tr =S ^ ■'•:•• .'.•[, J.j. ' J'j'' '''' "' 'j ’ ,*l ^ ■•:"'v^''-'; •;,• ■••■ if’, pi' j. i;lf‘‘' ? i 4- ft ■' fe ■’■ l&Vii' m^'- tx- •• -i‘-' V * ‘ ■*» . t i >♦ ' B.*-? Ea s si*T t V*'fK •• bSr-r H L-^- J ■ ■*. ©: ' li'i; Church Directory The Chiarcliof the Holy Comforter. ; (Episcopal) tie Reverend John Benner* Giblule, Rector. Service*: Every Sunday, 11:00 a. m, and 8 03 p. m. . r.. 4. o Holy Communion: First bun- Isy, 11:00 a m. Third Sunday, fi80 a. m. iA nn . Holy and Saints Days, 10:00 a. £R.. ^ Sunday Seh'v^ol, 9:30 a. m. _ The public is cordially invited. Ail pews free. Chrisijaa Churcli. Corner Church and Davis Sts. Si?, A. B KentUU, Paisior. Sen^i«:»j Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 m. and 8:00 p. ni. SanchiV Sebool, 9:45a. m« Jno. E>.. rO;“.tei'f Supt Christian Endeavor _berviees, Sunday evenings at 7:15 _ r-lid-weck Pr^iyer Service, eve- t% ?7ednei?d{r-/ at 8:01) p. m.' LndiPs’ Aiij and Missionary So- mec-tiv on Monday after the gss:‘6-ad Sarday in each month. A cordial invitation extended JiO &il . A Church Huin’t- for Visitors md Strangers. Bsf!isgt©s2 ReiOrmed Cfeisrdb. Corner Front and Anderson Sts. Rev. J. D. Fsrto?. Sunday School every Sabbath, wi45 a. m. Freachini'^ everv 2nd and 4 th Itbbath. l.V:00 a. rn. and 8:00 p. Mid'V.eeh Service every Thurs- hy, 7:45j', in. A cordial vcrlcomQ to aiL Farsonaj^e dr>or east of ^’Ureh, W. C. Waiters Known In Robert- « son Co. Lumberton, April 24.—The report in this morning’s paper from Columbus, Miss., regard ing the Dunbar created some comment here. The story as told by Walters in the dispatch seem to be t^ue. Walter is said to have left this county about fifteen years ago, locating in Mississippi. Three or four years ago his brother, D. B. Walters and a woman. Julia Anderson by name, were indict ed in this county for living as man and wife without being married. When an officer went to ar rest them Walters made his es cape, but the woman and her infant were brought here and placed in jail.. Bein^? unable to capture Waiters the woman was released and is said to have followed him to Georgia. It is not known by people here Vv’ho know the couple, whether or not they are still in Georgia or«moved to Mississippi, ■ ]. P. Walters, father of W. C. and D, B, Walters, now very oid, resides near Barnesville, in the southern part of this county. No explanation is given as to how W. C. Walters came have the child in his possession, A lawyer came to Barnesville this evening to investigate the matter. SECIIETAItV OF STATE BRYAN IS ON UISWAV A WAY OUT A Residence of Burlington Shows the Way, Washington, April 24. — Wil- Halil Jennings Bryan, secretary, of state, left Washington at 6:45 o’clock tonight over the Pennsy lvania railroad for Sacramento, where on Monday he will begin consultations with Governor Johnson and members of the legislature in an effort to frame an anti-alien bill land law that will not be in conflict With treaty obligations of the United States with Japan, *‘I go hopefully, yet with_ a realization of the responsibility involved,” said the secretary as he left the White House after a final conference with President Wilson, The President had explained early in the day during his con ference with the newspaper men that the purpose of Mr. Bryan’s visit was to take counsel with the California authorities as fco the best way to avoid interna tional difncuiry. The President let it be known that he consider ed the attitude of the Japanese government in arguing its case proper and . friendly and that there had been no note of an tagonism, despite reports to the contrary, the position of the Tokio government having been one of respectful urgency that no discrimination be made against their people. Inquiries as tojust what Japan would consider a discrimination