8«tt4 «f Wir»wtnw te Optoawtr;. MmU. GtMiiaboro, J*n. ZO.—The North; Ceitiina State Bo*nl of Exatninera i« OpbetoDirj Kt» in wxeion here. The ,lMaKi 1« composed cf Dr. J. W. Tay- ' lor, •M*Ury, ot thi* dty; Frank M. JoUy, «f Biddghj Dr. J. D. Hathaway, •id Eliiabeth City; Bam K. Eaton, «f New B«m, and Fred N. Pay, rf ^Dston-^en*. SU hAve Usted as i^plieants to t^e the examiTsatioQ. T^y are: S. A. Fort, ot Gastonia; A. M, DiggE, of T.-iwiWrton; E. D. Harbour, cf Eoci- fori; L. M, EitUff, of Middletown, F. C. Robwts, of Atlanta, Ga., «ud Bobert W. Wynne, of Kaleigh. Tt* board was in session yesterday and wUl contiaae througb today and probably tomorrow nioming. *hc can army >nas beer. c«..- ' ter. f'?eJ i *1 cJotba - u*; of af-*rei!;r. rni; v.r.l.v. i disarmed ger.€rsi‘o. N .: ■ £ a ; =; whi.-': v.'ilh ii - - Ast.'.. W: ;i:- .V ..i 4S *S u. ' r • -..'-'•j • ••ci-t'.s' iU*e . e tis u lif-Tm iufo::t cf .,f ;VfViJ.S y huni.r.i k'.- ■he . i. Sx? •va.-; . ,wiy. ■;0 cf a. i*epoi c ^ily thul lu; v.-cu^; t'C . .-..r •■- ■■ • .d should he ever return to Viis : .ouiitry. . Besides General Mercado and mi ;ing with the U'iiM States calviii:;,- LTsen who acted as guards wera Lht- Federal Generals Casiro, Adur.;*, I ;.'r- da, Orpinal and Eomero, all of thei:; U.'T" who ■ iiU a ■■ - fcV. wurc - ; fi'ior. a rest. ^ to ;x t oi.r ...h cut:-ide ,i ?o tp-r.isht . '::ii'vs E!.: i.i- ; -ir ^jkts. Part of the afihes were LiriS wha had been thi%'ii?h the baiuiii. . ^ ' . ; ■; / . -t we swept ■nd who had endured exi’.osur* hu- ■ out of our houaos all the rest of the srer ap.d misery, a;i^ v/ho had turfied 1 iheir backs on their own country^ look- “Fi !a!!y m desperation I wrote to shorn of tlieir swords, hut some “ i forward hopefully to life in » new, the I’ommissiorer and as' ed him why them stiirretaiiii g-on their strange land. the streets could not b« ewept on the bits of gold braid which had -.^e ; | — ; Thursdays. He replied that if women torn off or worn away in the Captive Federal Army Costs U. S.; ■ ^ pnj-thing about mu.iictpsl >nat from Ojinaga. j f 1,500 s Pay. i I would have known that the The picturesque march afoot I e1 Paso, Tfex., Jan. 18.—lotions for''larts were in aaotfa»»-part of the city through .\merican territory of so ^ Mexican Eoliders and refugees' on Thursdays. reariy foreign soldiers and women with i ^ intemsd here, were or- j “But I was not subdued and wrote their bsgirasr- abourded with incident, j Brigadier General Bliss to- i back a respectfu! sug;^estion that the The birth of a child, the death of. >pjjg soldiers, geKerals and other; broom follow the ashes all over the several wounded soldiers, the search|defeated Huerta army:city. for water in the desert, the constant;^ sheltered in 1200 tents' "As a matter of fact, the clesjnast stragpUng away from the line of the ‘ reservation of Fort [streets in the world, those of Paris, march and the roandicg up aga'.n of i gjigg (jq ^ sp„r cf a railroad. i arec leaned by women. They are scores of refugees were some of the j monthly food supplies raquired | washed as we wipe up our kitchen difficulties which the United States j self-invited guests will be' floors. Here we dry sweep our streets cEva’rymen, commanded by Major; ggg^Q pojjnds of beef, 20;000 pounds: and by scattering their impurities in JilcNamee, h»d to contead. . , of beans, 135,000 loaves of bread and ' the aii we supply patients for the tu- The Mexicans, guarded virtually as: ^ potjnds of coffee. The 1,000! berculosis hospitals we are taxed to prisoners, outnumbered the escorting;soldiers who elected to?build. American soldiers ten to one. ,follow them into the United States! “We had an example of the difTcr- Viewed from a hiU top the on-com- ■ cooking. I ent ways in which men and women ing arniy as n zig-zagged through the. refugee camp will be enclosed; work in two prison reformers who mountoin passes and reached back-; gjgyg^ miles of barber wire fence, \ recently oHowed themselves to be in ward into the dusty distance ten miles which the Mexicans will be! carcerated. The roan was advertised away, was a picture of