ri- po you WANT $25.00 Hornless Symphony Talking Machine for ask- FREEMAN DRUG CO T OCA.L A-ISTD PERSONAL | »>Tr de 3 Lillian Lindley of Saxa- who accompanied Mis3 I May Horne to Raleigii day on the excursion is ;ng the week her guest, s Nellie Davis is spending ;ek the guest of her sister Bargess of High Point. T. E. Davis is attending terence oi the ministers of ^ethodlBt Protestant church ;v.on in Hij^h Point from -r. to the 4th, oi July. ? Bessie Woodson of High- The Military boys are practic» ing hard preparing for their trip to Willmingtcn Aug 5th. Mr. A. E. Reitzell of The Civi! Service Force of Washington D. C. who has been the guest of his mother at Hartshorn passed through town Tuesday return ing to Washington. •-•«r A Car nice hay at Merchant Supply Co. We regret to learn Mr. Wesley Coble of Hartshorn who has been .'I."- seriously ill for the past six ! the Juest of Mrs. Young weekp does not seem to improve -'ieciinont Hoteif ’ I very rapidly Ella Bray of Elizabeth I For more milk and butter use ; :r.e guest" of her friend! Beet pulp and Sucrene Dairy feed Ada Beil isley this week. I at Merchants Supply C. -e? BettieVan Ward, Addie rhSi'- ai d Mary Free* Moiiday for Vir- 2ta-h where they will spend 'i. days enja>ing' balmy \v ao r.sw 6 Cates of Graham been the gae.;t of her Mrs. S. Alien Horne left fnday for Roxb'iro to •spend a 'eeks with friends. ie* Ruth, and Adelaide rinore and Miss Mary jent Sunday at Eion re the guest of Mrs, H. D. ■Vl*-- Inrr' W Waiter Coiie; 3,a.tu£ }.0:. GeorgeIngie of Spencer vvas:£ov^-n last week the guest of sister Miss Nina Ingle, on tha Baptist escarsion tc Eiieigh Saturday. 3 B. Hatch and Miss Lott'S Griffin were married evening at- Esq. J. W. Mv-ncgomerys who officiated- ’m;'. and -Vlrs,, Hatch have the jr.'ngt itulations of many friends. Messrs. W. J. Brooks. A. J. Lov.' -. D. 3. and W. S. Hali menibers of t^e R. F- D. Carriers a.-! ,aniati.on which will be in sess ion Wiilnnington beginning TKu:3(iay, left vVednesday for "jhav jicv. . J. M. Cheek of the In*ti- ; f Walburg: sp3nt the week 'he aruest of Mr. J. W. Cates CALL—on Southern Ry. Agent for 4th of July rates. Mr, Carl Moser, of Chapel Hill, has recently accepted a position with the Sanitary Bar ber shop. Miss Zella Shoffner. daughter of Mr. Daniel Shoffner of near the Alamance Battle Ground died last Thursday and was buried on the following day at Lowes Luth eran church. She was about 40 years old and had been afficted for a number of years with applexy. A Car nice, bananas at Mer chants Supply Co. Rev. J, D. Andrew placed an order this week with G. B. Eilis for the purchase of a new piano to be shipped direct from the fac tory to Newton N. C. Miss Alf Whittemore left Mon day for Greensboro where she will spend several days the guest of friends. MissGeorgie Henry ot Wendell is spending the week the guest of Misses Julia andLizzie Fogleman Barrett and Freeman have rec ently oruugnta n«w piano anc; placed it ai the Pa**k. Miss MaHie Greeson, of Saxa- >ah iW v\ hf.-. is visiting her sister vlrs TicKei of Gibsonville spem >n-n «'l nie:ht the guestof Miss Hazel Grees>n. Pheonix Lodge celebrated their 25th anniversity in the hall of the Odd Fellows over Freeman Drug store. , Miss Floro Mebane is atTerree Memorial Hospital Randleman N. C. on professional business this week. Mr. K. K. Lively spent last week in Richmond on business. Misses Margaret and Cather ine Johnson of Roxboro will ar rive today to spend two weeks the guest of Miss May Barrett The Carolina Business College have recently added a cooler to their school. On July 4th there will be a basket picnic at McKays. Will be two ball games croquet and other amusements. The public is invited to come out and bring a basket and have a good time. Dinner will be served in the grove at Blalock’s store on a table prepared for the occasion. Miss Lena Smith and niece, of Hickman, Tenn.,iwho have been on an extended visit to Misses Julia Cates and