fits fWtCt-A-WS&L PATCB, PIIIDAY, 2fOV£MBER IS, 13W PAGE THBEUE A. L. Bradshaw, Haw River. , Mrs. J»sse Bradsha.w, Haw River. Mi?s Addle Mocre, Graham, Route So. 2. Woulaw. CfcairmaQ, J. P. Pace, Mebane. Sfccretary, C. F. Cates, Mebane. •- Hiss Ima Coble, Mebane. Miss Annie Lashley, Mebane. K. P Cook, Mebane. HAWPUSLDS. Ghairman, Jim .Coviiigtoc, Mebane Bonte 6. Secretary, R. W. Scott, Mebane, Route ft. , P. Love, Route 6. Mrs. J. W. ,Goodman, Mebane, No. 6. H. b. Scarboro, Mebane, Route 6. SYDNEY. ,’halrman, A. C. Barnwell, Mebar.l 'Route S. . Secretary, C, L. Gilliam, Watson B. M. Rogers, Mebane, Route 3. Minnie Garrison, Mebane, Route S \V. B. Sellars, Mebane Route 3. SQUIRES. Chairman, W. R. DeBrula, Watson Secretary, H. J. Pace, Watson. 1. Vf. Pettigrew, Watson, r Miss Irene Pritchett, Watson. —0— MAHAN. Chairman, J. S. McKinney, Burl ington Route 3. Secretary, W. S. King, Watson R. F. I>. No. 1. C. R. McCauley, Burlington. Route N'c. hig dreams luvd seeing visions.’ “Yesterday I was 40, but tonight I a«n only 19, back in the old university t(iwu, with you beside me. I see you »saih, handsome, self-confident, fas cinating. as I saw you that Cliristmas night when you came to meet fhe ‘lU’flttiest girl in college?’ With ka- k-idoscopie rapidity scene follows scene. Now you are beside me, be neath the old elms of the campus; now poiirir.g over some French les son or over the pages of some charm ing romance of fact or iiction; again, in the mazes of the dance we glide, or across the college dassroom our eyes meet in a swift - acknowledgment of upspokeii love. “That year was but one glorious day of unalloyed happiness. But, the tender parting over, I have, never heard another word from you. Where in was f wanting, my dear? Wherein did I fail you? Over and over again . has my aching heart asked these questions, and as often has the an swer eluded me. ''I am weary, heartsick, and the years have been long, for 1 realize, f have missed the prize of life—love, which is 'the chief possession within cur imaginstion.’ I iiave striven ip;ain^t the love that overwhelms h»e, for Pride has arisen and said ‘Yoor love has been flung aside as a common thing,’ bat the campaign seems hope less because it is an endless series of battlegrounds, a campaign which is not likely to have any end till death. “£ hear of you, an eminent surgreon in a distant city. Does, perchance, a tl'Ought of the ‘little sweetheart' of Rona Quineriy. Burlinirton, Route 3. • days flit occasionally throug-h o I your busy brain ? Never a morniiigr KINGS. ^ awaken that my first conscious C'.iairman, J. I. Chandler, Burling:- | thought is rot of you But tomorrow t')n Route H. \ ^ ^ ^ honor amoJig Secretary, John Wya'.t. Burlington iTo him and his motherless Roiite ?». Ben Hast«r, Burlington Route o. Nettie SiTnp;5on, Burlin^.on Route :j. J. K. Rojfer?, Burlinjfton Route o. I Q ! ELMiUA. I R. F. Cheek, Burlinjrtoii ; t'’™ufrh life.” H. Al. Scoct. Burlinjfton ^ —*— His REEL (ilKt. A mrura letter to a womar. (fvnicF Chairman, Aiule £- Serrctiiry, 8. s .0 F. Shepherd, i^iu'lirtgton Route j children 1 henceforth dedicate the I best that is within me. Never again [will I uiiUnffly permit my thougrhts j to Wander to yo«, but may the Giver :cf aii good g-ifts be abamlantiy graci* lot,-' (o you, prosper and you I II the years «f >our useful wishing that I might just go to sleep and never wake again tfit the mem ory of your flowing hair and your smile makes me smile in spite of my- sejf. “I am saving a pitiful little fund to go west with some day, and I. am e>'ming to California, and I am going to find you, and just see you once, on ly once— but that’s only a dream, too. But if it should come true—if it should— “This is not the (5rst letter that I have written to you; I have written niaiiy letters and torn them op, just as I shall tear this one up. You will n«ver see it. What right have ! to think that you would even care to ? I siiall kiss it and seal it, just as if I were really iroing to mail it to you •—and then^^but, why not? Dare I? I will; I am going to send it to you, I a.Ti going to mail it even "though you should not read it through. “G'ood-by—I must take it and drop it in the main box quickly before my ccurage gives out. ‘ With all my love." THE PACE. Your honor, we are much nuilfrned to be arrested thus, .And this policeman stupid is For making such a fuss. He says he hardly caught a trlimpse j Of license as ive passed, | The!! something with his sight isj wrong— j We weren’t going: fast. j The Charlotte Observer advises the Democrats to begin the 1916 cam paign >ight now, which is not bad adv'ice. O- SHAKE INTO YOU« SHOES Allen’s Foot-Ease, the antiseptic pow der. It relieves painful, smarting, tender, nervous feet and in.stantly takes the sting out of corns and bun ions. It's the greatest comfort dis covery of the age. Allen’s Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain relief for sweating-, llous, swollen, tired, athinjj feet. Always use it to Break in New shoes. Tty it today.'- Sold everywhere, 25c. Don’t accept any substitute. For FREE trial package address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, X. V. OWE MY HEALTH tePeruiia I was Gradually Breaking Down From Connnement to Store. Summer Conghii Are Oanicerotii. Summer c«ids are dangerous. The; indicate low vitality and often lead to serious Throat and Lvtng Troubles, including Consumption. Di. Kind’s er cold promptly and prevent compli cations. It is soothing and antisep tic and makes you feel better rt snca. To delay is dangerous—get a bottle of Dr. King's New DUcovei^ at once: Mon. back if not satisfied. 50c. and $1.00 bottles at your druggist. — Hm Voui ObiM Woirmi? Most childrei? do. A coated, t\itr§d Tongue; Strong Breath; Stomach PaiJis; Circles under Eyes; Pale, S^il- Icw Complexion; Nen'ous/ Fretful; Grinding of Teeth; Tossihjr in Peculiar Dreams—»f;y one of t^ese indicate Ch^d has Worms. Get a box of Kiekapoo Worm Kiler at once. It ills the Worms—the cauM of your child’s condition. Is laxative and aids Nature to expel the Worma. Sup- {plied in candy form. Easy for ehil- jdren ro take. 25c.» at your Dru>gi^. The people in the street ajJ o*cj' \nd ran at top of speed Back to the pace, as we come on. Which s?liy was, indeed. Although one wheel ran on the curb— We though it might not last, •As we twined corners, }jut. in fyct. We \v»i-en\s Koinjr fa.'?t. Ti.-‘ Wr>.s' knocked . I from S, h. Ihiviei?, 7.34 Gree-.nvotjd iAvfinui?., PortUvnd, Or_‘g;oni Uear: (.hjivon’t evcii the rij;hv to rue an old ma* dawn, I Who cro--'’.’4d t]u- .ii'eot too slow, iBut if h.' would not )i>u«te nov .^top. I 'Twa.