A PROGRL "VE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURUNGTON, AUMANCE COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1914. The Citizens of the Town to Give Entertainment to the r Burlington Fire Company, Victors in the State Firemens Tourr'ament, Tonight p’uRSE OF $100 IN GOLD Ci'.!! for Republican I’rosrrcssivf Con vention. Our iSusiness .Mrit and Public Spirited Cilixens Conlribule Cheerfully to (he i Hci iiquarters Robsevell Republican Purse for the Company.— Full Dress Parade of the Company in Uni-; State Committee, Wilkes'.iorc, X. form with all the Fire Fighting Appavalus cn Main Street and Band! C- Concert at the Square Immediately .\fter the Parade. To-night it eight o’clock the Bur!- ingion F'ire Dauart ment consisting of Companies Xo. 1 and 2, will give a . di-esc parade on Main Street froiii thj Pieiimont Tr«s*. Company to Neese’s »oiiier with “Jchn” the ■winiicr in the The Orphans of Tiffany, Ohio. The Orphans of the JuisLor Order, of i'iffany, 0?uo, will come to Burling ton, August )St!i. .\t S o’clock the , „ , , „ ® of Colonel Rocseveit chiiuren will gi'-e an entertainment at! _ Church. Judgin: Hef.dc!ua.rters Pi'Ogressive State Com mittee, Lexington, X. C. A.-.-Chaii'men of. the Rooseveit Ke- publit-an State Committee and the Progressive State- Coinniitte. we here by call :i eorJIeyeiice cf the supporters to meet in j Greensboro, North Carolina, at 12;00 io'eicA, noon, or, Tuesday. .August the * ' TIT. , 11- ■ Front Street M. *iate races al Winston, pulling the; . „ , i 1 ■ ^ j from the information from olose | . .u n %ii ■ i new racinar wagon, driven and attend-. ,. , ' 18’.>1, 1914. at the MfAdoo Hotel, . “ ! frie;-,ds of the home this will be a high ! cd by membei-s of the company mi ^ ^ I, j u Iclsfs enteftainmer.t. This will be ihe while or aress unuorm, followed by | . . « , ^ ^ ' Sr.st tirne the J^inior Order or the Eeuoen, and ?.o. 2 Company, in tner-1 , „ . . . . 'people of the State will have an op- fire-fighting wmforins carrying their j , , portunity of seeing and hearing the usual equipment when goiiig to a fire. ofter .the the! CM'Wn will assemble on the square, wheie Wilsan's Brass Band will render I music and speeches wiU made l>y n:«.niberiv of the Fire Comiv!.“.y, tallin.-^ how they won the money and giving a l.;ief history of the tcurnainent in Wincton, and also describinj? the rise 0&- the company from infancy up un til their winning of the State Cham- pi'.ir-iliip, A few short talks will be made by of our best citizens, telling the mo;nbers of the Tire Companies ho-.v ,ijrejitly. _they aie appreciated by the citiiens of our town and in order to prove their appreciation the business Ej.“ii have made up a pur?o of about SIO(i in gold which wiil be given to the companies 11 use ;;t their pleasure. There i.s to l»c no to the dona tion, the ciCiaens not desijirnatuig how the money sh;^ll be spent, or to h:ive anything to i*o ivith it r/tfr'tuined over to the comjiaiiies. "'he committoc that ha^; jrottori up ibis ceiebi-ari«>.i Jiot asking you to '^ive anything tcnight to anybody', ox- ' ice| t Uuit thi.‘V wouhl preatly appre- jciiitf your attendance >\'1uch will show it is hoped thLi-e will be n largre audience to hear them. This i'.otica is an invitation to all thf Council? of the Junior Order and Llv'^y are e>:peeted to attend thiij en- teriuinmei'.t. Tiie pubiif is coruialiy invited to attend. There are thirty children coming: fi'f.n the.' n-phar.age Avith a i^uperin- t^i.dci^t, matr >fi v.r>4 manager. Two of the children ar; from this county and the grandparents of both children live in this city. Tickets v.m be on sale at Freemuirs anc' some cf the Sunday School chil- ci’ cn will have tiirkets and will canvas? the tov.n. Tl*.! tickets are :^o cents fi?r i«.duits and 15 cor.ts'fcr childvcn •ir’iier 12-j*ear.