^ i. '■v' . *.ir P: ■~r.'.- * ^ ' rC' ■■ -% U-^'- t ... iM ir y-^. i'j !’.] ■#,. j , .'• .-?.' i: ' ' I?.-’!, ..;.•> i;-: r I. T ' , t ^ V., K:,.' !'■ ^ i :.#■ ll ' .•H- ■ l“i^- i'. ■^4- : t ' r>‘ V i\ ■ '. ■ I Ifte State DiS^tch V^iHSinhfa fcrery Wefiii€s«5ay ■ —By— KstMtcii ?«biisii»« Ca»p*ay, £>ftdliiiSt»e, S. C. .at a ripkett. fre8!di>Bt jsba^ s. mmAfi, JSISSS S, FOUST, Seerfttuff *ad md ^iixcM Mxoai>er. Editor Treaiwer comodatsop> but build some atrbn^g* ; ^ ^ad piain faagnific^lE strqcture tiot for present; needs, but.ample torneet future requirements. Oi;!^ First Pioor, Kauhui BuiWing. Telephone No. 265. s^cr!i>tioa. One Dollar per year, pay able m a4T«ac^.: A3 eommunicftti jRs in rega rd to eithei >;5P*«??.ife8iii8 or biisinpss ujptters should i^sed to Tie State Di^atcb aud not SB* say l»d!viduaJ connected with fche ' * r uot«8 and coinoiuaicatio/js of mponaoce n»iKt be signed ;by the writer. ^ are not reBpoaeihle for opiniooft of ©07 correspondent*. ftekseribdrs will take notice that no re* ior ftnbseriptioK lor Tii« State Dwi^tei ^ be h^aored at this office unless it is .;j®®tiwed“ with st'amped fieiipes. Sfttiered 3w «econd-cla«s-aaatt«r May at the- post office at Burling ifm-th Carolina, under the Act oi- iSasissess of Majrch 3 1879. Wdbe^ay, My 16^ Tlie LawJEnforced. f S^sst Sunday some i^erson faom irnear by town took passage on >f?e the cars of the Piedmont £ Electric Company, • and thereupon on his way to ijsother town became rather and began to use some ^gtiage thatgwas wholy uncall- S for and as a result of all this was arrested by one of the street car authorities andUMon- iay morning appeared in Court, and pled guilty to the charge, sd^itting that he had drank too Lr®$ly of the juice of !the forbid den fruit; and that he had talked -sntirely too loud. The court said pty $1^.00 and you may go for jMstirne^ The; street car conlpany is to de comfaendied for their strenuous efforts in enforcing the law of the' land. 1 :J -M.. The Gr&de4 Scli^, ' * TKt’ crisis is always reached time in every '^an'a life, same is true in the life and i3ssi»ess career of e^ery institu- iiett', Sach is the &se of our ^ity Graded- Sehoofi The last %^lature saw it t4pas3 an act aaaking- compulsorj^ att©,iid4.nce assc^ef ceslain conditions; very wise indeed was thi^ act and it win add to the enrqilment and ^teBdance of our school from two ^o three hundred children. Where 5ve •shall place thtm and who shall t«ach them is the question. From time to time the citizen- jhip of Burlington have failed to aiake permanent preparation for the care artd traiaing; of the shii^rerj, rtdhor ihey hnve per- jmd ajjproved temporary >irrE!}vgement for this all im* portant matter. The time has Ccome when must have iaeg^.t ^fer, afid morfe sanitary build* fjngs for the accomodati on of the shildren. This cannot be secured without a sacriftce on the part of some one. We regret to observe ihat there is a feeling in the ^inds of many people who live m Burlington, that concret side- 'valks and macadam streets are of more importance than proper jy trained and educated children. When you fail to train and edu- ?mte the child you have destroy- idbope and possibility of grow- a man. Train the b:>ys and i^!?te for the duties of life and 1^y will be capable of solving &e problems that we are not able to solve at the present time. The reason of the bad condi tions of our tx3wn is a result of poor management conducted by ncor^ipeteni