'r. A PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OP AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURUNGTON, AUMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROUNA. TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1914. me BATTLE NOW IS IN A Great Battle Between Germany and (he Allied Forces Is l'ndoubtcdI.v in Progress but only Vague Official Kulletins Telling of Conllicii Reaches London and These Are Not Cheering in Tone to Britons—Englishmen Realize That the Very Flower of their Army is Engaged in Battle. London, Aug. 24,—-11 P. M.—This day of ■waiting has brought, hpme the l-ealities of war to the British people. iJ.'ot before has the whole nation %e?n so deeply moved. Englishmen know that most of the best regiments of their aVmy are fighting a battie on which the future of the empire may depend. Many thousands have relatives ar,d friends in the army; they kr.ow the death roll probably will be longer than i;'. the case of anv British force since \ * the Crimeun War. Duke Ilbrecht, of Murtembery. has defeated a French anny at Neufehat- elau. It captui-ed many guns, flags, and prisoners, Including several generals. German armies under Prince Rup- precht, of Bavaria, Crown Prince Fred erick Wilhelm and Grand Duke Al brecht are vigorov^sly pu?hinsr the French. The army under Rupprecht captur ed 150 guns at Lunaville, Blainont, and Paris, Aug. 24.—10:25 A. M.^—A ra- Lbour.dary says the'Servians have won mor Is in circulation in Paris this|;V battle on the Drina, whi'.e military morning that the Germans have oc-, | experts cnnsiaer highly probable, as cupied the unfortified town; of Nancy.; althousrh the Servians have a compar- This report, however, lacks confirma-j ativeiy small army, it nas passed jtion. j through two yeai-s actual war and ; — j.therefore has the advantage of vet- i AUSTRIAN'S CONCENTR.^TING. evens fighting against amateurs. I Undine, Italy. -Aug, 24.—via Paris, j From the Russian boundary con- j 1:25 P. il.—Kepoitis received here : i-icting reports come, both sides claim- jfrom Vienna are to the etfect that ir.g success. I the Austrians are about to abandon l The English authorities are wf.rn- j their operations against the Sen'inns; ing.the people that the war ii? only be- ron the Drina river in order to con-; ginning end that they must be pre- ' centrate their forces against the Rus-1 pared for a long struggle, which will sian advance, i iax the resources and manhood of ! The difficulties of the campaign ^ ihe utmost limit. . against Ser’f'ia have been redoubled ■ While appreciating all that the col- by tlie troubles in Bernia. : or.ies have done, they e.'cpect colonies —0— i V. ;th the population of Canada and Australia to contribute much more in men and money to the Empire than they have yet done. — 0— Williams as secretary. During the moi-ning iTHE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON. session ;».d- i dresses were made by D. C. Cox, W. Long and Rev. D. H. Tuttle. ’ j The afternoon session was given.! largely to a discussion on how to ad-; ysinee the county from the “banner”! I'T the “front line” class, which lesuil-' ed in the appointment of a sticng j committf;e tn «id the officers in plan ning a program of work lookinff to sueh an advance. The afternoon sos- .=ion closed with an address by J. P. Morgan. -A.t the evening session J, W. Long ITS . Interiiatiraal Sunday School Les- j son «fof Next Sundav, Aug ust 36. 1914. A DAY OK QUESTIO.VS; MATTHEW 22:15--i2. io Then went the Pharisesi, ui'd took counsel how they might entar.sjie him in his talk. . ir. And they sent out u;ito him their disciples a:id the Hwodians, eay- ir.g. Master, we know that thou art and I NEWS NOT CHEERING. The only information the country has had regarding the battle, is con tained In brief oiflciai bullecins of a vague character, and these have not been cheering. Throughout London the people tonight are in much more INSURGENTS ACTIVE serious, mood than at any time since Aug. 24.-7:35 P. M.—Tel- tliey faced the war. There are no egraphing from Rome the correspond- scenci of gaiety in the theatres, and Exchange Telegraph Co., IN UPPER ALSACE. Basel. Sviitzerland, Aug. 24.—via Paris; 1;22 A. M.—^.According to re ports received here from diffeiept points in upper Aisace the German Cirev (in the French department of,, .i. • ^ ' j troops are makins another offensive i\lcurth and Mosslie). Theurmycom-! _ . ,.1. c- ■ 1. j ..u n- j - l ‘ i movement against the Freiien army the Germans and the allied torces be-| nisnded by the Crown Prince pursued the French beyond Longwy. occupying Muelhausen and environs. Ljcestaurants- and the crowde.i streets !cre quiet. p This does not mean that there is [ any less determination upon the part 1 Britonsr—only that the peopl? are The Germans are west of the Meuse Bjjuigjj hold THEIR GROUND, advancing against Maubeuge.l L^^.don, Aug. 24.