> old. • Bernard Hatch Hurt. Bernard Hatch, the 10-ycar-old son of Mr. CJ. \V, Hatch, superintendent cf Ihe PiednioTit Railway & Elcctric Corripany, wa^^ severely hurt Monday aitcrnoon sometime between throe an! four oViock at the power plant, it thui. he was in the ba:?ement U'usi:e:^s of the pouor plant and was le?.nir.ir j 'vngod l.y Theodore Roosevelt ai?iiinst th:* jpjrposc of considering the nomi nation of a suitable candidate for the Unired States Senate and for the con- sidcratio:; of such other business as may properly conic before; the said All the fiiends and supporters of Coknci Roosevelt in and all oEh er citizens '■vho celiovc in prog’ressive principles, regardless of former or prticnt poiiltcal yffiliiitianS, arc cor- diaiiy ir-viied to alte.nci niid partici- j'i'.iii in this conference. .-ul that whD believe in a “sqUure den:" and v;ho oppose machine poli- fi"> and bo;is rule and the arbitrary aci!o:i of the niiichint; politiL'ians v,ho af. Chicago in W'S robbed iha Repub- Hcr.ns of the United States of the ri.^ht to noir/inate the candidate of Ihc/:* vhoii'c 'or President r.rd who at ClmrlotiL* shin, the dooi's of the Ko- Stavi Con\entio!i in the face of r' majority •)[ the- rrjr-iiarly elected be;;iu.-5C they refused to take an .-..'tlh nf tn Mr. Taft and v.'h'cij bad faith was 5‘e."(*ntod by -cv- enty thiiusand North C'aroliiia Repub lic;-r.s resistt.-iuu' ihcir protest by Vot- injv for Thcoduiv Roosevelt; al! these arc hivited. AVi those who believe i:i the rijrhte- of the warfare now being the Fire Comp,-my that you tool«P"”''^‘ (levator shaft Ibe wei::?'hts of the elevator came iovi*iu There are seven v/eifrhts un.d each or. j apt-reciate their elforts. 'Ihe concert will Inst one hour ind you will have plenty 01' time to .to the parties, enrertainr-ients and jthc! placcs before bed time. on hand if you poss.ibly can on '.m street frani the J'iedmont Tiast ojiipany to NeeaeV Ccri:er at ei.^rht cUv*:. promptly TO-XIGHT, Tues- y, August 11. l.'cl the “I'OHses” and in favor of tiie re?^-- toration of the ri.tVht to the people to ti-'ven; theniseive-5» wlio believe in. a wtijrh.s :?,000 pounds. The sh;-.fr of I-roiective lari/T, :uid siato-wide pri- NO LARGE BATTLES FOUGHT YET The Great Powders in the European War are Mostly Quiet and Getting Troops Ready for Gigantic Battle— 100 Spies Caught and Executed. NAVY AND AIR CRAFT IMPORTANT I war.ce Ends Kvlatians With .\u‘;trian Empire—Orders Her Ambassador to lieturn and l.eaves Paris—I'rcnch iit Alsr.vt—Censorship Prevents ! Pi!blica!i-JnCasualt ies of Tri-Coior. Siatus Ple.ises Seljriurn. Krussels t cvere'j With Xeiwork oi' ticrman Spies. London, A-'s U.~i;20 A. M.—Xo great battle has been fought on land or Si;a in the v.'ar of seven nations, un less the Gerr:an assaults upon the fonre=VeJj it Liege eventually as- funie the proportions of battles in history. Both combatants claim viu- tJj there, with the Belgians still holding the fort? and the Germans oc- cupying the city. The situation is unitjue. There is no confirmation cf the Daily Mail’s rerort that ;l-e Frencli have j.iigagad the Germans un'l c;!!i --if' their retreat, IrifiicUng a los,= of 3.000 men, The i'.eigians claim that they hsve taken ■S.J.'sOO pHsoners on Belgian soil, but jr.iblary men rcsard all the estimates of the belligerents a? grrent exag-crer- atior.s. . ~ Apart from Liege the fighting of the f.vA Tv-ijek, when resolved to the nrop- er perspective eveuiually, doubtless v/iii l;e consid3red iiisi;;:nificant. One of the most imj)ortant deveU opinercs in th' eye= of experts u the- gor.f.