a -nnff qualified as Executor “ iast will and testament of the crop, and while waiting for Thomas, deceased, late it so thoroughly to dry out, any ^■^'lamance County, North Car i shocks get into bad shape, as this is to notify all persons "'qv an fmm «?> ^vo»«sKTa claims against said Spen- Thomas, deceased, to expose to the undersigned at his in Buriington, N. C- on ^ ’heiore the 10th day of April, ‘ or this notice will be plead- If before I am ready to house I u ■ ;)i' 1-14 H in bar of their recovery. ' \l\ persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi* ite naynients ^ ‘ S. B. Thomas. fpXijciiTOR OF Spencer 1H )mas, DSC’D. One Billioa Eggs Oa ke. ^ew York, July 13.— More they may do from an excessive rain, they are righted up, or hauled to the barn. It used to be a big job and expensive to on haul up this crop, shuck out the corn, ahd cut, or shred the stover. Now since I have learn ed something it is comparatively easy: On a low truck wagon have a long frame bed only. Take along a plow line for each shock to be loaded. Stretch the line on the ground by the aide of the shock. Push the shock over on the line, then tie it tightly around the butts. Two men then can easily load a large shock. Put five or six, or more of these on the wagon, carry to their barn yard, set each shock again on han 1000,000,000 eggsare omce according in thereportof45public ■ the butts, takeoff rope, spread Stace Normal and Industrial College Maintained b^y the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five regular Courses leadmg to de grees. Special Courses for teach ers Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State Fall Session begins Sep tember 17th, 1913, For catalogue and other information, address JULIUS I. FOUST PEEHTDENT GREENSBORO. N. C. issued. The figures account t’ov 2,992,800 cases in storage, u !th 30 dozen eggs to the case, •AS compared with 3,330,500 cases iggt year at this time. With storage eggs priced at $7.^ a ,gge these early July holdings this vear are worth $21,144,160 at wholesale. The average con sumption of eggs in greater New York is 3,000,000 dozen a week. the butts a little and the shock will stand as in the field, and as securely against the weather, where it wi ll stay until the entire crop is ready for the barn. It Mu!e Dies At Age Of 35. Kinston, July 18.— Born in August 1877, a mule belonging to L. J. H. Mewborn, a Green county man, died several days ago. During his entire life of| 35 years the hybrid was the! property of Mr. Mew born, andi when two years ago he became too feeble for work the vener able beast was retired to finish his existence in a pasture, peted used to take lots of men to haul and pampered and free from and shuck and cut. Now, I hire a man to come with a gaso'ine engine and pull my machine care. The mule was known throughout the countryside, and yeara ago the neighbors of jAge*^ Traia At Lumberton* Luniberton, July 18. —While ''rossing the track at the National rotten mills, two miles above here, at 10 o'clock this morning .vii a Dolia Blackburn, 65 years )iG, was struck by the first sec- rion of train No. 14 on the Sea- hoard injuring her so badly that ^lie died an hour later. The train was composed of carrying people from and Atlanta to and although run- niniTat hv/h speed was stopped r.fy the time .it had run half its The iady vv’-ore a sun bonnet and v,eni to cross over without iookincc Ui). The engineer sounded his vhiritie of warning but witness cuts the stover and it is soon over.— Progressive Farmer, which both shucks the corn and Mr. Mewborn ceased to specu late upon the animal’s demise, foi; it seemed that there was little change in the faithful fellow's condition until recently I and his extreme age ceased to I be a subject of curiosity. FIVE HUNDHED SIT AT WEDDING FEAST IK WMOEM XOtlST! pul limn Birmingham , , , vVn^htsvilie and although Camden. N, C., Jaly 17.