A FROGRBSSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPSqiLDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTSIES. BUftUNGTON, NORTH CAROLINA APRIL 3. 1914 19LYWE% Wktm it Begina, How L«at It LM« ifcin! Oiker Interertinj Faeta ttt S«leamiie«s. WM TIE lEYIl lS. Jtead the BiUe Befereocw An Yw Come to Tb«m U Ben4i»Z thr Article. i] Kev. Tuttte. I Holy Week is the last week oi Lent Md commences at midnight on Palm Sunday and ends at cock crowing oh Xaster Day. It is a week of atirful aod solemn retaembrance well fitted to fix oor undarstondinsr and our Siearts on Him, of whose Atonement aii the sacrifires of the Law were types and shadows. The week in cludes Maundy Thursday, the anni- wsary of the institution of the Lord’s Supper, and Good Friday, the anni- ▼ersary of the Crucifixion. In the •sriy Church a1! private and public basin^s was suspended, even the ooarts were clcsed. All work was, so t»i as possible laid aside; and special of instruction in the ele- ■■snts of faith wck offered, and the liistorf of Oxe Passion was recited on sBccossive days. The events touch tbs aympathetic chord in every ha- XBin heart. The story of Gethsemane Mcd Calvary has caused the most pMsioaate devotion for nearly nine- -teen centuries. It is a theme of uni- Tcrssl tnterost hecansc it tdle of the greatest degree in which love can ke assmfastii—^“that & man lay down Mb iife for hia friends.” The suffer- iaig ttnd death of Christ teli the sweetest story of devotion human ear 9*wr board: "Jesas dlsd for me, to i»nifest His Love.” Holy Week Services «t the Church «f the Holy Comforter will be as Pilaws Ooiiy, with «(ddress or reading on events of the last week of our jFNivior'* life, 6 p. m. Qood Friday—Service an4 sermon rl8?JSj. % h6nrs~ d^otional The devil is a person. He does thinjfs>-7-perv bad things; and all bad things can be charged to him. Sometimes you hear the solicitor in reading a bill of indictment in court say: “Being inoved and seduced by the instigation of the deyi'..” No desH! would liiean no coiirts, for there would be no crime. The devii caniipt commit crime by himself—he does it through people -who lend him their eyes, tongues, feet, hands, yea, their whole selves. Header, how much nieassnesa has the devil done \»iM) your hands, tongue, etc? Better cUange masters. See Roman's 6:14 to 23. Read carefully. The dec’ll teaehes some people to teach a no-devil doctrine. The devil is willing to count hinuelf out till he can count you in—^hell. Then the uo- devil belivers win be the devii’s com panions forever. The word devil means slander, de ceiver, etc. The devil slandered God before Adam &nd Eve in Eden, (Gen. 3:1-5), and slandered man before God, as we read in Job 1:6 to 12. He is a two-faced back-biter. Does he use you to bflck-bitcT 1. Wha is the devil? He is a fall en angeL Read loaiah 14:12 to 17; EiefcieS 28:11-19, with Luke 10:1?. These Script'jiesi describe” him in his Civil SEIVP TEST. Mr. WilliaiBXjn, of H»w SlTer. TWri oa CivM Service Record Hm Bees Appointed. Four Took ExamlQatioQ. COXErS AllMlf. The “General" Says He Will Hbrch on Washington With 500,000 Men. ABOUT THE TEETH. iEEKS HUSBAND. An Intereuting Article on E*w to Cart for the Teeth sad Have Better Health. LiOcatc-d at Richmond, Va., but Disap- pt‘«rs—Married Only Eleven Mfied. Mr. W. P. WiViiamson lias been ziamed as postmaster at Haw Rsver. He and Dr. McLarty were the only two who sto3d the civil service ex- amiiiation. : , Mr. Williamson is. a good Kian and wii.l be acc?;ptnble to the people.