The Twice-A-Week Dispatch A Pi.O MilriHIVe KEPUBL VI. ■ *'*■' -r. ■AO!i D TO THE UPBUILDING-Oy AMEiilCAN HO,.;KS INiUJrf i t\MW^Umm^mkmi BURLINGTON. N. C. JAN. 2/. 1913. TO Oi'R liSrair;EiJS: in''.. i';'!:■ ( ur i:ew I-i'.o-. tyjte .0, v.'^* Ir-jve over i'0'=£?l-i'nd ■.■«..i-rc-^icd. out' oii- lu-s mdi!i”v Foss’l’e that in dci'C we havs u.i- inte/itio;ii)’-!.y 'h;; ivra-;es ct iome of our : ..nd iiubscrib- ei s. It iiot cur or wish to let &-'yijc'dv T-aper tfij't wsv/ls’it, biit ei'i'ors will oceiir in arij'tUi i;'; th:it i^e CLiii'es so irtiic’Q work. If the d.i'.o -.0! your !, L'Jl is r.ol as yoa thijv-. i; ■.i-.'.'.:’. V-', ^es if 5-ou C'a:i ir'^J ^.'c i;~ .rv-ctpt r'liJ M'inw. it to cu;; i. ietV all thsao (. rvoris o-.i: f Ihi; w:-,y ' as soon as pcj.»;i''le If you kii'AV ■/■ any of your ' friends oi' l;ei''hlicrK Ih-it ar:; su’o- ‘ sc-ribers p-'kI t!o .'-nt «et tiie pr-ptr ' .‘incc-the Jiew list i i'! use. please lictify 113 'i>i, C;'oa. ConjreiiS and RHOkum. An unconfirmed statcniiS!’.!: to tho t>iiest that an uTinamed phila;itbropi.if oiiers to spend $15,000,000 lor tuc c.-,- tabiishment of tweftty radium insi,l- tules in the United Stntes, mads by a man who is teatifyir.ij in opposition to the I'obter-Ferrig Lill should not influence tha Houso Committee on Mir*ss in its de!ifcer*itions thi? sub ject of Government conservation of radium. Whether the report proves jo be accurate or not, the duty of tif Governinent remains the sarae. According to Flannery’s own state ment 200 grams of radiiim are needed for the United States. The benefac tion alleged to bo contemplated in-; eludes the distribution of only 100] grams. Assuming both statements to be trv.8 there still remains 100 irrams to be supplied, and Congress, vben it ahsdecided to supply radium to the pfiiople, should be able to de- rise a better plais than ot buy it from Mr. FliaiRery at his own price. This ■aan has dropped his mask of altru ism and now admits that his opposi- iinfi to the Fnster-I'Krris bill is based «!i purely selfish motives. It behooves the conimitteo thnn to axamine his statemer.ts with irreat caution. No philanthropist public spirited eiusugh to give awuy fiftcn miilio.'i (toUars for nidi«m cures would dream of makin'^ the d'?feHi of the conserva- lioB measure now before the House a condition precedent to his gift. He wouid wi-’.corat! Government co-oper- aliori rathen than discourage it. And i'Hannery seems to be the last person he would likely to choose as his spokesman,—Press. M-;ry Mo; :r. Keiir liuvii-N. C., Jaiuiary 1>L J ;:fLvT i' 1 s' tVf? i;iys Mojcr, ag'.'U i1 yeiirs; i> r.nd 27 - he , L-; ii: ■;■!-OX; t wonit;;; \viU ■ j-.S'uCy i-'i in her f..i;:iiy. S;ir iTfoSsfid fvii!i in Christ yoars ap;o : d % ;uiet Christian lif ?. Sfie ■ J ;hs,rn;y in a fainiiy of sever. Julure^. ■ ' ~ . T!is f.;!;ers?l 2nd ir.ieimoi’-'- v/as nt Vinv r-rovid?-i-e. The .;!ervi^o:. yare .':c'nd\i':ted by I?ev. J. W. Kolt. T'n;i i7:Uuv.'ij ■ V U.'.Vs. Ayeisck Graded Schtwl HoRor for December. First Grade—Robert Montgcmery, Lassiter James, Addie Baker, Hazel Clayton, Bobbie Coble, Helen Gilles pie, Grace Hughes, Nettie James, Ar- tliur Lashlc-y, Nettie Poe, Martha Pearl Pearson, Nettie Woods, Alice .