fferencc le real estate in today and dead ite investor has mething that in- have some real :y to quick buy- 10 double with- iD OMP’Y Carolina se in The will pay. Sale :rchandise, ements ds, &c. i PabliC Auction Township, ^ on ARY 23d lary, 1912) it: Forty-three mth good build- well of water; Farming Tools: ne Wheat Drill, l¥agon and Har is; Set of Black- Feed; Household any other articles II situated in Pat- standing accounts I be offered for ELMAN. k Creek, N. C. ^,ir— Tie body’s .ers by the 3 "Piedmont % ly. Will you? % with us. » DSTCO. I North Carolina, ff Warming to The Fray. president Taft has got, ^ 'liis ■fio-htinff clothes •‘Dn at, "It Itas bfen impossible,'’ says the Wa;5h- ‘ncton correspor.dent of The Xew’York Tiibune, “to arouse ‘he President to assert his iswn riirhts or to resentment ^'agsaust he machiKsstions which have heen emple.ved to prevent his re- noniinatiotv ’ That is so \mg as it was a personal matter. 3dt, connniies this writer, there are two developments which have stirred combotive spirit in Hraat last. Every suggestion toward unuor;nining the povi’er of and resi.'^ct .aie to the judiciary •irousesalUhe President’s mtno- tism to a white heat,_and, in l:he second place; the indisputable evidence that a committee headed bv Frank A. IMunsey^s collecting on enotrnous anti-Taft fund from I'hose who regard the Sheri'nan anti-trGst law v'ath hatred has ex ercised upon him th« same efifeijt This is undoubtedly why Mr, Taft'¥ recent utterance are char- acteriied by a vig?r, a ring and a Quality of popular leadership he had n=‘ver shown bei:ore. This is why word has gone out from the White’House to deal the Roosevelt boomers as blows PS any corning from tliem. Mr.. Taft has watered fully into the spirit of the fray. He can not roll uo his -sleeves and bis voice to whoop along merely any issue or fad as Colonel Roosevelt, Senator LaFollette and the o ther \?ho©pers can whooping for f;lw love of it and whooping fo^ effe:t| aree-iually une©ngenal to I’lim." He has not that facile coime- dian-like gift of riding wiith more or less conviction Whate ter ^ wave of popular sentiment roijihtj bear him to the fore. But where^ he is weak as ar* actor-agitat’ori and asa practial politican tie iy slrong as a man. For the -,"ers reason that docs not confuse: Ms conv.ctionsof piiblic duty :with his political interests, does jiot confuse them either conscidusly or unconsciously, he holds tl-iDse eon’''iction:; dear. He will uirht ;or what he deer.is a vital ;r,irin ciplfe. totally reu’itrdless of wheth er it is TioV'Uhir or othere^-viise. Ke will i'ifi-hl hard when ’:;;:be- L'ome.s gravely vndangered apd he i‘3-is siirreu. Lately raoral indiunudoii hix heightened |£liie uomuunvfcnfch's which devotio-n to eridanyert;d pri."i':iple aroi.vsifad:: he IS showing the forn)i::s;ble anger of the paiiei’-t man. H eiioe' iheie'/ived spiiitc of the jlaft supporters everywhere. IThe; Presidium has begun to leader, and fortunately’ for the.country, these principles, which he upholds against thej so-called Progressives reifjiin their hold upon the great major- ity of the people in both parties yet. : Miifiiiriiimirrifiri The State Dispatch« FREEI RETUIiNS T6 tELL Salem, Ore., Fel». 6,-Won’t you let Will come and make a hvmg for us, Gov. West? I know ne IS a ‘iifer, ’ tbat he has only served two years, but he isn't a bad mari. Why governor, there was a kinder man than ,Will. I know he will be good. I am without money, my baby is hungry and needs food and cloths There’s a ajfortgage to be paid off and I don’t know what to do.” The woman who wrote the a- boye was the wife of WiO Mack, a hie termer in the Oregon pien- itentiary^ The man from whosa she besought her husband’s free dom wss Gov. West, of Oregon. Perhaps every other goverRor m the United States would !li£(ve said ”no” But Gov, West said "yes,” and on June4, i911, Con- vich No. 5863 left the Oregon penitentiary. But Will Mack didn^ -get per manent freedom. Gov. West was at the