m li : Tv •I I -I Somebody Will Get It Are YOU Trying? ion All' nolv f i us IT IS difficult to know just what to give, isn’i it? Let be your guide, philospher and friend on this glad occa sion. Below you will find a list of gifts that may suit your ease. Look thern carefully and if they do not fit come in and let us make a suggestion-we can help you. Gifts For Men. Watch Chaih.s Vest Chains I^apel Chains Cuff Links Clothes Broshes Collar Buttons Diamonds F»bs Fountmn Pens Hat Brushes Ink Stands Match Boxes Military Brushes Rinii Sil«| Knives CartPvases Whisk Brooms Traveling Oases Cellar Bags Oanes Razor Straps Tie Clasp Scarf Pins Shaving Sets Studs Umbrellas Watch Charms Watches Smblem Buttons Books Bibles Stationery Banjos Violins Suitar’s ! Chatelane Pins i Cuff Pins Cuff Buttons Diamonds Ear Rings Fobs Crosses Hat Pins Hat Pin Holders Hair Brushes Hat Brushes Jewel Boxes j I^a Valiiers Lockets ! tiace Pins Mesh Bags ; Manicure Sets I Nail Files i Nail Brushes ! Nai! Polishes Neclaces Penan ts Rings Toilet Sets Thimbles Umbrellas Watches Books- Stationery Albums Vases Hat Brushes Whisk Brooms Hair Receives Puff Boxes Glove Cases Handkerchief Cases Gifts For Ladies. Sar Pins Beads Bracelets Brushes Belt Pins Beauty Pins Brooches Cameo Rings Cameo Pins Family Gifts. Carving Sets Cut Glass Mantee Clocks Knives and Forks Oyster Forks ^lad Forks Sets of Spoons Coffee Spoons Orange Spoor, s Soup Spoons Desert Spoons Sugar Spoons Cream Ladle;? Gravy Ladles Pickle Forks Butter Knive* OIr. e SiXK>ns Baby Spoons Bon Boii Sets Sugar Tongs Cold Meat Fork§ Napkin Rings * PieServeres Tea Bells Bread Knives Chests of Silver Fern Dishes Jardinieres Photn Frames Cardie Sticks Vases Salt and Pepper Mayonnaise Sets Salad Bowls Fancy Plates Water Pitchers Celery Dishe?s Tuip biers Coirip6rt§ Oil Cruets Berry Dishes Bibles Books For The Children. Toys and Dolls: All Kinds. We have converted our second floor into a vast and beautiful toy land, and we invite all the child’ en to bring iheir mothers and fathers to see what pretty things the toy-makers have made for them. We mention a few of the things that will sure please. Friction Toys Mechanical Trains Soldier and Indian Suits Moving Picture Machines Rocking Horses Drums ' Horns Velosipede Post Card Reflectors Stoves Banks Toy Coffee Mills Toy Irons Tool Chests Wagons Carts Electrical Engines Steam Engines Beads Climbing Monkey Shoot-the-Shoot Stuffed Dogs Kid Body Dolls. Bisque Dolls Dressed DoUs Character Dolls "Campbell Kid" Doll Negro Dolis . . Unbreakable DolU China DoUs Sleeping Uolls (Toy Watches iToy Automobiles Tea Sets Rubber Rattlers Air Ktfles Pop Guns GaniPS Painting Sets Ston' Books Doll Furniture , Doll Trunks Doll Cradles Doli Pianos A. B. C, Blocks Masks Xmas Tree Ornaments Sleds Tops Rag Dolls Alta^aiiaw We have been al sent :a time. iBu t are sli ll will give .vpu a few from No, I. j The heallh of the ctmm I is very good at this writing ex-- cept Aijnt Susan Wailker her beem tOTeeoverany. We have had some warm weath^ er fine for tpjbaccjo strippinjr. Some have kiiledi hoga. Son e are a little uneasy for i'ear theii’ iii^at win spoil. i The Shiloh Sunday afehoal met at W- 5*aucette’s Suttday after nom to ptactic^ .ex#ci'ses’s '' byr.'' L. F.' Troxler- Mr. R. K Grayn, his wife and little baby spent Bufvday witn M rs- G royn’s fc*the r J. W. Fau cettealso. Mr. and Mrs, Ubert Si»ith spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Smith's father, J. W. Faii- cette, Cfjptain Fau«?tte was io the singing crowd Sunday at J. W. Faucette's. Oak wood School h i n good business with Miss ,Lwa Walker from Reidsviile, N. 0. and Miss Annie Somers from Altamahaw, N. C-No-2, as teacher's. Prof. Robertson, Superinten dent of schools visite^ the school Friday and he brought a gentle- ma« along and had the pic^tui’e of the school made. We think Oak woo is one of th best schools in. the county. Farmers are still holding on to the telephones. They arie a great benefit to the country. Zannie Watkins is ;goirtg to move the fiist of the week to what is known as the P. Moore place.