.'I r A PROGRESSrVE NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. }L. V. BURLINGTON. N. C., MAY 28. 1913. m.m ifibers of tbc Gra^aatisg Class; A e are aware of the fact that :: impassibJe task for us with- -.he space of a few minutes to ke perfect men and perfect men out of you. So far as r personal and direct instruc ts and directions go, they are , at an end. If we have made ailure of our directions it is us to mourn our failure, r lives new now to a great :ent lie within your own hands i it is for you to say whether net you shall anrjount to some- ng in this world. It is for : t'j say whether or not you Jl Climb higher or go forward, go downward the way is easy :i requires no effort at all;but to nb higher the way is long, rd and steep and it does reuire ■real deal of energy. A dead f: can go down stream, but it .es a very live one to go up ’earn. Make the application r yourselves. As the plastic ;y in the hands of an artist as- mes a most beautiful figure, vre hope that your lives within ur own hands shall grow :o noble and useful chareters. You have had yoia' -trials and sks in school and they were rd ones too. There were times examinations than you ever had to stand in school here, and if you are to pass these tests you will have to measure up to the mark. You wi51 have to fight to keep the wolf from the door. And as you meet the problems of life you are going to begin to think, and you think ^you aie going to come to the conclusion that those old teachers who re quired the most of you were after all your best friends. We want you to prepare your selves to meet the problems of the world. We want you to con tinue your work of preparation. It is possible for every one of you to go through college. And why not do it? However, if you do not, still there is an avenue by which you may become high ly educated people. If you will keep your eyes and ears open to see and hear those things that ought to be heard and seen; if you will observe those things that are taking place around you each day that ought to be observ ed; if you will read and study good books, magazines and pa pers, then some day you shall be come highly educated men and women and will be of infiuence in the community in 'which you iiive. If you do not do these Ar?est for Stipp&sed Robbery. John Synider of Grahajta was arrested Sunday morning and placed under $^0 bond for his appearance at trial Tuesday in the Mayors Hall at this place for the supposed robbery of J. H. Kirk of Hillsboro. As rumor has it Kirk was looking for blind tiger liquor, meeting a gentle man who introduced him to his friend who told him if he would accompany him he would get him some of the much longed for blind tiger liquor. Mr. Kirk accompanied the unknown gen tleman to the sewing room _ and refused to go any farther sitting down there to await until his friends returned with the “boose/' After awhile his friends pounced on him taking his money $17.50 away from him and not even leaving him a drink of “good boose.” The offence was immediately repor ted to police Patillo who from the descripti on given by Kirk made the above arrest. ^ Program of The Elon College Com- EDiencemeiii, DistiBgiiilsbeJ Speak- erSjjQteresfing Exercises. Fif ty Two Will . Rfcei?e Pipiomas and Cer tificates. I The 24th annual commence ment exercises of Elon College will begin on Saturday evening of this week with the Senior Class Day exerdsses. These ex ercises win continue till Wednes day evening of next week, and promise to be of uiicommon in terest. Progressive News. Munsey Building, W^tshington, D. C. May 10, 1913. With the passage of the recent Underwood tariff bill in the House by a vote of 281 to 13§, the second stage of its legislative consideration commences. In the Senate, the bill will face a greatly different situation from that in the HouseV There is no limitation upon the time which a' Senator may consume in discu ssion of any phase of the bill except the limitation which I Nat\^re puts upon his physical ihe baecalaarate sermon will jj. will therefore be be delivered on Sunday mornmg at 11:30 o'clock by Dr. Warren impossible to shut off Senators who are asking information from fi. pension, Norfolk, Va., jsdiose advocates of the measure by Resolutions Of ^tespect. subject is to be Life’s Great Rule President Harper of the Col lege will deliver the baccalaure