mmmmm to :oo I _ 11(1 NDAT SCHOOL BS(MVILLE, N. C, iama. Sox, kle, t. dents and Delegates. ?. Lawrence. R. M. Andrewi. L Harper. . C. Amiek. ntion MAKE A PER- NAL FiOHT FOR THE NOMINATION • Bay, N. Y., March 9.— Roosevelt has about made lind to take the stump onally make the fight in parts of the country for idential nomination. He oda\ that he probably e forced to do so, al- h'-' has been reluctant to pen such a coUr?e. the day of Colonel Roose- mouncementthat he wa& ;o accept the nomination, )een urged by supporters it every state, except in th, to make a speech- campaign. He said he lot object to making a sches, but that as soon ccepted any invitations sort he probably would lers pressed upon hiniy :ht find it difficult to re- t is likely that he will is first speeches soon, ow- urgent requests to act which he has received ast few days.- . > Agents for Huylers Gandy,^ Nyalls Remedies, Rexall Remedies, Lmdley s Cy t Flowers land designs. Just for the gentle si!x. We sell every known toilet pre paration for women, misses, children and infants, such ias powders, cream, toilet i/«ater, bath goods an^^achets. For the newest and best toilet articles or perfumes come here first, you won’t waste time. -f . . Mr. Herbert Holmes, late o£ Danville, Va., has accepted ia po sition with the Aurora Cotton Mills, and will make ]Purlingt6ii his I)kie i' now m FREEMAN DRUG CO. BUKLINGTON, N. C. I local A. ND FERSOJSrA.L I Freeman Drug Co. hav«> ia full line of garden seed. Miss Ada .Guthrie is the ^est of relatives at Raleigh for siever- al days. '' liir. W. I. Ward of Gt:^ham anent Tuesday in town on busi ness. j. R. Hoffman was a biiwiness visitor in the town of Gisens- boro Monday. | Mr. Tracy Mebane of Greens boro spent Sunday the gueat of relatives in town. SEED POTATOES - Early Red Bliss, Irish Cobblers, sold to merchants only, by Mer chants Supply Co. An effort is being made to or ganize a Gent’s Furnishinf: and Shoe store at Graham to l»egin business with a capital of $S,000. Miss Lillian Mebane has ac cepted a position as stenogjraph- er in the office of the Alaaiance Insurance and Real Estate COOKING APPLES-Show- ingsome decay, 60 cents per bu?hel. Sold to any one. Mer chants Supply Co. Miss Edna Graves spent Satur day and Sunday at High Point the guest of friends and; rela^ tives. ! I WHY PAY $2,00 per bushel for cooking apples when ym can get them for 60 cents at |Mer- chants Supply Co. i In Judge Hall’s Court a few days ago: Mr. Barbee vtL Jack Gerringer, cost paid; W. N, Har rison V3. Z. B. Wilson, twsipass- ing, CMt paid. The Holt Engine Co.^ ai;^ employing four machinists ili tn^^ isaeclMmical department of their shops with more repair work prranised than can be fif«shed^ in a week. Mr. E. Long and family left last Friday for Charlotte where they will make their home in the future. Mr. Long is a very prominent citizen and has many friends not only around MiiCray, his home communitv, but ^ill ov er the county. He has b€;ien rep resentative rom this couipitv’ in the legislcture at Raleigh and al so county commissioner. Mr. Ben May made a flying trip to Greensboro Saturday. Mr. Mary Petty returned Sat urday from a visit to relatives and friends at Ramseur.. Miss Annie Parish of Black- well, N. C. is spending iK>me days the guest of her^ister Mrs, L. B. Williamson. COTTONSEED MEAL-Show ing 7 1-2 per cent Animonia, for fertilizer. For sale by Merchants Supply Co. Mr. Wilburn Tillett spent Sat urday and Sunday at Durham the guest of friends artd rela tives. Mrs. Jesse Cable of Hamlet, N. C. is spending several days in town the guest of her brother Mr. Cyrus Shoffner. Miss Nellie Davis, student at Elon College, spent Sunday the guest of her parents. Rev. and Mrs. T. E. Davia. Miss Mary Cates underwent a slight operation Sunday, hav ing her tonsils removed. Dr. McPherson of Haw River was the physician. Mr, G. A. Hood, a businew man of Greensboro, who was in our town last Thursday took din ner with his brother-in-law Mr. ■ Jno. C. Buchanan and family. Miss Hallie and Master Neil Williamson of Greensboro spent from Friday to Sunday the guest of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Teague. A large gold medal with pin on it was l«»t on the street. The finder will please return . it. .