A mntiitvmiM ^uminaCAN NjB^^PiPER'DEVOTED TO THE p>BUIIJqiIHG OP AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. ' 'Y- ■■ • — ^ mUXGTQN. AlAWANCE COUNrY. NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 10, 1914. mM ■ liNtoMtd CsWMat* ti iSe PT44d»t to N«w Jfcniey ii tVfMtcd. Junior Debate, Dialectic lUter- >ary Society will be h«li4 at 8 oVlock p. April IS. ^ ' Qaery—Kesolved, ^ that the United States shoald own atid ctmtrol the railroads. . Aflb^ative: C. F. Philiips, Tijom- uviite; J, H. Liiea, Bailey; Negative, G. G. Somers, Burlington; W. C. Kap- er, Welcoms!. Officers: W. H. Stone, _ prcsidont, thoinasvilla; O. F. Walker, secretary, ' Pinnacle DeclamatSons. “A tribute to Our Honored Dead," C. R. Eine, 'Winstoii- Saiem; "Lest We.Forget,'’ J. t Som- ora, Bxuctinston. Mswhals—D. W. Win^me, Simms; Z. V. Koro^^y, Kenansville; W. K. Baiasey^- Charlotte; T. H. Groome, Gieensboro; J. W. S^dn, chief, Whitakers. ATHENIAN. Junior Deh&^ Athenian Literary Society, 8 o’clodc, P, ?!., Satarday, April 11, 1914. Query—Resolved, That aliens shooid lite allowed to own retU e^te in the States. ■-.Iw^r^IjteaatiVe, S. V. Welch, Tyner; pJ. D. SMndell, EnKlehard, [V Negative; E. L. ^fhorton, Ploremce; Xi L. Ganison, Bioiington. Officers*. N. L. Qisll, president. Me- Donalds; B. W. Stone, secretary, Tbonuwvills.' Deelsiswtiorts: "The Union Sol(£er," 3. J. Spencer, Ftoence; “The First JkttJiara,” H. H. Perry, Belvidere, itewbals; S. C. Short, chief, Ben 6. &»ith, Fremont; B. C. King; A. C. Long, Kashviile; Xh' W. Jonen, Esmont, Va. I iStattmesj »t' Ownership anii Matisg*- ment. The State Dispatah Pub. Co., ptiV lishers of The Twics-A-'Weei Dis- iiatdh, for April 1st, 1314; Bosiness manager, J. E. Feast. PohUaher, The State Dispatch Pub. So. StodihaMers and Address: Dr. J. A. Piciutt, Borlingtoa, B. D. No. 1. J-. Keb Waller, Burlington, N. O. 3. B. It. Pattfiraon, Boil^gton, X. «, K. P. D. No. 1. J. E. Foost, JSnrlington, IK. C. B. E. Te&gneg Bur^gxm> N. 0 J, H. Boss, Burlington, K. C., ft. , D. N», 8. J. W. Ingle, JEion College, N. C. J. C. XcAdam, Ek>n Callsge, N. C. The State Dispatch Pab. Cc., J. E. 7ocst. Mgr, Sworn to and sobscribed b^ore tttis ?th. day of April, 1914. E. S. W. DASfEKON, Notary Pnblie. Hy ibmmiEsion eipirrsd Oct.' 1.5, i914. Patterson, M. S., April 7.—Eejjubli- (;ans gained and Denocrats lost a s^oat in thi house of representatives today the result of a speciai election in the seventh New Jersey district, bow H. DrakVer, a Passias contract or, was elMted congressman to suc- teefl the late Robert L. lireniner, by more than 5,000 plurality over Jstms J. O'Bryne, a Democrat, personally iii- 4prsed by-President Wilson and aided by some of the for^ost campaign speakers at the call of the adittinis- tration. Eigiwes compiled by the Republi- eas count; campaign committee gave the total vote, with two out of 112 electioii cUstrictJ missing at followi Diiikker, (Rep.), 10,649; O^ryne, (Dem.) 5,143; Demarest, (Soc.), 5,118; Whitehead, (Prog.) estimated 600. Drukker. made his fight on a plat form opo.i6d to the legislation writ ten by the Wilson administration, while O'Bryne called on the voters to send him to Congress as a token of their approval of the President’s pJ icies. Leading Democrats tonight rel^scd to accept the result of the eieitticn as a repudiation cf New Jcrsey’s'first citizen. They declared the 1912 re- apportionment, which divorced Pas«i- ec county from Siusex and Bergen coanties and placed it in a congres sional district by itself, left a normal Republican-plurality. Ajthough Con gressman Brenmer, » Democrat, was elected by this new district, Deicio- ocrats tonight asserted his soccess' was B personal one. The eeveisth district is one of tSio centers of the Bilk and woolen snin- ning industry in America, Drukker made his campaign appea! cKicily on the tariff ijsue, decltiiintj manufacturers »nd the wcriimet! i?i the district hcd suffered from the re- ducticms brought about by the Dura ocratiic admiaistration- , Doable FuneraL Mrs. Malissa Chatham, of Haw vEiver, and her grandchild, the daagh- tor of Mr.' and Mrs. John C. Chst- ham, with