Sm^ FiSDEBAL AID HELD UP. Post office Department Ijiys It On th«> State Offitiils, Gwernor Tiliiiiks Otherwise. Washington, Mareh 14.—Certain North Cai-oliniana, have fluked the thing, it appears, with the result that North Carolina has'lost $20,000, of real federal good roads money. Sev eral months since .$40,000 was set aside for use in the State in improv- ing certain roads i.i cooperation with some of ihe counties, and the depart ment heads here sought to get an Kgreeriient as to where the money should be spent. It was at first de-^ termined to spend $10,000 bn t^ scenic highway from Old Fort to .\shcville, which met Governor Craig'.-? ap!!i;ov?.i. but from then on action v.'ii-i slo'iv.. ■ Today the cheerless i:’forinati(?n g*iven by.Fourth Assistant Fos:-. niiisi,er GeTit^rai Blakslee, thftt, owiiv;' to the Jai’ure of the people of Xoi't.;i C-.roi;!:ii to ;ict, half of tlie .State's been sent to other Seated wji-ji'o iV.c people Knew wlial they \v:.L!'.ted. Both th;^ Caro'inti :k!\‘ inaki?:" a". the ivolOivd ii i.s n'.st i;. 'n.n To!- :h..‘ flO.tiOO if r.vnjiisble fvv M: hiiri’.wny ?■' ;;; ou:h. fi'iiislon (lelap i;r, W!r.^tc'n-Sj!;’.>n-£t;;:fSv etiurs fron'. Mr. B!:- i- Ovc-rni.i.'; miles ion^r* Tins loftd frow WiBS,ton- Salem to StatesvUie is 52 inileB lanic. Yet a few days ago the governor re ceived a letter from the foiirth as sistant postmaster general saying that the Winston-Salem-Statesville road was too long, and that furthermore it had not been “sufficiently definitely” located by the local a\ithoritie.s. Up-;of the identification is is ^doubtful. Screm Mon BmMm Is tiw Sc. UMis C!i* St. Lcuis, tear. I2v—Sev«n bodies were recovered today fnaa tbe rums of the Missouri Athletie dub, destroy ed >y fire Monday morning, bringin,:; the total number rectM'ered to 17. Of these il have been id^tified, biit one on these two objections, so the dep: ment said, eth money would be with- drawn, unless the . State autliorities removed them. What the department means by ‘■suificiontly definitely looted” tno Governor is at a loss to understand. He immediately wrote the North Car olina Senators asking thein to use their best efforts to bring the matter to a eatisfactoi-.y state and to get the department to issue some set of regu One body found today tos identified as that of Thomas Wrighi, of St. Louis. .The bodies of IS are believed to be in the ruins, making the total death roll 30. The finding of the club regis ter today and a comparison of the names therein with lists already pre pared, confirmed the ciub officers in the belief that the death roil would not exceed 30. A joint conuhittee of the municipril ktiorjs that it wouid stick to. The | assembly late today began uri. Governor '.yould lie happy to comply i n\to the cause of the disaster. - The ■w'itii «ny rCiasonable I’Uling of iho-j c'oi'o'ier will .negih to take testimor'y j Tjostoffice department if he only ; tomorrow, sure that that nilinj? would not be I'er ■ —^ ■ _ vers=ed‘by some other But?..* •onj? as one a.ssistant g’iven one i=ot cf reg'uiatiojis and another anoth Clovcrnor Crais? is at a lo‘=?s as io vt'hat t") do. The (scveraur said hi?l nijjht tUal liii bt'li''ved ihat the »narter ■'pro'-.e ort to .?ot lit. iho money i:- L ihey'iy be thou.'-!nJ the Siho i: •‘’|u!.'y pa»*t of the* appropriaiio iiiv All th. v'.-.-i' xh. iiJ’.d in ]ec to ^ona*w Hus^band li. Anjri'!. ^ th, March 7.—It- onler ■^ i.' r>5:ike i-:3 husl'^.r-i:’' a niaa to the of H. B. Va:*;iL:• nivjjjt have :iv) bad habits, iderity •"’f ' tevlciir. i'hu'iij.TS, which the depi'rt-jdsL'ii'abie ci.'res, must be ir Charlesjbu Selected. Washh'.Qrlon, ?.Iarch IS.—Secretixry Rodiield today selected the Gharle.sion. and th'js e.nded a contef=;t which has rasiod fo-- Tuont^is amciijr Charle.^- t-::'. Savannah. . v.'iv k. I'orrriJidina a»»d Jiieksor.v:!! out av.d ‘.iia- . I'.at; appropriated smrJl dai;5rcr of io.