SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON. ^ tuternatiohal Sunday School Les son for Next Sunday, July 5, 1914: LABOREBS IN TEE VINE- YABU. MATTHEW 20:1-16. Per the kingdom of heaven is like a man that is an householder, went out early in the lugrniiig ■e laborers into his vineyard. ^Ar.d wheri he had agreed w^'n the for a penny a day, life sent into his vineyard. . And ho v.-ent out about the third r, and saw others standing idle in market place, Ana saij unto them; Go ye al.^o the vineyard,. and- whatsoever is I will give you. AnJ they went way. . ■■■■ ■ And he wer.t out about the sixth |id hinfh hciir, and did like\visVf. And abo’jt the eleventh hour he out, and found others sJ.t.n.!ing- , and saitb vinto thera, Wliy stand here all the day idle ? |7Thc-y say unto him,. Befause no hath hired us. He sai'-h Go ye also the vineyard; vhatsoever is right, that shall receive, j'S So when even was come, ihe -lord the vineyard saith unto his steiv- Call the laborers, and j?i\ e thorn ' hire, from the last u:i- iirst. 1 9 And when they came that wore [ about the eleventh hour, they re every man a peiiny. And when they had received it, murmured aprainst the goodsnan the house, \ 12 Sayi’.'ff, These last have v.Tcu|rht one houv, and thou hast mnde , equal urdo uh, \\hich have boriic \\Q burden and heat of the day. Z But he ar.ftWereJ one of thefn. saifit Friend, I d«T> thee no \\TonR*. not uoth agrree \vsth mo for a ny? Take that thine is, and f^o thy ay: I will ji'ive unto this last, even unto thee. it 7)ot iav.’ful for lo do I wili with mine own? Is thine evil, because I am R-ood? So the last shall be fn-F-t, and the lost: for many may );o ealled, |ut few ehoi^cn. GOLUEN TEXT: “Jle nmkct)» lus sum to /is? cei iho . and on the ;?ood, iinil stiruletli raiu th jus>t and oii llio unju.-i.” cities T.'vith the tools of their trade, ready to enter at once upon the ein- plcymsnt that may be offered them. The ordinary day laborer in Palestine in the time of Jesus was paid a de narius, equal to about sixteen cents cf our money. In some parts of the world today, a laborei* can li\e and support his faniily on less than a de- nr.rius, but . in some other countvies, of course, much more is ncceissary to nsaintaia a laborer at his best, work- hig eificiency, ■ The wcrkinj? day be gan at su»irise and closed at sunset, and the worknn;n was paid at the end of the day.. • Into this market the Uuidlord ci' oui U‘.s£on story wont early oijo ni0!,Lt t-) hira iaborc‘»‘s into hi?: vineyard, lie a>?reed v;ith certain nis>:i ccncern- ii:jX the day*« unges, a:id \V>ey wort at once to work’ About'-the ihir^t.hour oi' :he day, or p.i:;C o^clock i:i the morn ing;, lie say that lh;.*re wa3 denia*id for more laborcr-s in hiii vincyiird. a id ^oin^: into tlie market' pL:cc, he e:i- i^-a"2d others' to. work* })rcnii.siMg to pay them v.’hatever >\'as ju>t at iho end of the (hxy. Thi-i wufi done r.f-aln at j'ocji and thv-'ift o'c-jk-jc, arid .ad ditional men entej’cd the worTc inidcr the nron'iisa of rewaiJ^;. At fi/v in t:'.% afternoon &iill other workers .were sent into the vineyard, their excuse for r* lon^ day of idleness being that no ^s’ork had been offered them. The.kinj^doni of heaven is like this hiring of laborers to work i;i the vineyard: there is constant need of additional worker?, arjd the opportun ities to lai)or are hei’ip continually l.»vou'j:ht to th? attention of me-j. ?;S0 81 \v HE VlXEVAKl) [..VROKKKS WHO •IJKCEiVr:!) HQfAL KKWAIiD.S. clo.-^cd th«' ^tudie.'