>k ^ 11 Mx- m'-r tWi ’ '^'1^7 f >4 '" t " s'i’fS /,? I.'r*-1 'i'» ,1 c State wpatc Show your Friends The best place in town to buy Ice Cream Toilet Articles etc. Carefully Pcrscnptioh Work Local ^ Personal I Dispatch ads. brinp; the trade. Graduating presents. Jewelry, : Fans, etc. at Stewarts Jewelry Store. Dr. W. T. Whitsett President of Whitsett Institute was in town Saturday a business visitor. Good second hand Thomas Bin der, good as new, will sell for half price. Coble-Bradshaw Co. Mrs. M. B. Scott of Mebane was in town Thursday a busi ness visitor. Postal cards, Book fiction, Kodak Supplies, etc. at Stewarts Jewelry Store. Miss Fannie Clapp is spending a few weeks at Durham the guest of relatives. VVANTED-Position as book- keeper best of reference. Ad dress X care State Dispatch. Miss Jiilla Robertson and Mrs. S. E. Blythe were visitors to the city of Greensboro Thursday- We have a Thomas Binder good as new for half price, Cob^e- Eradshaw Co. "Mr. and Mrs. R. K* Davenport f Durham spent Sunday in town ■'he guest of relatives. Master Ralph Holt will leave next week for Richmond where he spend vacation. Last chance to buy bananas cheap this season, nice and yel~ lew, come early. Merchants Supply Co. Rev J. D. Andrew will preach at the home of Mrs. Mollie Clapp between St. Marks and Alamance next Sunday at 3 p.m. SHINGLES! SHINGLES! I SHINGLES!!!-A fine lotof Long Leaf Pine Shingles, at lowest prices. Gox & McKinney, Eion College, N. C. Mrs. Lafyette Holt and little daughter Ruth left Saturday for Monterey Va., to be the guest of Mrs. Holt.s daughter Mrs. H. B. Wood. At the Reformed parsonage last Friday at 8;3C p. m. Mr. Otto Johnson and Miss Sallie Smith were happily united in matrimony by Rev. J.D. Andiew. Two Cylinder Runabout Max well Automobile for sale at a low price. If interested communicate with FORD GARAGE COMPANY GREENSBORO, N, G. Mrs. Jennie McCray of Illinois who ha? been the guest of her sister Mrs. W. J. Fitch on R. F. D. 3 came Saturday to spend a while with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Horne. LOST- Between Burlington and Graham last week winter lap robe black o«i one side and green on other finder will receive re ward if returned to The State Dispatch Office. FOR SALE. —46 acre farm 2| miles from Haw River on maca dam road. Good four room two story house and tenant house. Land adapted to the cultivation of tobacco, corn and wheat. For information apply to J. M. Bason, Elrnira Mills, Bnrlington; N. C. Editor’s Circulation. An editor was- dying—they thought. His. friends-rthe fev/ he* had—were around his bed weeping. Not so much about his dying, but how his family was to live. The doctor tiptoed in. He felt his pulse. He piit his head to the editor's heart—or where it should be. The doctor drew a wise sympathetic breath, and, in a low, professional tone, said: "‘Poor man. He will soon be dead. His circulation is all about gone.'^ The dying editor jumped up and yelled; “You are a lia^:! We have the largest circulation in the country.” The doctor took what is called “pella gra’' and has not been heard of since."-Ex. ipo iEWAinJ,» ; The of this paper will 1^ pl^^ tb^learn^ that there i& at least dhe dreaded disease that sciehce has been able to cure in all its stages, ^nd that is Catar rh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now krkown to the medical fraternity. ’Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. HalFs C3,tarrh Cure is taken internally, acting dii"ectly upon the Mood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in its wor^. The proprietors hav:e so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. ' Send for list of testi monials. ' Address F. J, Cheney & Coi, Toled?, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. , Take' Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. liEf m mnm reasonable conditions, be paid to Nashville or Khox^Ue, Tehn;, by Draughon’& Practical Business j College, if you attend the Col-1 lege. Many of the most successful men in K.noxviHe and .Nashville: were formierly North Carolina boys who got their start by at tending Draughon's Cpllege. The College gives a written contract [to secure a p^itidn under rea- j aonable conditions, or refund ' tuirion. ! The college will send: you a {catalogue, also a card, explain ing all about its plan of paying railroad fare. Address Draugh- on’s Practical Business College, Nashville, or Knoxville, Tenn. King George gd up in his airship next, a report which di rects attention to the fact that morrarchs looking for excitement nowad&ys have to get it out side of business hours. Dangerous. Congressional legislation to prevent shipment of liquor in the prohibition States is recommend ed by the general assembly of the Presbyterian church. Per haps the gentlemen of the cloth do not realize that if they try to inaugurate the sort of prohi bition which prohibits, the pub lic will stop voting for it. _ A lo cal instance of the joys of dodg ing prohibition is the arrest this week of a number of persons at Azusa on a charge of conducting blind pigs and of patronizing them. The same community which does this probably wouldn’t buy half as much liquor from the open saloon.