,i;*V - ;• .'. "I .j - , /. • . . " *1 ; Ph-i. ■ ->'*■' ' ' > ■ , I? fV. ^ * '■ -i . i , 'i f IK-fe. - ;:S>. ,-, s..- ■ v' r ^ • 'ii/ If' ■' a m:* ■ij ;' l-r- M li'l. i I f. U'} i'i-U' t \i' I ^ L > )U ' ^'■ '■ -■ ;e‘' . '■ ■ '■> T' .- 1:: V'i ) aagS**!”!”! Wl»t Docs a Baslie! oC Cottonseed Weigh? An Arkansas reader who ;k>ught “three bushels’" of i?ottonseed from a man in Georgia ^k1 receive donly 90 pounds wants lo know if he should not have received 100 pounds, Bailey’s Cycijpedia of Agri- v't^iltare gives thirty pounds as i^Tie legal weight of a bushel of cottonseed in Georgia and | thirty-three and one-third i pounds as the legal weight in j Arkansas. This may explain why our reader received ninety pounds instead of 100 as he ex- 5ect6d. it mav be of interest to ^ give .ifee legal weights of cottonseed in the different States as given by the authority quoted above: Alabama, 32 pounds; Arkansis, 331-3 pounds; Florida, 32 pounds; ■Georgia, 80 pounds; Mississippi, %2 pounds; Missouri, 33 pounds; >Jorth Carolina; 30 pounds; South Carolina, 30 pounds; Ten nessee, 28 pounds; Texas, 32 oounds; Virginia, 32 pounds. In one State the legal weight is 28 pounds; in one, 33 pounds; m one, 33 1-3 pounds; in three BO pounos, and in five 32 pounds. -Progressive Farmer. As is generally known by |)€ople who are familier with the automobile business the season ^uns from June to June. Mr. C. Sellars who is always alert H’lll receive this week one of the k’3t 1914 mighty Michigan tour ing cars. Very Serlwis It is a vsry serious matter to «sk for one medicine sind have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to b« careful to get the genuine BuCTmigHT Liver Medicine The reputation of this cld, reiia- ble medicine, fur constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm- ly established. It does not imitate other medicines. It is better tli^n others, or it would not be the fa*' vorite liver powder, with a larger sale than all others combined. SOX^ M TOWN F2 Third Fttality Frosi Tbe Wreck* For Weakness and Loss of Appetite Tl'c (Jid Standard general strenirthening tonic, GKOVE’^ TASl ELESSchili TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic and sure Appetizer. For sdtilts auil children, 50c. ETi 65 VF.ARS experience TraoeVIarks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone eendluB a skeU h and tJescrintlon may onlckly aBcertain our opinion free whtuiier »u iiiveiiUon is urobaWr piiieiitiible. . Coiiiniunifia- I ions strictly conridential. VIANDBOOK on Patent s ifeijt free. Oldest agency for securiDK patents Patents taken tbroMKh Muim & Co. receive spfcial notice, without charge, lu tne Sckaflfk JinKiicaa. A hnndeomely lllr-'itTnied weeUlv. T/nrsest clr- ■,il.tion nf any soientitlc .louriud. 'J’tfi ius, a yi'.ir; iour luonlbs, Suld byull itewatioaiera. & OQ 3618roaavv«y, New York Branch Office. «25 F *V&8hin«ton, V. C. . lUININE AND !RON-THE MOST EFFKTUAUMERAL TONIC Ofove's Tasteless chiil Tonit Combines both in Tasteless form/ The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron builds up the System, For Adults and Children. Fou know what you are taking \-hen mi take GROV£)’S TASTELESS chiil '‘OZ'vIC, recogiiixed for 30 years throUfjli- sax t;''p South as the standard Malaria, auu Ffcver Remedy and General i?i:rengthening Toiiic. It is as strong as i'lte strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingredients «lo not dis^iolve in the riiouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach, fmaranteed by your Druggist. We mean 50c. RELIEVES PAlti AND H JLS AT THE SAME TIME The Wonderful, Old Reliable Di*. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R. R. Surgeon, Prevents Blood Poisoning. Tliousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince you that DR, PORTER'S antisp:ptic heaung OII is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wonuds, Burns, Old SoreS; Ulcers, Carbuncles, GranulatedEj'cLids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all ■■,vt>nnds and external di.seases whether ,'^lit;!si or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old remedy, (.'