whom Mrs. Chatham made her home, died within one hour i.ist Saturiay. The funeral services were conduct^ Suiiday at the home by Eev. G. L. Curry, of this pisce and in terment fit Haw River Cemetery. Strs, Chatham was fifty-five, years of ■•go. Sfiiw Wateea Surprised. Miss Mary Walton w&4 very pleas- surprised at her home Ta^sui.y ‘ eight when a number of her friends, trwer.t? in number, gathered at her hame end spent a few hom% entertain ing sod being entertain«s3. Hu^ was ^Eunished fay Hr. I>at& Moody 6t> tha ^ai^, D. L. Moody cii' the ban;o, and Joe Waitos on the violin, Mieees Whittemote very tfeiatninglv (latoetaiaed by muiie on the piano. Vfvlie a^ gspdies yrsse served. 'iSsoae Tfsxeeet -MUara Bath and' Ads- Draiuatie Plea Made for the four Gunmen. -Albany, N. Y., Api^ 8.—^An impas* aioned and dramatic appeal.by five ■fewish clergymen ef New York for a stay of the execution of the foar men eoavicted of kHUag Herman Rosenthal, wan denied by Governor Glynn late today. The convicted men flow must die in the eiectric. chair at Sing Stng next Monday. The ple» which was made in the Executive Chamber, was baaed on the possibility of new evidence develop- inji: in the second trial of formar Po- licE l;ieutenatil Becker, U ao com- oletely unnerved the Excsative tliat he had to retire to His private office for a time before he coidd continue his duties. The clergymen are all officers or membsrs of the Union cf Ofthodox Jewish Congregation of America. Tho cicrgyipen urged that evidence in the second Eeeker trial miijht Arow new light on the identificatinn 3f Frank CiroiSci. When other ap peals had failed the clergymen (inal- V requested that the- execution i>e itaid until i^tsr the Feast of the Pass- 3ver, which begins aesS Monday Morning and continued until the early part of the following week and which they described as “a festival of re joicing, which will be marred for ev eryone of oor faith if this cloud cver- shadows its beg^nlng. OTn-CMMSSMNElS. Pmecodliica of BctahrllMti>ly,Hc«t> inf M Crraham, Moaday. SoU yS9,eM Worth oi Boadc 10 Be C»«4 for Str^ »nd SMt- walk Tnpravemeat. Tax Listers Nained. New Buildings. Kazed Her After 7nds:e Paciy. Terre Hsute, Ind., April 7.—The parents of t]>e seven girl students 0? Purdue university who were sued for $7^099 by Mabsi Rogers fur h^ng empioyea State Senator Will Wood itfday to dfefead ^ suit. The girls admit tluit Aoy hiuced Uisa Rogers, and ptHrh^jNi fant it vnu only after she Ikad been rapeatfidly ramonstrsted.with ii^saure -■ 'WlutieniOT^ Ae Bran- ^ Misy BsrUia Baldwin, Dlivii Kemp, . $![iUttia Mi^Ssce, liOttie 9ia'Aed3««i. SEantn. Oate and D. L. Ar> aoki Da^fie, Bsm. Ssijies, L. h. ISuia.- Enkliii and ?es Wsiiton. -Applf^ Finiehint Mill*( eexUai0B,- ty. for her modseal t>tUs(;io&..{iAar t!^ and' PteHddent to jm^vaU ^ |S3^ Sas^ to briKg mat. if'-.it,'■ i^>oSt..i)eaa0>-^s$e« an twc'^yt- ot-] &•' good ■WKf atsS a t£at xs«^ paeiibi The Board of County Commissio.i- ers of Alamance'County met in the court house at Graiiam. ,4pril 6th, regular monthly meeting” at' 10 o’clsck a. m., with the following mem- bei-s present: G. T. Williamson, chair man; W. H, Turrenline, C. H. Roney, C. P. Cates, W. H. Pogieman. Tho following business was trans acted : Ordered. Jhat Anderson & Simp- sori be autliorizad to furnish ISiss Kate Simpson in provisions to the amount of $2.00 per montli. for two mouths and pr^ent a:i itcjnized ac count with this order attached. Ordered; That E- A. Noah and oth ers,be allowed to ran a telephone line along the public road from Beilemont Cotton Mills to the City of Burlington with the understanding that the poles for said ftise shall be 60 plants as not to obstruct the road or ditches in any way or interfere with other line~ along said road. 0:i^ered; That G. Ab. Fogieman be authoinzed to lay off road asked for from M. F. Cullers and running around the north end of Buckingham mountain by J. M. Garrett’s and oth ers, and crossing at a point n^ the colored people’s church and connect ing with public road leading from Liberty,' at ft point near Stroud heirs and when the petitioners pot the ro^d in go^ traveling