IIALEIGH HAS BAD STORM. Continued from Page 1. Ciibarru.s. A !£pid survey of the sit uation by Mr. Harry Jones, the pro prietor, disclosed the fact that ths storm drains in the street just a few feet to the south of his building -.veie not takitipr in the water. This had hapj?ened before, and i\e called to thci-'-; in his shop to go with him into iiie street to clear, a coUettion of gravel and trash from the grating above the di-aij-j. WiBie 'WiUimston, a thirtaeu year old negro boy who was employod by Mr. Jo;:es was the first one to re spond. Seizing a shovel he sprang i'.y io the Wfiter, which was a foot 6>* more deep in tiie street .and, rapidly rising, , and 'vvaded tc>vard the di’ain. They sooVi raacTietl the drai’^. -inr. bc:rafi scrapiiipr the litcei* ii’om tne gmting wher. thoife on '?',w hini sudde^ily drop hito wliat to Vie a sucdt>:t hole and disa}'- peurt. iU‘ lo the mrfufc-whh-’:- irtgr lound i'. .i! aiJ'.l wavi-'". hi? ai'!>v. frar.li^-ally. but iiiace : o vtfuit 10 c-ntob ihe r cT .thi' j:-ralm?. Ev- c*rei.itf Jones, I'l’Oihc-r of Ha> ry Jont?.. ur; lo the- boy’^ rescue a:’.d .’'pr;-.:i -. ih? hole. The boy h;:d nnd yovng' Joi.i;'- hrr:;'?'j‘ jroi"'i down whe:' iNii. liar y i:p, p.riC: hi'n nrn'iy, Lhvs.’.v v’ezu* of the ’lok into ihc' He ]y c-iscapod i-y ibt.' Ui>e (■' a L'.ank *hro\vn acro? ib.o crevice. Tvlr. FranK Jone>, nrother i ?‘other. wa? al5'‘> i.i ihc iCater in iht- w.-r!: .f rp.H^:e. piaticrm. One of the ladies scandinar ihere, Mrs. Myrtle Belvin, faititeiJ. Nervousness because of arxiety for her iittie boy,, who i* a riies- senger, W'as assigned as the principal cause^of her coUapse. The othali' la dies of the laundry came to her as sistance and with some difficuity ?he wa-i vestoi‘ed to consciou^j'iess. A STORE SAVKD. ^iai'.agei* J. W. Hanimael::, of the >S6uthern Asbestos Manufac-tunnif.Co., i:nd his assistants by Q:a>ek work aiVv' presence of mind saved their store, located nt'xt dear wesi of the laui'.- dry, froDi a severe vUit-Atior.* They shui the frci.’t door, put down a plank 10 stop, the crack under the door aiui i-hijiked all crevices still left with tow- c-i-5, handkercldefs i\)nl anything- they coal'i find that would helj) keep out the flood. Even \vith these stvenu- •.'ii'? efforts the water in ths? frtor«) reached a depth of nearly a foot* and Mr. HamniiU';: estimate?- that dani- r.io-two to thveo hr.nclred dollars. OTHERS HAD rUiSE C ILl., a? l liu-y "u'J ca‘vc thj.^r.iSt-lvc-.' ihe Joi-ei l.ro'Jirrs ri^sh?d tn the ,'rr.? i-iar.l 1 c-id;:d xvhici: th'-* iiu'.i;! rr.ii.'tic' 'v.'jj lr:.j:rh. Ir. e.':;u-:’y aiic-v lixc- 'the i the the «.'xce)'tlc:' i. T:u'- i iidy w'-i; ••■f'ry Pr. >u!tnr.c:.L-L iI'.U- CNi:;.;;. *'? i't'Avj. ^ :i;; 1 th*. ^ i!>- ti’v i oy. if, l.;i- 'Vat-r, V.1 i '"I' ■;. WKun v.-.t • v.-:- cK-arv(i fi'.-ir. I'.ii: i,--vvicL- (••-li" f'v* ]:'■ vn- hy t:k- - 'i‘ T;;ir-. i\ '- c U' M;.’. Hi'.’':'y had '••eon ;(., ,:• ‘ ■;’■ . ' * U I .‘L- s j.-.'i' ‘ ;•' ;i d;ii,v(‘5'- Tl’.i Lt f.r llu' -.''J-Vir- :,• V.";- •; v. t hiiVil t: \v..' {rirri'--i i- ',--: :V'.' di';*}:. >i K* v.