nl\ i'^h I- 'f i' n.' •>' i' '' 9i, •■''-■ 9', .;^ •.'i' ;;‘V •; - ;^- F« S II f: '^r'. f:> • i , ; Svi' " '•’ hM.r/ H>:! .■$ 1 m..-' W 'r ; ^ |Si>- ..' , if': Ife4 ^ 1^ ■:■ ^ -? Si ■ W' -■ ■ i# . |>s\'. is fifi-' iu-^ pi V m'' i:- I?:;-- - Lanterns Strong and Dvirabie For Fhhing, Camping, and Hard Use under All Conditions, When the Occasion Arises that you need an Undertaker, it is then that you will appre- ciate the more that beside be ing able to procure the neces sary furnishings at an expense to suit your wishes ~ the ap pointments will be high class, the obsequies carried out with that solemnity so desired and yet so jacking in most present- day funerals. We have the reputation as being without a peer. Willioms, Green & McClure Phone 25lLi GRAHAM, N. C. Tiie ladies of the Episcopal Guild will hold a Baza^ at the PiedmontDec. 3rd. from 3 o clock P M on. There will be Fancy work and white artills for sale besides ice creanij cake, tea ana sandwiches „ , Do not buy your Xmas gifts before Dec. 3rd. " Yours truly, Mrs. Eugene Holt, Secretary of theG^’ild. Give steady, bright light Easy to light Easy to clean and rewick. Don’t smoke. Don’t blow out in the wind. Don.’t leak. At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D» C. Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE Charlo9te,N.C. Charleston, W. Vo. Charleston, S. C. Nervous and Sick Headaches Torpid liver* constipated bowels and disordered stomach are the oFl7 or 18 years of age. causes of these headaches. Take' ’ Dr King’s New Life Pills. You will be surprised how quickly you will get relief. They stimulate the diifereht organs to do their work properly. No better regu lator for livier and bowels. Take 25c and invest in a box today. At all druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. Gray Hair Made Its Original Color. (Clip This Notice Its Worth 50c) If you hair is gray, white, faded, brittle, falling out, itch ing scalp or dandruff, apply Q- Ban hair color restorer to gray hair and scalp. Not a dye, but it brings to the hair surface the ! original color nature gave your hair. Makes gray hair brown, black, suburn or its original color : 18 years of age. Never fails. Perfectly harmeless, de lightful to use Q-Ban makes hair soft, full of life, beautiful. Stops dandi'uf, itching scalp and falling hair. Complete directions for home treatment of the hair with each bottle. 50c by parcel post, or return this notice and $1 and we will deliver you three bottles. If not satisfied by its use we give you back $1.50. Address Hessig-Ellis Drug Co., Alemphis, Tenn. Four men believed to be mejrn- bers of the Black Hand jumpied on the running board of an auto mobile owned and driven by Jas. Chiciachee of Tarry Town, N. Y., one night last week and at pistol point relieved him and his companioi? of $13.80. At first Mr. Chicachee refused to give up but was was sent sprawling on the jaw. COULD SCARCELY WALK ABOUT 4sd For Three Summers Mrs. Yih- Relieve i would have died if i hadn't taken it. cent Was Unable to Attend to Any of Her Housework. greatly helped, and all three bottles re lieved me entirely, I fattened up, and grew so much stronger in three months, 1 felt like an other person altogether.” Cardui is purely vegetable and gentle- acting. Its ingredients have a mild, tonic effect, on the womanly constitution. Cardui makes for increased strength, improves the appetite, tones up the ner vous system, and helps to make pale, saUow chefeks, fresh and rosy. Cardui has helped more than a million weak women, during the past 50 years It will surely do for you, what it haj done for them. Try Cardtd today. Dinner For Mr. aRd Mrs. Gantt. Below we copy an article frqm Friday’s Charlotte Obses ver: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ivey en- rerfaiiied at an elegant eight- course dinner party last evening at 6:30 o'clock at their home in Piedmont Park in honor of Mrs. Ivey's brother, Mr. Samuel Gantt and bride who arrived in the city yesterday. Mrs. Gantt be fore her marriage Wednesday evening was Miss Mabel Isley of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Gantt are en route to their future home Pleasant Hill, N. C.—“I suffered for fiiree summers,” writes Mrs. Walter Viacent, of this town, '‘and the third and laytime, was my worst. I had dreadful nervous headaches and prostration, and was scarcely abb to . walk about. Could not do any of my ttousework. I also had dreadful pains in my back Aftd sides and when one of those weak, tinking spells would come on me, 1 would have to give up and lie down, until it wore off. I was certainly in a dreadful state of licalth, when I finally decided to try Cardui. the woman’s tonic, and I firmly Write to: Chaltanooga Madlcin# Co., Ladles’ Ad- %;lsory Dept., ChattancroKa. Tenn,, for Spccial Jrt- structions on your case and 64-page book, "Homf- Treatment for women,” s»nt In plain wrappw. J-&- TEETH 1 Xjlij 1 £1. Why continue to suffer with toothache? Diseased and aching teeth causes nervousness, indigestion loss of weight and bad breath. Have ■ onr teeth filled and mouth placed in good condition. Have your badly decayed teeth removed by the most painless and safest method known. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Dr. J. E Holt, BURLINGTON, N. C. Office over Freeman’s Drug Store. Phone 462 L. Nearly Every Child Has Worms Paleness, at times a flushed face, unnatural hunger, picking the nose, great thirst, et:;., are I indications of worms. Kickapoo j Wprm Killer is a reliable, thor- j ough medicine for the removal of I all kinds of worms from children j and adults Kickapoo Worm Kill- |er is in pleasant candy form, aids I digest ion, tones system, overcom- I ing constipalion and iricreasin>2: the action of the liver. Is per fectly safe for even the most del icate children. Kickapoo Worm Killer makes children hnppy pnd healthy, 25c. Guarjinteed. Try it. Drug stores or by mail. Kick- |n Beaumont, Cal,, where Mr apoo Indian Medi-ine Co . Phila-1 Q^ntt is engaged in the mercan- delphia and St. Louis. | business, Mrs. Ivey attend- iedher brother's wedding. A color-note of yellow and white AN rHIIflH Iwasobserved and the place cards fill liiULOu/lill uUtlulIa jwere handpainted in yellow. I During the evening orchestral Contmu^ Dropping of Mucus | furnished. Mr. and into my Throat. ! Mrs. Ivey^s guests were Mr. and A severe cough !s always a grave | Mrs. Samuel Gantt, Mis3 Lina symptom. It may not indicate or- ■ Lenoir and Mr. W. Siri- Clair Stewart, Miss Ruth Lillard though the cough is a functional dis- , ,, ~ ’ t « j* n/r turbance it is of sufficient gravity to snd Mr. George Left of Monroe, demand prompt attention. I Miss Katherine Claywell, of The dropping of mucus from thcj Morganton and Mr. R. N. Gantt back part of the nose into the throat q£ BrVSOn City. lndicate!3 nasal catarrh. Sometimes ^ this goes on a long time before the patient pays any attention to it. It is stated on good authority that mu cus dropping into the throat in thia way is apt to excite catarrh of the stomach. At any rate, the. condition ought to be corrected as soon as pos sible. Mrs. Bourland, of Frankston, Texas, found after using Peruna that not only did the incessant cough disap pear, but the dropping of mucus into the throat had also ceased. Read what she says: "For twenty-three years I was a constant sufferer from chronic ca tarrh. I had a severe'' misery and burning in the top of my head. There was almost a continual dropping of mucus into my throat, which caused frequent expectoration. My entire system gradually became involved, and my condition grew worse. I had an incessant cough and frequent at tacks of bilious colic, from which it seemed I could not recover. My bowels also became affected, causing alarming attacks of hemorrhages. “I tried many remedies, which gave only temporary relief, or no relief at all. I at last tried Peruna, and In three days I was relieved of the bowel derangement. After using five bottles 1 was entirely cured, “I most cheerfully recommend the use of Peruna to any one similarly afHlcted.” People who object to liquid medi> elnes cen now obtain Peruna Tablets, Hecker’s Buckwheat. Coble’s Grocery. Fresh. To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEAI-ING Oil,, a sur real dressing that relieves pain and heals at Ole satne time. Not a liniment. 2Sc50c. Sl.0O DANOE|JN_ DELAY Kidney Dlseoses ire Too Dongerous For larltsgtOR People to Neglect The great danger of kidney troubles is that they bo often get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. ^ Health wiU be gradually undermined. Backache, headache, ner vousness, lameness, soreness, lumbago, urinary trou bles, dropsy, _^avel, and Bright^s disease may f ollow as the kidneys get worse. Don't ntglect your kidneys. Help the kidneys with Doan’s Kidney Pills, which are so strongly recommended right here inBurhngton. C. F. Oakley, Davis street, Bur lington, N. C., says; ‘ ‘I suffered from kidney complaint for two or three years, brought on by hard work and heavy lifting. The trouble began with sharp twinges in my right side* extending into my limbs. At .times I became $o lame and sore across mv loins that I could not sleep. My kid neys were also disordered and I was miserable in every way. As soon as I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills I felt better and be fore long they cured me. ” For sale b*y all dealers. Price 50 cents Foster - Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s - and take no other. Wilmington, Nov. 16.