'OS k TT . I I have 'He ser« cost. r-T' i cie- ■ T' f" , I- >. r 3i3S«* if -rf Wy ^ . j ? f iT. d a c H e s ■' I for tKe-sn IS jna.gica.1 )RU66iSTS. e riiioi'i JT KAi;rAs fu' >nth y :i-in find h;.H:.'-?^ 1,0!!, art. 1:1^-’^ on. rr-!;§r^on -,(^;,13 of .V. SU.'h *.=! ■edle"’.'.'orJv, h«.'^ ;mak ns, (3 1« for = ^ th $3.00. . s«« oceptanc-3. or* • N. tauMMi po VOU WANT $25.00 Hornless Symphony Talking Machine for \ } ASIC- i i FREEWAN-^DRUG CO May Is pii'tung in a rsew front ^ H.t the G-rotfo this week _H. f’oodman has cut'prices cn! his stock o-r'- g-cods, Mrs J. S. Fro:st is s]>er»dirtg MIscelaneos Celuinn ■^i:- -S.' ■'^'OA.L A.NT) PERSON'A.L I this week the guest of her lor- XV,. I potatoes at mer school mate Mrs Jno Fuller | Co. of Lumberton N C. | ...u«»— , % W.B,&lUrsana tair.ilythe! ,,4tfsupt"y ^bananas at Mer- lamuiea 01 Messrs.. T^arnest j — and B., R.. Sel'iars ieft V/ednes-1 wamtppi -i-^ dav fo:"' TO snp-nri the! ■ Boy to serve a; tc spend ttie, janitor in exchange for tutition summer. j Carolina Business College. Mr, S. X. Foster of R. F. D.' as Vu's, Sudie Tate of MemD'-'’.-! Holt has receivtiy -Yr'r, i>5 the guest of her fathei-1 puretiaaed a new Ford ;V.!:',vv Sam Tate. | bile. Buia Lo(ig'e409 will meet Mon No, 2 threshed more than one thousaod ba3hei.s^oi grain • last week. The Great Clearance sale oi J. A. laiey Sz- bro. is infuh blast, Mr. Joo, W. Sharpe of R. F. D, jNo, 4claimis theciistinction to have aw first cotton bloom this '/uar. The first bloom appeared -vioaday Juiy'7fch. I Speciai Bargain offers, Friday and Saturday uf e^ich week,. see Prop. Bessie Bennet of Reiis- j windows, S, A, Tnomy, * The Corser Store, i day night ir.stalling M.is« E tor the pijiroo!.5e officers vi!:^ iv the guest of her gister vij-s. Paul Morrow for afew days, Pvrd Da^iv who ^^een ^ Browni.rig is spend- ■inga summer' schooUt i j Trade with S. the Corner Store. A. Thorny at a rifi' .Hill has returned home. guest of Miss M rhoaa'as. , , ^ , Mr. Thos. S, Moser, Ov w,. ['■r, r.eaman preache^. at the UipeY5t Saturdav night .and r Strett Metnodist church m TlmrHam ^v5th >G This bei?v!£ the '.rret Inr.hy night v'-i tiu‘ quaiterly. Emniogene McCuller Seott , a telegram from South rurc'ina Sunday announcing the day in Durharri with friends. oevvs of the death of her! ended tlie corner stone un- Misses Pau’ioe Coble arid Rath Lea Hott are the guest of Miss E'va Aiken of Greensboro. Btlessni. Charles Watker, J. R. Bfowrt att- ! laying . i at .Baynes .store Tuesday, Tlv;?e who . have recently en-; , , “ . . ., -r.iiF.-; o/ilh the Carolina Business ;',i:ivave: Mr, W, E, Bason, nurse oE Res; riospua! Ea eig!