m- ©f- &-:}• . O: -i , fe-. K-' ' fl '-- ■ Ik'" Bt pi':; m::-- I'j^- ^4. -• 5«-v t i* '*■ bit" \\ : W-i', ■ •?4 - • The Telephone and Good Roads Swal!-For fte Nigfet k if {f()|^Q£0 HljSBANO ON TRIAL EOR HIS LIFE The telephone goes hand in hand with good roads. The telephone overcomes many of the obsto- cles of bad roads and makes it possible for the tprmer aijd other I'ural residents to transact du^— Bess in the city ^and with neighbors w^heii, the loads are impassable. Appropo of the present fiy- killing campaign, about which much has been written, we sub mit the following bits of ragged rhyme, which if committed to, memory, will aid materially in the destruction of,the festive fly, ENDS HUNT FOR RICH mL Of tenSt.helhunt for^a^richilwife ends when the man meets a wo man that uses Electric Bitters. Her strong nerves tell in a bright St; Paul Minn., Apr. 3.—Prof.,brain Md even temper. Her Oscar Olson, formely of the Uni- peach bloom complexion and vers'lty of Minnesota, who admit- te(? he shot and killed Clyde N-;. Darling,a laundryman.for wreck ing nis home. took'the w’itnesfs stand this evening and sobbed audibly as the relatives between Mrs. Olson and Darling were wrung from him. The CDurtroom was crow’ded and many wept with the de- With all his might and main, j jt-ndanr, who presented the pic- tlire ■ -pf a broken-spirited^ man. iVirs. Olson buried her face in her I love to see a little fly And pat him on tlie head — How prettily he wags his tail Whenever he is i'jd. Then Fll not swat the little fly Nor give him needless pain I’ll let him chew my ear, my eye That was the old idea, today it is this w'ay: VVhen’eer I see a little fly. , • • .t.* i I’ll swat him on the head— Proo'ressive farmers are insisting upon^goou jj|| with a swater’s hand il the fly is dead. roads and teiephonds. _ These two- agencies of modern civihzation ate doing more than all others toward eliminating the isolation of country hfe. , u . You ran have a telephone m your home at ver^/ sourpocket-bck. srnali'cost. Send a postal for cur free booLcl |Itonemto it you wpt to-, •n'ivin‘>' complete information. ■to » ^ r/vRME?.S’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUIHSEaN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGEAFH COMPANY S. PRYOri STREET ATLANTA, GA, 'live And do not want to die — iThe only thing for you to do I Is «\vat--iu«t swat the fly I ' r i F arm H Sale hands and wept softly through out her husband's testimony, ‘‘My wife confessed to me that there had been illicit relatives between .herself and Darling, and I warned h;m to keep away from •piy home,” Olson testified.” And then this is good to paste * He continued to come despite the warning-and finally succeed ed in tearing down the happiness I of the home. “The night of the shooting I vi'as alone/'' said the witness. “I heard a noise and went to the . ^ j kitchen to investigate. I saw a And then tni-; • I standing inside the door, Oh, I will- swat the pesky fly. 1 I’ll swat through and' / i t t ^ 'w Y land took a step towards me. I 11'l! swarhim' and I'll watch himil'a'* i»>\revolvw and A^d.twi^ j '.in rapid succ s-ion. A sec.jicl i ni svvat him black and blue! I ! I fiome tarow Ins arms into the air I And the last one; jund fall linii/ly to the ficor, L- , T , T T 4^1 I Profe;?sor Oison testified that, ! ! he first learned of Mrs. Olson’s I 1 il teV.at the .e.