brought forth the intimation from the President that, with the eligibility of Japanese to citizenship still a debatable question, it would be difficult to define just what would be construed as a discrimination. I YOU CAN AFFORD A FORD g —^ ^ Qk Yes you can no longer afford to be without one of these matchless cars V % Why not connect up with the city or anywhers you want to go? The new 19n v - Ford has b en greatly improved in design and otherwise, and on account of the 9 greatly increased output the price has-been lov/ercd and is now within easv v reach. RUNABOUT TOURING CAR TOWN CAR 600.00 800.00 These new prices F. 0. B. Detroit with ail equipmenl early order will mean an early delivery. Get ' " from II 'cha?f:r'. There’s one effective way to relieve kidney backache. , , and plasters may re-; himse.f declared heve it: But they , , ., i. . . ■ : the genera! idea that discrirnma- I Backache is c'.use to suspect I aimed directly at the Ja- khe kidneys. ipanse should, if possiole, be Doan's Kidney Pill.'; are for dis-1 avoided, ordprpd kidnfvs. !• ^he secretary will keep in I later that he went with no spe- seldom reach the ' instructions, but simply with .49 6^ iy & wgmnffaw tawwro -*aawam n -n tipg, icu'’-'iyji % McGkmery-Markliaiii Phaae 619. 111-113 Fast > '5 d\ /r\ . Si V .r^ I , Greensboro, I fMVMnwuMOfMiS * L. E. Atwater, Local Dealer for Alamance County BBsnHHaHB FLOOD wJKam ii~Mmi*MTrf¥raTT«in *ii i fi mu th~—mii—iiiiniii n Receive New Sewlrsg JVlachine. ation is &i servi THOUSANuS of flood and tornado sufterers who lost their homes and be longings i:ave received, absolutely without cost to them, the latest model of The FFJEE Sewin Cburca. s.. I,!. VijTT r:o:n- ■0 . ^;t ■! LV ri ii oi., invited i N. C., says: “I suffered a great , t t n Idea! from pains in the smali of '40,000 thjidren At ViOY-d In Cotton ;n?y iiack. I had such bad head-; fiidu.itry. I litiif.'b tiMrC'.s t l'atl could not I \ ]j-, i() wn^^’e-earners : f.V' a;:zy, too. ; employed in iiie (nunar.icttire of . 'Jt3Ci(teii 10 Iry D(mn--!eorion is und.^r IG years of a^'e, " ;*’according ro the Balletin of. ■'J■■■■>•*• Co. ■f>‘iey j \lanufactui.*es just issued by the \ ' rf'iH'vrx, rni‘. Census Breati^ The National Child Labor .Commiitee poin's j ’ They were fortunate enough ;,o own The FREE, the only seving machine the world that's protected ag'ainst fiood, tornado, a'-'cident, breakage, etc., for 5; years. ,J.C, aa9HB^gas'^TO«iK3aEg«emaaMMigaeBgaagi5«B8gBa!Msa«a>MB«a>iB^^ rT^’ r t3mm VO'J (fr:i RlvLNI.)(;RSLMENT. -I: t s ■ 1 lie (i ]'(: ■’ I ■ ' 1 _ ,h;,f Mrs. Andrews was inter- ■ uxtileindustrirsare | h* niir jvrif'^-senrnti\'o on ■said. SI U! j children in IT.' sa;'.! l.soan B i:o(.'d. I i^now th'^ btSL oj' all Kid-1 • J,- ^ ’ '?.’ih ( {^‘a !('('B. I'T’CO ' )■*oster-.viiibui'n .Co.. .;' Bulletin' based on the '.V York, Stic agents ; also 11,(> the largest emi)ioyers of factorie--’.,’ for this l.cnsus di lO she-.vf. ■}.'■,'^.ii ;n'. ;:iioviv);'S in the mnnufav' ;.re of' cutlon goods, 1,1,Ijl in ! ;-'iery :-u:vi kriilting nriiis, 0.91.2 ;n the v.'ooh’n and firlt !r!..i;.!S'!,r\v a.nd in siik fac':oriy>^. The Bulletin rdiows i r r-'iiisfi l{ I '/~x jT" ini -'! ilil'-; 1 i K‘' ill ’■ ' ' ■' . I i /o'' the bniied Stafes, I liem^fOji'-'r the inune--.Do£ !’d ao ol.hcr. O-J orkers under til: .L. veninj: - i-:6 ■; ! engaged in canning aad preserv- : ing and ^78,9dl scatfer*'>rj among i vpfi oilier meiiufHCtur- , ing industi ' The larger(■ percentages of !1 ■'VVi'..' t -I:'! If ' ' J •rns'imc'm'il.wmem ^’v)•,,>'' ')t''! i’ '' —~rr*— t? } - -Ktt'Mfi.l'niillll.i' w/•''•/■I ^I ! ' 'K\ 5' ’ li Rippoa. : factory workers under io are r \\'ihrdrgfon, Aoril 25. — A total ^ _ ^ -)'}o I I., i.)iaLes '.found in the Soufh Atlantic and Ahihanvv; the next r>. ev ^v^rrc id *lie ’ fire I i'MiTKi.:;)- Boodh' ’ u J r , » • ■ I ... 