Patents Gra»tcd Tar Hecb IS tf.-- “u-i I is rSi^ I I n ■ m: ■ Ui! Ill The Tip. ^rom The Greensboro Rekjord) The anti'tippinor bill was de feated in the Legiakture yester- 4av. One reason for laying it «wa the shelf was tkat it was stk!onstitutibaaI. It is noticeable chat when any ihing is ta be ku Washington, Feb. Messrs. Davis & Davis, Wash ington patent attorneys, report the grant this week, to citizens of North Carolina of the follow ing^ patents. . 4. „ E. L. Hamiltor. lAimbertor, rubber stamp; L. U Money, Early Strawberries at Spencer. Spencer, Feb. 7.-Speei?’i. Mr. H. F. Grubb of Spencer, has in his garden here a fine iot or strawberry blooms and reports half-gfown berries fully develop ed. A frost early Sunday morninsr, on Ground Hog Day, injured the crop conisderably. blit unless cold weather follows Mr. Grubb will yet Have a fine yield. vac ot-ier way'to with being Perhaps it is; 'v-; about it. , But while the traveling men ^ where hot for ic. ii one will ;%cd think a moinent he will r^‘ j •liise that after &Al these gentle- i ■men, in great part, are respun-; Siibie for the \ears ay o ■when it started in this country | the —notali of course — i the Big Ike. He helped to , :5tari the [iracliee at least At; ihat period most of them drana ^ liquor an,d naturally they feltj good—rich, so to say~and tney^ ;5heJied oui- Hov/ever like all the rest of us, these gentienien bave discoverer that drinking is a poor hai3it and practicaUy alP i©f thfcm have eat it out. Having-; done this, they are trying to cut; a many other things, , •lipping bein^ one of theni, i It has been pointed out for a. jong tirae ;And women could stop' k whenevef they made up their ^ ®inds to tic It. but it is not! .■fcisily doD.ft, The habit is a fi xed > ■line. The man who visics a, iotel artd does i'lOt shell out to ihe wait'-f(.'.'i, is soon spotted and: ie i;ety ^ui^hty poc-r service and 'ij soon a _tight- wad. : In self-o‘e.fe£iiic and in order toj Ise waited upon punctually andj ;get soiHi, thing' to eat, he tips and I ifeps and .•i'.ioti bv-comes one of thej iTixmy. ■' ied and there is, ^ood. Whirling: J vl Noah, ^ It, it is charg-1 raw-st(;ck dyeing rr, 'chine; R. C. Shepherd, Ronda, noanstitutiona! >now nothing: i machine. McCall’s Msjazine and McCall Talteriis For Have Mors Fri«n«!9 than any other magazine or I 'attenis, JilcCall's is the reliVole Fashion Guide monthly in one million one huiidred thousand homes. Be.sides showing all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each issue ss brimful of sparkling short stories and helpful information for women. Save Money and Keep in Style by subscribing for iMtiC.i'.i’s ^5ug1V'ine at once. Costs only cents a, including any one of the celebrated McCal! ’Pcitter;'.s free. McC&il Patterns all ethers in style, fit, ■•simplicitv, economy ■ -iumber' sold. More dea’iers sell McCaU Patterns than any other two maices combined. None higher than 15 cents. Buy from your dealer, or by mall Erorn ^ McCALL’S MAGAZINE 236-246 W. 37tl» St.. New York City I»)TE—SifflpJ* Vwitium %a\i PkUcw C*rfiklopi* fc»4, ^ oa ruqUML ETery American Plaateir knows 3i$tpec*s Seeds Growl BTjT—a'o Yoi; know wh Aey are the Beat Stusia Aat can be grown fw plimting in 1911 > Our address is W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO., Burp«e BiuWiog*. PhikdelphiA. Send us yaur address, and we shall mail, without cost, a copy of The leading American Seed Catalog for 19 M, a bright New Book of^ 174 ,^ages that tells The Plain Truth 'About THE BURPEE^QUALSTY SE1^& p I J LET US MANAGE YOUR ESTATE. ENOS HUNT FOR ^ Ofen the hunt for a rich wife ^riids when the niani meets a wo man th&t uses Etectiic BitteM, Hef strong nerves tell in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach ^ bldbih compleicion arid ruby h'ps result from her pure bloody her bright eyes from rest ful sleep; her elastic st^ep from firm, free mu«cles, all telling of the health and strength Electric Bitters give a woman, and the freedom from indigestion, back ache, headache, fainting and dizzy spells they promote. Every- \vherethey are w'oman’s favorite \ emedy. If they weak or ailing " ry them. 50 cents at Freeynan Drugstore. , The moral yard stick neighbor uses on you is usually a short one - that the same length as the one you use on him. N^W Norfolk & 'V- X _ wst"' ■ ■ - ■T? lVfc»i>k, !. licod lisi Of iiLiiMEO mm I! h Ar-.lly brc- c:j.e, b'lt I ;'U> or I;.:' i ''O'. 