The Twice-A^V\^ek Dispatch Pi /a PROGRESSi '*** A’iBPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE UPBUILDING OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERICAN INDUSTRIES. BURUNGTON. AUMANCE COUNTY, fiORTH CAROUNA, FaiDAY, SE?r. 4, 1914. Offfcial Report From Beilin is that One Greatest Coups ' of H Story Made in East Prussia, including 300 Officers, 2 Generals and the Artiller^. MoiKeoegriiis hiive defeRted the ’Biiek in Bofnia. f'n. sci'oi'dms to the al'.nou'.icemeiit, ha:s taken the offensive and is mai'd;i;:g. oji.Tohainiteh in pur suit of the Austrians, AIR BATTLE FOUGHT OVER PARIS Sussian 06Scial Report Admits Big Loss in Prussia, But Says Koenigsber^ Invested and Austtians TerribSy Beaten in Imense Seven-U»y Grapple near Lcmburg in Galicia-^Little Servia Keports That She Has Won a Great Battle Against Austria- - GERAJAN BIGHT COMES ON. , “ T~7 TV HI rpu erais, three hundred officers, »na the Paris, Sept. 1.-11:14—P. M.—The, . , • » . , complete artillery of the Russian following official statement was issued ^ j army, by the war oince today; | “On our left wilgr. as a result of HONOLULU. the turning movement of the German I anny, and in order not to accept bat tle under unfavorable conditions, our troops retired toward the South find Southwest. In the reg'ion of Rethel our f6rces have arrested the enemy HiOinentarily. . In the center and on the right, the situation remains un- , changed. GE&MXA AEROPLANE OVER OS- TEN O. London, Sept. 1.—8:3-i P. M.—A German aeropUine flew ove^'Ostend today» according to the Reuter Tcle- ^rram Company dispatch. The dispatch adds that there has been m considerable movement of 'troops to Brussels, 80,000 being due to arrive there. The German gover nor >i Brussels has ordered the ex pulsion of all British subjects within twenty-four hours. MOKE BOMBS DROri^EO IN PAR IS. Paris, Sept. 1.—7 P, M.—A German monoplane today droppe:i two more bombs in the stfcets of I'Aris about 6-30 P. ai. GEKMAN ADVANCE (HECKED- Paris, Sept. I.—5:55 V. M.—Well founded, though unofficiaU reports r\re current in Paris? this evening; that the * French have checUcd the Oerman ad vance on the north. —o— TURKEY TO JOIN WAS! NEXT. WCif'bington, D. C.* Sept. 1.—Great Britain has asked the United States to take care of her diplomntic inter- eiU in Turkey in case of u declaration of war on the allies by the Porte, - whirh momentarily is expected. —0—- GERMAN CONSUL ARRESTED. I^don, Sept. 1.-11:30 P. M.—“Ac cording to information reaching here ” says a dispatch to the Central News from Malta, '*Herr Von Bitzow, Ger man Cmsul in Tripoli, hf»,5 Sieen mov ed to Italy under arrest, charged witJ^ having carried on an anti-Italian pro- j>aganda among the natives. The Italian authorities have lodged a pro test with the German foreign office.” 70,000 RUSSIANS CAPTURED. Washington, D. C., Sept, 1.—^A Ger man victory at Allenstein, in w'hich three Russian army corps were de- . German sanitary depai-tment official- feated and Z0,000 prisoners, includjng |, . , , , Honolulu, Sept. 1.