flnrw'r****" J*** 21-—Ifr- ^ G. a„^j— £ci» JKfetobOM. «P*“ sifter's mother, Mrs. Eobwt Cooper. wli0 1M« >»•*“ ««rio»*ly SB held •nd riffht now th* c**** oMnmission is preparing to WM ex amination# for every fo«rtJi-cU»» postoffice in North Carolina that pays a salary of over *180 per annum. But he law has ben violated; not that the Democratic party has disregarded the ^vUl*, Jan. 21--WM* u «wi- ous father seoorwl the dty for ^ daughter who, he had hettd. was lU, she was djrine at m local aamt^un* under an assumed name, according to evidence submitted at thj* ««rojier» last nisrht following the r. and Mrs. Albert Bowy^ and Attend a birthday d»«»«r atMr. Dol»n William^ Misfea Ethel and Bonner W*Him- son left Friday for Richmond, V“- ■where th«F will visit relativw for W. B .some —— Meiars. Rouert Isley ^ Freshwater visited relatives in hwep- ^sonville Sunday. . Messrs. George T... Jamj*. Wuson and J. B. Wiliiamson attei«»« cburcn at Burlington Sunday morning. Misses lifiona Phillip* an*! Conner Winningham visited the latUr’p sis ter, Mrs. John Eolt, Saturday night and Sunday. ^ i. Mr, Earl Marlett, o| HUlaboro, is at howe for this week. Ur. Jlona Wjilliams. of CpKord, and Miss Mattie G»ves, of near this place, were married January 4 Mr, Miaphy Pickett and Mies I!a Andrew, both pf near Concord, were married last week. Miss Andrew has many friends at this place who wll wish for them a long and happy life. Mr. and Mrs. WiUiaci Payne, of near this place gave a “Tttrkey" din ner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Payne are noted for their hospitality and their home is a center of good times in the neighborhood. Every one seemed to enjoy tho day, and especially the ^sumptuous dinner. Those present were: Misses Nina Clendenin, Flora Winningham, Alma Stockard, Bettie and Mattie Thompson, Messes. June Thompson, John Payne, Robert Lash- ley, and Mr* and Mrs. Jesse Brad* shaw» Mr. and Mrs. Sab Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Crawford and little daughter. Cross Roads items, Houte 1, Jan. 21.—News is very scarce in this neighborhood at this timfi. We can notice the smoke of the plant-bed burning. Some farmers have commenced plowing for corn and tobacco. Ask Roads and John Isley -what they are sowing their plant beds for this year. Misses Barbara Isiey and Eugenie Craver visited their mother, Mrs. Kmi!y Euliss, of No. 10, last week I^isses Mary Lee Coble and Nona Roberson spent Saturday night at Mr. William Isley’s. Tliey reported a nice avil ssi vice prorisi^.s any mo^ tton j Jennie Piekwis, who the Republicans, because them Itovc. d According to Dr, A. ; Uiey have not had the I „ of Eisgs’ Sanitarium, and anSri^-ftheTt^ofj^o^^ same institution, the deceased came ta the hospital t’.ires wee’.;E f.go a:id applied for treatment under the name of Miss Brown. She refused to dis cuss her parentage and co idea was entertained as to her identtty until a search of her belongings in&ated that her real name was Miss Pickens. Hei- father, M. B. Piekens, » pros perous farmer of this county, was ad vised of the location of his daughter, although he reached the wnitarium too late to see her aiive. He had ap peared at many of the hospitals !,■ the hope of finding his daughter, but; at none of them was he adviM ‘■‘“t i ! a Miss Pickens was a patient. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict to the effect that the deceased came to her death from causes un- 'aiown to the jurors. The father was present at the hearing of the evi dence. not ity. But since it was appointments to fourth-class oiBcefi wou’d be selected from the eli^ble iist it has been a standing joke in Washington that a Democrat would be the lucky man, if a Dehiosrat took the examination. According to the postoffice department the Democratic applicant has been put in office be cause the congressman was allowed to recommend a man after the ci'^l service examination had been heid. For instance, Congressman Blank would look oyer the list of those pass ing the examination at Rhamkatt. John Jimsonweed, who in the good old days «f Repablican rule had allied himself with the grand old party, might have the highest average; Wil liam Bundercombe, also a Republican, might be second, and John Barley corn, a