mki Ttts ou»aics, ve^Ai. November 24. ini PA6£ FIVE r * School Tablets Big Lot of School Tablets just received.;; * * ■¥ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4> Freeman Drug Co. 4- * ♦- ♦ # ♦ ♦ •a- I IX>CAT^AK^I) PERSONAL % •nic Firs6 Nationdi Baiiik sign has has Jots of beautiful presents tor omved, a full description in Friday’s , Christmas. The bMaar ■will continue i^ue. tomomvw. Dr. C. A. Anderson and bride re tamed yesterday from their bridal tour. Misses Lcnna and Lessic Andrews, of Greensboro, s^i«sit Sun^y here with friends. M«ssrs. W. A. Mebane and Ed. Holt are spending today on Route S, bird hunting. Mrs. W. 1. hmre, cf Charfette, is tie gwest of Mrs. J. G. King for .i few days. Miss Julia Cates, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cates. Sfi^es Mae Barratt and Pear! Ki lls spent Siindiay in the country at liic Murry Club' House. Mr. E. T. Gross, of-Norfolk, Va., is here for a few days on jMx;ount of the illness of his little boy. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lee wiK leave Tfeursday for Bra»;iJ, after siiending: tite past six montiis here. Hr, i. B. -F. Jobe, of .Mebane, wa» in ,town anu gav«. his renwal for. •nte Twice-A-Weolt Oispatcii. ■.• We Vere'sci'rry pa lean* this tfjora- iitg of the death of Mrs. W. E. Walk er’s st«p-moth«r, on Boute 2. t'oBter Shoe Co., vrill close Ttianks- KivtniK Day ne has been Hieir usual cuatcnn for c number of years. The Philatbea Class of the first Baprtist Church wi'l hold a Fancy Sale D«w9n^r i and S. The pl»* will be mentioned in our next fssue. Hie Bazaar given by the Christian Church in the Hay Building today Mr. Emsity Coblo, of Winston-Sa- lem, an old friend of The Dispatch, is in town today. He will epend a week in the county near Hartshorn, with relatives. Miss Clause Simpscn died Sunday the honic of heir sister, Mrs. Jack Capps, near Lakeside, after an illness of more tJian a year. Burial at Beth el today by Bev. J. W. Holt. The Woman’s Guild of the Episco pal OhunJi will have a Christinas tree Wodrissday, Devcsnber 2, from 1 to 10 P. M. if; th3 building formerly oocu- piel by The Busy Bee Cafe, o'pposite Piedmont Hotel.. Light refreshments will be served. O sooi) 0R. ROV LO.NG! Hie many friends of our fellow- townsroan. Mr. Boy Long;, 'will be glad to know that he has passed a suc cessful exsuBination before the £Nate Board of Pharmacy. There were only 2R successful applicants of a class at SI. Thare •mxf: six colored appli cants, none of whom passed. Ab^ut tea days ago Mr. Long went to Atlanta arid took an examination »»d pwned with a gt^ grade, «Mch i;«f:ista!'8 i?» 33 States—Uw States recot^izing this beard. O imiBB. Alfred A. Michnel departed thi:» life aft hfe iKnrie near Gibsotiville, N. C., Kovembcr 20th, 191*1, in his sflxty- fcurth yaar. A large family of sons Cfid daufrhterii and his wife arc sore ly befeavcd by his death. He wks a good ijitiEen, a kind neighbor and will Vte missed in the ooramunity w^ere he lived. He kcd been a consi^nt mem ber of Bethlehem Chrisri;Van Church $£$$«$»$$ $ S S J « $ $ ALAMANCE COUNH’S Largest asid Stroagesi Bank. □T4SLISRED im. Wdrds from Andrew Carnegie Andrew Carnegi^s words concerning: saving should carr^ weight. Hn h*is tried it and he knuvs. He says: ‘TOR every'DOLLAR YOU CAN FEODUCE AS A RESULT OP HARD EARJ^ SAVINGS. MID AS, IN SEARCff OF A PARTNER, WILL LEND ON CREDIT A THOUSAND. IT IS NOT CAPITAL THAT MEN REQUISl': IT IS THE MAN WHO HAS PROV ED THAT HE liA^s THE BUSINESS HABITS THAT CREATE CAPITAL.” Suppose you ^gin foiming business habi is by plac ing your first deposit with us tomorrow. spss AUMM LODNtp^CO.. “THE BANK WiTH THE about. 