— Burlington We undftrstrind xhat the na.me of Mr. ‘WiiUamson has been sent in, but' wiiother he has been confirmed we have not learned. We also team from good authority that the above report is incorrcct. us regards Mr. Wil liamson's and Dr. McLarty being the only ones w5io took the civil ser vice examination,. We imderstc:nd that Messrs. S. A. and J. L. Vest cach took the civij service examination and the grading shows that Mr- S. A. Vest made 90:50, J, L. Vest, 88.50 and Mr. Wiiliamson 87.70. According to this Mr. Wiiliarason stands third on the civil service rec ord. If Postmaster General Burleson expects to Ullow competency be Uie judge why should the third be named in preference to the first and second, of coarse we understand that the third is of the same political faith as the powers that be. But if j^Utica! faith is to be the judg:e why not abandon the civil service commission with all its force of workeis. Is the civil s^^v‘ics commission a fake, cer- heavenly beauty and power, and how > tainly hot, then why should the first pride causcd hi3 niin. Do not let;be last and the last Jirst. pride be your rain. Rev. X2;7, 8, 91 — - teUs how the devii was cast out of' Masomc Notice. heaven, and how he now "decciveth' There wilJ be a call meeting: of the whole world.” The purpose of: Bula tK>dge No. 409, A. F. & A. M. Christ's .comiag was tc destroy thc'vin their hali on Tuesday evemng, works of the devil and cast him out j April 7th, JOli, at 7:45 o'clock. Work ipjid «oiftSsx6morat1ve raemojrial service' of the world rkr>d iato ihe bottomless . in the Third De^cio.. The Iccture wiU Cleveland, O., March 25.—Pre.^dent Wilson ioni^ht was warned of the departure for Washinj^ton of a .si?- end “Coxey’s Army” which, it is'suid, will start Anril 3G from Ma??ii!oTi, O.* the startins^ poir.t of the ‘Tir.-st arn'.y*’ 20 years ag-o today. “■GenevaV' Coxey, of Jon, the leader, tonigfht. *nuil?d the President a tellinjr of his pl:ui3 ixnd inclo.si’-i^ a pamphlet on Coxey plan of seitin^: the it/le tc v.-ork cn market roads a^d other im provements/’ Tiie “army” expects to arrive in Wa^in^ton May 21, Coxey savd, to pet|lio!]t the President find Cor^r&sa for\m.easures which wiil give ^•vik to liie unemployed. New York, April 2.-^acob S. COxey leader of the army which marched on Washington in 1894, today establish ed |ieadquarters here. He said he woudd spend several days looking af ter f'vr mobilizatioi^ of the New Yor^ .^ng of an army of 500,000 men whl^ he intends to lead into the national capital son)ie time this >non^ T&e main division of the jurmy, he saidf.wiil leave Masillon, 0., on April 16. will be ioined outside of Wash ington by the eastern division. By Dr. Holt. Has Tiiree Wives. af the Cmdfixion, 12 m. to 3 p. m. j pit. » ; i 3EBATKRS GATHER AT CHAPRL [ HILL. •Who I be delivered by W. G. Wicker, of Elon is the devil and what is; CoUego, N. O. Gre^t European Shows Here Monday. The Great European Shows will ar rive Sunday in a special train of ten grasp the opportunity of carsi 'ftnd will unload their shows on their teeth, attention is called j Mont^y morning, and canvas men will dawned i day to get ths big grounds only the intellectual, but Irel^iy for Monday ni^rht, wiien the peoivle of ordinary intelligence bijT lieM, across the Southern depot taiiiijjr of ihe abiuty .will be turned into iittle Cor;ey la- displuy.s in .saving teeth, ^lar.d, eektric li;.cht cun-ent ft;r 1,000 leariiing to This article is written for the bene-j Bern. April 2. Mrs J C fit of those who have one or more Nicholas, an aUractive”woinan who is teetii that are so baaly decayed thatitul seventc-eu years of age, arrived SllKig: or crovfliir.g would be ve.sterduy itioruing from li yoar teeth are in this con. ),y,;chbui.g, Vs., i:i company -.vkh her Jivo.