.uaranteed by your Druggist ■\Ve in ea nit. , ^Oc, $1.00 Sanford, June 6.—Engineer Blalock, who was injured ?n the wreck of the Raleigh, Charlotte and Southern train at Deep river bridge, near Cummock, died to day and his remains were carried to Catbonton this aftersfiooTi for i iter.lient. The condition of Conductor Be^cham is reported as slightb better tonight, The three negro tfairini'en who were brought here left the hos pital today and are considered out of danger. The others inju red are r eported as doing well and it is believed that all except Conductor Beacham are ’^)ut ot danger. The wreck was caused by thel bridge giving away and precipit- tating the train into the river, George Blalock was fatally in jured and Bowden Stewart was killed. ' Apparently it wavS a case of using an old bridge to long, ■ The bridge, an iron structure with wooden foundations, was forme rly owned by the Seaboard Air- Line railway and was bought by ti\e Durham and Charlotte Rail way fompany along with the old Railway andWestern road, which extended fron:i the Cumnock! to Colon. It finally -became the property of the Raleigh, Char lotte and .Southern when that road bought out the Durham and Charlotte. The Raleigh, Char lotte and Southern road had con structed a new bridge, , whic^i •was nearly ready for use, and ii is reported that they only inten ded to use this old bridge about one wfeek longer. The wreck occurred about six o’clock on Tuesday afternoon. The train was a mixed passenger and freight, running between Mt. Gilead and Colon, ard was composed of the entiie, tender, three box cars and one cos ch. The engine passed over safely and had reached the abutment bn this side when the_ bridge gave way and the entire train fell into the river It is a rnara- cle how any one escaped death. Sonie of the cars, the tender and part of the engine, are subirii.r- ged in the river. Baggage Master Stewart, who ^as substituting for Claience broken and was hurt on the head, but not fatally. Fletcher Le- Grand, another nei^o, had his leg hurt but not seriously. All of the injured except the t wo John sons were brought to the hospital at Sanfqrd on a special train of the Southern Mlway Tuesday Epwortli League in Ahoaa! Meet The six annual convention of the North Carolina Conference Epworth League is in session in Front Methodiat church here Prof. S. B. Underwood presi dent of Kinston ita the chair. The conference was opened last night with devotional exer cises conducted by Rev. R. E. Atkinston of the Western North Carolina CoiQierence. The new conference hymn, ,'Our Battle, ^ ^ . Cry, v/ritten by Miss Adeline i .Hams, Breakfast Strips White of Hertford was sung Most anything at, the opening hymn. E. S. W. i Cobles Grocery. Darneron, president of the.leagiiel : in a pleasing manner _ welcomed I MfiN’S PANAMA HATS. ~$5 the delegates and visitors to ^ and $6 quaalities, special at $4. ' Made in Ecuador where the b"=*st Panamas are made. Sqimre Crowns and Telescope shapes,ail sizes. Complete assortment. B. Cannot Be Cared l»y Wdl ajpplicttiMis m tliejr cawwt rewk Ae diseased pArina of tk ear. Tl^e iW mI/ cne »ar t« cnre clei^aeM, aind tluit i» fcj ccattitB-^ tion«i .r«gMdie>. DeajfoeM if caai^ by ain tn> flsuBc'd cMditien of tlie iMci»iis liiuBg of .the EuitacMajB Take, When tliii tnce i»’ iBnaned you have a niBialln.it Mund or imperfect ItMrinf •n4 when it » entirely 4osed. DedfneM is the result, and tiniets the iBflanunatipn can be takea ont and. this tube restore^J t(> it» normaJ tion- aiTson hen ring’ \am11 be destroyed forever-, nine cancK out of ten are c^^u^Pd by t v'itarrh w bieb is nothing but an in- fliiraed f.Midition of the niucuous siu- fiicew.