-l'.i'.'' Ui: '■’•'•(J niI.LON SrtTLY a»Ml»AN\ tOS- !:n. Oi. aci’our.: ‘A havir;;^' ir. stotk a , iavje ci'JasMi'.y of valv.vrc-u bt.'-Ltiny. thy Su];nly i'on-j;:'.ry. which occu pied th'-' hut .‘^to-e *oi:th ii- the Wripit Hvti' anne>-: v>cre lo^-yvs to the e^tei'.L Cl about f^.fioc'.i hundred do’dars, ac* cc-2'ci:i!Z ;0 3j:\ A. Piilo’:, liie niar- ^Ir. W. B. ’\Vri;J!:ht u'.hI oihevs .-.iuVd :«!r. ic>?. ir? di.insr whai could '■e ia cut the rapidly rf.- lidf.* They kc'jH ti’.e do.>r viosv ; souj;ht to keep cu‘ the stivan:- ‘ ••v:-.:cr i'y siufii!’.;.' xhc crevices 'Aiiti l Bm the water pourcO ia in * (:U;ir.iiticr. The ■^lock Wiis iv.-'-':- ed ’ :V ihc r'oor as va' idiy a> po--ril‘]i.‘. '•?,i yM before nv.u-h of tl^e be’tlai^; V..- .]anuu«-:-d. The Tirnu whis.h or.h : i-il Kvlei/jli la^r j.:ti-ric‘d. i', ir ih-.''.’.>:;v.d d'':liiv.‘ w.i’-r'i • f ah-- -.'v ii: '..cr. :i'c 'ft*-”-, tv- *.l;: - \Vii.~ -• irt sl'.'-ck v.-;i:: ■■ ;; d:ir.-.t::_-f. about the condensers and the- pipes. The: machinery was cut out and the city fire depai1:mer.i was call ed iij io aid In puTnnine the water on*: of the buildinj?. At G:30 enougrh hau been pumped out to penmi the re- sun'ption of the piant. There wa^ practically no damage to tht inaohit’.- ery. All the water was remo\-ed 1-y inidnight. Besides the tcaasmission iines sev eral private lines in the city were out of .commi-ssion part of the nijrht. These, l\cwevei% were , con’.pai.'a::ve’;,- few. MINOR RESULTS. • Sc-\ eral excavations being- earned o-. ia )>arvs of the city ware ^lled with v.atcr by reason-of the storm a»-.d op- trai.ions will have to be suspended ua • til thic.isj pumped out. The woik e v. lr.5T v»i directly behiad.the Yarboruu^-; House for ihe L'onstruction of an addi- tioa to the Varbordugh was stoppt j i.', thi way. Water was standinji’ yws- tera:;V al a depih of three, feet. Ov Har.i'arctt street between Wilniii L'to:: and Bicur.i watet* filled the exci-vatlo:: to a iJepth. A ■ ui-r.bcf ot succun:bec! the leatinj: .tho\vevs and lilk-wed vau- to.t'nter l.-y iht- roof. The Marori'.- Tenii'le 1 ieaked fron: ths :7i:y- ll^h'v a.,v: wi.iev poiived uowa to tb.v lir.'t, t!oor. No dnniape was dor..- ir iht'i ; Ic u facj :iiat posto:lice ftg-ht? .\t- tao K. u\ CeniUvry r;v:: De-iocrats who are wei'c lui:, i;i> a.';d sc-verai >w*.in i'.> the- touv.n. Ihe ^"r:n c.-. ■ believe that ht will lose Kepublicans Badiy Ui the Fifth. Gr.eensboro, July 10;—There is con siderable speculation in the Fifth Dis^ trift a-^ to wh?it position the old«Une Republicans will take with reference ro a candidate for Congress. There we;e those who, earlier in the year b*-Uev:ed that if the Kepublicans i.ind Ptog-ressives could be ujiited and nons- ira-e together a caniidate. that he would frtand fair show, of being elects fed. . Jack Albright, of Mount Airy, and other weU-known leaders had viated aii sections of the distiict in an eA'ort •to such an organization and union of f-orceii ?:s to nia^e this possible, Eu- courag’ed by the election of Hon. X M. 5!v’iv:head six years agro,- Republicans ■ftill feel thait the Fifth .District is n ii'tiod battleground. Bat the nomination of Martin F. l:^o\'.e:ias la.n week by the Frogvessive p-.'