't-.' • If' D i .I - n tf ■ All. u! I iCem.stai.rfg' oi .Burlingtoa^ N. ■SEi^TLiSiHGM.: A. A. Bowarcl K. J . Post , Feb. Office «. IS it I naa, Lula Burch, Dunn (2), J. M INAUGURATION PRESIDENT WIllSON WASHINGTON, D. C. F. IVf. Kime. Percy Snuth, '1. McSn:iu:l.i. jSob.ey Co, Ladies | MARCH 14TH 1913. ilSli'OW ROUND (RIP FARES Maude Laura Moore! VIA Mamie twosa Paul SudieI f-mfTpTv^i n & it ii? i Epech ! soul HERN RAILWAY PersQu.'i calUo;^ for any of these j fetters ease say “Advertia-j We will collect rents, pay taxes and insurance. During your lifetime or absence we will act as your agent. Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Co. W. E. Sharpe, Manager I jiroifcssioBai Cards id, anJ .;v /e iace of advertised Waller, P, For the ahove occasion the Southern Railway announces ex-1 ceedingly low round trip fares to i Washingto*, D. C. and return- ! for individuals and parties of I twenty five (25). or more travel*; irag together on one ticket. Tick ets will be on sale February 28th, March 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Final | tl|, 1913, or urs €S I MthuKt, , Feb. 8.—The last ■jv’etkl.'i' cuting- of the ochestra ^as e3t>^CK«J(y pleasant as newj return limit March lOt riassic^'Ui? >ieW^tions were ren- if o.nginal purchaser of individ- fjered wvjric of Captain ual tickets desires to stay longer Bpikex, conductor and by paying a fee of $1.0D final ; jf Major!that ca:n be extended until April; Captain Jerkei’aon | lOth, 1913. appreciated | Round trip fares from NaUe, trom-1 tant poi’^ts a3 follows: heym hii'f) noiiniijt^i, w.u The wof^J: of: bonist; Cose, clarinetist: ?rest;)i;i Ora.v, ieiviing corretiat, Mrs. (ir.'iy piieio accompanist, is aisc ot * higb. ’>rder of merit. Fr(;m th.e iiro^'f'eBs so far nmde .by theorche'ifer.'j," t'here is bright pronH;U^'.-^-.'')l -4. grade of oiuslc f(;r tii.r.- cs(t>t;u:n.i-^.niieraent exerci^ies "di th'-' doae '.)t season. Th'.f- !)'v;el)aU games so far jcheo^fe'Ce^are ->.-3 follows: Ridge at Burl ington Mar':b. -■ A.ti;-a2ita Christian College-?.,.■fefUri.gton. Marcb -Bi?idington High School. n.i:'ton. April, ‘>0—Gh'^^ensboro Higli School at Grer^tidtioro. The ihtU} b.eretofore for the YouRfi; (jb.E'istian has bteen Tuesdy.y iHg'bfc. However, it has fouiul that Sunday night m a mofft cotrveritent time be cause evc^i'v oj.'ie interested can impor- , . , , -f. 0. Jone?, Trav. Faa’r Agent, 4kef.iicv..l,«,uiiedateha3accor-|s. city Ticket Agent, 'flinC'tV f’hfino-.prl I i • X' i_i Kaieigh, North Carolina. INDIVIDUAL Frcm Goldsboro, “ Raleigh. Durham, “ Chapei Hill, Burlington, PARTIES TWENTY FIVE OR MORE PER CAPITA FARE From Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, . ;■ Chapel Hill, Burlington. Rates wiU be in same propor tion from all other Stations. For detailed inftirmation rela tive to special party movements, Sleeping Car accomodations, Special Train arrangements, etc. ask your Agent or communicate with the undersigned. $10.05 9.45 9.40 9.40 9.40 $6.40 6.00 5.95 5.95 5.95 Beeswax, Tal low and Woo Highest cash prices paki on every article. We also handle everything in the junk line. We are connected with all the lead ing Northern markets. The surest way to find it out is to give us a trial It will always pay you to see us first when you have any thing in our hne. Ten years ex perience in this line. THE CiTY HIDE & JUNK SHOP Op.Ward Hotel M. M. Livin, Mgr. BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA DEC. 8; " ] &12 LEAVE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanoke and intermediate stations. Con nect with Main Line train North, East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Car$. 2:05 P. M. daily for Martins ville, Roanoke, the North and East. Pullman steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily, except Sun day, for Martinsville and local stations. Trains arrive WinstonrSalem 9:15 A. M., 9:35 P. M,, 1:55 P. M. Tr?i!H.