-! f)';t oor fiJuh, you know. I Oh, yes; wq brij.v-hed a top nr j A r>'ii)km;u! )fft, j A.=i all hi.s stock wai; buJ then I Wt* weren’t. 1 —Baltimore I A Now V«Ji'k Saje^nuuj lei!.- of •) Mr. C. N. Pftteraen, dealer in fine I boots, shoes and cigars, No. 132 South I Main St.» Council Bluffs. Iowa, writes: j “I cannot tell you how much good I Peruna has done me. Constant con- I finement in my store bcaran to tell on my iieaJth and 1 felt that I *ras I i^duaHy* breaking down. I “I tried several remedies prescribed I by my physician, but oblaine«! U'> por- ! manent relief wnHl I took iVnma. I felt better Iminediutely, and five bot tles restored me to con^plete health. ■ 2 ha%'? been Ju iUe be.?t of spirits since, nnd that £ owe inv health to it." Catch Ccld Easily, ilr. Arthur G. Peier?on, R, F. D. 21, Box Jii. Omro. Wisconsin. He ■ft'as in the habit of catching- cold easily. He say.«4: *Tt s«ven nro.'i'hs n«»^s' J='fn‘‘o i have taken any nnd 1 hrxvon’i fflt the leai?t t-.-iic-!: of t i'.l '»nl 1 n.m positive I nrr-> r.ri l «>f tr*? J.?ndcncy to In a \\*rnderful "t r/;io object to iiqufd rr»5d«* f.irtcs can now procure Peruna Tab* *etr:. >uTiCE or SALi: OK KKAL ES- TATi: l\i)EK MOkTGAOK. The Season’s Smartest Cost^jmes : I tA\'i The Basque and l.ho Redingote Polonaise now the vogue i :i Raris and New 't orli EASILY M \Dr...-. A'i' i iO.Mi: are accuraieJy and beautiiiiiiy iii'iN njie.J in the New .\utu:.i,i McCALL PATTER','3 FASHION PUBLIC ATI OX s Nozi! On S Watch t.'i.- ;■ • ••: ! - , Piece Goo;.'; - ■-/? .itid r f i i- , - i. yojiT" ' . • :•! (•.. {’af.hifir*'; ;ir** ■■■■■:, ‘ ; M.C'clH }'V.tlr-i» - ■» •• g. ' -t fit'A'-s =iZtn i V iVsu) McCal! of Todc Mis-s Julia Holt, Burlington. Miss iVIattifr Gibson, Burlington. —o— iKFS’ UK\ S. : si.'V de;xr friend lo jou. I won't write ! stay he riLuJe in n westt'rji hoti?i, whert;^ ( huii niai), R. ^oni'y. Suriinfj:ton ;-oUitiit,ion r:t uH—i wiU—j he itbriervtil ;u; o'u-fashirtnt;;! loli »iout«e 2. rl’il v. ntc what 1 am uUvays ihinkiiijr i tdwol St-Ci’ctary, K. C. JnTreys, BuvUnj^Lori I ii\ my heart, atiy way:‘Dear litdo : ^‘Suy," a.-iktni the (lOthaiiiiu* of a ; of .'iM-urins!: the paymc';ii of .-irertainj RuuU ; You have revcr seen nio, liiii. I have |uian in the -.vashruom, ‘Mon't ihe uwn- of even date therewith, due and M'sp Kva Chc"L, lUirlinjjton; Route seen you every nij^ht th:it I could, forjer of this hotel know thaii it^i asainU ! P:iy-!f>!e on t)ic 7th day of OctoJjcr, I Liv.Ur iV.ui by virtue if th>? povvvr (' If (.‘or.tainoil in a ctn*',u£ri mort-| cxecutod on the 7th Iay of Oc- | i!ii' U.itcr, i!fU, by F. S. Bryant apl wife! ito M^iry L. .Soi'livve'M, for the f*urpoHC > I Saved Girl’s life ^ “1 \rant to tell you whaf wonderfuj benefit 1 have re ceived from tiie ase of Tliedford’s Black ' flight/’ writes Mrs. Syivania Woods, of Clifton Mills, K; “It certainly lias j;o equaS for la gr bad coids, liver i'nd stomach troubles. I finnly beiicvv ,iack-Draught saved iny liilie girl's lifc. When she had the measles, !!icy ivenf in on hei", niit yood cose of Thcdford's Bbc!.'-Draii:';!if made 'uiC!!’