-ral t«stirr.orjy that the German ii.far.try formation is obsolete and ineiTective against the weapons of to day and means an enormous slaujfhter if rc-tajned. Austria apj^ear.s to have abandoned the advance oi; Sei viu for a time and ajjparcntly is coopyratinjr with Ger- iV'.'.i'V in ihf supposed slralejry of at- tcnij.'tl,'5;r lo vn.i-b FraTice )?i.’forc Uus- .'h\ can n!-.'*'Uise. I-inuncia! ci-i’dilions ir* Knjjland are roJ:irniiiir tc* j-orniai. Althoach there is jircat di.'Order in many trades, the 1-rices nt’ fo.idstiifFs have risen only slii;htly. along: the Riv*/r Curthe, which joins the Meu-se a mile above J-iego and a j:. jvc.ment iiovLh of Lieg'e is expected, big en;iaj?ements between the t.rmiij- and the Germans is {as t pies. \'r>Ich arrived al San JuaV., Pc-no Kico, reported an t*:. jra.srement Friday ni^ht off ihe Bnhanuj^f with four J rerfh and Liiiith cruis-.-rs. Ihc French Co' err.ment fort'ids the I ubHcaiion of the French casnalties .-j t):at Genn;tr;S mi-y not know the niovemoni of the Fi'eriCh troops. A!] Germans and Austrlans rSei- i-.iurn must d%?c!a:-e tnenise'ves within hours, or il;i.y v.’iii :e arrested c.':}:ected oj- Belgian . soil, however, ui.vll the French and Beiffian combin ed forces take the offensive. U is asseried that after 200 Ger man soldiers, occupying a farm, ai Soii'on, iiear Pejiinster, liad been fired cn by three workmen the village was fc-|s-f!n over to ijillage by the German iio'^ps and the three workmen wer«; la^itn out and shot by a firing squad. The riev.-spaper Le Soire gives these deti'ils of ihe German occupation at I l?«eT The vjcrniar,:;, on seei*..,cr si.,aces be tween the foi’is open i>cfcii*e theni, cn- t&t’cd in sma.i ^roup."^ on Thursday' . i^aris, Au^. 10.—\in London. P. 2^1.—It wi’.-j ollicially announced to- nig'hf that Fr^ini-e had broken ofT G;p- U'H'iic relatioi.s with Austria-Hun- sary. The f ren.ch Ambassador ar ' ienna has left’the Austrian capita! anG the Au'tro-Ilung'arian ambass- uu?r at i'aris hn? asked for his pass- port.s. In announcing the bi*eaklng off of I’oiarions v;it!i Austria the French Foreign Offitv made Iho following :£siatfement: — ‘‘Contrary t: assurances given by Aii.'^ria to th"; r'r'.?r'.rh iMir.ijte:- c: ^ rorei^rr. Affair^-- thr^t 2:0 .A.ustrU;n eve.iing. Amcng tho-s who entered Iwere part in u;e France ihc elevator has iron bars around i( nnd as Dernard wa.s leaning against the shaft hi.^ arm was between the bars and when.the Vv'ci^hts came down IHfy crushed his n«m. Ilis elbow was i-'roken ur.d th_' muscles of his arm cn»shed. A .special ear brought him to ‘ Dr. Walker and his arm was bound up !'own»ihip Sunday School Convention take him to St. Leo’5 Hos- SuKday Night at Chrkiian Church. ;Greensboro. An operation was the following is ti.o program of' he Township Sunday School Conven-jall right if Wocd poifon doesn’t ion to be held at the Christian | '''• ;hiiivh Sunday night, Augu.st lOth.: Lddresses will be made by some of | Piedmont Minstrels Again, town’s most prominent men and it; The Piedniort Minstrels, the local hoped that every one wiil be pres- taknt show ln?.t held down the boards S h( nt for this occasion: Song, “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Scripture I.esron, Rev. G. L. Curry. ; Prayer, Kev. D. H. Tuttle. ■ Song, “God Wiil T^ke Cave of You.” SAddress: '“Preparing the Lesson,” tev. A. B. Kendall. Address: “What is Teaching?” J. . Vernon. il Superintendent, E. S. W. Dam-j same as before and you are guaran- at Piedmont Park Casino two weeks ajTO for one night, have decided, after quite a number of reo.uests from per sons who attended the show to repeat mai> law fiu* all oflices, are ccrdially invLicd and eai-nc.stly urged to attend. You are respectfully rei^uestetJ to c'.iU the attention of your friends to !hi\ letter and to iir;re iheni to al- tenJ. The hour is ripe tc determine*whoth- cr the poiiticil nuinipulutovs shall con- troJ North Carolinu ur v.'hcther the people shall ••uio it. Attend this con ference and help set the ball rolling*. Do not forget the da^e, Tuesday, Aug. 18. 