^.ndcraon. Second Grade—Marie Bullard, Cur tis Moorej Thomas Coble, Artis Siitarpe, WilUe Gillespie, Mary James. Ttiird Gratic -CarL-ie Cates. Pourth Grade—Lillie Bullard, Joyce l^ayor. .Aima l?ui!;ird, Jumt's CruLcli- iioli!. G'ra'''c- -Cuy Crutchfield. SvxtSi c>aJp---A!ina Gant, Blanche 'Johnston, HuUi Stout. Eletta BlacV.- inO:>, Robert Rusbcli, EJevi?cy May. Saveiith aiid EsjJthth Grade—None. Nii'.th Gr;*.de---Elsie Johnston, Rau- iiton Thorno.son. Guiiford Defeats Elon. Guilford College. Jan. 24.—The i^tiilford College basketball team ush ered in the season tonight by easily ^defeating Elon College, 30 to 17. The Guilford quintet outplayed the Elon feoye from thes tart and the nal result was never in doubt. The line up: Guilford College—^Benbow and More Guilford • College—Benbow and Morefield, forwards; Sharp, center; . Stc'wart and Fink, guards. Elon College—Neivman and Bruce, fwwards; Atkinson, center; Merritt sad Bradford, guards. Won Third Prize. In the big contest of The Greens boro Dr'*y News Gertrude Coble, of tiiis city, was winner the third prize toe this district. Gertrude was one of "the younger, if not tht youngest ^ia tile contest, and only gave her ti»e oet at sehoo\ to &e 'SfoA. She vwbM tc t»k« this method «f thwsk- ^ mesy one whs hdped hsr ia win- this priie. .'-.r.-'i Rviiiiiy Land in XiiriK CtiroUii:'. Sold. Jan. 24.—Tlerr'Sei'fc- 'ive v.;iS noliiitd iliiii he Lumber GcmpSV’j-, of n^/iion, had sold 230,H)00 a: i-HS cf I:'.- us to UiL North C:;rolina r.f lili’, Th^ North Car 'j'U' C'.is a new eon?s;:n. just ;-■! 1^2 State with r>. ’’npita!' 000 with jt.? niain objcct of de- yi-^oi;i;;g ilst; laiMS i l trie V.a;.','. The .land is jn ColHiii. I^runswic*k tountlc.;' anil wiU ' e n'il’zeci for agriculture. Mr. Grnvss, president of t’lc com- ■'finy, took the matter up with Eepre- ■■,:'’t»tive Godwin today v.ith a view ?f havi:!}j the Department of .A.gri- culture to make prlh.liSiary surveys. The has alrsndy promsed JMr. Godwin to send drainage engi- tcrs to make preliminary surveys and (“stiniate tho cost. Mr. Godvrin believes that the idea of sei^ding^ In- liustrious western farmers to the St;ite should be encouraged and their location there wnil be a great bene fit to the State, Bsraca aliii iiiilaiiitii State Cimvcn- lioii. 01’. thuir •li-'H ivliluh -\vi;. LiC 111 i ■ U..iivi-. -S. i,vb\/. . I'siv’aaras i.'i i. ^xpecjieu Piiii- ■>Usri Fias.-:;c.A. Byx'd, gtiitial se^- ;'i*v!iry Oi Slu-le , a i rv'. - ; -.Clui ■uy, ul. vi.i-ih Cit. it!:d cl'hey;-, for i.a. of i-iins for co'.iv.on- -lorj. Xii^‘ enlh’-T''iii-'iii inanifosteCt (he ^asl y?;;r, aritl fuivic . ii in; . i. iofis yi.1 -i-iiua ' y i-'.y city thnt fntcri.i.i;!- :d ti. j ' E.iraca? oj "’-ui'lh Caroiir.a. 'i'he :!.5csl y;ar i.: iho li^c in the 0; tku moraj.ent. ‘i’hruK liuii- IT'. pa^t '.iao anti twc ‘,ii.;.Vao4aor«> lh« S-'-- veucK- "1 ijy tile c jsivaritloii. ^^8 Cii‘=-?v.'; jt‘ sh',.v I'rogTe.'s along lines :Cui:e tile g-reai COriVinttBft- ???! Insiallation Services ai the Lutheran Church, There will b« interesting services at the Lutheran Church at coming Sunday. The Rev. T. S. Brown, who has been Berving the congregation since last March, will be formally in stalled as pastor of Macedonia and Peace Churches at 11 o’clock a. m. Peace Church is sitaated about 12 miles west in Guiiford