A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMEF^ICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTI9ES. /OL. IV. BURLINGTON. N. C., FEBRUARY 14 1912. ■ 3»'f^ m -w n JvtrCitia: '.4>^Jwua.«..rii;V (Hi-,- H' - ' lai'fcW 1' i ••‘A-'i to J fij '3-jiCw-a %a-5^ ...-■i''^ I'',- ..•"■■' r’f flXv.'hyi'ii r."' fjr . I f''.' >’ h , . greatest prises ever offered byany NewSpaparin-th ,• .^^rorld. The jT(0‘f prernmms ever given away. ' 1 his contest is net tor ti:^e. most oopiilar or Gra^ema^'^'^b .c: g*eatesr hustkr who wil!_get out and,secure the most'subscribers, to the best - IS the |is£ Gi prem?ums compr sing the most .gigantic collection to select frOm; ’ ^ T T Jh- J.-, 'W ^ V> ke motor 1 * J. •4 i 1 1 f ■X 1 1 1 FORD, M.c|iei, T. 5 Passenger Touring CAR/ Standard Motorcycle, will give make later. Pony, Harmess and Cart or Buggy. Gold Watch, Dianiiond set in back Ladies or Diamond Eing. Ladies or Gents f Standard Bicycle Ladies or Gents. 1 lionif drG|5 head, sowing machine Room Suit Scholarship Draughon’s Business College Double barrel hreech loading hammerless Gun Automatic repeating rifle. Leather couch ■ ents New Value ti u s “ u X a 1 a If VI' > i ' c a 250.00 5om :•-.";. S;-eod- - ; cr'i A Grand Total Ot 12 pr^inciiuixis givtii ^Way costing . . $1870.00 _ Is not this the great;S!t inducement € ver |jy t>aDer to sfeeure subscribers, iind that to one o£ the very best \Nrfeekiy jEtojpcrs in the south. Make-up your mind at once, and get right into the contest. Begin at ORCe» do iifot ^et vour neiihbor get ahead of you. the foDowing rules will govern the contest until new ones.are ^opted. The pncc of the Dispatch is one aolkt per year, and three montbt Subscription efttitteis you to 100 vot^v six months 300, nine months 600, and one year 1000 votes, five years 10.000 votes^ ten years 25.000 votes. No vpUng coupons leiven uhk$s cash accompanies the subcriptioOv * * «• v jet into the race. They lire on the track, they are lining up, they e corningijnder the wift they are off, who ~ ■ m£m;ai.iir "•' ••••- _ ■ . ji: - — ■' An Appeal For Justice. Mr, Editor: — . . Please do ;me ineiavor togive this article ixom in your this week’s issue, if pob* siole, which 1 desire to address Jf\ fVvr. ft « --- v,iut£,cuo ui Aiamaoce /Ounty, and this matter refers to every good citizen and l^k^e* wiPo to every one evil min,:,ed. ''- nout referring to the pra^H- o’^s acts of anybody and witliout Having any malice against ■my [iuman being living, but as a humble servant of God and I a citizen of Alamance County I ide- call our people’s attention 10 fact that court conveMes in Graham very shortly. I am advised that I am on the jury and / Wish to ask if any one has any Jniorrnation of and descriptioj'i of any Kind of lawlessness or yjola- law and order, it mtkes' ^0 difference who he or she ia: i:^' '•ou have this information or an* jniorrnation that will at all ]e' to an invesiigation of crime ws a=; near as possible the nr !;y.iiifiirnr.^ an endless he!5, yet, if the vi 61a-! stock of tor of lav/ has no respect for, the law tlidi; ro Jjir as lies in m'i pov^ erto c:>foree the law, f ^ that extent the criminal shall ^ay for the violation of law. x' would not fail m my duty $3,000. and k paid in I Mrs. The stockhold'! Wa;^ f!n«t .Alfred Brown, Mrs. L. capital of $1,600. The stockhold-1 VVa;^. Mrs. J. N/Teei*, Mrs, H. ers Dr. H. M. Montgomery, pnt! Mr§. R. A. Moore, Misses Messrs. A. C. Montgomery. jEattie Dixoh,. Martha Martin, fo” th‘^.