.rry has apparently set at rest aU probal'iUty of very serious opposition cl Ccr.jrressroaa Siednnn this time. In liie ccmeniion Pjof^rcssive leaders ‘c*clar^.; that there could b" 3;0.fusion with the Repi'ibiicans. 'rho.^e who took the position intimated that they l-ad iuUhorit\‘ tv make sach a declara- - 'on j ron: the prreat leader i.f ri\e Pro- y]-e:-jivcs- Even if the Republicans i ViOu'id r>ov.* endorse Mr. Douprlas, they jn-obabh' srire him only hiko- V:inVi MlJipOit. howt'k-'. v.MTi-' ncv.- oJies and the ‘=iar.v- voi les or; ihl> account. Mem- dr- i^sios if':rnr ist MrUT.u. M;; 1 f i \VI:: .1. ■ ;n;^ ;:uW‘ U'.i- t’ - - ■■. I'd .■'••s'.ral .i', '!' .■•; •>C'^ T. •vi-i ;ki- - :c \v.,. if trU- ■•.•ntl'.f ('.''nucd*.- V^X>,‘l.K \..\i \r\iw iSVMvVT- r::>. Wiieii li'.i' f-;;J'i;i.'d u]* Oil Ma*'.in ihe r'-i-ci' dr*.r- :f { iVc'.- fron: the ;-r. cpriiiii;r i:: *•••-' hvh;- i civ.vc-i. t}u- ’ v.v W’.-i^-ht Ht-'tel \ySi\c-- ir.pC'^^ dashed tliroug’h the wir.w »»v.- >i-n;t:;-.ts of tbe i^uildinccs. ihe yc - ■:' J't:i.pk''s Laur.dry jnade n dash for tiie stair.-. The water pov'- i.':”* i-.i;. *ht ! uildir." from all w::> lov-.'. t;uic’.l> ro'o to a depth of five I-i-'ile-s aJii? >ther parts of the n>.’ i-h!n£i-y were loni loose from their Clothf-s Hoated about on ihc in crw^j^Iomerate Jnsss, and a hot s:.n:ni porvaded everythin^:. It tonUi ascertained whether or jior the machinery -••«s ruined la^it nitfht. The laundry box on the out- sida of :he buildiry: was swept down the street and recovered only after the storm. In th'j office itself the conditions wa:> h?.' ^.’.y better. The water stood a foot or more on the floor. The em ployes cf the laundry stood in the window vi'Mch has a raised displi^y :vj/\s.s anj) ln it. j: wa.-' li i:: ill- I'-: :!i{- Sk'V- - ('MwL'.-vtT ; r^. ."'.i. ‘I imlv ib-ii-i jii;i .'.'1 The iituir.-i j I 7 Iti,'!'.’.'.! Ul.' V.-:;U‘r r ■'i' (A'i;)' l:i I tl!,* s;(,-r,v i[l Wriyii: tiMi.-i ar:-en. In Uu> \:dd--i • - 'i iv;jip;,!.:r s'-.nii- ut‘ i!n- i t jH-i/plt clcar.'d 1h- i---' :• •I'-' v...';’t of th*' luiild- cijt ;iu' 1'ln» i '■ r::nK‘ ''in did jv.»r}iir tv. I .lun iliL' tnu.k wu: rlfui'od iifiVi ^\w '!i! >;■ ru-:. tb,.- .-t rx’-.-', ! tl.f V.-;uv’f,* it* ili.'-.iilt*. I;i 'tl. ■ I'f Vvui(.-! > ii-a>bi, plar.k ' and ■ ; n- v- i'.;..- f-'-nu- ii^-'hV.y. i:.c Ns-u; n:,,’ ii!a..i Mi:'- j-; ihc t'v; tTj;l Wi'cck ai.a n:^V. ; •..•.’v:-'. ii‘ i a>. :;i.,::t vs:-.- Jlo.uli'd* .hi- ; iV- ;iuiid;!"L'‘ bc!..it '-I'- . t ■» iho ’.‘Urtb . r it:- w.lv.’s. It: i.la:'* wn- piit In I --: !;.0 I'rWer :i;d C: .vj.iu'.y. v-i-ron v.*.‘ [:.■■- I3u'..r.h'.>--v. i‘V..i ?.! 1V. ri'r.i(i'‘ irpv ;i''|-:iry C(i::v’C->if-n tj ho .-t-:-'.-;*. | ri’.'.;: lif'W'.',. ii* cai'^ S'. :r. d w--.;. liie drctvvnii.i, V. iti; fr. c.’v:! ;>!ar.i tlie pa»)or bs-.yai; : .irjj' ar.tl b*ad th: l-urninc I'ron^ ir.-s system m in- "•ani;i..=CDj;ts. I'y .-luh provi.-ion i; w.!-' abn^ 1,5 i:ct- ti> ;-t the usual tin'e, ,1'/. Ci'.f {hsnnuTL- tf» u> ba.iornent ti.;v t!