Democrat, would stand at the foot of the ladder. Somehow the Democrat has ben selected, and vice ersa when Republicans were in pow- iY. Albert Sidney Burleson says this method of selecting postmasters must be stopped, and upon receipt Of his letter by members of Congress lie in tends to adhere strictly to the civil -erv-ice laws, and the common prac- iee of allowing a congressman to “recommend" a postmaster after the grovernment has spent good money to hold the examination is to be a thine of the past. That the civil service laws have been violated by the political party in power is no secret in Washington. K careful survey of the departments here show that even 80 per cent, of the office holders, who apparently were selected from the civil sjrvice list, are Republicans. You cannot find a lozen Democratic chief of divisions in the entire treasury department, and to perhaps a lesspr degree the same conditions prevail in other depart ments of the national government. There are 215 fourth-class post masters in the eighth North Carolina district alone. If Burleson makes ijocd hjs stsvsnisr.t insists upon the civil service laws being upheld it will serious!}' affect that district. The nostmaster who is already in office, of course, has a better chance of pass ing the examination than a man who has not been schooled by the Republi- and Lace E Latest ia Laces, Embroiderief, Crepei ind Ratiaei. We now have on sale a handsome line of White Goods, Lsow »nd newe»c cfeations in Embroideries, Crepes and RadneSi Buy noii and do your sewing early, while you are ; > in door arid Ijefore spring comes. ■Sea 0U1- lln(i of 5 ceat Laces CotnJ early and get youi* choice. There was a shadoy- party at Cross y- Therefore, it is said, at Roads School House Saturday night. The proceeds amounted to $12.60, tc be used for the benefit of tho school. They are goin)? to oil the floor and paint the house in.side. Oakdale Dots. Oakdale, ilan. 21.—Messrs. 5iS. C. ivnd F. L. Spoon have been repairing ar.d buildis;g some additioiis to their hou;es. Mr. L. F. Smith made asals last weak, prepariiig to move to Liberty soon. The people in the community and the Trustees of Mt. Zion Baptist Cliurch, are nreparing to build a pub lic highway leading from the church, south-west through by the parsonage erosfing the crock beir,w the old ford, to M. A. LSneberry’s;, on out to the Liberty road, leadig’ from Kimeriville, !it John C,. Mikrey’s. It is reported that the i^ridg-e is to be lOi feet Jong and above the high water mar’;;. The least 50 per cent, of the present Re publican postmasters in the eighth have ar. excellent chajioe of reniaining: on the job, The same conditions will cpply to other districts, if Burleson in.sists up on a strict interpretation of the law. ReprcEentative Guiiscr, of the tenth Winston-Salem Young Man Gravely Accused. Winston-Salem. Jan. 2i.—W. G. ^ Jones, a well kr.own young man, was | arrested this evening on a warrant! sworn out by De!>uty Insurance C.om. , miKsioner Scott, alleging that on De- | cember 24 he set firft to a dwelling | in which ho had furniture stored; that | he insured the goods of little value in two companies for policies aggregat ing f 1,750, claiming he was living in the bouse, ard a few days later the dwelling rented by him and vtliiert at ?4,000 and its contents were destroy ed. Scott claims a cle.'ir case of fraud. Jones was formerly in the mercantile j business, but is now \n jail. The hear ing will be held t riday. Beat Aged Mother. • Elisabeth City. Jan. 21^Brother and Raleigh Bercher, two young white men, were brought here this morn ing from Camden county and deliver ed to Sheriff Reid to serve 30 days on the chsingang for beating their aged mother. These young men became involvei »n a i’ow yesterday afternoon at their home in Camden county and when their mother attempted to interfere they fell upon her snd beat her badly, it is alleged. They were tried before Recorder Tillett of that county and given 30 days for the offense. Coat 1-3 to 1-2 off VVe ure selling oar fall and winter Coat Suits 1-3 co 1-2 oft regular pricert. WHITTED BROS Buirlingtoi!; North Carolina AltemptH Sui- WinBton-Salcm Man cid«. V/inston-Salem. Jan. 21.