-Five hundred people sat down to a wedding supper last Sunday fol* lowing the marriage of Mrs. Bettie Burgess to Mr, Ler/^ues Turner, the feast being held at I the home of the groom, The ceremony attracted attention from ail over the coantry and goes down in history as one of the most notable weddings in this section. Another interestin'? feA,ture lay in the fact that the ceremony , was performed byG. C. Barco, a y ihe seemed to forget herself | justice of the peace who thirty ui btopped when another step ] years ago, married the bride to ■ two vvoiiki have saved her. ! her first husband, George f’ur- vVhore tlie accident occured I gess. The ceremony wa? oer- ■■lirj?. can oe seen two or three formed ai Mr. Barco'shome. CommeF- eial anc Job Print PINE NOTICE. North Carolina, Alamance County. The Burton System, Inc, John A Ireland, Agent, vs - £. E. Workman The defen eithfir v;ay. j The couple wiU reside at Mr. I Turner’s iiorne near iVtildam un I iiS January vv iien th.ey v/iil zYiove I to the bride's noine near Old iTrap. Mrs. Tanier is a member j 01 Wesley Chapel Met hod is t i Episcopal eliurch and is an active I worker in church circles, Mr. ■ Turner i^ a prominent citizen of lamdea county 25.000 Gyninasius'n !',1 m ■:ici i o iis bu i I di ri g (?7 ri'.e comD'ctc- ( oi'.iiat: neis liiro o-i!, iUe tL-tes are !S)e!ow'st! ii‘ e;.i;ro ioi.Mh, frriin SII to JlyS Eof t-:i ?c';'!ol rr^ Li.'in Colle3:e s. fill wi'l. .. ale ixr ’tioiii! 'i i.-'- ety t o; i.''-'. at 0 c^ulotMO aac ;ui;ir5 10 S -U ^ !C ii.Vesiawnt W, A. Harper Bok • ‘ Elon CoUege, N. C. e (H, .■iia’rw and is a merribei CrecK BiUitisi Fall Down Stairway Caiiseil Priest’; ficath. ndant above named v/il'i take notice that an action entitled as above has been ^com menced in the Justice of the Peace Court, R, J, Hall, J. P., for the purpose of taking abiii- I board which belongs to the plain- i tiff but which now unlawfully I held by the defendant; and that I the ?aid defendant will _ father i take notice that he i^ required _to I appear be fore R. J, rlaS L J ustice I oj the Peace, on the 2 day of ! August 161S, atD o'-'' ffice in I viayo >uriir!gton iamance County, 1' u/i sra i I jy linshjlilly Face Spots. 1 ui Otjcryc iiefclf'C died sud,:enly h' .V en^(.j^d?y V ill he . lao.'fiaig- from thatFather O’Reiliv dead at the foot of a North tJarolina. and answer or ■ieraur to the complaint in said aci.ion or the plaintiff will ,'.ppl.V to ti'ic Cour-. ,id complaint, demanded in Inis the Si* clay ot the :Ctory era(J severai. death ensued. Lnder ssiro"us r,- V cared by Dr, Hobson’s j dc"-j:'aa Ointment, which heais ■ ; ski:; eruptions. No ni-itter i j.O'v lonji you have been troubled : hurnin-jt or scaly skin ; : hjsi puta little of that i ■ "Oihin;.'' Hntisi-'ptic, Dr. Hob-; ■••n'K i-'.c/.eina Ointment, on the; find the suffering stops j ■'■■■untly. Healing begins that : '' r; >v;ini;Te. Doctors use it ,>“actice and recommend it. ■ ■dr. .Mioman, of Littleton, Pa., “Hjid eczema on fore- Hobson's Eczema Oint- ured it in two weeks.” anteed to relieve or I. .. ! was born ;n occupied oy Rev Father C’'Conn ell at VVytheviile. He was ‘0r:e Ht the time and was not discov- f June. 1913. R. J. Hall, Justice of the Peace. Jos. A. kley & Bra Co. Have you been attending our great stammer sale. If not you don’t know what you have misses. The offerings have been great. The goods are new and desirable. We are going to quote you a few prices m some goods that you’ may have some idea of the large savings this summer sale affords. lot of ladies oxfords and shoes ranging in price from $1.50 to $3.00 this sale your cnoice^fe. One lot mens and boys oxfords and shoes new and desirable ranging in price from >2.50 to $5.00. Special for this sale |l 93. One lot of misses and childrens ahoeS and oxfords ^ur choice^79c. One lot of mens and boys shoes and oxfords special for this sale 20 yards chambray, gingham, lawn, percal, zephyr, special for this sale 7 l-2c, ^ sheeting sea island quality special at 5c. per yd. 4000_y(ls. sheeting 1yd. wide special for this sals 6 l-2c and 7c. 600 ladies vests worth 10c, special 5e, 10c ladies hose black and tan alight imoerfections soeeial 5c. Mens hose black quality special 5c. 10c bleaching special 8c. ^ $1.25 and $2.00 ladies waists $1 00. 25c and Me. ladies long black gloves special 19c, $1.00 and $1.25 ladies long black silk ^ovts double tips special 75e. 15c. and 20c. ladies gauze hose black and tan special lOc. 15c, 20c and 25c ladies collars special your choice 10c. 25c. cans of talcum powder only 10c, 10c, cans of talcum powder only 5c. 25c. cans of finest talcum powder 19c. All millinery on sale regardless of price or cost 25c., 30., and 35c: ribbon special 15c. 15c. and 20c. ribbon spmal 10c. $1.00 and $1.25 suit cases this sale 78c. Are you going away or do you expect to have an outing. Get your trunk or suit case here, large stock good styles and low prices 50c. and 60c. good work shirts special 39c. $1.00 and $1.25 mens overalls special for this fale 89c, See our grocery department. It has been remodeled, rearangsd and improved. We are now prepared to supply your wants in all kinds of eatables. We know we can serve you and will do our best to please you. When you Want groceries ring up No. 1. or come to the store. Glass ware and crockery, enamd ware and tin ware. Tremendous stock at a great saving. Jelly glasses. 