^fe'62: Way; T ..I. —•' jis I see it were I the prisoner at t>iP bar nor would I try to stop 1 enforcement of th ' Wnv if my wife and children thp offett* thos^ ihn? .« «0t do I see no rls? ‘‘J wash the cr’ I stsnd for of someone £se. before Go , and enforcemc nt ticp tnw s^^d man and for 3us~ iustice every citizen, '^hd and h’ i® ^vhat the devil fh hell If .s cyowd don’t ^nt. re& any 'cn'6 witb^O'iidgment a>d am would stop and thin’,;;- J. B.' Cheek* ^ Centract new building has bear, \ G-. Nicholson and Ijrt to aA- Porterfield> 'Frances Pauline Motsife, . iBlennieWay Iture Quakfenbysh, iiig placed on _th;j ground for'the Arinie Way, and Messrk 0. W, erection of che buildit^g %hich, iVianni Oscar Teer, Duell Moore, will be pushed to eon^t^lfetion at Melviii Whitt, Talrnage Whitt^ an early date. Tlii's will a Mr. Mahh, Clare'rice • Hinshaw, great eonvenient^^J tor the people ol east Burlil^'gton wh^ ' before have not tiad a dru^ store so close... We wish t^ie Enterprise Drttg "Co., much success and ex pect to be 3J;^iong the first to be quenched^ at the foi^ntain. Hra^Uy Beautifully Bradley who MS )mii busy Mike Teer, and Mr. Walter t^r of Tennessee, Those i'ortafiate ift be(f;% pres ent enjoyed the ev^iting very rnuch» and wish for Ir any more such occasions* ~ - Ghambet tommerce Banquet. Frid^^^ight is the time and the Wl^rd Hotel the place when thia'^bamber of Commerce will inter- of the city. A minimum fae of one was spent in „ fco the occasion. Miss iibis Workman scored the points in “Hitting Hearts” and Miss Ella Roe Carroll the lowest, ^ ‘ Ad fai^d well at the Fortune Tree. « . Mh'esbmentI of ice-cream, tafee, coffee and home-made can dy were served. . The place cardp were beaxt^ with a verse of Btripturp taining the wotd Favors wfeffe mottb candy hearts vsidth a boW of l*fe,d ribbon tied iii them. . , , The young .lad^fes expressed theiiiselves as having spent - very pleasant t!'venin.g. ■ to f being Charged to tofray peal^nce. Mr. Bradlejf %ioyed the foui^'tain, Tuesd^^ ‘and has e! names of w) ,' 1 their fruits ye sball 'k’tiow them’’ v,„ that the mat^ ,c«ess- have no more regard for the laws | to the bottor sit'ted ijju- uvi that this Grand nistnarge their duties God and Chr.- ito go on rec tnat ;so far as 1 ar whi] '‘‘icir!. I promise th w !>nn.r whr or po- to rr Win d^' r llVir far' d Jijtry, will feithfully Mmv: people. j?d saying ii'iEoneir:ned in- j-i-am o«ly one faithful I :- to do at 3S in rriy- power guilty to j'igjtice no, .'he is whitc; or black > ye. If I am called upon .t-rr.y business H) go to and serve my Gounty I ' / this in the lear of God. life ' [ regret as mi) !i1i-as any ig^ man to See my llellowmen •linto srror and sin & £: s(r.d to suffer tlaereby in ■«?(£» id and finally ija down to Now if any tnends of the I'iiw: wkiit th'3 offeiri'iers of tlie law: deuit wilh-, i:)lti,asBgive;u&-^tiy.‘6vi.: dfnce pc:iR’ih’{eandk wilibeahift- ed to tl/J’^'i'OttOiT!, &''> far s^s-lii^.s'iri m.N pO’Wi^x. ■; _ vVlth ■:;he good wishtfesfbr every cK?/,en of this county, l am, Very traly, . inside work of. ^h'e building ■wh\ch was fmisbsd by Mr. Ben- scsn is very nnictft'B in its appear ance. We Kncl this a yery plea sant place after getting the mais. Mr. Moore Entertains. IMtSto"Mty!