40 yea^ PiineraJ and inter- ment it Bothlriieih Church, conduct ed byhis pstStoy, Rev. J; Wi'floW. O BARACA-PHaATHEA CONFER- £.\'CB PROGRAM. The .'/ f)ifty;^ile Baraca-Flwlathea Confefence, to be held in Burlington^ N. C., November 27,19, 1914. Ou:^.'Slogan: Organise Classes. . • .*aUI)Ay EVENING.. ;.I S^ O'dock Front StxcMiMiMiibdiM' Church; ?(•!•'■ ■' ’ ' Music. -» Prayer, led by Rev.!.D. -15....Tuttle." Baraca Quartette. ^ Address of Welconie—For the City, Hon. John H; Vernon; For (Ssurches, Bev. G. L. Curry; for City Union, Miss Bertha I. Cates. .Response, Mr. M; Bj Andrews, Cary. Solo. : ' -Announcements. Union Benediction. \ “Get Acquainted" and Social Hour. SATURDAY MORNtNG. Christian Church. S:00—Devotional Exercises, led by Rev. D. C. Cox. 9:10—“Our Intermediates and Jun iors,” Prof. 3. Edward Allen. 9:45—“Why I Believe in Baraca and Philathea,'* Miss Christine Thcntas, Henderson; W. E. Sharpe, Burlington. 10-.15— Round Table Discussion— Questions We Want Answered, led by Miss Flo.sEie A. Byxd, General Sec retary. 10:45—Some 'Hiings Our City Union Has Done, Lola Long, Greens boro; Mr. Claud M. Pritchett, Greens boro. ll;00_“Things We Want to Know About Baraca and PhUathet,” Miss Byrd. 11:30—Syaiposium: What Baraca and Philathea Ciassss Have Done for tSie Church and School, led by Mr. M B. Andrews. 12:00—Adjournment. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY First National Bank : - BURLINGTON. N. C. Noveffifjei' ^,1914. Dear Sir: - I • i-''i t t 4 t t SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Clhristian ChultSi. 2:00—County Union and Organi/a- tion of Alamance County Union, led by Miss Flossie A. Byrd. 2:30—^“Ideals for the Teacher and How 1 Tcach My Class.” Mr. J. M. Stone, Greensboro; "Mr. B. E. Jones', Cireensboro; Mr. E. S. W. Dameron. Burlington. 3:00—“What We Are Doing and How We .^re Dfting if ' (iitduding one minute class reports) by delegates. .•J:30—“SociaJ to Save,” Miss Mar guerite Halliday, Greensboro. 3:40—Secret Service and Consecra tion. 4:00—Adjourn. S.'VTliRDAi EVEN«S«, Christian Church. 8:09—Song. Prayer, led by Rev. Donald Mclver. Solo. -Address—“Efficiency in C3»ristian Work,"' Prof. J. Ed'ward Allen, Wftr- renton. Music. tjnion Benediction, SUNDAY .HORNING. 9:30—Delegates may attend the Sunday School of their choice. 11:00—Delegates may attend the Church Services of their ehoice. SUNDAY AFTERJfOON. 2:30—Conferen^ *' Mass Meeting, Front Street M. E. Church. Music. Prayer, led by S^v.^, S. Brown. Baraca Quartett^^f’^ . .Address—Loyalty to Christ, Bev. F. T. ColIi;is, Clinton. Song. Union Benedietiore. This letter is to Jet yoa kn >iv thit ojf bank has become a member of the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM of the United States. The soundneiw and ability of the bank and the CHARACTER OE THE MEN behind that bank ^e investigated before the United States Govern ment wiH allow a bank to become a member of the Federal Reserve System Once a member of the Federal Reserve System a bank is one of the VAST . ARMY of responsible bankis which STAND TOGETHER for each other's protec tion; and the U. S. Government at Washiiigton, D. C.. through its repre sentatives on each Federal Reserve Bank Board, supervises and assists all member banks. Thy best brains o; BANKERS and B.USiNESS MEN in America thought out this FEDERAI^ RESERVE SYSTEM^ Xnown, trusted, capable bankers a«d busines.s men of superior intelligence give their full time to making thi systiem holpfui. Under this system we can take our securities to our district Federal Koserve Bank -.vhenever we want to and get MONET. Your money i-= abs-.lutely safe in our bank and YOU CAN GET IT WHEN YOU WANT IT Come in and "talk bussiness” with us. We al ways have time to listen. You.'s very tra)y. Ceshier. OgATH