exhEustion, footing of prisoners! ®nd came out with all sorts of theories although the prospect of soon i^ch-j^j jnone of which have materialized as iing the railway and ample supplies of j pour troops of United States in-Jyet. The woman went in and came rtions seemed to revive fresh courage, potro! the fence day and ®ut unnoticed, but she achieved Since they were routed from Oji-;j,jg}jj j something.” naga by Gcnerol Villa’s rebel forces- An’accounting of the cost of thei and compelled to cross rte border iiito sheltering and clothing the , First Diplomatic Dinner, the United States at Presidio, Tex., be submitted regularly | SMaSpox Is Bagiog ia Halifax Oun- ty. fioanoke Rapids, Jan. 20.—Some time ago there was an effort pujt for ward to organize a building and loan associa^on and considerable stock ■was subscribed. The holidays came -on and the work of organization came to a standstill. Now that the holiday season has passed the agitation of the question has resumed somewhat, and it is hoped that soon Roanoke Rapids will have a real live building and loan association. It is said thats mallpox is raging in some sections of the county, es pecially in the lower end. One phy sician below Scotland Neck reported more than li)0 cases examined in one 4ay recently, so rumor says. In the Enfield section it is said the disease is creating some alarm. Necessary precautions are being resorted to, but some say since the authorities cannot eriforce vacciuation, the disease is dif ficult to handle. This immediate com munity has had no cases reported yet end it is hoped none will develop. The members of tha Baptist church “severely pounded” their pastor. Rev, Jesse Blalock, some evening ago. Quite a large lot of good things were presented tha minister by the admir ing congregation which he received •as gracefully as the occasion permit ted. A representative of the Beaver Company, of Baffaio, N. Y., came some days ago and is going over the ine un«ea o«i,es ai rresiaio, iex.,;^gf^g^3 ^g submitted regularly! Washington, Jan. 20.~The Presi- .situation with the officials of the local i eight aays ago, the Mexican soldiers j^jjg Department with the view; dent and Mrs. Wilson gave their first Seaver board mills. What they pro- ' ‘ *—■' ' pose to do in regard to resuming op erations has not bees made public, and the people generally know noth ing of the causes that prompted the close down last week. It is certain that it is not because of any flnanciaf troubles, the the Geaver Gompaiy is one of the country’s strongest insti tutions. Aged Man Trfls How He Killed Ris Wife. Philadelphia, Jan. 20,—Tottering under the weight of his 80 years. WiiliaRX Eberweip. stood in criminal court here today and told of his wife, l.'i years ycur.jter, havinjf pleaded vvith him to kill her and how he committed the deed, .ludge Walling fixed the Clime at murder in the second de gree and imfiar.cd the mininium penal ty, solitary confinement for not less than seven years or more than 14, Eberwein, who is a veteran of the war batwesn the states, told the court that his wife was an invalid and that one day last October he came into their home and found her lying at ths bottom of a stairway, down which she had fallen. He offered to have her sent to a hospital, but she would not go. ‘“You do it .William,’” Eberwein alleged she said. “‘Do what?’ I said,” the prisoner continued. “ ‘End it for me. It is no sin when I’m suffering so.' “I bad a board in my hard that i had brought in out of the yard. I Ioo!;ed tit her and guessed it would not be a sin.’ “ ‘Go William, she said; 'go on.’ “I taliped her on the head with the board and I tapped her again. She didn’t moan much, and once when I stopped she kind o’ whispered, ‘Go on, it won’t be long.’ “So I kept cn tapping and she got quiet.” have had : that the amount, estimated at ,500 j diplomatic dinner at the White House Their mari-h o* sixty-seyen miles to, ^ shall be made claim against; tonight, entertaining diplomats of all the nearest railway station after they had been disarmed and held prisoners by the American ti-oops was made possible by the establishment of the three camps pj-ovided en route. i But the.