pnnpppp _I|.!M 111 • •« "^ V' “■ j ?* H «,11 C«Wt,«r, J. .> ^PIP . . ' bo VOU WANT I 10 & A $25.00 Hornless Symphony Taking Machine for i 11 ASK 1 FREEH AW DRUG CO I i,OOi^L A.NI3 FEFlSOlSr '\ L | ■MK’.y.minjpp'i.nrM Pa Teague of Swep* i J’fe-Rofeeirt E. Daltoa and Miss ' Daltoa Enteirtain. , Winston- Ssilem, Nov. 13. -- ^ Among' the many beautiful so- city affairs of the autumn, none has been more charming in every detai) than the brilliant reception of yesterday afternoor., v/hen Mrs. Robert E. Dalton and Mips Dalton, were ‘ ‘at home'] in honor The I sale w, ich is being| of: two interesting brides and *e!'i orf at Tiie Corn'.’r Store j two equally i5iterestinor brides-to- J":i-ite a succe??. | be, Mra. Robert E. Dalton, Jr., : of Greer'S boro i’r'Frs. Harry P>oe '; ber. Mif^s Farish and Miss Mi?s . p.yviiie Nvas the creust ot ‘’'Vipc. ?-.IcPherson Sunday, Steadman of .^iirnsboro vv*aa welcome call- '"7n nur town Friday. i’, .1, G. Rog'ers spent Sunday '^ree-nsboi'vi with his sister v:;k' is ’ Leo’s hospital. Mhoy '>eop!e are taking ad- bu*: o^r.-M'ains , .V -rpT. :GvnceTa\aor. ■ ' I Vv el coming the guest{? at the ■r:‘vi ; threshold wero Mrs. W. P. Hill The n:en':lers of Ihq Philathea; ond Mrs, R, S. Gallowy, while -liG F;-e?u.)yi;e;‘ian Ghur-'ii-wo pret y ];ttle msid ch held their j“t\gnlar montr ly j Miss Martha Louise Dalton, _in !:h Ivus'os Addio Rj-y! white lingerie, with Nelirose rib- 0:ivi-i'-inirh Monday night; hons, and Miss Hervev Louisr he VvT' drobe I'or the Orphan at: Jones, in''■^hite lingerie with blue -•■prings \v;;s completed.; ribbons, received the cards. '. . '4: were served. Passing f?-om Ibe ball, were handfome T>aims and ferns gave D.,.„ i. I*' V L;- Chrisiir.n Church is high- ctos-uithfrnum?.^ ;;. oiiorod in iiaving wivh rhem tulls wi.-i lorns. c;;;iy!^U- a: lange '--■id-' e\eniMO'Nov. 15th ai ''bout the roo;Tu with p>eo;.v oi “>'i ¥ ''vr 'V^omii D D i color and beauty in the elegant ■r^!^e’'Pont’'"n ' le- i receiving partv,. o : = ^i v,l I^^rs, Dalton met he. gue.ts in a -^^"ilovelv co-^>t>ame of pale blue bro- ■> ; n{ioroi rieini-r tije tovf-je-n ; v ^ 4 ' „• 4,' •.; ■ ‘ ' 1 ('Hcip wi*'h t^’i’Tomings of lace ano i:'.■ r.rof th.''Arr:0rit»n''rh:isHH>i | owshes >'f -ilvw, with a cor.^affe . This disiinwi^i-h or Pmk earnationa. Mrs. K. ■ Dalton, Jr., wore a beautirul creation of shrimp pink charmeu?. with' over drfcss' of cream lace and garniture of wee pink rose bud?, and a corsage of pink sweet peas: Mrs. Foreber was attired in her elegant wedding gown of white Duchesse satin and white brocade velvet with lace trim mings; ^liss Fari'^b wore an in- ported w i hand emb ■ ‘,(T » their big stock of EVERY THING. DrvVGoods, ! ; ^'®^''^ Novelties, Toys, China Glass Ware and w rcn melware, Fruits, Fresh Candies IOg, a pound, Extra fine Chocoiates 10c. 12 dj Cfocker:;^'- .E^n- c> POVUIG. i l'OU'>h .>(-'‘u H;eal an>i. hi |;&^srci^aVi' .-^ ^ !:ippiy' Co., . at Buchanan’s 5, 10 and 25c. Store. Burlington, North Carolina. V ivo'.v IS I he: tiiiiC f.