-2::35 P. M.-The They have defeated an Engl:sh bn-, jnfcrniadon today gade of c.uai.y. ig.'ive out tiie following announcement: “British forces were eng-.\gad all day Sunday and until after dark with the enemy in the neigrhborhood of Mi>ns, SeJg-iuiJi. They hold their ground.*' says a message has be^ received from j Avlona, declaring that Albanian in spoke on ”The World’s Seventh Sui. jtrue, and teaehest the way of God in day School Convention held in Zurich, truth, neither carest thou for any man: Switzerland,’* last year, followed by for thou re^ardest not the per^oi: of an address by W. C. Douglass. men. Sunday morning: simultaneous ses- 17 Tell us therefore. What ihirk* sions were held at the M. P. ?nd cst thou? Is it lawful to stive tribute tist churchef:. The speakers nt the ui-to Csies^r, or not? I flaptist church were J. W. Long anH J, is But Jesus perceived their wick- [ ll. Vernon; at the P. church W. A. cdnesa, and s;aid, ^%Tiy tempt ye nie, Antwerp, Aug. 23.— via London, j Harper and D. R. Fonville, v/ere the yc hypocrites? 1:10 A. M.—A gi-eac battle bet"\^een j speakers. 19 Show me the r.ibute money. Speeches were made during: the af- And they brought unto him v. penny, ^an Saturday morning, according to,ternoon by VV. A, Harper, C. B. Cox. 20 And he said unto them, Whose official announcement. The battle line j J. W. L-' Vjr and D. R. FonviUc, all i? this imape and siipcrscHpiion? extends from Kamurto Chaleric which i speak’P'T on the “Boy and the Sun- 21 They say until him, Caesar’s, lies about 20 mile? to the we?t. | d«y School.” Then saith he unto them, Kender Able officers were elected for the therefore unlo Caesar the tilings ensuing year, while the time and place which are Cae«?ar’s and unto God the fsf the next meetinc: v/as Ici't with thinprs that are GodV. the executive committee. 22 When they had heai*d these The people of Mebane took much in- v**ords, they mar\*eled, and lefi him, Fi’ance by the way of Oudennrdc, a • terest in the convention and enter* and w*ent their way. town 14 miies southwest of Ghent. Itained the delejrates handsom?iy. The London, Aug^. 2-i.—1:50 A. M.—A nespat;h to the Keuter Telegram Co., iroin Ghent says it rum.->rcd that the Germanii are marching toward? surgents have entered the eity and | MESSAGE RECEIVED STOICALLY. raised their flag. j Tsing Tau, Aug. 24.—^The cipher message from Emperor W'ilHam ad dressed lo the Tsing Tan gfari'ison in I- beginning to realise what this war ;,„stRIAN FLEET l>i ADRIATIC. I may cost. On every side are heard 24._s,,8 P. M.-A they were bailed upon to defend , , .1 . , . 1 . tljoir nositmn tci deciarations that the country must be Central News from prepared for a long and exhausting strugKle. W’hile not many reproaches come fi’onx supporters of Lord Roberts* cru- Bade for compulsory military service, not a few admit they never realized hcv7 sm«U a. part the British army , counted in a great European ?;truggle. WHAT WAR MEAN'S. Rome says fishermen in the Adriatic sea report that the entire Austrian fleet of about forty units are pro- ceedingr southward from Pola. the Aus trian naval base. Their objective is thought to be Cattaro- in l^almatia. GENERAL ENGAGEMENT CON- COXTINUES. Paris. Aug^ 24.—2;r*7 P. M.—^'‘The --0— -convention closed with the trenernl Pal is* Aug. 2:i.—5:3.5 A. M.— A gon-j satisfHction that the work in the coizn- cral mobilization in Italy has been de-1 ty is making steady progre.'S. Pre.«- cided upon .‘ind will be proclaimed injidc-nt W'. A. Harper of Elon Col«l;:c. three or four days, ;iccojUng^ to ajand chairman of the execucivc niessuge which the Rome correspond-1 mittee ent of the Eclair succeeded the State Sund;jy School n Fmug-i Convention, announced that the Slate gling through to his paper. [convention would !>« held September The correspondent thytj3'-27 at Win.ton~Salem, and 5pol.