-.e fon.pai-advely Io^fc -h-^rs o*'.>ther parries, huwev^.'. b-lieve :. frr;;-\e. leavi;:^ t-ould Ije UK'd very eil'ectivc-ly '-’•ain'L him. They feel thtiv 1f a younger and vig-orous man .-X. E. M. Vr/.ELL CO. 7hi- (-uildinA- (f H, M. L'zscil 6: Ck, w.i, tnvadod ait’vcj wiTh the c’.ht-cr cr\ .Ma.tin street. W;iter stoo.l mor^ than ihroe feet ir. the basen^e.nn Very lit lie dama‘je was done for ttie i sason thni aii the stocJ: of paper was in a;:ot:ier section of ihe buildinsr, but thf cutlook wn? bad \iniil the drain- a>£e openir.jrs v.'ere cleared. POWER HOUSE. Tiie power house on Wast Street vcas out of commission, from 4:C0 io 6:?.G o’clock. The transmission line was affected by reason of the iight- ninjr. In addition to this, the water swept in at the doors of the first floor and througrh windows to the hasenient in .^uch quantities that th« drair. pipe placed there coi.xld not if- fori relief. The water rose rapidly i:aknes' store SO.VKED. T:c sti..iv of Barr;es Grocciy ;:L i1:l c^:::v‘!‘ «:f Dicociworth and w-:- tb-.-dft; tt* tiic depth (.T .-:m li.- f. :h'. in‘.‘kc.=. Such stock u^: i-^ .' c;* tin* was lifted up -n :•. .d 'iivc.i i\'V i;-.c nu*.-;i part fro!v. tn.y iu;r.’.U-Lt.‘. Tilt' re.^iiiui-.ve t f M". I’, i. Ua!-!!cs. neM dH,-i'. ha.- ’ i-.v • ’cnL ;ii i thi> W”..-f fioi-dfcU ‘J.o .i f-li’ f'f flJL't. Snp.K- vi the Mt 'n- thi' v/cre ii. tn-j ; of the rc.-iu'e.'j.-p *3?;d v.'cr; t ir \ v.-L-u:r-s^iaked. r>ov::^‘ O't':•(- ifK’ sJiV'.'T rt.''in the ^>r-- s. i't y st'ire rscnj'? d dan;a,-.(.-. The wi?.- tk'V y:vi ins’*do the do-r l ut ;• iuun»cui Itit'.} t;> icecde. M;. X. ]... i.e.' .'j;jd ih,'i‘ i\\‘j :hai a iar|iv [■\W of vtrck Vuui I'ht-^ L-d or. Lani.- ni'i't ihr drjini?:'c '';vni bciny ‘AU... i*. v,-()ul‘l h.:vi- i-'*-.-.', n:-,d»n* i*rdir.- :.!V V hvmn^tnv.v'o?^. tu’.d l-i.*. ft=r that tt:*' v.'atc-r sv‘n!i ]nob;i,i :y Inw'i* draiu- ■;! i'*T .‘trnnp'. t'-nlc: be noiidnated, >tip]>orrc*d by Pro- ;jrossives. liepuhlicar.F: a:id 5lo'?.-cveh • lepi'i'slcan? that ho cf»L!ld '..-e ide-jivu. N*» rail has bee:; issued i'n' a Ke- iT-i-;\'ej'.:i'‘r.. ;!nd '’.lere '■> hf iu» ni'.v wii:i;:,u t.n i-\n;'os.' ;;r:y / a.- ro u-hnt par:> in i);e w:!; U i- p'-.^.-ibU- iiia\ f- ‘>viii i.ard Vvl endor-e t’”-y did tw- \t*an' v acs. C. W. ■C'li'Ty.n, pix>-c:v>sive. Vv.n- lb- C'n!> raa*i vho «'pp ~ed TJaj'-ir St'-d- !-:an. SiKKET C AiJ TKA( K UVKiiE.U. .'.,;.;:hei' pi;u\' v.-)itMc the iacl; «.r;ii;iatr--.‘ i-t^p;. \;ith such ;i>- 'h.:V. i‘>’ VisU-iiiay :ift(-r- w:t.- ii. 'Ju* dvuii-'on Martin. : c'lWtrvi) Licitdwurlln Thi car tin.’, w:.- ^ubmer.ired a dt‘^!h of a fo'-l and. in sonu' tnfvrc, ard the ir-niiey wire wa^: >'iv;-cn in tv.';-. V.'. inive never l «.-’.U'Vf;-.| it uv: 1 f.'ini.'.--' “I Ujv.' Ocvii-* rr,vr;t tr. r.^- P’-cvr Wiiy^ v\v'\ if it wa,' ”1 di'’or! }.env.‘i to ihv t'tnniuniJy i-.-a*:'- oi'U'd.- ikii'hani Ucr:\!:. If a'd tho:>e wlio it'.^h j a?-: 1:- iriv } • 'nvavy yc -l'. rday *.t Uvj Hvnv- ’ .-ai io licke' fali. tlie Renublijan.- w’h make.