^Lije with Darling? June IG I i ll swat nini good ana tiard, S.,..,. I \ ou bet I I’ll swat him till I die! and i had hui^grd and kissed her, ” a’l I'itlp in i Olson ccr;tii"=ut'd. 'T saw Dari- ruby lips result frocn her pure blood; her bright eyes from rest ful sleep; her elastic step from firm, free muscles, all telling of the health and strength Electrie Bitters give a woman, and the freedom from indigestion, back ache, ^headache, faintiflg and dizzy .spells they promote. Every where, they are woman’s favorite remedy. If chey weak or ailing try them. 50 cents fat Freeman Drugstore. The moraryard stick neighbor uses on you i,jS usually a short one — that the same length as the one you use on him. N Ry fJeMLL_M1E! ' DKQ. N ■! U1 i ■ ■ LEAVE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily "for Roanoke and intermediate stations. Gon- East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 P. M, daily for MaVtins- vifle, Roanoke, the North and East. Pullman steel, electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New And In this way, ianies gentlenien, w'e wui keeping do boi'o I’atriof. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. Al. daily, except Sun day, foi* Martinsville and: local ; stations. ‘ When I return^xl from my Trains arrive Winston-Salem oifice,. iii.v wi.ie loid iDe DdJ’liijg.O :!{> A. ivl. , 9;35 ,P. M., 1:65P. M. Trainf? leave Durham lor liox.!>ort Sont.'h KoKtioii and ■ Ivyrrcbburg 7:00 a, .m (i i!y,,a,ini 5;/’.(> r». 'ji. d.'j.ilvftxoerjtSjjivdfiy It . OKVl I.L. •Pa-N;'’r.*Tj;HlTAl4r;. ; W'. C. iS.i j ^ Iv! t' fl r'.'jrt. A^'i, iiofiiK.ike. vs. -acre red soil farm^ 1 mile sonlh A Mebane, N. C. 85-acre farm 1 mile souili of Mebane, keeoinii’ down ciis&^ifc'- Greens-1 >ng’ one dny later in the presence I of the niaji ior whom he was I worKing, Wlien I accused him ! of my wife he turnj't i i / J e t h ■' rt;.eo\'ered himself ; ana saiu: i admit it; it's all my i I. "Whiie in Clearbrook, Minn,, fauS^' ; November 12 ir'.st, I received Ka;eiy n, April o. — i did iiionumenr to !:he hor... . 'jlldti. \'v (.lYiC'D ('! (.(..'nfederacv ' ^ irom ui^e uiginu imgwn 5^-acre farm 1 mile souili of Bur- 1 C.;, located on macadam road, good buildmgs^ plenty of water. -acre farm 2 miles of BiirlmglciL >acre farm in town of Mebane. r r-{'t as.,It of Mebane, N. tiS acre farm. 2 miles of Mebane, N.C. all ;s irjiss wen at Dar;^ain. ■od d. : \\ ^ il: A i 1 ' 5 I H r4 4 J V. •; li .4 I.: }L Xj ! T,! iH •& I T f'j .J* ■Vn. ''t % • i I' f(&: ¥ to l.e presentefl to cl'-e' Coi. A^^^'Jey Hcirrse posi-. if n ir sou t li v/est 0]>yi enrranct ro \ r-uiidirf, WMidn 12 n: d^u- cm;-'. .tCcev.t'-'C. d':=:. ! he '.!':;;--i::.;; d '..v r.\. s.',-.. J-"! ; i Li H L ', S i jl; K tr iJ i i~. me to return homo immedi'del.i She n;et me at the door and said: Oscar, I look demented? That : devilisn laundryman is haunting qj.,^'me again, He has been here ' several times and I can’t resist ■'V ;:on oi: 'Uhs frcm; in' ■;>!y rodf-iV ' ') y i* i 1 i'i L New ti;e C )r'i~ ■■'•hf re nee s o^■e^tlIres, Please help me 10 keep him, from me,’' Oison repeated the details ; ■ leading to the crime. Several times aurrng his testlaiony . his 1 sobbing forced an interuption. Ki' » "I 1.1.. Pi' ;v-v ,''HTft 1 ihk' (.