> is fe'^ham; Miss Carrte Wi»i,s Iher a.:d M^. -John Lynch of tins piace. ■ The great Masonic Picnic so well remembered from .last year wih be held at the Piedmont io, For more milk and butter use Beet pulp and Sucrene Dairy feed at Merchants Supply Go. WANTED-to buy all the wheat, we can get from the farm ers. We are paying 1.00 per bushel, Dixie Milling Co. FOR SALE—Good young Brood mare, nice driver works any where 7 years old dark bay at a bargain apply to J. ,M. Hayes. WANTED—to buy ail the wheat, we can get from the farm ers. We are now paying 1.00 per bushel, Dixie Milling Co. anc lohrs fslev. ,:>ng those who are at More-1 Mr. G. The Alam.ance Fair pretrr ium list is isow in^ the hands ' of the princer and will soon be ready for distribution. Mr. J. Gordon of Baltimore who has been visiting at Oxford .is sp|ending the week the guest of his brother-in-law Mr. I. J, Mazur ar,d 'famiiy. Clarance Mc.A.dams of Atlanta, Ga., is .apen.ding the week the guest of his.irarents Mr. and Mrs. L, B, McAiitams, ■ j For. Bargains at a rush see L J.! I away the atii front ; ting in a fiew and ime aAs torn j ad on .last page. Wanted.—Experienced Sales lady, good salary and steady position. Must furnish refer ence. Apply To L J. Maz-uk, Burlington. N, C. The Kisig of All Laxatives. For constipation, headaches, indigestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King’s New Life Fills. Paul Mathulks, of Buffalo, N.Y., says they are the “King of all laxa tives. They are a blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home.” Get a box and get well. Price 25c, Recom mended by Fip«t Le«do in Sovlii; Tbat boy of yours is: just at .ifce ;ag« now .wiiem. you should impress upoa his Misid th« extreme uecessity of saving. If you inculcate the saT- iag habit upon him bow, the lesson will hart effect throughout his future life,, and thaifik you for jt when he grows olte.,-. .Start him a small .fep® it-lnterest Mm. In basjll^g If his acGOunl Is in fills laitl (fee 111 First National Bank City and Beautfort are: Miittin W. Buck. wko!s re-1 one atfbeatos-e oEE ■a much improved ^ev, J. ■ and iS put- i up-CO date I L. Bolaad,! Salii 'ht)ie. iXir, and Mrs. F. L. i uzsie. Gari-io or ani:5on and family. " ' " I who has been 'i;he (^^ueat of f ftfl 1 J~t Ti IT r\. tinM.n : ^ i rt ^ ^ , Miss Lorra,irte hie, .^no. C, Jones ana Miss Monday to her ho^me Gunter ot the Fostoffce Friday at Raleigh attend' .Tieering of the postai clerks. ed .--itT' ■ -r a most enjovable ioin repon .cesiion. ilitse? Addie Cheatham feuie Van Ward and Mary, r.'eeriian who we reported ?.ast as being at Virginia Beach :cr ■:*. few days are there for the >u;;-;nerand are conducting a :.‘:b:diiig house. May Barrett, Marga- :1". ;;r;d Catherine Johnson who a;;‘U'eguest of Miss Barrett Guthrie, W’inifred Habe!. Triv;^ Ward and Pearl EUU vis- -a Mrs. M. L. Holton uf R. F\ L'. Xo2 first of the wee!-;. >1153^3 Jennie Vaughn, J^^ar> y-'-'kon. Ruth Dameron. Smm'i and Messrs. Wuikar Lov^e. ; V['■'i.'i3,3/‘ dLSter tvsa liear ;^.'iS[.5Cnvg wvtiek L.3g Fiorifie Bueadino- Mr, J. B. Cheek l’iz\ to be the guest 0; : Mrs. M, B. Self vt.'no i Spartan barg, 3. C, M r.. •.J n O' s La 3 L e y i ^ the Burhfigtoa taking the piaee of Robersori who i.f? vacation. Mr. Letter ■ Gr>>)3o been gue.^c of iii3 left a few days ag.> for ¥/>ights- viile Beach ^vvher-She has accept ed a poaitio:'. with-a hoteL Mr. G. W. Bradsnaw r\:Dr^'- .5cntir:g Cv'tf'e B rads ha C‘‘. ..tnd Mr. VVait-ar.Harder, o" -• .lam actf ,.:.