—The cruiser Nurnbei'g wiU leave this port tomorrow, cleared for action, to meet the Australian wai'ships Australia :;nd \V aiTego. Three British nien-of-w.ii' today ac companied the Britilh colUed Strath- dale to the three-mile limit, and are reported waiting outside. '• Captain Schoenfaurg, of the Num bers, said today that the Nurnburg woui dnot surrender, and thai tie ex pected the ship to tUo ccffin for himself and his crew, FURTHER AlWANCB «'N WEST. “In the wcs> General Von Kluk, it is reported, against the Fr-,nch flank ing attempted advance to Combles.” vHere part of the message could not be clearly deciphered.) “General Von Buelovi' completely defeated a superi or French forcc near St. Quentin af ter having, captured an 'S.ngUsh in fantry battalion. Gen. \on Hausen force dbatk the French upi.n the riv er nt Rethei. “The, Duke of Wuerte iliurg cross ed the Mcuye river, also adv’aiici?ijr up- iU't Aisiie. Ills Crown Prince advanc ed beyond the Meuse, afttv capturing- the entire (ramson of Motitmcdy, which tried a -sortia. The fortress al so was captured. “The Crown Prince of linv-arsa .ind Gen. V'on Hoeringen has l>eei; in con tinuous battle in French I 'irraince, 0~“ SEDAN DAV OBSERVED. ‘‘Today, Sedan Day, v/ns celebrat?d here by jubilation because of the vic torious r.ev?s which arrived from the East and West lust night. The Rus sian defeat at Ortelsbuig recalls Se dan by the hugh number i>f prisoners taken. *Tbe BraiiUan military attache at Berh'n writes that the German Vic tory did not come as surprise to those who witnesses their maneuvers in peaco and declares that the effect of Krupp's heavy artillery is aston ishing, —0— DUM DVM CARTRIDi^ES USED. “The Times correspondent at Ami ens reports that ‘the (iermans came over us like & 5ood raise*.* by a storm. During the first month of ti»e war more than 2,000,000 German volun* teers cAme forward.' The chief of the j of Rome, says the ‘Roumanian gener^ 1 al staff considers the battle on the Austro-Russian frontier will he de cisive. They beUeve a defeat of the Austrians will be followed by a gener al insun*ection' and that, therefore, ;Whatever may be the i-acrifice, the Austrians will not fall back. They are now making a strong effort and are recalling even the troops eng:\ged against France and Servia. RUSSIAN DEFEAT Pl.BLiSHElK London, Sept. 1.—2:40 P. M.—Jleu- ter's Copenhagen correspondent re ports tbe rcceipt there of a Berlin dis patch saying the German general stall has published a statement that 70,000 Russian prisoners, among them oOO oiBcers, were captured at the battle of GiJgenburg. The Kussinn artiUery is also reported to have i.een destroy ed. Gilgenburg is in East Pi*ussia, thir ty-two miles northeast of Koenigs- bergr. , IS RUSSIAN GENERAL DEAD? London, Sept. 1.—8:43 P. M.r~A telegram to the Reuters Telegram Company, from St. Petersburg, says: Lieutenant General Samsonoff, who commanded a corps in the Russo-Pap- anese war and who until lecently was chief of the Russian Turkestan mili tary di?.trict, is deeply regretted. The foregoing would to indi cate lh:»t General Samsonoff had died, although no report of his death ha? been received here, —0 — FRENCH AVL\TOR bRAING. Paris, Sept. 1.—3r35 P. M,—Lieu- tnant Campagnu of the ;iviation corps while flying over the Gerni^m line;? at a hegiht of 1,800 yards, wa." subjectf“d to the enemy's fire. A shell struck hi.s jRachine and stopped the motor. The aeroplane oscillated violonlly in the wind but righted itself anJ volplaned into ihe French lines. He Janded -safelv and gave important information j concerning thq German position. Deacnption of the exploit of Lieut. Campnfrne was given -out officially to day ► AEROPLANES FIGHT OVER PAR IS. Paris, Sept. 2.-11:20 P. M.—A f.ght in the air over Paris took place this evening. Three German ye)o- planes hovered over the and two Russian commanding generals. ' ly declared there are m^iny proofs .1 ^ that the English and Fre«ch are were taken was reported today to the : ^ German embassy from Berlin by wire less, via Vay^’ill« says: , L. t„ The dispatch * ing dum-dum cartridges. '^The State of Health of the Gerroan j array is good noted bygjeiiists accons- . I panying the army.”