-i yoii are ia danger of losing your health, for there is not a better plac-e ir. the liumun body for llie ;.TO\>'th u;:i multiplication of disease S'LTin.'? than :n the cavity of a tooth where the food lodges and decays and be:-oR3es nnxed with thousands of germs; a p^rt of which will be sqneez- ed out at your next meal and car ried on with t-he food that should nourish and strengthen your body against diseaife, but instead of doing this is reache.*; your stomach teem ing witl\ all this army of deadly dis ease germs which attack the body at every point of weakened resistance* Nature has endowed every one with' some natural resistance to combat the hosts of disease, but u the mouth, the very gateway to au uiat sustaijia life is allowed to become and remain polluted it will only be a question of time until susceptible individuals will become badly diseased, and if neglect ed indefinitely the strongest constitu tions will be wrecked. Thanks to the public schools of our country for in most of thiam dental hygiene is now being taught. This mecns good teeth and better health for our next generation. For the benefit of those who have ui'.cie, A. C. Yakes, cf that city, in .-eii"eh of her hxisbahd, who dUap- r-er-red from ihi\t city on the '^2nd f hibit Ko.veir-nev. (Aevcn ds^/s L:.fter lie h:ij married her. Kicholas, ^vl•o is a ciirpenler, l oai-utng nt the, home of the yoyp.g lady’s unciOf wheii he fell in love with her and they were married. For IJ days the couple ijved happily. On Kovember 11, Nicholas toid his vife that he was going out for a walk and would return within a short time. Ke left the house and since that time has not been seen by his wife. Mrs. .Nicholas, who before her mar riage Wrts Miss Bessie Rice, member of a prominent family of that city, and relatives instituted search for her } \ .1 >1 j|- I * Ferty^Oiie State High Schixria Cn.i toited iu the Fretimimrieg Last Night. Chapel HiU, April 2.—One hundred eijity-four younjf orators a.nd de- h*ter», representing' 41 North Care- Seft hii^ schools are tonight agitat- pro aad e«n tha popular topic of ’‘laitiative and Keferendam.’' It is the prelimissr; contest of the di th«i SOO debaters n«lected la jureliminarieB to come to Chapel BBS! to compete for the Aycock Me- aorial Cup. Twenty-four girls are mesong the ngitatcrs of the question. The first preliminary debate on tho "Hiil” began ai 7:30 tonight. Eight a^tiooa divided into negative and «£irmative teams wiJi continue tho «Fatory and ttrgnmenta ■until past inid- migbL The society halls, ^e dasj Toom^ the Y. M. C. A., the pharmacy boiiding and other available debating , i^is are scenes tonight of young men and women championing with all eara- astness the advisability of adopting the "Initiative and Referendum." The high school orators hera rep resent ail sections of rTorth Carolina, and both the ruraJ and city schools have e^iponents. Manteo school in the ortrenso east and Piney Creek Bchoo! in the west have representa- tSves. Tile Siney Creek debaters, one «f -wiiich is a girl, began their trip to the “Hill” on Monday, traveling aver thirty mile* of ragged laoun- tefcoas cottntry. reaching here lust sight. ’Tha fliminalion contest tonight •*511 reduce the forty-ons schools to bSx- Hosa debatera, eight on each side, for flie second preliminary- in the mom- fcigf. The final contest will eome to- »so>rsw night Tfith one team on the .aCSjaasdive and one ::ph61ding tho ne?- fttivfc' The schools that competitors £tS^e cap lass year that are agsiri raca ara Durh«m, Pleasant Onr- fei. Holly Springs. GrahaSo, Stem, LwEsherton and Stoneville. Around 200 visiters have alreatiy his oiTicial position in tha eajtli? He! 13 called 8e-elsebub, the Prince of j Deviis. M&tt. 12;S!4. I:i Joiin 14:301 he i% cmlled "The Prince of This World.” In Sph. 2:2 he is called! “Prin:’t of the Powpr of the Air.’ C. A. C. V. WALKER, W. M., .SHAiiPK, Sory. , hg-ht.s iviij lijake th'.^ lia.T utTair. Ti'x- shuwi; :i';J di;7' I jj ^a;; (ioi-'iiy ja ■'li.sccvered, i ut t!i-. y i!U- uiso iar.rii- Nicho’as and learned that he Iiad ?&ne to Kichmor.d, Va. From that city he sent his wife a postal card, telling her that as soon as he made a home for her tiiat he would send for her. Then ensued a wait of several weeks dur ing which time Nicholas came to New Bern and secured work with the Ko- per Lumber Co. Later he went tw BridEreton and remained there until about three week aijo when he lieard that hi* T/Je wus making a search for him and had suri'eeded in local inr him. After leai-ijing tliis, Xicholas lost no time in seeking pastures new and he left no addre'S behind him. I’pon arrival ir. Ihe oily yesterday. Mr. Yalit-s pot in co:))mumf:iu?;i '.viii; the loc-nl police I’.iid togi?ther they '..ent nave to Bridi-eton ar.d made :sii iiA’cs- ;ront aUniciio:!? A Game of Ball Prpper. The first real game of ball of the In 1 season was played Thursday at the hiljK chid;; a;-,d will be 'ii:?; io >-i;-:ii, (ii..- •■.•1:1 ’I'culariy ilircc or fiiur time.' :i yiar lo (?Pt their II. Cor. 4:4, he is called '■‘The God of This World." 3. The Devil’s Work. (1) Seeks to devour men, snul anJ body—Job 1:7, and I. Peter, 5:9. (2) Peryerta meaning of God's Word, Matt. 4:6. (S) Opposes and hinders God's work, Zech. 3;lj Matt. 13:19, ttvA I Thes>s. 2:18. (4) WorSts lying wonders, II. Thess. 2:8 to 30. Besides all this^ he sends out falsa teschers, f>(lse Christs; appears as an angel of light There are doctrines of de\ils. See I. Tim. 4:i-3. 4. Tlie devii, defeated by Christ and all believers. See Matt. 4:11 *nd Matt. i2:28, I John 4:4. Believers confjuer by Christ and Uis Word. The God of pease shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. Jlom, iEJ:2:w. Resist the devil and he vrill fiee from you, Jamtis 4:7 See also Ephe. 0:31, vsrith I John 5:18. The devils could not destroy the jiwine of Gadara ■with out Christ’s permisision, much less one who VH ynada in God''a image. Satan is tricky, so do not allow him to get f.n advantaf-s of yon, 2 Cor. 2:11. 5. Devil destroyed and who with him. Kesd Bevelation 20th chapter. Reader xnakst baste to Christ and He will csst the devils out of year life and save you forever. “nia A, 0. L. ia prep,»iiag *■« Sssnt .000.000 worth cf bonds—s prstty good indication that semething ia go ing to drop in eastern North CaroUaa. —Greeusboro Nswe. Will Ee ie SospensicA. Xffioch^ster, England., March 81..— General s»apension during th« Paster Week of miila i» this district ginning Amsricsn cottoa, decided on last week by the employers, waa abandoned to day owing to strong objsction raised by the workers. The condition of the cotton trade had led the employers to arrived for the State-wide event. The'Earauge a cessation hot the Master ISi high school pnpils are accompa- by school iiriacipuls and auper- Sgit6ssd!H^ts fwsm Tsrious parts olf the State. ^Jhaii, too, there -ara some of fte Jnstatatioa hare for the ,5j$yeative •The intar-«cho|*stSa tnu* ^ fetaonwr sfteraooa is as addition^ Spinnein' Association haa resolved to Isave individual firms to set acconSag to icieir OWE dssirefi. honors on h6 csnder path. Other than tb«i baaah&l! g»ui« -fhis jjteraoOB, th* were afforded ezitsaiaitmeaat o» « i^ht'Meins trip Piedmont Park when the local High School i;uya met Liborty-I’iedmont, of Wailburg, and played a nine inning game with but one score and that made by the locals. The game was full cf interest from the beginning to finish and afforded much amuse ment to the looked on. The boys will »>!ay «nother game Saturday. To OrgaR)*e Sunday School. Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock a Sunday school will be organized at Mayhan, school house. Everybody who lives near enough to attend is cordially invited to be present and help organize. Wc need you. J. P. Bowland. Mr. Boh Keck Scrionsly Snjurt-d. Wliile doing carpenter work on a scailold at the new power plant Thursday evening Mr. Bob Keck had tho misfortune of falling fourteen jTeet and narrowly ei’caped instant, death. His hip bone is badly broken, aa ugly gash was cut on his face and his bruises are considered very dan gerous and littla hope ia witertained for bis recovery. I*,' ofro'fd fli^ l.'C-st aisd rciined jta;Vi:'.‘ any lady or t:hjld, tht Merrj' |(io ivLund is one cf the heit 011 the jro.iil, rijrfting ?i0,000 and will 110 jdoiil.t t>e the dcHghr of nsany a littlp jlicast. T/ic big Feri.'s Wtuxl vnl! jtaiie you high iu the ail. the Motor j Dronic will be tho talk of the town I Kftar the first show, whore dare Devil I Hunter, of Cleveland, Ohio, will per- jform in dssth-defyjng apet--d; the 1 Hippodrome with' Its ponies, monkeys, I Uogs, downs and iu^robats, will give I a performance well worth coniing jfor. } Ali otiier attj-aciions aio clc;in aad moral, and the rtscommendation the show has from &U other towns which was «^ivon by the best citizen and of ficials of SaUsbury, N. C., and Lex- ing-to-n, N. C„ must be takca in con sideration. This is a New York con cern and i\rc entirely iii)TcriM\t from I any othor show, j The Rolay Itt.linn Hand wiiil ! swi'&t nvery day and ,ivr-:nd op- ' eras iv- i'uiistj WiUiam ivr..j iiicvri.v o'.hi'vs will be played, fro*"' w;l? take place ever day. , is l.'vro ik what somo ol* l!uv i.ov. .'* I I 3; The Emersonism .dictum, “a foolish consistency in the hobgoblin of iittJe minds, adoared by little statesmen and pMlosophers and divines/ Ta cocimjr in mieJity fcandy those days.—Gfeenc- boro Ne^iPs. Spealee? Clark deposes that it a sight ea»er to be President than to bf* & representative. But a lot of dif ference between the task of **beilng” &nd that of ‘^becoming** sh, Beito- cbamp?—Greensboro News. CooBterfeiter Tlea^ GuHty. PhBadelphia» Ms^r. 31^—Sam, Tate». 80 years o?d, and a notorioiis connter- Uiter^ who has spent nearly 20 years in prison, pleaded guilty today to paaa- ing coont^ett 5sall-doilaxs and waa sentenced to five yeara in Federal prison at Atlsmta. Georita ReUl^t a compfc^a of Tato'% ireeeived a Uar sestencQi. Govf^mmsat agents oQtiift toe maJkSos aotim i» tbaSr ii;;,' oxaniiiK'd in order i.hat ’c.v,y di'c.iy may b' founl v.'hoii ju.st .slnrtinj' and the iccth filled while ih^ cavilje.; are .'rniall. FROU LKXINGTON.. T' « Whom It Hay Conc.v5rj>: 'i‘h5 Great European Sho^^a ao far Qi, 1 bare eeen are above the avr-.r^ixc- carniTai froni a moral etai-dpoinL p, y. critc!if:ti. Rocordcr. KROM SAUSETIllY. To Whom it May Concern: *nie KanoU & Christ Great Eoro- pean Shows played: here for one week. It gives tne pleasure to that said shows Trhua here Mdiibited nothing of an immoral or offensive nature, bot were cl can and entertaining. TH03. H, VANDERFOED, JE.. City Attomef'. S^ya Parbahkaranongasr—did we mention Phya before?