ate address that evening, using as his theme Life's Essential. In gredients. The three literary societies will ! give the program of their repre- ; sentatives on Monday evening I at which time also the Board of i Trustees will meet in annual ses- invoking a “five minute rule'' as was done so many timies in the House. This means that, while the bill is in the Senate, there will at least be opportunity for the country to become acquaihted with tho. provisions of the bill, even if Senators are not able to arrive at sound conclusion-as to your school life when you were things, then that which you now on the very.point of discourage- -nt; there were times in your nool life when the future seem- . to be dark and gloomy; there -:’e times in your school life .-.cTi your tasks seemed to be : .-I if not quite; insurmount- But something within you Mj to fight on, and you did ,5.na lo-nig'ht you stand con- You have wandered •r ;.ne face of Europe with you have convicted Cata- A irh Cicero, and you have T-'cended to the lowest depths : iiades with Vergil. You have '.rueted wonderful systems : Telegraph, telephone and wire- Hs :eiegraph and studied to an -lent the laws and forces that I in their places the great . :;.£‘i'es of the universe as they ■■ving around in limitless space. ,iu have torn into pieces the ■ngiish language, and construct- ■ :i tiirain. You have wonder- poiKlered and worried over French and other kind of You have proved beyond loubt that tvvo parallel lines do -cei aj an infinitum, and that te f'.iU;ire of the hyotenuse of a . ‘U triangle is equal to the sum -e squares of the other two -o-;, You have traced from - i'St authentic point the de- ■ ;;;r,ant of the human race ' .0 the present time. These -• i: ^ny more things you have ■ ■ .:;d it is useless for me to ■ ; .hem to you further as • ' -,e already familiar to you. ;o It for this reason. As .. : ten with these tasks, so h;gto be with your future you think lor a • -.p.ii you have mastered you have merely fe'o forth from Bur- iiiii School out into life, ^ h ;:>.rise before you great j for you had " or diiftculty. and if i been born. That .>r 10 Riand'at the top , success vrhf the hill, i ing to be of service have shall be taken away from Oh, we want you to prepare yourselves for life. A few days ago we were looking over a mag azine and we came upon a picture that struck us forcibly. The pic ture was that of a man who had entered the office of. his employ er. The employer was out and he was gazing at the vacant chair beside the desk. There was writ ten on the face of the man des pair and regret and at the bot tom of the picture these, words;" “I wish I were capable of hold- th0~ cffsct of som© 01* d.11 of On Wednesday morning May jsion.- The meeting of the build-1 these provisions It is hardly to Committee of the Board, be hoped, however, that' the which hp had charge of the erec- Senate debate will elicit much tion 01 tne new gymnasmm, will occur . Monday at noon and the committee will make its final re port to the Board of Trustees that evening. * Tuesday morning Dr. Charles W. Kent, of the University of Virginia and one of the South’s formost scholars, will deliver the Literary Address before the so cieties using as his theme Lincoln 21. 1913, our Heavenly Father in His Providence saw fit to re move from our midst to her Heavenly Home Mr^. Meta Madder^. Whereas the relations held our Sister with our Order render it proper that we should place on record our appreciation of her services and our loving remem brance of her. Therefore be it— Resolved 1. That we The Dau- gliters of Liberty of For-get-me- ndt Council No. 34 of SaxaPahaw, North Carolina, while our hearts are sad and heavy we bow. in humble submission to the will of the most High, w'ho doeth all things well. informatien concerning the factors that determined the Ways and Means Committee in. fixing the rates of duty levied by the bill and in agreeing upon its other provisions. The Ways and Means Committee may have supplied to the Detnocratic members of the Finahce Commit tee some of this information, which they , successfully avoid and Davis, it teing the anntVers-1 making public during the ary ot thejbirth-day of Pr^esident jg^ate in the House, but it is not likely that Senators will be Jefferson Davis of the Confed eracy. Dr. Kent will be heard with gladness on that