-i:i^'. j *h? uopnt v. h'/-h will be iho s!..0!j'.y sl.uion ior lir-rl.thouso insp^ciioa i’? — X"'. ti. E\tc*r.s‘v«.' Jt'ann«s on'ihe aUv;uil- a.i^co of ch;' conjpotiii.i^.citie.-': wer.‘ Is/.j! hero sc'V.■••••] weeks, ago. The | icr the wa.=^ formerly ioi-sf.d) ;u rha?}”>•>;> •, b?Jl zuU Gn the* mV;!'’ land and wa.-. fiestroyed fn a calc, fh runv- ioeaiio:: is n 5afer one. ofijcir.; Alniosii An 3 .;t [r:div*at'.‘S it wiH le ?‘ow to : i>:*e. In fad, the .^talen^er.t v/a ni.’.de al the ;.:o;:tofnce J:ipartn:e"i t j day that the iniiistcr.ce cf 3Ir. Var Tier upo>5 thei^e thar.«i:es had tiia?:v; occasioned the delay i ;:nd ivli.irlou? and mu.rt o;-:ably larjjc income. ood health j ^ have a rer.>'- i Erown Wen Billiard Tournarien*. i ThL*?e «{Ja!i^luatio^i^5 .^urn up in a; y^w Vtn-k, March 13.—With a ijrei'eral manner the characteristics i o’-' iOi), which ii^ tho high mark far I ::fve5?ary to make tho “ideal hii^v-[ ihe natiu/ial ai^iateur billiard lurn.j- jbaiid,” as broujjht cut by Rex-. W. T-1 n-ent. Morris J^rowTJ. of Brooklyn, a CiQverv.or Ci’aig:, or. the e'Jier haad, J Kern» of this city at the CumTni.':- Couistyp lU OnhUA, Noc^ offa* fo» adb at po!^ uetion to tlie highest bidder the deicT^b* ed real estat«»^to-wit: TRACT NO. 1.—Lyixig and b«ini? ill Coble Townfthin, Alamance 9^un- iy, North Carolina* adjoining the |and^ of George Patt^son, A. L. Coble, Anthony Cobb, James Shoffner» J. F. Coble and others, and the same being located in tho jtork of Big Stinking Qv&Her and Little Stinking Quarter Creeks, and containing in all one hundred thirty-seven and three- fourths (137%) acresj more or less; one hundred eleven and one-half (111%) acres of said property being partially bounded and described in certain deed by John F. Cbole, Joel S' Coble and wife,.Mary Jane Coble, Kmsiey Coble, Augustus L. Coble and v.’ife, Latitia Coble, to Sallie E. Coble and Henry M. Coble, said deed bear- ii:g date of February 28, 1879, and l^ein^ duly probated and recorded ih the office of the Register of Deeds for Atamance Gonnty in Book of Deeds Iso. 1, at page 476, and aU'O ih a deed executed on the. 30th day of May, !S9£> by Henry M. Coble and his wife, :\nnie E- C. Coble to Sallie U. Coble (or E.), which deed is to be recorded, and reference is hereby made to said I' hv-ya"co tor a more specific de- j^frijaio?! cf ihe said one. hundred ek‘voI and Oi>e-half (111^^) acres by liiotos; ar.d ^ound.^. Two acres of said :.‘optTty beV^fr pariicularly bouuded and described in a certain deed by ?.I. Coble to Sallie E. Coble c.Ne^-uted on. the IVth day of May, 1‘JlO, and duly probated and reeordc-d ir the c.^ce of the Kejri^tei* of Deeds for Alaniaiice County ir. Book of Deeds No. 42, at paK© 4‘24, to which rc*cord reference is hereby expressly fasde for a more particular descrip tion cf said two acres of land by ir.etes and bounds. Three and one- fijuj'th acres; of the said one hundred t):irty-seven and three-fourts (137%) in lettovs to Sei'-ator O.vrman, is i.*i- cli:ied to hold the department pe;»pIo here rosponsible for the confusion ani cojisequer.t loss to North Carolina of 520,000. However, the coirespond- «?iice talaiing to this good roads mat ter h now in the possession of Sen ator Ovennan, In a letter which Mr. Blaksiee wrote to Governor Crai? early Iasi month thi.s siatement j^p> pears; “The project.-; in your State have now bee.-i pc-ndinjr for many mmth' and it i.s imperative that an under- j?tandiiij> be reached imraeiiatcly, as otb.‘i localities v.'herc suita)>le r.Kids and ample funds are available are an>:ious to participat*i in this coopi;r- ativo movemer:t. 2 am constrained to advise you, therefore, that un!e^> hi* receive i-:a.t*sfactory de.'signation or designationjj of the road or rojirls, selectsd by yoss for improvement, the situafio;] 5.s such that we shail b; obiijred to withdraw the offer oi' fi nancial aid in the impioven'.en'. of roadn in your State.