a- Reward ri'.nnot be '•''■o, O. cnovv'n p. , and be- 1 ail bu8i lyable to !'»y hiti merge, , O. .itternal- lood and m. Test; c'tiits j>er c'lmstipa- irds *3 Store N. c. lull ? hod? 0 has. ‘OSt, u D. lo S p.m. jilding, '.•? Drug ong M' 0 h 5 fsoa B’l], 100-B lOn, it Law, Ikf Store. tan, irolina. National KS D. tn. •t- - '■■. 1 ■ oiuJ Legris- Jrecom- (oard of it was raig or i;ow€T body hall ol Fuel, Ice & Storage Company The Summer days are growing short; Cold Weather's almost here; .^on furnace fires must lighted be ARE YOUR KIDNEYS WELL? are wearing how many horses open bridles. In the various towns he visits he hires ^ some man to wear a coat on the front of which « o V . n j ir .L arethe words “Mass. S. P, C. A.' Many Durlington reopie Know the campaign against blinders and A. rour Homes to warm and cheer. Through sultry days we kept you cool; Our ICE supplied your need, And now our stock of COAL is here Your winter fires to feed. We’re at your service as of yore. Full weight- 'coal clean and bright; Decide to place your order now, Phone us, we’ll treat you right. FUEL, !CE & STORAGE COMPANY, PHONE 148 ,RY- :rty. Importance of Healthy Kidneys. The kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day. Well kidneys remove impurties. Sick kidneys allow impurities to multiply. No kidneys ill should be neglect ed. _ There is grave danger in de lay. If you have backache or urin ary troubles. If you trou are nervous, dizzy or worn out. Begin treating your kindneys at once: Use a proven kidneys'remedy. None endorsed like Doan's Kidney Pills. Recommended by thousands. Proved by grateful testimony, j. B. Stubbins, Haw River, N. C., says “I used Doan^s Kidney PillB and the results were so satisfactory that I have no hesita tion in recommending this re» medy. I know Doan’s Kidney Pills to be a reliable remedy for disordered kindneys.’’ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Co,. tight checkreins;’' on the back the words, “Join the Society and help its work. Mass. S. P. C. A. Boston’’ In addition to .wearing the man wears a bridle ,with promi nent blinders, and for a few minutes at a time submits to the torture of tight overdraw check. Of course he does this of his own free will and not because he has to. It is an object lesson that needs no explanation and one that the observer does not E03n forget. For Compulsory Education a"lK,ii‘L.";SK*23lB*NIIINIi PUNS OlVtN thicker in cold. Men^re often I mistaken in pants; such mistakes are breaches of promise. There has been much discussion whetli- er pants is singular or plural. Seems to me when men wear pants ic is plural, and when men dont it is singular. Men go on 3 tear in there pants and it is all right, but when the pants go on a tear H is all wrong. It you want to make the pants last, make the coat first. Exchange Mr. Dillinger, of Gaston Coun ty, has introduced in the House a bill for compulsory attendance on the public schools throughout the State. The age limits are 7 to 12. Parents wilfully failing or refusing to comply will be guilty of a rnisdeamor and fined fifty dollars or imprisoned thirty days. The County Superinten dent is constituted educational inspector for the enforcement of the act. He shall receive reports i 1 Strong, Serviceable, Safe. The most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best ma terials, so that it is strong and durable without being heavy and awkward. It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It won't blow out, won't leak, and won’t smoke. It is en expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sizes. There is a RAYO for every requirement. At Dgalen Eotryveherm STANDARD OIL COMPANY ilac«TporKied in N«w Jwaay} N. J. frOm local school authorities as Bu^alo, New York, sole agents to children out of school and can demand pay rolls of factories to verify any reports made to him. Poor Evelyn Tbaw Hasn’t Got A Cent. New York, Jan. 16--,Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, wife of Harry Kendall Thaw, th ough her at torney, John Reillo, confessed in the City Court today that she is penniless, and, therefore is un able to stand the expenses of a seconditiialof this suit of Gorham ^Company, je welers, to recover from her $2;041.80 worth of jewels purchased bv the defend ant while her husband was in the Tombs awaiting his second trial for the killing of Stanford White. Really agreed to an inquest for his client, which means that a will be granted ,0 for the United States. Remember the name and