condition without expense to the county, the board will receive it as a public roaS. Ordersd; That W. H. Fogleman, G. Ab. Fogleman, W. H, Turpentine and G. T. Wiiliamson be appointed a c(jm- mittof to investigate the road asked for fro:n Graham to Snow Camp and report to this board. Ordered: That W. H. Fogleman, G, ized to furnish Henry Clay Islay's wife in provisions to the amount of SI.50 per month for two months and present an itenused account with this order attached. Whereas, the Grand Jury of Ala mance County, have for the laet sev eral terms of court recommended the building of jait and whereas tiie Judge of the Superior Court at the last crim inal term of court, Ins^tructed the clerk to fui-nish the board of county commissioners & copy of said recom- TEiendations and whereas, the said judge intimated that steps would be taken at the next term of court against said commissioners unless definite arrangemsnls were mad« to build said jail, and whereas the Board of County Commissioners have al ready appointed & committee compos ed of W. H. Turrentine, B. N. Cook, and Ceorgo T. Williamson to secure plans and specificatio.ns to build. Mow, therefore, l>e is resolves that sjLid commiltee be in-stmcted to visit sev eral modern jails of the State at once to the end that dp.iinita .steps may be taVen at the next regular meeting of said Soard to. build said jail. . Or.-iored: That Bennett Thompson bo relieved of poll tax and road tax on account of disabilities. i Ordered; That J. H. Vernon, coun ty attorney, and Charles D. Johnson, registiir of deeds, bo instructed to in vestigate title to the laud at the cou.“ity work, house, adjoining the saw workhouse property and .beionging to John £L Isley and if the title cn saiJ properly is found to be &11 rigkt, to acj^pl deed for eama for the county and issue note in payment for said land. The folloipng named persons were appointed list takers to list the piop- e?ty for Alamance Coontjr for tile year 1314, for taxes:* Patterson townahip, B. J. Tkoi!ts>- >n, ’B«>ck Creak. Coble township, G. A. Nicboisoa, Bnrlin^n, Boote. Boon Station township, J. B. G«t- ringer, Eion College. Hortoit township,. W. A. Pasdtal, -Altamahaw. Faneett towndtlp^ A. O, HoAaait, BnrSngtos 'Boute.' ' J- H. Wataoa, ,AH>ri^t tCTPidiip, Onbeitt Holt, Grt- Jham Boote.' ■'' i'-■ Saow'Otap, -.■■i'-.-' -■ ^-’Xkmga«^ toiimiUp, Qoa. T. IIc«- tt/ftc Sisste. Progressive Graham is moving rigiit dlong tl»iS8 days. The town has re cently ' sold ?50,000 worth of bonds which 'will be vissj for street and ^iidewalk improvements. The bonds were sold to. Sidney Spitz & Co., of Toledo, Jj., at pr.r. Not less than -ive thoiJEand of this money will be usad to build .siJijwalk, and the other for strait improvements. With the -iii-eady targe :;!tioi!nt of sidewdlk whila Gr&an’. r:ow has this will prac- tisaUy give "ood walks to all the homes of tlio town. The m^yor and Voard. are now cojisidering the em- ployme.it of a competent engineer, rhe work vviii likely begin about the first of May. It is proposed t» spend ii large amour.t of this in the build ing of asphauli macadam for street improvement. Graiiam is on a building boom at present, Uiree new buildings are be ing erected. Dr. 0. J. Parris is building on the old ShofFner corner. The building which he is erecting will be used to rent possibly for a store on the Srst floor and nice oiRces up stairs. Mr: J, 0, iWoon is erecteing a mod ern building on the lot adjoining Dr. Parris. While PattersoH Bros.., are erecting a modem and up-to-date ga rage on the lot adjoining Mr. Moon. It is possible that one or two other business buildings will be erected wsth- m the next thiry days. It is thought these buiidi-ngs w'ill be used for a moving picture theater and a 5 and 10 cent store. Another hardware store is one of [the,,tfiB%.S-jnuch needed in the town. A by.-iiness of this kind v7ould be heartily received and it is believed would receive the support of many of its good citizens. The board of towji commissione have already granted the Daughters af the (^onfadorsicy the right to setoct any ;ilr Ihey may prefer about the Court ilouse Square for the election of the ri'.oiiumeni, the corner stone of which will probably be laid during the month of .