Nina Ingle will leave Monday for their home. Dr. and Mrs. Crawford who were recently married at High Point, N. C., have returned and are residing at Mrs. S, M. Homa- day’s. Miss Winified Habel is spend ing the week the guest of her friend, Miss Elbsie Guthrie. Mr. C. 0. Smith, of Altama- naw, N. Ci, was “in town Tues day buying goods for the store which he and his brother have recently opened at that place. Mrs. Jno. Andrew of near Alamance church spent a few days recently the guest of her brother in-law Rev. J. D. An drew and family. Miss Hattie Dixon of Ramseur N. Ce is in town this week the guest of her many friends who are glad to see her. WANTED—to buy all the wheat, we can get from the farm ers. We are now paying 100 per bushel, Dixie Milling Co. Miss Virian Hufiman, of E!on College spent Sunday in town the guest of Miss Anthony Clapp. Mr. Wallace May, of Kesy- ville, Va , has been the guest of bis mother, Mrs. H, R. May for several days recently. Late seed Irish potatoes at Merchant Supply Co. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. MeBane and two children left today for Thornton, Ind., to spend a month the guest of relatives. Mr. Jas. N. Williamson Jr. left Friday for a month’s visit to New York City. Miss Margaret UpChurch of Raleigh is spending the week the guest of Miss Eloise Guthrie. Another Dentist for Euriington. Dr. J. E. Holt a recent gradu ate of the Atlanta Dental College has decided to come to our town for the practice of his profession. He will have his offices on Main St. over Freeman Drug Co. Dr. Holt having made agoed re cord while in College, comes to us highly recommended as a Dentist. We welcome him to our city. A Negative Merit She—Have you any strawber ries? Dealer ~ Yes’m. Here they are, a quarter a box. She—Gof^ness! They’re mis erable looking and so green. Dealer—I know, mum, but there ain’t enough in a box to do you any harm. Fire Deaths From Heat. / Chicago. June 27,— Five deaths and numerous pros trations were attributed in Chic ago today to the heat wave which shows no si^rns of soon diminishing. At 4 p. m. the tem perature was a fraction over 96. The weather report said the warmest place in the county was: Pierre S, D., where the temper-‘ ature was 104. The publishers of the Harlem Local and Life, published in New York City, have changed the name of the newspaper to the New York Progressive and an nounce the removal of the main office of publication from Harlem to 42d street. The New York County Progressive Committee has approved the New York Pro gressive as an official countj newspaper which entitles it to designation under the State law for a share in the printing of the State and county laws and resolutions. I" '5 rri. II Doybl© aid Barrel SSieiSeiS ar« drep-forged I?* oras R5o«e, c f specislSir selected stueS—STROIS- EST where other jjjins are Compare STOjENSwith gua.-j at aviy •where near the price and note our li: QUAL9TY throughout, Our Shotgun Catalog- showsi the famous liiTe of Stevens Repoat- ers—Double')—Si ngle.?. If you cannot obtain STEVENS from your Dealer—lefcus know, and we will ship direct, press prepaid, upon re ceipt of Catalog Pries. J. STEVENS ARMS &TOOL COMPANY, p.». Bm 5M4, CHKOPEE FMXS. MIKS. Q iiwim \ in '■'i Tfeat boy of yours is just at tlie age now wlicn shouM impress upon his mind the extreme necessity of saying. If you inculcate the say* ing halbit upon him now, the lesson vrill have ith effect throughout his future life^ and he mil tibaik yoi lor it when he grows older. Bring liii lo IHIS MM With star! Iiim off with a small depoS" iWsrest iifm in lianltlng letii- aid . M tliey JDeai. 