*' The department sirll faijinir t«i rj^ef. any conclu."ive action from the State, another letter wa;> written to Govern or Craij? on March ?i, teiiinff of a comnjiinicatifm which had been re ceived from iifr. Varner inclosing de scription of a i-oad which he desired to improve. A statement is further made by Mr. Blaks^ee, to this effect; “It thucs appears that you or the parties concerned have been able to de.«ijrnate only two highways that iti sonje n^eaKure seem to meet the re quirements of the department, proved it will mean the settinj? aiside ot‘ a federal allotment of S20.000. Tlic anu^unt originally allotted to iNforth Carolina was $40,090, but on account of the many delays and for the rea- ion set forth in my letter to you un der dat? of February 21. the depart ment fc-3ls constrained to withdraw *ne-half of the tentative allotment of $40,000'and to apply the sonne of OUO so \vitKdrawn toward the im provement to high’ft'ays in localities wViere the authorities are ready .'ind willing immediately to meet all of our requirements.” .\vonae M. E. Church. “I am not exprerisinir my own views regaTdinjr fornter holde?' cf the i took ihe lead from Eugene h. Mij- ab?olu:ely I} MJ-I5. of Memphis, in the 22nd inning the moral; of today’s £i‘ame and won in the 37th standard of the man/* said Rev. Mr. jijirinjr by 400 to 'Jt'tJ. Kern, while Iccturinjr recently on tlii.? ; : subject, “but I am taking the stand- | Monfcerey Is Virtually Isolated, ard of public opinion. Public opinion [ Luredo, Texaii, March 13.—^5onttt* i$ a good judge when people are prac-. rey, an important railroad center, and tical-y a unit on the subjcct in ques- [the largest city in the northeast .Mex- iion. These letters from women e>c-! jco, is virtually isolated, with presftin^^ their opinion of what an | tutionalisi troops advancing from all “ideal husband” should be i- U express | sides, according to a dispatch received the some thought. j at Federal military headquarters ;it Tm^o qnotationb of a general nature t Kmqko Laredo tonight. Only one tel- from letters the speaker charactenz-j egraph wire out of Monterey i? intact ■hair.pioii'-hip heiuic particularly bounded and tic.'cribed in a certain deed executed THE GOVEKNOR'S EXPLANATION. Governor Craig declared, when call ed over the phone by The Daily Now? last night, that he has dene every thing that the postofflte departme-nt asked him to do, and that he believes the confusion exiss only in the d-r* partment itself. Six months ago, said th© governor,: he designated thre€i roads, all of them sections of th© Cehtrstl Hlghwa^^s on which he desired tho fcdwral govern ment to spead the Stat«% allottnent of 140,600, Ka' nam^ the road through Uaedow^l eou^ to receive $10,0001, tiuou^ Bavidson to receJTO $W,0»r wad fzom Winston4&iieni via • - . -l._ AAA HOCKSTlUe VO JnscwTu TTie ftiqjpopriBtioa for M«eI>owell and D«u«idsoa eftaaiies. it is uoder- »tood, a» »a right, wmI worit it ex-^ pected to be«rin on them in the course of a few'EsivntHs. The. Mtch occurred in eonaaetion with tlie road from WinstoD-Satem to Ststserille. Ctee o(f orisical reiiaireiBenta of the poatoCBos dftsntrtmeBt wiien the gfSTrertnat w&» ftsTst asked to decdgnate the wad op95i whsih tKa money w»f t0 be the M«d »o *»«>- «ot be le*c tkss SO cd “sensible.” They were “The young woman of high idea'.s and g-tod moral character naturally attracts men of Ibu same stamp- I c^innot think of such a girl bL'coniiiig- :-.s;'o- ciatcti with \u)jrar immoral mor..” The other quotaion which particular ly pleased the pastor was to the tf- foct that the man shuuld i)« the “!