UiX>Y ASSAULTia) ON STREETS OF DURHAM. R. L. Carr, A Prominent Businewi Man Who Did Act, Is Said to Be Crazy. Durham, Sept. 9.—R. L. Carr, a prominent man of Durham, is held tonight under a $2,000 bond on a charge of attempt at criminal assault on Miss Addie Howard,, on Main street here tonight. The assault ot-curred in front of the ten-cent store, just be fore dark, and attracted a large num ber of people. Those seeing the assault de^iai'e that the man grabbed the woman as she started to pass him. Holding h?r about the waist she was thro;wn vb- lehtly to the sidewalks At this junc ture a number of people interfered and Mr Carr was pulled ?way from the girl. He was placed undor ar:\»5,t by one of the city officials and carried' to the police station. Carr is said to be jrazy. Eight years, ago he suffered a mental da- rangemet^t and .-spent sou'.e tiu'e. iii a hospital. He recovered r’roni this tJ‘ouble and has been at work for the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., as a salesman since then. For the past few days friends have noted a re^'ur- rence of the old trouble and it had been the intention of relatives to send him off again tonight. He has been accompanied by some friend all of the time today, for fear that he would get into some kind of trouble. When he went on the street just about dusk that was the first time fie had baen ou alone. He seemed to be In better shap and told a fi*ieni that he wa? going out to get a cigar. The next they heard of the man he was in the custody of the police. The nature of the man’s assault was such that thei's was only one charge against him, and while be is held in the highest respect by aU Durham people, he will have to answ'er Che chargre that has been brought against him unless the court takes judicial notice of the condition of the man's Mr. Cavr is pi'ominontly connected with the business and social life of Durham. For many years pest he lias been one of the chief representa tives of the Durham officc of the Vir ginia Carolina CheniicaJ Co., and is known to the trade in all sections of the State. He is welMiked and the incident is very much deplored here. CARRIED TO BALTJMOKF. Relatives and friends arranged bond for the demented man in time for him to be carried off on the S o’clock train for a hospital siear Baltimore. Tlie bond allows him to remain away from the court for thirty days. The affair has caus;ed a lot of sensational talk in the city, but it was m-orely a -ruzy man^s act. ■ o Only One “BROMO QUININE" To ffetthe £eausae, call ior fuU n»me. LAXA- TiVS BROMO QUININH. r.cokfortisnatureof K- W. CROV£. Cure* a Cold in One Stops I cocs'h and headsche, and -works ott coid- \ o DupHn Farmers io Store 7'heir C'ot- ton. Warsaw, Sept. 7,—In response to a call issued by 0. P. Middleton, prc-s-: ident of Ihi; Chamber of Commerce August i?4, a Iar^e crowd of farmers and busihe:5s men gathertid Satuiday ! afternoon in ordtr to &iopt some pjrr whereby they might be better able ti hold their cotton until 5uch time ai the market permitted. Mr. Middle ton stated the reason nnd purpose of he meeting, and asked thaf a chair man be elected. L. Middleton was chosen. The following resolution wns unanimously adopted: “Resolved. That a committee up- pointed to proceed immediately t> perfect an oriranization of a coit'*>M storage company whoiid obje': t nd purpose to accept, receive, “^tore and preserve in a proper ina/.ncr the surplus cotton of Warsaw township, said company when organised to es tablish rules and regulation? to con trol its business and that such ruie^. regulations and restrictions shall be such as will enable the farmer to store tiis cotton in bonded warehouses or on his ow'n farm, provided same is done in such a manner as will justify such receipts for same as will com ply with the regulations of the gov ernment as to the issuance of emer gency currency for the same.” FRONT STRKET M. E CHURCH, SOUTH. Peace to those who enter. Blessing to those who go. Preachings every Sunday, il a. m, and 8 p. m. