We are just in receipt of a car of Buggies the best anS nicest kind for Sping use. If you want a for Easter come nice and see us. Harness, Plows Wagons, Wire and a hundred other things that you use on the farm. COBLE-BRADSHAW CO., Boriington, North Carolina Two For One. For every dollar you place in our Company, Wc will give you TWO DOLLARS SECURilY in FlRSl' MORTGAGE on Real Estate, and our Company guaran tees the payment of Principal and Interest and we pay Six per cent Interest Semi-Annually. Central Loan and Trust Company, Real E«tate, Fire, Life, and Live Stock iBta'ance. CAFtTAL $50,000.60. J. M. BROWNING, . ■ • . ■ W. W. 880WN, L y. Ml ■ - - ‘ See. & Treas. STOMACH TROUBLE FIVE YEARS Wijnirity of Friendt Titonsbt Mr. Btq^lies WoaJd Die, Bat One Helped Him to Recovery. Pomercjion, Ky.—In interesting ad vices from this piace, Afr. A. J. Hughes writes as follows: “1 was dawn with tSomach trouble for five (5) years, and would have sick headache so bad, at fisics, that! thought surely i would die. I tried difieient treatments, but they ffid vtiA Mem to do me any good. 1 sot so bad, I coidd not eat or sleep, scd aU my ftieadt, excejit one, thought I wcM dSe. He advised me to try 3SraiHg(i’( Biack-Onimtbt, «ad quit: talcing other medicines. I decided to take tos advice, although I did not have any confidence in it. I have now been taking Black-Draught for three months, and it has cured me~ haven't had those awful sick headaches since I began using it. I am so thankful for what Buck* Draught has done for me." Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a very valuable medicine for de- lattgemenfs of the stomach and liver. It is coaiposel of pure, vegetable herbs, contaiiis BO dangerous ingredient*, and acts gently, yet surely, ft caa be freely used by y»ung and old, and shcmk! i$e kept is every family chest Cet a package today. Only 2 quarter. Job Work See us. replies to pbesidknts cbit- ICS. Hr. Fou Deelared If Wkat They Say W«s So, The Presidept Siuuld be Inpeached. / Washington, April 29.—Representa tive Pou, of North Carolina, delivered a stirring address in tile House today. He sa:id in part: “Mr. Chairman, at this moment the republic is prayng for peace. This is the twentieth century and the people of this nation abhor war. The man who thinks the .American people wiil- toierate war -save as a last resort is woefully mistaken. “The other lay at Vera Cruz we were suddenly reminded of the real meaning of war. Oh, how thinkful al! good men are that today the sky is a little brighter, that the hope for peace i.s 3» little stronger. •‘Perhaps it is better that the;^e dead solalers of the EeputUc yielded up their lives in line of duty away fTom home and friends. The tragedy cf it all not so heartrending. Mr. Chairman, I repeat it not to distre.ss- iiig that These Ijrave boys died away from home. Let us hope that this Orst ekirmish at Vera Cniz will so arouse -he people of this nation and of Mex- i • to a true realization of what real I war between the two nations means.! thiit both fhall .strive even harder! not for war, but for honorable peace. (.Applause.. •‘Jlr. Chairman, just here 1 cannot help remindinfr yosi how unfair have been some of the attacks made upon esident upon this floor. With i.".fiinte patience the President has been usiiVjc every ouncc of influence wielded by his great office, nor for war. but for peace; and because he did not rush headlong into a bloody war tiiey said his policy \vas weak an Viiaeillating and un-.4.merican. Wbeii the breaking point cane and he could .-itaita the insults and af- fruiiis to our national honor by a siirper no lonjrer. 't was actually charji-ed on (hi.-! floor that Prs.'sidcni ^ViL^n was ;;bout to engage in war v.ith Mexico because he dees not like Huerta. Mr. Chairman, -lo ni'.’re serious charge could have been ■ again.st any J’reiiident. If that charge were true, he should be inipcached. If the gentleman who the charge believes it is tciu he should take: the initial .step in iii- titutinir porteedin.is of impeach- .K*ni. If the charge is not true, I apjieal or. the judgment of my coi- ieague.^i to deride what course Khould ' pur.sued by those responsible for entire cour.