. AUSTRLANS FIGHT TO FINISff- "Official report of the victory at Allenstein shows that it was even pfreater than known before. Three Russian army corps were annihilated. • , London, Sept, 1.^7:00 P. ftf.^A dixv* Seventy thousar.d prisoners were ta- patch from Buchcrest> whicK teached Icon, including two commanding gen- j.the C^:ntral News at London by waj GREAT RUSSIAN VICTORS. Petrograd, St. Petersbunrg, Sept. 2. --^The official communication was is sued by the Russian war oiTiec today: “After a battle lasting seven days, ihs Russian army seized heavily fo»’- tifl3d positions around Lemburg (cap ital of Galicia in Austria-Hungary), about ten or tvrelve miles from the town. The Russian troops then ad vanced toward the principal forts. “After a battle yesterday whi,ch was fiercely contested the Austrians were obliged to retreat in disorder, abandon ing heavy and light guns, parks of arlillery, and field kitchens. government MOVES TO BOS DEAUX. Paris, Sept: 3.-12:02 .A. M.—A uro- damation has just been issued by the government a:inouncin^* that, the government departments will be trans ferred tempoi-arily to Borbeaux. The proclamation was issued by the Minister of the Interior^ who said tJ'.e decision had been taktn| soleli' up on the demand of the military lu- tnorities because the • fortified places of Paris, while liot necessarily likely to ije attacked,, would becon.-c the pivot of the field opemtioii' of cJie two jn-' mias. GERMANS ADVANCE IS POLAND. Washington, Sept. 2.—The German embassy received a wireless today from Berlin announcing that “Ger man and Austrian troops have occu pied Dodz, the largest manufacturing I' .ding cans- “Our advance guard and cavalry center in Russian Polai-.d, and that pursued the enemy who suffered 6nor-'’the i.uttie northwju-d from Lemberg is mous losses in prisoners. . killed, wounded and continuing AUSTRIANS CO.MPLETELV DE FEATED. “The Austrian army operating in tho neighborhood of Lembuig was the third, elevelth and twelfth corps and part of the Seventh and Fourteenth corps. This Tivyny appears to havt been •completely defeated. ^‘During the pursuit by the Russian troops, the Austrians retreated from Guila Lipa, were forced to abandon thirty-one gun?. Our troops are mov ing over reads encoumbcred with parks cf Artillery and convoys load ed with provisions of various kinds, total number of guns captur ed by the Russians aroutid Lemberg amouMi.; to 150.” A^VFUL ATROCITIES ALLEGED. ‘‘The report is confirmed/’ the nie.s- .saKe aci?!', “that the Fr^jnch abduct ed fourteen v.*omen and t^venty-five children from a German frontier place; ,aiso a hospital doLnor and as sistant from Lorchingen, fate u:;- known. ‘‘Tilt? papers aj’efull of Kusc-ian ijor- rors in East Prussia. The Russian- cut o»T the bi-eas.t of a mother and impaled her five childi-eii on a fe^ice. “Four Cossacks ravished a woman while they handcuffed her husband and foi*ce) him to be a witne.ifs.’^ Later the embasify received this additional from Deriin: “The newf that (JermaM troops huvs loft Brussels ojj accou^U of the ^^!t^- The foregoing dispatch waa seni di~;East Prussia is wrong. The rect frum Petrograd by tho St. poj,. Orman administration Brussels i^■ ersburj;' Telegraph agency, the sciui-i active, t ivi) si-rvant^ arrivinjr official Kuissian news agency, und i.s inewly oi-gjiniy-eil ofTiL'CK. tho fivpt dispatch received iii Nnw | —o— IGERM.AXV PROTESTS-TO CHINA, I ■ Pekin, Sept. 2-—The German jU-j:: bus protected to the lorrign of' • :7ce against ar. alleged ialringenicr.t |tf China's i’.