1014. *^As we will not L'€ able to send this ciroalar to all to whoni we would like to send it, the notice in the papers is inU i.ded as an in\ i.ation to come. All voters in the State who desii'e o see a new era in the politics of the State should by all means attend and are ^oriiially invited to t'.tiend, l J;ere will be a meeting of the Pro- thei:- performance with an entire new chiinge of program, and put on the;giv sive State Committee and the Re- shcw next Friday night. Ipul Ucan State Roosevelt Committee The last •rhow was said to be ex- j at the same time and place, iremely good and the next one prom- j Faihfully yours, Addres=s: Xame Three of the Mostjise.^ to be even better than the otlier. | CHAS. H. COWLES, ss^tial Qn.Uifications of & success-1 The price of admission will be the. Chairman Republican State Roosevelt nn, teed your money’s woi-th and Report of the Sunday Schools. ; clean show. Flection of delegates to State Cor.- ?ntion. * Closing prayer. good tt would seem that the only thing ial can stop the trouble in Euiope a genuine case of cold feat on the 5rt cf some of the powers.—Durham ierald. Committee. ZEB V. WALSER, Ciiairman PrCiCressive State Com. J. N. WILLIAMSON, JR., While that may not be a political j Progressive National Committeeman ;ob that Mr. Warburg is after, it; for Noi-th Carolina, swems that he v.“ill have ,0 «in the j V. ?. LUSK, gauntk-t of the politicians in order i of the State Committee, to get it.—Dur4iam Herald. | J. F. XEWELI., — j of the St3te Comrritotee. ril be with you in the squeezing of i R. H. BIESECKER, a lemon.—Goldsmith. Secretary Progressive State Com. General von Eniinich, cjmmand- er (.f the tenth army corps, and his staiT. At the citadi.'l, w-iioh 1.^ thj- 1 arraclv's, the Governor arid the bur- p,-on.a.stei' of Liege were informed that unU.ss the towM and forts surrender ed the Gr:rman.s would bombard the iown «nd rajie it completely. On or ders from his j..over2'iin.?nt the govern or then left tire town. Or. Friday n.’ght 17 r.otabies of Liege, headed by the IJl.-^hop Hurgo- HsjuUer an«l .-heri.*!’ with >ome deputies I roi'ceded to the citrnlel ijiid bc'jrged G'^’Sieral von ^!JniinicIi noi t;j bombard the town. The Koneral replied that Ihv lu\vn and forts must surrender cr b.ri would bt^gin The Germans a.-^serted tb.at the peas- einir in the di.strict had committed hos- tik acts ngainst th^m. .Ml the njeml.'oj's cn" the deputatioj; ul''ivh Wci'i; lv‘t.aine\i a:‘ hc>'Jag*s and it i:‘ not yet known whe'ber they have bcVi. liberated, Tlie Ge}rn)ans are proc’i‘ding into I'r/i'icc ehleflv throu^ih Esvh, a toViU jf the Grand Duchy of Luxeml^urg, ■'O miles southwest of Luxemburg, vvhere they have cut down trees arid dat-’ trenches. They have razed thi- 'iiiage of Merl. V/ooden pl-itforms -!00 yards long r the uidoading of horses and guns liave been constrjcted. lot/ (iKKMAN MMES CAUGHT A\i> KXiCCrTKO. Ang. iC‘.—vi;j. Paris P. has beeu eovcred l*y a r.ei'vvor*-. ticrman spic.s. Six hun- dr;: .i h:n .• .-‘Iready bi.'e:: Ji: r..-lrd and itun.dred v.'cre shot today. t^(:me of (jc-rman.i c-v^tui;ed Wvn-e uniforms i-f riendarmes, civio guards, soldiers ai.t’ oi^icers of ih»* Pclgi;.:’. arniv. i\i:,;iy v.-er-:* ai'med with bombs ar.ti reveiv;-v.^ rode in automobiles bearing falst- numbers. They n.iso had in then- p:‘>ssession telegrams and letters v.'ith counterfeit signature of the Belgian inJalster of war* 1'^plcmatic rciutions betv.*een Fraiicc Just be:.