Pure Wholesome, Delicious. The verdict pro nounced on our ICE CREAM Burlington Drug Co. tained a certain ^ed iw trost, lftW'sTtt}s? executed to the Centi^l Loan & Trust Co., on the 1st day of Feb ruary, 1911, by the Triple City Realty Co., and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamanp County, N, C., in Book No. 51, pages 366- 374, to secure the paymerit of six boT ds, therein; recited, de fault having been made in the payment of said bonds, and the ^ holders thereof'having applied to iy, acting dirertl; #on the me to make sale of the real es-/ macoue surfacjs of tbe »j» tate therein conveyed, with the conditions con- Local ft Freeman Drug Co. have a full line of garden seed. Mr. J. A. Riddle of Swepson- ville, was a visitor here Saturday. Mr. Cbas. Pearson spent Sun day nesa* Mebane. Mr. J. R. Fuqua of Gibsonville was the guest of relatives in town bunday. Mr. Ernest Cheek spent Sat urday night in the country the guest of his parents. Mrs. R. Ray of Graham spent Sunday the guest of her daugh ter Miss Addie Kay. Rev. L. P. Soots of Sti iey, N. C., was the guest- of relatives in town last week. Mr. S. P. Whitt of Whitsett, R. i?’. i>. earner on Mo. 1, was in town Saturday on business, Mr. Robt. Garrison of High Point spent Sunuay and Monday in town tfte guest ot mends. WHY PAY $2.00 per bushel for eouKiug apples wnen you can get. tnem lor oo cents at Mer- cnants ouppiy Uo. Miss Emogene Thurston oi The G. 1?'. L-oiiege, GreensDoro, spent Saturday and »unday at Home the guest ot ner parents. COOKING APPLES-Show- iag some decay, 6U cents per t)l^el. Sold to any one. Mer- ehwts Supply Oo. Miss jE^rtha Huffman of Gireensboro spent Saturday night at'jwme the guest of her^ parents Mr. and Mrs. P. JP. Huifman. SEED POTATOES- Early Roee, Jiied Btiss, Iristi Gobble, sold to merc&ancs only, by Mer chants Suppiy Go. Mrs, G. S. Thompson left Sat- ^r^y ftM? * Manchester, Va^, she s^d Mr. Tnompson will reside. ^^;^Hfhite-wjf|indotts and Buff^ r^^eihictcens and eggs for sale. Write or see, C. L. Isley, Burlington, N. C. LOST—Garnet and white stick pin with word Jerusalem. Return to State Dispatch Office and receive reward. , COTTON SEED MEAL-Show ing 7 1-2 per cent Animonia, for fertilizer. For sale by Merchants Supply Co. A large gold medal with pin on it WHS lost on the street. The finder will please return it and a suitable reward will be given at The State Dispatch Office. Mr. C. C. Tilley who has been engaged in the saw mill business near Mebane for some time has moved hia family there to make that his home. Messrs, J. R. Hoffman and E. B. Horner left Monday evening for Richniond where they spent a few days on business relative to the Holt Engine Co, Two Cylinder Runabout Max well Automobile for sale at a low price. If interested communicate with FORD GARAGE COMPANY GREENSBORO, N, C. In- Bnrfingtfoi Has to Bow to the e^laMe~-Scorw of Citi zen ProT« It. After reading the public state ment of this representative citi zen of Burlington ^ven below, you must come to this conclusion: A remedj which cured years a- go, which has kept the kidneys in good health since, can be re lied upon to perform the same work in other cases. Read this: Mrs. L. Loy, Dixie St., Bur lington, N. C., says: “I know Dwin’s Kidney Tills to be a good medicine for kidney trouble and I willingly endorse them. A mem ber of my family suffered from weak kidneys for several years and at times was-«nable to -at tend to her work. I got a sup ply of Doan’s Pills from the Freeman Drug Co., and their use made a wonderful improv- ment.” J'or saie by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Fostfer-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole ag^ents for the United States. -Remember the name—Doan's -^and take no other. For sale at a bargain one Ford Model T. 1910 Touring Car in F^t Class Condition. For par-- ticdlars address P. 0. Box 507, Greensboro, N. C. IFORD AUTOMOBILES: We have the exclusive ai?