A PiROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPEE jDEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. mnms BURLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUfiTY, NORTH CAROLINA, APRiL 14, 1914. OPPOSE ROOSEVELT. ETERNAL HOPE. .state Cowl?' The Republican State Contention Vote to. Turn Do«m ’ Roosevelt for Preiiident. C Attack Wilson. An Articlfi About The Risen Christ and the Existing Eternal Hope. Burdens and Joy. Augusts^ April —A move to have the Republican State Convention to day recommcnd the hominatioii oi Thsodoire-Roosevelt as a candidac’^ v>t*. Pre^idcr:t in 1916 met failure. A resolution to t?\at end adopted by the Rcpublcian caucus cf the town orYannouth.vras offered as-an amend* 32ie5:-; to ths^latfoi'TiJ, but wns de^3ar* eu out of oftlijr. The platfona as adopted cOi;dcmn,9 the national Democratic Adiiiinistra- tion for v/hat is declared to be its “hurried surrender to Great Britain in the rnatter of the Panama Canal;” “its violation of platform pledges,” and "its va^e, vacillating? policy in liealang’ with condiiioi^s 117 Mexico.” N'ational Prsoiiibiiion is favored Hie Underw'ood tariff law is char* acterized as “unjustly sectional and a menace to our industries.” A workmen’s compensation law, a law limiting the woricing of ■women and children in factories to fifty-four hours a weixk, w^oman suffrage, bal lot reform and a presidential prefer ence primary are advcKiated. *nie convention paused in its delib erations to adopt a resolution paying tribute to the memory of Mrs, Lillian ^ iS. Stevens, late head of the Woman’s Christian Temperancc Union. An attack oii President Wilson’s Mexican policy was made by Con- j^Tcssman Poters in his addr^ijs as presiding oSiccr. one but the blindest j>artisan, or one who has rriven the rnatier no thouKht, can have th'? slightest respect Mr. Pet' i crs, *‘c3peciaUy in Mexico, Indeed, it cannot be propeily called a policy «t rH, bcoause It is urintoJliffibie. and iiitniess.’' Coriirrofc^.’Tir.n- Pct,TS pafd hk rc- ap«et;i i.o 'coVxr: i>y To repeal tu-j fi'eo ‘oir:= 1-^w !irwi;'v iho i)rosOi'(t tjiTuniStar’re.'j adtniS \vc ^haci :iot l!ic xijiht to it. It chan^tes the whole le.sult, uf the itupendous work, sma.^^hoxi the Monroe Ooclnno njid will l)je bi.^tory of this country. Cong-ressrnan T. H, Kelly, of Mi.:hi- gan also savagely attacked the Pres ident's policies. Death of Jonathan Zachary. Swnday evening:. April f}, Jonathan Zachary answered to the last ffresit roll call. HiS death was duo to the result of dropsy. He was united in m?.rriaj?e to Mary G. Norwood Decembfjr 17th. 1857. To this union were born twelve childreiH is Risen!*'. This is the message that, coming fi-om t)ie fe-rave of the son x>f a Na/.-. arotii *arr»enter r.o'.v nearly two thous and yer.rs ago. restored the liearti- cf lUs xvha had scfin hmi die >'■» the- c‘*-oi?s «nl v.ho had laid away bl3 body, d’k! 