-. ■ We'wif! )ive Qtii! JMmlred JMhir.if or a»« «««'* rt/.jOiWl/Ww frnvDoi by catarvk) that cnmioP {>« cured by. IhtJl'K Catarrh .r. J. iini'is >■ dMd. ToMo, Ohio h'old by T.'tc. Tuke il(ill’s |''a.iijily Pills for c^JiJstiofi tiVm. Fresh Washington Bread &: Fleschman’s Yeast. »MlC»A lh, . L ' ' Eye Speciaiisi Office Over C. F. Neese'^ g, Burlington, ■ . |^S . J. S. Frosti Dentist, Burlington, - ^ 1 Office phone 374-J. r.’ ,>'■ I '-'‘I-Ll J. P.;8poon, 1). V.. Spoon & .Hcrnaday . Veterinarians Olflceund HoKpital im sVIain St. The Burlington and her homes, address of welcome was respon ded to by Rev. W, H„ Brown of Gatesville. Mr. Brown spoke of the wonderful growth of the ' A, Sellars and Son. league in tins conference oi^ i .J what it has accomplish and what it hopes to accomplish. of Now “Is A Good Time To Sub- It was decided to ■ send a SCRIBE To The Dispatch. fraternal delegate to. the State*. ^ — Christian Endeavor in Raleigh laymen’s Missionary Movement, M. June 10-12 and the naming of E, Church, South, Waynes- ville, N* G„ June 25 to July 10,1913.—low round trip rates via So. Ry. the delegates was left to the , nominating committee. Rev. I R. E. Atkinson made a talk | teiiing of the work of his con- f ference. The conference . voted ; to send,a fraternal delegate tol the Western North Carolina, Epworth League whic.li meets Tickets will be on sale June 23 at Connelly Springs June 23. to 28 inclusive, final return fimit A new feature of this confer-; to reach original starting point ence is the eariy morning prayer by midnight July 13, 1913. which was conductfed today by j Round trip fares from principal Rev, M. P. Plyler, F’. E., of points as follows: Raleigh ^9.20, E^izabetii Ciiy District/ About, Goldsboro $10.65, Selma $9.65, sixty were present this morning at 6:30 to hear Mr. Plyerin a most inspiring talk on '‘A Cel ebrated Morning Soliloquy," basing his remark upon Genesis 28, He urged the young people to begin every day with prayer and to reconsecrate their lives anew to Christ and H;s work. The regular morning session riiere is OnlyOuc ‘■BRO.lIO QUININH" Tliat is LAXATTVH BROMO QUININl for Bi^'iiaUire of E. W. fiROVE on every box. Cujes a Cold in One Day, 25c | the engine waS dragged back j I Smith, was riding on the engine j. a ' V f( ac tiio Vx^ificp o"avf-* i oegan jdt 0 CiOCK, Alter cievot Iionaiexercises Re,-. Walton Pat- Durham $8.45, Burlington $7.40 Rates in same proportion from all other points. For detailed information sched ules, Pullman accomodation etc. ask your agant or communicante with. ^ ■ J. 0. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N, C. to the river, . he was caught i «i-st vice president of the A Safe Investment under the engine and pinnea ! conference, conducted a — course '■4.1 ■ iBible study, which is to be a not be'.eioverefu'ntil the! ' wrecking crew arrived and rais-. ^ \aiudoie sug ed the enjrine. TVie noise caused gestions as to how one should study the Bible, and announced that he would used Paul’s “Ep istle'to the Phillipians” for the study during the (’onferen.ce. r^liss Gertrude Royster of Rak-ig'h conference third vice To the conservative investor who deems secur ity the essential element of an investment, v/^e of fer first mortgage on faini cij^d city property net ting 6 per cent in^erest, payable semi annually. We personally inspect each piece of property taken as tecurity and examine the title thereto. We guarantee the payment of both principal and interest, and it jhas always been our custom to repurchase securities from otir Cliahts at par and accrued interest. , by the falling of the train was | ; heard on the r]gypt Improve-1 I rrieM Company’s farm at_ Cum-j I nock and men rushed to the aid | i of the injured. Some of ,the| I passevgers escaped b| cia\\ jihg| conducted an open cor : out of ihe windows or the cuach., - - ^ - I Go.orge Blalock, who was nd- jing on the engine with his bro-; ther, Engineer Bialock, fell i«-o excellent the ri\er withm fjve ieet of^ the*; bank,. but he was so b-idly hurt , and cpnmsed that he turned and: swarn accro^s the river to bank I CENML LOAN & TRUST CO. W. W. Brown, Manager. ierence on the work of the! Third department. She made' a splendid talk and submitted a course in the tady of “The Life of Wesley:’' A. 