&utraUty by Jajian. The protest followed ^he landing, of a Jap- I anese ..division at the iiew-y opened jport rf. Lung-K->\v, lOD miies I'.onh !of Tsing-Ti5u. 1 • J News of tne Japanese i; ;.ed no snrpriire here, as tho Japunpse ; Legatior.s several days ago requested I :he foreign oi^iee to ren'ove the iiivit ;of nuy kilometers taboui thirty miles) •radius prescribed by the Chinese a:? ; the fighting area around Tsing-Tau. I foreign ofRce did not comply with ;the request but it was understood that ;the Chinese troops woukl be instruct-: ttd not to oppose ihe Japanese. The Chinese cfBcials are descrii/ed as in- i*vns--u lyjL afraid of doin^ anything tha: might atTord the Japanese s. cTu.'>2 for terrltoria] o? other e\ac** t sons. Wheiher British lorce-j will cros.-? Sha;iiur.g Peinnsala with »he Japan- is n-;i divulged, but the point i» mu» h dir=cussed here. RUSSIANS STILL ADVANCE. Ntw York, Sept. 2.—Coionsi Niko lai Golejewsky, military attache of the Rus.sian Embassy, made public to day at the Puasian con«U'ate here a cablegram v.hich he said he had r^^- ceived ft-om the Russian wit ' oHice ai Peiergrad, St- Petersburg!. It crn- fxrms previous official «tatements re garding a Hu.=?.«ia advancc in the northern part of Eastern Piussla. Re garding the situation in southern part of Ea.'J.en; ^he nic-jsagc York direct from the Russian capital since declaration of \.ar. —Ch— SMR\ IA,\ ViCTORY COM- PiiETE- Nish, Servia, Sept. 2.—Via London, }\ ?J.—-An ,official .statement is- sueil today gives new and fuller de tails 01 the battle of ,5edar. The Aus trian force of 200,00f> men held a fav orable position. But its retreat is ad mitted defeat. The Austrians left on the tleld of battle i0»000 dead and more than 2,000 wounded acconiing to the report. “.Altogethe?*/^ eoiitinues the state- mei^t, *MO,000 of the enemy were placed hors de combat. We have .^ent to the interior more than 4,000 .^len whom we took prisoners and have immediately two French m.v were sent up to engage therot Meanwhile riiles and macbfne guns mounted on public bui'dings kept up a constant fire. By this means one of the German machines became sep- ai*ated from the others and the French * aviators flew swiftly in its direction. The German opened fire to which the Frenchmen replied vigorously. The engagement seemed to turn to the disadvantage of the German w'ho mounted speedily to a higher leveU and holding this position was saved from a furthers attack. Ho iinally disappeared iti a nortwes*. direction over Fort Romainville, after a vain pursuit. The other German aeroplanes also escaped the fire of the guns tnd after circling about for a considerable time disappeared from \^ew, BRAVE M0NT$:NEGRINS riCTORS Cettinje, via London, Sept. 2.—S:12 p. M,—Although numerically inferior, I captured sixty guns, much ammuni tion, the material for the constriiction I of A six hundred metre i ridge, and 1 a train. * “The battle was of great import ance because it was decisive. The enemy retreated to Santreeic.” CONTINUOUS BATTLE STILL R GES. London, Sept. 3.—12:10 A. M.— !'«e official precjs bureau ha* iain^ tl«e following statement: ^*ConUnuous fighting ha^' bean m progress rdong almost the whole line of battle. The British cavalry engag ed with distinction-; the cavalry of the enemy and b).