=e followed by the Prcsi- ^MX *iuapisd.!j oqj noon the very begnining show.^ how bat^eiy ihe charge is. “Jlr. -McKinley wa.s driven to war W'ith Spain uraler somewhat similar circumsiaiiies. You will search the record in v«in for .such charge again.Kt him. For my part, 1 do not •'believe ihi.'-- nation has ever had a President would h^ix'e been guiltv -j!’ such a ch.-age. Hut. Mr. Chair man, 1 do ncjt he!ie\'e the President wii; sutTer from any injury to the I louy reputiitioj! lie ha.^ maintained I and ir; niaiataining by i ca.so ot any jtif tlie:;e iia.seless charge.^. I believe ithi.s man us appreciated by tne _=tmer- j ican people. .At least one man has written an appreciation which is well I worthy of repetition here. 1 clipped Ihi.s ft-oni an editorial of William Allen Whive. Kniporia, Kan., (Janette; “ ‘How well he seems to have man aged it—this Sordid bosines.s of goinj to war; how fair he has been; hovr patient, how ilignified, how infinitely gentle and kind- No bluster, threats, no .sticker of anticipation; no licking 01 the nation’s chops—just a simple .souled. brave, .•soft hearted, to hard headed man. U is sad enough to go into war of any kind at any time; but it is les^ sad to know- itiE that every honorable means has been take.'i to keep away from war. And this consolation President Wilson has given us by his wise, forebating', Chitstian attitude before the provoca tion of a foe, mad and desperate and foolish. The good God, who k::ows all and directs all, was in our hearts deeper than we knew, when as a na tion we chose this great serene «oul to letid us.' There U, | think, tven a better description of the President in the linea irhicb, if I remember them cor- TKtly, run this way. ‘An hour like W2S demands strong minds, great bearts, true faith and ready hands, men who the lust of office does not kill; men whom the spoils of .office ccnnot buy, who possess opinions and a^ will, who have honor and who irill not lie, men who can stand before tie demagogue and scorn his treoch- *TOUB flattery (and abuse) psrentiie- sis mine) without winking, taU! men sun crowned who live above tlw ieg, m public duty and in privato think ing.’ "Mr. Chairman, the President wili continue his efforts for honon*le peace. If we must have srar it wUl ceme wlwn every honorable effort known to civilized diplomacy h«tp feK- BecMiag L««i Wmtumm Maay in Burli>oiL With a back that aches all day, With rei5t disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, Tis a weary way, indeed. Doan’s Sidney Pills are esipecially for kidney trouble. Are endorsed by Burlington citi zens, Mrs. S. L. Malojie, Anthony Street, Burlington. N. C - .says: “1 was nerv ous and dizzy'and my back was paiii- fyl. I also had pains over riiy kid neys and I felt tired all the time. When I h«ard about Doan’s Kidney Pills. I ffot isome from the Freeman Drug Co. They removed the trouble.” Mrs. Malone is only one of many BurUn^on peopU who have grate- -fully endorsed Doan^s Kidney Pills. If your back aches—If your, kidneys bother you, don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—ask distinctly for boan*s Kidney PJlls, the same that Mrs. Malone had—-the remedy back ed by home testimony, 50^ all stores. Foster-Miiburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. *‘When Your Back is Lame— the Name.’’ HOCUTT M^OUAL MPTIST CHUaCS. AiUwb AvewM umI fi»a iSt. Eev. Jm. W* Roae, Butcir. Pr«achi«ic ervry fourtii Sunday at it a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Schol every Sunday at 9:30 . a* 3i . Prayer Me«ting Wedneaday, 7:.‘J0 p. .m. Ladies’ Aid Society first Sunday af ternoon. EPISX)PAL The Chur^i of TIie'HoJy Comforier^ The Last Clipper. William Brown Meloney has a story i:i The Philadelphia Press of May 3, entitled “The Last Clipper.” This story, in the judgment of the edi- toris* is the very best story that has appearp’d in the “Pericles O’Brien” series. Some thing that it is the best story that has appeared any where for a long time. It is one of the big, inanly. full-blooded tales of the sea, that stirs one’s manhood and siimulat^s him to great thing55. Second iioly to this story is one by William A. Dyer, entitJed "Ishma- el,” a mondcrful dc^ story. These arft only two of the many features of ne.Kt Sunday’s Press. Re- *Vn.viet>‘ in Vora Cruz is Cr**atly lieved. Vcrr*. Cruz. April '29.