county. Mem bers of the Council and representa tives of that church expect to i>o pres ent. ■fhfc Kev. J. 35. Shcnk, oi Cvmih- !)oro, has been appoii'ted l;y ihe prus- idont of the North Carolina Synod, CO inalall the pastor. At the same time Mr. Brown will install the Church Council, of Maee- io!iia, which was recently elected. In the eveninjr he will preach a special sermon to the Council ^nd oth er church workers. The public generally, will be wel comed to theae serviee«. Attamabaw Ronte 1 Itemv. Altamahaw, Route 1, Jan. 25.—The wedding bells ring today. The par ties Mr. Elbert l^wis, of Ala mance, and Miss Annie. MatUins, of Rockingham. And Mr. Lather Isley and Miss Clinice Jcnes. We wish them a long and happy iife. The sick children on No. 1 are im proving. We had a sad death in our com munity Friday. Mrs. Bettie Boone, the w'idow of Ben Boone, ?ho was buried the following day at Camp Springs. Mr. J. W. Faiiceiti- waitee on her when she was roarriod way >;cick in about 187S, and ho hrlped bi:ry htr husband. Mr. Tioi-no. ;i:j yoarii ago. Sirs. Eoone wai? rx Chi is- tian woman. £he had l-eer, a meni- c-er of Camp Spring-s church from childhood. She raised a nice fa-nijj v>-a boys and one giri—Jim, Mary El len and Peter. Peter died ye,»r •\ith measles. We extend out sym pathy to the bereaved ones. J. W. Faucette, wife and daughter spent Sunday at Mr. Ubert Smith’s. -A,lso Mr. Joe Bouldin and Mi,?.'; Alene. Mrs. J. W. Faucette received a present fronJ Charlotte last week, a box of what you cali beaten biscuits. The Sour that they were made from, was ground at The Mub Mill. Fatal Explosios. Liverpool, Jan. 26.—Pour men were killed and many injured by an explo sion today on the Canard liner Mau- i"etania, which is in dock undergoing repairs. A bottle of condensed gas, which was used in ^ brazing- process in the engine room, blew up from some unknown reason, spreading death among the engine fitters. Sev eral of the injured are in a serious condition. Kvan the be«t housekeeper in the world wntld ratiter go hungry than cook, and her idea of riotous living is to gut; a !»eal ia n reatnorant «nd have some one wait ec har. " Ccim'iy Sdiool News. I The&sU am Chapter of Tha Daii£.h-! ur.s of .tiie CQirfcaciat-y laieiy oiler-1 ed $5 fur tlie best essay writto:: j the of Lee and 'i i.i., 1 oiiitesUints for this jjrine read | ..aijtri i.’i iha aydit-oriiim af the l.;r;iu- j id Sc-l'-ooi -Buildine Oi'. tlia itftevnoon j>i Jan.' 19. The. following read p;- pers: - SliisiMar-tha P&j^ai of. Earli!igi.y!i; ■ JliSs^Iaty "ftniile, of iiawfields; Mis^ 2va Aldridge, of Union Rid;i-e; 'vlr.Saiiks Ar:deTo.>n, v£ Grahtivii. All oi 'uiesti youiia atqui:i.cj Vvell. JLii'; Pi'ire svyfl. the i ;■ S:..hooi 0:'i;aiii>;cd a ■Count^’ . Cluii ,7„.;iuivy S.j. ^ 6f. viii3 -an; a,^ foUaVv; fresidsnt, Jlr. -I. S. M.i lCii.r ' -ics ^l’: 3Ei;UL.:, Mr. C. ii. M.j- .auU‘; ;■■■-.Sv-'-iii.iry, jli.-i:; iloj-eijop Tiia.'-ujv, l!r, Oiiorli-; ‘i.'iS' .'.i,;..:. t ;1jo oi.'-jo. C'ur.iry Life f. ;i:’> 0 V;txpt'cl to iiavs the ;v.c.etiv..c: '.11 ihe liijrla t-I ijo Lj. . ;* .. - I- frOiT. '..i:;'.'';' j‘i i.. :.u i-. u:.J ni^iuy-i ■ “A cl i>. iO vl: us '.voii the Ci,'. i-j- liu-iiu'.i-Luui-Iiiiilty' iial chur.vh, i:: Sb’.rLii iJosioii, Vu., at. No D o'icl'jck Todi.eheay . avoiunjXr . woi.