—Los Angeles (Cal.) Times. “I can bring tears to the eyes of the aiidience.” Theatrical Manager—“Huh! We want some body who can bring the audi ence. -Puck. FORD AUTOMOBILES; We have the exclusive agency for the Famous Ford Automobiles for Alamance and other Counties. If you intend purchasing an Auto mobile write us today for a 1912 Catalog and look it over before buying. It will pay you. Ford Garage Company, Greensboro, N. C. Handles $37,000,000 At 72. i\t*vv York, June 14.—Miss Ciu’istina Arbuckle, 72 years old, was appointed admiliistratrix in Brooklyn today of the great es tate of her brother, the late John Arbuckle. The estate of the coffee and sugar dealer is es timated at $37,500,000. Miss Arbuckle was appointed administratrix over the protests of the public administrator, who contended that she was disquaU- tied bvher residence in Pittsburg, Pa, Valuable Advice USX Of UNCLAIMED LEHERS Remaining in Post Office at Burlington, N. C. June 8, 1913, Gentlemen: Millard Camel, M. Cates, A. N, Justice, James N. Fan, R. W. McFarlan, L. B. Noblin, W, G. Gray, H. M, Griffith, R. N. Poe, J. H. Robertson. Alexan der, E. L, Slayton. (2), J. C. Thompson; Ladies: Mrs. Emma Coope, Mrs. M. Darnell, Mrs. D. L. Evans, Miss Lillie Foiist, Miss Fannie Holt, Mrs. Sadie Jones,;, Miss Sadie Jordan, Mrs, Mollie Long, Mrs. F. J. Lacy, Mrs. Maggie Moore, Miss Martha Smith, Miss Myrt'c V/innj. Persons calling forany of these letters will please say ‘ ‘Advertise ed,” and give date of advertised list. J. Zeb Waller, Post Master, Burlington Citizens Should Profit B? The Foilowiog Statement. Doan’s Kidney Pills cured this Burlington resident. Their merit was shown—the story told. Now comes further evidence. The testimony is confirmed. The remedy was tested—the cui*e lasted. Could Burlington residents de mand stronger proof? It’s Butrlin^n testimony. It can be investigated. Mrs. Ella Hughes, Dixie St.* Burlington, N. C., aaya; “I gladly verify the statement I have previously given irecom^ mending Doan’s Kidi^ey Pills. This remedy never fails to bring me entire relief when I have oc casion to use it I suffered from backache, caused by weak kid neys and 1 also had dizzy spells. Since I got Doan’s Kidney Pills from the Freeman Drug Co.. I have no serious trouble of this kind. I am always glad to give this preparation my endorse ment.” ;■ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents, Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ’Remember thie name-Doan’s -• snd take no other. Could shout For Joy “I want to thank you-from- the bottom of my heart,” wrote C. R. Rader, of Lewisburg. West Va., “for the wonderful double benefit I got from Electic Bitters, in curing me of both a severe case of stomach trouble and of Rheurnatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It Suited my case as though made jus^ for fne. ’" For dyspepsia, indigestion jaundice, and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheuniatism,Electric Bitters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to. satisfy. Only 50cts at Freeman' Drug Co. For sale at a bargain one Ford Model T. 1910 Tduririg Car in First Class Condition, For par ticulars address P. 0, Box 507, Greensboro, N. C. Professional Cards Have you a tooth to pyll ? Have you tried my method? If not, ask someone who has. • Dr. J. S. Frost, Dentist, Burlington, - N. C. Office phone 374-J. Rea. 374-L. .1. P. .^(jouu, L>. V. tt. W. A. Hornaday Spoon & Hornaday Veterinarians OfHuje aad Hospital Offics Phone 377 415 Main St, [Ussidence Ptone 282, C. A. Anderson M. D* Office hours 1 to 2p. m. 7 toSp.m, First National Bank Building. Leave day calls at Bradleys Drug Store. Dameron 6c Long ATTO^EYS AT LAW F. S. W. DAiEfiOll Bnrli'>srton office in lilMIif Pbone ^ 259 ADOLPH LONG Graham office In BIfg. Ptaie i«04 John H. Vernon, \ttiriiey aua uounseilor at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley's Drng Store. Phone 65. ^ John R. Hof&nan, Attemej-at-Law Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Seeonii Floor first National Bank Boildisg. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BURLINGTON, N. C. J. N. Taylor, M. D. Pbjsician & Surs^eon. Uffic^n|Piedrnont«Buildiiig. Office Hours*. 8:00 to 10:00 4:00 to 6:00 X-HAY WORK. * ' The Daisy Cora, Planter drops one or two grains anv desirabie distance; ■ distributing ar»y amount of ferriUtaV IBarrbi^s; New Southerii ^11 kinds bJ^ small l^rmin tpols^' a complete stock. of Buggies. : Pi ire^ to suit all. For ifibiil fence and barbed wire see us. We will save you money if yo^ i , w a chance. fe-' To en "Ak ym fslic (a Uie ■Mcttna?'' IV fet rcMtT'whca Yw Women living on farms and in rural districts haven’t time 1^ see^ £ind enj^ social pleasures.' •gent;^ Women grow lonesome and listless when robbed ures.!. Distances are too great~the^ work is too urg^^ Women of these llie Iliwal Tdephone •olves the prolbleith. It eiuibles women to talk vnth nei] bors and iriends and keep ailive to the ne^ of the Our free booklet tel]s how you can hive a tieletphone your home at smsdl cost Women living in tfae coimi should wrif^ |or it Addr^ SOUTHERN BELL TELEPBONE ft TELE6Ri|j^|[> mt Let’s may not r "Gomj^ny I repre- St-rvtv : '"But\wh.atQf.that l \-^ ^ ' ■ Probably My Gompan^y Toesn’t know you—fcadn’t ihought of that hstct you ? ' ' YOU'N^ed:j^rotectibn--;-/ M Y GOMjPAN Y :^ants to Furmsh it to Good Men. I Want you to |Ci5to^^^ North St^: liisu^ce Co. You Have a Right to If you have the am Of:-) t6 it We win Help You; The first step toward fbancial independence is to own your own home. Begin now. pon’twidt. You have waited all th^sie years” and^ you still.payirig rent,, RIGHT ABOUT^^ m^ trjT WAY.”: the surance and piyiiig to the some body’s ilouse to iwt. X)jliiM"s by the score hiye tried the “Piedmont W^y’’ you? aM''1?^ :iC'; ■ . 'tmr V; . ^ ■ JL. Jk. ,k.- A. ' J.. A. i i k. (■ Yorfe ‘Is woman a luxurj ' like their tserve! Isn luxury? So they tali ov®** behind otir backs at tbeir *ld staar dinni ci^ we were exi nev«r occurred to then th»twe had^to pay tb« ‘1 or thei Th* speaker punch pillow BAvaoely as if it fbr those ma* uries of which she was ing. She other bac^ fttthe Sunday mominj pairty leaned back in chairs ai>d stirred tl Polly. W you** they murmured. ^^^iAixurieai Humph! costing any man anyl now* but a man would lot il he were here. \ miOte a f^t of ooffie and i^ls. We'd hav egttii at 50c. a d»en, ana ibuahrowns at H ImoiM how much, ant ww probably wou wli^(iibev«r one of us w to hive riaen early \ bi»qttltJorJiam. Wed oiti hadsii lot of men wroui couldn’t talk about th ^vant^ toi, because wo^ld be doing the a If that isn’t paying d« pr|:^l^ ofmascutini don’t know what it is “But men really do a lot of money, too," the young and prett> oconji^y (who had h eno^, ■“The kind of c€«nplains that it costi to take a girl out for t is just the one who w a giri unless she is hob and patent leather*pu longrwhite-kid-gloved, lly he prefers the kii f^ee-haired and sain if he isn’t quite so pj that, bo’d rather die ie&taurant with a girl waist Which means girl wants to be invi young nlen she mus evening gown, and wrap, a picture hat to three Or four pairs of $2.50 a pair during t If it is only once or tw i^t see is invited out it all the worse, becau bably dosen*t have th€ thin^ on hand. If $10 It m^ cost her $20 “Not only money, child,’* s£^ the olden costs her mental an man jumps into his^ goes and hires one fori sion.^but the gid like] renumbers only too |»rty frock won*t do occasion as this. So buy material for anotll up nighes and rising milkmen for two weel hand to make a pr Consequently she is timi^ dosen't work w her jpeputation as—t, we hope—as the best o^apher in the plat !‘’Yes and in the m^be she has to gi] su^rage lectures the g| we settlement and ‘ dinner walk in the l ot^^ girls. All for P|^y with one stupid: fhe eouid see that i with some girl on Sate ftoon and have just time at haif the price and in effoit." ‘"Then maybe, he «uhday afternoon. „ let him of course, thoi ®^ly de^ for laci and had just been k ward all the week {O^ nap. Sunday ml hsid planned to wash! but you can’t have a your hair is flying in al| Sp there is another all for a silly man.^’ : Yes, ’ ’ interruptec- f^nelor girl, “and ^ ii.she dosen’t have ^an too. Of course dish supper dosen’t cc i Restaurant dinner bij hole in a poor iinq men are so fussy! 1 «at store cakel You h| Jiomemade cake at 60c •soiftfe Woman’s exchar_ ttiake it yourself whic| ®io^ expensive, ee your landlady charge! the of her gas if atai^ staring in th\ until you get so nervoii u Mixing bowl, her 56c., but its the a she values it ^ to_her husband's »ne 11 only charge yc it/ and is the s coanged soryoul ■>u ^ \ *L

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