\prii. A, 51, Hadley and Chawford & Me- Adain:; hiive changed stores. Mr. Ilad- iey is now engaged in the grocery business while the other firm is sell ing dry goods. Each appears to be enjoying the change and are doing nicely. Mr. Walter Moore, son cf Mr. J, E. Moore, who lives near the CP.breth bridge, had driven to Kornaday s sta ble at Graham Wednesday morning at about eight thirty to be protected from the rain and storm. Aftc-r driv ing a four-horse team, which tie was driving, into the barn, Mr. Moore walked outside the barn and was ";tr«c'c by iightiiir.g. which ran dawn I!', electric wire which was c;vpcsc!l Ur. Sf>ora died instantly, and was .’•emoved to his home. The death ap -icr.rs to bo all the more s.'.d whe.i i is ren!r>r:.'i'.ered that only one flash of ■-ii,'!'-t::ing v.-'s seen that mcri.in;;. of Jfrs. Di-xon. from near Snow Camp. -iizabeth Ellen Dixon, of Snow Camp, wjis born July 1,1S45, ami died -ipril -1, 1S13. She was twice mar ried; first to J. H. Trollinger, to which unio.'-. was born one bey anti one t '>"!• 3he was no.'ct married to Thomas Ml-- Pherson and by this marriage 'caves two sons. She was a memlier of the Methodist Protestant Church. SCBQQL NEWS. Notes of Interest in the ^hoal Circle nad Abeat the Tomato Club. GREAT DISCOVERY. Drs, Frost & Holt Rave Made a Great Improvement on Their Old Meth od of Extracting Teeth. By My Supfs. The State-wide debate amon^ the High Schools which was concluded at Chapel K^l last week showed up well for some of the schools of Alamance: The Sylvan School took higrh rank in the finals and Graham came very near havinir to debate herself in the jlnal fijsals. It was this way: Gr;iham i>^grLtive tearn won sec^ond pluce in the grand final »nd Graham affirm ative team won a first place in the grand final. In other words, if one of Graham's teams had tvoti one inorc there wouldhavebeen ?iothing left but Grahp.in to debate herself in the grand final. And while Winston^s school won the cup no ether school has ever talien such high rani; with both teams as the Graham school did. In athletics nt the same general meet at the University, the schools of Alamance made decidedly the high est record. The Friendship School won the cup >ivith 27 points which was the highest record made by any school in the State* Graham came in for a second place in athletics by tiexng with Oak Kidgc on 12 points. This is a splendid record for these schools and the county both in debate and athletics. Things are JIning up for the grand school rally as be found in the county commencement on Saturday» April 25, Reports are conung in thick and fast froni* the recent exam inations of 7th. Grade students over the county. Certificates for bath the graduates and those vno have won honor for attendance are being pre pared. The exhibition part of the oommencemenfc promiiwes W he a good school fair. The superintendent has just received a co^nmunication from Uncle Sam and .\unt Colun^bia .say ing that they will attend the rv'm- mcncement this yeor. They stale th^t they will come on horse back as they are very fond of the old tinie modes of travel. There arc- ju.sl two week.*! yet in which to work for tl>c prize? offered by the Country Life Club of Alamance County. The second prize is Jtood, but why not work for the first? With ail hand3 working a school building and yard may be transformed in a day. The following verses were writ ten by a Ifi-year-old member of the Gir)*s Tomato Club: TOMATO CLUB HISTORY. A Wonderful Improvement. Drs. Frost ^ fiolt, who are recog-. Tiized to be two of the most promi nent and skillful dentists in this sec* lion of the State, are working wond- cTs in our little city with a new an- c:slhetic they have . perfected for. the removal cf tcelh without pain. ?he pab't they have had no along this line of work and ihoi:* efforts have been, highly reward ed, but now ^vith this newer and bet- vcr Lreparaiion which is also locally :rpplied to the gums they can remove or ali of your teeth without pain, ;>rovjfiing they are not extremely -^ore; ar»d better still, the medicine can be u?ed on young or old, weak or jtrong and it does not make you sick or nervous at all, or leave any bad after efiTocts. This achievement is indeed a bril- Uant star in their crown of succeae in relieving pain in suffering humaa- ity, and we congratulate them oa their new discovery and wish them every success. The following is a program of the Easter services to be rendered Sun day at the Lutheran Church: 11:00 a. m. Luk« 24:5-6—The Risea Christ. The administration of the Holy Communion. 