-C pkiyeu, bi-t iJiO li.'no v/.;/'-1, thcj j.:;i Les cuiuroLrjry. •huu' or r\li*. a-’-i /-rthur '2'\. C.;- ' :i:l .t \ I Ly i-jv. 'Ik 3. : .wa? . ' o:) [ i r,. : ■A.iV-» •. h.- : I-' • ' T. ; .ii'* r."-0 I ’ i ■ ; • V ;u;d rxho:fs i: • y.w^ n\.:„ vvil':. -j..'-,.' NKSVS- • Xi's. \V., S\ni)‘iU7. V.\:s hui L Ihursday nooii at to ' iiound I't-iit*!!- Quu. al her heir:o ;ivi5 ihe houi'e- was is\ve'o:> • ticvor rLc’d■ ir: jjOtL«;\'} pUknts. . iayeu, \v;vh. 'net'd.U^.-: A. sul^d Cr;i:rii‘ 'w.-is ,-ci* vcrc ;i i'ji.' 1-^.Uvil iij- ' or--Mt;:, A rJ ■ '•I::-! oVK.'jk. yjiui'!;: Liipt-, Ku.-'U;.- inyirr;- r-;--o . •‘•.i i‘' ; nil ii.ijce . Chui'loUe jait April. _ Marsliall A. Hud,^on and Miss He:;- ; %>’ prumise.^ rifctta Keren, preijident and vice-f res ident, re.spectivcly, of the World-Wide UnioB, have already agreed to be at Duihant. The program wiii be planned with grtat care and will be announced in due season. Mra. F. G. White Dead. Mebane, Jan. 26.—Mrs. F. G. White died very suddenly Saturday after- p.oon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. M. McFarland. Death was due to heart failure, though the de- , - -- -» v...o ceaseii had been in feeble health far ey«iry teacher must isnow the WOric 'b® nnH some time, Mrs. White was born June 7, 1841. She was the daughter of the iate Gapt. W, C. Johnston, of Ilaw&eldiit She was happily married to Thomas jraham White December 21, 1861, whom she survived for 12 years. BurS- ington had been her home since 1886. She joined the HawfielJs Presbyter ian church when che was lit years of liffe. Her religion had always been u real part o,'" iicr lif”, a. J maiiifi;;Jted tsi.lf in tliO Ijcaiitifiji .'pirit charat- teriiiiig iit-r in all thi.';i.Ts entcrijig her ,’\'p;rieticc. I here survive her son, W. (i. Whifc, 'f ihn’nan-., and tvjo duugiiter.s, ?lrs. ■V5. M. McFnrlar.d, til .Mebane; ar.d AJr.s. .j. K, Whitiey, of Buriing'to!;. 'i'lie body was taken to ijin’linffton ter interment Sunday. No Comment Made. Washington, Jan. 26.—Announce ment from Mcxico that nothing had been cacomplished by the conferences it Vera Cruz between Je.>us Floras Magon and John Lind was not com- ■iwnted upon today in oflicinl circles here, The state department bad no .nivice.? on the subject as Mr. Lind has been ccmmunicatiiig directly with President Wilson since the meeting »tween the President and his envoy it Pass Christian, Miss., several weeks afro. Edward L. noheny, preside:u of the jIo.\i.’an IVti'i.-loura Coiniiany, said to TOP, v;;.:ru half of all the oi\ •■.\>rks in SIc-\!f0, ca'.iod at the StaLf!. SiiVy a.^d Interior iK'parlmcr.ts i.o- ;.i; iU‘ \.-oiild ^ot disciiKs tile r.a'.iir; ■f h'-- c.i'urd, bill tnli-.od frerf’y .'iboijr ■ondlHiT.i in 3Ie,\ico, iicc.'aiinjj that ur.-ronally ai.^provud ?res>.,ler:t Wi!- i:a\icy of neiitraUty. “He’l'j Bill” at Bedford City. Ro:tnoke, Va., Jan. 26.—Construe Jon of th.i national boms of the Be evolent Protectire Order Elks at veek, according to S. J. Householder, the construction firm cf P. >1. Morgan Co.* of Chicago, w^ho viU build the structure. dormitories, an administraton build mg and a hospital a". ;.... ihuv-i-'iay at i:i hOi'.O' of hm' C '.usin, Mrs. .Jr.iViors Ea'-»?'. of ’ity. who is visiuiip hrrc- •-.i,/.