wished Svery Wednesday -By- flse State Di*p»tcli P«Wi»hm| Compsnf, ^orUafton, N. C. Or. .f. A. Pickett. > - President JOHN H. HOFFMAN, Editor ^his that eight years ago accused Col. Roosevelt of being elected by Trust>funds. He has more iu his jeans than Teddy had in all. Democracy you had better close the Senatorial investigation now or your benefactor will tell more. JJUtlES E. FOUST, Searetwy tad luul BatbsftM Menafcr. TreMurcr ip» If you wist 'to go in the liole foUowing the Beinocratic party, go, Ve may pull y©u out afer four years, and we may not The cry of the distressed and suffering have been heard in America and we may to oor sorrow hear it again. OlBce First Floor, Waller Building. Telephone No. 265. pay- obscription, One Dollar per year able in advance. All coiomnnieati.jns in regard to either itiwfi itf‘niB or bHsinesB roatters ehould j>6 addressed to Tfc® State Dispatch and not to any individual connected with the DftpftT. All news notes and communicatione of mportance must be signed by the'writer. We are not responsible for opinions of ©nr eorrespondont*. »feih8CTib«r8 swill take notice that no re- uipt for subecription for The State Di»p»tcii wttl be honored at this ofSce unless it is jnbered with stamped fierures. entered as wcond-«la«s matter May 30,190H, at the post office at Burling *ou, North Carolina, under the Act of of March 8 1879. W^ednesday, Oct. 23, 1912. OUR mmm. For President: Theodore Roosevelt. For Vice President: Hiram W. Johnson. OUR PLATFORM: The People Shall Rule. OUR WATCHWORD: A Square Deal to Every Man. County Progressive Ticket. Gen= Assemble E. S. W. Damer- eron. Reg. Deed J. A. W. Thompson Sheriff A. M. Hadley Treasurer \¥. J. Nicks Ccatjnes Dr. Isley Surveyor J. A. Hornaday Jas. Newlin, L. A, Crawford M. F. Culler, J. C. McAdams, R,’ C. Dickey, That Wonderful Forecast The Burlington News tried last week to make a real smart com ment on the editorial interview that we published in our issue the 6th of October. It does not question the truth fulness of the interview, but at the close of the first paragraph, he says, “If all he declares is true." Nov/ it's immaterial to us as to its opinion to any ques tion, but the interview was given by a rnan who contributed one dollar to the Wilson Campaign Fund, and we bllieve the gentle man told what he believed. If your words are the expressions of your feelings towards manu facturers, we are sure capital ap preciates your loyal support. Lots of Tariif dope sounds very When Wilson Took Moisey, It turns out that Cyrus B. Mc Cormack, the president of the harvester trust, was one of the “Princeton friends," that he gave $12,500 of the $85,000 th«y raised to get the nomination for Mr Wilson. This no more proves that the harvest trust is behind Wilson than the support of Roose velt by George W.Perkins put the harvester trust behind the Prog- resssive nominee. It does prove that Wilson him self was perfectly able to indorse this idea when the harvester man's moii«F was contributed to promote his personal interest. Cleveland H. Dodge told the story o f the contribution on the stand in the senate commitee. Dodge said foe feared the govem- [ments suit: '!=> di:iolve cheharvest er corn ■,ny might arouse ad verse criticisra,.and he asked McCor ■ mack to take the money back. , The question finally was left to much like a memorized speech of ^ Qov^rnor Wilson. ‘ ‘The governor the Democratic orator of twenty > said he was perfectly willing to years ago. Of course the News learned from a younger authori- ty. Brother if you will explain to the thinki’>g man how American labor can compete with Italian, Japanese, Chinese and all other foreign laborers without a pro-, tective tariff, you will be a wise Guy indeed and a benefactor to all your friends by doing it. Com. Tht Bull Moose than the bullet. is mightier Collier’s Weekly declares for Col. Roosevelt, after a thorough investigation of the facts. Gettysburg—1913. The Dispatch takes pleasure in annoucing that a Reunion Club of Confederate Veterans will be organized in Alamance by Col. Frank C. Mosier of Pennsylvania and that he will personally con duct ti*e Alamance members to Gettysburg next July to attend the Reunion, where everything possible will be at the disposal of the Old Soldiers without price or money. Col. Roosevelt will be Master of Ceremonies and lead the man- The Denver Post, of Denver, Col., a strong Taft organ in the home town of Guggenheim, de- clbres for Roosevelt and John son, We urge all Progressive to get the facts of the eambaign as they are. The Southern Press has no Daily papsr that is a real organ. Hence it is necessary to go North in