—Walter Reynolds, ft yoimg white man, at tempted to commit suicide at his boftrding house in this city last night district/ar.nounced today that he is Uy taking laudanum. DUappointmer.t prenarii;g a specch which he wUl div- j the cause. At his boarding house the story is related that the young man asked,the young lady upon whom he had bestow od his affections to go with him to witness a performance at the theater liver tomorrow, when he will declare that the civil servicc as operated by the po!iUcal parties today is a delus ion and a fraud. He will ask that Congress either abolish the entire .«ys,tem or else compel every man who is not elected to officc by the people to stand the civil service examina tion, Ke declared to Th«i I>ai5y News vrorrespoi'.dcnt that it was not right to . jniiiri llic ‘‘little fellow” to taka an e\;imiiu;tion for a job, while the man for a larger and more responaible place is .selected by a political pu!l, or wtird.s to that effect. The tenth the cloak of doubt. Only; Days, and vote for th» fatbsrs to have guepswork is possible. | their chance. President Wilson had it in his pow-1 Without detracting from the honor er to make .such a beginning as would j and love due to the mothers, who dc- tell to banks and bankers that they! serve far more than they receive, we had no rea.son to distrust the new.have fong felt that the fathers have regime that the law brings into being, j not been sufficiently recognized; yet He has not done this. It will be his, there are scenes from the life of many own fnult if there ia suspicion nnd (a father that would touch every heart. Whatever may bTtiir merits | ^«ar on the pm of vhose who have | Who ever the father - ■ po much at stake.—Press. j ing the floor with the crymg chiid at the law this board has almost the wiU *>e power of life and death over tho banks that are embraced in its au thority. With many a bank the ques tion of joining is the sole question of v/hat men are to be put in these places of power. The first .selection of Mr. Wilson for the board is neither auspicious nor last night. He was told that she had already promised to go with a crowd of young people, but he insisted that she allow him tdone to acci.mpai^ her. This she refused to do, and he became j desperate, declaring that he would make her regret her action. Later in the evtning ho delivered to her u pack.- iige of letters, declaring that he was going to leave and that she would never see him again. In reply the young lady received the letters and lightly turned the young man’s state- TOSKt into a jest. Nothing more was thoMsht of his declaration until a'jout Bryan. Secretary Jo'-'-e^^hus i an hour hUer he was heard gioaiar’,^ .=,1. ’“’*3 lovesiigatioii of Mr. ■Williams and his capacity, hi; membership will subtract from the confidence that the people of the coun try will have in that body. He has been a storm center in too 'many fi nancial contests, the kind that breed prejudice and enmities and far-reach- isig effects. His appointment vas unnecessary. In every section of the land there are men at least as well fitted for the place as Mr. Williams, men with com petent training and financial experi ence, and who do not labor under the ssme handicaps in the public mid. Tho duties, (he rcsp.insibiUtii.-s and the power of the board are ao immfnse aid of eai'h and every one will be glad- j -listrict Congressman will ixlso declare ly received in the work. We hope to j 'hst the Ultle fellow is no more of a see it firished soon, for there is no j “i-ie huntev” than the man who strive.^ road whatever leadii'.g o(5t in that di- i ^^-'r the if-' 000 avid even the $12,500 recti'rs from the ohur. U, except lo the! as are held by Secretary ; ar.s.01 afrt!. ; The Dpir-'j’me'i coniiru-:! to ccni’ to Pi'.';."d oth-,;r mO!-; hr>ldii;sr high i ... „ . i i > I; eveaied the fact that he h;id gor.e lo I bis iMcni and tiilien la'-iuanusa, a four thr Oakdale. They visits*] lue «ch::.ol Ust ■ po.yi;.c.' joiis, u. d u l.'i t’.e Ui*? ;ir ;t cl’ r.oxtt ‘l Uvtivc I moi'th ag-ain. They ?i;ive i;-t -io Ti’c:i.^'’ry d Uike ir.toi'est in it ai'.J we hope more wilh the Sup?r-vi?.inn: Arelute'''t. iu ic- wiii 210311 yi'.d prcvc il is a ;^rcat suo rrard to the Atonrooc Fedn*Ai B;uW?r.r. ces?. ?:ns *ct Vt- The ai Ci3.i:tia;3 huvo Oiijfii'-iz-' the portho, vbi.h \v:s oh-.’ (id a base^aU lemr.. They have play-*ci in the iri;?!n2l pla i.'. The M»''nrr>c ed V^'o wiih Greenwood School, a j^orUco, ivh- fhe tiredl wini £-rtch gan^3- The lirst tim© '■•'teiAen m?.y i;t «i'^d ch:.i,. the ^coTQ stood 25 to t». {niidnight; or kindiing the firo at ear- i oHce Believe They Have Caught the||y while others slept; or grow- ing mto an old and decrepit man, as he toils from day to day? The life of a father in many a home Is dangerously near tragedy, remind ing us of the early Christiana who were "butchered to make a Roman hol iday,” As some sort of compensation for what he endures, we say, by all means let the old man hav? his day, and let hi.^ children ri.se up and call him blessed. The mother needs no appeal in her behalf, because from Eve down her merits have generally been recogniz ed, and whatever she has received, she has J.'u!ly earned. We are not re- fleeting upon the mother, nor do we sympathize with the remark of a.writ er who once described life iu Mexi co; ‘'The bread of the np-tives,” Kaid ha ‘‘is tho tortiUas, a specics of cake. Atlanta, Jon, 21.—In the arrest here today of R. S. Freeman, aged 20, the police claim they have captured the man who last Friday night held up and robbed passengers of a Western & .-\tlantic train near Vinings, Ga. E. II. Freeman, aged IS, brother of the suspected bandit, and T, H. Wlialey, aged 17, also arc under arrest, police claiming that they not only were im plicated in the hold-up, but had taken part in recent jewelry robberies and fourth other illegal transactions. A its capacity for good of evil so tre- j suspect, George Man, still is at large, mendcus, that every member of it, According to the police, R. S. Pi-ee- should be a man to whose selection | ,i,an today admitted having received the whole country can say Amen. Mr. j(},ree diamond.^: which hec laisnad his Williams falls far short of this qual- j brother and young Whaley had stolen ification. ifrom a loc.il jewelry store and given 10 the banks of the United States if,-j i,in, to dispose of. The police al.«o are given a limited time to make their 1 cjaim to have recovered two of these decision as to becomlag a part of the jjems. ::ev,' system. According to the an-1 The an-e!;! of Tl. S. Freeman fol- liouj’.ceMent of the President they, Jo^ved sensatio";',! diKclosarfs to Ih;: tough as sole leather, made by the womer:, ar.d eaten by the men, and, . I t;s usual, the men b.jar th;; Kv.-'.t ai;i Ifui'.ce phial lyir..?r on the L'ct! by him. i r.,U;-!. !iow do this w:J.iout any furth-. j,ct;(.e by l\ed Ball, a tftxicab driver. hSio burden of the day.” ‘ ^ •• • - ■ J —- - father that we esperi- Eepre- ^ Second time se.it-ttive Papre wi!I endeavor to have .>n\e. ' 111; toid th;i^e who \V;;ry ailra.ted tu ! .ac* I .-y b*."' n'louns ue had tjie poison and to i pU'aUJj wi;h laum .act*to di.^- ■ui’) him i ut let him die. IIs rcfov- ert and la his tcU in the city lock- ;j today he seer.'iS dellghteJ that he j is aiive, and declared that th?re was I no sen.=;e in keeping him confined, for 5 to 1. Boys mind how you tackle add.d later. To do so now would try again to them. They are almost like King delay the construction of the building Philip’s “Invincible Armada.’ at least two years. Every Fourth Class Postaffice Job ■ Kidnapper Gels Pardon. Will Be Decided ow Merit. ; Topeka, Kan.. Jan. 22.—F. H. Til- Washington, Jan. 21.—Postmaster ;->tson. a detective, who in 1909 kid- General Burleson is preparing a letter: papped Marion Bleakley, tho famous w'hich he will send to each Senator “incubator baby,” was pardoned to- and Congressman, regardless of his jay by Governor Hodges. He was political faith, which will strike con- under sentence from one to five years steraation to the hearts of said legis- jn the Kansas penitentiary, but was lators and t.o thousands of anxious at liberty on bond pending hearing applicants for office.. The letter 'will -, of appeal to the United States Su- state that hei'eaiter applicants for I preine Court. fourth clas.? postoiBce jobs will be de-: . cided solely u^n the result of the MerrUm Dead. T7t Springfield, in.. Jan. 22._George ». and tMt f I«ve notlung to do whatever w^h &e selection of post- ^ ma^rs. gener ^ founded the