♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f4'4444«f4>4>44>4>4444>f'f4>44444’l^4’ free! Fre^^ Frte! * with each 25c Pipage of Rexall Tooth Powder We will give one Gas Ballon. FBEEIUNT DRtlG STOHE Phone 20, Buriingtoii, N. C. Ji LOCAL AI^D PERSONi^^L I Mr. Kelly Davenport,' of Greens- the highest score made in the regi- lioro, is in town today. Mrs. Eugene Patterson is spending the week in Greensboro with friends. Mr. Ma’cohii Murray, of Durham, is the guest of his parent.s for a week's vacation.. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thompson spent several days recently \vith Ms parents near Mebane. Mr. and Mrs. J!ohn Blalock are re- jo'.eing over the arrival of a baby boy Wednesday. Miss Helen Hancock, of Kichmonil, is the guest of Miss Imogen Soott for a few days. Miss Willie Etta Lowe returned to her home in Charlotte after spending a we(^k the gaest of Mi:s Mabel King. Miss Mary Wilson catne home W'cd- ne.=d!iy from Eock River Springs, where she furnished music for the past two months. .Mr. George A. Garrison and Jim Hc.ri.e Returned Wednesday from Richmond, where they spent a few day? with Mr. Garrison’.'! daughter, who is in the hospital there. They re- pcrr her condition improving and that shc! will be able to come home in •'hruc ten days. .. air. W. H. Stone left yesterday for Lexington, where he has accepted a position in n bank- Company I Returns From 1C Days' Trip to Morehead City. Captain J. C. Freeman %vith Comp any I, Thii-J Infantry, N. C. N. (J., returned Wednesday morning from a ten days'encampment at Camp Glenn, fjreateiy apprwi.ited by the hoys. ment. Others making good scores on the rainge \vere: Sergeant Greesoni rilusician Cook, Private G. W. Brinc- tield. The boys were well fed this time— much better than on any previous en- canipment and came back feeling tine. They say the water was fine, the fish ing good, several catching nice strings in the sound a short distance from the camp. The people in Morehead City were e.Kii-emely nice to the boys extending them all the courtesies in their power t>. make them enjoy the stay by the sea. Camp Glenn is situated about, two miles west of Morehead City on the Norfolk Southern Railway and has a schedule train running between the camp and the city, making practically tiolley service. There i.« a good sewer and water system, pure ai tesian wat er, well drained camp, good sandy cround and lots of beautiful trees r.ear the sound to rest under. The mosquitoes are very scarce there now since the government has spent so much money in the last year improv ing it. Each company now ha.s an individual “mess hall” that is abso lutely fly-proof and the boys enjoyed their meals much more on this account. Capt. Freeman acted as Major of the Thii:^.BatoUion in the absence of Major Albright, who was unable to attend. This is quite a promotion for Capt. Freeman, and also advanced Lieutenant A. A. HusseU to charge of the company, during the stay. Company I furnished orderlies for t.he Brigade purmiander artd Governor Oaigii while they were in the camp. This is an hor.ijr that very seldom frdls to the lot f any company, and is There were twelve companies of in fantry, hand, hospital corps, and stalf oflScers iii camp. DOtXG THEIR DUTY. Morehead City, with fifty men. T!ie boys all report the work at '•encampment although, thorough, was very light. Several of the Burlington boys made good scores on the rifle swcpsonvillc 7; Saxapahaw 4. range—Private Ellis, making the high- Saturday afternoon at Pied- est scoi-e in this company. 201 points Swepsonviile .and Saxapa- out of 200. being within. 1ft points of^j.^ extremely good game uf bail, in which Swepsonville was the winner by the scoie of 7 to 4- The game was hard fought from the beginning? and was full of inter est. The grand stand was fuli and the rooting was great. There was no disturbance or disorderly conduct of any kind to mar the pleasure of the ;g:ood game. The teams are about evpniy matched and it is almost a “heads and tails” to see which will win. The boys on both teams are good players and show up well in the field. The attendance was the larg est that has turned out to any game nd Guilford played here. Scorcs of Burlington Readers are Learni.ig the Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the blood is the kidneys* duty. When they fail to do this the kid- ,neys are weak. Backache and other kidney ills may follow. Help the kidneys do their work. Use Doan's Kidney Pills—the test ed kidney remedy. Proof of their worth in the follow- sjnce easter vvhen Elc*^ ing: N. Foster* shoemaker. Mill Street, Graham, N. C., says; “I am never i WANTED—A good housekeeper. Vhey now say Cromwell put one over Mr. Kocseveit in the Panama mattor. without Doan’s Kidney Pills in the! ^ house. I know that they are the best.h^me. Reference required. 