no" YOU WANT ^^25.00 Hornless Symphony TaSkng Wachne for aSK- freeman drug CO 3lln i-j OC^L iLIsD PERSOiTAl. F RF^EMAN Drug Co., about; Misses Edith and Eila Rea TALKING MACHINE for Carroii and Chloa Freeland who •’have been in school at Winston ^ IS? Dv v^ooitts r^f HifrV> i thought that such E wltness had Mrs. Colon v uncannoB ot Hign ; . 00 Point is the guest of her father Mr, J. R. Mebane this week. Misses Mary Walton, Maud Brown and aad Hobbs spent Sunday and Monday at Durhani the guest of friends, Mr, Barrett sueceeds Mr. Moore on ¥/ater Light and Power Commission, Mr. A. F. Barrett has been {elected to succeed Mr, J. Ed. I Moore as a n\ember of the Wat er Light and Power Commission, Mr. Moore’s resigimtion being offending editor guiity. By ai necessary Ma>or. .! when he became v' 0 For Sale :d£;haw Co. \' :, Gorrel Hart _ formerly ■ h the Burlington News force ' iVIonday Lig'.ht for Forest y N. C. where he goes to ac- , ; t a positioit with the Herald. '•'here will be services both. livy morr;ing and evening at! - Mac^-nd.a Lutheran Church. | ine IN or til Carolina Synod ot”; :Lutiierrn Church will nieetj iii.i; Macondia Lutheran Churci: /. ih'is place next May. Miss Brown of Wytheviile Va ■rrived yesterday to spend &ev~\ davs the guest of Rev. and ■f. S. Br-wn. Virgiiiia BorneweH of. Mew Port News and Missj Joys aaii Sorrows Myrtle Nicholson of _ Friendshipi But what of the young man spent Monday night in town the i pays the fee? Is he to be guest of Miss Addie Ray. ieliminated in this important Mr. Erwin Montgomery went matter? He knows, if he knows to Greensboro iuesday to aecom- s.nything at all, that the girl pany his sister Miss Sadie, who who has finally consented to has been a student at The Salem share his joys and sorrows, and Academy, home. with unflinching i npractibility u e wield the broonstick about his ^ f: Story a student of ^nd darrt.the stockings for , nnity College iS at home the ^-g feet, is about the best and ruest of his parents for vacation, g^ee^est thing thac ever yet ap- The new hosiery mill to be peard upon this mundane sphere, am by Bowland and Christman In a general way, he o nderstands in Mr. Christmans building on there have been others, but they Spring Street is expected to be- all vanish into empty nothingness sin operation Monday. j as compared with this adorable Miss Ada Bell Isley spent Tuesday night at Durham the loveliness. Therefore it u that ,/aest of friends: the minister says the rmal Messrs. Hugh, Chris and when the thing is cmched Blake Isley who have been in j school and teaching are at home j hf’ car-aHnn i He may be penloualy near to be- iingbroke, but come' what may will be preaching at' he feels the joy of thanksgiving. school house next Must he, in the future, be met Sunday evening at 3:30 at which with a cold and unfeeling, "No. We clip the foufevnngfrom tifee Greensboro Daily News and publish it because of its truth- fiillness: FINALLY SETTLED? Editor Newett frankly admitt ed, when the showdown came, that after searching the country oyer, he has been unable to find a witness who was willing to swear that he had ever seen Colonel Roosevelt under the in fluence of liquor. Therefore, said this editor who was doubly on the defensive, he could no longer escape the conclusion that he had made a mistake. The publisher of this Michigan week ly, himself wealthy,, and the in timate friend of Wealthy men, ^ has made all the amends possible ufter slandering a fellow man. Ail that wealth, sui phn enttd by malice could do, had been done to find a witness who might prove of some aid to the defense. At one time it was t)een found in New-York, where handy witness can generally be found for any purpose, bui be fore they could get him to Mich igan a warrant was issued for his arrest on a charge of grand j larcency and unfortunately for I the defense, he escaped to Can- i ada. With the enforced, tour I abroad of that witness the bottom d'^opped cut and, thereafter Editor Newett pursued the only course open to him and quit. But even before the events of Saturday the country had found may not agmn be a" candidate for the presidency. LOI There Mayhons of time the Sunday school will be organiz=3d. Come out. Mr. Don Isley a civil engineer Key West of the’ Eiat Cost of Florida will be home in about ten days to be the guest of his n'lOther. Good results. Advertise in !