- a n'.ijihy p'cr sh»nvi;n^ ir, cb'Otbn.,—L‘'.irh;;ra Ucvu’d. \W r.l'Jit'.i- thi.i ihc U fOc;'] J .bsli,;^ al cm a perit'il c-f hara linu-.' li*; 'h"Li; i.t '»'. IV I" if -I-; iv I ly i; :L‘ri\ ;-x-il wi;k, i'al il' ihi- i ;.•• ■.a'-v:>ry bvtVir. \v car. iri't a in:;n*-v v.c V.-;'! My l-> pu. jp v.-itli n.—l-;-i’- • Hornbk Mruii'diccv wHi ri( ii\- froid | --ivh Am- A: hoiP's cv •-■■■;. r.iub-t with ; i ulcn:ar, frit-nJ.-. ik;, if inaiht*;* t'-.‘ n-ja-i.i her lu n} tl:e i i:--- arf'.te baiir and jnau'hv' In the nicr;;- danj'hter v.-'dii! ca:; i.j) tlio hu- '.n:n-- sncioiy ui.ct iin‘‘e ni. piruh- (li- j,v>:s of men who di) : -.l jjiow the diirerehcf betwecr. “pri'>‘’ ard will ' rair that tlu-y car. 1 ry^ frcni bourbon. Envijinv. Vour v.'ife is very ft.nd of dumb animals.'’ '•Yes.’* repHcJ Mr. Moc-i;:;.::; *’so.Tne- t’iaes I ah\io?t wi.-h I haa vi‘ver learn ed to talJ;/' H«::pt*f Ji. ■'What do you thir.k cf this of tax- i-;- Jewelry ?" *‘It may do sornt j;ood. i know a nn;ri who wea;-i> n wri.'t watch. I hope iht; government will walk right up and take it awiiv from him.” From the number of murders .re Cc"tly charged up to women, the Eiatcment made by a fnn^ou? Engli.dv r an “that the female of the species iu more deadly than the male,” seems to hi verified.—Durha?n Sun. .A1.E in- KEAl. ESTATi:. Rv virtue of the p;.v/r of .--.'.lii con- tai:v'd in a Cv’.nni". .’tcc'i •■'f tr’.;-'. con?, cuif':) ♦o ;hi^ i.'in.r.il ^.oar; ci Tiusi Cf"., Ml lliO 20 ;l d:.y f M:Uvh. a::d du;V ii: i'ne ofi of ihc r.c:^‘istor of fir Aiunnincc Oi.ur.ty. i:i H r'.': N. - r»“. !o ■'■fl of Moric.a-ve l>*‘cds to StH“arc the payment of six certair. bonds. d'*uudt h-ivincr beer: mad-'.' in the naymcnt of S'.’id bond. The undor-^Uinod trustee will c‘>'pO:^e to s:de to the hi;rh- ?.L I ■ ’dcr for caf^h nt the Cvnirr >ii.ase Door of Alamanc.- County on S.VTURDAV, AKJl'ST 1. 1914, av il oV'Iftck A. M-, the following land cc.iv-^'ved by said it *.i in trust: A .‘ertain lot nv parcel of land in B.'-lin^rion Tcvj-.ship, ,.\lamanc« Coun- State of »/th Ccrojina, adjoio- ing the lands of H»*nvy Newhn, G. H. 'fioxh r arjd 0-.ior.' and bounded as fl'lIi.WS' Bcjrininning at corner of Geo. .H. Troxler’s lot on street running thenee N 54Vj" E. with the street 190 feet, thence 3S=?;i * W. I’oTH feet to cf r- ner of Henry Xev.lin, ihence w’lth ?aid Newlin 138 feet to corner on said Newlin line» thence S. 38^*“ E. 200 feet to the beginning, containing three-fourths acre, more or less. 7hi.« the 7th day of July, 1914. CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO., Southern Presbyterian College Red Springs, North Caiolina For Young Women. Important advantages for the dev- dppment of Health, Character, Knowledge and an attrac- tived an Personality, Completely equipped to aiford th.irough education and true Christian culture. Handsome, well-appointed buildings; 'Ventilated sleeping rooms, all conveniences. Able instructors of Christian character and refinement. A location noted for its healthfulness. Thorough courses jn the classics and sciences. Art, Exprei- sian Pedagogy, Domcttic Alt and Scien«j. Degree of