order to get the facts through recu progressive dailies. This condition is a reflection on the Southern Daily Press, neverthe less it’s true. Tne County campaign is now on and we understand the dis cussion by the various candidates is very fine and is worth v»?hile for you to hear these gentlemen. Mr. Williams of Minnesota Champ Clark Campagin manager and convention leader at Baltimore Convention amvicejr his comectiar with the Progressive movement and will loyaly support Roosevelt and Johnson. receive the money and was not afraid to take it," said Dodge. Mr. McCormack gave the mon ey just as he would to Princeton University,” That is a fair and reasonable View. The singular thing is that Wilson now seeks to deny this same standard to an opponent and to endevor to cami^ij?n on that bases, it is wretched dodg ing and does not deceive the people. It does show the former head of Piineeton reaorteing to unworthy tactics. ClevlandH. Dodge, who testi fied ?o Wilsons thewy of gifts to his campaign, islisted as a direct or of the Luckawanna Iron and Coal Company. But this is no proof that the coal trust is back ing Wilson for the presidency in the understanding that he would show the coal trust more concideration than the coal trust did get from Roosevelt. It would I be as unfair to charge that the coal trust is behind Wilson as it was for Wilson to charge that the steel corporatifn is behind Roosevelt. The case of Jacob H.Schiff, another heavy Wilson contriDuter another man powerful in great By virtue of the power cohtai^ ed in a certain deed in trust ex-- ecu ted to the Central Loan & Trust Co. Trustee on the 27th day of October, 1910, by R. L. Black well and wife DorajB.;Black- well and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, N. 0. in Book No. 50 page 2^6 to secure the payment of a certain-note, therein recited, default having been made in the payment of said note and the holder thereon, having applied to us to make sale of the real estate therein con veyed in accor^dance with the conditions in said deed in triisit, we wHl expose to public sa'le t& the h^hest bidder for each at |the Court Door in the 'County of Alaman®ev N. C. on^ 1*e 16th day of November, 1912,, Saturday at thefhourof 12 o’clock the land convey€diia> said deed in trust, to wit: A certain tmct or pareel of land lying and beings in Morton’s Township, bounded-on tke North by Robert Maynard^- on the East by 1?. B. Barker, on the S®uth by j. R. Gwyn and on the V^?est by the remaind«r of the Jacobi? Somers estate father*of Lavenia Tate, being the same land con veyed by will of Jacob S©raers to his daughter, Lavenia Tate. For further description see will referred to and book of mortgagee deeds of Alamanee County,. , No. 50 page 296, This the 16th day of October, 1912. Ceistral Loaai &. Trust Co., Trustee^ FEATHER G£D5 AND PILLOW^; m Queeif Quality Shoes are s 'women. ma;je for In every detail of their construction, this fact has been ke^ ia view Eveil in the fashionabk walking Wots, the nish features exacted by styleaie carefttliy adapted to wonien^srecpjurementsv ss,so 410 Subscription Di^atcn and Cast Your Vdte for one of our euvers of the Reunion, AH^'rans that will consider i ^ similar instance. going sSujld notify the Editor of the Dispatch, so that arrang- ac- ments can be made for your commodation as the plans are to go in automobile from Burling ton. Last week we gave our views on Socialism, and said that the would be assassin of Col. Roose velt was a Socialist, since then the villian denies the Socialist party as his leader, but it is true that the doctrine of the extrem- est of the Tory Press like the Nev/ York World and the New^ York Herald are the organs that fired the mind of this villian. Tommy, You Are A Dandy We love your views and explanation of the tariff. Your speech was the best made in Burl ington in a long time, although, we differ from him on some questions. But, oh how we longed that the Burlington News might have ears that are capable of hearing both sides of the Tariff question, and especially the appeal^that one W. A. Erwin and! others made to the Senate Comm ittee to not recommend a reduc tion of the duty on cotton fabrics until he and others including a cotton manufacturer of our town, could be heard. The Tariff issue is nothing new. Its a principle of good goverment. Its an eatablished fact that when you violate the protective tariff principle, with free trade policy (or a tariff for ravenew only, which has no mean ing to any one) not only does the employee suffer for want of employment, but it also injures the employer. The protectiv e tariff people have palled the country out