THE TWICE-A-WEEK DlSPArCH. FRIDAy, NOVEMBER 20, ISU PAGi!, SKVEN. M- tendent of Schools. 4 A Fstrm Demonstration Agent. 5 A Bietter Road System. S A County Fair. 7 A County School Commencement. 8 Stronger Organization of Farmers and Town Interests, with Closer Co operation. 9 Better Rural Conditions through: (1) Crop Diversification Instead of One-crop System; (2) Encouraging Hom^Cwtiership, and (3) Getting Mote Wiite Settlers. 10 A County Farm-Lifie School. 11 Closer Co-Operation of a|l the Church and Sunday-School forces for Moral and Spiritual Progress. 12 A Campaign for Tick Eradica tion and Developing Livestock and I'airy Intewsts. Adoption of motions or resolutions favoring an. advance with regard to any of the aforementioned lines. Appintrient of a cominittee on «aeh subject. Plan your work imme-Uately. Sev eral committees have already planned theix- work for Thursday and are get ting forces to carry it into effect. One Cfjramunity has planned to grade n section of road near the schoolhouse. Another community will make a sand- clay road for about 1-8 mils. Other communities have planned to do spec ial worlc OR ths school grounds. WAR ORDERS BOOM BUSINESS IN irXn'ED STATES. Q Eastorn Mills Working Jt Top Speed to Fill Contracts. Philadelphir., Nov. 11,—War order;; placed hy agents of Russia, England and France with textile and steel manufacturers in Philadelphia and vi cinity have already resulted in in creased activity in those industries it was learned today. Lc'cai textile firms running about half time before the European con flict began i;re now working three- qx’arters full time, employing 75,000 men, women and hoys. Woolen goods, particularly blank ets, sweaters, underwear and hoisiery i.s demanded by the warring powers. An order for 200,000 blue blankets for the French Government is being tilled by John & J-ames Dobson, Inc., one of the largest knitting concei'ns" meeting al youv county seat, | ^he Roxford Knitting Co,, is Saturday, Deoember ;>th. ji-.ishins: a contract for 100,000 ) I n-.ents for the French hospital corps. !>R()URAM FOR SATURDAY. ] ^^u^,ero^ SCHOOL NEWS. Continued from Pftge 3.- *n all-day picnic occasion with dinner for everybody, with recreation and social features added for li^ after moon or at night. Decide which of the following ten features should be dis cussed, which of them most need em- phAfflziiig, and then name * persons (men or women, older hoys or girls, fjrmers, preachsrs, doctors, or any body) who will lead and start discuss ion by speakSng brieiSy and helpfully about tliem. 1 -Report on rural census and Us- cussion of it. 2 Is our school term long enough ? If not, how . can we leni^en it. and get more teachers if needed? S Should we have more attention given to agricultural, industrial snd domestic science subjects? Can we form a corn or canning club? i How can be improve schoolhbiise and grounds ? Do we. need a school farm? 5 Are the roads in the neighborhood what they should bs? If not, how can we better them ? 6 How can we improvs slir.itary and health conditions in our community? 7 How can we better encourage more reading by young and old ? How | can we ^et a belter school library and more books and papers for older peo ple? Hov; can we help any illiterate grown people learn to read? 8 How can our fai mers co-operatc i to better advantages for raising home .:upplics, better marketing, gcttin:? more livestock, better machinery, ru ral telephones, keeping out of debt, etc? 9 How ve get a better get-to gether spirit among al! our people? Ho we need a better organization of farme)-s and farmers' wives, picnics, s-nging schools, debating societies, more recreation, etc.? JO What do we need for the im provement of our county? Better roads? A county fair? A county farm life school ? A wholetimc county school superintndent? A demonstratioM agent? A County School Con;raencen-? Other plans. Name strong committees to take up any plans for improvement your peo ple may think wise. all who can 4(1 so to attend ‘‘County Progre.'