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper with offering for Church chari ties, First Sunday in each month Sunday School, every Sunday. 9:30 A. M. Prayer Meeting; Wedriesrtays, S P. M. Board of Stewards meet on Monday 8 p. m., after 4th Sunday in each month. Woman’s Missionary Society meets •Ip. m. 0(1 Monday after 1st and 3rd Sundays. Parsonage, corner W. Davis and Hoke streets. Pastor’s Telephone, Xo. 168. Ring— Talk—Hanst Up—“Busy.” _0 ^—- President H. Q. Alexander Issues Cali to County Unions to Meet September 15. To the County Unions of North Car olina: I hereby ca)! meetings of all county unions in the cotton and tobacco belt at the court house of each respective county, on Tuesday, September 15th, to hear reports from delegates to the State Conventio.T at Raleigh, Friday, September llth. These county meet-| ing, aa well as the State Ivleetings, | •will be open to alt farmers and the public in genei-al. j Then pledged me the wine cup, The purpose of these county meet- ■ fondly I swore ings. is to organize and put into oper-j t rom my home and my weeping ation the plans which Will be adopted I never to part; at Raleigh next Friday. I 51y little ones kissed me a thous;ind I believe that the crop of North Car- ; times o’er, olina ran be saved to the pioducer ruid And niy wife sobbed aloud in hc-r that the convention at Raieigti ivjil fu'lness of heart, launch plan.s that will accomplish that end if entered into heartily by all the,' 'Stay, stay with us! rest! thou art people. weary and worn!’— I have wired Hon. Joseph G. Brown, j ^ain was their war-broken ^ul- of Raleigh, president of the Natio;ial— Currency Association of North Caro- i But sorrow returned with dawing of Tke SvUier’i Dnnai. ' pur bosle sang truce, for the aight cloud had loweried, And the sentinel stars set their ivatch in the sky; And thousands had sunk to the ground oversowered. The weary to sleep, andt he wound ed to die. When reposing that night on my pal let of straw By the wolf-scaring fagot that guarded the slain, At the dead of the night a sweet vis ion I saw; -\nd thrice ere the morning I dresr.it it again. Methought from the battleficid’s dreadful array Far, far, I had roamed oh a deso late track; ’Twas autumn, and sunshine arofe on the %vay Tx> the home of my leathers, that v.elcomed me back. I fiew to the pleasant fields traver:eJ so oft In life’s morning march, when my bosom was young;, I heard niy own mountain goats oleat- ing aloft. And knew the sweet strain that t-l“ torn-reapers sung. ■ind A friend in need s«ldbm hatM to tell you so. Sumner Constipation Dangeroaa Constipation in Sumraer-time is more dangerous than in the fall, win ter of spring. The food you eat is often contaminated and is more like ly to ferment in your stomach. Then you are apt to drink much wa*«r durii>g the hot. weather, thus injuring your stomach. Colic, Fever, Ptom:iiiie Poisoning and other ills are nauiral esults. Po-Do-Lax Will keep you well, as ic increases the Bile, the haturil laxative, which rids the bowels of the congested poisonous waste. Po- Do-Lax will make you feel better. Pleasant and effective. Take a dose to'night. 50c. at your Drugigist. —O' ' - . lina to attend and address the Kaleigh i convention. Have also wired .Sena-1 tors Overman and Simmons and Gov- ■ ernor Craig to address the conviintion i on certain definite probiems that must j be met and solved. j The so-called JlcAdoo plan for fi nancing the crop with emergency car- rcncy is totally inadequate under the present banking situation, to give tne relief demanded. The numerous and sundry restrictions of the law will so limit the emergency funds that .;an be obtained by the haiiks of this stale, that it will not be sufficient to meet the financial crisis. Again, this currency as the l!»w now stands, w:i! b» issued for only four months' and with the present market outlook, it would be suicidal folly for the farmers to depend upon -such short time loans. His “secotid state would be worse than the first.” The mills and speculators could bide their time and at the expiration of the loan period they would probably l)uy “at their own price” the cott.in that would l>e forced on the market. I ajfain urffc every county union to be well represented at Raleigh next Friday. 