1. J. Ma- kidney remedy to be had. I was rheu- ! Burlington, N. C. patic. My joints and br.i '; were stiif and lame and my kidneys acted ir- recularly. The kidney secretions con tained sediment and were painful in that make Him mad? It passage. Finally, I took Doan's Kid- "ney Pills and they did me more good lljan anything else I had ever used.” The above is not an isolated case. Mr. Foster is only one of many in this vicinity who have gratefully en dorsed Doan’s. If your back aches —if vour kidneys bother you, don’t simply ask for a kidney remec’y—ask iist|nt||r for Doan’^ Kidney Pills, 'the i|anie that Mr. Foster had. 50c. alh stores. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buflfalo, N. Y. Negroes .\lle];e That Enemy Did tlie Deed. A.«heville, July 15.—Sheriff C. .F. Williams this morning received a me.s- sage from Sheriff C. W. Manguni, of Fulion Coun'.y, Georgia, Atlanta the county seat, in which he stated that W. J. IVent, ine of the negro defend ants against wiom the grand jury here y^ster^ay returned a true bill, charging him with arson, is under ar rest and in the county jail, but refuses to return here without requisition pa pers. Sheriff '■Viilianis wired baCK that applicatior. will be made today, for the proper ]:apers and for the .At lanta sheriff to hold Trent until fur ther notice. ^ The message received this, morning was •••ather unexpected, as it was gen erally thought that Trent would re- tUiU at 03ce to face the chai-ges and those interested in the matter are at. a loss to understand why he has re fused to return to this city. Xothing. has been heard froni the irai-ranis sent for the arrest of Bish op C K. Harris, although the sheriff expecvi' at f.ny time, a message from the (ii*! .'al.s who received tha warrants. It coi.ld not be learned just where B’si op Harris was yesterday, al- thou.i;! it is understood that he was out uti one of his circuits. .^11 of the defendants arrested he.v —Ur. J. W. Walker, Xoah Murrough. W. Brooks, "5V. T. Pegram, Elijah McDowell, Caleb Martin and Parker .Jch’ison—made bonds in the sum of S50t each yesterday afternoon for their appearances when the cases are called for trial. Mark W’. Brown has been retained as counsel by the negroes and he ap peared before Judge E. K. Cline yes terday afternoon and moved that Rev. W. J. Holland, formerly pastor of Hopkin? Chapel, be ordered to show cause why he .-hould not be made pros ecutor in t{ie case. The court ordered that tile order be entered and set the I case fi.r trial on Thursday, September I 24, which is the first week of the t>vo | weeks term of court to be held in I September for the trial of criminal cases. Mr. Brown stated ihat his cli ents nad reason to believe that Hol land it behind the charges that have been preferred against them. I! i\a.5 stated that Holland -■cciipied the pul-1 pit of the chui-ch aa pastor but was j «..sLharged when ehargas of immor-1 ality were preferred against him. It ■ is further charged that Holland re- fu.=ied to move from the parsonage wh'*n discharged, and it was necessaiy for Itic trustees to resort to the courcs i to ha.'c him removed. It is also al- ; ;i.gei that Holland made a threat at, uic tnne he was discharged that he would “get even” with the trustees ! r.f 'he church. Holland it is stated, I i.-= nov. a defendant in Superior Couri 1 on iti:'.;ges of immoral conduct. Mi.: Brown stated that his clients would ! show that Holland and another ma'i i have been woricing for son'.e time try-; ing I. have the charges preferrel j aga.n=' the defendants. tiioutehold itlelps How Much Over- looked. Xn the average farm home and also iniiny city village homes there is needed some radical sermons directed especially at the head of the home. .Although in some instances the mis tress may need some strong hints tVv as there lire many ,vhi, can tts- tify that the life of the average housewife is ono of toil and of the kind- we may well call drudgery, be. cause of the many little conveniences thst ;ould so easily be added to light- ;n the toil and that these little helps cOnld be added with very little ex- vense so therefore the plea of the average, husband is removed i e .of not enough money to spare. The truth of it is that very often it is spe;-,! tor things that are worse than useless and that could be well done -."jrhdut. In the next issue Mr.' Hus band, Will be. a few broad hints, read a:jd yoti v.'iM realize their Lruth. MOORE. I The Washington Star tells how Tar I Heel galax leaves are sold in the j north. But j.ust think of bur galaxy lof f-tatesmenl—Greensboro News. ^ outh is iHe time for beginning. The storehouse cf life stands wide cper, for the treasures to be garner- ec therein.