theme. That afternoon will occur the ing that chair/’ Ihe lact was j realize that Qjr Order the man was regretmg that he! has lost one of its most faithful 2. la the death of our Beloved I business meeting of the Alumni had not seized the offered op portunities of his earlier days to prepare himself for the duties of life. Then, lest you some day regret now prepare yourselves for whatever may- come. One of the chief things that discourages so many young peo ple is this: In order to master anything that is worth master ing; in order to attain unto any place of prominence, or anything that is worth attaining unto, there must be a great deal of energy expended and the process of preparation is a long one. But this is a fact too. For that time and energy that you expend preparing yourselves for the duties of life there shall come to! and devoted members a cheerfull and hearty supporter to the com'munity a kind and obliging neighbor and in the home a lov ing, patient and affectionate wife and mother. 3. That we mourn the loss of our dear sister, v/e are assured that she was prepared to meet her God, and we trust our ^ioss may serve as a cord to bind us closer to Him. , ' “A precious one from us is gone, A voice well loved is stilled A chair is vacant in the home That never can be filled. 4. That we extend our , heart felt sympathy to the ber'eaeved , , family and relatives, assuring A.csociation, and the recital of the Department of Expression and that evening the Annual Concert of the Music Depart ment will take place. The great day of the entire season will be the final day next Wednesday, when the graduat ing class will have its final ex ercises at 10;00 o’clock. At this time fifty two persons will re ceive degrees, diplomas, and certificates, the largest ‘ nuniber to be so honored at any com mencement up to this time. The Art Exhibit will be given able to extract much of it from members of the Finance Commit tee. Present indlQatiori^s .point strongly to the passage of the bill in the Senate without material change of any provision regarded as important by the President and Mr: Underwood. There willl be a considerable number of minor changes, however, depending more or less upon the temper and complacency of the Democratic miembers of the Finance Committee. There is already much private com plaint among these Senators over the refusal of Mr. Under wood and his colleagues on the Ways and Means Committee to adopt certain obvious amend- in the West Dormitory Annex on ; while the bill was in the the afternoon of this day and | jjouse. It has been shown in a the evening' wiil be taken up of cases that the rates with the Alumni A^ress by Mrs. icarried by the bill as reported to K. Rueoush, Dayton, Va., | jjot cQpfo^m to the Carolina Business College Qpew Wednesday, Jane 4th. Wiff Be Located on Corner of " Main and Davis Streets Over Holt-Cates Co. The managenient of the Carol- iria Business College has com« pletea arrangements for the opening of the college in BuH- ington, Wednesday, June 4th. The college will be located over the Holt-Cates Co. on the corner of Main and Davis Streets. The building is now being altered and arranged for the eonege, which is in a very convnient location as well. The management placed orders with local concerns for equip ment which will be in by the lat er part of the week and will be installed in due time foi the opeBk ing Wednesday. The equipment will be complete in every detail for teaching all the business courses thoroughly and complete ly." ' The college teaches only w most modern and up-to-date sy stems of all commercial branckei^, hence our young people will be tought Just as thoroug courses in Bookeeping, Banking, Shorthand and Typewriting right here at home as they would take in smj of our large cities and at less thae one-fourth the cost of taking such a course away from home. In addition to the regular busi-' ness courses^ the college also gives a course in Salesmanship,, which is a very popular course and the graduates of this course are taught by th0 leading con cerns of “Wihstbn-Salem, Chpai-' leston and other cities of the state asgood salesmen are always in demand. Both day and Night schools will be conducted, which wilJ give all of our working boys* and, girls the opportunity to “learn while they earn,” as they catii get the same courses, in the same