penifeeiitiary when Mack left. *' ‘There is one promise il want you to make,” he smd “Give me your woi^ of honor ftfeat > ou will return after yju ‘have paid cfft* that mortga^. (fieport to the superintend^t on Dee. 31. S.911, and start serving time a- «ain.” The promise was made and Will Mack went away. The hardened ^police ofKcials iasaghed at the gov ernor. ‘ ‘Catch a man coming back to serve the rest of hie life?” they asked. “Not much^’ Why he shot and killed a man in Granta Pass. “A man who will'd© that isn’t coming back, We^have seen the last of Mack. The governor is crazy.” They didn’t say, however, that Mack killed a bartender in a dry town, who had sold him cheap whisky, and they didn’t add, these skepti^l ones, that Mack was temporarily insane with drink when he committed the deed. On Dec. 2T^just two days be fore his time.. Will Mack return ed to the penitentiary. they got snow feisietnd and had to stay all night. Miss MyTtl53 Moore accompa nied by Miss Annie Thompson spent from Friday evening untii Sunday e’vening visiting her par ents Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Moore’s. Mr. loe. Perry has recently changed his calls over at Mr. A. GreensbM:o buried their little grand daughter, at Haw River Monday 12th, She was 5 months old, Q-'hey once lived here. Rev, G, L. Curry conducted the buri al services. We regret to say that Mr. Pinkney Parrish is confined to his room having suffered from a L. Zachary’s from Sunday night strok of paralysis. We sytnpa UBti| Friday. Miss Mattie Zachary visited at Mr. Joseph Woody’s Sunday. Miss Aniy McBane visited her cousins, Misses Vera and Sandra •McBane Saturday night and Sun day. Mr. and Mrs, G. G. McBane ^attended quarterly meeting at Cane Creek Sat=urday, Mr, Clay Perry was a pleasant caller at Mr. W. M. Marlette’s Sunday evening, _ Miss Mary Lambeth was sadly dissappinted Sunday afternoon, Mr. Richard Perry failed to fill his regular appointment. Mr. and Mrs. A, N. McBane were shoppirig visitws in Graham Saturday. Miss Mary Lam'beth had the misfortuae of fallimg down in the snow Monday morwing. She has our deepest sympathy. thize with the family he is a good old man, Mr. John Garrison of Mebane R. 1, died at his home near Ha,w River Sat. 10, was laid away g,t Long Chapel Sunday in the pres ence a large audience to await the resurrection morn. We are glad to say that the Trolinwood mill has been suid and our esteemed go-n.-head mill man Mr, d, Harvey White of Graham was the purchaser and will arrange to start the mill very soon, every glad. Feb, 13, 1912. Littie Willie Jooking out of the windiw when his Sunday school teacher is collecting the weekly nickels, it is a sign Willie will see the moving pictures to-mor^ row. Rod Creek R, I. D. 1. ^ Rev. T F_ Andrew of Kear fetaley attended quartely meeting at Cane Creek Saturday anei; Sun jay and visited relatives in this -ommunity. r A. L. Stagg of Westfiield, iKfi., is visiting at ElwoodTliomp ^on s. He is accompanied by Grant Hinshaw of .Horton- ’!!ie Ind.,_\v;;-.o will hold a "few ■ays meeting at Cane Creek. ■ /riiss Rodema Wright sspent rnday night v.ith Mr. and ’v’trs. -VK Wright. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. ThoKDpson hurlington a^e visiting .xela- J^i'i es on tnis route. and Mrs. J, L, Thompson Chatam spent Friday night at wwooe Thompson'’s. Scott of Haw Siv- is visiting his children in “immunity, , Mr. Garland Teague sp Paturday night at J. M. ThoHip- |=ons, J;'^wson Pike of Kansas Sunday night with Mr, Rufus Thompson. Cleo Wright visited lier bother, Mr. N. P. Wright . Siat- night. ; Mr. Rufus Thompson of liiaw Thursday night v»rlth brother, Mr. L. L. Thia^mp- Mr. C, C ' “Litte uipon liiae, precept upon precept’* It is not too often to' preach the gospel of road repairs every tday, especially at this sda-i son of the year. You who are skepti^l abont the efficacy of the split log drag, take this testi mony from the TVoy MontgaaiCT- ian: AO; 'of us thought the roads were ruined when the