■'•r.federaev ' V h‘ a Or I M]S. Oison id expected'to tell her jstCfry on the stand tomorrow. . i5rv-j Conno'", I London, I TTiembe]' i Pains In The Siomach. How's Tills 7 t- ofi'ei'1! uinh'ed ■ l>o!!-t.rs..Rewarti r ■ . iiy'ca.Kt ,if (..'(tfa.j’rh ca.iuK.'t ).)f e. t (>(.! by I iall'* ("’.a.ifiri It riivc,.'. V. rl. (!i'i r]NlvV v'J.CO,, 'j'obKOo.'i.). die ■ yju?(”'ir!j!;ne!l, /i.'-f \'e known {*'■ •K y'ih.MH'y [c.r the latrit I,') v’cvuv,,' a-nd. h;-. iU'Vf tii'.M |.ui'vfect;l.;s Sumornbiv*'hi ai! n'eBR ions MHij li.'iHncially able fi. carry ()ut finv ohli.u’fi.,((mis nia.fie by iii> iiriis. ' , NATIONAL BANK OF COMMfix^CS; TOLEDO, O. Bal)’.s Cfitn.rrh Ciirw is taken iiitorual- ly. a.ctiny liircctly upon thft b,lood and muctjufj s'iiriaceK of fUp systyaj. Testi monialts ner.t free. I'rioe. 75 cents per bottle. 8()I(1 by all Drug-fj'igts. 'riUto Ifcill'j? Fa,inily rills for eoiVstipa- tioa. ■ . -L. E-ye Specialist Olffice Over C. P. Burlington, : I Have you a tooth to oj .Have you tried my niethoai| 1! not, ask someone wliol^ Dr. J. S, Fro’ Dentisi, Burlington, - [\> ^ Office phone 374-J $175| Or $25 Elis -J. 1'. SuooR. 1). V, ,s, W \ SpoDii k Moraad^iv Veterinarians Office and Hospital 4.t5MainSt. Res id C.:.- A. Andersor^ M *•**1 Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 to8|,B First National Bank i:^iijailBannas Leave day calls at Erad:.,-? Sugar, P if yoti I the kind for ail kij Store, Dameron & Lo ATTORNEYS AT LA'.v LS. W. DAi£R8N liurJhifftoTi . office in ; Pieiibtdo( Biiitdiog Pboae *250 M Lil ■ .",7 : ■ o:i; d JJOit-Rmfe;;;,. Ve tnoi John H, At.torne>y aud. v;oun.st.‘l!/-i .* Burlington, N. C. Office over i'jraciloy’.s i '‘'if Ph(;ne uco N ewton, •2'hters oi % Ui M" i f) imjo I im ohsg! m Pa i 'V a ct-nr:': wrmar i il'e I'i.?.: :i?'d hi A ^dsU,r> ■ I i~- ' I . I ' • "') i'.- ' d I'cd^ :■ jdfyii; ed(-rac If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your livtr O'r your kidneys are out of order., u Neglect may lead to dropsy’ kid- ;,f * eiclerlv !*}>'•' -Bng-ht’.^ e wrn-en *’of i disease. Thousands reccom- She'i? ^seated!^^lectric - Bitters as the ,..p^ book," the : stomach and kidney V ri'f' Ki'Ot ■ medieiiie made. H, rn X. t aher f! feT ii I ■T-5 LilZ \^XV:X '£"or .•1' . : The 'sVoa-derfuI, Old Reliable Df, ; i Aritisep’.Ic Mealing0.iL An Antiseptic Surgic.ii Di'csr.ing discoverI'd by an Old R, il Surg:;on- Prevents Blood reasoning. f iVy" Pf! ^-■‘*■0xxxtww^, ixt X i. Alston, u • bv '"her 'and'- N, .{.I,, who sulfered ?word in his i the stomach and GL’aViVls()n, T “^'^'ly kidneys of ^the ■ and my liver did ■^'c^'the solJ^^^'^ ^ suffered ' "cv. ' xhe ’ Bitters whs r, yr'i>2e. On and I improved I now feel im~ TiiP invinf-p'v,d! b;--r^.,r :';aronze. Onl^ecoiraw and I impn ' tiiker ^id^:■ uf the ]>: destal will I dose. I now . Poftst's I oa-«-rfc;ief reprft-enraiions of hus-1 will -i.t: -vou 'dv( iiUi jv'v -i;dveri:auil y it. c. 'j'^i^Usancls of junnlies know it alrea^.y; V1-. TA.sTI'XESft cui'liand a trial will cciivincc a'ou tliat T-i?., I',, ltT.Vr.v.i-ars thr.