rooms, under the same methods of persona I instructipp; as taught in the day school Mr. S. W. Badgett who has been prominently connected with the Wiinston-Salsm College wiiJ have charge of th^ local coHege. Mr. Badgett has had consider-^ able experience as traveling salesman and t.eacherj is a good penman, hence is well equli;Rp$J to-render good service and ithe management of the local college may be seen at the Piedmont you some day a consequent re- , , , , , , ■ Listen not to the Siren not as those who nave them that we sorrow with them, no whose theme will ^ be .Univepal' nnounced purpose of the Dem Democracy. Follcfwing .Mrs. iQCpatgin drafting their measure. Ruebush s address wiiI occur the {There errors have usually come reso- i Tn ^ i from acting upon insufficient ward. — ; call of too much pleasure. Forj^^P® ., ! 1.,^’i information, or without siiffici i j “ Another tnmg that we want to, lut.or.s be feent to th-, ^ | consideration of the infor- i cannot find.time to att' impress upon you is Mr. A. W. Jarrett of Thomas-! hand. Articles! you should b^? v’ille, N. C. has moved to ; widely differing in pric^ and in o'! tb.i^ The college is offering specfal inducements for the first enroll ments so those of our youpg people who are interested in tak ing a business course should euk roll at 0^ and take advantag-t of the o^enihg discounts. If you are employed during th« out to master for yourselves | State Dispatch tor puohcation. alone. If you go out to master | wealth for your own personal j fication if you go out to at- j or any other I thing, for your o'-vn selfish aims, j then it wouki have been better j lington and engaged in tiie pc-;cost of production, I eery btismes^ navin^ opened up [Subjected to the same tain knowledge, Signed, NoHe Riddle, • Nora- Wmningham,j.£store on East Davis Street. |ap^rently on the theory that Blanche t.neek, ^ We are glad to welcome _ Mr. | gave them similar treatment. ""'7 j'-^ari'et as awtizen and business ; hashappen- The Rt. Joseph Blount Cheshire, I man and wish him great success. : that,' upon this error being you ! Bishop of,the Diocese of North : pointed oat to Mr. Underwood fc;>een Jii^^’ht school.-, It will help you €o rate, double. your salary and get a ^t- ter position the surest and quick est way in the world.; About the best recommendation a ' young person can get is the fact that one is compelled to work has en* person is a | (’arolina will be at the Episcopal i Burlirrgfra Graded Sc!i0ol Cora-' and the member of his committee 1 ambition enough to take, ipable and , Church Sunday morninw-and ad-i to oihe]'s. mencement. in otner tnings, V ou wiil neces sary i cess v/neti. you i rna^/cer. some bright | point, v^’here yoi^ sr^ali stand at t-iie sum-| lay yourselves down hving j Y/jH Close Dry -ne competent ones > sacrl:aces upon the altar of hum-! .minister the Holy _and Apo&tolic | I ^^ite of Conformation a I eleven | An evening in the realms of , consented either to assist in the ■ I m:usic was enjoyed Tuesday by i adoption'of a proper amendment ’' ' . Sail who could hear it . at thei in the Senate or at least ■ not to charge of the particular a course, in night school, and^em- be a success, a true to schedule affected, they have inter ested in thosef'mpioyees who are most int«sested in themselves. Call at the, Carolina Business then you can amty. I Six UDon encou ntered dif-1 Tonight you go forth from the; inc Bu ‘ ‘I am on :hrou.gh indifference or i Tomorrow unlocks the portals_of j their faithful work, do hereby you Sjt down at the foot; a nev/ and untried world, which j -jointly agree to close our stores Good •,Jores .atj gQj>|jngton Graded School. The i oppose such action by the Senate, j GoUege or phone 338 for full in- P.M. I m.usic during the past scholastic | In other words, they have put it! ^‘^^^itjon of the night school.