£J:ending a The ciothing department of B. A. Seiiars are ciosirsg out theii odds and tnds at greatly reduced prices. R. F. D, No. 3. MOIiCE. ce is herety given that i the board of Count};^ Com- i mis'sioners of Aiarnance County, j North Carohna, will meet iMon> i day the 14ih; day ot July to re ceive wi:io aa;3 p.arenf’.i* r.iie' lax riSt for the year 191K and to hear any com- ptaintid t.fiii'iC. an>' .one has to make •In regard to dining his property >j'i' 11 > & i u e.. Very reso'/CtfuUy. Chas. !-). ■ JO'tiiNSTON, i;l.srk to the .Bo^.rd, Mr. Carl Tilman has been right sick since Sunday, j While playing with matches a small child of Bob Graves set fire to the straw stacks and; burned the straw from 120 bu shels of wrheat. Messrs. R. E. Warren and W, J. Graham have commenced threshing wheat. j Mr. J. L. Hall and family lefti Thursday for their home at Critz, i OIT given to Repairing, Cleaning and H. Goldstein’s I'ailoring Sbopi. H. GOLDSTEIN . ' MM fl ' ' jt 4iih J’ulv f.knic. Mias Georgia S,j>l X i .ihe ;^ue:St of Miss ‘.j.'ij - Hrird'-Vfire T- r*. rj ijameron and Manh •hildren went by aatomo to Siler City Sunday wher( ■r; ioent theday th.e g'-iest o; - . James Johnson the aunt o' Lo'^e and other fnends. (joii verxina K, Biehnioa.i i V i !"g' ■- ‘Ori!’,! i ■ VW.;'- Sc ct. ■7.*' i-i-'.fa h'7if^y bii'h'i. ;io t^.a.»5 been the .^i'uesc i-i .5v?'v U;L^ vV>iek Tor * ( . ii'Ve, ai? i-’r .- im'rtre ALAMANCE COUNTY'S OLDEST BVMKING HOUSE CAPITAL AM kJ The Bird of Time Is On The WiEg But do n't be a dm YOU KNOW THE FATE NOTHING WILL COME YOUR TIME IS NOW. of the raan wiio was always ware- ing for somethiag to come he's 3"hl ^srsitingl He's way — hi.3 way he goes att too Old now to Riak'3 a start., aric.i pretty soon Time will wh'isk hu'n over The Border. Get an.s£0us aboaS your .tature; Drop into our barck regaJariy and. systematically deposit apace cash in our Saving^s Department.. WITH INTEREST AT 4« Then your time will be worth money. MMfVi i l:\ aono'r I Hes:o who i- I .iuiia FogiciDbHs quiie a number I of Miss r‘ogJemaii''s tiienda join- j. 1 .tid'her’in piciiicjrig at the, home j ia: ^slah ai Haw River. ^ I A baci^^fc'L pici'ic lun- I Ic.ieou ueen prepared | I for tiie ‘jccBsivn by the fail* lad- j I ie* wa-= 'v f.vy much enjoyed, j u', I Dtisef's coi'iSi>iar5g‘ of several ! ;,’i.! boxes oi cif'.cc^.tait: candy made j I the evefung lanci'ieon eompiete. 1 I An a,.^di'es.« oi welcome, a pat-j i-onc ii'io.re'-s.s and an address ot' ; I appf'trCiaiion were deiiii ereo by i ! me .3s>oKe:-'rneu or me occasion. | ^4! I Tiies^i ijOLng Maj. Brooks. Jno. | } E. iioftman ana a. A. V est, ■ 1 Trdwe who attended wi.re; | j Gtf.?rgia Henry, Willie, i lAiiie, and Swannie Patterson,. •' ; Add'ie MaOei Lea, Lizzie' i and J-ulia _to-gienran, Fannie eo.Sine, C^aa niVtAns^ C,^ia and : Luhi iiors, Boon 01 Whit- ' at'if., Miss sScewiiri of Greens boro and Mrs 0. O. Fogieman. ^ M.6-s3rs. v^'. H, Buila, J^>e 'rpo- ;nf.M)»on, Jno. Wood, Jno, Loyd, SUMMER L?r. F-.;^3ter, VV ii; Vernon isley, Walter Eugene May, Frank Anaerson, d. n K. idofiniaii, L, L, , r'ater;son, .ur. Clyde Hor- I na.day. 0. I). Fogieman and -dr. I Kiddle of El-'>n College. i To P'r.