freezes, snow,, sleet and rain put in their wofik recently. Not so, D, W, Saiinders, who lives three miles southwest of Troy, put his mules !o a split log drag and in half a d .y'Converted what was an al- impassable road between his ,;fiace arid town into the same adivdr-ctble turnpike that it was before U;l^ bad weather set in. We had began to despair of good roads, thinking them a failure, but since Mr. Saunders has de monstrated that the most trying weather cannot deprive us of ! good roads long at a time, we are I stronger than ever in' favor of good roads Which Oass Are Yon In? Some men are constantly re ceiving big offers, big proposi- tioiBs; business chiefs are bidding for their services. Others have to take anything they can get. The Draughon Training, which' is indorsed by business men, will put you into the money-making class; it will make your services s© valuable that business men will bid for them. For prices on lessons by Mail, address Jno. F. Draughon, Pres ident, Nashville, Tenn. For cat alogue on courses at College, ad dress Draughon’s Practical Busi ness College, ^ Charlotte or Raleigh, N. or Knigville or Naslivdie, Tenn. He walked up the grdvel path to the warden’s office with his pack on his back, didn’t falter. He didn’t Iwk back. At the superintendent’s desk he dropped his bundle. “We’ll, I’m here, Mr. James,’' he said. Supt. James glared angrily at Mack and shouted: ‘ ‘You back? Do you, sir, know the rules and regulations of this prison? Do you know that we are not accustomed to being dis- -obeyed? You have violated the j people’s money hauling dirt and iTules of this institution. Your i shaping up roads in the summer time is not up. You are not sup jand then not touching it again, posed to return here for two days j leaving it to be worn down by Get a gun and stand on g-uard the fall travel and washed away No dirt ro^d can stand up well under sleet, snow, freezes acid constant rain, but since these last biit a short time during the year, there ca« be no reason to oppose good roads because of the few days they are not good. Better have 11 months of good roads .than 12 months of bad ■ disease. lify Cardui, today, bow! ones. That 36 the rtote. Pass it along among the unbelievers. Stick it under the noses of road superin tendents v»rho are wasting the ..Terrible Picture o» Saiiering Clinton, Ky.~Mrs, M. C. Me Elroy, in a letter from Clinton, writes:“ For six years, I was a sufferer from female troubles. I could not eat, and could not stand on my feet, without suffering great pain. I had’ lost hope. After using Cardui a week, I began to improve. Now I feel better thais in six years,” Fifty ye».rs of success in actual »ractiee, is positive proof, furais&ed by those who havK? used it, that Cardui can always be relied on for re lieving female weakness and tonight and don’t let me see you again until tomorrow.” When he left Supt. James, who has a by the winter rains, with the re sult that what might easily have been a iirm road bed, is turned heart as bigas an ox, wiped tears i Into soft mud almost impassable. | from his eyes. That night Con-j If the supervisors can’t see it, j viet No, 58^ became a guard, 'then let somv^ live, sensible man i But that isn’t a,ll the story. in the neighborhood raise such a During Mack’s seven months i rumpus that others will join hin: ^ of freedom he worked as an en-jand make the officials take no-] ginf?er of a street paving com-itice. Or what might be bettor' pany. He payed off all the debts | in some instances, lat him laakc ' of his wife. Also he paid a mort j a drug and donate a hall a day gag€of $110 on his father-in-laws no w and then as an object les- property. This amount was rais-jssn. Every community must ed as funds to defend him when!have a leader, anyway, or the tried. He also left his wife and! pros:ress is apt to be backw'ard. baby with a little cash. I - Since Mack’s return, Gov, West | has received hundreds of letters, 1 HAW RIVER ITEMS. fer hftoftaklnbutj From