(> gel; your r^]r> :p!aut.N, best varieties 50 cents per hundred, riee by the thonsaiid. ;., L. Isley. ..r:Ul.r>Vv-, M C'.CTKkMvMi Col'feeat Coble’s Gro cery. ■ ' \ ,Pied,mont Opera e-i ;■'■;>?'.ker has but recently re- Ui!''iGd ii’om a tour of Japan in 'he interest of missions and the to be presented v;ere pro- e^ired by him while on this trip The same gentlemr^n will preach to the congregation Sundav morn- at the 11 o’cu^ck br.ur, Sun- ew.ning at 7:80 Rev. D. P! missloan'-y from Ponce, F'.r :o Kieo row on a fiirlon on nddresa tiie con'trregaiion. W, N. Dalton, Mrsv Dennis Gra ven, Miss Cynthia Jones, Miss Ruth Critz and Mrs. Turner Farish. Mrs. E. i'i Jones and Mrs, Charles •S.he'ito:! invited the guests to the library, where they were greeted i)y Me^damss, W. M. Herndon, D. j>, Shelton, Ernest D-dton, Cliarhs Tavloi, T. I Dalton, and .Mi s Sadie VVaiker, Lovely roses, in shades* of white, deep creran und yeiv-'.w filled vises^and jardinies'ed all about the room and the handsome car glasses punch bowl on its c =t_glass pedestal was festooned with gre.'.t luscious cluster?, of Maiagra grapes, with foliage. The refreshinggra,pe frappe was dippense^.l by .Mrs, 'vV. Hanes and. Mrs. J. L. Lulo'v who was as.t:i?i'ed by Misses SerennlDalton, Lucy Har;es, Margaret Fietcher, Virginia W.iggins, Paub'na Taylor ^ind Nannie Jenes. M)‘s, R. T. Stedman and iVIrs. W, L. Ferrell showed the guests to the dinning roorls where all v/as in a golden, sunny yellow color tone. The table was ar- rarujed with an exquistite set of ra'-'e i.'sce ni'itji, and in the center^ stood a yelifjw jardiniers of sup-1 erb big golden ehrysanthema:ris, j ^ '.vhiie resting in their midst was! an e:.':aggerated butterlly, 'with! its yellow covered lights; caught * r.ere r..nd chere in the maline sn'e'-mers was a .single yellow ; s I'.hrysanthemus of smaller dim-' ensions. Else where about the .jv , room on bulfet, and china closet' 0rjnri3.0 were vases of yellow roses and bowls of yellow chrysanthemumsS Welcoming the guests In this Prir»«f ‘vft* lively room were Mrs. K, tl. | Masteji and J, K, Norfleet, ■ . while |)ouring coffee and tea' were Mrs. J. P„ Taylor and Mrs, L. P.- Bitting. The room was'^ presided over by Mrs. Sam Tayl- ^ or, Mrs. Norman. Stone and Miss ^ Kate Sheppard. An elaborate 1 course of oystera salads etc, fol- p lowed by chccoiate mints and || nuts was served by Misses Mar- ixaret and Louise Ludiow, Mar- Jan Farm for Sale. 78 acres farm, two miles southS eastof Swepsonville, N. C., 5- room residence, good barn and ali_ necessary outhouse, 3-4 red soil, 1-4 gray. This is a nice farm and cnn be bought at a bargain. Central Loan & Trust Co. W W. BROWN, Manager. eating applet 10 to 15 cent^ pe dozen at F. J. Strader. House NOV, f5 DoiiM'g Deceiver’ W Hacketi. 75c.; 50c, M o Throwing its ponei rcViing i aA s frc.U! DKj'^xv servob as a pei'';-.e! uyj m.i U-. ehariuel or aud ir^e /xoai '..n-j t'ri*-.nQ md misery. (Ja'itiviiie the habit of. saving—i.i /v i ;-1;..