- of ihi' rier W3ih the story oT ilte yoni:;r n who made tlio fa^.al riii;jtako ‘usin/? to follow Jeyus. lie wa.« a young man and was umviilini? lo \v hi.? Li/rd on the ternis declared ^efc.-'.sary for Jjim. di;vir>Ics wrre :rr-:T:ily imnresse(i wiil: the incident, and more with (Iw .''o’emn w^.rds ;2:DK'on hy Je.-^us after l.'a) do- ,)arture. Peicr e-pccially Wa.^- dis- i-es.sed over the seemingly hard con- the Loi'd 3iad laid dowr; nnd ie wondered, if these who liad riclK:^ entered with so mu:*h difiicutvy into ^.he kingdom of heaven, what vvould those rec-cive who ha't • ladi! .hemseivcs norvr for the I'akc t.( iho dnq-dom? He doch't^’o-i tJiai; ho iind lis fellow disciples had fi-rr^akon all Jiey had, and he asked: “What, -hall we rert^ive?” It i;? unjust Peter to suppose that he was c.i i- :erned too niu:-h aboii.i the rewards ot di.sciploship; and, since .Jc.s;;'-: had d«!arcd so einphnticfilly what the reward.^ of riches were, it vas per fectly proper to inquire « hat wi»re !>io benefits of voluntary poverty Christ’s sake. .Ie,su£i replied f,hf; and. i'ondiict as Peier’s would ri.'^eivc an unfailing reward; but at the same •time be warned them that spiritual hies.sinfrs oouJd not aln'ay.5 be e.'^ti- niKted on the basis of timo and la- ?or spent in the heavenly kingdom, and he added this great spiritual lav/- Ivlany who are first shall be last, and rnany who are last shall be first. Our les.son is an illustration of this law. THE LABOREftS HIRED. It was customary in tlie for laboring people to stand in the open market places and Wait for some one to empioy thsni. It is not unusuai to see laborers on the streets of our tw* THE LABORERS HEWARUED. ■\t thu c;'.'J of the day the nr.isLcr of the vii'.eyai'd irave insU'i;ctio?is to liis .steward, or foreman, to call tiio hiborers from their task and to give; to each man his pay. l.CB^nniriR with the lart tliiit can;e ir, to work and oi.dinjr v.-ilh llio It was a sur- I’riio to all the workers that the last to enter were paid a full day’.^ wasre:?, a’-ihouch tligy liad labnied but or.e Ik Seeing- thi;-:, those who had la- l)ored lr*nj.;cr throuj^h the (lay sujipos- o‘i that their wages •-vould be corres pondingly larger; but every n»an re- CJnved the dennriun, without reg:*.rd 1>> h'S time. On thi'-; afcount tho.'^e who had horr.e the burd«3n of the day rrd its heat murmured against the • :.c;yard nia.^tor because he had niado the ].\>i eiua{ io then'^selvefi, and '.hey jpurniuiod again.^t rht: goodman of tiK houici*, ieclaririg ix v.’as unjust. lAit ihe n-a; iuinself, viot hi.-; f:>re- inr'.n, aiiswerod the conipiairit iu fiie uin'Hist kiiiduc'.is. do theo no wrong, ri'tcjjd,” he i^aid to the spokesman of she group, ‘‘Uitist thou r:ot agriv tu v;ark for the usual day’s pay? Il is lie ii\jastioo tc thee tltat T jjay these h;f:t according: lo their to h'hnr rather Ihnn aLL-oi\iin‘>‘ to their i';./|;ortunii.:e>-. nn-t ihoii 1 ;ok with a c«>vetuus eye upon a reward v.'hli'lj i licstow 4iut of kindness aiid good v;in?" Tne kingdc-sn of heiiven is Jliko the lihoior.s rewarded; the re- I v,\irds are hestf>wed i‘n ihe l^asis of •vpporiuiihy ;tr;d fjtilhfuiness, rot on ihc hai-is of the length ofoliiae ;;nd nami>er of duties disr)-.arg.'d. THE LAW OF OPPORTUNITY. As the men had opportunity they ei.'tered upon the w-ork in the vine- >ard, some at the lu'st hour, some at the sixth, and some at the eleventh. It would fae untrue to the spirit of the parable to i^ay that thoi.,* wh-; enter- ed at thel a§c hour had not a capacity to work equid to the first; it was not u question of capacity, but a que^tior. c-i.opportunity. To some the opyox- tnity for se^-vice did not come until the last hour of the day, hui they, wore faithful in that last hour. A reputation before men often depend? upon lonf? 