—George W. Beaman, 40 years old, a car penter, shot and killed his wife in a field near their home, three miles from this city this after noon at 3:30 o’clock and then took an ounce of strychnine with suicidal intent. At a hospital tonight it was stated he would recover having taken an over dose which acted as an autitdote. He used a 32 calibre rifle and fired twice both bullets taking effect, the first entering the back at the waist line and the other penetrating the left tem ple. She died instantly. Beaman left a note stating that he had killed the woman because she bad left him three times. He makes a voluntary statement to a notary public that he alone was responsible for the death of the woman. ^ Coroner Fowler who is in ves tigating the case, stated tonight that he understood that the wo man who was about 25 years old, had served a term in the peni tentiary for conspiring with an other man to kill her first hus band who was murdered. Soon after leaving the penitentiary, the married Beaman, the coro ner stated. Recently the man who went to the prison with her on the conspiracy charge return ed to Wilmington and this, he was informed led to the tragedy this afternoon. Professionid Card Dr. L. H. Alieni Eye Specialist Office Over C. F. Neese’s Stn.. Burlington, - - q1 -4&'— Savefl His Foot H. D. Ely, of Bantam, 0., suf fered from horrible ulcer on his foot for four years. Doctor ad vised amputation, but he refused and reluctantly tried Bucklen'S Arnica Silve as a last resort. Then he iwrOte: “I used your salve and Imy foot was complete ly cured,)’ Best reniedy for burns, cuts bruises and eczema. Get a box today. Only 25c. AlII druggists or by mail. H. E. Bucklen & Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. 4 Take One Pain Fill, then— Take it Erasy* Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills will help yovt, as they have helped others. Good for all kinds of pain. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Head-: ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney Pains, Lumbago, Locomotor Ataxia, Backache, Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri tability and for pain in any part of. the body. “I have used Dr. Mlleia’ Antl-Paln Pills when troubled with headache, ana find that one pill Infallibly effects relief in a very short time. I im considerably affected with nea- tfilgia, In the head at times, and find the Ahtl-Paln Pills of much benefit. The Dr. Miles' Remeaiw are beyond comparison and I recom mend them to all my friends.” GIEORGH COiiGATEI. 219 Oakl^d St., San Antonio, Tex, At all drugglttt. 25 doses « MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, inif. Dr. J. S. Frost] Dentist, Burlington/ - N. l Office phone 374- J. Res. ^374.11 J. >*. spoon, D. V, S. I W. A. Hornadaj y Spoon & Hornaday Veterinarians Office and Hospital Office Phone 87tl 415 Main St. Bm1d«;nce Phone 281 C A. Anderson M. D Office hours 1 to 2 p. m. 7 to8p First National Bank BuildiagI Leave day calls at Bradleys Druol Store. 7 Dameron ATTORNEYS AT L S. W. OAMERON Bnriington office In Pledmoat iBulldtBg Phoae ' 250 AOOIPH 101) Orn.b'im office in Holt-Rlchclsnn fiinJ Hhone i a 11,1 John. H. Yen i.on, Atlxjrney aua Uouiiiseilor a! [,h^J Burlington, N. C. Office room 7 and 8 SecoJ floor First Nat’l Bank Baildinol office 'phone 3 3 7 - J Kesid'^iiil ’phone 337-L John R. Hoffn Attontey-at-La\v Burlington, North Carolina Office« Second Floor first Ih’dm Bank Bnilding. OR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist Foster Building BQRLII^CrTON, N. C. J v/ill sci otttheas^ o .0 the . M. The lalatJce « jjtchen fu ools and I p, 1913 at & Jestef »EC. 8, 1912 LEAVE WINSTON-SALEM. 7:00 A. M. daily for Roanokej and intermediate stations. Con nect with Main Line train North, East and West with PullinaB Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 P. M. daily for Martins vi lie, Roanoke, the North ad East. Pullman^ steel electric lighted sleeper Winston-Salem to Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Ne^s York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke, 4:15 P. M. daily, except Sun day, for Martinsville and locai stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salem 9:15 A.M., 9:35 P. M., 1:55P. M 'rrainB leave Diirhaiu ior Koxlwin South Bpeton and ^ LynchbuTg 7:0() a. n daily, i&nd 6:80 p. in. daily except Sundaj W. B. BEVILL, Pa8«’t. Traff Mgr. W. C. SADNDBES.Gen'I Pas. Ag». Roanoke, ya. Gommer PHONE Job Prmt 265 tfirts Oil ims, atker Renediu Won’t ck* The worat cues, ao matter of how long standi^ are cured by the wonderful, old reli*ble Porter** AnttMptie Healing Oil. It r«jwrt |>ain and Heala at the same time. 26c, 60c, f i.w Coi C. J Dai Cal All !5-«f I |p/a pufj J PLEAJ Stainba Bu: boo: DO YOU Receive Piedmont Interest Checks? IF NOT, WHY NOT? ITS A SIGN OF PROSPERITY. YOUR NEIGHBORS UNDERSTAND. I'hursda] Friday A: A