'vilh it -{heir dea”>5t horjt’f. It is the same in^ssa^pe thut cvnr has restored tbe hearts cf that half of the race that lives in the iiijrht Ciilled c:viU^!:a^icn. Thr:t. one event shouid so hold the racc through the.ages is itself a siif- jicieut aite-?tution to Its authenticity and to its value. II is the fountain sprfng to thG world's hope. I keeps he world young; it perjieiually saves mankir.d from ‘.le.'pcur. Without it manbind could r.ot bear the burden of existence. The /’ac'e has recoiTiiized bat three interpreters of JesUs of Nazareth, namely St. John and St. PimJ and St. Peter. The iirst ir.tej'preted the resurrection of his ^^a«te^ in the vis ion tit the many mansions, the pearly eatea, the j?olden streets and the heavenly choir; the second in life— here—and immortality—hereafter—r 2’evoaled, made known, “brought to ligrht;” the third gave witness at Pen- ABUSES IN CONGRESS. Many Privileges Which Now bxist Should Be Abolished h}’ the Goiremmeni. coxEn iRMr. FAmSHOOTlllG. GenersE Jacob S. Coxey, of Historic t'ame, Will March to. Wash- iiiirion Again. I Gflverninent Econoniy. large Noinfeer ynemployed. We v.xiro s:\yintf tiie other day^liat it wouUi require sohieUnnfr^inore tan- i?ible than a more pi«du*tia7i to con vince us th-.it Ccr'y:rs?;;s hjid rouUv I'l’v.cr rniud to -i-*ltminate live jJv.t hi;-' gyriwn np in the I;jr4‘ hriu-e or, CapiLc-1 Hill. Vvbat is to he i.-; iheit the c;.;n^jder:V;ion ^f the jjuiciiil :ir>d ex2^-i!t- ,Ivij .•■-.y-roprjilion l.iii v.v.s not procc'!- I cd by oi'io ‘>f there diarjnina; nddres;-€s :•> by the President upon the '.iul'jcct of wi’fn! c-xtravsigance and r>e-tty i;buses. The aboliiion of free telegraphic sorvitre for Seiiators, which i? not yet aeeoniplished, by the w«ay, w/li amount to very little unless thj same spirit is manifested in other directions. There needs to be a geneml clear.ir.g up. That milage garb is claimed to be in jeopardy and we are informod that a compromi?e is probable that will limit members to allowance for the actual traveling expenses of them selves and iheir families to and from Washington. A compromise tike that may save the government a little money, hut it \nll not savtr Congress from the charge of grafting. What rrgbt has ia member of Congress to demand that CharJes Privett Shoi by O. B. Ciark, Who Alleges That Weapon Was Accidentally Discharged, liriye. . GenerapJ;:cob S. Coxoy, who i.*l Cb:'irle>>' O, Privcrt 1S8-1 .a j‘amG for him^eir v.'hen}ii, Ci::r;C. in Jnil he headed. niigrhcy army of the un-jiiiriitiary c;:i?.sed by a.dru;ik- iK. dead and 0. auu:tij:» a pr;;- \ cmploj'ed ■ iVc ■-•'jaTitvy tc r:'::'. i’-C^ to nOjv'O i);.- ; ;Mi ..'t the c:;pi iDIl. ;*.rrt]v;;...i* = c }'.i: horses rh.Vi. d: :-vv h:s phaeion years ago -mc^ c!ruu\ I au-2' 11 fiectio.-u; ff Ih- i \V.i£hin-ton, phm ‘'iriViij-ion r.ii Mp •lavc il;-? i the Aniii ji*. ’cnt/ j i the. pliac.fion ■ * caine L-nc Mg.about, t.:; cf H. K. ih :iVu y.