Scrubbing UiisiscessarTf / Enamei your walls and woodwork and s?c«re a finish diat is hard and smooth, non-absorbent and * sanitary. Enameled surfaces do,)not require scrub bing, An occasional wiping with a damp cloth will keep them looking clean and’4resh. ^ME QUALirf ^ ; ' ENAMELS (NEAL’S) . 3fe easily applied. They cost no more than ^>rdinary , paint and save you time, trouble and worry. Our *‘Honie Decorating’’ booklet tells you how fou can “do it yourself’ at trifling cost * t Ask lor a free copy..^ _ j Coble-Bradshaw Company Burlington, N. C. flEiyEB k CENEIiliL TOilC -1 The passage o’f the bill in the Senate ifi hniled by Democrats fill over the country as the ful fllment of their platform and campaign pleciges. There is ^no question that in one respect that is tiue. The Democrats pledged themselves in their national plat form and on the stump all over the country to revise the tariff downward and to make a sub stantial reduction in the exist ing rates of duty. They surely have done that. Their bil; as ii stands, effects a reduction of about 25 percent. The average ad yalorem duty under the Payne- Aldrich lav7 is something over 50 percent. Under the Wilson- Underwood law it will be less than 25 persent. The cut is made ail down the line. It af fects every schedule except those dealing with pure luxuries. It is a genuine farreaching and ef fective reduction, and that part of the Democratic promise is fulfilled. But the country is much more interested in seeing whether or not the measure will prove an; ecjual fulfillment of the other part of the Democratic tariff pledges. By the most important part of their tariff promise to the I country was the constant and I widely made pledge by the Democrats ,thpt through this re-- I duction in tariff rates they would i bring down the cost of living, j which now burdens so tremend ously the great wage-working I population of the country. I he jreal test of the Wilson-Under- ! wood lav/ will be found in its ! effect or lack of effect on the I high cost of living. The bill how to solve if they were state ment and economists and not mere blatant demagogues blath ering for office, pricrs for food and clothing and the necessities of life are about the fall and , re lief is at hand for the ultimate consumer. If these things come to then the Democrat-? will earned and be entitled to reward. If they do not come to also the Democrats will earned and be entitled to reward. But it wiil be a ferent rev;ard. pass have their pass have their dif- •O “K ‘aSsjioD ««« 49d.aeil *v ?u»p|S3jt*| 01 siBiliaiwse! iiilj pim snSoiBlia sBiid Ojz jo; o.tuo J15 S1U.YV .*&jtl jO ni-3UI)XV(lap ui.stioi;isort o[qibiiodsai ssaosns'qihii mr S3ii:npi;.i3 0s0[[03 UOia SUIJOj;, 'Sqmoiii [ooii-iE uni !0J l6t$ OJ lJl$ lUOlJ ‘ilinog sjiius a'-il U!)S9M0f »l{} •qsiionii ssau •uijpoul oi UOJlJppB ni’ w -CO/ •03U91 .« ■U&A.U03 auopovu ooo‘oo£j og3][b3 iio[3. sqi JO SS9U -3>0jdlUpD 9^1 JO 3jduJT?S 13 Sj Suipi’.nq snojpouiusoo HiniSBUUiA0 0d0‘92$ Professiona! Cards* n TIRED, WEAK AND NERVOUS Why Are So Many Burlington Peo 8 . s n « I G « 1 9' B ' a i 1 8 eh i B R £■ D £ set t! L C ■' B. ■ t c r. 6 ■BiiJ u ple In This Condition? trouble and made my almost wholly because j back strong," GiOVE’S The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts on the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, For Grown People and Children* Tou know what you are taking whea you take GroYe's Tasteless chill Tonic js tie formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known tmic properties of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter ionic and is in Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, "Weakness, general debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing ^«thers and Pale, Sickly Children. Removes Biliousness without purging. 