-ie camps were supplied with j limited rations, bccause all foodstuffs | the Mexican Government. CL£\N' IS OUT OF THE RACK nations represented in Washington. T^!e dinner was a brilliant affair. In addition to the Ambassadors’ Minis* ters and Charges, the guests includ- Under Ko Circumstances Will I be! ed amonK others, the Secretary of a candidate.” Says Ex-Governor | State and Mrs. Bryan, Senator Ba- K. B. Glenn. I con. Representative Flood, of Virgin- Former Governor Robert B. Glenn Jia; the Counsellor of the State De- announces that under no circum- ■ 5artmer.t and Mrs. Moore, the Assist- and water had to be carried by wag-; on from Miirfa. Many of the foreign- ■ ei-s were poorly clad and without gt^nces wiil he now he a candidate forant Secretary of State and Mrs. Os- blankets, so that their suffcrinj; at night was intense. Hence the hope ful look that apepared in the faces of the dirt-begrimed men and women when they were told that the march was almost over. It was particulaly reiasrked by the American officers that of all the marchers the Mexican women were the best. There were instances of women who yielded their places on horseback or burros to men who found themselves tired out with the walk, Thi.^ confirmed the prediction 1 of General Mercado that the women would in no way impede the march the United States Senate, that he has; i;orne; John Barrett, Director Gen accepted the offer of President Wilson , era! of the Pan-American Union; to become a membfr of the Interna- ' Mi-,se.s Genevieve Clark, Klena tional Boundary Commission an.-l un-1 Kirmes, -Maj-paret Wiison and Helen derstands the appointment will be Woodrow Bones and Lieutenant Com- made on or before the first of March. ’ mander and Mrs. N, I,. Jones. He declares he wiil not oppose Senator i _ Overman who “has been kind and loy-1 Notable Cases in Haywead Court, al to me and among my many faults; Waynesville, Jan. 20.—The murder I hope ingratitude may not be iium- ^ case of John Waldrop, who, one Sat- bered.” 1 urday evening last fall near Canton His letter, dated Binghoraton, W. | is alleged to have shot sind killed Fleet Y., Jan. 19, and addressed to the edi- ■ Smthers, a •,prominent farmer and tor of The News and Ob.-?erver is as [ his landlord at that time, has been follows: I set for Thursday evening^ a venire of the column, 6s they were all hardy, accustom^ to an outdoor life and drcumktence7winT'noTbe capable of enduring as much fatigue as the men. The marching column was stretch ed over a great distance to prevent contusion and to reduce ss much as possible the suffering from the dust that rose in great clouds from the “Will you not publish this article announcing the fact, that urder no a candi date for the United States Senate. The President kindly offered me two positions, and I acceptcd the place on the Boundary Commission and my commission I am informed, will be issued on or before March 1st. Even • however, should there be come com- we ravel Ed road. All semblance of' p]jsaiions and I fail to be appointed ..a uniform lanl.s of any army wasj^j, )},g commission, I will not oppose hw hvis Ibson kind oei'tsitOr 'C'Vcr of 150 has been ordered. The case of Jim CEhiwell, who one Sunday evening last fall at Hemp- hill,s hot and killed his yoizng wife, and then went to a school house near by, where he found Aabury Moody, an uncle of his vrife, whom he shot in the mouth. Moody lived about ten day! The case is set f.jr Monduy, the 2d of February. A venire of 150 was ordered to be summojied. A nnartet of abie at- i/oople and jinimfals, and in places the loyal to me, and among my many j torr.eys made a plea for a continu, •lomesj with tieir rec dresses and j jj^pg ingratitude may notjance to the July term, which Jud'tre .-uvis gave a touch of onlhant color i Frank Tnrto, ^ WOMEN BEST MARCHERS MEXICAN HORDE. IN Wives Give Up Seats on Burros to Men on Way to Marfa—Baby Bom on the Road. Marfa, Texa., Jan. 18.