■fl i 1 !v -I f r The Cotton Manufacturers’ Opportun ity. The recently issued Bullutin of the Department of Commerce, showing that the consumption of cotton in the United States during th« ten months ended June 30, 156,661 bales greater than in the corresponding period of last year, is conclusive an-: swer to the iterate and reiterated charges of the Republicans that the domestic; tariff was flooding the coun try ivith the products of European n.ill]s and shiitting down American factories. It is concrete evidence that American manufacturers . can hold their own against foreign competitors even under normajl conditions, but it especially emphasizes the ability of the former to take the widest pos sible'advantage of the extraordinary situation in the neutral markets of the world broug-ht about by the con flict in which the gi-eater part of Eu rope is now embroiled. Latin Amer ica, the Orient and South .Vfricri, all Vn,-iii I- I ■■■ ;AAenIie Hm Shot Dead is His Home and His Skyer Fleei. Asheville, Aug. ,19.—James Butler was instantly killed Monday when he was shot at his home in the temple aiid the police of searching for Seth Whittaker, at boarder at the Butler home, who is charged by the wife of the deceased with killing her hus band. Whittaker is reported to have whipped his pistol from his pocket and fired at his victim, following a short quan-el between the two men in which the dead man is .said to have charged that Whittaker had made improper remarks to Mrs. Butler. The three are said to have Veeji the oaly people at the. .scene, of the kill-, ing although the shot wais- heard by .nefg-hbcns who rushed to ButJei- h«^nie and gave the fleeing man chasej bVit he had not been captured a few hours later. Members, of the police, department are seai'ching the country f'^r him in automobiles and officers of turrcuiidiiijr ar.d cities hav? j I'^en furnished with descriptions of i of . which have heretofore been get- the man wanted here. jiing: their supplies largely from Brit- The deceased was thirty-lhree years ]ch, German and French mill5, must of i.^c and is survived by a wife. He ^ have cotton goods, and it. is up to Was employed at a local tannery. The | the Anxerican manufacturers to fur- alleged assidlant /s severol years, »iish them, or they will have to ^o 3'oungyr and came to Asheville a jcm-.; without, at least while the European pavatively short time ago. It is not conflict rapes and som€f time there- known where he came from. acfer. And if we o??ce secure this 0 I trade, there is no room for reasonable Old Urn* Republicans Meet in Orange;doubt as to our ability to hold it. County But Xame So ticket. 'Shortsighted, indeed, are the American Hillsboro, Aug. 19.—The old line ; manufacturers if they do not see in Kepablicans held their convention i the existing situation an opportunity iiere yesterday. The iaading Pro- , to secure for the United States a mo- grirssives of the county did not come nopoly in cotton g:oods second only to in. With the aid of a few Progress- thi.t which it now enjoys in the rais- ives who did attend the convention, irsjr of the ra-iv .staple, and foolish transacted some business. will they be tf they sb.all not be The meeting was called to order by prompt to seize the opportunity pre- Chairman June Cheek. Messrs. W. i’cnted and energetic to utilize it to E. Lindsay and A. D. Crawford were uttermost, tifcted j5©crets»ies for the convention.' The temporary organization w’as made Table Polish, permanent on motion of Mr. C. D, A simple and efficacious method of Turner. removing: stains from a dining table The first cla?^h came when rhc* nom- dui! finished mahogany or other ir.ation for a county chairman was wood is as follows, says The Pallas declared In order. Mr. Cheek was News: Put a small quantity of pow- nominated to succeed himself by Mr. dered pumice stone—about two table- I.ucoe Lloyd. spoonfuls—in a piece of cheesecloth Mr. W. C. Pearson wa.s .luminated a^-d tie ?ecurely so as to form a hard by .Mr. Wesley Smith. After .some wpd. Saturate this with olive oii and di.scusbion as to the merits of the two '“b it briskly over the table surface^ men, the vote w'a.s called .'.fr. The a hy piece of cheese.-loth to re.'^ii't indiciJted tiiat Afr. Che».