1 urjje all farmers who can attend, whether members of the Union or not, to do so. The crisis must be met and the crop saved to the farm ers. Fraternally, H. Q. ALE.’C..\X![>ER. j'c uf grip which has visited so many Pres. N". C. Farmers Union. 1 homes. The symptoms of grip this County Papers, please copy. iyear &re often very distressing and morn .And the voice in my dreaming ear melted away. —T, Campbe'l, 0 While -Vlr. Gudger favors a legal ized primary the gentleman who met defeat at hi£ hands may not feel that WEy about it.—Durham Herald. —, 0 We do not know what those Amer icans now in Europe would do if this government left them to get back home as best they could.—Durham Herald. 0 H»w To Qlve Quinine To Chlldrttn. PBBRILIKRifi thetr«de>mark antne to «a Improved QainiDc. Zt isc Ssrrup. ples»> •Dt to take tad does not disturb tb.e ftooMch. Children Ksk.c* it Bad never kno«r it is Qutnlsc. Al»a cspcciallr adapted to adults who caasot take ordiuarrQnioine. Doet sot tiauaeate aor caue« serTOQanesa nor rincinf is ttie bead. Trr it the sext time you &e«d Qnltiine for aar mt- t>ose. Ask lor 2'cuace otieinal pttcksge. Tiae name FI;BRXUNli is bicWB is bottle, 2S cecte. 0 “Is your car a good one?” “DiserimiRating people choose them,” said the glib automobile sales- myn. “More of oi:r cars are .stolen, than any other make.”—K;;n£as City Journal. 0 Other people’s troubles bore a man more than his own. Doctors in all parts of the country j have been kept busy with the epidem- Summer Coughs Are Dangerous. Summer colds are dangerous. They indicate low vitality and often lead to serious Throat and Lung Troubles, including Consumption. Dr. King’s New Discovery will relieve the cough or cold promptly and prevent compli cations. It is soothing and antisep- lic and makes you feel better rt once. To delay is dangerous—get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery at once. •Uon / back if not satisfled. SOc, and ti.OO bottles at your druggist. THE NOitTH CARHJ1IA COLLEGE OF AGMCUIVftE AND MECHANK ARTS This State Industrial College offers strong courses in Agriculture, Horti culture, Stock-raising, Dairying, Poul try, Veterinary Medicine; in Civil Electrical and Mechanical Engineer ing; in.Chemistry and Dyeing; in Cot ton Manufacturing, and i» Agricultu ral teaching. Pour year courus. fwo and one year courses in Agriculture and in Machine Shop Work, f aculty of 61 men; 73S student; 25 buildings; excellent equipmeut and laboratories for each department. On July 9th County Superintendents conduct en trance examinations at each county seat. For catalogne write E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. Has Youi Child Worms? Most children do. A coated, furi'ed Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach Pains; Circles under Eyes; Pale, SU- low Complexion; Nervous, Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sleep; Peculiar Dreams—any one of t'.ese indicate Child has Worms. Get a box of Kickapoo Worm Kiler at once. It kills the Worms—the cause of your child's condition. Is Laxative aud aids Nature to expel the Worms. Sup plied in candy form. Easy for cViJ- dren to take, 25c., at yonr Drujgist. Weak Kidneys Often the Result of Overwork, On several occasions I have bc«n unable to work and suffered severe irains in the Lack, due to my kidneys. I called on a doctor ot Ripon, Wis.. but rcTsived no relief. 1 tried Dr. Kilmer’s Swsr>p-Root which gave me instant relief. 