—Footsore, ragged, almost famished from their three days' march on foot for sixty- seven miles over a wind-swept moun tain roEd, the 3,300 Mexican Federal soldiers and grenerals rooted from Oji- naga, Mexico, by the rebels, with 1,067 women and about 300 children and infants, arrived today within a few miles of Marfa, whence they are to he trnsported by train to Fort Bliss at E! Paso. ITie rap.ced remnana of the Huerta army, whi-h sought asylum in this eosntry rather than face possible ez- ten»ii''fttion by the rebels, on Tne*!day wU! bs fonnaJSy interned at Port BHss ai wards of tb« Govemmvut, 1%aT are to b« held there .indefinitely OB tfce footing of ]»idon«r8 of «rar. It «iU be tha flnt tfaait tiw Aiaerl* to the scene. Wherever there vras "pa-c Ln the line or between a horse's Icjrs there was almost sure to be a d-ig detevmiiied to follow its n'.:.ater wherever he went. A little crroup of women by the v-.iid-sile, formed by the permission 5f tho?e in charge, attested the birth of s. child. The old women who attended, at ■icuiiced that a little girl had joined ■ he procession, and the news traveled dnvrn the entire line, arousing a fire of conversation. A rooster, saved l y a doting master from the wreck of ■jinaga, crowed his triumph from the back of a burro to which he was care fully attached with a leather string, A. liiiis boy »ar.s ;-n 2 low tone a wild] ir. half Spanish and half savage, and •he mu.sic loving natives crowded clos er to encourage him with loud ap plause. The procession passed a rude cross ■'^.ack in the middle of a little T,ilf of ^tones. It marked the spot where s I'wn had been killed. Many crosscd ',l;'mse!ves at sich: of the emblem Children perched on the top of bur ros thet were almost covered hy their burdens of dotnestic property, laughed nnd \>t&t the animais with s.ickn. The men who had tobacco, destterensly rolled straiT paper dffaretteii «• tiiey i-adsred alone. Now aiid then some coe ctags«Ksd to the road stde snd j be numbered. i Frank Carter refsed to grant. ■“In deciding not to enter the race | The State \^ill be ably represent- for the Senate. I take this method of ®d by asisiatants and the solicitor, hanking my numerous friends for their zeal in wanting me to run, a.^d for their prcfTsr of asssistance i i case I did, and assure them I deeply ap preciate their friendship. “In the future I will continue, as I have done in the past, to try and promtoe all things that stand for the materia! and moral upbuilding of the State, and free of charge^ tender sny services, whenever they can be used for the encouraging of education, the building fo good highways, the secvir- >ng of just and equitable freight rates, and the enforcement of law and or der. "TharJtir.g the people of the State for the past honors conferred on me by them, and hoping always to he «forthy of their respect and love, and wishing you and your valuable paper ail prosperity, I am, sincerely yoiirs, “R. B. GLENN.” »Tlt tdybb SoHidd If alwsjrt need lor « good liiaiiani Mwuid tl»e haDe~in the In odler, in the attic— whmvnr « it Mconveoimt Tk» IL4TO Ii Sdaal fer heme wm. ft ghnet a (im, %rSifei: Sftii)--4aw auall^ U h iuKmbkt, oaaagMKJt; btadY. kmm't KoolBt. Ikmf to %lit eod Wn iMt for years Aek for tbmWLAfO. At dmalcrt STAMDAMD (XL COMF ANY Subscribe Now Ftr m Atlanta Journal Daily, Sunday It temi* W«ek!y Ur|s^ Qmldiss Saattifl^bufs BY M4!L Daiiy & Sunday $7.00 per annum Daiiy only 5,00 S;inday only 2.00 Seim-%veekif 1.00 AMtise NewcfAH lha W! Easy in Other Respects. It is hard for any man to keep from talkinjr too mu^, but in other -espects an army officer has an easy job.—Atchison Globe. W9sa«««« 8teo« Fvadmriim el «BM tt« aU stiiaM* I>K- ASTMWrtC «KAX4»0 OtI., a *wr- Former Virginia Umpire Accepts Of fer from Federal League. Norfol!:, Va., January 20.—-Harry Mace, formeriy in the Virginia State Baseball League, announced today his acceptance of a tender as umpire in the Federal League. Yes, 1 Wrote the Letter.” Washington, Jan. 20.