-; [of uricaiicd for expendivuves. Uoi-j' i fit is sure to be profiiabie. . . You can afford to t'O a.lilt;ie t';;, o |-3til! not be considered.a’. .. .V' ■ .BANh .' • V.! i ••:,(, c iv;i;ii U I'b-;- ri'.iOUrt rocks, of \Van ciiing in the matte ! MS interesting w ih XU you are and ?viake ?i. e '^posii ir> .f'ri- e'i'eri, Miou;n o You will soo.n Hiui’ I for good; and h '.v;:.- money. xh ir^ f.’y, 4iv k 4/J 4h ft «'%. ■ Buriington, Usiiitfid States' Goverameat Depasilory. - .,1C jace bodice over I boofi r.y i.m public IS cprdi9uy invjtea "1;® . Mi^s Taylor was becoming- Anna Bux vir-oq ' ly gowned m mle _ green tulle j bheppaiO, wuxtOR ana a very largt 1.1 y . v.'abel’i ;.3 number Vb-iHr Dunlop v. ent to y Wedne«dHy ( o visit nephew Dunlop White who rared on for appendicitis. ■ getting on nicelv. ly gowned i , i • -• ^ rfver c+armeuse, with a iovelyjot guests bavi,,g enioyeri tee 1,Icra anri trimmings o:f I b»autitutiuispitaiity oj: chs nome. ,( Saiisbui bodice of lace ana trn'nmings fu*; Mis^s Dalton wc^re a beauti-j 1ul gown 01 brocade in pale blue, j The ladies of the .iijpiscopj; 4 M A i'*K''F rOUNTY’S Isiaiitiwiches j work and white artiils for besides ice cream, cake, tea OL-; t.- -"K A T* T ,f.k I \i ■>. t 'i LARGEST n‘ ■? * M ■ buy your Xrnas gifts oeUTe Dec. ;->rd. Youi’s truly, M.'.’s. Eugene Holt, Secretary of f r J J '1-7 i.'^caooi r-Jews.. r. !L A'. C: P Ci;i0j;di,y ot Edo car: ve-bity wi-ii addi’et- iU V 'I'eac;hei ’S Weed Li-'cornber ethren )i' For 31-C o.f ;);• Ii-h: .. hi i I f/ rv'’ /T*)/ t; -i. , ;:r::e;. a pnz- r\ ■ hat wih Vv"-i:.e >i' ■! ee Hjjd >!; cKi.m 10. 1914,-,^. .^'tud.: I t!ir5vr;:t'-wa^-?r; ab^'.^nr them.'^'iFuil ph-;i wiiivbe du?- linvd at . '.'r.:o L'-icy iL;ore ef I./ru: ; .f-icrida.'' to . ; s!': Br'epson vjh(' ... i'i'Sf' 'crowd at this school rn-^de b.T^''S:aftbei’ neces'-riib'-;' ' viilelias-now four teachfersi. The State teacnerf ' '■ ft i j i meelFi in Ralfcigh week after next t.; '•■4—L.V-./' ,.-=r'i'i .^^.. .e. . o.nn T> T\7t 'i'i f i Wjfednesday 26th at. 8:30 P. M. 0;.-_ % y% ^ Alamance teachers : juii force. .v,^^ f^^3|tp.;lipar.s(;)|^,tb^ spe-. 1 :■: |ialis|?ln ihe::Va#ous,cepiPti:iientsi ; of .educationai dndeavor:. and at j | the same time visit om- State Capitol. h'.m OlTAtWHTEEB ALL WOOL ffANDTAltiORED iie¥er liaci siicli ^teraiBfe 31 COiI\Pi£ of styles aEcI faferks' to offer p coiBiiig early you cm get yo-Mr of those beanlifiil-browa, las c^.ilu a pIfCIs 10Rig;' ,SSH‘'U'' ^‘S, Si ' n at: ^ % .-J Fli> ^ 4. J I), ari.c;r^ p,V irxj ^ '!S I 17 '*•1 T- ■‘'i---M'vrf ^.K ri' (s o''W?>•?.#-•’4" '-iH li' •• •'.* V'jJ :/ ■? u ',1 .V If ',.7 pi «. i-.Vf ^ ^'idi ■ I V • 4..-? !anun.r -dd HiPn '.’s-riT.e 7 !' vii 0>&.; i.'J-Js i ) Lose ?:i efmi m ^ uVt-a y’ w e- fou^ aEfwaj 1813» ^6. .Klrtcni^m Ca '■sL -a LOtHIERS DING nould. be in It is an opportunity .f ■

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