'And uhirilerrupted service, but character depends i:pon lidelity to opportunity, whether f^niall or groat. Ciiaracter, rather than ropuTatiun. is the hii^.iry u^>on which our Lord be stows his rewardis.. obs -urc qt^'.r- ters of t'lC earth, r.nd in overlooked :;r.ationA* r,f the Church ,.‘ire ^-crvar.t.v of the Lord with jnst much uhilify. as much useful;!CJ~, I'rf. ajiy of ti'ose who fdl the pu-'hi; eye and elicit Lae puh'dr r.“a*-.c. In ihe d;>y of li.n'.l :r.v::ras It i-' Ihe -e nien. whose praist* ;'orn the Lord of ihe vineyard -h::'! nvjrir. the worider of the world, li i? tl'cs? faithful inon, r.I-.hough r^o o:.e hired them and no opport^L-’ity \hru.;t them forward, who, being last, snan hccor;ie first in the voU of h»>nor. It is the Lord’s graciouHaes.? thot does this, his approving eye that watchos ;dl his servants at th?ir v*ork. TKK (rRACU)US MASTKii. It must not be ovorlookel that our Lord is teaching a les.=joa of the king- d'.m of heaven and is not laying dowji principles of contract and labor. It jis vitally true, beyond doubt, that tne (principles of the kingdom of heaven ] ought to l>e observed ir. business ro- (hitions, ill e?mploying and in paying ; hdif-r. But \v0 must not seek for all !e;;onon5»c truth in one spii itual lesson. I and we must not overlook a spiritual j Ifsson is our zea! for econoriiic just- ^ ice. i The ray of light thrown upon thij? les.'-’on story is in these simple I words put into the mouth of the vine- ;yard master: ‘‘I am good." lie be- ' slows rewards because he is good, Mic deals with every man nn the basis ’of kindness and grace and generosity, !aad he therefore does not employ the ■ ?cr> ices of a timekeeper. Peter and I the other disciples were asking the ;nuestioi,: “What shall we get?” Jesus : answered; am good.” Above ali ; other rewards, the privilege of trust ing in Jesus is one of the most de- ^^nable. He is not a hard, driving taskmaster. It« is the gracious Lord cf the vincyi’”d on earth, unfailing in goodness, infinite in courtesy and Gold Mine i*roir.if-'ing. iiif-rh Point. Jur.o 2G.—L. A. BrHcs. who ntddo ti fortune ^eai's ago vvoTil tc Ficrida and made a fortune? afisr- Wiird.. returned a3:d buiil Hf;:h Poinl’s only ^;ky scraper, the buiidinj^' in wliich the IJank of Connrif*rte is ;-ov.' .-^iiuated, it v.hile :.-t.iii a you:ig iiirt! Oil the roa«i to another fortur'e. ilv; lu».' ouo of the ha'.idsomc.‘=;t ar.d mo:t fosliy resiM'ir.res iit the town, 1-ui thin lie has rcfit:';! tul and gone to iland(»l].>h c«:U;ity v.hcrc is fciinatoii a gold mir.c !;i.iwr' for a great :ran;- 1 cr of year: as the Hoover Htlh T^his ] roperly he has bought and is fafii ueveiopir.g modurn machinery. \Vat‘‘r from the LUvliairie riv«*.r is pumped for v/ashing the suri'ace dirt frich fornaic.s from four to sev*cu dol- Check Your April Cough. Thavnng frost and April rains chill you to the very hidrrcw, yoL’ catch cold“Head and . hiags stuiTed—You ar.5 feverish—C>‘Ugh continually and feci miserable—Y ou need l>r. Kings Xew Discovery. U soothers inflamed ard irritated throat and iungs,. *«tops cough, your head dearjs up, fever .]t*aves, and you fee] fir.e. Mr. J. T. Jlavis, of Stickney Corner, Me., '‘Was L’ured of a dreadiui cough -after doc- tors* treatment and all other reme- iies fr.i’ed. Relief .or money b/ack Pleaaain —chiidi-ei; liuo ix. - :^et :t hot- Ue today. 