\C'i Privcrite ;i -t: lhG dciV'l V. HONOR ROLL Honor Koli for the Burlington Grad- ed School as Presented by the Faculiy- teach- ■ ^Kii::-:;'!;;-.- Xr-..r ::...Royd v/as repaintc-i ' ncv,* journey. As in 189s i:'.-; divisions at.d v: of the Wiuni ry ea.st as Boston,;; as fa^r f^dbth a- ration for the- .;ie '■^-ni2 Ml? iw,. :'cv0jvc-r i:r\d ai my will “hipt?” by i vopresei.w all part? r?'6’n points as fur : iL>r v.’2st as Seattle,! m S’ev^' Orleaijs and an M'- far nortti Dolroit. The diviKiDnl tht the cbriii!!a‘::jei'-in-chief snll per-j‘-'-‘d i? Iht* sonally )ead v.'Ui be assembled in:^:idc. '•hi’ dvir.'~ : th" home town of ]i V.,;S :i'> i Ai rjLie viic o'.\ the iioor v.i:h h I'i^ht iho e ihrough bii^ boJy or. the oihcr i::n lived ubtsai 4r- Masiiilioil, C-»., th" home town of j or an hour. After Pr/vcttc: General Coxey. ; v.u5 nhc‘. Clnrk hrouij;ht ihe revolver- General Coxey directed the organi-]«i. i;'itu xh(t yr.rd and threj’tened to zation of the Xew York division from j •‘■'hooi J. J). Wii?on, who bad tr ied io tecost in Jerusalem that by rising ! the Government pay the travelinrj ex- from the dead Jesus authenciated His ‘ P^ii^ses of his family? Not one par* claims. Hi,'; philosophy, tlis message, 1more than if it should provide His gospel. His theory of the import *^be payment of other family ex- of human existence. : A private umpioy^-r who may These three interpretations abide ^'ecure the service.^ of a person rcsid- the sge.^. The centuries have aug- i**^^' {-nolher city or State does not inenled their hold upon the race. To-;P®>' such expense;-:. Why should tne day millions bu^d up the v.’ourds that ’ Covernmont" , Heath has made as tl^ey med?late wpcn [ mileage -shoiild be brought, the Risen NaKar«ne; and likc\\ise as';dov.'!j to ;^(r*ct bu.^i'ief'-. principles, they contemplate the Valley of the -i.s acftigl expcn.ver. for Shadow into which oach must pass, ■ bo'-. I Th? franl'sii.LT privilcfr^. thv 5i;ost [ •.•'i.l o\jiC!’t?iVv' ahnso nf nil, shauld ‘ Thio o:\rc thivni'.rh ll;o i.-;- ' T «t sjn.'fjitO allow.: nc*! r.f j v.-i y i, • wcuiti loud ijvert the 'v;j;-;le i;; the nntOT’t ; j-y\rXiT.tr tijr?."''. , it r'yi i 1 The st.Uioncry ;t]?ou'a2:ce of .‘'IrM j‘-•'i a yovf.-, ought to be entirely abolish-j j '''' j cd. because it is u;ua!!y pnclcoted by ' «'P«n (- the memhr-rs in actual rash, v.-hile j they use committoo stutioi.ery n>r the Waldorf-.'\storia. According to!'"'^pi^.rate the fighters, the figures suliniited by the general-j Courtney wa^ placed in jail aiid giv- issimo, if even a third of all the un-jen a trial Mor)day morning and lined employed now in the United States! twenty four dollars for being inlo the manages to reach \Vashingt^n iti^'ght. The preiiminary hearing for means ti^at the capiti-.i city wili be swamoedj^th about 1,000,000 idle and C:l , X..C preiiminary hearing , Clark is set for t%vo oVIoc’v this ev€ penniless men. If all the unemploy ed wenfcyalong, according to General Coxey, it would mean an army of ».