and uneducated If you would save to the pe©i§!ie of Burling^on their just iientage you must preserve, irain;. educatc and develop its boys and girls. You can have a city without the t>est of streets and sidewalks, but you cannot 8iven have a coinmunlty wlthput. that ^u*e developed ^ men and shantiefi ■i&e- ^echo^l &c- Spanked hy Mama, Qkl S&oots Herself, New York, July 13. — So popular was 15-year-old Mary de Martino with the youths of her accjuaint- ance that every afternoon they would gather on the rcK>f of her home at No, 3*37 East Forty-se venth street to cons'erse with her. These meet'ngs were not atallto the iikmg of Misi Mary's mother and a week ago oid-tasbioned punishment was administered by che parent much to the girl's pain and humiliation. Following the first chastise- ment the girl in some way got possession of a revolver. To her youthful admirers she confided sevei’al days ago she proposed killing herself if her mother ever span ked her agafn;; r ,,- Miss Mary and her chums were on the roof Saturday afternoon when suddenly Mrs. de Martirie's Head appeared above ther scuttle The girl vyaa taken to her 'home down the kairs and the ■ mdtheit used a «trap. Shortly t>ef')re 5-o’clock when she returned to the roof the boys laughed at h^, vBhe said: ‘M I'd make her sorrsr if she did it again, Then Miss Mary drew the re volver from the folds of her skirt and the boys scattered. Some fled down the scuttle others. lad behind chimney^ ' * ' The girl with a cr;y/placed the revolver's muzzle "'ag^iin^?t h^r right breast and fired. Some one .notified. -,MrLi, /.-de &lattino. She ran'se'feamih^ to the street. Patrolman Lang/ of the Last Fifty-first street station found the girl on the roof w^’ik from loss of blood. Dr. Waltmarsh hiu.rried her to flower hospital where;!t was found the bullet had passed through the right lung. Her conditioR was said to be eriticai. Questioned by the police, the, girl’s parents said they had never seen the revolver Jn the/hou^e and suggested that it had" be^h given her by/^on^. J'at 't>by.. ■admirers.'-: :[ .. The weapon couSi'Be'foun^ in the. street, ,'Wh6re the.'-.girl'.ls said to.have.:,fete?’aw« ULr/i.Mrs.'^ Martino said last night to a i^e- I did whip her this aftereoon with a stra» after I fpimd-;her ©n the roof with those boya;"^"'' ' Gsfl Ge^’$499 Fri.i(a ■Dabvine, Vk, July 9V^feate Eilia, a nineteen-year-old girl, was awarded $400 damages ag- ains?t the Chesapeake and Poto mac Telephone company by a jury in the Corporation court yesterday afterr^oon after an hour’sdeliberation. The case was '3tarf.ed early in the marn- iog and occupie-^:i pnictie illy the ■eotire day’s business, of the court. No motion tor a new trial was made; Miss Efiis irta^itiited the-; .«ui throu.gh Mr. L.. L. Hudson sev eral vveeks ago asking for 2,000 damages as result of injuries she claimed chat she sustaixied'when a scone hurled some -seventy iards a«,’5ay by force of a dyna mite explosion struck her in the side as she was seated upon' the porch of her home on Peach street. Tha telephone companys men wer^ engaged in blasting holes for the erecting of poles when a charge was fired, blow- ijftg |;he port,ion of a rock con siderabie - r ■*‘4 ; V-" 'Motfcer’aad'DauglSeif Safetdl From : Dfowisdag^' - ' c- "Providence, ,'ia~ Picked up last nigrht from the sinking yacht. WiUiara Jennings Bryan off Stratford shoals, Conn., Mrs. Mary and her daughter, Mrs.