^ " Curry Cobb has left us and gone bdck to Caswell County. Rlr. Gib Matkins from Bur lington, N. (a has moved back it> his farm. \ Rev. W. J. Hackney has conie back to Burlington ciciuit for pastor for another year. Clad to have iiim back. Mrs. f ’raiscis Vincent of Greens boro, N, C. was buried at Shiloh a few days ago. J. A. Faucette loves to go over in Caswell County. We are afraid that he will fall in a Gully near the county line. Think the bells will so^>n ring. John Jordan and Miss Lula ?>mith took a flying trip to Win ston-Salem, N. C. a month ago and by the way. They had the knot tied while they were up their and they are living at John nie's father, J. M. Jordan’s. Mr. Lofton Saunders and Miss Susie Faucette also took a flying trip down at Squire h*elands a few Sundays ago and had it said over. Tfils ? We, tile nndefsi-itot ’ J. (lieney f,>r the last j r. national OF COMai IS Hullg Utorrh Chst acting directl V ,n,of, tit i, mncoup SH rf /.f tiie ^ bottlfe. Tub*' r«ir 8 For Sale ,year and well weighs about 1050 lb. ^ntle-hot afraid of i Cars, also her six n'iorjtk twrse colt which is of snt breeding •■will sell togefc*^ ^ sepjsraUiiy at baiTain > ' Joh’^ A. Ireiand. ■‘ngton, N. Professional L H. ,Eye Spedalist OflTjce Over C. F. Neese s Sto Burlington. nit Have yon a tooth tov pufirf Have you tried my metM? If not, a«k jomeooe wlifthai. Dr. J. S. -• ’ * • Dentist,, Burlington, - N. L Office phone 374-.J. JR.es„374.L,, .». P. «|ioan. I). V. S. \V, A. llorimdaj J SpoDn & Hofntidiy Veterinarians a nd H o>4i 'it»| I’honti 57'f 415 Main St, Ite8i(l«nw iFhoiie 28i!i, €• A. Andei^&! M D. Office hours 1 to 2p„m> 7 toSpj, First National BanfcBUiiJdir4 Leave day calls at Bradieys ©rag Store. Turkey a presidence in the hopeless fight appears to be due to the fact that the management of the war has drifted largely into the hands of local politicians in Constantinople. LIST Of UNCLAIMED LETTERS F. NEESE BURLINGTON, N. CAROLINA Remaining in Post Office at Burlington, N. C. D€i|. 7, 1912. Gentlemen: William D. Byrd, Hoina Casto, Bill Evans, Duncan Hassell^ D H. Johnson, Henry A Roandy, L. J. Raekley, Thomas F. Smith, Jaiiiie Sanders, Luther Tussey, Eugene Williams, Editor “Times," Ladies: Mrs. Bun Clapp, Miss Virginia Lovings, Miss Ninie Moore, Miss Lizzie Reid (2), Miss Mary A. Shepard, Mrs. Gilbert Steele, Miss Lena Saterfield, Mrs. John T. West. Persons calling for any of these letters will please say “Advertis ed," and give date of advertised list. J. Zeb. Waller, P. M, Dameroxti & Long ATT0RNG¥S AT UW L S. V,0AN£80ft lAWIPli IIISi HnrlinfittoTi I Gr^hm . office in I- office ii rliM ;r m PhtM nu John H. V«mon, Attorney aua Upuusellor at IaW| SueiingtoA, N. C Office over Bi>adtley*3 Dmg Store. Phone 6 s>. John R. Hoffman, AHa^T-«t~iUw Burluigton. North Caroiin*. Offit*. Smoo^ Root rirM NitiiJ Ikttik BiflkliBK. MR. J. li BROOKS I Foster Building BURLINGTON, N. C I N. Taylor, M. IX Pliyncian & Surgeon, Over Burlington Drug Office Hours;. ,," 8:00 to 10:00 4:OC» to5ilO X.RAY WORK. No Matter Who’s Elected T rk 11 ien Dollars Opens the Way to a Better Day The owners of that magnificent property lying on both sides of the Car Line between Haw River Junction and Burlington have had the same sub-divided into building lots and have placed the same in our hands to be sold for cash or on easy payment plan. The first lots sold will go at a price that will surprise you. As other lots are sold the price will, from time to time^ be advanced. Do not miss your opportunity. Begin now to lay the founda^ tion for your comfort and good fortune. Ten Dollars down and Five Dollars a month buys your choico lot. No Interest. No Taxes, and a car fare to either Burling ton, Graham or liaw River. The Piedmont Railway and Electric Company is now prepared to furnish, at a low rate, current for lighting residences on this property. When lot is paid for, we will furnish plans and material and build your choice of house on lot and give you five years to pay for it.^ Under this plan, mcnthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual paymeBts may be made. Investigate. t Yes you vWhy not opnnc ^Ford bten j^greatly increased Thci*e («arly order (from 1 who fM’t ..nf DBLINEA'I'OR missions. uf simplK l‘>y lorvvai your {fiemh a'v I'f'.nftVvai"' 'J'i ! S THIS pri es'that )>(■. ":o P , towns - I THE ;j^UTT3£i_ I t iingtc-n store ai parLniei a McCal J047, Waist m Price, »! •» «n’f'R r,.;.