25c. per doz. glass tumblers 2c. each, worth 53, House furnish ing and furniture deoartment second floor. We have an immense stock. Special prices for this summer sale. Let us furn’sh your home. Let us oiake your home comfortable and attractive. We have the stock to do it with, L/on’t forget this summer sale. Joseph A. Isley & Brother Co. Great Department Store Burlington, - - - - North Carolina BURLINGTON MOTOR COMPANY Main Street - . » - , Buriiagion, .Nortld Carolina AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED : : iocK, at the ike City of :he relief Pleasant Picnic Oiatmg. Quite a'number of young- peo- Die met kst Thursday night at Graham country club near Belle- m mj Lightest ruaning ani mo it durable car made for tfle money. Price $750.00 to •T - $1,250.00. Our Shop is Open DAY AND -nmr Give Us a Trial nours ge c mont fcvc a ' picnic outing and pleaearjt night. The balmy bre ezes of nature were very pleasant and can only teli the story of enjoyment of the joily crowd, The threatening cloud which iured in t'rve not far away space hastened the pi their •'.'.-a -1 . Dr. Greensboro, JuU; 18.-W; Tise. a VVin^'ton-Saiem business man’ and hi^; .stenographer,. MissJ, return and gave them a reiresh- ess, ai'e un1.er . bonds ot bath Those present were: ;$400 to appear in police court! Misses Mabel Lea. JuUa and I here Monday and answer iolijzzie Fogieman, Addie Ray, ' charges 01 irn-moraiity. ' | Swannie, Willie and AIHe Patter- ! Some timt; ago the' woman ^ Olivia Smith, F'iossie Stone Greensboro and took |and Ola Evans. Messrs. Dr. J. ca £ e to 52 money ig^pg^'^^j^ents and to her a ;;hi!d i p. Spoon, J. R-Hoffman, fetundeci. All druofi^ists. or by | ^^Vfter the birth, i Patterson, Joe Thompson, L. L. ^ , John ^'^rice 50c Pfeffer Cherni- j manrwiman and child leL't in an | \Vooi John Lloyd, FranK ’Ander- Philadelphia and St. | The child was ieftt Uqh, Horlace Patterson and Ken- I with a woman in the suburbs of j p.y Evans. — I Winstou Salem, where it died | — — I Thursday. Investigation when; CtlMrC'fi H3V8 f OriHS. I a burial certificate ^a^ requ^ .i rnothers think their instol Va.-Teni.„ July is ^ ^lue to the ■ -an.. All Kinds of Automobile Repairing Full Line of Sapplies ■n-' f. i ‘‘ia i i, cal Co., Bristol Peop le Sweltered. Va.-Teni^., July 18. | ted furnished the clue today experienced the ; case for the poiue h^ pmnAi’urnvp in vf>ars. , iise m Liie uOttun^ is’'Ol .est temperature m mercury registered £ -'hade at three o'clock ’ Moon. years, , , , „ J in'^ssandhas a tanuiy, this woman is about IS, • ?>ryan Starts Agaiii. iviany children are suffering from in- busin- I digestion, headache, nervousness The i weakness, eostiveness, when I they are vicsims_ of that most I common of all children’s ailments ' —worm.^^. Peevish, id-tempered, j fertful children, who toss and (grind their teeth, with bad I \ breath and coUck,v xjsins hav^e VV.i-;hington D. C., July 18, Sticretary P»ryan talked freely newspaper men today j it his much discussed and '■nt;,'ised plan to spend his va- ;'^t;on on the lecture platform, said he probably would make over $250 on each lecture, added. “When I return I’ll "^^'> veu just how much I have lai'iy.'' 'Sill the symptoms of haying E'or many years i was iu „ I---- - - , * . t^- I spite of alLso-caLtedr0medfejIn3ed. |; vvorms and shouid be given iiiCK ! At Iasi ifoundquids; reiTet’ 'iadcure 11 a^poci W orm. Killer, a pleasant in those miid, yet thorottga | i lozenge, which expels really woaderf cii DR. iCi^C'S iNewLife Pills! AtioJoh SahiEgecIcj BuStih\ N, i„ 23 cesiTS pea bottle at all i.cjr the bowels, ' canay j worm?;, regulates i tones up the system and niakes i children well and happy. Kicka- ! Doo Worm Killer is guaranteed, j 1 All drugprists. or by mail, " Price! Kickapoo Indian Medicine i-hiiade)phia and . St, Louis^ / BURLINGTON MOTOR COMPANY Main Street Burlington, North aro-Una

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