>:£ State Dispatch. [ thank you/’ from the domine? — Rochester Democrat and Chro nicle. Messrs. S G. Gould and W. C. Curtiss of Toledo, Ohio who are inrere^t in a hunting iodgeat this piace have been the guest of Mr. F. E. Teague and family re- ceuiy. ALAMANCE COUNTY’S OLDESI" BANKING HOUSE CAPITAL AND 5URPLU.S. $13/500 PAY YOUR BILLS By check on this bmk instead ol handiing over the amount in cash. The cancelled check is a never faiil ng re ceipt for money expended and enables a per son to' keep an accurate record of income and expenses. Every man and. woman who receive-'S and pays out money shoiiid enjoy the protection hat this bank affords by having an account ubject to check. • ^ We Welcome New Ac counts Both Large and Small UNITED STATES GOVERNMIFNT DEPOSITORY the middle of the week even the New York Sun had asked leave to share Colonel Roosevelt's latest success. The Sun was persuaded that the evidence ab duced at Marquette had confir med the observations of Mr. Roosevelt’s'friends, and the evi dence is confirmed by the record of his multifarious activities and vigorous occupations, and by the specific testimony of his quick recovery from his wound last fall. The testimony of the Sun is no less interesting than that at Marquette: To the Sun Colonel Roosevlet’s final settling of the falsehoods concerning his use of stimulants is peculiary gratifying because these assaults on him have fre quently had hitched to them the intimation or statement that the Sun had said or done something that indicated its belief in them. The isumber of malicious politi- cal sharpe shooters who have sought to commit the Sun to dis cussion of the subject, in affir mation or denial, is large: there expedients have been ingenious and their persistence remarkable. Understanding their animus and aware of the respectability their untruths would acquire merely though serious denial, we have avoided them except in one in stance, when we gladly printed a statement made by one of Col onel Roosevelt’s friends. Not withstanding this the character assassins who tried to injure Col onel Roosevelt with these fabrica tions persisted in linking the Sun to their inventions and repeti tions. It is unnecessary to await the jury^s verdict Colonel Roosevelt squelched a lot of liars yesterday, and in vindicating himself put an end to an annoyance that has frequently irritated us. But have the falsehoods been finally settled, and have the liars been squelched? There is j ast as much reason to say now, after the, retraxit of Newett, that Roosevelt gets drank, and ‘ 'that notJhfrequently, ” as there ever was;. >; There is no account ing for these tales. When Roose velt came tOj North Carolina dur ing the campaign the story jran from Raleigh to the Tennesse line. It was explained that the candidate failed to get up at Asheville and make a speech be cause he was drunk. It was a version of his failure to speak that was accepted by hundreds, and with most of these people the conclusion will be final. Many will believe that Roosevelt was saved at Marquette by rea son of his prominence. It will be recalled that Roose velt was locked out on the rear platform of his car, half clad and that he got well chilled. That would have driven most people to drink; but it did not have that effect on Roosevelt. He did not dnnk anything all day; not even at lunch, we believe when the opportunity was offer ed to others. Three of these men who gave testimony at Marquette were with him on the trip, Stqries about the intemperance of Roosevelt may not again be revived. This will not mean, however, that the findings of the Mrs. Laura Hiokle Ends Her Own Life. Lexington, May 29. -Mrs. Laura Hinkle, wife of D, H. Hinkle, committed suicide this afternoon by hanging herself from the banisters on the stair way of her home on- Sailsbury street. Mrs. Hinkle has been in very poor health for four or five months, and it is believed that despondency over her con dition led to the suicide. This morning she visited a neighbor and told her she did not believe that she would ‘ever be any bet ter,’’ and refused to be convin ced vvhen her neighbor tried to cheer her up. Later in the day she paid this neighbor a second visit andtold her that she thought she would feel better if she could “get everybody out of the house for the evening and just rest. ” Later she did arrange to to have the entire home to her self. Her husband went down town and her sister, Mrs. Mattie Penry, who lived with her, also went away, and the suicide must have followed soon after their leaving. She tied a rope around a ban ister rail at the head of thf^ stairs and with an end looped around her