3l^ere9 nervous depression and low spirits. Arouses the liver to action and joscifies the blood. A True Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. should be without it. Guaranteed by your Druggist, We mean it. 50c. \ 1 has found its popularity in the jed the jcoiintry I of the Democratic promise to cut the cost of living. This is the chief issue in the c untry today. The demand is w^ell-high univer sal for relief from this burden. The Democrats assured the coun^ try that the tariff exactions of the standpat Republicans were the chief cause of the high cost of living. They reiterated their promise of relief on every plat form throughout the campaign. Within the last ten days no less a Democratic authority than Speaker Clark has repeated the promise, making it specifically for this bill. Now, the time has come for fulfilment. The new bill will go into effect in all its provisions within a short time. If the Democratic promise was true, if makes understood the problem they professed to know Peel tiard out, irritable and de pressed? Uriene irregular; back weak and painful? These are symptons that sug gest kidney trouble. Vv'hen the kidneys call_ for help; Assist them with a tested kid ney remedy. Give them the help they need. No remedy more highly recom mended than Kidney Pills. Backed up by home testimony. Endorsed by Burlington peo ple. Mrs. P. King, Dixie St. Burl ington, N. C., sajs; . “I had I nervous headaches, my back wQiild hurt me and 1 had pains when I lifted anything. "’The kidneys action was quite irregu lar, Doan’s Kidney Pills remov- ‘ ' ' •Kncui''. ~r -||—iinnM>ii»iniii mni T^iiTinmTTiT''r'ii~irii''i'iTr*"*"-"*~ for tuts, Burns and Bralsss. I:: every home there should be a box of Baclcleri’s Arnaica Salvo, ^ready to apply in every case of barn'3.' cit?:, wound‘d or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Di.'lva!le, Tex,, R. No. 2, wntes: ‘‘iiuck- len’s Arnica Salve saved my lit tle girl’s, cut foot. .No one. be- Hi Alle Specialise Office Over C. F, q, Burlington, - . Dr. J. S. Frost Dentist, ’ . Burlington, - N i_ Office phone 374-J. Res/374,L P ■ iiDOd, i). V. s: W.A. 11 OI”.; i i; Sppoa ^.Hornadav' ' Veterinarians .lie 282,. uud i 4Tr> Aulin IJoKidpjK't- J>li( i, Ui .«'■ A D, For sale by all dealers. Price Co., . for Helps With the Lessons At night vi'hen the children gather around the sitting-room table studying their lessons for the next day, the telephone often rings. A little neighbor a mile down the road wants help from h?s school-mates. Children as well as grown-nps get pleasure and profit from the farm telephone. Do you know how little this service costs and how valuable it is ? See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or write for our free booklet. A postal will do. FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, G.\. Most Ghiidren Have Warms. v Many mothers thmk their jphildren are suffering from in- l^gestion, headache, nervousness weakness, costiveness, when they are victims of that most common of all children's ailments —worms. Peevish, ill-tempered, fertful children, who toss and grind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains have all the symptoms of having worms and should be given Kick- apoo Vvorm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which expels worms, regulates the bowels, tones up the system and makes children well and happy, Iticka- poo Worm Killer is guaranteed. All„druggists, or by mail. Price 25c. Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co., Philadelphia ?^d St. Louis i if- Ji i 50 cents. Foster-Miiburn Buffalo, N. Y., sole agent the Uuited States. Remember the name—Doan's — and take no other. SERIOUSLY CONSIDER IT when about to caJl or reccom- mend an undertaker—you can not be to sure as to hia finness. This means- more than you can imagine. We have but one standard of service and appointments — "the best." The expense is a matter of your own desire. Williams, Green & McClure, Graham N. C. Phone 25IL. YOU CATTT EAT M The Southern Railway Co. wiil have an educational exhibit at the county fair. This will give dirying and horticultural de monstrations. We desire to call the attentibn of our readers to the date of our county fair which will be held Oct. 7th to 10th. arrange' to be present. One of the things we are look ing to with much interest is the Alamance County fair Oct. 7th 10th. ‘ Ifultitudes of pedple Idse appetite ■ don't estre to^ any thing to 4^t. The dinner, boll has no interest to them. They jlo^th^, their breakfast. They may nibble, a little of this atid a little of that, but they do not care .for it. Lunch has lost all of its charms, alt'hough they, try to eat somethins. Dinner about the same. There is somethingr positively wrong, of course, but no disease that can be nani/ed. Just out of sorts. That is alL It is in this kind of a condition that Peruna acts very beneficially. After using^ Peruna, interest in food is