^n6y for'the Fiimo^ Ford Autbtteobilfs for Al^hi^ince and other Counti^i If you int^ndpuxthaaing an Auto mbbile Write tis today tbi* a 1912 O^iog and It 6Ver biJfore bujang. It'^11 J?ou. Ford G^kpige U^mjiany, N. 0. Is S&tttfiittorf. Washington, D. C., March 9.— Senator John H. Bankhead, chair man of Representative Oscar W. Underwooa*i) national campaign * committee, in a statement today announced that the progtess ot Mr. Underwood's candidacy for the Democratic presidential nom ination was altogether satisfac tory. “We have had hundreds of ex pressions from all parts of the country pledging support,” he said. ‘ ‘These proffers have come from quarters wholly unexpect ed, and in many instances from I^ple and sections hitherto be lieved to be committed to other candidates. “Mr. Underwood has had nu merous calls to make public ad dresses during the campaign, but these he has consistently de clined because of his high con ception of a complete and full performance of the duties involv ed in his position as majority leader of the house." ftnc0 tained in said deed of trust„ we will exp»e to public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House Door of .the County of Alamance, N, C.» on Monday, the 1st day of April, 1912, at 12 o’clock M., the land conveyed in 8{dd deed of tmst to A certain tract or' parcel of land in Burlington Township, amance County, adjoining the lands of Davis St., Coble &Home^ %ood, and others bounded aiB foj-' lows. FiSSntihg On Davis St;/ with 25 ft. front and 64 ,1-4 ft. deep upon which there is a two storv brick building occupied by the Paragon. This lot being a T>art of me lot No. 104 in the pain a me town^ of Burlington, N. C., which said land was coiiveyed to J. D. Payne by D. F. Lamb and vdfe under de^ bearing, date of, April 2, 1901 to wHl6h swd de^ reference is hereby ttiade and re corded in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in Book No. pages m-124. A dieitain tract or parcel of land Ij^ng and-being'«it>Emted on Mebane St.. in the City of Bur lington, adjoining the linds of J. P. Montgomery, the N. C. R. R. Co. land and J. W. Lynn and de scribe and defined as follows to Wit:' ^^ihiiing at a stone on iJoiith^t 'side ninning thence S. 54 3-^ W.'Hffith the linej of said Mebane §t., to an iron bolt, cor ner of J, W. Lynn, thetice S. 25 1-2 deg E. 214 ft to a stone Lynn’s cbimer in line of N. C. R. R. Itod, about 245 ft. to a stake J. P. Montgomery’s cornier, tiiehce N. 37 Wy 200 ft. to- the be- mh%g‘^he sahte beihj? a pai^o^ the pM^rty con v^yed W ?he bf ihe first part by' ' 6^ '^aiid'' wife under of Sept. 17, J04 anid in the i^ce of iSteir' -Dfeeds for Alahiiiftte Ciurity, in-0e^ . No. 27,115-116! to’ 'which sjiid d^’?efei;Nhce is hereby expms- 26th day of Feb. 1912i Ce^tiral Lofen' i&‘Tnist Co., Tmtfee. We offer Qb^ HundWd Uollara Regard fe*iT any caeei o! C«tarrl» tbat canuoi bef coffwj by Hail’s CtttHf h Cure; y. J. CHENEY & €0., Toledo, 0. W«r, the BBde > signed, have knowB F. J. Chefney lor the laett l5 years, and be- lieve hhn perfectly h€v»cwfabJe in all busi- ne«B ti‘an«aetioii» and ftnanciatly able tp; carrj out anv obligations made by hw flrin. Waibiwg, Kinhan &, Mahvin, Vt'holi^e Dniggiets, Toledo. 0«. Hall's Cataith Cure is taken interual- blood and system, Teeti in apeord-1 monials sent Im. Price T5 cents per in accoru i Druggists. Take Hall’s Faraily Pills ;or constipa tion. sp», Ftt. [3, car from Hinies, Ala. “I® a letter this place, Mrs. Eala Mae ley says: /‘I used tospit up allj ate. I wais tired aaasi sleepy tlie time. My headl ad 1 mldhaihd!ydiaf airoin taking Cardui, °dii» h»9 aoitirely and now 1 feel qfiaite fit Bradley suffered! froi» ner vous indigestion. Cardui baild» .J the ne:rirous > system^, and stveBigth^f the womanly eoifsti' tuitioa. J. Wiiat’s why CardM® betp- ,ed llrs. Bradley and why ii(> will kelp you. Try it. Hav« yon a tooth to poll ? ila?e jon fried my iiii^od?? !f not,, iMk >om^ne who has* Dr. J. S. Frost, Dentist,^ Burlington, - N. €.. Office phone-374-J. Res. 37T#1L. J. P. .Spoon. £j. V. 8. W. A. flomaday Spoon & Hornada^F VetGriharians Ofileeaad Uoepitol Office Pbone^$J7 413 Main St, Phune. 