1 was then able to resume work. Swamp- Root is the only relief I can get from kidney disease wh ii I am subjevt to fji the spring ot the vear. t am writ ing this testinicr.ial through mj own fres will that cuffcrr& of kidney and bladder diseases '->11 know of the won- dail'ul merits of Swsmt-Rool. I ts- commeiid Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Kc.t whenever ! >;an and rlways have a bottle of Swamp-Root in my hOKje. I purchased Swamp-H^ot of Mr. C. J. Burnside, Drtigist, of 9.02 Main St., Ripon, WIs. Very truly yi^urs, THOMAS J. I.YNCIl, 526 New2«rry Street. Eipcn. AVis. I have read the abr.ve statement that Thomas J. Lvnch bo.'ght Dr. Kil mer’s Swamp-Root at my store and made oath the above statement is true ill substance and fact C. J. Burn'* le. -O- Subscribe.1 and swora lo before me this 15th day of Nove.nbei', 1311. F. A. PRESfoN. During!: our approaching scholastic yea:-, wo will take stace.its in oar Pj’actic.3 aiit! Observaiio.n School un der studont teachers for $S0 and foMi- hours of industrial.^i w-ork per day. .Applicants for admission to itur Freshman class will not be required to stand entrance examination. For further particulars addre.ss J. M. Rh-xJcs, Littleton College, Little ton, X. C. leave the system in a run down con dition, particularly the kidneys which seem to suffer most, as almost every victim complains of lame hack and urin;-iy troubles which should not he Letter to Or. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, New York, -I _i neglected, as these danger signals if- ten lead to dangerous kidney trouble.?. Druggists report a large sale on Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root which so m:i!iy people say soon heals and strength- «ns the kidneys after an attack of jgrip. Swamp-Root is a great kidney. Plies Cursd 3n 6 to 14 Days | liver and bladder remedy, and, being I'*---‘‘I compound, has a gentle heal- effect on the kidneys, which i. -O almost immediately noticed in mcst case? by those who try it. Dr. Kii- mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., ofTsr to send a sample size bottle of Swsmp- Root. on receipt of ten ceiits to every sufferer who requests it. A trial will convince any one who may be in need of it. Regular size bottles SOc. and $1.00. For sale at all druggists. Be sure to mention this paper. There may be some talk of Colonel Osborn for governor, but we have a hunch that the colonel will hold on to what he has. O No matter how much the goverr.- ment may take in the way of war tax it will not be too much for congress to spend. Prove What Swarap-Root Will Do for You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sam ple size bottle. It will convince any one- You will also receive a book ie! of valuable information, telliog about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, ba sure and mention The Twica-A-Week Dispatch, Burlington, N. C. Regular fifty-cent and one-dol- lar size bottler for sale at all drug stores. "That man must be an insidious Icbbyist,” declared Congressmen Grump. “What has he done?” inquired-Con- giessman Wayback, “H« invited me to share a bottle of gmp« iufca with him.”—Pittsba-g Paak Litdeton CoUege A well-estabUshed, well equipped, and very prosperous school for Girls and Yonng Women. Fall Term Regina Sept. 1$, 191 i. For catalogue, adJress J M. RHODES. LITTLETON, NORTH CAROLINA. THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar courses leading to degrees. Spec ial Courses for t«achers. Free tui tion to those who agree to become teachers in the St&te. Fall season begins September 16th, 1914. For catalogue and ether information ad dress JULIUS I. FOUST, President, Greensboro, X, C, LADZESt AA STMf mroagm css-cam-THM • , miuO!9S} BKlND in ItT'O 'Snd/ saet41U«( boxes. 9i^«d «iUt 8t» , fttrft regarded as fteiiabtei SOLD BY ALL {>R066iSTS EVERYWHERE TIMR TBIXU N.‘l 2:10 May 10, Leave WiDxten-SslcBi: 6:S0 A, M. daily for Roanoke and in- termadiata ^tiens. Connact with Main Lm® trains North. East and Weat with Pullman Sleeper, Dining Car*. F. M. daily for Martinsville Roanok«, the North and East. Pullman f>te|I Electric Lighted Sleeper Winston-Salem to H&r- ri?bure, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars NorA of Roanoke. 