—Atixicty i!i Vera Cruz as tc friends an^i relative? in the interior h.i? been «r;eat)y re lieved by the of ye-^tevday, which i^how that the Mexican author- i‘»- arc permittif'i; .Anreticana to lomc down to the coast. . The Amer ican coloJiy here settled ciown today Ut await news from Puerto, Mex., of the arriva] of three train loads of rt'f- Ufjee? from Mexico City, winch the Huerta ollicials promised Commander Tweedie, of the British cruiser, Es sex, would be dispatched from the capita) la^t night. The route from the capital to Puer to, Mex., is long and roundabout, and it i?? not expected that the trains will reach the coast before next Friday. Rear .Admiral Badger plans to have a vessel at Puerto. Mex.. to meet the refugee.^^. lie probably will not send a warship as this might arouse anti- American feeling in a town which up the present time has been entirely nuiet. If the refugee trains are filled to capacity it is estimated that 800 per sons will be conveyed to Pueilo ,Mex. It not k?»owi) here how many .Amer icans this would leave in the caoitai. The Hev. John Benners GIbble» Sector. .Services: Every Sunday, il:00 a. m-i and 7:30 p. m. Holy Communion: 3?^st Sunday, 11 a; m. Third Sunday, 7:30 a. m: Holy and Saints* Days, lOfOU a. m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. «t itm c. M» mmkeB oo third Sttaday*. Snd»y SchpW 9:46 a. «. fttt. J, B. Robertson, Saperintendent. Teachers’ .Heetiiig WedoMday, 7:M p. m. (Pastof’t Stody). Woman’t Uiaaionary Society, flist Tliwsday in every mentli «t i-M, p.m. L C. B. Society, second Thursday in every month at 3:30 p. lii. Luther League, second and fourth Sundays at 3:00 p. m. Vespers at 8:30 p. m. The King of All Laxatives. Tor Constipation, use Dr. King’s New Life P Us, Paul MathuUsa, ei Buffalo, N. Y., sjiys thty are the “king of all lajcatives. They are a bletsbig to all my family and I alway« a box »t home.” Get a box and get well again. Price 25c. At aU Dnig- gists' or by mail. H. E. Bucklen 4 Co., Philadelphia or St. Louis. I. I The public is cordially invited. All pews free. Rne vested ehoir. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Comer Chnrch and-Davia Sreeia. Kev. A. B. Kendall, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday, 11:00 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Stinday School, 9:45 a. m. John K. Foster, Superintendent. Chiistian Endeavor Services Sunday evenings at 6:45. Mid-Wi«k Prayer Service, every Wedcesday at 7:30 p. m. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Society meets on Monday after the second Sunday in each month. A cordial invitation extended to all. A Church Home for '>isitors and for strangers. REFORMED CHURCH. Corner Front and Anderson Streets. — , Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath. 9:45 a. m. ' Preaching every Second arid Fourth Sabbath, 11:00 a. m., and 7:80 p. m. Mid-Week Service every Thursday, 7:30 p. m. A. cordial welcome to all. Parsonage second door from church. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. I Professiontd Canb Dr. L. H, Allen Eye Specialist Over C. P. Neese’a Store Burlington, - . N. c J. p. St>ooc, 1>. V. ,S. ". -t. lIuruHiln,!', ij. V, 14, Spoon ^ Hornaday Veterinarians ^ce and Hospital Office Pboy^ 871 «o Main St. Kchidenre none 283 C. A. Anderson M. D. Office hours 1 to2p. m. 7 toSp.a. First National Bank Buildiag. I^ve day calls at Bradleys Drug John H. Vernon, Attorney anu l^unselior at Ij** Burlington, N. C. Office rTOm 7 and S Second First Nat’l Bank Buildin* Rev. Donald Hclver Pastor. Services evpry Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:t5 «. m. B. R Sellars, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7;3C p. m. The public is cordially invited to all services. (iermans Kager to Sinlist for Amer ica. Berlin, .Api'il 20.—-The decisive ac tion of tbe -American Goveniinent n regard to Mexico, which put an end to .Prci^irienl Wilson’s \vaiti;!g policy, has brought out almo^;t friend ly comn'tents by the German pre.sii as •ivhole. The new.