^s day. j So neutral is President Wilson in The rumor has gained credence here ^ war that he will not take sides in the that Charles M. Schwab, of the Beth-i little controversy in "Mexico. Jehem .Sttel Co., is acting as the agent' q of the French Government in placing oi-ders for $71,000,000 worth of sup-' plies in thi.s country, including motor.: trucks, ; more election returns we get the more we like ’em. v-O- II ECONOMV. “Yos, darling,” said Mr. Newlywed,! “wc can get along without a piano, j biit we must have a few tons of cosl j pet in for the winter, and I don’t real- j ly know how we can afford it." j “Why, i’ll tell you what we can do,”.j replied Mrs. Newlywed; who has been j reared in luxury, “We mil save mon-; ey on, the coal bill by spending our | winter in Florida.”—New York World.; Professionai Cards Dr L -Her] H. /iLiici] Eye Specialist Office Over C. F. Neese’s Store Burlington, ■ - N. C. Somebody suggests that the mer chant should be helped also in these times, the form of assistance being the payment of accounts. Spof»n. I). V. s. A. 0. V..M. j Spoon & Uornadaj I Veterinarians olBie iiuii Hoiipital omn Piioue 87^ 41.=) Main St, He*ii*>tice f’hone C. A. Anderson M- B. NOTICE OF SALE Oi REAL ES-' Officeiiours 1 to 2p. m. 7 to8 r> f“ TATE UNDER MORTGAGE. |Rm National Bank Building. .. , . i^-eavedav calif, at Hradleys under and By virtue of tne power i of sale contained in a certain mort-1 ' ■ s.\ecuted on the 7th day of Oc-; tober, 1911, by P. S. Bryant and wife | John H. Vernor., to Mary L. Sockwell, for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain | BurlinefOrt M T bord of even date therewith, duo and i „ ■ ’ ‘ I and 8 Second Sumincr Coughs Are Dangerous. Summer colds are dangerous. They indicate low vitality and often lead to serious Throat and Lung Troubles, including Consumption. Dr. Kind’s •r cold promptly and prevent corapii- catiojjs. Jt is soothing and antisep tic and makes you feel better ?t =:ic£. To delay is dangerous—get a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery at once. Mony back if not satisfied. SOc. anj Sl.Otf bottles air. your druggist. The next time the Democrats go into a campaign- they vrill probably consider it advisable to give thanks for somebody besides Woodrow Wil son. Almost anybody would do bet ter.- HaiB Youi Child Worms ?- Most children do. ci.ated. furrad Tongue; Strong Breath; StomaeJV Pains; Circles under Eye.s; Pale, Sril- Ifixi t'onipiexion; Nervous, Iretfui; Grinding of Teeth; Tossing in Sle^p; Peculiar Dreams—any one of t'.e.^* indicate Child has Worms, Cet u bp. of Kickapoo Worm Kiier at onoe. Jt kills the Worms—the cau^e of your child's condition. Is Ivaxative and aids Nature to expel the Worme. Sup plied in Candy form. Easy for chil dren to take. 2Sc., at your Dri! m \ I jf// OR. J. H. BROOK5 Surgeon Dentisi Fwttr Buil'JiTii; payable on th. 7th day of October,; °Bui!dinp ! 1912; default having been made in j office ’phone 3S7-J Resideni | the payment of said bond and inter-1 'phoise 337-L | esi. thereon, said Tnortgage being duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No 5t st Page 320, the undersigned mortgagee will on MONDAY THE 7TH DAY OF DE- CEMBEit, 1914, .it the Court House Door of Alamance County, at 12 o’clock M., offer for srl«. st public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fopfiov.’inf; de scribed real estate to-wit; Lying and being in Morton’s Town ship, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, and de.scribed in two lots as follows: TRACT NO. 1.—Bebinning at a stone in the public roud, Margaret Dickey’s corner; running thence North 78 degrees West 126Hyard s, to a stone. I.,, M, Gerringer’s corncr; thence Southward with hi.-s line 182*,i yards : Ifi a pin in a gully on A. i. Tickle’s Dr. Waller E. Walker; Sellars Building {Up store) Got the Florist Mrs. PRESCOTT had just heard of the iihiess of a dear friend. She was about to leave town that morning for an extended trip. There was rso time to call. Turning to the telephone, she got the florist and ordered a choice selection of roses sent with her card to the address of the invalid. Without tile telephone she would have been uoabie to do this little act of kindness. When yo!t ieicphojie—smilf SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TElEGRAPe COMPANlf Phones 8(‘-G 80-J Hours 8-10 a, m. 7-8 p. Norfaik & Mere chai'*- FAcri I Numerous hosiery mills have suf- *'Couniy Progress Day.