&vent BSood iFoisrMiii!:^ i 1 f'.ppiv at otice the ■worjdeTful old r-iliable DR. 1 ■ POKTEK’S Al-;Tf.3E.PTfC 5EA:.:KG Oil,, a 3Ur- ! ■ hi^cits sit | Unii sasu^ tua.'i. IN’ ot a liniment. . i’5c. 50c. $1.00. UNITED STATE'^ Kew $25,000 GymnasSum This commodious building is a sample of the complete ness of the Elon College $300,000 plant Every modern conven- ^^jccr in ienCS, > addUlon to modern* ness thiouEh- out, Um ralefl xr« theltweil'm the entirft South, from $131 10 $191 Sot ten school moDihs. Terms e:isy Elon College l^t'.idu.ites fiil with tuccew ' fssponsible positions in e«ry fdapartment of life. Vftilt at o&ce Sor too page cataio^e and fnli paTticaUre to Pn^ideat W* A, Harper Box SloaG»!te8«i,N.C> Burlington, IV 5'ic; 1 ii I in 01WHI JIUWi ntHMMMiiriMl Our Great Commencing Now and Running Through We believe that we are offering the greatest bafgaios in mer chandise ever offered in this ciiy. We are going to price a items and let you judge the great savings 2000 yds. zephyrs, ginghams and white goods ranging in price from 10, 12| to I5c.., yoiir choice at 7-jc per yi. 1000 staple gingham, 8c and 10c quality, this sale 5c, '.-gOOO- yds. 8e and 10c Sea Island 36 in. wide 6|c. 2000 yds. ginjjham, ,12 and. 15e quality, your choice 10c. 2000 10c bleaching 86 in. wide, special 8c. 12|c bleaching 10c per yd.; i2.|c.embroid ery cloth 10c. 10c chambray, special 7|c. .7|c,. 8,c and 10c. lawi>v .-ispedail; ,5c, «'•'«{ ■ line percals 10c and 125-c. Second and I bird Floors, Main and Worth Streets Rug LepaU nent filled to the utmost capacity. 35c Jap rugs 23c, 60c Jap rugs 382. $4;50 Jap rugs, 9x12, $3.9S. $18.00 hrasseH 9x12, $12 95. $22 Diamond velvet rugs $15 y8. $28 arid $^0 axminster 'riigs, 9x12, $10 65. Diamond velvet rugs, $2 quality, $1.49. $3.50 velvet rugs $1.98. $2.50 asminster ruga $1.95. S5 axminster rugs $3 90. Matting from 15c to 35c per yd. Linoleum S1.2J5 qaality 6 ft wide, for $1, 75c oil cloth 6 ft wide 69c. $50 parlor suits, covered with be^t chased leather, $39.65. Lounges $8,50 to $2^. Third fiwr-$2 50 beds ?i.9S. $4 beds $3.4'8. $5.50 beds $4,48. $8 beds %nM. m bed*; 17.95. il2.50 beds $10 95. . $8.50 iron beds $5.98. $10 iron beds $7.08, $15.00 iron beds $9 98. Dressers from $4.95 to $20. Bed room suits $18 00 to $65. Rockers 75c to |8,.3ih Chairs 50c to $2.50. Hall stands $5 to $18. Dressers $1.98 to $12 50. Bed springs ?1,59 to $4,50. Safes $2.25 to $10. Porch, rockers, green, red and oak finish 1:50 to 4.50. 12 50 kitchen cabinets 9.95. 15*00 kitchen cabinets 12.50. 18.00 kitchen cabinets 14 50, Centre tables from 75c*to 5.00., Extention tables frorh 5.95 to 18.00. Kitchen tables 1.75 to 2.50. Have you seen the Economy jar? No rubber rings, safe sealing ,gold enamel cap?., easy to seal, easy to open, no turn, ho twist, no rust. The best fruit jar on the.market, Cf^nie and see them. Great Department Store

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