> from Mexico dur ing the Week crowded out ui! Euro pean topics. -A. semi-official note printed in the Cologne Gagette, cautioning the newspapers to be conservative and i-enerved, and stating that harsh crit icism would result only in marring the e.'itremeiy friendly relations be tween Germany and the United States had a good effect. j The sarcastic comments of last week have been replaced by special articles by military experts on tha American and Mexican military re- soui'ces. Some of these writers de clare the task of subduing Mexico will occupy the United States for years, while others say the Ameri' cans will make quick, short work of the job. Many Germans, including otftcers and non.comnii£8ton;^ officers, would like to enter the American army. Major Langhorne, the military at tache of the A>i]eriean embassy- is delased with applications from men whet want to fight on the American side, and he says tJiat several Teg menta cotsld be raised here without any trouble. BAPTIST CHURCH. Hev. Martin W. Buck, Pastor. Sunday Worship, 11:00 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. J, L. Scott, Superintendent. Praise and Prayer Services, Wednes day, at 7:30 p. m. Christian Culture Class, Saturday at 3:00 p. m. Church Conference, Wednesday before first Sunday of each month, 7:30 p. m. Observance of Lord'.s Supper, iirst Sunday in each month. Woman’s Union, first Monday of each month, 3:30 p. m. THS METHOOIST PROTESTANT CHURCH. East Oavis Street. The Hon. J. Ham Lewis has ex- piessed a desire to go to the front. Has he ever been any place else? —Greensboro News. Rev. George h. Curry, Pastor. Services: Morning, 11:00 Evening, 7;30 jPlsyer Meeting,. Wednesday evaoings. Ladies' Aid and Missionary Societies evsry Monday afternoon after flrst Saitday in each month. Sunday SehiM>l, 9:30 a. m. J. G. Rog ers, Superintendent. Good Bsraca end t%ilathea Classes. Yon taa invited to attend all tli«se 2orrSe«a. Oft. J. H. BROOKS Surfeeon Dentist Fostfer Building hURLlSUTOH, S. V. ly&ui ilgyff- Norfulk I Wssfgra M«y 2S, 1913. Leave Winston-Balem: 6:50 A. M. daily for Boanoke wid ia- termediete stations. Connect with Main lAue trains North, ^t and West with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:05 P. M. daily for Martinsville, Roanoke, the North and East. Pullman Steel Electric Lighted Sleeper Winston Salem to Har risburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. 5.00 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Martinsxille and local station*. Trains arrive Winston-Ssl«n »-36 A. M., SzSS P. M., l,-35 P. M. ' Trains leave Durham for Boxbcio, South Boston and Lynchburg, 7:00 a. m., daily, and -5:3P p. m., daily except Sunday. . W. B. Bcvill, Pass. ’R-aff.-Mgr. W. C. Satmdent, Cen. Pas. Agt. V- «k. M. £. CHURCH, SOUTH. FKONT STSEET. sd.” Bana»«»—-Your own price). Sforcb- cr.t*’ Supidy Co. * Weyier was called the “batcher"’ bat at that he didn't have Anything on Huerta; Villa, Maas and Company. —Greensbora; N&ws. Rev. D. H. ’iTttttle, Faster. Preaebing evsry Snndajr meming and evsaing. Sumiay Sehool, 9:30 a. m. W. E. Sluirpe, Superintendent. Phoer Service, Wednesday evening at 7:3S o’clock. Bpwerth League, 7:00 o’eleak every evening. M. K. CEVBCH, SOUTH. W1SBB AVENirSL Rev. Oblette, PMtot. Pre*chtng ever? first Soadi^ at 11:90 ». m., taA 7:S0 p. m. Seeond Siea- I day at 7:80 p. m. 3ttad»y 8ebee3 *vny Sast6i.y 1$ H. F. Moore, Soperiotendent. BveryiMNiy welcome. kinds JobPrint- For Woakoeec aa4 UlCB of Atraeimiis IcuKJtcMtiMT. Foradtuuuadsbiuna. sac. If '■General” Coxey wants to do the country a real favor he will tender his “army” for service jn tHerko. —Greensboro News, MACEDONIA hVmSZAn cmscs. 9V*st Sirea«. K«v. T. S. TMfcw. Strengthens Weak aad ‘Hred W«ne», ^ was Qn^leP a great ajtrain narrsmg a relative tiiroBgh tbree months’ cesB,” ^’^teg Mm. J. C. Van »* Sande. oi Kirkland, HI., and “Etactrie Bit ters kept me from breaking down. I will never ibe without it." Do ya# fee! tired and worn out? No tite and food won’t digest t It i«i^ the Spring weather. You need Stac* trie Bitters. Stirt & month's treet- rnsBt today; notMag better for ettan- ach, U»*r and kidneys. TSae smtet Sptizig toBie. SMM or rtumy back. 80^ and 11.00 at yow draitjfjrt*.