>o- tvvee.n 4,000ii00 and 5,000,0(10. ' “When wc get to WashingtOii.” .‘'aid the g^nernl, “it shall be th»? jJurpoK? of the lejvders to impress u|'.on ihe ?,ov- 1 crnmont. tliat thera is an army of the He ha-s 01 brou^ht'5'-^^^P‘^'^^^^^^'' •"■^d or • Littleton. ing at the Mayors 0‘1:ce. Clar\ ha.-? sceured a.s hi:^ counsr>l E. S. Puikcr, of Hrnhan;. PrivctteV: v.'if-: livo^; :.i ^pray, he and Clark have been hero only a few months workjp.g in one of th? niiVts. He is about thirtylive year.; oJd. Mr. mid :vlr.=. T. PrivciV :xnvi)lr-, uvriv^d hf*re Monday nl^ht. .nie i.rother P. V. Piivtitc. cf .ncy The nf Kiomlty.;to fu'-IojO suoh c:cpousf.‘r. upon tlio \n..! Tie w.'.r. first to j^ivo hum■^n •l^•• ; Ji. i.; !•> !‘-£;-!ic5Vc yjn ‘if H t "I ^erspectiv-ft of immortality; anrJ W. H., George, nnd Belle Zachary, of Saxapahaw; Mrs. Walter Guthrie, and Mrs, A. D. Pugh, of Snow Camp; Sid ney Zachavy, -of Graham; Eddie Zach ary, of High Point. There are 20 ! ► gr::nJ ‘-hiUiren nnd one great gf*andj ’ j Ji-’-'rthan ur.itcd with ihe Fric’.'dr.’* Ch;n-*'h T>7 ."go and evor ;'inre! then he hfi.«? baen a n'ost faithful at-! tondant except for the past v.’hcn his health began to fail. *'UncIe Jottie^* as he was known by h?s most intimste fiiends, was always lcoVc': upon as a true Christian, a pnre and noble hearted man, with in- fluence .'ilways for the good. The community realizes that a good man has left us, and a large host of frieiids accompanied his remains to South Fork, where he was laid to rest. The community and the Friends Church knows that one who we can truly call a Christian inan is gone, btft he leaves behind that intluence that will never die. Hd was lovAd and ^teemed b? all fo? fee bad no enemies. It i& true that he has left thia world, but he served his time and did his duiy# for hi» Cf3>ildren cal! him blessed,” hSs vrtfe sIejo pfraiseth him. riKv rc?tcro Ihcir in ?ongs 01 ■rl',.>vph i)\-vT the ins;t Knomy, v.’hich -’cptb. Wi;C’-o oi'Co lh»' r:;^e groji- j'l i;7 M.'»'i-de.>T-'’air. lo.h;y it procecJs in Kl-;vnal Ib^po- -i.oiJrlng its burdciic? jViy. Jesus g,vvo tlic rnt-o n\nch in His ilc g;ivo x'i'.i more in His Per son; (>«t Bf‘ made ills c‘s>ntrii)ution crumpk:le when, by dcsccndfng into thn •:ravc a»?d rit;ing «gai:: fiT>m ft in vif- ;blo form, lie gave us the one sure* tokca of the triumph of Man over i^^*''i^'^spo'!donco. De:^th. He thus not only proved His! It requires almost as large a police Gosp?( ;:t)d established Hi.s Person;! ^orco for the rapitol as it docs for but. He also revealed to ail men that]the City of Houston, with its 23 squaie Deuih but an incident; that wc arej*^^^^® of area, and it requires more jn5T?irvta! ercaturcF; that our lifo, f^^'^pl^^ycs to run tha businei’S of Con- nvv‘ii.'.urcd tl'*rough it by fieeting hours, than the city of liou^^tan om- days, ntonlh.s or years, is Indeed ever-j pi'its; iralary and wage lists, lasting: He oppnod up to the human i*^aeh extravagance i.