-e King Victor Emmanuel uistil recently of the program as one oi llie best felt obliged to renounce all idea of i'uiit programs (*ves- formoil for a Italifui intervention in the conflict, but state convention, O their position to the uttermost was read aloud at roll call Friday even ing. ft was received stosc;ii(y. The Germans have dynamited all. the tall structures which might be of any assistance to attacking fleet I in giving them sighting points. They j was won over by the arguments of hi-^' atso have destroyed the i"ailroad j minister of foreign affairs. bridgres at. the boundary of Iheir leas-| A ntonio di Sin Guiliano .iio!j» of thej ied territory, and have razed the Chi-} Cabinet held to a contrary opinion, r.ese Villages within the territory. The ! —o— KJeven innings, io 2. Burlington umi Gibsonville played inur, John GOLDEN TEXT. “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Cae-'ar’=; and unto God the thiniir that are GudV."— Matthew 22::M. —o— HOME READINGS. Monday—A Day of Qu>stion:;. Mut- ihew 22:l.'j-22. Tuesday—Duty toward Ruior?. T;:^- n:;;ns 8 1-7. Wednesday—Duty tov^'ard tiod, l*eu- teronomj' 10:12-21. Thursday—Queslionjr.”- ar.d ^ .‘i. Piedmv»nt Park last S?«tujday in one : Friday—Siier.oi.ip: Que>;tio!;er.''. Mat t 1 jil the best matched ur contests we ihew 2i::i4-l“.. Thus far, England has felt the wa? genera} engagement continues today far less than any European nation \vith -iespeiation” is the vmrdine of engaged, probably less than Holland q,., ofSeia! communication given out and Switicrland, but now waiting for this afternoon. Already both sides the issue of the battle and for the nave suffered serious lo.?ses. lists of the killed and wounded, the! —o English people understand all that; PARIS xVNXOUNCEMENT. it ineans. | 24.-3:10 P. M.—An of- Every boat from Belgium com^!j;^i„j announcement made this after- i i crowded with impoverished refugees, ^ states that Luneviile, Amance who havfe fled before the German in- }a„j Dieut/eard, in the depaitment of %-asi^n. An organization is being ] Mcurthe and Moselle, have been oc- formed to care for these people, and|^^,p.^ Germans. 1 part of the Prince of Wales relief j French front otherwise has not j fund. which amounts to more than! $7,600,000 wi!i be sent to Antwerp for Sufferers who have taken refuge there. Thousands of Belgians have crossed the French border for asylum, been molested. XICHOLAS JOINS THE AR.MY. London, Aug. 24.—7:35 P. M.—TiieLf hundred: ' inhabitants of tiiese viila^rCa ■been parlially compensated. \ : —0— GREAT WAR OX NOW IN EAE:- EST. London, Aug. 2-j.—1:^-3 a. n.—Af ter nearly three weeks of mobiliza tion the battle of giants aa.^ begun. Roughly spea.king: the Getmans are trying to work around tiie aliies’ Hank in Belgium, while the" French are attempting to apply the i-ame pro cess to the Germans in Alsace, Almost all the encounters that have gene before have been mere reconnais sances. Tne defeat of » refriment here and there has been proclaimed as a great victory but in this grrapple of thousands mojt of have;i'AKlS THE S.^DDEST i'L.VCK IN j have sesn on the loca! di.imom’, in whicli the visitoi’S \ycre deferste.i i>y P. M.— I the score of S to 2. THE W()RL!>. Aug. 2-i.—9:40 “Pai i.^ i.' the saddest place in the | There were very few feature f.lays woi Ut." .-^aid Miss Cornelia B. Sage, di-! ii>. the entire game game, it was good I Saturday—Loving a:;d Hiuir.sr. .l"h'’. Sunday—I’iiticnt Oiiedier,co - - i’ot- rector of the A.)bright .\rt Gallery, I’.utfaSo. X. V., who arrived in f.oniion todav from the French capitai. “All all the way through, hut the man who | DL'TIES i'l> C-\ESAR .\ND TO (lOD. acted “awful bad" was Will Garrison,: Our Lord fnoaght a most teriiWs who in the eleventh inning b.^tteri a [ charge against the I'sation of tl.e Jews, the arti.-its, poets and authors h '.' e : long V-,al! to left field and broko up the ' He held up befoi-e them their i-onten’.pt gone to tiie war. Every man able to ! tied score by biinging in Boone, who:of the purposes of God an;l iheir de carry arms has answered the :^11,' was or. second. { r.jal cf God’s right over as Onlv .^mai! !>oys haves been ieft to 1 This is the secoiid game the teams j agents in spreading liis kingdom over work ii! the hotels and cafes. All the I^i>.ve played this year. The first!the earth.. For their prolonged (•!;- studios are deserted. game was 4 to 12 in favor of Burling- j oliedience and .selfishness Je.sus de- “The floiver of French manhood, a'.l ton, the next was 3 to 2 and there dared that God would remove them the men of genius are at the front.'is to be another trial on th-_‘ loca! fioni their place of trust and substi- The wives and mothers and sisters; diamond Saturday afternoon. A good[tute the Gentiies who would seek rejoice that these talented men went and a committee wH! arrange for their ^ 1 these affiurs have had no significance. ! sage from its Rome correspondent say- relief. ,. ^ dispatch received in the England and France apparently i, ^ r, * i . ® „ Italian capital from St. Petersburg, propose to care for tkeir smaller ally, . , „ »r-i. i u ' declares that Emperor Nicholas has wfeo thus far has Dome the brunt of ... . ^ iu u , , , , igone to the headquarters of the Rus- thc hardships which the war entails. '■ .... . iv ; Sian army, which has now taken the ° {oflfensive in fuil strength. FREXCH ADMIT REVERSES. 