* Mooting cnlletl to order by inr.n o.f county pomniitlce. riinirman ;»nd secretary. Summary of Rural Censuses from all school district;. (Have county sup- ^rlntoyjdent or some one else present rcrport and comment on it. \Vha^ the fijjures show as to whir'c • cur county leads and where it lags- Some lessons. (Speaker sht^uld exam ine material pages ‘f.O to 60 of “Coi«»- munity Service Week Bulletin.”) A dozen questions about what our county neews. Short talks (fiv* or ten minutes each) on such of the ! for Cni-CHSS-TKBs following subjects as you most need: 1 A Six-nionths School Term. j 2 A Whole-Time County Health Of ficer ISOLD BV ALL DRUGGISTS 3 A Whole-Time County Superin- | EVERYWHERE ^ted ° November, 1914. j hosiery iriills have suf-i*'”'^’ | ficient orders to keep then; for Tickle’s | n.onths. Already shipment has beon Tick- , 1 le*s Une 24V4 yards to a atone in ■ * ' said )i»e, thencc Northecustward 108 r.iiropc.J!! ports. ; ’ Hue to interruption of trade with ^ corner, con- 'tr.ining 3% acres more or less. TRACT NO 2.—Bef]:inning' at a sionc on South side of public /cad correr with Mary Cable, running the/ice with ^;aid Cable line North 17 degrees West 16 rods to a stone; thcnce North 78 degrees West 10 rods to a stone; thence South 17 de grees East 16 rods to :i stone, on the South side of said road, thencc with saio road South, 78 degrees East, 10 rods to a stone, the beginning corner, containing one aero more or less. MARY I.. SOCKWELL. Mortgagee, j U5ad€? of 25.000 tons of wire on 0 (icrmany, from which came large ouantitio.e ©/ loDer bearing, the Stan!- rrd Rolling Co., is running night and iioiEsipspiM inANO fomr l*r« la^OND B OZ.D metsll JUbboiL Tas iKascM aa»4 9IA.StONX» ] TACS KO OTCB&. BB7«fy««W 4 Mk fbe- cniXilKfi-TiBe ^ , t fiiltATIl> PILLS, fM* I jear*ref^rdedti«B!5i,Saie5t,Alwa^Reli^l& October 18» 1914. Leave Winston-Salem. A. At. iaily for Koanoke and in termediate station.s. Connect with Memphis Spccial ft>r South west, main line trxuns N'orth» East and West with Pullman Sleeper.s Dining Ciii'.s- P, M. driily for Mavtintvilie, Ro anoke, the North anil East. Pulman Steel Electric I Ighted Sleeper Winston-Salem to Har risburg, Philadelphia, New York. Dining Cars North of Roanoke. i'ATi P. M, daily for Roanoke and te en! stations. —o— Trains arrive Winstcn-Salem ll:oO A. M.. 1:10 P. M., 9:tl5 P. M. Trains leave Durham for Roxhoro, South Boston and Lynchburg, 6:45 A. M., daily, and 5:S0 P. M., daily except Sunriay. W. B. Bevi!!, Pass. Traff. Mgr. W. C. Saunders, Gen. Pas. Agt. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Ciifton AVills, Ky„ in writing of her expericp.ce witii Caniui, the wonian’s tonic. Slie says further: "Before i began to use Cardui, my back and iicad would hurt so bad, I thought the pain wouid iviii me. i was hardly able to do any of ?ny lioiisework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, i (o ftd Ji!:e a iic\i^ ’.voman. I .soon gained 35 pouiKis, and now, I do all my housework, as well as ruu hi;: w.^tcr mill. 1 wish every suf.' woman would give mmt Tlie Woman’s Tonic a trial. [ sfi'i ii'^e Cardui when I feel a little bad, ar.d it al.vay.'; does nse S'.od.” Hcadache, backache, side ache, nervousness, l:red, worn-out feeiinss, etc., are sure si^s of woman ly trouble. Sifiiis that you need Cardui, the woman’s hii'iic. You c»:nnot make a mistake in trying Cardui for yiur trouble. It has been helping weak, ailiag women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! fS }/ y Iheadqua^ers for fee"! We are headquarters for all kinds of feed. We make a speciality of Dairy and horse and mule feed. Our business is wholesale, but we will sell such goods as the merchants do not cany in stockto any one wanting them, this line comprises hay, cotton seed meal, cotton seed hulls & meal mixed which is called a balanced ration, beet pulp, the great milk producer, Alfalfa dairy feed, horse & mule feed, this is called sweet fee(^, its fine. We also have corn, oats, shipstuff, bran, corn meal, flour, lard, sugar coffee, onions, potatoes, apples, or anges, candies, full line grocers drugs and sundries larger. Remember we buy in car lots for cash, we are in position to give you better prices than any other deafer, we buy cheaper, we buy EE US BEFORE YOU BUY. Burlington, N. C Merchants Supply Company C« • • • 51 nil I-* *-* *-* * A 0 * • # • • • • • Graham, N. C t PRINT