-: intolerable and riico the vista of Kternity—He enlarg-No State administration id the mind of rnanUind with the in-;'^'’o^ld ilare to i’lflict it upon the peo- ie of a sovereign State. i:i ihd ijanie degree He fixed i« ti'ue. It does n.jt rerjirire s'uch a)>use:'. as i?‘Vshe:tTve the cares and trials, (k>-i thrtso nv^hit^la the dignity of Con- and ambitions C'S the terrestrial .gress- Ca^igross was dignifS.ctd in tho j —thnt at v.'orst •'-v best thoiv , •'>id da\.^ wiicn su'h exponsys v.vi ;; ■ ire l.nt for a mom:?nt; that they are jiiahfnr.i of. Oi‘'jy ti-e spirit of la':-! f \;i'ue only ill ibo t-cr^’Vjo i.i which.--'y ;;:id hrss made it pa.'-i-iTiie ’ 0‘> one c?j'U , - t:,-., .. .. Ti.y : .. , also i‘A I PriM-Uo ;;-:o 1;;^ V. r.i'd ih 1.. ' ;vr'1 .K' I- :;.:’'.'-;' lb(? j:Vil ;Lr J '-’lKi, U)C f'oof'.c in ;.h(' i >v:i :. -,cj '/J V, li5ch Ibo \ -. y rioii.-v will pa::.-- hci/.g cojnJ.-J show ihc^ir patKoli.‘^?n by : food, and .sbi’llor v-.*hen thi' b;un .\v. •f I i. ■ . ii. M;--s 1 Xit\ TA"ciic M. 1 fin. vv'cre \«n:lod nood:‘J V.) th'3 mavohfcj-s. .Anii liu* no.}- in nnirjiapv. I'Je wiil help too, when they r'.:;ui?:o ImmL’dintciy -iiltor the *;ijromo:iy '\hat it ill means." [the coupio bearded Train No. 22 ansi At ihis point General ('o>.cy lot uut ‘•■sinic* to Durlington anil spent Saiur- ti secret. It was the “why” of the d;iy and Sunday with Mr. Barksdalfe‘> wholi* gra-it undertaldng, A conspir- •■"ister, \>ho lives in Woi^t Burliiigior-, ;;cy, he s::id, had been eiitorcd i:.ta by ; They left or. Train Xo. lo.) Snnday Jhr* n. h n>.m of the courjrry. ' -o'-'iijg Li:-?:)!!C't'‘n, '.vh-jvi* th-y “I'iivt of all,*' .said Gener.-d Coxey, '’‘id ma^t' tlioir homo. “these conspirators wanted to haw^ t’erlain sort of currency bill pa.^.sed M,.' -I.-;' rUb Death; that we shail see oar loved ones again and ourselves with them; that, the hopes that sank shall be lift ed up; that the hearts that were wounded shall be healed in beauty; that the graves that corercd the d^r forms of loved oneSt and that soon shall receive ua, shall yet be lighted up vith ang^ Ttffltantfl. in a ^rd, DmUi of Mr. Jasae» a Tha»p««. th« glory «f EUffn^ Hope gild Mr. James ,S« Thompson d?td Satur-piigrimagd today and evermore, aboat twelve at his home jj?or Ee is Rises! near tfce Co^n Factory. He was fifty j .. .! years, eigiht months aBd terenty-aeron I ™ days of age. jb^nsr a brotto o€ Tr^am ' The fuaeraj aervieea wtra cou«Sarted ^ Aibert Vstmpssau Mr. t&osnjwffln was int-i’Iigent maaning. 0:1 ibn mcrr.i:*g of ibo Kosurroclir^n. . alusr;'5 viSl ith this .so.=%-| ‘hc’T-ruro. it bocc'ines us not only toi'^'inn, let us e.vprcss th=? h.Tpe iaat; 'omreri. ov.'.