the numerous visits one Oregon’s big chief executive has a heart that is big, and perhaps — Stephens and PPf visited at El wood Thompson’s l^unday evening, ihcv Thompson of Gra- relatives Saturday Pd Sunday. Trials Of A Traveler. •I In,.;. traveling salesman,” l^hire Vt |bl(!d wit/ ‘and was often trou- lirl- ^^^^stipation and iadi- I began to ust; IDr. h",^|^ewLife Pills, which I dv excellent reme- . I ■ r or all stomach, liver or n they are uneqiial- ^ cents at Freeoian Co. Mack may not have to spend his life behind the bars. And if he is freed it will be because he showed Oregon’s human gover nor that he was a man. CANE CREEK ITEMS. Messrs. Rosie and Elbert Mc Bane and John Wiiislow took a flying trip to Guilford College Friday evening, returning Sun day evening, and report a nice time. Miss Tacy Woody spent Satur day night with Miss Mary Lam beth, Messrs. J. W, Zachary, Joe Perry and Misses Ruth Zachary and El^ena Perry attended quar terly meeting at Cane Creek Sat- lirday and Sunday. Mr. Richard Perry called to see Miss Ruth Zachary Sunday night, Mr, Goley Johnson has pup chased a fine mule. Miss Addie Belle Lewis is all smiles, she thinks she will get to go driving now. Mr. George Zachary and Miss Lillie went to the chopping at Mr. W. M. Lewis’s Saturday and V^FIFTY^ Second Hand or Old Bicycles ^Vanted at once—Will pay spot cash. Bring them on, Boys, H. £, Rauhut, Spring St., Burlington. the country, we think the wed ding bells should soon be ringing and if youth and spring figure in the matterj methinks more than “our milliner” will look to their interests. Our milliner will start North on the 20 of February, to pur chase a spring line of goods for the Bazaar Millinery Store of this place. Mrs. E. A. Warner is spend ing a few days with her sister and brothers at Haw River. Mr. B, S. Bowles, an aged vet died at Haw River Sunday morn ing, Feb. 11. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn their loss. He was a member of the M. E. Church at Haw River. He had lived here about twenty years. He had no enemies but was loved by all who knew him. He was laid away to rest at Haw River by loving hands. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor Rev. B. T. Hurley. Miss Lois Cates spent Friday night with her aunt Mrs. G. W. P. Cates, left Saturday eyehing to spend a few days with her mother hear Grange Grove before she leaves for Philadelphia to re sume work in the Hbspital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alers of Pay; Your 1912 Road Tax The Special road Tax of $1.25 for the year 1912 is now due, and payable until April 1st. after which time we are not allowed to receive it and all persons, who are lia ble, are required to give three days work. For convenience of all I have placed the books at the cotton mills, and at other public;places, so that it will not be nesessary to come to town to pay. The Sheriff and his dep uties will also lecpt. for his tax. Yours Truly, Albert J. Thompson, Treasurer Alamance County. 'V if - ■ HE bitter cold day s of win tier are herei them comes sire for a warm, overcoat, here we would like to tell you of our great Stock of them. You could not find; a mere attractive line of pyercoats il d men’s heavy suits any where, am we doubt very much if you could find a line where cpmpari- son would be justi fied. Qinie In & let ifi; show you this niaini&otb display fur MEN and BOVS B. GOODMAN f~iome of Oood Olothes N. G, FREE IF IT FAILS. YoUp Money Back if Yoii Are Not isfied With the Medicine. We Recewwend, We ar,e .so itositive that our refnt il,' 'Will perinanently relieve coiistipation ao matter how cbromic it ciuy be. thi;’ w« offer to furnish the medicine at oir (expense should it fail to produce satis factory results. It worse thab aselesijf to attempt to cBi’e eoKstipation 'iv’itii cathartic drugs. Xaxarire or cathorti;cs do muet:) barm. They cause a. reaction, liTiiatc, and Veakta the bowels ^nd tend to make constipation more chronic. Be sides, their use becomes a