revived. Beginning with a tea spoonful of Peruna' before each meal will generally quickly Improve the appetite and help the digestion. Thousands of people can testify to this. Liberated from a slavery that is almost Tinbearable. The slavery of having no interest in life. All ysed up. Yet one does not know exactly why. Take Peruna before each meai. Skies will get blue again. Fields will look green onee more and life will be pleasant. You will feel that you are good for something and the world Is a good place to live In. Peruna will do it. Not as an artificial stim ulant. Simply a tonic that stimulates appetite in a natutal way. Those who objset to liquid medi> cines can now obtain Peruna Tablets. A Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 to 8 p ni First National Bank BuildiJ.g lieved it could be cared.The i Leave day calls at Hradl--'vc 250.^ Store. ■ , ' . world's best, salve. Recommended by Froeman >Drug Go, Only ■ 25c. Whole Family Benefited By Wonderful Remedy There-are, inaiiy little things to annoy us, under present con^iitiojis of life.. The- hurry, luird work,, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to j)rovokc nervousness and. irril;abihty.. U'e arc frequently so \v'orn out we can: neither sleep' nor work Avith' any comfort. We are out of line with’ourselves and others as well.' A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Mile*' Anti-Pain PiiU to relieve the strain on the nerves. Mrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 82 Plum St., Atlanta Ga., writes: “I have on several occasions bMh vastly reUe\ ed by the u«se of your med icines, espeoiaily the Anti-Pai« Pills, which i keep, constantly on haftd for the use' of myself, huiiband and twe^ sons. Nothing: Jn the world aauajs thami as A headache rt^medy. Often I an i enabled by the use of one two ’6f tbe Pills; to ,sontinue .my housewerk when 9therwiae I. wpuld b* in Mp husband joins me ia my pmlse of Anti'Faln ipllls ahd Nervtne.” ’ Dr. ire relied upon to relieve psltt*' nervousness and irntability' in thou* sands o£ households. Oi provmu merit after twenty years- use, you , can have, no reason-foi-. l>eiiig longer without them. At «H brugglsts, 25 doses 25 eefnt*. MILES MEDICAL. CO., Elkhart, Ind. Dameron & Long A TnnnUXTWVC* Am r ' 0 E ^ ‘ ^ Nurfolk t Westera A.TTORNEYS AT LAV^ S.W.BAraON I ABOLPB lo,n Burlington j . ih-nhmn' office m I . clBteiu BolMVlCtlOJSfi!) gig. FaoBe ■ 250 Pliane 1*8 PtediDOBt Bttlidlng 1 Lav,', H. Vernon Attorney aiia uounseiloF at Burlington, N. C. Office room 7 and 8 Second floor First N^t’l Bank Building office ’phone 3‘3 7-J Resident ’phone 337-L R. HofFman, Attomejrat-Law Buriingtori, North Carolina. Office, Second Floor r’Irrt Nitiowl Bank Bnilding. DR. J. H. BROOKS : Surgeon Dentist Foster Building , BURLliXGTON, N. C. DR. J. E. HOLT : DENIflST QtnCE Qffl FKEMANS blVG STOIE. PHONE ..... . 4B iuKUHiGTOH, N. t. To Cure a Cold in Orst Oay Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quiaine, It stops the Cough ^ and Headache and woikr: off tbe Co.d. Druggists refund money if 't fails to cure, E. W, GROVE'S signature ot eac;- 25c, I ltT ' a 1Q1 o LEAVE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanoke arid intermediate stations. Con nect with Main Line train North, East and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 P. M. daily for Martins ville, Roanoke, the North and East. Pullman steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars ISiorth of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily, except Sun day, for Martinsville and local stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salem 9:15 A.M., 9:35 P. M., 1:55P. M, Trains leave Durham for Roxboro South Boston and Lynchbui^g 7:00 a. dHiIy.and 5:30 p. m. daily exceptSnnday W. B. HEVILii, Passi’r. TraR JMgr. W. C. SAtJNDKRS,Geu’I PaH, Ag* Roanoke, V%, Burlington, N. L Gbtrles in Stock over 300 ferenr Patterns of Dif- Nousetoorder-Goseelt MUSICAL TUITION Organ, Singing, (a Specialty), Theory of Music, Harmony, etc. Mr. G. Scott-Hunter, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC Organist and Choi r mas ter, * ‘Church of the Holy Comforter' Burlington, N. C., gives lessons in the above subjects. Terms (which are reasonable) and all information, apply G. Scott-Hunter, Burlington, N. G. IF NOT,. WHY NOT? ITS .■SiS. iii n f ‘

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