-m.v-h- j i-URTIC'R’S AXTJoEPTlC IJIULINC jariv.:;-. s-:>ns anf= r-weethearts taK jii'f: iea-\'t;' of '^nos to g-o ti'i ar the beginning of the , broiAtn j '.e C'io?e I i yrc.'^'e yt.ii. {the iron: I war ano the’’t i vev(-ra»;r reiurrdniu: )0c and td'convniended by FREEf/lAN.DRUG CO. NOTICE! Road Tax For 1913, Due. The special road poll tax for the year 1913 is now due and pay able -until the firstday of April. Under the old the Treasurer was paid a small commission for coliectin.ef and handling' this funi And heretofore I have given that commission to thof^e who . looked after it in the different Town ships. But now under the Salary law there is no provfsion made for any one to be paid anything out of, this fund. The.refore, un less sone one will vouffteer to col lect without charge in the town ships, I cannot put the books out, as' has been, my pustom. Accord- R-. .Hoiiffiai . . ■ Attoraey-at-Ljiw Burimgton, North Ctj Office, 'Secos^i Floar ; Bauk BKikBjig. DR. J. , H. BliOCISl SiirgeGii . Dcntki: l?08t£ir Biiiuiivife BURLINGTON, X, S7\ lAl J. N. Taylor [Physician &. Sorg-:;:on. Over Burlington D]'ug .S', j Office Hours'. '8:00 to 10:00 ^ 4:00 X-RAY WORK, Dr. Wm, E. Oi the terrible strue-: >IL i.s tlie 1)10 yoiiderfnl remedv e-ve- er-^' y.nd Geri-^ial 1 •■Liscovtrcd I'et Wuv.nd;;, Burns, 01dSor-;S. j'c is assti'');j;; a^;! I'lrers, Cnrhi-'H-U'S, Gi'ajjnlaterll.Jiis ;;ut you ao uiv^o !.]ie iuL;r-xUe;’t ct'1 ‘ 1 rr (’ I I Hi; Sc't:j'J'Jn'f'af-.(;r ccal]5 I)i;"^ases :11 ■‘..'('■up.ls :.viui (.lise'ti'-eis KUiv se.'ivP-^ Cn;Ttim;aliy pi'ople at il Hiii;f4 luv/ user! t'>r ihis farrjons ■■■■ r: hy your Druj£;:^ i'. 2~.c, fl.uO r OuK'Oiie )V-. r.- s»iMiusa«tcffl.'?sfi!EBrEnaej r.^.'t i.s i^AXATi V.(0'35ROM() QUINJ ' r ‘;ur-:. Cnrena ’u One Day, i( L;'y? Mail 1!:-; 5'iO 'f'j'-' £=>-!,>ou;!fl 'd-pr.'Li 'd pai-iiilov. 3 freu. I: :- iOiitiIc'.C ] C). rt''. vi.'i ; Btx! ii'-'-.l rCCCr'v?? { I.'* • r AGENTS w 15.= zov:. T ED feather Deaier.^, N. i D-ays I ty „ Commissiohers, the, books will be at my office in .the court house in Graham, and all persons desiring to pay v^ill pay^ to me,, un less they find someone else witl^ the books, - Respectfully, Albert J. Thompson, ■ Treasurer Alamance County This Jan, 7, ‘1913, 111. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSli'iO of Greensboro, M. C., wi';’. b: The PiedQiont, Burliiu^hr;.'' the forenoons of Taes'jri} Friday of each vi^eek. For further infbrj)iafj-.>;). to Clerk, or to Dr: Cnna.riici'if Greensboro. Ofiices—400-401 i\lc Building, Gre ' . I I »*'• ' Cl nsboi‘0, iw •■■■mi— If .you wish to buy a farm, call or write, Centrah Loan & Trust Co. W. W, Brown, Mana ger. Burlington, N. C. Phones j . FOR all-or-- ]d';o!:K' kinds of us ; Conimer- cial and | Job Print-1 nr^ ing, call li tOd ■ ■' '‘d I..i i 2 -- ■ 1 - i : ;.l:e ; ■ ■■: 1 f 1 ■■■. jeO^ p.I", II u • P'T' n 0y %’K ilf New Resident Section Just Opened. Have You Staked Your Claim? If not, get, busy wo';:;‘4"£rslc'IeTard 'wide..wake THm™~5c rar fere ffEVERYWHERE“^’ “ Convenient to E',a(_^ Ur Let us show you. Say “seven-six” to Central, and our representative will call and take you to see the propert)

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