*ushed them back captured ten guns. ''The French army has continued the offensive and grained ground in the NO UUSSIANS AT KOEXlGSBF.KG. •‘I'he I‘Ycj\ch officisH communique, that *.hti Russian.'^ have completely in- vejiled K(H*nigsbt'rg, i«; nl«;o He. The Rui'.ftians have covered half the* di-* tancc bctv.een frontier and Koenigs- }>i*r/i :}ii daru now retreating ea.stward at\er tht ann!hiii\ti’.>r. of their Najcw army. “Tbr Gazette Del Popolaro. a ret apcctabie paper, calls Lordon a lie factory comparable with Shanghai during the' war, -O—* BrifTER AGAINS TCHLRCHILL. “Loi-d ChurchilTs declaration that a victoriou." Germany %vou!*.i seek (ex pansion in South .America appears to be the climax of ridiculou.-; tales r.nd an unscrupulous attempt to incite the friendly nations of both North and South .America a^zinst the German people while the German jmcss here, on the contrary, heartily welcomes the progress and prosperity of free Amer ican nationjs. ‘‘German soldiers returning from Belgium, cruelly mutilated. tncrea*'€ the German people’s exasperation against the revolting atrocities creat ed by Belgian civilians. THE LIE FREELY PASSED. “Enormous excitement has been caused by the Belgians^ attempt to induce the w'orld, with London and Paris, who are endless liars, as accom- a;id plices, in the lielief that Gei'mdn sol diers are authors of atrocities. “The Socialistis German paper The ‘Vorwaerts* giving a shocking descrip - Lorraine district. In othe?* regions j tion of a wholesale assassination of of the war, the Russian army is in- \ Germans at Louvain. The Simplicis- vesting Koenigsberg. The Russian Isimus, another publication, says the victory, which is'complete fct Lemberg, i name of Belgium is the worst insult alrejidy has been announced." ; that could be inflicted lipon civilized GEli.MAXS ARE RELM'ORCEit. “Thf Ge’ m:in« have c-o:''centrcited reir’formen.c?,! i:v. the whole of ihcir fro'it and h'lve tiiken thv? ^'fFensivo a: T=upt‘rir.r f%nve -, atrain.'^l lu-o of our ar\ny covp.-. Tli.^ l*.>tter Miftcrc-d co-.- siderabiy frtjiii the fire »f the hcuvy artillery brought up by ihe encir.y from hi^; forTre>:se? on ihe Vistula. tSince then wv have brought up reiii- I'orceniej'.t.^, canta’;:t vtih the 0!> I omy i.'J heip.g n'iaintaisi-.d. I "Or; ihe fro'Vt hs^a'-y I i!ig contnuiA-;. ' VICTORS OVER AUSTRIANS. j *‘0n .Septemlter lit. a^l the .\u.'- ' trinn attacks were repulsod, our trojp.^ : taking three gur.s, ten u'achine gui-s S and ov'cr ov.e thousand prisoner.' wh.'y -Stated thal the .Austrian losse.s w?r.^ very heavy. ‘Tn Eastern’. Galicia our udva«iCi5 continue.^. Especially .stuin'rn fight ing took place on ibo river Gnil.'»i Lipa. Hei'e a tjaturally strong pcsit»t>»> was j elaborately fortified and, according t'> the statement.* of the pri?oncrs, con sidered :.y the Austrian.s t.:> be ini- pregii:^ble. “Tins ^.'osition has bei';M .nlceu }>v out' tro'.'-;”. attempt to check oxir advar •: ..y a counter-attack from the dire i:i of Galitch failed. Aua:tria!is were repulsed, iaeving 4,800 dead the field. In th?s battle- oiir troops took a large number of pri«:oners, among them one general, 112 guns Limmunhiori n>:d supply column?.” —o— FISH SETS OFF USNE. London, Sept. 2.—S:2.j p. M._Tcs- cgraphing from Copenhagen the eni- respondev.c of the Daily News say.s: “Several private motortoats ha»-« left for Cape Skagen, Denmark, to search for mine^ w^ich are danger ous to n^tra! ships. Persons arriv ing hero fn>m Reval, Rtrssia, today, say that while crossing tlie Gul£ of Contiued on ?age 4. RINT 'y. '■■t: ■ ' " f'. . T‘-. '