\ i Sale.— on public road, necessary ont- ater, good 2-3 red s one of the best' pounty for sale, farm on public li EOWARDS OUT- boFVIR&IOIA FLED THE MOUNTAINS & Trust Co. ■ N.C. R Hoifmm). Sec »v Tress M't. "TKe JJisp^Htcri m The two institutions were' or>^ no'lk: iffinnn n1t-‘rson r rSelhas DJohjifion ir ir Brown lENGlNE* state in next issue. :OMPANY icker Streets N. C. ITERANSREUNIj Ga. Id 9th, 1912. trip fares. RAI LWA] Ihe Southern Railway b M \CON GA., and retl I FROM Selma Oxford Raleigh Durham ROUND $ 8.75 9.15 8.50 8.00 ail other stations. 6th, 7th and 8th, you prefer to stay lor lying a fee of fifty cents itil June 5th, 1912. permitted^on these ticl ly to any Southern Kaili i-gent, laleigh, N. C. [ege Base Ball. Park. jUnvQ April, “““Thart Sen and Wesley Edwar^ s place of hidmg mthe r Is a week ago was the C made privately KyDr.J.W. Neel, ofWal K to a fnend in this city. 1* Vidthatit was pOTsi- Kown that Edwards had fin to Pine Hail, a small KheNorfolk and West- Sav, and that Sidna Allen en tramping toward a rail- irtpter 0681* that place, and St it was most likely that ^ time the two men, either Lor separately, havesuc- in putting hundreds of •hetween them and the lofthe Carroll courthouse lof almost a month ago. _ [>;ee! said he had been giv- Vjnformation about Allen by ;ne^ro man wiio lives in ; countv, not far from Wal- This old negro at one well acquainted with [vllen. and told Dr. Neel L iatcer part of last week Cv(ina Allen tramping thro tj? and spoke with him for L'ortwo. The outlaw was i:awav from the mountains t making his way foward L'o.k and Western railway Truns bv Walnut Cove. -0 Edwards Dr. Neel said kiediateiy after the report |A!len came a report that at some point about the JO! Stokes county, had hir jjiTioiit to drive him to. Pine I, small station north of ft Cove, on the Norfolk and irn. the driver learning that )n he had carried was no [than the desperado, Ed- [negro said he saw no sign arms about Sidna Allen, i not learn anything save i the time of day. [opinion has long been held ptthetwo outlaws have iway from the mountains Ferai days, and this is the fport that tends to directly the opinion. From the bt both men were travel- pugh the cou n try sepa ^*ate believed that they 'ntei I pniinue separately, ana not invite suspicion by going er, iHal.'isaboutSO miles from [boro, in H direction west |n. and is but five or ten li'orn Walnut Cove, where hoik and Western and the |y branch of the Southern IThatthetwo men cime to well populated ter- Ns the belief that they loci on through cities tha^ Necessarily pass through took any of the roads i^an isy frora ihe mount,ains. 5 “lot improbable uiac oin Ml} the last te;i days I'wnston-Salem or G - een;- Greens boro a u t h o rl t i ^ IsuiYieof the shooting ub „ glee. .v«wviio wtjie Sfri “and each had Its tend which added livli- ness to the occasion. for Elon, \ shape and was able until the seventh inning to blank the visitors, but in this inning by a combination of errors and a scratch hit, Oak Ridge got three men across the plate. A similar rale was told in tiie eighth inning ^lon failed to cross the plate dur ing the game, but it was the ver- oict of the great majority of the onlookera that Elon ^8 team as a did excellent work and that iflHolt, Mayberry and Lewallen all of whom played for Oak Kidge^ had not been in the game, Elon would have won it with hands down. Lewallen for Oak Ridji^e pitch ed a great game and had the Hon inen at his mercy most of the time. But for a first-year regul ar pitcher, Warren appeared in fine forhi and gives promise of developing into a first class star in college athletics. Elon succeeded in making three hits off Lewallen, all of which were made by Newman, while Oak Ridge succeeded in making tour hits off Warren, one of which was a double by Mayberry. It was clean ball ^ without disputes thoroughly enjoyed by all. Summary: R H E Oak Ridge 000000330 6 4 3 Elon 000000000 0 3 6 Base on balls, Lewallen 2, War ren 1. Struck out by Lewallen 8 by Warren 4, double plays. Oak Ridge 1. Two base hits, May berry 1. Batteries. Oak Ridge, Lewallen and Holt. Elon, Warren and Thompson. Umpire, Murrow. MISS PICKRELL VERY “BAB MAN” Green & MsClure FurDiture Co., ofGraham, RC Appreciate ihe patronage the peo ple/of Alaraapde Co. have and are giving them. Their aim has