382«. Office hours 1 to lSp. m. 7 toS pi.iai; First Baseball fans are beginning to make noises indicating that they are about to wake up. Advertise in the Dispatch. Notice o! Sale of Real Estate. By virtue of the power con- The Special road Tax of $L25 ior the) ear 1812 is now due, and pavable until April 1st. after which time we are not allowed to receive it and all persons, who are lia^ ble, are required to give three days work. For convenience of all I have placed, the books at the cotton mills, and at other public places, so that will not be nesessary to come to town to pay. The Sheriff and his dep uties will also recpt. foi his tax. Yours Truly, Albert J. Thompson, Treasurer Alamance County. Leave day »Uls^9it jN^lleys pr«g! Store. jiTtbinnsTS at tMr jMQn ivtf 0rfiham ■; ■■•Mk Sn loe-E BttPjtin^oh oiifi* In PMomt BniMtifl Pheoe • ■ 2 1-2 aoes Qii Soufb^rn Burlington 5 roQin cottage, essary oatliousa. In order to Good orchard, well, nee. »^11 34 acres. I Bttrlin^a,, good 7 ;!■ Ji •iH .OiU' INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE GOMPTf .ESfare, r. I John H. Vernon, Attorney aua 'L;ounsellor at Law, Burling]^, N. C. Office over Bradiiey’a Drti^r Store Phon® 6d. John R. Hoffman, AttoRwy-at-lAw Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Secoo4! Floor r'int Nstioul Bi^jR X I). Chitted Headquarters for 0iir >»yer ;h|^ just iiorthem markets he ,>^wycs,: ,oif; Ourem- J^ees;|»laiin>to^ Wn. :Ba^tes» Orjga^i^ .ypifes,' and cotton Chi^ttf, IStriip- htgfarclatt novci^]r«^gsh '{ilMu& i I STORE OF VALUE. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foater Building BURLINGTON, N. C. J. N. Taylor, M. D. Pkysician & Surgeon. Ufficcaih Piedmont'Building. Office Hours; 8:00 to 10:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-RAY WORK. Executors Notice. Having qualified m Executoi* ■A! d 1 s^ecui rix of the l^st wiU and ta lixent of Laura; J, M cAd^ms deceased late of Alamance Oouhty North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having Claims against the estate of said decease tooex^ hibit th(^n| to the uhdei^igned at Elon College, N. C., on or be- fore: the 1st day of March 1913* or this’notice will be pleacted in bar of their recovery. ;All per sons indebted to said Estate will please niake immediate payment. This February 26thii 1912. Joseph Ci McAdamiS, Anisie C.: McAdams. Execuitor and Executrix of the last will and: testament of Laura McAdams, deceased. C. V. SELLARS ART STORE, BURI^GTON/N. C. Gam^ in stcksk over 300; different patems / ■■■OfV-.v'-■: nr' No use to order go s^ it. FOR SALE—One seven horser power gasoline engine, good as new. Too light for my use. Phone 611 Snow Gamp, or ad dress F. L. Spoon, Hartshorn, N. G.:. Wbat We Nover according to science,, are the things, associated with our early home life, such as Bucklen^s Ar nica Salve, that mother or grand mother used to cure our burns, boils, l5C£klds, soi^s, skin erup tions, cutsj sprains or bruises. Foi*ty y!eai*s'of cures prove its ^erit. Unrivaled for piles, corns or cold'>sores. Only 25 cents at Freeman Dr ug Go. I YouHave a Rightto $ Independence s I We Win Help You. The first step toward, financial independence is to own your own home. Begin now. Don’t wait. You have waited all these years] and you are still paying rent. RIGHT ABOUT and try “The PIEDMONT Tf vnil llJlVP fVhP am- WAY.” Invest a few dollars saved each week II you nave me am or month, together with the interest, taxes, in- bltlOn Sincl energy, tO" surance and maintenance money—namely, Rent gether with an honest purpose to earn it j yoUR VERY OWN HOME And not the some body’s f house to rent. Others by the score have tried the “Piedmont Way” and found it easy. Will you? Call and talk it over with us. Bjiiriiiig|oii, TRUST CO. Eitate JepaHment. I PhShfe Nd 76