‘k was P^hsh with afttjrward. This wiU keep fleeted Ijv a majority cf four over dull-finished wood sur'’acf free .Mr. l-^eaj'son. Mr. \V. A. i^loyd was from spots and looking like new. then chosen unanimousfy for .-’ecretary O to :he committee. * Whai Punctuation Does. The convention proceeded then to "Hero the play ends happily/' wxote elect delegates to thy State, Congres- critic. rior:al and Judicial conventions. the other critic didn't like it. The contention then turned ic.s at- wrofr^: “Here the play, happily. tc-’.tK»n to the nonjination oi cadidate.s ends.” fer county officers, Mr. Lucce Lloyd favored the lonventioii proceeding at "hen You Pay Keal .Money Yo« Are t-iiUlled to (««rt What Vou Kea(Jy want—ao( merely What the Dealer Waius ‘o Sell Von. i'ulilic opinion i? being aroused once to the nomination of a county ticket. Mr. Lloyd stated in eif’ect that it was a question that had to be faced und thar there was no lime more suitable that the present.. Mr. Lloyd’s position was very vigorou.^ly opposed dealer who offers “.some- Ly Messrs'. .Albriprht. I.iadsay just as good.*' The advertised Ciawford. article is usually an article merit, Mr. Lindsay stated in the course of .fo^' ^he manufacturer dep-snds for his his remarks thai the rank and file, on "‘repeat” sales, of Repub!ica--.s, the State over, were i “}ust as good'* is nine time? 5nfi*vor if harmony; that ti was only .^’Ut of ten inferior qaality, trading on a few' of the leaders who were kosp-;the other chap’s reputation, ing the party from getting together.. what you ask for—it means He emphasized the futility ^f putting j two tickets in the field. ' All indications point to the conelu- After the discussion Mr. Crawford j that the Sick Man of Europe is moved that the nomination of can-i ^he healthiest of the lot—Grec-n.sboro didaies be postponed until a future | News. di;te. This motion was carried. ' ^ Mr. .Albi-ight then made the fol-■ Norfolk-North Carolina IV-rtiUzer kwing motion: | Freight Fixed. That Chairman Cheek appoint a j Washington, .\ug. 11>.—Tiie Inter- committee of three to .confer with Mr. Thomas K. Sparrow and the P»'o- to S«nid Troo(ks to Mexican CapiUL Wushin;gton, Auff. 13.—Just how close the United States came to be ing involved in a war with Mexico as recently as a fortnight ago was re vealed today by high officials of the Administration. When General Carranza abruptly rejected the overtures of the peace envoys .sent by Provisional President Ca^ajal and at the same ume ignor ed diplomatic efforts of the .Ameri- can Government to bring about a peal'^ful entry to the Constitutional- i?*^s into Mexico City» drastic meas ures were urged uQon President Wil son.' A majority of the. Cabinet, it is .-aid, urged sending American troops from Vera Cruz to the Me>:ican Cap ital to prevent anarchy then expected to foll.oW from, the failure of the Car bajal Government and the Constitu- ■j.tinalists to reach an agreement. Pi es- ident Wilson, however, firmly resisted all pres.^ure, arguing that sending American troops to Mexico City prob ably would mean war .with the Con- ftitutionaUsts. A few days later over- tui-e? came from the Carbajal Govern* Jiient to the effect that if .\mcrican troops would come to preserve order they wouid be assisted. he President rejected all approach ed believing the Constitutionalists theniirelves would maintain order. He gave his attention instead to the pos- split between Villa and Cr^rranza pd renewed efforts to harmonize ^he lenders. .—U The ProposaL He had no intention at all to propose; But the tender light of the stars was shed, The garden breathed with I he scent of the rose, .And the night birds sang—and he lost his head. He knew that he wasn't in love with her, He liked them .^lender, and she wa? stout; Kut the spell of right made i'ii> pulses stir. And ere he could slop them the words were out. Then he groaned in a keen distress. And thi! cold chiils traveled along his frame; Fo‘0 he knew full well .«he would an- f^sver '"Ves." And he heid his breath till the an- :jwer came. But the word wa.v ‘‘Ko," and '.le thrilb with bliss. Till he stopped la think she had spurned his plea; A Till ever since then—will vou solve me thiil?— He ha.