ch. and 25 links to a hickory, ed, but not at the detriment of the useful ones. Thus we see the inconsistency of the parcel post. Iv. begins to look as if we need ed a Davis like Bnn. Davis of the Anti-saloon league in this town. There certainly are lots oC booze selling, booze drinking and booze fighting- going on afs'd yet the po licemen know nothing, or if they do, they do nothing, Subscribe for f:he Dispatch. This is a PresideciEial year. If you are a democrat you want to know what we are saying about your party. If you are a republi can you want to k^ep posted. You ought to have the Dispatch no matter what you aiE% Even pro hibitionists, populifits, ahd die of thfi! Rbadetvii firiidl it good reading. WSsat Next? The democrats becoming thor oughly alarmed at the spontane ous outburst of popular enthusi asm for the nomination of form er President Roosevelt for the Presidency, have introduced a resolutioji that no man be eligi ble for President the third time. This is done to head off the nom ination of a popular candidate. The next move will be: A bill to prevent the Republican party from nominating any man for president that can beat a demo crat. This is the only way to ge;t a democratic President, and this move may be looked for next. Bays The Dwibi^ Son. ' Mir. 0. F. Crowson, a resident of t^ eity, ^nd the former ed’ itor knd twnfss: of the Burlington thence S. 2' west, 35 ch. and 23 links to a white oak, thence, S. 88' west, 33 ch. and 59 links to a stake near the creek, formerly a hickory, thence, S. 21 3-4 west, 11 ch, and 80 links to a stone in the ground Newlands Corner, thence, North 73 west, 24 chs. and 50 links to a post oak, on the side of the road, thence Nortii 8' E.’ 37 chs. and 30 links to a stake, thence North 70' B3, 35 chs. to the mouth of spring branch, thence down said branch, S. 19' E. 4 chs. and 28 links to the beginning, contt in- ing 2441-10 acres more or less. Less Deed of release for 115 3-4 acres recorded in Book Deeds No. 45-46 for Alamance County, Graham, N. C. This the 6th day of Jan., 1912. Central Loan & Trust Co., Mortgagee, The Asses And The Os. Executors Notk' Having qualified as executors to the last will and testament of F. V. Snell, late deceased of Bur lington, N. C., this will notify all persons having: claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned properly ver ified on or before the 1st day of February, 1913, oi* this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovr ery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate settlement This February, 1st, 1912. A, F. Barrett, C. A. Walker, Executors. Coi?on Sf'eci. Cotton seed, hulls. Cotton seed Meal. All iii'udi feedstuff, ask our prices before buying. According ff K. F. D. Ho, 5. to By the democratic aspirants for the presidential nomination and their respective champions the lesson conveyed in an ancient fable might be wisely taken to heart They are fighting each other so bitterly that whoever runs is likely to draw a blank in - Ground Hog Theory,” we may expect forty days of wintertime. What com fort there is in siting back by a good old hickory log fire, with plenty of pork in the smokehouse and bread in the bin. There is not much doing with the farmers now, but eating and caring for the dumb brutes. Mrs. Annie Alridge returned horae Sunday from an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. W.C. Lineberry of Burlington. Mrs. Henry Roney is visiting her mother, Mrs. James Ander son. Miss Lessie Hester of Orange Co. is visiting her brother B. T, Mr. J. A. Wyatt of Durham apent a few days last week in his old neighborhood. John sayis he likes Durham 0. K. Mr. W. D. Aldrige who repre sents the Singes Sewing Machine C9mpany, was in his old neighr. borhood at work last week. We were all glad to see Walter. There is not any doubt but what he will canvass some parts of I^ute five very throughly. Miss Effie Wyatt of Greensboro is viiting her father Mr. J. M. E. Wyatt oil route 3. Mereh ants Supply Co. Successors to Burlington Grocery Co. NIUER’S AGENTS, XfELflOSEl DAN miEY FLOUR 1—Lot 4 Brooms, regular si^, made of the best of corn 25 each I—Lot 17 Qt. R ea 1 french gray Enamel Dish Pjaiis 25 c. each. 1—Lot Large size Lamps, 18 inches high 2 Burner^ c. each. 1—liot Plain White Tjable Ware, good grades Clip and saucer 5 c. 1—Plain Covered Dishes, regular size, complete 25c. each Just received a complete assortment of Valentine pvist cards 1 cent each also the bigest assortment of Valentines that Burling ton has ever received. See Our Windows For The Above Specials, valentines On Display All Next W^ek. Fresh Candies. WILSON & BUCHANAN 5c, Iflc, and 25c Store. WAMT ; iiat (^ue.'- tion will^ be asked you alniiost daily by business nien seckiug. you! ^rvnces, if you qtialify—take the Drausfbon Training—and show ambition to /isa- More BANKERS indorse t)RAUGHON’S Colleges than indorse all other busi- ,«es?> colleges COMBINED. 48 Colleges in 18i 8tat.es. ^ International reputation. L AHtbmetlc, Utter Writing. BaaSnrM UoodPOS!TIONS*GUARAKrcEDund« reasonable condition*. •. , ” ” ** ■ Hem* Studjr. Thousands 6i bankca^‘ Bookkeeping. Bookk’^pers Ikll over 'r.e Unit^ Stateis say that DratJghon’s Miewr System of Bookkeeping saves them lom 25 to 50 per cetjt in work arid worry, ShordwodL Practically aU U. 8. offi- !i!al cotirit reporters write the System ef *t3ortharid Draughoja QoUe^a t»afclr. : iP^us« thej^ ktto:^ it fe iers, i>ooki^epers^ and stenographers holding good; portions as the resul: Kking Draughon’* Home Study. CATALOGUE. Por prices on les^i:^ Slt\ MAH.:^ writi Jno. E. ]^r^dentjN^liville. Tenri. "toxfreec9X- alogue on cburse »l^tTGHON’S COU^£?K teed an Delici^ FRI PHONl I.OC. Misses MJ richols are vi tnd Fleta Ph) Vanbe Shej iras buried Is ick with conq >uth of towr Dr. J. W. >n sti^nt Su| lest of his ternon and fi^ Mrfi^D. L. ’ her isister critically ill] iTheiTeachel le ReformedI id doing fim ^eets at 7 ;30 ly. All int€ rged to attei Mrs. Heent Graham yrl tfs. J. Zeb Chris Isley jrsity spent ^cently the bnta. The discuss^ He chief sut ird of Al tflrh^ where! Tebb Avenue! ihea was bi Bala Lodge 11 meet in >n : at 7:^1 the Womai [>I>ai Ghd bavitw recentU iWKKieled fc fiStcr'd.* The ci pd was large groBs to near |70 j ■ Mr. Henry has been ir will be pi of his Prof. iperintendenl Schools GiT sre Friday,' child labor.l I The conditid 11 who has »pital, G| bee weeks, is fe hope Mr. itirely recov^ ir iiiidst ags 3! ChrisI mes will fore cheei Yoi jomed.1 hwrry-| \ Aiain

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