-*-: , mew ^ ^ School wiii give, on the' p]ayed at .^otii' ilje iutere.'iting play, entitled weiv Aot :. jMon. in the;” This ■'iieut :o give a most afcasa’ c evening The :}ext Teachers’ Meeting will be on Satcj-day,.February 7. A number nonie in Graham Thursday aft of vitjit things will be consideied at this a-^ting. General conferences swH on (1) Reading Course. (-2) FiifOftry Reading, (3) County Conunohc6iQdnt. essential that every whit« nwdier in the county attend this ni^ting. -Some plans for the general--Work of every school in the ■ounty wfll be announced at this meet- work to'he done and the plans for doing it. , 1 i Whit^cer-Hatch. At the;:^{aie of the bride’s mother, on Logan Street, tfcfr E. White- ner and Miss Bessa Myrtle Hatch was solemnized this morning at 1.0:30 o’’c!ock. The m irriafTG, while not a .surprise ifTair, was very quiet and was wit- e.s.'^eu o !iy by the immetfiate friends= ar^d i'vlaUvL's of the ^'ontr.^cting | ties. ^•‘1- ai'.'i Mrs. T. 1>. Kogleman en- ;>.-rlaiiicd tho -.,upli.- :;ii,l their friend.; , ’.I. din:!cr Monday. For the ceremony the parlor was !-a.stofiiiJy decorated in potted plants. ■Miss Willard Smith played the Bridal Chorus from “Lohengrin” for the pro- ■essional and Mendelssohn’s Wedding March as a recessional. There were r;o attendants. Little Helen Fogle- man came in bringing the ring, and was followed by the bride and groom- ,.=-Iect, who were united with the rir.s ceremony, spoken by Rev. D. Mclver, The bride wore s handsome blue traveling dress and black hat and car ried a bouquet of bride’s roses. The groom is a splendid young man, ■ind ho]d.-i good posilicn with a cloth ing firm at Hickory. The bride is one I'f Burlington’s best young women, attractive and accomplished, and has I hirfje host, of friend,? who wish them 'lOtli much hapi i-ic.^s. ■After i.he coi,>moiiy >ir, and Mr.^,. Whiten?? drove to /h-,; r.i,j [..r; no No. for their hn-,.,e at P.ic!;cry, v.-iievo i.ifv \vi!i hoiitickec^i.^.!."- ->t The oat-of-town .criiest-t v,-rre: Mi.^s iie.atrictf Fowler and R-,rIe H;;tch, of Charlotte, and Airs, T. Ke-.rdl a;:-i ',011 ard Miss Beri, Haieh. o-f iiick-.-iry. LVaih of Mrs. White. funeral of Airs. Mareare bedford i-ity, Va., wdl be begun this -wnute, of Mebane. who died Satur C T TX^ 1 TJ- 1 - :sy evening, was conu-ted .Sunday at he Presbyterian Church at this place 'y Rev. D. Mclver, Mrs. White c'toves three ehildrpn Mrc t i? The “Home” is to cost $260,000 and Whitley, of this place- Mr'w' G ;viiJ comprise eight buildings-sh- mita, cf Durham; and Mrs.’ M.’ m! ’IcF'arlanu, of Mebane, with whom " he m^^.de her home. She was seventy- hree years old nrd leares a largo ■onnection of friends. Burial services - iiiir.ut uvci.ty jiiioiits. ilefrcsh .'aeuts consis'.ins- of ,>.aJads, (ies;:cr>..-i Ai5d caJf-ci.- were st-rve.i. r.jiin B. Wiliiaiifyv-n at her "teriKKn -1 ;.r Ci '.'.V:: ’'v:.'-!/:.; . •/ J.:'.--., . >■. a-.-i/ijcUi.'Vv; jZc. A;1 .ho.;L‘ .IC.iUvi'Ui Ir.ji* a-.u soi'ily i -y- od, *0, Proir.ise Me/ ■^t pre«,r‘i!.tu a plolure oi i.i a v.jioi .