*^ wanted but her suui ardent ly. —Pl2Ck. O Belgium was one of tho.'e unload ed guns.—Greensboro News. Summer .Coastipttion Dangerona Constipation in Summer-time is more dangerous than in the fall, win der cX spring. The food you eat is often contaminated and is more like ly Lo ferment in your stomiach. Then you are apt to drink much Wki‘^r durii^^ the hot W'eather, thus injuring your stomach. Colicj Fever, Ptomaine poisoning and other ills ar» natural results. Po-Do-Lax will keep you well, as. it increases the Bile, the natt^i a1 laxative, which rids tho bowels of the congested poisonous w’asta. Po- Oo-Lax will make you feel better. Pleasant and effective. Take a dose to-night. 50c. at your Druggist. j&res OK Other SsffiHiei HM't Can The irorsi oxacs. no matter of bow lo&g *tAHding, ire cured by the wonderful, old reliable - Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Kealisg OiL It Te3eres I'un 34xd Ueals at the satae titoe. SBc> GOc, $1.0u. lavBgorating to the pale andt Sickly The CM StiindArd sceneral $treofifthvni&K tonic. GKOTfi'S TASTHLKSS chilJ Tt)MIC, drive* oat Mularia.enriches the blood .and hni^ds upthesys> teai. A true tonic. For adults and childrea. SOe i;,r?si:ive oruranization with a view to ic!e:‘tincr a ticket aj?i*ee5ble to both ‘Republicans and Projyressives.' This motion w;^.s carried and thti date on wh:ch the next convention is to be heid was i:et for Tuesday, September ??tb, nt w’hich time formal nominations are to l>e made. 0 It should be borne constantly in mind that the Daily News has never criticised the machine in Korth Car olina for being only for the things it has (lone. It is conceivable that a pcHtical machinc might be virtuous and patriotic^ but it is fact that such is not the tendency of machines.— Greensbono News. state Commerctii Commissi.'.n today held existing: freight rates o:i fer tilizer and fertilizer maters.-^.ls from Norfolk. Va., to points in North Car olina, north and east of Hamlet to be Doctors in all parts of the country have been kept busy with the epidem ic »r grrip which has visited so many homes. The symptoms of ^ip thi.s year are often very dvsLressing: and leave the system in a run down con dition, particularly the kidneys which seem to suffer mo?t, as almost evi^ry victim complains of lame back and nrinuiy troubles which should no’: he nejrU'cted, as these danger signals ten lead to danjcerous kidney trouble*:. Drugffistr, report a iarire sale on Dr. Kiin*er’s .Swamp-Root which so mr:ny people say soon heals and strength ifT:' ranging from $1.50 a ton for a .'lO-milfc haul to $2 for 100-mii(?s, S2.00 for 200 miles and $3.0,5 for 300 miles. The new schedule will become effect ive Ofrtober io. A petition of carriers to continue commodity rates on fertilizer from Norfolk to Wilmington, N. C., low'er than those in effect to intermediate points was denied and readjustment ortiered. 0 Iiurope is not going to be so con gested for s while.—Greensboro News. ur.reafonable and prescribed iiew tar- tns the ttidne)-^ after an attack of grip. Swamp-Root is a great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, ar.d, bein^^ £*n herbal compound, has a gentle heal ing effect on the kidney.s, w'hich j:> aimt.s-t immediately noticed in most case? by those who try it. Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., otfcr to send a sainple size bottle of Swamp- Root. on receipt of ten cents to every sufferer who requests it. A triai con\’5nce any one who may be in ne'^d of it. Regular size bottles 50c. s»id $1,00. For sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper. Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. . Summer colds are dangerous. They iri{3!V£te low vitality ^nd often lead to sfvious Throat and Lung Troubles, ini'hiHirg C’onsumption. Dr. King’s New Dis(?o\ ery will relieve the cough or cold promptly and prevent compli- eai.ioiis. It is soothing and antisep : ic snd makes you feel better ?t once. To delay is dangerous—get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery at once. Mon/ back if not satisfied. 50c. and Sl.OO bottles at your druggist. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF AGRlCUtURE AND MECHANli. ARTS This State Industrial College olFers strong courses in Agriculture, Horti culture, Stock-raising, Dairjring, Poul try, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil Electrical and Mechanical Eng:Sneer- ing; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cot ton Manufacturing, and ip .Agricultu ral teaching. Four year courses. Two and one year course* in Agrieuitare and in Machine Shop Work, i'aculty of 61 men; 7‘ii students; 25 buildings; excellent equipment and laboratories for each department. On July 9th County Supferihtendents conduct en trance examinrtions at each county oeat. For catalogne write E. B. OWEN, Begistrar, West Raleigh, N. C. Has Youi Child Worms? Most children do. A coated, furxed Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomac'i Pains; Circles under Eyes; Pale, Sil- Icw Cc-mplexion; Nervous. Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams—any one of t’.esft indicate Child has Wotos. Get a box of Kickapoo Worm Kiler at once. It kills the Worms—the cause of your child's condition. Is Laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worms. Sup plied i« candy form. Easy for eV'I- dren ?o take. 25c., at your Druggist. VYraV Kidneys Often the Result of Overwork. On several occasions I have been unable to work and suffered seve/e pains in the l.ack, due io my kidneys. I called on a doctor of Ripori. Wis., but reveived no relief. 1 tried Dr. Kilmer'o Swai':n-Root which gave me instant relief. 1 was tlien able to resunrse work. Swainp- Root is the only relief I can get fp ni kidney disease wh‘ ii I am siil jevi w in the spring of the jear. I am writ ing this testi!!ifi::i3l through m; owi, free will that s'jffcrfrs of ki'iney and bladder diseases " iSi 1- now of llic won- deiiul merits of Sw?mt-RuOi, I le- ciinmend Dr. Kilmer's .Swamp-Kott whenever I can and rlways have a bottle of Swamp-Root in my I rnrchased Swamp-K..ot oi Mr. C. J. Burnside, Orugist. v! 202 M;iin St., Ripon, Wi3. Very truly y-jUrs, THOMAS J. I-VNCIl, 525 Newberry Street. ni|)tK. Wis. I have read the abcve statement that Thomas J. Lynch bo;'j;ht Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root at ray store and made oath the above statement is true in substance and fact C. J. Burn*:. Ic, Littleton College A weil-established, well equipped, And very prosperous school for Girls Yonng Women. Fall Terra Begins Sept. 16, 19U. For catalogue, address J .>1. RHODES. LITTLETOX, NORTH CAROr.IXA. HOCUTT MEMOBIAL JKAPnSt CHUBCH, Admaui ATcnas and Kail St. B«v, Jan. W. Rosa, Pastor. Proaching every fourth Sunday at XI s. ml and ? p. m. SuiKiay Sehol crat7 Soixtay at 9:M a. m. ' Prayer MMting WednMday^ 7:M f, m. LadiM’ Aid Soctcty first SniMia; at- teraooa. EPISCOPAL The Churek of Th* H«^ Comf«t«r. The Rer. John Benocrs Gibble, Rectw. Services; Every Sunday, 11:00 a. m., and SiO* p. m. koly Communion: First Sunday, 11 a. m. Third Sunday, 7:30 a. m. Holy an» Saints’ Days, 30:00 a. m. SuBday School. 9:30 a; m. The public is cordially iovited^ 4 All pews free. Fine vested choir. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. -Bar Chord] and DaVia SrMla, ■'. A. B. Kendall, Pastor. g evary Sunday, 11:00 a. ■ ? p. tn. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar courses leading to degrees. Spec ial Courses for teachers. Free tui tion to those whe agree to become teachers in the State. Fall season begins September 16th, 1914. For catalogue and other information ad dress JUIJUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. can snus BRAND tXAMOND lADICS ! AxUt fof CRT-CHB^TlQIt S 1>1AMQND 'aajLyji FILI.S in Ri:d «nd,«- Gold melar.lc hoxes. acaisd viiiti Tak» ko crnxa. of v«i Mk Tsr cm47n]£ft.Tl:u s ftlAMOSCG BKA'Vi; SHLI.ji, fnr twrntT-fire Tears rcRAT^ied aft Best, Safest, Alwsy* RcUHtitCh SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S'/i, EVERYWHERE SS Sunda Fostfc Chrittiau evenings, '5. Mid-Week . Wedcesday Ladiea' Aid anu meets on Monc Sunday in each n. ol, 9:45 a. m. John S, t-frrintendent. vor Services Soaeiay Service, aT«ry p. U. ionary Saetatf ~ tiw Mstni A cordial invitation exi ( aiL A Church Borne for viii £ tt«r strasgara. PRESBYTER^N CKCBC^ Rev. Donald Mclver Pastor. Services ev^ry Sunday at 11:00 a. at, and 7:30 p. m. Sunday Schctol at 9:45 a. m. B. B. Seilars, Suparintendant. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at f:» p. m. Tha public is cordially iavitatf t* aU eerricest Baptist chubch. Rev. Martia W. Buck, Paster. Sunday Worship, 11;00 a. m., aad 7:S0 p. m. Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. J. L. Scott, Superiiitendent. Praise and Prxyigr Servteeg, Wadnaa- dajj at 7:30 p. m. ChriatiBn Cultur* Claes, Satvrday at 3:00 p, m. Church Conference, Wednesday befora first Sunday of each month, 7:S0 p. IT Observance of Lord's Suppe?, flrvt Sunday iu cach munth. Woman’s Union, first Monday of eack raoiith, 3:30 p. m. iTHE § W Korfsfk & Westers NIvW Subscribed and sworu to before me this loth day of Nove.nlicr, 3031, F. A. PRKSf^'N'. Letter to j Dr. Kilmer & Co., { Binghamton, New York, ! Prov? Whal Sw«mp-Root Will Do 'Foi Vou. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton* N. Y,, for a ssm- ple size bottle. It will convince any one- You will also receive a bot>k- lel of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder* When writing, L* sure and mention The Twice-A-W^ek Dispatch, Burlington, N. C.. Regular fifty-cent and one-dol- l»r size bottler for sale at all drug stores. ^‘That man must he an insidious Icbbyist,” declared Cong ressmsn Grump. ’*WKat has he done?'* inquirsd Con gressman Wayback. “H« invited me to share a bottle of grape juice with him.”—Pittsbn-g Foot May 10, 1914. Leave Winston-Salem: 6:50 A. M. daily for Roanoke and in termediate stations. Connect with Main Line irains North, East and West vrith Pulim&n Sleeper, Dining Cars. 2:50 P. M. daily for Martinsville Roanoke, the North and East. Pullman Steel Electric Lighted Sieeper Winston-Salem to Har risburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining C&rs North of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily for Roanoke and 'o- cal stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salem 11:00 A. M„ 1:10 P. M., 9:35 P. M. Trains leave Durham for Soxboro. South Boston and Lynchburg:, 6:45 a. m., daily, and 5:30 p. m., daily except Sunday. W. B. Bevill, Pass. Traff. Mgr. W. C. Saunders, Gen. Fas. Agt. Keep Bowel Movement Regular. Dr. King’3 New Life Pills keep stomach, livel and kidneys in heatlhy condition. Rid the body of poisons and ■w&ste. Improve your complexion by flushing the liver and kidneys. “I got more relief from one box of Dr, King's New Life Pills than any med icine I ever tried,” «ay C. E. Hatfield, of Chicago, ill. ?5c., at your drug gist. j CHURCH DIRECTORY REFORMED CHUECH, Corner Front and Anderson Strejts. REV. D. C. COX, Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath at 9:45 A. M. Preaching every First and Third Sab bath at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, 8:00 P. M. Everyone Welcome. Parsonage Corner Front and Trollin. StiMts. METHODIST PROTESTANT CHUaCH. East Darin Street. Rev. G«orge L. Curry, Pastor. Services: Horning, 11:00 Evening, 7:*# Praver Meeting, Wednesday averiatc. Lames' Aid and Missionary Sociatiaa svery Monday afternoon afCer flrai- Sunday in each month. Sunday School, 9:S0 a. m. J. G. jRog- ers. Superintendent. Good Baraca and Philathea Clessaii. You are invited to attend all thee*' M. E. CHURCH, SOUV. FRONT STREET. Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday morning and evening. Sund&y School, S:S« a. m. W. £. Sharpe, Superintendent. Prayer Service, Wednesday ovsnin; at 7:i;6 o’clock. . Epworth League, 7:00 o^eloek every Sunday evening. M. E. CHURCH, SOLTH. WEBB AVENUE, Rev. Frank B. Ncblett, pastor. Preaching every first Sunday at 11:00 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Second Saar- day at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at i9 H. F. Moore, Superintendent. Everybody welcome. MACEBONIA LIJTHEKAI* CHURCH. Front Street. Rsv. T. S. Brown, Pastor. Morning Ser^^e* at 11:00 a. m. No services on third Sundays. Sunday* School 9:45 a. m. Prof. 3. B. Robertson, Superintendent. Teachers' Meeting Wednesday, 7:Sff p. m. (Pastor’s Study). Woman’s Miesionary Society, first Thursday in every month at tstfr p. m. L. C. B. Society, second Tbsraday ittt every month at 8:3* p. m. Luther Laa«:oe, fecmd and f«wtk Sandayc at 8:M p. in. Veaixrs at POOR

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