'D. . Wiicox of Louisburg conducted an open conference C.V.}}3ll8rs Aft Sfore B«rli(i(|fon, N. C, Carries Jn Stock over 300 B.if- fBrail Piifferns of No!JS3l3order-Goseeit on the other side, where he was ^ on '■personal Evangelism ^ u T.l tht A! was ably discussed by Mr. ;f,f iini Si of the deie- - t continued at phjlTcian and nursi co5d do| tomorrow. was done, but he died, Wednea-j dav afternoon. } Her Experieace. ■Engineer Blaioe'k and Conduc-1 ■ v. ^ '■ . tor Beacham were fearfully - ' oi. . Vlt iser _ What effect were scalded aMl dangerous cuts and bruises were made on head and body. Only two passen^rs were in jured, Gus and MOt Johnson, of Cumnock. However, their injuries are not considered very serious and they are reik>rted as doing wdL Three negro train men were more or less seriouslj,^ injured, but none fatally J Arthur Leak, the colored' fire-1 man, was badly scalded on head and severe gashes were made on head Prof, , Wiser- 4oes the moon Upon . .'Sweet Co-Ed— “None! Tt af- 'fec'ta only the unt.ied.”—Judge. Some Sentences,, the “Now," asked flcliool teacher, can young 1 anyone pve me a sentence words ‘boys' 'bear^and ‘bws' in it?'^ Johnny Smith raised his hand.. ‘*WeU, Johnny, you may try." “When we go swimmin'all the Spencer Tyson, one of the boys been bare, . said' Johnny, ' colored trainmen, had his arm' bra^^ely. ~N. C. 'Education. Sa$eMail Goods STEWART'S JEWELRY & BOOK C,* A. Andersoi) M, h Office hours 1 to2irmrftogr;, First National Bank Buil3 .Leave day calls at Bra(llev^ ni. J Darneron & Lojy ATTORNEYS AT LAW ^ ADOLPH LBnJ Jitl7hn0OT) office in , Plsitmoiit BHililing Pbooe • 250 office iil Dr. We E. II OSTjEOPATHIC. PHYSICIA:^] of Greensboro, NL (1, will be aj The Piedmont, Bariington. NX'.j the forenoons, of Tuesday and Friday of each week. | For further information, applj to Clerk, or to Dr, Crutehfieldal| Greensboro. Offices—400-401 AlcAdoo Oificg ,Building, Greensboro, N. G, / Residence 1248 K q} 00 N *,w Norfollt & Wtslen pining Cars JSlbrth of Roanoii^ ; 4:15 P. M. daily, except Sufl day, for Martinsville and stations. Trains arri ve Winston-Saleg 9:15A.M.,9:35P.M.,l:5r)P- Trttins l«av« Darhftin ft**" South. Boeiton and Lyndihurg: daily,and 6:80 p. m.dailTexcept8«na« W. B. .8EV.IU,, Pa«M’r. Tr«ff Msr- ■W,^ C. BAUNDERS.Gsn'i Aif*' Jlrvanokf, V», Kolt-fj(cholsoa EiijJ 188.11 John H. Vernon, Attorney ana uouusellor a( L-.., Burlington, N. C Office over' Bradley’s Dnig. Phone'6o, John R, Hoffmai Attorney>at-Law Budington, North Carolirj OfHce, Secoii(i Floor f’irst Natioi Bank Baildiog. DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Poster Building SCTRLINGTON, x\. C, . DKC. 8, 1912. LEAVE WINSTON-SALEE 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanok^ arid intermediate stations. Conj riect with Main Line train Nortel East and West with Pullr Sleeper, Pining Cars. 2;05 P. M. daily for Martins! ville, lloanoke, the North anf East. Pullman steel electri| lighted sleeper Winston-Saieni ( Hairrisburg, Philadelphia; u. s For the] , C. will .M. Ai [he prescr| nay be oi hive Secrl [ington. Nj Applical jndersignf >ersons w| blanks an( iny necess Spi w. these! cut, and realh Wl are our eith tailoi Har( days! f ectil Shii See H -f t H'-i' ^ ■r-;.' - ■ f" - A k ■ '■ .S-- , 44 New Resident Section Just Oppned Have You Staked Your Claim? If not, i A. M., January 20th. Within three hourl seyer wide-a-wake men J w^en Md selected and purchased as many lots. t v* I dj5,^ii-—$1 a week or a month. No Taxes, No Intesrest Gonvenient to x«iNG~^c p^r fi^re to Everywhere. ' Let m show you. S^y C^tral a representative will call itnA we thf prope^ Hi -■'.1 •'■'■■■wJyJiu t.vv'A-v.