‘ hearts in the triumph ' Pi'c*sUlent Wi’son on r.omo auspicious! over Preathj but also to sot our lives: iK’casv.m during tho shoi-^> se^^sion ofj in fbe light r.f tliat triumph—to look i Congi-e^s -will stress the. desirability bc'-or.d tb:* Valley of tho Shadow and, i of ridding the capital and ihe depart- ?’ec:>iving of the ginry of Eternal Hope,! mentfi of every vestige of graft, cx- to il'u^nTnrite our days here with that [travaganee. uscloss red- tape and un-' Light; to five not in the e.\'pcctniion ■i:ooe.«::'r;ry iaxeaters.—Honntr'i^ Pe.=-t. of Death, but in the Mght of holiness { and the gladness of Eternal Hope. ( ^ Let us understand that we live ncl Giitlford Defeats Elon. in vain; that we •Suffer, if we must,! Saturday afternoon at Piedraop.t to Eternal Purpose; that if we love, j and Guilford played a %^ery nothing shall separate us, not eveo t^^*^ interesting and'exciting gaii»5 of hid that would Sint ilwm to a .'Vivl they g»t ir. alll;ou5,}i tfiey i.:r->d U» the pr^tjpic thbik • v.ere. again.si it. T!ie bz’.i ;t \-'(i wa.5; a W;;!l V.tvool ni->ari:rc • r.*!.) .-ir.'fplc. UK‘ c.-^:n-ivnu>r^ h::.'c ;; hj!io '.> fcice Ihc inter;'c'-:;t- ;\Tnii?:0-''. to r’ " p-. r i':-- 'v.'ie in f.'t-ighi '.Vhv---. •••■ cqu;;_'-me: !'. '• -ik . '.i v' j; Oo in oi\b-r to JT ■ x'.‘ •\ •• 1 iiun iburih placr, xh^ry x.\j:'.l.oa •- -.vi ‘5‘-’;'eoded. v,'.:v7t liictr-nly I.-i .vo*i ,.u ff ,>'l‘ay cf ! ‘/c:: I. w’^.vr. tl'.i-y S'Dl use «s a i - th'^ '.TV‘->y^d mal:e cht'vV'^r I'ifMily, nii.-iny p^ontbs rigii iho> ■ idf.*s ono of Le.via.t;' nv::*t (x'r'jhir young ladic.^ nnd t'-’V oC navi,i;;onV. oir^tv nl.^o !o>t y;iu:8^ i-i-'t 1 ;'ii!>iao of l.cxir.: ''.:ri'-dOv .':i-'v: l.c.Ccj'; tr^aclier: rZ;ige::ia yhty Marg:iret llender- .son, >?ai’de Colr-n^an. Biirc.h I.,ivelv. Waitor. P.'itr^ch, Willie ?Jorton. and lliird Grade?, 5Iiss r-.-):.h, Florc-r.i.-e Cnitrhfield, Wood, Althea Irelandj Bessie ; ins"in, Jam-?s Hcger.^. Bailey Sel- Robert Thomas. Fleta Wagoner, ihird tirade, Mr.?, Is-ey, teacher: /VMiiri Avaddel], Griicie McPherson, Smith. Beiilch Askew, Eliza beth Clil5'ord Tate, Christine Jsiook.'^, Porihfi White, Clarence Dnr- h:irn, PeDii FreelHnd, Minnie Faucette, ..A.mjck, KI>ie A^^hv.'orth, Mor- Tln>or Cro--Vv:on, Robert Brooks. ihird (irau^;. riliss FonviHc. tcach- Thelma Ashworth, ^r-fnth. Mabel • n.i.»'gro\‘!-. Ts-unr Cra-i.-. Mi-' I' Jirbcr: lln-h. V/h-‘e, AJioa ?.Tonro, ■hel Etadk-r. Foiu-fh Ml:;.- • !' • '!V'. , •:% : V.. • ... r-iuU : Kiflh Cn;-!.;, .M;-'-' i,,:,ch- V": !’;:nl M M'-I'iii-*..';, IW."! ; T!i,irnt:;'. Icsdi- Vv'.'KfJ*.-,'!, ZVtV‘y K?io:v ^ Livc.y, .ilhi.'i KiVt, Aniiit; Conp;',*. .‘-'iKii- K(.n..ith OraJos, Tilis:; El- j .1^. : V>Ati^.'rovs, (I^'aoo , i.urkf;'!-.!, i , ''ii...' !l:in. io;;chtr: ^ .M vV.i; it, 3:*n'n ^'-M3TiTC?-*', j^liiyiene o-ti,.:; C:,.wr.u). w^u-de, : JH.-o SiaSiii.cs Ccaoh- V .'„o j Crr-.d,-, Miss Wiii-.ster, toach-. . - : a-.H!;r }l:-j M- i‘.i 1 n^' 1 rtit ■ Sunday aft«xtvoi>ii at the l^y Rev. B. Esndatl a:nd at Pin* HiSi Cecaeterj?.' leavas a wife, a mtbair ««W3} !»’