^ihi-nie .if ai'.a U'hiie, paifij.'s, CtfJ; .trnr- i-rs lorininj' an important part in ilsis picture, effect. ‘‘The bri^e, who wore a tailored ■oat suit of blue gra'iita, -with hat arid gloves to match, her flowers be- entertainod jointly the Bur’ingto.. Bridge Club and the Graham Bridge a shower of bride’s roses and L i, , . lillies cf the valley, entered with her _ . brother, Frank Mebane, by whom she ing by Mosdames J. H. Holt, of Burl- was given away. The maid of honor’s ’iub, both of which she is a mem ber. She was assisted in entertain- ington, and Mrs. L. Banks William- place was Slled by Miss Myrtle Meb- son, of Glencoe. Salads and tea. and bride’s sister. She was sandwiches were served. Besides the govmed in white crepe meteor and twenty members present there were: Mesdames Harvey Wiite, James Pomeroy Everett, of Norfolk; Eugerse carried pink Killarney roses. The best man was Samuel Scott, of Mebane, N. C., brother of the Holt and L. S. Holt, Jr., of Burling- The bridesmaids were: Misses ton, and Miss Dishman, of Kentucky ‘ ’ ” ” * *' • -- - Mrs. D. H. Tuttle gave a most de* lightful reception at the parsonage Mocday afternoon to the Women’s Home and PsreiK.i Missionary Soci eties of the M. E. Church. She was assisted )>y her Uaup-hter, Miss Le- ola. A larpe crowd was pre.sesil and delitrhtful refreshments were .'ierveil. * * * WisK RerHki C«ces Fri^hiy on- ii.i; .hii.i'.c :;rv! ritrr Phii«l!-^\ 1 of th* r’hajx.’h .: . >r '.Oitvj. iv.u)k n;id (iili- n: pl.''d ui)d cojiU-sls v.’m: L* in. n rrrnhDioiu^' wevj sot V eel. fhc rJ;i!^ica asid Philuthea clu:5.sp.5 -f the fiiiptist Church ^ave a recep- lion TuesrJ.;iy ni^ht in ihe Raraca room to -he other orf^anized da:iscs if the cii:'}.?h. Th'^re were about one hundred preiicnt. Ail kinds of games and conUsts were engaged in. Can dies and fruits wers served, 4 ^ Misses Lelia Williamson, i.i Mcivrr, and Frances Williamson, of Danville, came Wednesday to spent some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Pate. N'ew Depot^ Ordered for McLeans- burg. Raleigh, Jan. 2(’.--The S.>uthern Railway Company has been liirecte.l by the Cnrpcsrat i:.i Commission -u) eract a suilaliie j'af.^enpor sralion at McLaaii.sbui-fr. ei'rht miles va::t of Croen,-^i)oro on Ihe order romes after s|>; snr,.■'■!» •. ;.;r iietwe;-'n .\i; irai-y C. .\. iiiiwv. S’rof. C. I). i'r.'v.'. T. Kali, p. V. i>.mr:i', J. C. and olh- er.s. TJio o.r-ier provides ‘'that the Saufh- -*r',i Kaiivvay (]omt>;iiiy oroL't within oO days after approval of plans, a ■?^:ition iiouse at McLoaM.sbiirg, "vvhich shall have ample waiting rooms for both races for the use of the genera! public in getting on and off its trains; t/iat the said Southern Rail-w^ay Com pany submit to thi.c; commi.ssion with in IS days plans for said ,‘itation for its approval.” Strikers Will Arbitrate. Philadelphia, Jan. £6.—^Arbitration were conducted at Pine ^lill CemT was agreed upon today by the mill tery. owners and their striking hosiery r.-i IR6I she was married to Thomas «• ’WTiite. They resided in Burlintr- 3 m stnkers, mostly women and on un to the time of his death al girls, are expected to return to work most fifteea years ago tomorrow. Ths strike has been in ■> h ■ progress for more than a montli, the. workers demanding a readjustment of wages and improved working con ditions. Miss Sophia Le jct, of the Nomal College, spent Ui» week-end hera vis iting Hsr sister, -IjBss I;efler, of the gnuied adiool faeiQtf. Fogleman Bros.’ buying