50c. and $L00, at yoin- druggists- SHAKE INTO VOUR SliOI^S AUeh’.s Foot-Ease, tiii; anti?ept;c poiv- der.- It relieves paiiiful; .=^inarting,- tender, n.ervous Lir;d i;i;>t:M'itly hikes the siliig out of cor...^- r-irl l.v.i- ions. It^J the gi ccn;P.>“r L ery of the ago. AllcnV: • m.*jJre^ tight or r.ew .sJioe.-; fc-J .car-y. It is certiun. relief for swcaiiiirr, cal l's.u^, sv^'oilpi). tirv-i;, :;;.-hh;g Al- \vi:y^ us6 it BrwL-i i:i Xcvv i':‘eL-s. iVy it TO-DA“j*. ov(‘ryv.O'.e;X-. Doii^t -avcvi.t ar.y pjb-.ltui.v r FKEL' Ij’ia] ac'dr-r- S. Olmsted, Lo X. V. * ❖ •ff 4^ I •f: «?■ ‘5- *?:• In the Reach of Almost Everybody A hsi'-ijv is rhe dti-ftire oS' t!ie You jiist.|irovi;i- t:’t; ;;:;i>pint'3S anii let tis ihu hjffie, ;in; ivill n'! !)■? hap;iy. Ycj ffot a cineh f>: d we \'"0 soijf'it ifi.j (j'J. Anv- t!i:i' v'H' you t'j ^i-iv ';i eoumi';.’, or su- initbi \vi:i p>oviM: "ood .iiive tmsriir. Akmaiice Irisnrap.ce t it if fj- .r i* >?.* ‘■h WHEN' nviUAyamy. i-Kin'u- & Eeal Estate Co. % W. E. vS*iAR?E, r/iau&ger. 4* I f BiirllKiJton, North Carolina. . fir I V T V “r V T V V v V ❖ V V "r 4* "f*- “i' ^ Pablicly Testify, H's Evidence .Nci le Be Jgi'orcd- \Vh3n re.^ident:' of Bcrihigiu:’ are Vviilini^ l'> reconn;u V'o;>r/s Kidney i-’iiio in this paper, is ihcj-e a.'.y .c-'ord L> try n l:i.*ney bac-'.i;‘he O)’ bladder riiinedy th.t i.^ not a.s v.'ejl reconnnor;dcu ? T'dr?- T.ul.i Ktir:. Wel/a Arv-riK* aiul Antho'iy Street, Gin-lington, X. C.. .r.y.': ‘’1 it i.' r'',v- ^irnniei’.d !''oan' Kii"'-y I'ilis. i hope my statement v.'iil hc]:> oihf.'r neoj.^f -■^ijfferifig fron) complain!.. T have used Doan’s Kidney Pills wiih ‘.he l.' r'^sults i-.;;d they ha^'o cured oth' .v of the f: r}i;iy. ! a:>i ja,-: ;;s i *■) prr.iL’e this r-jmeiiy pfAv J vrhen I jinhli.iy r’^d-ir.-ed it yr:;,-.; ago." ?drs. Uelm is only one of marsy Di.'rlington pe^sple vrho have gnileCal- ly efidor.sed Doan’s Kidney Piil?'. If yciu' back aches—If your kidrieys hothcr you, don’t simply ask xor ^ lid.K*y rc?nedy-—a.«k u);-tiact)y for Doan’s Kidney Pillti, th«j saTn-;' that iai.-i a ton. The mill I'cinK: a rorty-toii line wa:-lies about thirty tons daily, I llehn h;id—the rcinCily i.acl'edj iiU machii'ci'y i;ei:!g ('|-er;;l'«*d I-j' ari - y h^-ino tc.-ti?)?ony. i/rt:.' ;d) i'lo/cs. ' oIe;*;r;;' rc-’X^nlly j-ist in at the ! i''n:4e:'-Milbin':t *o., Props.. Hu'-| ini;.^’. Mr. iJrile.i tip,;, rieeii at thl-'-j^ - ^ our H.u'l: i^- !.am;- (;cvi. iiJjn.i' fit l‘i'' tiiuo :.ow, ai.d [ Keatendfi'r the Nainc.’' ha s j.;'I tl'C ptMTiv v.'hcr Uio out-' ... look ftir I'olurnH is .■itn'idedly ;;i*tini' liurii:^: the winter nionllu- iiu^furi- };:tit% ties iu'cujaaia?^., your blood V'ei'*,' The e.ty auth=,ritie:. i^een ad- ‘i'-'*' . . lUS.d l«o\\ol.> fait lo workv •■au.sini: v?. ;*u hv olter that the i5cw lire true.; i „ . r i f called ‘'Coring !• ever. ' tju fee! hr- rt.ently iuircha::ed vi Coiumbus ' pti. weak Uiui Jay.y. Klecirie Muu-i s- has shipped ;::td v^dl likely reach! ihe .‘jprin*? toriic and system ol'ian.-ijr hero ooxl wet,-k. Tliis up-te'-date fne-l--i-'= v:he,t you need; they r^ii’a'.daie n..-iilvr, tonetiier the fViur or five i‘l>e kid.ays, liver and bowels to heal- , , I thv action, .‘vpel l.lood in)punt«es anl ho-^,- wai'on.' v.?nch rjaV'* 5ii-v'-.v ' . . alwuys !