>ors' ill the home. “He should do thinpri^ he- think.s righi regardless of contrary influence. He should be stronij ;jnd ap^0-'5sive." Kifty per cent >f the women from whose letters Mr. Keni quoted, Irek! i.hat a jiEaii shculd not t*5e ‘nto^ ing iiquors. Over 50 per cent, stipu lated that tobacco should not be tol erated. Fifteen per cent, .specified that the “ideal husband” ."ihauld not .swear, but only 10 per cent thought to state in exact words that a man should not be immoral. They all in dicated a.s much in their letters, how ever. GamblsnK was also condem ,_d by che fair sex. The ladies were unanimous in re gard to the demrable cjuaVitics the ideal husband” should possess. The husbar.d must be truthful, industri ous, temperate, clean (in person an.i languag-e), cheerful, optimistic, tidy, steadfast, ambitious, straight-dea'Iiiig in business, kind and sentle at home and a lover of children. One woman said “the pood disposit.iori of the hu=- ijand, of course, depends a good deai on the wife’s cooking:.” Most of the women held that a clean Ipast life vras necessai-y and that the prospective bridegroom should be a descendant from a family -of “good blood.” No sympathy was expressed for the “CTld oats” period. One wo man stated that tbe hu; jap.d shoiild be able to stand the culinary effects [of an inexperienced cook, j “Our euffpnie law is not ideal," the Rev. Mr. Sern said in connection with health, “bat we will get one in the near future. The present law is one sided, I do not believe in partiality. The woman wants to know if the man 13 healthy before she marries him, but the man al»o desires to know if the W3man is h^thy.” With regard to the income of the respective hosbond, women writerc all that t^ naan (dkonld be reeeiv- ins an ineoict» scffieiently large to al- •=■=■ ti* family to Um ia decent and M>infortable ei]«nsu)tiknces. The gen tleman suggested that on eceour.t ef lifferent tastes the . young .people -hould discuss the ineojne qoastion before mazryiag. Other thiagi mentioned in the let- ’’-ers were that the man shoold Ssave t gt>od edtiestios, esd ^vaveilog re paid for his inatber, and that on the 'vhois he dioald 'he xoanly, a 'Mksosable amoust of brclr^ «i4liiy and, with the exception of the line to Saltillo, railroad communication ha.' been ue^Sroyed. An attack on Monterey, it is under stood, is plrtnned as one of the fir?^t moves in coniiection with the marcli southward of the rebel army. Japan Vote.s for Battleships. ToVio, Ja})an, March 1‘1.—^I'he ap- ^jropriation for the construction of i;e\v ships for the .iapanese navy wk--^ reduced by the House of Peers todyy by 51 •">,000,000 making the fii^re 000,000. FOR SALE. Spring Branch Dairy Farm, iin. taining 56 acres, modern bams, cm- cretc silo, brick milk dairy with run ning water, modern G-roora cottage, 3-room cottafte. Joins city limits. Fertile soil, fine farm for city dairy. Term.=: easy. Bargain for quick se!e. Wm. T. INGLE. Cartoe'.s ceived. iAce—New line just re- Everything at Coble's Grocery cash sale at and below i-ost. Buy your seed potatoes from home folks in whom you have confidence, then ycu mn no risk (getting stang. Genuine 9ai;;e Opown at Kerehants Supply Co. Cutsets yuds. Lacea—6 cants for two Wanted—Yoong lady to aoHcit ani coliect. Apply to C. C. Cates, at Goodman’s Store, Burlington, N. G. Cobln’s Grocety closing oot—Waah. ing powder 7 for 25c. See that yow seed potatow eoi frcra tbe HcRhanta Sapply Co. have the Geauine Maine Srown, a tree to name. Car Genain* Maiis« Qrtma, blani, BeHy So** and Bed BSia patatoei at Ibe^ianto Son^ Co. Cob- SALE OP *SALUB COBlUt^ LAKH IN COBI£ TOWNSHIP, ..AiAXAHCB coxnmsY, M. C.. lTnd«r and by viito* s£ m ^rdtp -f the Snpsrior Court ti ASoBUoit Coonty Hr wMdi Seika F. OgMo atll ■vthera are ^isintiffc and Sissti«r C«^ Ms sr.3 oa«* asm 'indsrsigned coraniariMNM oa' SATURDAY, 4TH BAY ^SWl,, liy John F. Coble and wife, Mary E, Coble, to Sallie E. Coble on the 8th tliiy of May, 1895, to which deed ref erence is hereby expressly mads for a more particular description of said three and one-fourth acres of laud by metes and bounds; said deed to be rt-rorded. Twenty-one acres of said property havinK been devised to said .SiJiie K. Coble by her Aunt, Sallie Co'ule, under the last wll and testa- n;ent of said Sallie Coble, said twen- ty-ope acres adjoining the. lands of .iame.s Shoffnej-, J. F- Coble, Little Slinkinjf Quarter Creek, the Saliie E. (.'oble land abose desciibed and Jocat- ed near the house in which the said Saliie E. Coble- lived up until the time of her death. The io«r parcels of iand above de- ■;; riiied make up and coijstitute a sin gle tract of iand, containing one hundred thirty-seven and three fourths acres, more or Ivss. TR.