- Ltouis . Lewis,, of Jackson-^ ville, Fla., were brought Info this port today aboard.:the^ Cofonei. liner Lexington. Their hustaod3.^:.^Sobfirt■ -Ste wart and James;.|^;ewis^. Jacks,on- ville millionaires and k sailor, remainded with the yacht in the hope of beachins? her off port Jefferson, N» Y. The party ' had beea c.ruisiog' along the coast froni Florida for three or four weeks. They left ^Bridgeport late yesterday for vOyster Bay when their boat sprung a leak, disabling the engine. When the :lCo!onia[ liaer came along they signalled her with a lantern and the v/omeri-, scantily clad were taken aboard. They left for New 'Yurk'o'ri the'Lekiir)g'> ton this aftemoon. Are CMred by Dr. Hobson’? Ec zema Ouitraent, which heals all ikin eruptions. No matter how lottg you have been troubled by itching, burning or scaly skin htamors, just put a little of that soothiiig aKltis^tic, Br: Hobson’s 'Eczema Ointmeht,’ on the sores and the sutoing stops immedi ately. Healing begins that vei y mimite. Doctors use it in their practice and recommend it, ,Mr. rpl^l liittletown Pa., i^ays: “Had eczema op forehead Dr. Hobson’s Eczema,.. Ointment cured it in two weeks. ” Guaran teed to relieve or money refund- Ail druggists, or by mail. Price 50o..' Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis, nmB GO, 'lS»*,E»rai .Cut '0». > ; Winston-Salem^ July Id. -Dis trict Attorney Bolton, while in Jef ferson, looking over some re cords in Ashe ciriufity courthouse the past week, found one that wai truly u iiqua. It showed that at the March term of Ashe court in the year 1809, a white man was convicted of burglary, Judge Francis Locke presided over that term, and his ease r jads as follows; “Tnat the said Carter be fined ten pounds that he stand in the pillory for one hour, at the'expira- uon of which time both ears are to be cut off—entirely ^levered from his head-and that the earii. so cutjdff b^ nailed to the pillory by the officers, and there rem.iin the setting of the sun.” Sayte a Dfsscendent of WilikmsQa. We were ■ thinking that it was about time some famous one caipe ak>ng who waS; descended from North Carolina ancestry. And this tir?ie it.only helps to bipd President Wilson and family closer to North Carolina than before. Mis? J/essle Wilson ^s finance, Francis Sayre, comes from a North Carolina family. The press dispatches read: "His mother was Martha Finley Neyin, a daughter of John Wil liamson Nevin, theologian and piesident of Franklin and Mar shall college at Lancester, Pa. She is descended, from Hugh Williamson, of North Carolina, one of the framers of the Con stitution/^ Now watch the South Carolinas rave.—Gaston Gazette. DAVIS m NEW FigWiig Soil Weevil. ■,Atlatita, Ga.Jiily 13., — Far mers iti Western Alabama aM Mississippi are making a d^terniined and winning fight against' the boll wee vi 1 and are being given Soyal support by; Businessmen, declares:.Mr. Pi«^«ikett,. Ma.najgftr ol-i'the Depr-, I Imi)rovement' Work-'of'-the-'Sddthei^h: Railway ■Assist&ht tb-Preiid'i^t Finley, has Just completed an inspec- Southern Railway, the Mobile arid Ohi^ Railroad, and the Ala bama Great Eailroad in this ter- ritpry. “We did not find a commun ity/^ says Mr. Plunkett, ’’where ther^ is--aa3?^^xcitejpiei slightest 9ig;n of pahic Mt every one is ili -like d^'tiisnined'to' pi^o* duce cott6h-:knder boU weevil conditions. Thousands of adult weevils were destroyed while the cotton was amail -and where they, skimped- ,.f^|mers'' are -.deat • •royihg 'infectied, "-squsresi,' :-i-:V.'On evrry-.hapd we fouod.