3:00 p. m. The Baptism of infanU. 7:30 p. m. Easter Celebration by th* Sunday School. .. Comittg! Coming! Comingl Prof, J. W, Renolds, \nth his troupe of home talent, **Morry MakcTs-’" They will give the following prograoi Friday night, April 17, at 8. p.m. One night only, Which Will Marry or Marrying for Money. A Crazy Lot, or Kx])criciK’cs in m Iji.'^anc* Af-yiir>n of which Mr. R^ey- nolds is leading comcdKin. The Little Red Rfar?^, or a General M i su nder standing. Music furnished by Whitsott Cornet Band. Admission 15 and 25 rentr>.—Cone ono. come rJI. Melville township, j?. P.. Cook, M«b' and. Pleasant Grore to^mshlp, W* B. 3el3ars, Meimaa, Route. North Burlington, B. W. Atwatair, Bnrlington. South H. C> S^st, Borlington. Haw Eiver tawxtaihSp, J. E. taon. Haw Riv^. 7 TS» list talcttn appointed ar« quested to totmt with the board o7 ^ountv cononiasioiMVik ia the ftt Graham on tha 18th dAj AprSf mod l5ia£r azid s«t tax ab«t2«iett sa>d books. M^evnisd $6 wr Satotda^, AptA Utk^mc By Annie Lee Lutz. Hickory, N. C, 1 an; Just a seed Give me all I need By and by a sprout Soon conies peeping out; in the sunlight it did grow» Ta'o ti'iy Icjtve.? began io sho*?r - Two by two they galherc:! f;ist. Ready to tran.splant iit last. I transplanted one by one And hid their faces from the the day has gone at la;ic:, When their hardest tinie.'s are It came at last, v,-hat do yow think ? Tho dcv;-drop gave thoin each a drL\k. When morning came My plants looked gay; The sun shone out With brightest ray. Two weeks were past My second seeds Were sown at last. My land was broke One winter day; Was liarrowed and cut In the month of May; f took my mattock And then a hoc; I put them four Feet in the row. What New York appeared to want was tliat the number of reserve banks ihould be r-educed to the minimuai al lowed by the law, and all of the* ocatcd 111 New York. Tiiat city has never yet quite grasped the fact that the United State.T covers a few square miles of territory outside of Man hattan Island. ITiey are putting (he lid on the aeh cans in New York, but it is lifted rroiii pretty sn^;c:: cvcrythi*^^: ftliat iK>c.^ it profit a woman t« tlio bailot if .she hasn’t a new Easier h.^i to woar to the no!!,?. trot fphittor 1 did Up and di->wn caA tftsnato row. 1 ;.i': mv- hoc a.id pruri;i3 knife to niy g.'-.niLv-. sv;ift!y wont; Tiicrc beneath the sun’s hot rays. The long hot sutnm-^r duj* I spent; ! hned them nieely ,4.rd pruned them, too; I took a plow ,-Knd plowed them throv^gh. I knew t!’?"y could not stand alone; So I too' luy axe and I did go Into tV.' woods to felect will care Two' i-v-i'.ine stakes for in each row; Then -,vith strings I tied them fast. Up to every stake at last. Pretty soon the buds :ippeate,d. Then the yellow petals showed; From ber.eath the sepals green. In the snmight they did grow; Thft dowers soon faded amty, Tken there could be se^; On the tender stems, A smiiil toiaato graan. ■ Tha small tottwto was large at loxt I looked for rain, but it did not cone. Went to the well and water drew; 1%!C!S cf the water so and eotH, Gave them each a driidc «nd s&sM them too; Several-vedcs had dosa %een past; ' Hx late transpianting ra h«t at-ia«£l|They wniie litsetaing very fa«t Caai^ns ixam wii! soon bs o’er I took a sled and ^t«ro tic toba iind featnesBad op: on*, r at''father’s Mteba'"' ' ■ r-' . To the tank T viM ani4 a loa4 X got Aad 'malt to tomat« pateh in • I’ll hava S25 cans tx more^ l^-^staaai &T^>loQ|dii£ tdee and gseaa, ^auk&! to«fatMK!cra~;^t lbs .aaas, .3oiBSt4it«:£tMfe i^eonv»i t k&iw. And fQV.