9 ars, rs. We have recently added a com plete line of tin ware to our Grocery Store and can supply your Kitchen Needs wiih ware as Well as Nice Fresh Groceries. We are looking for country pro^ duce and hope to find it by paying the highest cash market prices. Phone No. 380 and your needs will be promptly supplied. Pettigrew & King ‘THE MEN WHO SELL GROCERIES Front St. Burlington, N. C. ‘"'s. i [50 Pianos Loak “Shovvy” and for a tew months s o u n d pretty well—then your expense begins and the i^iano Tuners have to I cail very often. u $150, $1/5 and $200 pianos if you want them, biU don’t advise you to buy them. Our store is full ot good pianos, organs and machines now. Get prices and terms Ellis Met. & Music Co. Burlington, North Carolina aie 183 acre red,land farm Ht Meh^ne, N. C., with good 5 room r'-HicjeriCe, ^6,500 00. 100 ace farm 2 rni!-'S Sou’h oi ivlebane, N. C., on Macadam ro-d, S2500.()0. 41 acre farm 3 miles s ulhof Mebane, N. C., $1300 00. 201 acre farm 2 miles west of Mebane, N, C., $40(;0.00. 206 aorp farm 3 miles of Saxapahaw, N. C., $2000.00. 80 acre farm at Glen Raven, N. C., $4,500.u0 75 acre farm 2 mi’es east.of Mebane, N. C., $1000.00. All the above farms are well located on good roads. Central Loan & Trust Co. W. W. Brown, Manager Bnrlingtoi, - - North CaroMia Have won 14 Ucbest ^meriCMt antf eitr»p«an •w*rds f«r thelf ‘ «tTength, and DELICI0U5 PLAyl^ i 10 and 38 c«at «lxe^ BY Ai.L 8ROCSilS. in almost past belief that a County like Alamance in many ways Mie moat progreasive in the State of North Carolina ^ lowrate, and that she must remain backwaid m the subject that Js important-to man «feK>ye all ^n^^ions exfst^^ death:. How lon^ must s^el^ ave information as to how the examination was mMe. Each mill owner lurmsh^ us a man acquainted with the mill people and tneH' homes. This man made’ a circuit of the village, leaving at each house a letter, a pamphlet on Hookworm Disease, and the number oi containers needed. On the following day he made a second round and gathered up the specimens. This method was especially successful at the Saxapahaw, the Aurora, the Lakeside, M ^ ® Travora cotton mills. Mr. Eugene Holt and Mr. George x. Williamson were particularly interested and stopped tneir mills in order that the operatives might have an opportunity to hear the lecture and see the exhibit. During our work - in the upp'isr part of the county we were greatly aided by Mr. Joseph Gant at Altamajiaw and Mr. Williamson at Glenco, On our first dispensary day at Hub we were awaited by Mr. Gant who used every effort to have the people of his mill examined. It was due to his influence that 154 were examined at Altamahawin one day. ^ Y T^i invited us to come to Glenco, as did Mr. McNeely or the Elmira Mills. These gentlemen then had the specimens g)liected and sent to Ufa at cur nearest dispensary points. Mr. iJaker, of Swepsonville, was very enthusiastic regarding our work and 11 was due to his influence that we were enabled to do such good work the two days we were at the Virginia Cotton Mills, 1 ^ examples of what an individual, byhisper- sonal efforts, may do for the cause of public health and sanitation. We are sony to state, however, that the cooperation we received from the majority of the leading citizens of the county was very meagre. Many of the intellectual people of the county were indifferent and in some instances prejudiced against our vvork. The lack of interest and cooperation on the part of the madicil Drofesaioa and on the part of the school autho rities was surprising! During the entire six weeks only nine phy- sicans visited the dispensaries and very few of these took an ac- tive part in our work. If I remember rightly, the dispensaries at Burhngton were not visited by a single physican. When these men were interviewed they said they were interested and hoped we would meet with success, but went no further,. To accomplish anything positive in public health, as in any other mov-ment for the upbuilding'of humanity, interest to be effective must be pos- tive and must be expressed in work. The truth of fhe Apostle that ’‘Faith without works is dead” is seen here with much force. Naturally, the.greatest aid in campaign of thi^s |iind is frorr. the leaders, for when the leaders become interested the people follow I It was a great opport'anity for those in charge of education and thf jiiealth of the people to promote sanitation and health among the .people, “The physicans are guardians of the public health” and ! tile time is not far distant when the work of the medical profess ion will be, not to cure people of disease but to prevent the