company which long pub- posed ^t thu* rule ^ been .ollow-, Webster's Dictionary. He was ed to the lete sinc^Preadent Wilson, ^ ^ ChristianU mon, now the Outlook, xm- but those ^o^ve^ijeved thw kavc, jj Beccher. .Since I87S lieea ^ssSy fanposed upon. • _a u It is true examlna^ss have been,'** Hvea la SpriziEile.d. take his life. But the officers are holding him on a warrant which charges him with attempt at suicide, and he will be given a hearing in the municipal court tomorrow ni.omiae> ar iiiformation of how the board is to Le n'.a-J^ u;^ than that Jchi S.kaiton Wiiiian’.s is to hcid one of the most in'.poriar.t place:; upon it. TIil- only furchcr knowledge that they have in regard to the boaid is that Secretary TdcAdoo is a nienibor of it by virtue of his Cabinet place. And it was Mr. ^McAdoo that insisted upon ths Wil liams ■ appointment, aiid planned and canipaigried for it. This fact does not give added reassurance to the fature work of the board. Ball related wh?t hs alleged was a confc.ssion to hiai by Prceman, in; ^liy speak, the bre;id v.'i!>nei‘ of Uio which the yotith is alleged to havs • pack-horse of tli» hi>use- toid of holding up the passengers of Vne one who fnrr.ishea the mu- the Western & Atlantic tram, rob- bins a loesl j^elry store and takir jr J1.000 from W. P-^jxn. a Polk as he stretches forth county farmer. Ball told tne police burdened by toil, we rtver- that Freeman had placed to go to ^ Marietta a suburb, to jom his p^. isj^patheti'c squeeze. In his behalf George Mann and skip the coun^. ;„g Pennsylvania move. Detectives hasten^ to Man^^, fcutj however, it is proposed, failed to apprehend Mann. Two sirft- appointment of Path- It is only just to the banks that!cases found in his room at a hotel they should know something of the^ re confiscated by the police, buti,,, „ ibe dav wp muit men who are to be their’ rulers, what the nature of their contents has not j mattor over nwl er’s Day, to make the rose the em- pause and A Bad Start. President Wilson is not starting out well on the enforcement of the new currency law. The steps that h« has already taken are not reassuring to banks and to business. It does not have the appearance of a policy of fair play. He is not frank and open with the country. Ha Jv»2t 2tn!icvncsd th^t h* in tends to use up the full time per mitted him by the law to make the kind of policy will be adopted, what they may expect or what they can fear. Tliey should know this before they make their final decision »s to their own course. It is not a B»atiar to settle behind the locked door. Mys tery and secrecy should have no part in the process. Nor will the banks be allowed to know ^hsrs ths r^uiial ikuucs are to be located. Hiis is also an eleiaent in the decision that they hav« to been disclosed. The Patter's Day. Those of us. who are not like the .Athenians, always looking for new things, are not as enthusiastic over think the matter over awhile longer. ■Presbyterian Standard. Ointained lefemal Maehtnc. Houston, Mich., Jan. 22*—A harm- lessr looking suitcase fband this af ternoon in a clump of underhriish near special days as some oth^, aad wejthe power house of the Ahmeek laine in Keweenaw county, contained an infernal machine, according to reports received here tonight. miTiea mm oy tno iaw w iuaH.w wwi— , ' appointments to the Federal Board, ^h® comrottee on sdecben This means that banks must ent« the:'w*« retura from their wuni^- ysweestn.u. etaoin shr shrdulshrdiuhi i tnp wtil befo^ new system without knowing how the te the loeatiaaa. board is to be made up. It is a»r« beknovm what inflc- of a leap in the dark than maay cf » theai wish to take. By the tenHi «*»>“« Oww ft tS have long since given up tha attempt- to traov iti h»w lUu- ly Day, ChiHren’a Day, Temperance Day, Mother’s Day, a^ other Days too nnmeroua to mentioa. ' In Peninsylvania a membaf of the Lower Hou&e »eHoasly introduced » h!U to mak* th« first Sabbath ir. Jttoe, Father's Day, and while wi dc not Icnow the £at« of the vre are wfltibr to wawsowpwiadfeas acaihat Seaolvtim Def«at«L Jackson, Tha lower '^onsa of tk« l^ississippi Legislature tcds7 defeated » resohtiioa seeldisg • 0 amend the ta |>i7a full ^iuffrage to '

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