habit tJlat i'^ dangerous. CoDstlp.ntion is caused lt)y a weaiknet^s of the nerves and muscies of the, Intestine or descending colon. To ex pect permanent relief you must there fore tone up and strengthen these or gans and rpstore them to healtiiier ac tivity. We want yon to try Rexall Orderlie.s on our rccoiJimendation. They are/ex ceedlngly pleasant to take, beiiig eat en like candy, and are idea) for chil dren. delicate persons, and old foJks; as well as for* thte robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently haye a neutral action oh other associate or gans or glands. They doi not purgfj, CBTise excessive looseness, nor create any inconvenience whatever, I'hey may be taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieye chronic or habltaaJ constipatlcin, If not of surglcai variety, and. the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailinenti^ if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time. 12 tablets, 10 cents; 36 tablets, 25 cents: 80 tabletSv 50, cents. Sola only at our store—The ftei^ll Sttire FREEMAN DRUG CO. A man who has just crept into his house in the ,dark makes a sudden grab for the .cuckoo on the clock when the cl(>ck clicks preparatory to stiiking. It is a sign the cuckoo would not have cuckooed more than two or three times, anyway. Get in the Dispatch Contest! How’s TW8? We ofier One Hundred DoUai« Beward lor ainy ease of Catarrh that eannot be cured by Hall’B Catarth CareV F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. TVe, the nnderBighed, have known F. J. Cheney for the laBtt 15 y^rs, and bo- lieve him perfectly honorable iu all busi-^ ncsB tranBactions and ftnianoially able to carry out any oblij^^ations made by hiB firm. WALWNe, KrNHAN ■& Mabv in. Wholesale DrnggistB, Toledb, 0. Hall'B Catarrh Cure IB taken internal-^ ly, acting dirMtly Upon the blood and mncouB BtirfaceB of the BjBteid. Testi monialB sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drag^Bte. Take Hall’s Family PiUe fPr eouRtipo- tioH. Pimples I>i$appeiHra|B4 C':T^f^^ Cleared Over-nighl. New Yorkr-rThousands are taking advahta^ie of the gener- dus offer made by the Woodworth. Co. 1161 Broadway, New York City requesting an experim^taii package of L^tnola, the ne\r skin discovery, which is mailed', free of change to all who write- for it. It alone is sufficient to ,clear the complexion pver-iiight. and rid the face of pimplesi in a few hours. Oh the first appli cation of Lemola the itching will stop, It has cured thous ands afflicted with Eczema, Teet ers, Rashes, Itching and Crust ing of skin scalps of infants, children and adults. It is good for_ the preservation and purifi cation of the skin, scalp, hair and hands for the preyention of the clog^ng of the pores the usual cause of pimples, blackheads, redness and roughness and also the treatment of burns, scalds, wounds, sores, chappi ng as well as the toilette and hiirsery. Flying Men Fall. Victiips to stomach, liver and kidney itroubles just lik^other people, with like results in loss of appetite, backache, nervous ness, headache, and tired; list less,* run-down feelinjg. But there’s no need to feel Uke that as T. D. Peebleis, Heftry, Tenn.» proved. “Six bottles of Electric Bitters, ” he writes, -‘did more to give me new strength and good appetite than all other stomsich remedies I used.” So they help- everybody. It’s folly to suffer when this great remedy will help you from the first dose. Try it. Only 50 cents at Freeman Dnig Co. PILLOWS FREE M»H na $10 ieir 86-pontid F««t1ier. B«d and re6eiv& S.p0uy!d pair pillowaFreight prepaid, N««r featbersi best tiekinar. Bat^faction snuu«>iteecl. AGENTS WANTED TUlti^lER Ac CORNWELL TeaUter Dealer*. Dept. A. ' Ckarleth, H. C. Kef«i«nce: Ccnuuerci^ National Bank. These beds and pillows are on sale at Mr. E. A. Hchley» 304 Tarpley Avci, Burlington N. Col. Watterson has a facinat- ing way of calling a man a liar. I ■■( . i’ S .J yt I . . *■

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