represen, taives left this week for Missouri, where they will spend several days •purchasing stock for their stabS*. Annie Hurdle, of Union Ridge, N. C., draped in pink crepe de chene; Miss Helen Pickard, of Greensboro, N. C., in lavender crepe de chene; Miss Maude X, Sichardson, of South Bos ton, draped in laaid crepe de chene; ' Miss Jerrice Patter.son, of Danville, in green charmeuse. Each biiies- maid held an orchid bouquet of color ed sweet peas tied with chiffon, “The groomsmen were: June Lewis, of Mobane, N. V.; B. F. Velmne. of .irif Viiioent :ir.d r. J. I',, Hurdle. ::f Mei.anv, .\, C. 'ill,' a.',|-,er;i >v;|-e: ’A’. L. ! e. ni-:-.. !'. t.. ',. e! ru.-ii, W, C., a.-.d \. C. .Joiv.a'itcn. all of South Bosjton. “Tile out-of-town gue.sts included Misso.s lijitie Melnto.'ih. of Richmond, V’a.; Mi.:.s Mary Beall, of Chase City, Va.; Miss Nancy Clark, of Danville, Va.; Miss Chalmers Patterson, of Danville, Va.; Miss Lucilc Piekan! and Aiken, of Greensboro, N. C.; Mr,s. H, A-. Scott, of Mebane, N. C..; and Stafford Patterson, of Danville. Va." Captain Alvarez.” "Captain .Alvarez” a thrillins drama magnificently staged, will be brought to the Piedmont on Friday, February 2nd, by Paul Gilmore and associate players. The production is more elaborate than any we have seen Mr. Gil'more in in rocent years, being laid in the picturesque i-tpu:i- lie ol v\i'i;’e-ati\\e the or.-,'iV fifiies. J*: i^ pure, elcan ronvi;. b;i?i'i.i O’* lji.'-;tori-al r.-ior:-. a pI.-.-x- yon!:g uial Oil! aiike. H. S. Si-ic;;’, who “The Havoc.” :,i-- ■; . n\orc!*s jiist .• .■ many oilirr jp'caL Kew Var\ . is the r.utlior, sulTlcicut isi]!nore role, fli.s cb:iraetorh:;v of Bob Wainwright, young, impeiu- ous. -American through and through, musts trike a sympathetic note in e\-- ery heart. Paul Gilmore has thrc? ■:;i>.npaiiie.‘ playing “Captain Alvaro?..” but will po.sitively appear here in tho play himself. itself of it.^ merit i.s e^pr;'ia!ly fiLloil Paal Kinston Man a Suicide. Kinstoa, Jan. 2f5.—Uonleet Lyon. ;iL>out years old, a farmer and well •connected, committed suicide in the Neuse Hotel here early today by tak ing carbolic acid. He is believed to have swallowed three and one-half ounces of the stuff. Lyon had been •drinking for several days, it is said- ftiid probably was despondent. He was found in a rwm on the second floor at 10 o’clock and the body was warm but when a physician arrived the man was beyond resusitation. He left no word to explain the motive. The cor oner deemed an inquest iisneeessary. rnclr.imcd Letters. The following letters remain in the po.stofTice at Burlington, N. C., un called for on January 24, 1914: ficntiemenr Jue JolTcrson (Special Delivery), X). S. Honks, ,D. Johnson, A, E. Priest, Harvey Reynolds. Ladies: Miss Ruby Kenny (2), Mr.s. M. J. Mitchell, Mrs. Julia Seawell, Mrs. Rosa Huffman. Persons calling for any of these letter.^ will plea-se .say “Advertised” and give date of advertised list. F. L. WILLIAMSON, P. M. Mis* Stelia Teague, of Swepson- ville, spent the week-«nd here visUiiig Miu Alice ttefhenaa. Laugh and grow fist «&d the laugh wCl be oa jma. It doasn’t matter how much a wo man pays for her furs the neighbor women know they are cheap imita- tlona. Some p«cp!0 t«lk so blatm mudi tifc«y htfwi^ tiis* te mf