—Senator Ben Tilman tonight declined to discuss Governor Blease’s message to the South Carolina Legisletcre. other than to say that he had written such a let ter as the governor had transmitted to the Lef^isiature. i ‘‘e said. explains it self. That’.s all I have to say.” Ritchie to Meet Uurphy April o. San Francisco., Ja^i. 20 Willie Ritchie and Tommy Murphy will meet here April 3, 'This anr.o j!,cement of the oft-postponed iigheweirrht cham pionship battle was ma;l3 t>day i^fter a conference between l’.>> fipht ?ir.-> moter and the hmacpio-. • tc whcs. the latter believed his i iured ’voBld be in shape. The weiffht will ■'6 3.®,5 pounds, one boor before enter ing the riiig. RE-SALE OF VALUABLE REAL SSTATK. Because of advanced bids and by virtse of en order al tlte Eoperio: Ckiurt at AlaiitiuM County, made in a jprooiMdiiica vlxaeto all the heiSfrSViiKKf the late C. M. Euli^a wecie aiuu&e partiw for. the purpose of selUns for partition the re^ prnp- «riy ol said C, If. Suliss, decettsi in Alamance C«unty, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, at t.h« Court House door, i;i Graham, N- C,, at 12 o’clock it., on SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, J914, the followfinng described real proper ty, to-wit: Tract 1—Adjoinins the lands of U. T. Curtis, heirs of John Staley, de- ceaeed, S. L. DixoSj and others, bound-, ©d as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron bolt in public road leading from Big Falla to BurlinjBrton, corner with D. T. Curtis, ruoniog thance K. degrets E. 27.61 chs. to na iron, bolt in eaid Staley line, comer ^th said Dixon; thence N. S6U de^^rees W. 26.S0 chains to a rock, c/xRsr with said Dixon; thenee S. d«- graec W. 21J50 chains to a rock, thenee E. 12.80 chains to tha bagis ning, containing 48 acz«3, mar* or less. Tract No. S—A lot or parcel of land in BarUngton Township, within the third is eiz montbs, aod oae-thini te tmiT* Dtoathic with interaot cm f«rrad paymaata tsiA title uaamt iiEiilS fisUy paid. Tiiis January t, 161^ Wit I. Ward, Qs^bam, J. A. Giks. BtsHuwv N. C« CstasaisKcneiX AN ms&m con. Coatmued Dnsppms of M«3CO« ' iatv my Tlunaat. A aevere cough Is a]wai« a grav* .■!>-mpt.i;Ti. It may not indicate or- panic disease ot the lungs. Even thoush the coujjh is a fuicUoiiel dis turbance It in oC sufflcteut £Ta.vity to Uemai'id prompt attention. Tiio ilroppins of mucus from t!»e back part of the nose into the throat indicates nasai catarrh. Sometimes this poss on a lone time before the pnUent pays any attention to tt. It is stated on Eood authority ttiat mu cus dropping into the throat In this way ia apt to excite catarrh of the stomach. At any rate, the condition ought to be comected as soon as poa- slble. Mrs. Bourland. ot Frankston, Texas, found after vising Pcrana that not only did the Incessant cough disap pear, hot the dropptne of mucus Into the throat ha^ also ceased. Read wbbt 4he says: “For twenty'three years 1 was a constant sufferer from chronic ca- ^ . tarrh. I had », eevere misery and eorxwrate limits of tiw Town Ot Burl- ‘ burning to the top of my head. There ington, on the comer where Means and Cameron sti^eetc Intersect, it heiag lot Ho. 260 as diown by tibe map of ,«aid Torm. dated 1884, it beins the same Soi of land conveyed to said C. II. Eulifis by the North CaroUaa Rail- '•x;d Company datad 8th- day of May. :?90, and recordod in Register of ' ' 'eedfi Offive of Atasiance Ccounty iu ' ’>e«d Boo! 14. o-’ s'a.Tss 212 to ■ a.rd upc; which tl '4 5i now ait- ■ V ♦« a dwel'i'-jg hooaa. ' ^ot. No. ! vrtll be«ria ftt J ,''>t > ^ * Miitssg wiil . .. J . .. ■5. . ■ ■ 'V). ■ '-.J.-,- ewth, was almost a continual dropping of niicos into my throat, which caused treqnent expectoration. My entire system sndusUy became Involved, and my condition zrevr worse- I had ca incessant cousfc and treQUeut at- tacloB of bilioua cbUs, from which it seemed I could not recover. My bowels also became aSected. caualiis alamtlB« attaoka of bfimorrbs^eiL *‘1 tried many iemedtes, which gave only tmporary relief, or no relief at alL I at last tried f'erona. and ta thna days I was relieved oi ibt bowel d«ianecm«at. After mlnn Sve botUsa 1 was »>itlr»ly ctnad. "1 most cheerfully ceoumend the css of Perusa to aar on* •imllsj^ ajmaML” «kjMt ta medl* «ln» Mft «aw oMain l>mtm