«•«»*?. • ouui wHH «n sseellsat btind «ad at eotisi^itfad ose of tii« ^ laoat eOtieat boMcMptn o£ ball. The Guilford boys seemed to have the Eton team a bit outclasiied in the game from the beginning but it seemed Uiat the Guilford Boys could not do any acoj-jBg aloag about the lirst of the game. Elon’s pitchcr was in better form than tho Guilford man, but the au|>- port accorded the £|on mss was f&r inferior to tlie Guilford t^rirler. The saina lasted for ten inningrs as the score stood 4 to 4 in the ninth —Goilford 'triiming’ one ma in the and S3on taOiait to ertm ih» plate, leaving th# siare^B to 4 in favor of the Goilford tesia. the featare of ii«a same ww the lonir dri^ ««r ^ itoen «f Jobnson, ;vi;;v )'C‘i r.i oin' s of ;l!CH Ll.-f I;-.;!?!'. t '.oucicd .=:i,o;!;s at pai\ aiu! now "vh'jy aie biiyirrpr them book at 50 at:.i 7." ce.it.; o:-. she dollai'. A smart crow-i that, I ted you.” “Why d^n’t you have a divi.“;iort oi suffrag.'tlosV” General Coxey was asked. “Maybe we will," he replied, “and if u-e do a woman cf nutional fame will lead it. And the Chicago suffra gette band will play the sicsie for them to marcs by.” Asked what tha army would de- A special teaiii of tiurss or four cars carried thn cta^ts froza E3oiik to Giatmmi and tb*y went from th«ra to ihe parlu TUo grand stand wss weS filled and bad pianty cf ginger ia th« rooting, Etm’a Band ws> »!«% *n on ikwd famitfting Iv.'r. liiiVi.I r.iid Su' .\:ii bofh of Haw iii\X'r. I'-.itC'.i i.n i’.vi!'v:aire by Rev. C. L. Curry. They wii! reside at Haw Riv- e\ IJoOi ara piipular v.ith a lar^^o cirdo of friomlii who wish then'; much hiippiiiess. Cobie-Cole. At three-thirty Sunday afternoon Sev. G. L. Curry united in marriage Thomas S. Coble, of Haw Rivar, and Miss Nellie Cole, of the same place. The ceremony was performed at the parsonagre. Mr. Coble holds the la in.;vc!.-,;iy v.‘; r ."■■id cl. lU!"'.'■ It (o r.; P,nuh.'' T‘. IT. I LrMIXs;. o:’T>'i' ' ;i( . .•■■■:• ‘ I-';'.';', '.r tile ; o'lI -!he Pr.vK, i;i a fast I'.’i' i'vf.t W;'ifh at tho, last in f (If tile; Wv.s!, Vivpinia lioy.^. Th :-orL' v^i:: :: t,i 0 in fr.vor of the Sev'ora’ tiruo.^ the El^ui boys got as far u?. f!;o third ba.'^e but were he!d there. Theie were no special features in the irame except the home-run of one of the West Virginia men who tnocked the ball out of the park. pio grand stand was crowded and Quite B few bad to stand, A special train carrying four car loads of stu dents and rooters from Eton to Gra ham. maiid from congress in the way of leg islation, the eommander in chief said one thing 'tvoBld be ^verranelJt own ed railruftds, and tvro otii«rs wotild mate possible the gettinK of money to }>ve by those out of employmeBt at about 2 per cent int«£«st crathre position of R. F. D. Carrier •from- Haw River, Miss Cole is a popehtr youjig lady ati4 ie iseld in hig^ esteem by the best socid cizdes e# that Vmn: KM??

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