alyays been tb ^ve thefir custo mer^ j^erfect satisfaction in goods aisd brices afi|;the liberal patron- have, ^e^ shows pepplfe appreciate the jSciiMire deal. ^lever before had a larger 'ptqcjfe than this Spring and are pr^Rjreid ;t;o give the greatest yalues^fdr the money ever given ill the Courity. See them before ^ Vqu buy. they the Let's Get Acquainted Cotton And Tobacco Selfing Ifigli. I have never seen the farmers handling so much money as now. Guilford Columbia, Hughes & Harrell Buggies, Stir- ries, runabouts.; Car Walter A. Wood Mowers, R^es. Spike tooth & Disk Harrows. Car “John Dtecrc” riding Cultivators, shovels or disks Hay Presses, Feed Mill^, Engines. Syracuse & L^chburg Chilled Hows, and repairs Superior & Ctfrdweirs Improved Corn Planters. Ohio Feed Cuttcis, Shdlers, Shovels,. Forks, Hpcs, Mattocks. More Harness^ Saddle, Collars, Brdl^ th^ in all the stores. | Bek $1.0® ^pi^k ^dle ih town. 1 ]^ne Co. White, VanTellow Eteht, Prdific, & Hickory KiRg—Seed Com. * With (3) large double stores iiow full to select from, no rents nor heavy expenses, and wth roKiy cash to discount all bills, enables me to undersell all competi tioii. Ask Cardwell, he will tell you where to get iU and the price. N. S. CARDWELL, The Always Busy PHONE 1-8-3. .1 V*'; may ..r.nt.. not know the Company I repre- “frol County court and l^ecially since the reeeiot tption from various agen- r'sinia that ave search- pe criminals;, heve kept ;■ ''^'hile they have 'wea the lacr abroad, the ropolice have been close l'‘|gali trains that c.ome poroas a terminus. td School Vs- Id School Graham Gr Bingham.^ Atlantic Graham Whitsett. Oak Ridge' Davidson. Lenoir. Wake Fores’ jQs; |T«m,Aprini.-Judge giesby, of this city, form • j'Jtlge of Carroll county Pey lor the members of f-gang now in jail for If-ates that he believes |«n and Wesley Edwards r bee-n hunted in the since the ^ have made Shipped the coun Kj , is a native bas known the I - the clan intimately f has tried them in ^ represents them as IS jus.t back from a Allen in expresses if rl' ° fugitives have and gotten out T ter Lt dailv by business men fol tn Training—and show ampi ^.y,er 1 Rtai fis of Carroll count believes from I'bauons that Wesley fugitive, killed still Dn 1 rainmg—anu sjiuw J’S Colleges than indorse al* ^ta In 38 States. I^’ternatio^) ^ ^ pr kpelilne. Arithmetic letterJ^yjfions. GUARANTEED under reasonable wnc f Horn® Study. Thousands o bookkeepers^ and slenog jho'dinjf good positions t j I Itaking DrauRhon’s Homs St ,g| I . CATALOGUE. For IBY MAIL, write Jno. F. Ipresideni, Nashville, lalogue on course yl TCOL-i BUSINESS C€H a Commonwealth’s was at Hillsville 'yhe tragedy. - Defeats Elon. people wit- contest be- ,Pak|:idge at Harden ifhegr-und was i'^Jdition in spite of ’footers were in high Spokane, Wash., April 3.—A strange woman is Nell PickrelL For love of her three girls have killed themselves. She has lived the life of a ‘]bad man," dress ing always in men’s clothes, holding up her end with the toughest, whether it was in a barroom or a fist fight behind a dance hall. She has occupied a cell in most of the jail in the Pa cific Northwest and seems to en joy the reputation of being a ■‘bad man.” Nell is a husky woman. On several occasions “Harry Allen,” the name under which she had been ku'>wn the greater part of rime, isas exhibited a' decid edly pugilistic nature. Fisticuffs is hard.y the term to describe the straight arm jabs and water front swings that the versatile Miss Pickreil cuts loose when a- roused. Recently, after having ; sold considercible whiskey to sporty yuunu bucKs on an iridian reser vation, the “man woman” was lodged in the county jail jn Sv>o- Uane, charged wiiii “bottlyg- ging.” iMi.-'s Pickrel! was asked to remove her cowpuncher dress. She refused,. and expressed _ a desire to smear the county jail or’s nose over his face. This was denied, but she was allowed to wear her cov/boy dress every minute of her stay in jail. At times Miss Pickreil aban dons the dress of a gunfighter and assumes the clothes of an up- to-date young man about town. It was during one of these per iods of garbial upHft that she met a young girl of Seattle, who fell in love with the Amazon and when it was disclosed that Harry Allen was none other than the notorious Nell Pickreil, the girl committed suicide. Two other girls are said to have followed in her footsteps. Conditions Shock A Maycr-Minister Aberdeen Wash., April 3.