1 r i Paris, Aug. 24.-11:50 P. M.—The : AUSTRIAN S30XIT0R GOES BOW'S "S-ench War Office issued the foiiow- ■^g announcement tonight: “The French and English plan of attack having failed owing to linfor- Officia! announcements fi-o.m both sides have been extremely candid so I'ar. From the standpoint ef the al lies the important feature in Satur- A-ith their humbler brothers in defense iJ France." 0 London, Aug. 24.—7:0.5 P. M,—In a di.spateh from Paris the correspond ent of the E.xchange Telegraph Co., _ , , , . , ^,1 says the Excelsior, this afternoon pub- seen difficulties, have retired on the i vr. i, o - ilished a message fr.>m Nish, Senia, ! saying that an Austrian monitor struck a mine in the Adriatic and was covering positions.” GERMANS DEFEAT FRENCH. Berlin,Aug. 24.—^By Wireless to As- sociited Press from Nanen, GermaTiy, to Sayville, L. L—Official announce- •meut was made here today that the German army, coirjnanded by Grand destroyed. The er^w cf the m.^nitor ])erislied. The location of this accident is giv en as between Orchava and Baziach. MAY HAVE OCCUPIED NANCY- County Sunday School Convcrtiuii in Session. The .A.iama,*!ce Counly Sunday day’s developments is the groat battle j School Convention was heid Saturday which began in the morning on the ’ and Sunday with the Baptist and the Jii'amur-Charleroi line. This is being Jlethodist Protestant Churches at fought on the position chosen by the I Mei'ane. For many months *hc Sun- nllies. ^ day school people of the county had A German omciai staie!iis;it says that troops under commsnd of the Crown Prince of Bavaria, fighting be tween Met?, and Vosges, took 10,000 prisoners and 50 guns. It adds that the French troops opposing the Ger- m:irts comprised eight army corps. An official British statement ex- pla'rs calmly that nothin.i resembling a great battle has been fonght as yet and warns the people aga‘.i;>t opiiin- isin. Reports from the Austrian-Servian ventions preparatory to holding the county convention. The officei'S snd executive committee of the associa tion had had under consideration for many weeks the work of building the program for the county convention which closed Sunday afternoon with the most successful session in its his tory-. The first session was held Satur day morning at 10 o’clock with L. W. Holt presifiing and Miss Annie E. game is promised to ail who go out-1 kr.ow and to do his will. This deela- -O- I ration had been made in two unn’is- Sudden Passing of .Mr. Check. *^Kakeal>le parabk’S. one of the wicked Mr. Giwer Cheek died su(idenly ^ vinedressers and one of the kingV last night aliout i) o’clock. He had i v.cdding feast for his son. Both par- v'orked hard all day at Elon College. 1 abies t^:; ht Oiie lesson: the J'ew.'i coming home last night, ate supper, wore p! ;it to be removed and ths as usual and being tired, retired early. jGtnt'. called in. The religious Isad- Later Mrs. Cheek hefud some unusu-]ers r:' the people had themselves un, •a! sound and turning on the light j wittingly pronounced the doom upon found him ill. She immediately sum-j themselves in answer to o;;? of our moned some of the neighbors, l;ut Lord's questions when he said: “The '.nd the neighbors, l;ut ^Lord's questions when he said: ‘ Mr, CbeeT'" evnired before they arriv-{owner of the vineyard will conic PR I NT ed. Jlr. Cbeek was a plumber by trade, in the employ of the'Burlington Hardware. He was highly respected. Mr. Cheek will be buried tomorrow (Wedrtcsday) morning in Pine Ilill Ccrcmtery. O The Philippines are somewhat dis turbed since Japan has taken a hand in the war. There is no telling where such a general warfare will end or whet will be dore after it ends. destroy ibose wicked men.” But when they saw clearly that the words of Jesus were directed against them and their nation their wrath was deeply stirred; and, instead of repenting, as Jesus desired them to do, they at tempted to entrap Jesus in a po.Uical controversy where somje unguardei word would give them an excuse for thus lead to his min as a religious teacher, it is easier to trip a man by Co'.'tinued on Page 4. mm ss

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