'ii wMDe ae ducatlon in M. us accmnt is in iis bank it is ooder ttie ilrect siiervlsioi) of tlie United States Govern ment. First National Bank N EW STOCK ARRI VED Telephone, in youir order' tonight. -R ¥D Carrier will hand, it to you m the morning' Bradley’s Drug store (INEAK POST ORPICE) . Being a Legal Holiday —a day whsn ail patriotic and liberty loving Amer ican citizens celebrate; this 8ank will be closed for he day with ihe exception of the hour between 10 iad 11 a, ra. when it will be open to receive depos- ::s in acco:dance with the offer of the entertain- rr.snt committee. Come to Burlington on that day and have a good jiiXie—meet your old friends and make new ones. Come to see us—we wish to see you and make you a ii friend if you are not already one. Bring your money along with you and deposit it with us and secure the two five dollar gold pieces which are oftered as prizes by the Committee. Burlington will do everything she can to give you a pleasant day. $500 Award in Titanic Suits. London, June 27,.—An award of $500 damages^ was made today in the cases brought asrainst the White Star Steamship com pany in the king's bench court for loss of life in; the Titanic dis aster. The steamship company will pay the cost of tfte suits. 30 Days Stupendous Mov- iog of Merckandise The Really Big Event of tine Season. Values that wilt te tsJ- ked about long after ordinary ¥alnes are forgotten. We will only mention a few of the many values the others wOl greet you as a pleasant Surprise. Coat Suits All are offered. Nooe .rsserv{2 Alamance Loan & Trust Co. Alamance Covnty’s Olde^ and Largest BauJt. State Treasurer Robert K. Young, of Pennsylvania, recent' ly announced that he would never again vote the Republican ticket. “The Republican party has serv ed its mission/' he said, “a great mission, it is true, well performed—but now the perty has outlived its usefulness and has fallen into the hands of thie ves who have robbed and murder ed it in its own house. Governor Raison, of Indiana has recognized the progressive, party of that state in the appoint ment of Henry G. Brown, of Lebanon, as one of the three members of the State Board of Education. Mr. Brown is an educator of practical experience who has given intelligent thought to the possible workings of the new vocational and agriculcural training lay. esr» ti iiores, ontr ReaMiM Vos't eart The worst nses, no matter of how !qhc standi^, Sire cured' by the wonderful, old reliable Pc. Porter’* Antiseptic He»linf Paia nt the VKoxt time* vOCy Tlw B«st Hot Weather tonic QROVS'S TASTBLBSS ctailt TOlfiC Cttrtelrt* fkc thei*t(ole«rateM9ad will «»a. •Uteoctbea facti(sry>a4» vriOMkaU $12.50 Values at 13 50 “ “ 7.&0 16 50 “ “ 9.M Serges and. Whipcords in blue, black & tan. $22.50 Values at $13.50 25.00 & $27,50 at $lo.50 SHIRT WAIST One lot slightly soiled 50c & 75c values at SSc.,.- About 75 of, the best styles of this season, high and low neck and \ailored eflfects made of embroidered Veils, Sheer white LawLineoesand iub Silks. '.Values $1.00 to$l.TiO.-,Your choice 89c. S.HOES ' ■ We need more room to show our increased line of Ready to Wear Garments arid will discontinue handling Ladies Shoes. We offer abdutvSO pr. at less than 1-2 price and none at over manufacturers cost. Also we have included in the sale about 150 childrens low shoes. Children's Barefoot Sandies 50c quality at 25c, 90c and $1.00 quality at 50c 75 Pairs Roman Sandies 75c to $1.20 quality at 50c 30 Prs. Oxfords and Strap Sandies $L10 to $1.60 quality at 75c. In broken lots 20 prs. $1.50 to 2.00 quality at 50c and 40 pr. $2.25 to $3.00 quality at $1.00 REGULAR STOCK ALL $1.60 snd $1.75 quality at $1.25 “ 2.00 and 2.25 “ “ 1.50 2.50 “ “1.75 “ 2.75 and 3.0® “ 2.00 PIECE GOODS AT 5c PER YARD White and colored Lawns and Voils valueis 8c, Ginghams and colored Linens values 8c to 121-2 and many remnants of the seasons best sellers of cotton goods. Flowered and striped Lawns and Batiste values lOc and 12 l 2c. Sheer white Flaxon and Voils values 15c to 25c in short lengths. LACES At 2c PER YARD Several thousand yards of Vais, and Linen Torchon editing, and insertion in odd patterns values 5c to 8c. Sold by piece only. 2 to 12 yds in piece. ii'! . , »I .'( 'i

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