^and a suitable reward will be given at The State Dispatch Office. Col. Stringfield and Capt. Daughtry were present with the Hole Guards last.Saturday night; at the Armory, this being the tune for the annual inspection. I’lifc i> were in fine practice and iUdde u good showing. Mr. B. A. Sellars, buying rep- restfntaavr’ tor the firm of B. A. Sellars & n has just returned from thn riortberr market where he pu e!’ v-o a C'-n'.piete Hne of -»i riH-' i U-. 5^i^ id. in this V I .('li lit! uf their new Beginning next Sunday morn- jng, the Methodist Protestant Sunday School will open at 9:30 A. M., instead of 9:45 A. M. All memb^s of the school will please note the change. On Sunday evening, March 24, at7:30 o’clock, Miss Flossie E, Byrd, who is General Secretiiry of the State Baraca-Philatheia Union, will address all the or ganized classes of the City at the Baptist Church. All are re quested to be present. The New Highland School will close March 28, with an enter tainment. Exercise opens at 10 a. m. A splendid speaker will address the audience at 11:30 a. m. Refreshments will be served on the ground. Music furnished by the; Whitsett band. Come and enjoy the day with us. Mr. Jno. B. Apple died at his home Monday morning at eight o’clock at the-age of 35 years. He leaves a wife, one sister and one brother, Mr. A. A. Apple. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday evening at Front Str^t Methodist Churclj by Rciv. T. k.i Sykes and assisted by Rev. D. Mclver. The Holt Guards of which he was a member attend ed in a group. Dr. N. Rosenstein, of Durham, will make his Third Tuesday call to Burlington next Tuesday, March . 19th, stopping at the Bur lington Drug Co., to examine eyes and fit glasseis. Dr. Rosen stein has installed in Durham one of the finest grinding ma chines made, and all the work, from the examination of the eyes, to the grinding of the lenses, must come under his persona! supfervision, so you are not tak ing any chances in getting your glasses from Dr. Ro^nstein. He guarantees all his work and his charges are very moderate to all. Glasses fitted from $2.00 up, in cluding examination. The Dur ham office is 2^ W. Main St., opiK)8ite Postoffice. as wiirbe sae'A' i^'their where, ■ The Bridge CditiliSSttee appoint ed by the 3oard of ^unty Com missioners to receive bids and let the contract for the building of a bridge over Cane creek at the old Lorimer Ford met Mon day and awarded the Southern Construction Co. of Burlington. The contract prjce was $1,215.20. Rev. J. D. Andrew and Shu- ford Peeler will hold installation services at the old Brick Re formed Church in Guilford Coun ty at 11 a. m. next Sabbath when theJRev. D. C. Cox will be in ducted into the office of pastor of the Guilford charge. Rev. Mr. Peeler will preach the ser mon and Rev. Aiidrewwill deliv er the chaive to Pastor and peo ple, Rev. R. M. Andrews,, Edi tor of the Burlin^n News, vrill preach at^St. Marks at 11 o’clock. President Taft is arranging to put a stop to this thing 6t kick- mg his notnination aroun’. Militant maneuvers in Texas are getting to be all the i»ge. Wiil 19, Dr. N. Rosenstein, the eye specialisit of Durham, will make his regular monthly !all to Bur lington next Tuesday, stopping at the Burlington Drug Co., for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. If -you are in need of any, do not forget the day and the place. His charges are very moderate. Death of Mrs. Freddy. Mrs. Connie Homer Predd wife .of Mr. John Preddy, dieaij in her home on Kivett Street at 2 p. m. last Saturday, Mar. 9th. aged 31 years, 3 months and 28 days. She leaves a husband. tw> small children, 1 brother, 2 sis ters, and 5 half sisters. Her fu neral was conducted in the home on Sunday afternoon