pepp!e from having disease. Why Take Less When You Can Get You Deserve All You Can Get LADIES! DO YOU SUFFER He&daches? TaKe CAPVDINE tKem TKe prompt relief is mag'icAl 25c. 50c. A BOTTLE AT ALL DmJ8GIST& TWE BEST SY tVERY TEST You do not pay more when jou can buy for less, do you? Cercainly not if you have an eye to business. We put these questioiis to the tobacco growers (in the Old Bright Beit) of Virginia and North Carolina. They are live, pertinent questions and we ask you to answer them for yourselves. You have just finished the harvesting of your tobacco crop and it is now “up to you” to realize the full re ward of almost a year's labor. Why take less when you can get more? Y ^u can get More Money for your tobacco on the Danviile market than on any other market in the woild. This is a fact that cannot be gainsaid. Others may claim to “do as well.” We know they cannot. We-have been in business for ten years and we have devoted our large capi tal and the time, energy and best thought of ihe very best men ever in the business (for the past 25 years) to the aim and end of growth and facilities knowledge and ability, of what is best and what is necessary to obtain for our patrons not only hiehest market prices but the highest prices on the highest market. We fully believe that we have attained this aim and end and we solicit your patronage on these high grounds of an impersonal nature and on this statement of facts. Our market has more buyers this season than evei" before in its history. Of course this means greater com petition, No use for the smaller markets to claim the “Equal Competition,” Such is not a fact and anyone mak ing such statement is either very ignorant or knows that it is not a fact. Our force is the strongest and ablest ever associated in the warehouse business, a fact just as our other facilities are the biggest and best. Answer the foregoing questions fir yourself, pick out the facts ju^ as stated and we believe you will sell your entire crop "bn the Danville market and with one of the branches of our Company composed of ACRE&'S BANNER CENTRAL HOLLAND’S PLANTERS and UNION WARE HOUSE. “W© verify.our claims. Yours in FACT for FACTS and for business. Co-Operative Ware' house Co. Danville, Va., September 30, 19i3. fdmam The Dispatch Only $L00 Per Yr. or 6 MoBths 50c. .Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Te Prevent Blood Poisoning Vou’r drueeist will refund money if FAZO apply at once the' wonderful old reliable tsR, OINTMeM' fails to cure any oase of Itching, PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING Oil,-, a sur- Blind.BleedingorProtrudiiigPilesinStolldays. Rical dressing tftat relieves pain mnd heals al Ihe first application gives l^s« and Rest, 50cr this same time. Not a linissent. 25c 50c.Jl.0P rm rs; ■■ ‘f J ■■ f. l: We have a farm containing 83 acres, part of this adjoining the corporate 1 mits of Burlington, .N. C., with 9 room dwelling, goad outhouses, well watei*(^, plenty of wood, fine orchard, in every way a desirable farm. Will sell on easy terms. Alamance Insurance and Red Estate Co. W. E, SHARPE, Mgr. 3 r'f 4 \Wiis; essons At right when the children gather around the sirdng-room table sttidying their lessons for the next day, the telephone often, rings. A h*tt-3 neighbor a iTjile down the road wants help from his school-mates. Children as well as growli-ups get pleasure and profit from the farm telephone. Do you know how little this servicei costs and how valuable it is ? See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager of write for our free booklet A postal will do. V FARMERS* LINE DEPARTMENT SOtnrHERN BEDL TELEPHONE ANB TELEGRAPH COMPANY ^ f^YdR ;^TRE^T V ATI^Am'A. GA. Landmarks of Progress Smh are all the recent developments of the (Visible Models 10 and 11} ■ tj Among these developments are: TAe Built-in Decimal T«bjjflator-^}vhich makes the decimat tabulct* tMg tnechanism an integral part •£ the typewriter. The Tahulmt0r Set Key—^wkiek eliminates all hand setting of tlae tdn^lator sibpst. ^ The Column ^etomiines, by Ae strekc of a sihj^e key, the ©xa*t point o» each fme where the writing is t« l^gin. ^ The Adding and SUbtrmeting^emington (Wahl M^hanism)—whtich * ««mbin*s in *ne typewriter, anrf kt •«« operation, the functions of the wFiting mackiaip aadl the Every one of these new dcvd- Dpments is an evidence of the per- ?;tual leadership of the Remington ypewriter. II1 u st r a t e d booktet descriptive of all recent Remington improvements, sent on reqttest Reitiin^on Typewriter Company (Incorporated) ElO F, MsinSt, Rictii])ond.VB. iLjmmni f'- i': Subscribe For The Stats DispatcL