—Edward Garrett. Of course, Mr. Weather Man, wc don’t wish to appear fiinicky and har«?. to please; but .at the sa^ time, y’u.'i- derstar.d, this thing Can be overdone. !'i-»ii'eeKsboi-o News. ; « . Some guys are born orney b la u;.!- ers sit in front of you on oji*n oar.? ai'.d spit tobacco juice. AUfansDrmk-~ ^ Jl(j)omansDrink'' I ^veirtfhod^’sJ)vmk 5 -^ ■ . Woifcian of Forsyth Mother of Fivt* ■ Commits Suicido. W instCi’j-Salein, July 15.—Mr.-?. Min- \ v.':C M. 3ir:Uley, age year.s, com- j nutied .suic-ide this mornuig at ner ’ homo ahoui two miles northwest of / tlu' city. Sonje lime during the night; she drank a bottle of laudanum and i‘ .was not di^'covered until early thij*; ^ norring v,*he:'‘ niembevs of. the family ^ found her in ?in uiiconscious ccvidition. ‘ Di. D. N. Dalton was summoned to htr side, but she died about 9 o’clock. • It is said that there is no known’ cau.'se for the deed. • The deceased was the wife oC ■ C. 3. Binkley, who is an tmployo c1' the farm of ?vlr. W. X. Revr.old?. Sh« • f was apparently in good health at.d * leaves five children, the oldest on;? not being ten years old. ^l^igoiously good — and keenly delicious. Thirst-quenching and refreshing. The national beverage —and yours. Kcpublican newspapers say there haj: been no reduction in the cost ot living. "‘But how about sugar?^ in quires the Raleigh News and Observ er. “That is from a half to a cent f a pound cheaper than it was a year :*.go and the saving on the sugar bin of the people of the United States has been, it is calculated, fully forty million dollars.” In these days of gloom and chastening-, Republican pa pers £.re evidently not taking any su gar in theirn.—Greensboro News. TAKE A LOOK! If you want to know what women of fashion are wearing bok at our dis play of styles in the win dows or inside the store. Nothing omitted-nothing iefi undonc-nothing over- looled. Ail the new ideas and conceptions of the designtTS are to be seen. Visit us, let as shew yon anrt tel! you This beautiful low heel pump in pdten*^ leather, Gan Metal and Tan at $2.50, $3.00 & $3.50. FOSTER SHOE CO. BURLINGTON, R C. THE COCA-COLA COMRANY AllBnta, Ga. ihe geBuine by full &&ine> Nickosune* encourage substitution. Whenever ypu fee &n Arrow think of Cde«-CcU. wa.-! »nce eliarged that the Morgan in- tere.sts “li.sed” tlie Colonel in tlie T. C. and I Company deal. Mr. Hooso velt quickly let it be known that he wouid ratlier be accused of rascality tlian of simplicity and ignorance in dealing -with the agents of big Imsi- ness.—Greensboro News. 'X The Mexican volcanoes have been exercising remarkable self-restraint, everj'thing con.sidered,—Greensboro News. V/hat with the likelihood of havir." what one doe.s say picked up by a ilic- tapho:io and what one does not say norated around by the gossips, dunih- nesis i.5 not altogether an undesirable C'..niiit;on.—Greensboro Xews. SH.4KE tXTO VOUR SHOES A Hen’s Foot-Ease, the anti-sepiic powder. It relieves painful, smartintc, tender, neivous feet, and instantly takes the s’iiig out of corns and bun- ion.s. It’s the greatest comfort dis covery of the Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain relief for sweating, callous, swollen, tired, aching feet. Always use it to Break in New Shoes. Try it to-day. Sold everywhere, 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. For a FKEE trial package address.-Allen S. Olmsted, Lc Roy, N. Y. i Forty miles from home MELROSE and DAN VALLEY The P'bur of Quali.y. For Sale By All First Class Grocers Watch Oar Specia.1 Flsce-Goods Sales Smart Frocks For A.11 Occasions Easy to Make At Home Are Fascir.c.tlnr'y Pictured and Descritcd in the New Boys—just think what a lot of fur. youcanget out of a bicycle^ Saiurdaty and SunJay camping trips*~>a lOOO* mile tour this sufnmcr~easy access to ths best swimming holct secret trout brook or bird cover. Besides, it’s great exercise. IVERJohnson Scout Bbgycls Thirty rears aeo yonr father probabljr rode an Ixer Johnson aad knew n as the finest machioe of that dar. The Ivrr Jobsson 1*5 still the strons'est, (astc-jt, easiest rfiin£ bicrcle Tou can hoy. $30 to $40, with special models a little bic^her. PRINT -i -Vi, iw McCail Patterns and Fashion Publications Now On Sc! The st>*i5sh mode) iilus^rated can b' dfvelopt-d in ^ Wide F&iy^e xti:nm:nci There rever was a time v.-hcn the making of charming dresses was ro »asy as now, when the simple draping iDakci e>cpert taiioring annecessary jJ.'Cali i'atUTDr5679- A«k About The New Styles In Our Paiiem Department Todav H. E. RAUKUT Burlington, - - N. C