. out, ar..l she his '•.;d no moi2 troiil'' "- 1 sliall r.c.c;' be wiiljor.i # f s « m Bud THEDF •’I- Mr5. J Route S. Mrjs- Hanil Houtc r*. whole year. I hnve dnwwn pictures |the law of the State of Illinois to ilefauit ) I tJ'e {«iytnc*rit havinpT been made in 1 f .said bond unl inter-! I). C'hrii>loph(M\ Barlincctnn ! oI you in the nmrRins of everything ; roller towels now?" • ’ - ’ > * ■ knoWK it riftht eviOup;h," thL'fou;t. saii nK(rtg-a.i>;e heingr duly the cffict*. i have dreamed you into Cohk*. BurUnpton'nil sorts of dreams, und I v»as always .... I in all of the dreams, too, of course. —0—■ i That the only place where I ever BROWN- [v/iU be with you, I am afraid. But I Chairman, Tom Cheek, ^Ien Raven. jv.^on‘t helieve it, I won^t! That is why Secretary, Sd Hodge, Glen Haven, j I am writii'.}.' this letter, just on the Mr. Smith, Glen Raven. chance. R. G. Hornaday, Burliii^tor^ Route I. Mrs. J. G. Pritchett, Burlington. ihe addre.».s»?d, ‘■‘but v.’asn’t jtas.-sed \vht-*n this put up." O that law ’ pro!i;itei'l ami ivcorded in the oWiCe of iowA wns! ihc IJcg-i.stvr of Oeeda for Alaraanec ;Co:;r.tyv if. book of MorlgaKoy and i of i)4 at Pnsro 520, BAKGA£X. andersiffned :nor(.fira^eo vviii on A young Judy sued for diiinageo inlWt>.\PAV THK 7TH DA’i OF DK- a case of breach of promi-^;e of mar- j CEMBEiR, 1914. riage. She was offered two hundred Cf;urt H^usc Door of AJainjxnce pounds to heal her' breaking heart, j ^ouoty,, at 12 oViork M., oftf for *‘T\vo hundrcfH” she exelaimed. i i’t puMic aneiion io tha h?trhest “Two hundred poundi- i*or puined! bi^idcr for ';he ff^^’.vinir de- “You don’t know what you mean t3 me. 1 know you’ve heard men say —o— jthis before, but this is different. Ev- ELDERMONT- j cf sir.ce I dug a dime out of my pocket ,(„hdirma!», J. A. Bryan Burlington, loiie night a year ago t\nd ivaiked into hope.s, a blifchted lifo! Two hundred jcst*iU' to-wil: Secretary, P. A. Sharpe, EiiriinKton a moving picture show on Broadway I pounds for ail this! No—never. Make! Jx’infr in Morton’.s Town Route 1. jar.d the.'i suddenly saw you on the‘it tv.'o-fifty, and il’i? a barttain!"—A!ama(!«“ f^oiinty. State of 1 , Minnie Montgomery, Burlington. isoiccn and never saw anything else ^London Tii-Bits. North Cara'.i.'iJi, ;ind lie.seribi'd ii: Burlington R. ;the whole evening:, you have meant I in my home.” For consfipaiio:i, iiidip.esticn, i; ;.dacl’.es dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biiiosi^iics:', .-viJ all similar ailments, Thedford’s Biack-Dran-lU has pi.;vt;d ilsel? .1 safe, reliable, penile and valuable remedy. tlf yuu suffer from anj' of these coniplri!!!?;, try Black- Draught. It is a medicine of known ntent. Seventy-five S years of splendid success proves iis value. Good for ^ young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 centi. I nv/re tc me than Ju?t a girl, though {you are the most wonderful ffirl, I^rs. Ernest Injjle, F. D. No. 9. J. A. Loy, Burlington Route 1. —o—- jju?t girl, that ever lived! FAIRGROUND. 1 “You are more than that to me, Chiiirman, J. C. Foster^ BurHngton j though. Can you imagine what it is Route 0. I to be a clerk in a downtown office. Secretary, A. L. Isley. Burlington j living each day out in just the same Ro«*e 9. I vvay, with n;ly Sunday baseball and . Mis. Will Thompson, Burlington j a r^ovel in a hall bedroom to stand for Route 9. Irci.iance in your life? Can you im- W. A. Braxton, Burlington, Route S#. a«:ine what it is like to hame lived in -O TOO AIUCH FOR HTM. )nff- follows?: TiiAOT NO. 1. -Bebinninc: It was dark, and as he stumbled :the public road, Mar^ravet i on his -A'ay he called out, “.Are you ! f'J'-Jiey’s corncr; ninninfr thence North j there, Fritz?" .A JVench soldier withj'*^ dcs'J'ccs West ISftV-iy.ird s, t.o aj •t knowledge of German shouted hack j 'tont-, L. M. Gerrsngeri; corner; thence j “Here." Daily Mail. | Southward with hi.s line 182‘i yards! .At the critical moment his knowi- ^ ^ jrulty on .A. J. edge of German seems to have failed j North 4a degrees East, j jjim. Punch. y>i'& yards to a .stone in A. J. Tickle's j Q jline; thence Eastward with said Tick-j Mr. Gerard may at ieast console > ^ to ;i ijtor.e in , Mr. Woods, Burlington Route 9. O LOVE LETTERS. TO an olo lover. The best love letter from a woman tc a jnan is submitted by Mrs. W. S. of Pulton, Mo., as follows: “My Dear: The fire in the grate has gone ont tiryii the room is Quiet and cold. It is 3 o’clocV, and the dawn of my wedding day is not far distant. My eyes have not closed during the weary hours of the night; yet, sitting I in the pallid moonlight, unconscious of time and space, I have been ‘dream- I New York all your life and not to Vnow anything more of the outdoor.s thr.n taking a walk on the Pallisades cvor on the Jersey .side once in a vhile? Can you imagine what it is like to dream of the -west, and the great outdoors, ai?d of horseback rides and hills and trees—you who live in California— and play flying and your :yes sining? Can you imagine? “Vou are the west to me, and the "I'eat outdoors, and adventure, and freedom, and life! It is knowing that you are there, happy, outdoors, laugh- j ing and free, it is that that keeps mt- ! up when days seem too gray and the j office too terrible to stand any longer. 1 It is on those night when I com« home himself with the refl&:tion that as ; ambassador at Berlin he is serving ; Sii.s country as well as he could as ai member of the United State .Senatfc. | o ; iiiil line; thence Northoasl-ward IfiSI l’'ard.s to the Irfjrinning corner, son- : j I 3^b acres move or les.^. | j TK.^.CT NO 2.—Bejiniiing^ at a | i .slone on South side of public ^-oad The Dominion Textile Co., Limited. | “f "' j thonce with said Cable line North 17 * (leg'rees West 16 rods to a stoce; thcnce North 78 degroca West jrods to a stone; thence South 17 de grees East 16 rods to a stone, on the has reopened its 10 cotton mills in Hal ifax and other cities in eastern Can ada. This means employment to 7,000 | persons. _0 By fhe wi.y, what is the res*u!t of South side of said road, thence with the latest census of North Carolina South, 78 degree.. East, 10 Democrats who will be candidates for! ^ t«>85nning corner. Governor’ ! containing one acre more or les-s. g I MAKY L. SOCKWELL, j Mortgagee.; Th .> the 5th day of November, 5914. ' Rushed the Order A TRAVELING Sr.', while in Nashviile, Tenn., took a large order, promising delivery in ten days. It would take two days for the order to reach the Home Office by mail. It took him only a few minutes to telephone the order from a pay station of the Beii Tele phone system. Time saved by telephoning orders oft^;n means fulfillment of contract. When you telephone—smite SOUTMEIRM BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY M ^7^ j Thei t is such a thing: as gettinj too progressive politically. PRINT

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