>i‘i and after the fighting and Au.stria have been broken and the bej.-ar. priv;iio signs wove (issci'^i'ered -Ambassadors have left the capitals, on bridge.', miiitary worUs and acqne- .V French Foreign Olt^ce statejnent c.’ucts indicating that those structures Jiys the initiative was taken by France shculd be bbnvn up. bvcaiise Austrian troops were aiding Severe pro-autions havu now been the Germ?'s. t.aken by the military authorities. \n The French are advancing in Alsace, on^' is admitted at the railway stations bv.t against what oppo.sition it is not v;u!;cut a r.'ilitary permit. Automc- kmun. biles are haled at every mile. Tiie Germans occupy th-3 city of The war mndster Las i.^sued a pro- Liegc-, while the Belgian troops hold clamaticn th.i: every German and Aus- ! the forts. The Belgian official view is crian who does not .declare himself, that the situation is quite satisfact- withln 24 ho’trs will be considered a ‘‘ry. f:py. Sin.'} the flanders provinces Strong forces guard all rspproaches weie placed under martial law two to Bi-ussels. day.s ago, n-ore than 2,000 have been The Austri>ins before Servia are ^•■.’rested as s^ies. bombarding Belgrade, while part of Forty thousand volunteers have tiie Servian Army is taking the of- been enrolled and have t’ormed into fensive in Bosnia. *20 regiments of 2,000 each. : The North Sea again is closed to The train ser\ice retween Brcs- the fishing fleets which is regarded as els and Paris was resumed this morn- t'lgnificant in view of the fact that ing. there are large British and German It is confirmed that the Germans iieets in that water, have ceased their forward movement' The German cruiser Karlsruhe, Cei anar: war, .Jio Frc;'’h Governinei'.t hr.:- iuH'-i.-Muir.ed bcyor(« a iiy pos^ir.ie iloi-bi that cci'ta;n troops are present i:\ Germany, oui.sicte the Au.ftriai; P'roi.tler. These troops whk’h have free certain (ierman troops de.sti:ieJ to i,e employed iti lighting the French, ought indubitably, de tV.cio and ic Jtjrc-, to be con^idf-r- eu U'-ting agidjist 1- ranco. In thc.e circ'iiniRtance'; the Frer.ch .A.mbns.-'a- d«.*r was ordrrcd leave Vit-r.na. “The -\u?triai] Anii.t:i-r:;:d«»r at Par- r.:, c n beliig i»'rormed of FranceV de- Cisio’i, ashed 'o;- liis passfvcrts.*' A.MBAS.-ADOU LEA\ ES. A^vr. P: u.strian A:n!':‘.ss;idor Count \ an Temeriin. K'l': Paris toniiih:. Vhe M^itnburu-Ansc'rii’..’. rL-;.{-i) Nrw 'i'“ I, afu r and i loy.cli v.a. -'liips. J*: ) under t;.e jcu'uiial f«:'mm: hd of Ger'.cnMl Jotrri, conr.iiMidfd-i.i-i. birf. ready i;,» ;;de ib'r;n.’::y. Pari.'- ivpons ih-^wviiior: cr iwi> r-.'ginn‘!!ls of b’h-ar.s by Belgians. lo Jliii.'r troops ir.t;* ne!u ‘o pr(''.‘.;-t liebrinn': fro.TL Ger- in.r: i:i\asio;:. Li^•." Bra';;!eJ.t’L:rg r.rrlvcs here af ter r-ursuit by war ves^’ i..' 0:’ er.einy fru- f:vo days. l.(‘n‘ior: j')o'irT' iirre>r Gi.-i niar.s ar.ci Au:tri;iiis iti Londor; r:ui discoviv bon.l s and ril’es stored hi their homc.-^. Paris repo:: :Iec-are5 that Germa".s c-xet’Uted seventeen .AVsatians. who were their v^ay to Join ihe nvair* bo(sy French army. Eolgir.• . annc-nnce:- ^•er.evai iulvance ..mt kingdom of Seventh and It-r.i' army eorp. Gc- .:-,an fl.-e: in Far East on Vv'ay t'j ’.io:»51i?,e at Ge.-mar; stronghoM o^ T.'ing-Tau or. Chiriese coast. Germany plares embargo cn all Rus sian lands in German banks. Germany invades frontiers of Hob lar:d ar.d Switzerland. Reports of naval batilj off Scotch coast declared to be untrue by Brit ish Government. ♦British warships said, to have cut '.lerman cabli between Etirope and the A::ores. Japane.>e premier officials state that I r.o Pippone.se navy or army will be sei.t to Europe, but Mikado’s empire mobihzes navy after Great Britain de clares war on Germany.