- T ^ ^ I was under the direction and ; up to the Senate.to rectify mis-1. vi hefoliowmg article ap.peare(l W'e, the undersigned merchant's I attention of Miss-Georgie! takes even in cases Where they j Wmston-Salem Journal • -bill 1 Tuesday morning, May 2a ,,i d. i ^ ! very complimentary oi’the master I miniature world m which you jQf Burlington, N. G., as a token j Heikiens. The program consis-iknew the error'before the tne otner! have ii ved and labored so I of appredapon to our clerks for; largely of music by the small-; pd.ssed out of their hands. aiTd I we Vt Hi .gaze at the sk r. no erfort to w:,n, never expect to amount | ing ling in this Vv’orld. If!with a smile and a tell you, is much the j^t six o’clock in the afternoon er ones, being rendered, by one i This makes some of the-Sen- two, three, four, five and six, iat,ors very unhappyi And natu I... j . r- • T 1 . T i The excellent expression given i I'ally. For the Senators .feel , , - , thenisame-as the world you ere jea v-, beginning June 1st ana continue-j the tones of the music gave I that it puts them in a verv mg v^^here he went Saturday, te -ountiing oehmdyou. If you golorth , to September 1st 1913. ’ . . , ber of Commerce, UUi- Mr. s. "W. Badgett retara,eb from Burlington Sunday morn- , ing to September high det-; does'not include Saturday. -’e learned anything at all | ermination to win, wearing the; jos. A. Isley & Bro. Co., B. A. | given •. school, I hope you have | sandals of courage and cheerful-1 gellars & Son, E, L. Rowland & j q„q gggt i abundant proof of the excellent {awkv,rard predicament. They 'instruction the children hadishould be obliged to sponsor : amendments increasing rates of section a song rendered | duty while Mr. Underw'ood wiil tms: In order to amount ness, you cannot but succeed. | Qq., Morrow & Bason, J- D. & changed the program of the | be entitled to great credit for T 3 And as you go iortn, remember | ■yv^hitted, The Corner Store, ' • ’ , I »_ ... life }t laKe hard .aps there were times when ought that your teachers ' ■ivere because they requir- you certain difficult tasks. ■ ding to the words of the ■-iont of the United Stktes, ••^'e going to meet severer ‘:^’s out in the world than met here in school. • .''iTo you are going to meet ■'it'ariiess, iron handed . tea- •• A no will demand of you • ■'t pound, the last farth-, mere yoj are going toj that the confidence and esteem of these old friends who have watched your careers so long and faithfully who have poured out their very life blood in your preparation, still go with you. We ^vish personally. to congratu late each member of this gradual- irrg class upon his or her graduat- ! evening, but was none; the less j cutting rates. From their point your ness Miss Alice M. ^wland. The | f^^t the musicale i of view, this gives Mr. Under Holt-Cates Co., .B. Y^dman, . ^ success and was a| v/ood a clear record with .which ihe Buchanan Co., I. J. Mazur^ |g^gat treat to all present. i to go to' the country for re-elec- F^ster Shoe Co. Wednesday night/what is gen-1 tion, but it puts them badly in' This includes all the Dry .j»ood; erally known as the Annual sen-! whole as they fear. Stores of the town we think it | j^j. j,gj,gptjojj j^y the senoir | ^. , would be well if the gi*ocery and | ^i^gg to invited friends and rel-1 ' Married. ’ Hardwap stores wouid JO|n i.n i g^tives was attended by about! Ai. nf Wrv^ Virn this circle: T-his gives the clerks tv^o hundred ' At the residence of Wm. Kim- ' The main auditorium was dec- i ''o “ i aucett: township Alam- orated T)ery tastefully presentin| a lovely May forest scene wit ance county May 25th 1913. Mr. Joseph D. Oakley to Miss Eth ion and to assure each one ofyou , oj^e hour sooner to get out and of our sincere good wishp for j j^ot inconvenience the' pro- your future success and najjpi jprietors of the firms._^ It is onlj. lyvtJi.v iway sceise wnn j » tc « mr-ivon ■ wMuiatt.j’uxj ux auuut. j. i ja matter Ox custom, ii #e shop- ,^11 the beauty and splendor that i^l^^^^. ^ jdraw frorh besides the I ping people will remember we, jj^ture in her rare art could pre-1 k t wV't ^ \ ^^'^wns nearby and ^ hafriT-A this; I " - ^ ! nag;C CCreillOWy DV-. KfiV- J. W. J , • ^ 7 , ^ ) - MIRsfRIRF MOW! I can do oar 'shopping before by- W. J perfect arrangements for the opening of a branch of the Caro lina Business College of this city, early in .June. V The management of the local college has been in com munication with the Chamber of Commerce of Burlington, re lative to opening the college for sometiiTie and it is through the influence of the Burhhgton or ganization that the managemeixt has definitely decided to opes;®^ branch college there. Burlington is 6onnected hy sc electric ^ line with Graham and Haw River which furnisjies a population of about 15,OoO to smallei' thicklj?

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