'S^ £.v:fc.-ie:.t wi."-', i - r. : i- Ife.iC uii K cT-ViCt:'. T. X ’ 0;U Otjfe'i saippei e .srnua ,'. ■ t .nei: O 'd 1' car.soi Sij-av;berries nave , ■ i y i dpped fromti)(s section . Mass^-i -••i'jce ilie sv'roson opened some: 1 tlavi; ygo. Conflicting reports!,’'^'' come in relative to the damage gieat enhc emplo;\jng oc-j bv frost. The da^Uaer the big:as merehantile i frmt, T.u^sdMv, it was t])af no danrige to speak of had ■ heen SuStauK'd. Wednesday it.^"' A V f '6un- o.,- v/as .said that it wou'd reach 10 i\. Sot^L ; per cent and \eslerday there i ‘ '.vere reports that it would go., beyond that. There is no doubt' a:,'Out the loss around Norfolk j !5 C-. ■->, I'rO.-i:'. * Sur.dav morn I F v> r.e?:c^a v h‘ i,‘g all of per cent to tracking crops. all Mac 4 Li^Uic^ari ihurcb. F»tfur. lie Hugged Too Hard o Passionately embracing weeiheart on his return his ■ from ' .V •. ri-M-v.. V- . ! China, a young French officf^r. t lot.-tiurcn.l r t i -u i i l ' ■ I oi powerful build, clasp>'='d her Morning at li;00 a. V^^pf^Fir a.i 3:3u p. rn. too tightly and broke her ntck. •T , , .-J • . , The girl was anxiously awaiting i ^\ose:i vittr^von trnrd :?undaysj j lover on the quay, at Genoa, | gunua> ^:4u a. m., ev- April 10th, and the mom-j 'v.. , ent the liner was moored, the i Teacheis* i jee.jng, l^eunesoay equally eager officer '*nOp, m. \at parsonage.) WomanMissionary Society lifter morn.ini.? !?ervice on fourth ittsdayt;..; L. C, Bir.,, Saturday before ^!5ird Sundays., 3:00 p. m. L. L, L., third Sundays at 8:00 * m. sprang ashore and clasped her in his arms i Webb Areime M. L. Omrck, Sti'i . T. Herbv. Pastor. Preaching every first Sunday M 11 a.m. and 8:00 p.m., second Sunday at 8 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 a. m, • John P. idol, Supt. EVer y body V\ e k‘c iLe. Nothing at All Doing A crusty tenant of a Scotch landlord pressing him to (jom- plete some piece of work which had long stood over, the land lord craved further delay, add ing that he would give his word of honor—nay, his writCen bond to have the thing done before a certain day. “Your word!’’exclaimed the tenant, “It,s well known that that will do me little good: and asforyw writing nobody ea^? read it.” Thii^ks Be. The reason he loves her? E’en he cannot I'eH. | But with her is Heaven, v,dth- out her is Hell. To us she looks stupid and ugly and old, While buties about him in numbers untold! Then why did he choose her? The mystery is grate, But lovers areloversbv curious F^te! And why does she take him? Sure nobody knows! Her path has been crowded by lovers and beaus And here—she’s adoring the worst of the lot! He’s minus a fortune—his talk’s “tommy rot.'^ His figure’s atrocious—and yet she is his I This loving of lovers is sure a “queer biz!'’ But that is the way it always will be— Why lovers are lovers - we others can’t see; But you know and I know it’s only too true That one who thrills me dosent often thrill you. One gives me heart transports, while you she gives chill; It always has been so—and "thanks be” it will. Don’t you admire a light, dainty bedroom with immaculate hnen and draperies, and with walls, furiii- ture and woodwork 2.\{. enameled in pure white or some delicate tint such as ivory or pale blue.^ You can have one^—it is not expensive. , ENAMEL (NeaFs) gives a hard, sanitary, lustrous, genuine enamel surface, easily kept bright and clean. It is offered in delicate tints or rieh colors to harmonize with draperies ano furnishings, CoblerBradshaw Co. BurBngton, N. C| STAINS *! vj rites almost doctors.] 9petls, gave C? anybod] for 5 else fail If to you, than 5C has be^ They pains, and h( use, Hi rm tov SpiviivT I ....*■ rr py;: ty y '1.... ,/j r:';- l\ig--■ ]m,-o ■■ Thoy vicld and N lelel it to Vi