*i*- par.doil wirh alacrity and i-aic v-e-s v.'liea the «iro-a'arr.5 shakes up ti’.e lowr., wiii dti lauch it>w;ird u greater fcding of safety, and togelh- er v.'ilh a eorapicflon of the city res ervoir, v.diich will be a matter of some '■;iiree weeks, will doubl.u-.'s v'heaj’ic.i lire insurance. rG-^tore you'* Ijcalth. -stn/i.gth a^.d nrA- i'iiiot». K'vi'U'ic lUtLors na-Ja-.s yvii fo€' iiio c\v. i^tart a foni' v/eek's tre:4*.ii50.a it will put you in luu: Kiuipe f‘^r ymr spring wor’;. tk^ar* antecd. All Uruggists. riOt*. a:ul ^LOu H. K. liucklen &. Co., Phi!a;h.-!]jhia or St. Louis. Hold nobhery in Mebane. Mcbanc, June 2i\—Betwei:n the hours of il ni. aud 2.1>0 a. m. Thur.s- day night ih.-i Mcbar.e Supply Co-, the ni'^rcaatilc establish'. Tt i.' that town, Vv’as eaterod in the rear by •.hie-ve''- aivj goods slole:; t-.': the amo\rat. of YUOO to aliijough the exact amoui^t cannot he estimatei. A tjuantity of ihc most cKpensivc* shoes, jcvcelry and mcn’.s fnrr.ishings of aH kinds were taken, the cash ilrawors were broken open but all money had beei. placed in the safe. An expensive r.i*w cash rc*i-ir>ter v,%as fortunately un banned as it had been left ojjen. Sev eral bags cf shipstuff w'cre emptied of their contents on the floor and the bags u.=;ed foi- packing the booty. Several men with large packs on tlicir backs were seen to board the eastbound train by the watchman at tIrSO a. m. Further than this no in- f»rmation has been secured regarding the robbers, although the two oITicials are using ev?iy moans possi!)Ie to lo cate Cought'd for Three Yfars. ' “I am a lovev of your gotisend to; humaniiy n-x) Vour rnedi-j cine, l»r. King's Nfew Uiscovory. cur- ; ed my ccught •d three yt-ars’ star.d in.g,*’ s;^ys .Icirnie Flemniir.g, of N’cw J)ovcr, Ohio. Have you an njinoyirir cough? Is it ,-LnIiborn mu] woii’i yield to troat.nient? fiet a oOc bottle ^ of Tm-. Knig’s New Tiiscovcvy today. ; What it did ft>r Tkmming it. n’lll '.i>> f(»v you, no nuitter how stub-! i-orn or chronic a cought may be.! It stops .1 i'ough and stops threat and iung trouble. Kelief or money i*ack, | Bucklen’s Arnica Salvo for IMnrples. '1 3?> j ROumDj -6 To Against disease here is the strongest fence Is the defensive virtue ab.stinence. —Horick. CMieORA COLLEGE GREENVILLE, S. C. A ii^nnfisrssnt, i);>r^Ttetiun uriil Charaect;?' Hi)rh i^tamlard C‘;li?3:8 A L'ii’.arc ar.ij Abie Fpculty - . St‘u!enc 'lotly C> ' 1: t i>r :!:i' liuio 1000 above Sea.-!feve!. I> .•.i.-'i;':); ind ate. .^fo^ei'n!y E>'jui;)pfld V-'.l idi!;:-;. A mV i.ihf'r;-.! Arr^ Seienta';, cffei-int; Course to tii'.' !-'.-jTef'':f .'.I li., and B. Ped. A Cor..sfl!-\a(ni-v ct offffini Coti.'fi'js LeadiR.a: tii" of L’. -Mij-.. Scho'jis'!t Aft, E>;pri;’ssi.'n ar.d AN IDtA.L CGLLEGE FOi YOUNG '.vof.sri F'jr ;'n;e •aidres- REV S. C. bYRD, D. B,, GREENVILLE, S. C. CHfCOlA, STOP, READ, CONSIDER. Did you ever think c i the amount of truth in the familiar saying that ‘‘Good Advertising Pays”? Try an ad. in this paper and watch the re.sults. CLOTHES ARE A MAN^S CREDENTIALS M Y drc-.- ’’OL' JUT)GE your visijor by Ids per:uv! a! appcarani-e. So doC'* c'cry^'ne el>c. To bn '•/c-ii- d i-; to t'C well received. i;nll*MAN’S t^L-iTS - v.iil })iU y-ii ‘“in right” wherever yoa go. Tlioy .;re (he oiuwarl exprfssioii Ilf sub.stantiuliiy and gooii form. There i'- character bark of tlu-i’^—.md they will back you lo v.’in aj.y‘‘vhere—under any C''Uditio*:s. A? to the tnoiiec’s worth—thoyVe popular pritC\i •'-costing all they to h.'! i’uality--ar.d r.ti a dcPai mt>rc. $7.2.1 10 ?22.50. B. GOODMAN The Home of Good Clothes BURLINGTON, N. Carolina. ■ ."1 J r4 t PRINT . i.- .. ,.3- -