B. A. Conservatory of Music. Conducted by competent, high-salaried instructors. Covers fully the various branches of a musical education. Terms veiy moderate. For illustrated catalogue address REV. C. G VARDEa, D. D„ President, Red Springs, North Carolina Liberty-Piedmont Institute Wailburg, N. C. Affording boys and girls an unusually broad education. Primary, intermediate and iiigh school studies, and many special course usually found oiiiy in higher institutions. Constructive Christian influences. Music, Expression, through one-year Bnsines* Con.rse. Out door athletics. Modern Buildings, for comfortable student life. “Vann Home” for lady t«Hchers and beading girls. Ideal country loeatins". easily accessible from Winston-Salem. Session opens Aug. 25- E.Kpensive?, llOfi to $125. Endorsed by Leading Educators. For catalogue, address JOHN MERRIT CHEEK B. A. Principal, Wailburg, North Carolina. EXCURSION TO ASHEVILLE, N. C. TUESDAY, JULY 21.1914 SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South L 0 V. ilOL'NJ' T R I FARES AND SCHPTH'LES AS FOLLG\V Leave Goiiisbc.ro Leave .Seiir.a Leave Kalei^rh Leave Durban! Leave Buriinjrton 7:fi0 a. m. 7:'y.~) a. m. a. m. 10:05 a. in. 11:35 a. ni. SG.OO 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 FARES IX SAME PROPORTION FROM INTERMEDIATE STATIOXS Returning tickets will he limited to leave Asheville on all regiiiRi' trains up to and in-'ludincr Saturday. July 2->, iyi.3. NOW I THE TLNn^T.AKE VOUR VACATION AT SMALL EXPENSE. FIVE DAYS IN' THE COOL MOUNTAINS OF WE.'^TERN XOimi CAROLIN.V “THE LAND OF THE SKY’" Siop i.vers vvill be jiennitted at aii jioint.s Rid!recresi.t to A'^heviiie. inclusive. Tor d'.-tailed information, ask your agent, or write 0. F. York Traveiinjr Passenger Agent Raieigh, North Carolina Jl wins r.otiirtd tl'.e Eepubiican ir-Mltri; wes-e );usy ytsterday, al- tliciugh it i; i:ot understood just what v'f:u^r.ce ihe.v wc'.e .■siippo.^ed te have wtih dtmocrr.tic v:ite! ^.—Or.rhain Her- riifi. it iii ertsiiy understood iiow Xew Oriea;^? Ti:;t!S the rats, li’jl hov t’K' ficas cn the iat_ are loc.'-.ted is sonie- t'sitiK of a puzzle.—Durham Sun. “Si may ,'evelop,” admits the Char- ktt Observer, “that the amendment simply opens a way for the legislature tc improve on the ji'.eient (tax as- .«iessment) system if it wants to do Why, yes; to be sure, now; that very thing may develop. Stranger thinirs have happened.—Greensboro Kews- Old Newspapers for Sale- State Dispatch Pub. Co. It i.s perhaps but natural for repub licans la take part in democratic pri- ninries when they are encouracfed by I'eriocTals to do so.—Durham Herald, We are glad that Colonel Cameron ;>‘d the legislative ticket. It may en courage business men to take a fling at it once in a while.—Durham Herald. j We •Ji’hesitatingly indorse the 15i4 I ri&del fried chicken.—The Greensbofo Xews. If any of the old county ofScerB had a close rub this time they may make up their minds to encounter ti'.uble two years from now, as the st.i'timent is gi-or\ing that they have basji holding on long enough.—Dur- ham Herald. POOR