—is the new minister from Siam to Wailungtoa^— Greenaboro News* I la other word*, it we gather fte Han. Chwnp Clark's drifts “my piat- gona, r5»kt w nr ‘Carly Morning fcctm'8 in (he Life ci Christ For twenty years past liev. D. ii. TuUie, of Ihe Front Street Methodist Espicopal Church, has been preaching a series of short sermons on -“Early Morning Scenes in the Life of Christ.” As three of these .scenes are inti mately connected with the death and resurroction of Christ he has more frequonily than otherwise given these talks during Easter wsek. Bei^inning on next Monday morn ing, April 5, Mr. Tuttle will conduct these eariy morning services, begin- niiig at ijharp, and oontinuinir for forty n^i:iutcs, giving lime after tho- sc.i%;v’cs to rcach th^i slv>res ai'*d by 7 o'clock. AU lovers of C’hri.'i iifj arc cci-dially requested to join in iho:^e .^piriUially and pbysicnl- ly rcfroshing morning studios in tho life of our Savior. T^i& program i.f. S ft/lit'\V6" Monday, C:iri-G:5f; a. m., ‘'Day BrL‘a!ving on Christ IVayin/; b\ Soli tude." Tuesday nu>i*«:i5ig, “An Early Morn- inj: S^earch for l.^borrrs Among Id lers in the Market Place/' Wednesday morning, *‘A Hungry Savior's r)isappointment nt Breakfast Time.’* Thursday morning, Woman of :ha Unden-vorld Finds a Savior, t>iend y.-i tho Early Morning, or the Power cf Conscicnce to Convict. Friday morrang, “How a Cock Crowing for Day Puts a Disciple to Weeping, of CVn-iijt, the Comforter." Saturday morning, “A Lost Savior Found Through Obedience, or a Night of Fi’uitless Toil Finds lUch Morn ing Rewards." Sunday morning , *''A Ei&en I^ord, or the Grave’s Victory Lost.” Attend these services and find both health and holiness through the ^ir- itool and physical exercise * hat ■ of ’.'UC Ii wn.-^ Jeanie^I Niv'iioU.j^, uiv.i tv!‘.i i o >^1 lie had been in;n ritd tn:v it is suj,j[)oso»] more Uinr hi.s uri' ajui if {l.i« he win liuvc ;'.'!.nvor i> n rlvirge K-i v.hon iu' i:-: io"{«iC'J, It ia bclievod tisjit has to liiehmond, V;i., «r it least i.s in the vidiAty jf ‘h.nt city ano’ every r>r?ort is beiiist made to find him. Mr. YaWt?# will le;ive this ii«.orning, rctuminc: !o his home, but Mrs. Nicholas will re- mai;» in the city for several days, awaiting the result.'* of inquiries now being made by the Virginia authori ties. Mr. Yakes states that he wiH contii:ue to f^*areh for the rerr.?aRt hy.shand until he has been found. Ir. Tuesday's issue a number of .^malis ads appealed calling attention to special sales at Buchanan's 5-1# & 2^)^ Store would run. Saturday. Tbj'se ads should hnve been do^^iroy- el aA thi.> *spC't'ial sale on aitio!e« u^isiiioiM-d was Saturday, M;ir. '2?^. 1 j Tliv? ilaie for the consi.-^tory I at St. Muih.'s is Sunday levciu'.jg at throe oVIook instead of j Saturd.\y. The appointment of ^Packy*' Mc Cabe as commisslonatr of conserva tion, fay the governor of New York, ^ra* the final thing needed to eon vince Morphy of TaniDatny tiiat the mpUft W tae 4hii«.--GwwMbow Hm.' yoM«.--Gre©a*wiTO New*. Alabama Governor Absolved oi l4ie Charges Against Him. Montgomery, A^a., March 31.—Gov ernor Emmett O^Neal was complete ly absolved todr.y by a grpi’-d Jury that irAv&tigaied public charges made jagainst him by Tbeo. I.acy, formerly n offidrl of the State Convict De- partnicr ^ and nev/ undc'r sentence for embc? .aent of tlie depattmeat*t fund . iha grand jury’s report, pro- sem.w to Judge Amstead Brown. wa« as f .fclows: “The gra*id jury begs to report af ter investigation they are unable to lind any evidence connecting (»over- not Emmett O’Neal with the Lacy de falcation,” The grand jury investigation wa* made at the instance of the Governor who vigorously denied the stat«nent« made Oy Lasy, were examined. In accordance with his own wi.ah no ecremony marked the Inauguration of Colonel Goethals as governor of the canal *one Wednesday; but, as » matter of fact, the ceremony has betja proceeding- fee tho past half doses

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