^-“! firmly believe the Lord called me into the field, that I might do something to change the deplor able condition that exists in that city. He has called me from the pulpit into politics. ” This is the statement made by Harry Ferguson, Hoguiam, form er pastor of the Baptist church of that city, in a sermon in the Bap tist church. Alluding to his work in Hoquiam as the head of the commission form of government Mayor Ferguson said that, never during his ministry had he come in contract with sin in such dread ful degradation as he had faced as head of the government of Hoquiam. “I Kave had young, women slaves to iniquity before me, said the mayor, “with whom I have pleaded and coaxed and de manded that they lead' better lives, and to my utter surprise my words fell on hardened * and' empty ears.” Bur. what of thar ! Pr{>>bar>ly Viv 'Cfvmpmv Doesn’t 9 know you—hadn’t ihuun'ht of that, had you YOU Need Proiecnrn— MY COMPANY Wants ro Furnish it to Good Men. I Want ^Oil to Know tt e North State Life Insurance Co. of Kinston, N. C. R. J. Sellars, Mgr. Bwfis/s.gion. N. C. Let’s Get Acquainted! ICE JHL . W ^ The Graham Ice Co. beg to announce ths^t its prices wjUl be the same as last year, namely 10 per cent dispount on all books. $1.00 books. 200 lbs ice price .90. V 2.00 S.OO 400 1,000 “ 1.80. 4 50. 1 Block .90. 2 .85 per block 1.70. 3 4. .80 “ “ 2.40. 4 .75 “ “ 3.00, 5 *1 .70 “ ‘ 3.50. 6 *} .65 “ r 3.90, We wish to thank our custdmers for past patronage and promise good iee, good service and fprompt attention. GRAHAM, EC 1SB- 6UGT0N OFFICIALS Helps the Farmer to Sell The farmer was worried QYef the nwket reports. Gottoh was rising. Whenkr9«ehed a certain fi^re he proposed to sell The day before it had almost reached his price. What would it bring today? The farmer needed £ist"hand information at onc9. •tepped to his Bell Telephone. The Long Distance connection vrith the buyer in a . distant city informed him that cotton had reached the top figure, and hesold his aop at a handsome profiti The Universal Bell System enables the producer in remote rural districts to keep in touch with inarket conditions withoitf the necessity of leaving home. By the way, have yon a Bell Telephone? SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Jo?.. H. Freeland, W. P. Ireland, T. S. Faucette, A. A. Apple, Lynn B. Williamson, H. C, Stout, J, G. Rogers, Eugipne Holt, J. L. Scott, Jas. P. Montgomery. E. S. W. Dameron, Dr. L. A. Walker, J. L. Patillo, A. A. Russell, W. F. Amick, L. P. Shepherd, Jerry Sellers, John A. King, R. J. Hall, Ma^or. , Aldermam, Alderman, Alderman, Alderman, First Ward. First Ward. , Second: Second Ward. ' Alderman,: -Third Ward. AldermaB, Third Ward. AldermanV Fourth Ward. Alderman,; Fourth Wardi ‘ Secretary & Treasurer. City Attorney. City Health Officer. . c Chief Polifie. Tax Collector and Police. Night Police. : Cemetery, Keeper—White jQemet^ Cemetery Keeper—Col. Cemetery Street Commissioner. ' City Scavenger. ' r ji BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. W. Cates, Eugene Holt, T. S. Faucett^ Jos. A. Isley, Jas. P. Montgomery. left me with a frightful cough and very weak. I had spells when I coulff j hardly breathe or speak for 10 to iiO fminntes. My doctor could nothplp n\6, but I was completely cured by DR. KINIC’S New Discovery , Mrs. J, E. Cox, Joliet, 111. 50c AND SI .00 AT fiLL S)RU6GISTS„ C. V. SELLARS ART STORE. BUELINGTON, N. C. Carries in stock over 300 different patems’ WALL PAPER i\o use to order go see it. B. R, Sellers, 0. P. Shelton, WATER-LIGHT & POWERlCOMMISSION. R. M. Morrow, Eugene Holt, J. L. Scott. No. 112 No. 108 No. 144 No. 22 Southern Railway Passenger Schedule. West East t i 1:32 A. M. 8:12 A. M. 10:20 A. M. 5:00 P. M. No. Ill No. 21 No. 139 No. 131 5:32 A. M. 11:18 A. 6:25 P. M. ‘ 9:17 P. H. pi ■ I Post-Office Hours. General Delivery of Mail 7:00 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Money-brder and Registration Hours 7:00 a. M. to 6:00 P. M, Sunday Hours. General Delivery / Lobby open al) hours to box renters. 7:00 P. M. to 7:30'P. M. J. Zeb Waller, Postmaster. The An ad in The State Dispatch will pay* Trv one and: see. A Year

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