of the hole every time the Democrats have pushed It in with a free trade mark plank. mstance. Wilson's cause is injured rath er than helped by his resorts to attacts on his presidential riva 1 such as the charge that there is a ’’halleluja chorus of big mono polies” behind Roosevelt. It has fallen to me to bare part of the burden and to continue the strug gle as we had planned for him to do. “Reluctantly, therefore, there are many reasons for my returri that may be readily understood, I h?ve yealded to the request of the Progresfives of the nation, and f hail in so far as I am able, continue this battle that means so muchforour humKnity." Be Sure to See Us Farm Jourcal Fditor Predicts R.’s Election T. The Democrats have always said they had no money for campaign funds. The truth has been told by one Thos. Fortune Ryan be fore the Senate Committee. $450,000.00 to Judge Parker in 1904. $80,000. 00 to the Harmon fund this year, and $32,000.00 to Underwood a total gift of $562,- 000.00. Not muck. No never wrong when its a Democrat act The prediction that Colonel Roosevelt will sweep the conntry nexfmonthbya large majority is made by Wilmer Atkinson, editon of the Farm Journal. Straw votes taken by Mr. Atkin- Ror show that the colonel leads Taft and Wilson three to one in New England, four to one in the middle west and as high as seven to one west of the Mississippi, Mr. Atkinson was one of the speakers at arallv of Washington party supporters held at the home of Mrs. Gertrude;W. Pennington, 4209 Chester avenue, at which Major Cassius E. Gillette, former chief of the water bureau, also spoke. Major Gillette said that Colo nel Roosevelt offers the only op portunity the people will have to regain the reins of government. He declared that Roosevelt with the courage to fight special privi lege. We have the largest stock we have ever shown, aad we are in a position to save you money, in addition to giviii^ you an immence stock from which to make your selection. Just received the largest lot of rugs and druggets ever shipped to Alamance county at one time* A car load of cook stoves just here. A big assortment of Ranges to select fram. A fuU KneofHeaters* comforts and blankets of all hinds. Tf vou want tb be sure] Sme here. . We fill pr^ freemai Phone 20 Agents for J. Van lindley^s cut fl( i A Don't forget when you c and pay us that dollr New Turnip Seeds at Bi ♦,jn S>rug Co. Finest Strawberry plai the country. Twelve greai eties. 5o cents per hundred A. 55iss Cal 'Bowland spen Ijay in Durham the guest gjgter. jliss Hortense Rimmer miest of her parents, Mr Urs. A. H. Rimer of Sunday. Mr. Walter T. Pendegn Durham spent Satui day an S'vvith E. M. Alexand! this place. ^r. John Wood and Mr. acjompanied Misses Will Allie Patterson to Orange Sunday. Mrs J. C. Buchanan an ffhter returned first of the from Raleigh. Mr- Buc’ savs the bachelor’s hfe is n [jfe for him. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vern jlr. Vernon’s mother atl the funeral of Mrs. W. H. ion of Greensboro Sunday. Auction sale of Kentuky. at J. C. Squires stable Octo ion’t forget to attend. Register before the books (member Oct. 26th is th y. ■ Miss Gora Trollinger of . No. 3 spent Sunday in .le guest of her friend *earle Mebane. i.C. McCauly of Raleigh spj tew days in town the first veek visiting his peopl 'riends. Returning Tuesd Esq. John Dixon and . F. D. No. 7 left Tuesdi extended visit to their s .A. Dixon of ^anoke 'hey will also visit his br ■rof. Z. H. Dixon of Kno 'enn, while away. Rev. T. L. Vernon of Ho| ipent a while first of the ith his brother Mr. J. H. on oh route from Greer fhere he attjended the fune Ii-s. W. H. Wilson. M YOU CAN AFFORD A FORD Yes you can no longer afford to be without one cf these matchless cars. The ne w 1913 the now within easy 07 /uu teui xiu xuiigcr «uuuru lO UC WlinOUC OJ 0 Why not connect up with the city or anywHers you want to go? P Ford h^ been greatly improved in design and otherwise, and on account of greatly increased output reach. the price has been lowered and is TURNIP SEED NEW STOCK , Buy by weight, you get more. BRADLEY’S Drug Store Near Post Office. RUNABOUT $52500 TOURING CAR 600.00 TOWN CAR 800.00 DEUVERY WAGON 625.00 These new prices F. 0. B. Detroit with all equipmeni. An early order will inean an early delivery. Get fwl particulars from \ The Pi Of Alari CAPITAL AN Educate Y In banking well as book The best let them hav tbis bank. Habits of industry and developed in them a start when their them. 4 per cen Quaiteriy Pa FORD UNITED 115 W. Market Street, Greensboro, N. Co. Phone 619. LI WCTOM irBUUGS,

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