4:15 P. M. daily t(>r Roanoke and 't>- ca] stations. Trains arrive Winston-Salem 11:00 A. M., 1:10 P. M., 9:35 P. M. ’Trains leave Durham for Roxboro, South Boston and Lynchburg, 6:45 a. m., daily, and 6:30 p. m., daily except Sunday. W. R. Bevill, Pass. Traff. Mgr. W. C. Saunders. Gen. Pas. Agt. Keejt Bowel Movement Regular. Dr. King’s New Life Pills keep stomach, livel and kidneys in heatlhy condition. Rid the body of poisons and waste. Improve your complexion by flushing the livfcr and kidneys. "I got more relief from one box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills than any med icine I ever tried,” eay C. E. Hatfield, of Chicago, 111, 2oc., at your drug gist. CHURCH DIRECTORY J REFORMED CHURCH. Corner Front and Anderson Strejts. REV, D. C. COX, Pastor. Sunday School every Sabbath at 9:45 A. M. Preaching every First and Third Sab bath at 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, 8:00 P. M. E-veryon* Welcome. Parsonage Comer Front and TroJlin- gar Stst-ats. BUCVTT MJ5110B1AL BArtlSV caCBCB. Atcmm »»i ilaJl Si. IUt. Ju. W. Eos*, ?wrter. Freacbing every fourth Sundaj at 11 a. tD. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scbol every Sunday at t;t9 •. m. Prayer M»ting Wednesday, 7:M V. m. ' Ladies' Aid Soeietty first Sosdliy liiC* temooD. EPISCOPAL The Ohorsh of The Heiy CemfeHsr. The Rev. John Boners Gtbble, ReHsr. Servifes: Every Sunday, 11:00 a. m., and 8:0# p. m. Holy Communion: First Sunday, 11 a. m. Third Sunday, 7:30 a, m. Holy aniJ Saints’ Days, 19:00 a. m. Suaday School, 9:S0 a. ra. "rhe public is cordially invite . All pews free. Fine vested ch««k CHRISTIAN CHURCa A cordial invitation ex. A Church Home for visi strangers. BAPTIST CHCSCH. Sev. Martin W. Back, Paste*. Sunday Worship, -11:00 a. b., 7:30 p. ra. Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. J. I* Scott, Suporintecdent. Praise and Prayer Scrricss, WeiasB day, at 7:30 p. m. Christian Culture Class, Satnr4aj at- S:(Ki p. m. Church Conference, Wednesday first Sunday of each montk, T:W p. m O' servance of Lord's Supper, Sunday tn each month. Woman’s Union, first Monday el i month, 3:30 p. m. THS KSTTHOaiST PR0TS3TANT CnCRCH. East DavU Street. Rev. George L. Curry, Pastw. Services: Morning, 11:00 Svening, 7:8* Praver Meeting, Wednesday eveslsiss. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Socie^lM every Monday afternooji after CrH Sunday in each month. Sunday School, S;30 a. m. J. G. Sog ers, Superintendent. Good Baraca and Fhilathea C^^asses. You ar* invited to attend all these services. M. E. CHURCH, SOU*-. FRONT STREET. Rev. D. H- Tuttle, Pastor. Preaching every Sunday mcrnisg and evening. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. W. e. Sharpe, Superintendent. Prayer Service, Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clocJt. Epworth League, 7:00 o’clock every Sanday eveiiing. M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. WEBB AVENUE. Rev. Frank B. NobJett, pastor. Preaching every first Sanday at 11:90 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Secoad Sob- day at 7:3C p. m. Sunday School evsry Sunday at 19 H. F. Moore, Superintendent. Everybody welcome. MACEOONtA LU'raESAN CHURCH. Front Street. Rsv. T, S. Brown, PaaAor. Morning Ser»^ies at !1:00 a. m. No services on third Sundays. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Prof. /- B. Robertson. Superintendent. Teachers’ Meeting Wednesday, 7“19 p. m. (Pastor's Study). Woman’s Missionary Society, first Thns-sday in every menth at *:89 p^m. L. C. B. Society, second 'ThBrsdair io every month at 3:30 p. m. Lutfcsir League, second and teiirili Ssaibys at 3:64 f. ra. Vesyen at S:M p. m. ner Church and Davis Srsats. '. A. B. KendiUl, Paster, ff every Sunday, 11:0V a. ol, H p. m. Sundft oI> !):46 a. m. John &, Fcstt , •■rintendeut, Chri.stiai> 'or Services Stmday evenings 'i- Mid-Week Service, every Wednesday p. n. Ladies’ Aid anv ionary Society meets on Monc ~ the second Sanday in each n. ’ U aK. -'d iot PRESBYTER^N CHDRC& Rev. Donald MelTer Pastor. Services evary Sunday at 11:00 si. m. Sued ?:S0 p. m* Sanday School at !>:4S a. m. B. B. Sellars, Superintendent. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 1tS» p. m. The public is cordially invited to alt services. POOR