\CT NO. 2.— A certaiii tract or parcel of land situated in Burling ton Township, .Mamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining Innfis nf J. F. Coble, A. L. ColiiA and Emsfey Coble, a 15-ft. street, and containing eighty-five huindrcdtha of an acre, more or less, the .same being lot number seven of the Gabriel lliompson land, shown in the p*at and survey of said land made jy Lewis H. Holt, Surveyor of Alo- tiBnce County^ on July 2nd. 1833; said lot number seven being more particularly bounded antj described i y metes ;uid bounds in a certain deed o-\ccv?t3d on .A.ugust 23 st, 1SS3 by W. fi. (Carroll, Commissioner to Sallie U- Cttile, to which deed rt*ference ia hereby expressly made; said deed to be recorded. Tract No. One ooi/Ve described con taining one hundred thirty-seven and three-fourths (137%) acres, more or li-ss, is lucated in Coble Township, ■ven miles from the City of Burling ton, about one and one-half miles from the macadam rnad leadinjr from Burlington by Alamance Mills,, and near the residence of John E. Coble, and about two miles west of Friend ship Graded School, In one of the best grain-producing sections of Alamance Connty. Upon this land are a dwell ing house containing six rooms, an excellent *pring of ptire water, and about one-half of said land is covered vrith original growth sf timber, and us a whole is an excellent farm, es pecially adapted to the rsistng of grain. Tract No. 2 alrove deacrlbad is lo cated 'within the corporate lizoit* of the Ci^ of BBrlingtA!! near th* rec- ef J. E. Cwtebfii^d. terms of SAIJB;—One-third of tlie iKii«hass psie« to b« |»»ld in eacb on date joS sale, oRe-third within sis giontba from t^aatcr ef «ide, *»d remaind^ ai yumwEK yrici ia S* paid witlds tws!7e znont&s from tSie date of saSy inteiest to be ehga^ei so d^er?^ psymcBtt at the rste ®f ^ ecni. pits'asrmm, and title' t» prep«^ %• be 3«lierv»d cratB A« chw '1^ t-1 tit* JSffa&SS? -si ifS.j&tS'' 5SJ! 9ast-' talers * The Reliable Hous^oid There is always need for a lantern around the home—iii the yard, in the cellar, in the attic— wherever a lamp is inconvenierit or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright light—^like sunlight, on tap. It Is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn’t leak. Doesn’t smoke. Easy 'O light and rewick. Will last for years for theRAYO. ' At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY D* C. KcKn' Va. New BA.1.T1MORE Chariot' fr. N. C. Chr.rU M v.-:. W. V«. Charleai5' •, .S. C. Subscribe Now For The Atlanta Journal Daily, Sunday Sf Semi- Weekly Lorges! Circolotion SouU of BalHinore BY MAIL Daiiy & unday . per annum Daily only 5, Sunday only 2 Semi-weekly I Afi the News! AI! the Time!! Goes Tliat Teiepbone Benr tfaan UkeJr yaa'ix tmsy wldi tbe midst of tome topoctsat B'Jt yoo’rc got to so to that ielaphisna,—iind the ftsio hav« got to Ise ciiattMHS, wStediar yea iiiu tt or not. Now y«HidMi*ttff’tos*eaIossg'«rithoisai . why wltin aa» iit'epfconcf Why not hare an Hjtucatoa Wall T*lcpfco^« to tfes calls to yeoj S«veth®tr**ria*traan?opatalt^.ordowa. BsvaaBdit TdKfiMtM at^ow «Sb^> SOirrSESM S£UL TELe*MONE A!«9 COMPANY i»w. AT 12^ ffCMJCC a:. j and intense lo7e of family and home.’* tbe Comi Soar at Alsmee?* ciu^ and ne^hnng iia#%y W5(tafe' mi t)w m day of FettimiT. a/»: vasKOWi' ’ ' B. a. W. DiElil^K, Pay your subscription. > •