neck, dropped to her death. Her husband, coming home at 6 o’clock, found her. She had dropped down behind the hall curtain and was not visible when he first entered the hall, and went out to inquire of the neigh bors as to her whereabouts. A few minutes later he found the body in the hall and gave the alarm. Two physicians were summoned but she was dead when found. Mrs. Hinkle was a sister of J. D. and T. J. Grimes, well known citizens of Lexington and she leaves a fine family of boys, five of w'hom live-here and one in Atlanta, Ga. She was one of Lexington’s best beloved women and her tragic death has cast a pall of gloom over the en tire town. Her husband, a re tired capitalist, has been one of Lexington’s foremost business men for many years and he has universal sympathy. stock or poultry to remain sick a day. , They give you less results in beef, pork, work, or eggs, when they are not in perfect health. Take a little interest in your own pocket book and doctor them up with. Black'Drauglit Stock anil Poultry MedlGlne It wi*‘ pay you to do this. It has paid thousands of other successhd farmers and stock and poultry raisers. This famous remedy is not a food, but a genuine, scientific med icine prepared A jmjnedicinal herbs and roots, acting on the liver, kid neys, bowels and digestive organs. Sold by all druggists, price 25 cents, 50 cents and $!. per can. JlS'Write for valuable book: 'Success with Stock and Poultry. ” Sent free for a postal. Address Black-Draught Stock Medicine Co. ^ Chattanooga, Teno. ess & r a ■ Kk B J IcCalFs Magazine and McCall Paltex^s For Women Have More Friend* than any other rnagazine or pat'terr,,s. jMcCali’s is the reliable Fashion Guide monthly in one million one hundred thousand homes. Besides showing all the latest designs of McCall Patterns, each issne is brimful of sparkling short Stories and helpful information for women. Save Money and Keep m Style by s»bscriE>ing for McCall's Magazine at lonce. Costs only Jo cents a year, iuciudiiig any one of the celebrated McCaU Pattiirns free. MeCal! 3*atterttt Lead all others in style, fit, liroplicity, economy and number #o!d. More deaUrs sell McCall Patterns tlian any other two makes cotabined. None higher than 15 cents. Buy from your dealer, or by raail from ^ McCALL’S MAGAZINE 236 246 W. S7th St., N«w York City Cop7, Prm'mm as4 PUtam fr«ei 9 I Piles Cured Your druggist will in 6 to 14 Day« - . feftuwl money if PAZO GIKTMENT fsila to cure my ca« XlciUtig;, Bfl’O'i, Bteedin*.or dvTX The first ajjjUcation gives Ew aad, Wci. mjim BANK book; BE>ST X. WHAT MATTERS if e¥er]vbody 6n earth turns frina. you,- if you have a bank. book?'. .. It, and all it Represents Will Stick to You Through Thick and Thin. But people don’t generally turn from the man. who saves. His co.nMence in. tiimse!f„ his mdc-- penderice and integntyr command' the’ respect/ which he, invariably receives.. Start A Bank Account at IT WILL PAY YOU First National There'are times in every woman’s Hfe w.hen she needs a' tonic... tO: help her over' the.: hard plaees,. When that time comes to yoUi you know what ionic to take—CarduiV the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com"* posed of 'ipurely vegetable ingredients,, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to‘Strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you/ You can’t mzkQ a mistake in takmg CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark,, says; “1 think Gardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I was so weak and rieryous, and had Such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now ! feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can ea^ most anythmg.’* Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Titousaiidi. I at vj Xeiephone Saved Ghild’S Life . ■ M One of the children fell Into a water tank on an Alabama far m and was rescued unconscious'and apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to the telephone and called the doctor six miles away. He toli her what to do and started at once, but before he arrived the cHild was out of danger. The protection of women and children is only one 0,6 the -chtef values of the telephone on tha farm., ■ .', : ■ ; ' j You can have this service at small cost.' See the nearest Belt Telephone' Manager of .send a postal for our free booklet FARMERS’LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELECRAiPH COMPANY s. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. Only $1.00 Per Yf. or 6 Months SOc. .> ■. ■T' tm fill