by Rev. J. D, Andrew and her body laid to rest in Pine Hill Cemetery- What Is The Alamance Loan &Trflst A%wer: ' , ,, , , FIRST, it is by far the largest, strongest and oldest bank ing institution betwe«;i.s the cities of Durham and Greens boro SECOND, it has ever eliSi'ht hundred satisfied depositora, in cluding the largest b;ifiness enterprises in Alamance Coun- ty. third, it has double tlae capital stock and surplus of any bank in the County, viz: $135,000.00 FOURTH, it has a strong board of directors and bonded offi cers. fifth, it has fire proof vault and burglar proof safe. SIXTH, it carries biirgfeiT insiirance. SEVENTH, it has safety deposit boxes for rent at a low price. ' . . • EIGHTH, it pays 4 per; efent interest, compounded quarterly, on savings accounts and time deposits. ninth, it is the most jruccessful bank in Alamance county s IN ADDITION TO THESE THINGS it will assist you in milking your will: allow you to select , any lawyer you wish;: /.IC will take care of your will m its fire and burglar proof vaults; and pay the lawyer s tees and all other expensea of drawing a will. It also acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee, etc. Couldn’t YOU feel SAFER and take MORE PRIDE in doing business with us ? Come in anci Salk it over with us today. ALAMANCE LOAN & TRUST CO. Burlington, N. C, NOTICE! I WiU; attend, ty, the following places oh the dates named, for the purpose of collectiiig all taxes that are now unpaid for the year 1911. This is the last round required law for the collection of taxes whicl are yet unpaid. Do not overlook this notice. Meetl these appointments and settle up. MORTON’S TOWNSHIP. Thursday March 14th. Altamahaw Store from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m, Morton’s Store 5 p. m. BOONE ST API Friday, March 15th. Elon College, to 2 p. m. Gibsonville— Dicley’s Store 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. BURLINGTON TOWNSjHIF Saturday March 16th. Freeman Drug Co. 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. HAW RIVER TOWNSHIP Monday March 18th, Anderson & Simpson’s Store 10 a m to 2 p m. Trollingwb^ Store 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. COB LE’S TOWN8HJ P. Tuesday March 19th. Alamance Factory 10 a. m. to 3: p. nu Bel mont Mills 8 p. m. to 6 p. m. ALBRIGHrS TOWNSHIP, Wednesday March 20th. Eureka School house 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. THOMPSON’S TOWNSHIP. Thursday March 21. Saxapahaw 10 a. m. to 2 p. m.. Swepsonvilie. 3 p. ni. to 5 p. m. . ■ MELVILLE TOWNSHIP. Friday March 22. W. A. Murrays store 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. FATTEKSON TOW^sSFIlP Tuesday March 26. Rufus Foster’s Store 10 a. m. to 2 p. m, John Holt’s residence 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. ' Wednesday, March 27th, J. E. Stroud’s store 9 a. m. to 1 p. m, NEWLIN’S TOWNSHIP Wednesday March 27th. Snow Camp 2 p. m. , Thursday March 28. Holman’s mill 9 a. m. lo 11 a. m. Sutphin’s mill 12 m. to 4 p. m. : R N. COOK, SheriflF of Alamance County. IHii * bj C. E. ZiBmrmu Co.—No. time his money, t you do the same? Ttie Fist NafeM , N. G. Potatoes Red Bliss, Early Rose, and Burbank Rurals, Genaine Maine Grown Seed. Apples; Onuses, Potatoes, Onions. White, pink and lima beans. Corn, pats and hay* Cotton Seed hulls. Cotton seed bread, meal, iuid shijMCuff. Why pay hl^ prices for fertiliziers when you can buy cotton sei'd meal cheap guaranteed 7 1-2 per cisnt animonia. Try some this season. Merchants Supply Co, Barfingteii Gi«c«]r,C(».v Distriinters, ViUm FLOIII iINO MB. Burlington, N* C. Call Phon^ Ni6. 13. The lady ssdeshian will answer. -Siirburban Home$~ 2 1-2 acres on Southem Railway betweoi Bnrlingtoii and Graham, 100 ^s^ Caroline. 5 room cottag^. ^ esiKurj^tlioiKes. b order to make quick sal« wjU sdH 'Aeap.' 34 acres, 1 inile Bndington, Room DweDiiV, fiiie orchai^ and ful location. For bettw information ALAMANCE REAL ESTATE COMFY W. E. Sharpe, Mimager. For Resuk«i j^ertisie in Th#