«! leave Durham for Eoxboro Sonffa BoHton and Lynchburg 7:00 a. na d ilj^.and 6:30 p. m. dnilvex’»*'^»t8und* y \V H. rtEV’n*l». Traff Mi'r. W. C. >SAI;J.N [J.hyKSjif'/n’l .:»>« Koaiioke, V«, How's TWs? t oiier One Bundred Dollars Reward f ? »:ny cti.s€ of Ca-tarrb that cannot be czred by HalF^ Catarih Cure. F. J CHKNEY & CO., Tolkuo, O; \^'e, r)vf“ andersigned, have known F. J. (.'lieney for the last 15 .vears, aiid be lieve Iiiin perfectly honorable in al! busi ness transaotions and fi nancially able to. carry out anv obligral ion*? made by his firisi, NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, TOLEDO, 0. Hall'n Catarrh Cure ife taken iiiteriial-’ ly, acting dire;tly upon tiie blood an^ iiiucone surfacetf o{ th» syst?m. Testi; uaoiiial$ sent free. Price 75 centB per bottle. Sold by all Or«g'Kift8. Take HaJl’» Family Filla for constipa* tion Dr. L -Eye Specialist Oflice Over €. F. Neese’a I BurUngton, - V Have yott ft tooth to pull ? Have you tried my method? If not, ask someoae who has. Dr. J K Dentist, Burlington, - N. c Office phone 374-J. Res, 374.^ J. y, Upobn, 1>. y. s. W. A. Uornaday Spoon & Hornaday Veterinarians )!Sce and Hospital ' Offlce Phone .'J77 Main St, Keside-ncc Phone 282 C. A. Anderson M. D, Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 toB p.m. First National Bank Buiiding. Leave day calls at Bradleys Stx>re. * Dameron & Long ATTORNEYS AT LAW E. S. f. DAMERON Jinriington office iB PledmDct BoUiIlBg Ptione • 2d0 ADOLPH L 0 Ii Oroha.Tn office BOlt-NlCliOlSOB Slslg, Phone iOO'B John H. Vernon, A ttorney acia uounselbr at Law, Burlington, N. C. Office over Bradley’s Drug Store. Phone 6o. John R. Hoffman, Attomer-fttoLaw Burlington, North Carolina. Office, Second FIom* Natioaai Sauk BoUding. DR. J. H. brooks Surgeon Dentisi. Poster Building' ' ARLINGTON, N. a NOTICE! Road Tax For 1913, D«e. The special toad pol l tax for the year 1913 is now due and pay able until the fir^tday of April. Under the old the Treasurer was paid a small coriimission for collecting and Handling this fund. And heretofore I have given that commission to those who looked after it in the different Town ships. But now under the Salary law there is no provision made for any one to be paid anything ; out of this fund. Therefore, un-1 less sone one will vounteer to col-■ lect without charge iji the town ships, I Ganriot put the books out, as has been my custom. Accord ing to instruction from the Coun ty Cominissioners, the books will be at my office in the court house in Grahara, and all persons desiring to pay will pay to me, un less they find some one else with the books. Respectfully, Albert J. Thompson, Treasurer Alamance County This Jan„ 7/1913. J. N. Taylor, M. D. iPhysiciao & Surgeon. Over Burlington Drug Store. Office Hours; 8:00 to 10:0(1 4:00 to'erOO X-RAY WORK. Dr. WBI. E. Misses Bessie Howard and Grace Isiey will spend Sunday at Glenco where they will attend the services to be conducted by Rev. Mr. Buck. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN of Greehaboro, 5^. C., will be at The Piedraont, Burlington, N.C., thfe forenoons of Tuesday and Friday of each w'eek. For further information, apply to Clerk, or to Dr. Crutchfield at Greensboro. Offices ~400*46t McAdoo Office Buiiding, Greensbo»ro, N. C. FOR ail kinds of Commer i cial and f Job Print- or phone us : : PliONE PIEDMONT Resident Section Just Opened. Have You Staked Your Claim? If not, get busy. w4«nS"KS‘and pirctoe^lfmany “““ men and THWjis^ar Convenient to tVERY- L-et ws show you. Say “seven-six” to Central, and our representativ e will call and take you to see the property. Kockefel Brum ing'. g d t inK ina tio.r. pliyt'-iciy that iV'l H only a l\ ; advice I amineri Attorn| ibis rep( Bench. 1411,oq Wash! mately package I Januarj f offices, handledi I operatic the bu« weeks e| two wet lion paci ChicaJ Icities ini fhandledj [New lAtlanta [Slew Orl |200;Lcu| 100,000;' Isonville The [one in leven if I crease ii (about 50i be hand! [ Some pol I first yeaj I lion pad From I of the c( ( port mei extend tl districts,! and faz (flend prc [upon th Iseason. The pi pc ca th an thi im ial