“^This“wm“n! 1 Model ‘‘f” TouHuk;Cot, of nve qoestionably 8*1'the, best and Wanti fo bwy Automobiie Mr. Editor:-- , I notice that you ha-^b a great votiiip; contest on, f6r the best hustler in securing subscribers to your paper. And that the grand prize is a J ord Model “T” Touring Car. of five appropriatei standing offer in jny naittft of *^500.00 cash to the winner who ever may be the lucky person. ■! may be willing to give rnore be fore the contest c)oses, and should the w^ner riot be Willing to takfe tble price, it would be u matter for further confeideration. I woiiid enter the contest niyseif wes^ it not for the fact that I am. a stockholder in ydur paper, and. some of the contestants tnight. think that this would be unfair to them. Therefore I must take chances upon buying it for less than its actual worth, or walk I ha.ve beeri doing iii the past. Should you be able to secure me this niachine, I promise to take vou out for a joy ride every pretty Sunday afteincon; Thank ing you for your efforts intny b6-^ half, I beg to remain. Very Gratefully Yours, J. Zeb Wallw.. most conservative busine^ss in terests represented, and will put new life ■ to this organization. -— - w^^ll vd*socl on svilO" _ ^-v * »j_ son is very nnicttS'B in its appear- P ‘ adapted for the occasion ing costs 55690.00, at the . Detpit, ance. We M this a yery ’'’Sfbe present, and the entire Mich, factory. and^I und^^^^^ - ooni-cTAt.t.ine* the mail. ’',ie is olanned to giveithat the freight is$4.5.00 debver- esent an civening of en-{ed in Burlington, making tto mii It has becoRle a sad duty tof chrotiiele the death of John A. Garrison who. departed this life at the honie of bis father near I also notice froni a large .page , advertisement of the different | McCray, N. C., F®b, lOtb sty les of Ford cars in your paper ] For a number of years he that this car whi^ib you are offer Kat the. Detroit, had ^ Mi\ B'. F. Moore i-go’ret having done so. entertamed the members of 1) s i ic=iet _ I SlwTidav School class at Lis beau- W.. C. THURSTON. iiome on Webb Avenue „ i Tuesday night, Feb 13, f8 , r. r T'toll o’clock. Special music was Entefx>^?3® Dnig to., i.rendered and delicious refresh- Mrs. Nettie Stewart, Mrs. Sib- programiT those present an exSLing aa anci joyment and profit thereby. If! cost m actual cabh. $Tu5.00 and you attend you ccr'i.ainly can not A cb^t^^r was issued. Monday ad wrong ^ j*y the Se>cretary of the state. i0t n.+‘ iiVns i t^e Enterprise Go.,^ of Campbell. LpJac©^ s-^h a'Q authomed vbie Mann, a juBior PWlathc&s Ewtertained. The Jurrior Philat'aea Class of the Christian Sunday School was entertained at the home of their teacher Mrs. A. B. KendallTues- day evening at a Valeritine Social, v The early part of the evenmg tl that it is reaily a$900.00 car. Now' 1 have always wanted an aulo^ mobile, but have never felt able to own one, especially a good car like the one you are offering. I do not febl financially able to buy and own brte now. But if the winner of this machine does not really want it, and is willing to sell it below the factory price, now authorize you to make a been in poor health, but his; death came as a great shock to his many friends and reianvesi. At the age of 42 years, 9 montha and 28 days, Death came to him causing deep sorrow to his par ents, 2 brothers, , 2 listers, and many othera. Funeriat services at the hoKie a-hd burial a;t L(|)g'» Chapel. A kind hearted young man, a dutiful son, and a good neighbor is takeb from the Com** munity. May comfort the l^reaved relatives and friMs. Jeremiah W. Holt. Advejirtise in the BiBjpAtch^ ■ v.-v-