-,-apprecia tion of the agents of our depart- ‘r&efeit fat‘)!Tfters' are) jgenerally heedii>.^;their, advice in' fighting the weeyil, I have been m close touch with the boIJ weevil srhce 1900 and I believe that farmers in ibis territory have heeded the warrtm$?-'gi.vea ^:them' sind will not suffer aaf'-did famers farther west,.,'' , •' ^ ■ ".‘Farmers who ■ .adopted the methods by our •..agejits are expeetmg' tnerea.sed.- yMd'& m-spite of the >veevil,--’and with tht? determined fight now beip.g wag'edi I -see no reason w hy the ;g-eo^rar'y field in this great sectiqa should a.o€ be nor- tholigH indi'tKcf.6.d' farmers w:lio h^.ye,;reffised to cake the ad* '-■/ce of experts are L^iure co lose ht'-xvilv/'‘ aeys ei?rh Juiy 12..-Attor for Rev. R, L-^. Davig^ su^’epsncen- dent of the North Carolina .A.fi£i- Salwn League convicted of a.s- salti g Wiley Straugh n with a liquor appealed to Jad.ee Cook fn Superior court_ thn caoratng: co^ grant the niintster 3. n.ow'’ fcraii.. In_asking that the verdict be set aside the defense . assured ■ che prosecution that they would neith er ask nor expect CG-nsideratioE the next time this famoas case is staged in court.. The: golidtor and representatives of the pri';rate prosecution opposed the grannng of a new trial and .fudge Goak announced that the eourft wou[d take the matter dhtfer'curisidera- tion and render its dectaifin later Greens^boro, Jaly 12 — Brood- ,In.^ over Jiaaneiai obagauofis he was u.».able to meet,. Archur L. England actempr.ed sdcide in the Hallway of the Eagie Hose Com- pany.^ for which he was driver, here Fddaj'^' moroffig. .ffis at tempt will nodooht prove siicces afu..L as he is.lying; 3,t the hospi tal, jo. a precarioui conditioii., Kt8 child are wit.h hirn... The 'vvi.iuod is aear the fteart and co.flicted. with Religions Services For Soldier Bo>s ja Camp. Camp Glenn. Moxehead City, July 13.—Religious service was held at this post at 11 o’clock Saturday morning, conducted by Rev. N. Harding, the aged cham- plain of the Second Infantry. Champlain Hording, who ranks as captain is th^ oldest officer in th^ North Carolina state troops, and Wears a medal showing ser vice pf the, longest term recogn ised by the stot^. Fo]i;Sl Weieks ip the year he iis the rector of St. Peter'^ Episedi pal, church at W^shinigtdn and -i#Pft^' 'y^^rs^.:., btii' qdriRlWciitiphivn periods.'fMrt Harming is an enthusiastic soldi^j; —the best loved of all in hji regimfeiit. He a veteran d the Confederacy also. The Sjfer* vice today was albrt, simple and wjII attended l|>f officers ard men. An impr(^ised orchestra fromvthe band ^yed “What a Friend We Hi ve in Je8a!i, '^ &nd Nearer, My .God to Tiiee, ^^ile fhe knaki'fiSad ccngirega- ^lon- sang the old hymns with rare spirit. The venerable cha plain dressed in the bli e uniform of his r^nky. -led, in prayer and made th^^pl^iei^ a little J^oAer Sboots Brother. Wilmington, Jul3^.ii-Some thing of a sensation was created on W^i^rhtsville Sound Mondav night when it became known that Louis Hanby had shot his brother Archie Han by, at the home ,,, of the former following a . general distribute, it is alleged by the latter, ;TViree shots were fired, but pMy one took effect, and it passed through the calf of the in- Inictiting only a flesh wound, Louis B^ih by surrendei*ed to justice George Harris and was recognized for apjpearance; The Hanbys are prominent, and