take no other. -Doan’s Man In Horses Harness Our Dumb Animals The Massachusetts society for the Prevention of Cruelty to an imals has been carrying on a somewhat unusual campaign in the state to educate the people in a more humane treatment of horses. As a result not only are a thousand horses in the streets ■of Boston wearing t he open eheckpieces given them by the society but the influence of the movement has spread to many who on their own accord have taken off the stupid blisder. One harnessmaker has told us that he has recently made over .200 pairs of open check pieces for his customers. If one goes about the streets with his eyes 'Opsn he will be surprised to see He can prosecute in magfstiates court any parents, teacher, com mitteemen, officer of factory or other person wilfully violating the act. The same punishment is presribed for County Superin tendent failing to perform their duties. against Mrs. Thaw, to be follow ed by an examination in sup plementary proceedings, when the sources and amounts of Mrs. Thaw^s income will be inquired into minutely. Another Titanic Sinks. Washington, Jan. 16.—I widely different plans for bp ing and currehey legislation w recommended tQ the House Cur rency Reform • Committee m’ prominent bankers Ge->;v M. Reynolds, president of o Chicago Con tinen ts I and C'^^> mercial National Bank and a member of the National Mo *' tary Commission, insisted th ii. some eentra) power simila) ‘ ^ thelCentral Reserye AsBociai ^ , proposed iti the monetary ca . - mission’s plan, was essential to any sound bankiRg ssystem. i- W. A.'Nash,. board of directors of the Nu v York Cora Sxchsftge; .'Bank ■* a former ■presioex:tr-(-f' tfee. : N -.'.v York Clearing Houfee Associat. ; , declared that a ceiitral r was Unnecessary and prop an association of :^ ge>graph: ly located clearing hoiijses, v power to issue loan eertific convertible, upon demand to t vernment currency. Both bankers top the ( mittee that it wa^ not ineces for America toco|>y foreign b ing methods. When Ghaii Glass asked for an opinio regional reserve bankstor ass tions, with a suparTisjimg tJ ury board, Mr. Reynolds sai thought such a plan iwould ^ if the supervising board sufficient power . an^ a.bs conti*ol over the issae vf nott u No Turkef Trotting. Washington, Jan. 17—Should there be an inaugural ball despite President-elect Wilson's wishes to the contrary, there may be no turkey trotting or grizzly bearing if the function takes place in the pension building. Representative Roden berry to day offered an amendment to the resolution authorizing the use of the pension office v.^hich is word ed as follows: Essay On Pants. Pants are made for men. Winston, Jan. 16.—A boat ply ing on Bear Creek, which empties into Neuse river near Seven Springs, sank at 2 o’clock in the morning in ten feet of water. A disarrangement of the craft's machinery caused her to list, fill and sink, the crew scrambl ing ashore just in time. The boat was in the cut know a t s ’’Bear Creek Canal, ” and those on board of her had little diffi culty in reaching the shore, the artificial stream being very nar row. The expense of raising the vessel will be $1,000, Cal amity had been predicted because of the name of the boat. ’’Titanic.” and her misfortune was attributed to the ill omen. . Small ; ■ Raleigh, Jan. 16^ — Cong man J. H. Snfiall says tha Feburary.. 15' the’,' fepverni will take over the old Alben & Chesapeake Canal, pa $500,000 for it, and having.$ 00 additional to §^pfn^ in ening it in cbnnectjon with great inland waiter way. He the sale of the bonds; for Mattamuskeet lake drai na bein^ closed and this W’Ork o to be well underway befoi great while. % New Music 10 cents cop: the 5 10 and 25 cent store. m. INSURE YOUR HORSE. Perhaps you have not been accustomed to insuring your animals. An established habit is always hard to overcome, but this country and world in geperal ^e making many necessary changes in their accustomed habits. Your property is insuied against loss from fire, which is alright, but you, probably, will never have a loss from that cause. The death of your animals from disease or accident is an absolute certainty. Now, you can buy a policy through our agency, which will protect you against loss from death of your animals by disease, accident, fire or lightning. We would like to have the opportunity to furnish com plete information. Central Loan & Trust Co. . W. BROWN, Mgr. ,r •o 1 ' V ii'

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