it is claimed tl^t there has been some coistrdveicy between them with refernce to division of their father’s estate, which is ia.r.ge; Judge Cook will oiake known his decjsiosi aome this afternooE. tid$itach{f £>t. Mtim' Wilson Goes Exploring. Cornish, N. H.. July 11. ~- President Wilson went exploring in his automobile today. He took an unfrequent road and his big car picked its way slowly aiid ^utiously over a mountain ridg4 The trip was made without mis hap and the view of the sur- bills amply repaid the Preaidentfor the bumping he got. On one occasion the Presidents u. to a natural stop a :S2 caliLife pistol Mo- ofie was! oft the road entirely into in flight wfcieo. the shot was fired. i^^nty&rd. Half .of the road Notes to other firemeo disclosed i covered with oil ' and tnife other half was blocked by a team. In order to avoid i getting out of the machine the i resident suggested that his ear driver over a little knoll into a a farm house iiad''passed. , It. V w^^tltir In den t iw^ led to a r«tirt the P^sid^t plunged Anyone can Aff the reaBon cat^\wba college good biiidm/is, heaitb- fiil looation, i^trongf/ieuliy, j' terms. Fall term op(f^\ 3udfl91S. f'vr oa taJogiie write to J. 0, mmz of genuine si , Hose costing no more than cottonl That is just what wc offer you ia our new line of Phoenix Silk Hose at 50c a pair for men’s anS 75c for women’s, _ No other silk hose at any price contain bettcsr silk or are better Imitted. They have all the soft luster and ‘‘cling"* of the very costliest hose—amd they wear ^ that we will replace anj pair th^t doesii^t give good service. Come and see this remarkable hosiery—then youll understand why we are so enttiusiastic about it. Ail the popular colors are here. Just &a^ ‘‘Phoenix^* to our clerks. ‘ /N.:c- Buggies! Buggiesir Biggies!!!! Our line has'iiievcr been morc'comple.£e,. we rneet &11 classes of c3mpetition,. Oinr prices wil). certainly please you. Wagons, Harness, F’Iomfs, Every farmer needs a good ^gon, anil certaw ly must have good harness. Who can form wish out gold plow- ? Coble-Bradshaw Co., is tfie farmer > tHendj they have the gfeods 1 ^ for your neighbor to do ymir 'mow ing whcii thei w^thcr is such he does not care ro rti^W'at 'home. ...Bay a .mower, .afed..rate. Yoi. win si ^ ^pth and h^y. - : ■ ' All Kin,ds 0F SMALii-HAB|>WAs;E„r;^ Coble-Pradthaw Qi)., .. .^''iwrHryiMc^ . . 1 ' ’.V-?:- -.•i' .»,• J ^ ’I . . ', . • Itis irec^itMcii.s .now you can locsl &ri(i long distance tclepiione ssr" vice in your home at very small co.st. ^ Send for it today. Write nearest Bcii Telfs- phone Manager, or FARMERS’LIPIE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S, FRYOR STREET ATLANTAi 3A, Now Orily .lAbisiia-tou syciFiip ••'itH ;Montkly. ifW ^*98-; '■ ASK- fi ^!ayi» putj lie Grotto “ •g. H. B. iS visitms igrs. Lafa^ jf'g. Li. Sul the ivette Hoi r.EossStej ?? day® ff.' le Da,i?y Tvac&t'ion iK«r.e Wit4 Yb.. Sun( bob'ile.wit Cliestej [■•teft. MorJ where ra.i days VValtei .day'.from| l:i,a few d^ da. ^uses Paul ■ning and. been vis [returned jtses Etni cman and Ipent Sun( 4. the and Fk le Beilmoi Haw R was two yf ten [ .(iiiver. k and Mral to Chat! Mrs.,.Wl ^vera! d| ^hibehes ^ng. Mattie j I Visiting and thl CaroUniJ ^ome witl A. E Bi ^pent th ?rn i^rt of his bi ►ifte and rfc of his d r A] The Guai I comfc ^Binidi labor A fey I fees Th han -d ii ^'■-restel horfte. . Th daugl:i{ c(>(i ac|

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