OF MRS. CHEEK. We regret' to ihroniclc the death: of Mrs. Ciieek, wife of Mr. Boardman BAPTIST MEETINGS. The meeiin*:s at the Baptist Church j lire growing in interest al each J>er-! R. Che^,. which occurred at iier home ; vice. Last Sunday -svas a big day in Calavsnder Academy neighborhood early. Tuesday morning after art ill ness of sometime of a complication of diseases- She suffered for a year or more frpm caiicer of the throat, which was tbs direct cause of her untiinely departure. She was aged about 60 years,.'iaiui -was one of that section’s for many v.*rc added to ths Church. At the fc'iiiid»y night service, the church was cr>wded to iis utmost ca pacity and Mr. Dew delivered an able sermon which was especially to the fathers and husbands of the city, Monday right in the Baptist cfeurch, Mrs. Dew »poke to lite women, on her most jiighly esteemed and respected conversioai from Cathaliciem. At the wonVen. • The remains were isid to saina hour in the M. P. CJiurch, Mr. rest at Bethel Baptist church yestei-- Dnw spoke to tihe men, nnd a large day morning at 31 o’clock. She was attendance was prssent at both iier- a devout member of the Baptist vice». Chureh.- The last sad rites over the Thsrc wiii be. servicei. every after- rel- a ns of this good woman were very noon at 3 o'clock and every evening touching and witnasscd by a very largo ac T;30 during the weo’s. crowd of her relatives and friend”.* A special service wili i>c held on j The services were conducted by her Thanksgiving- morning at 10:30: Sub-1 pastor, Rev. Mr. Green, who was as» ject: “Heaverjy Eecogmtion.” O It is i.nnounced from • New York that Mr. .T. B. Duke has contributed $10,000 to tihe Belgian relief fund, rhe brave Belgians and their saSfer- ing families are certainly worthy of ■such generosity and consi3eration. 0 Many man of many minds run cit ies of many far behind. ACTIVE LIVER MEANS HEAI.TB. If you want good health, a clear ctmpiexion and freedom from Dizzi- pcss. Constipation, Biliousness, Usad- »(‘hes and Indigestion, take Dr. King’.s New Life Pills. They drive oat fer- n-enting and undigested foods, clear the Blood and care Constipation. Only i!bc. at your druggist. sistcd by^hsr form«c. pastor. Rev. J.' — F. McDuffle. - Mrs. Cheek is survived MONROE CONCERNS NOT CLO«- j by her hdsband, foor daughters and! ED DOWN, live son.i ,as foUows: Messrs. J. L. j Editor of The Daily News: Cheek, of 'CStape! Kill, John B. Cheek,! My attention ha.s been called to a of Eurti^i^n, Mack, Luther, and Ben-' clipfjing fro.nj your paper staUng that nie, -Ed. Cheek, of Dur- the Piedmont Buggy Company and (he ham, JfesHf M. B.’ S^lf, of Florida, Mrs. Cotton States Wagon Company C. Holt ^si^-»-SBdington, and Mrs. closed down on account of ho busi- W. N. Beeves. The family have the Beg to say that your corre*- s>wpathy of Wiair many friends in poiident is somev-hat misinformed aa | the loss of this good woman. neither of the above named firm:n are . —0— closed. While the buggy business is Mrs. Cheek was the mother of our extremely quiet our wagon business is j townsma.T Mr. J. B. Cheek, and Mrs. aimosi norma! as we are running «i C. Holt Cates, who have the sym- hours per day, six days per week, pathy of The Dispatch and host of There is no iikelihoad of us closing other friends. we are getting ne«r business daily The Chattanooga Times describes a>'.d present prospects are very good “perfect love” as that “which seme- for a steady improvement of ad lines, times exists between two people he- Cotton States Wagon i.o.. fore thay have time to build ii house Piedmond Buggy Company, : together, write a play together, o,r go By T. J. Payne, Pres. ^ camping together.'* Why not go the Monroe. Nov. 19, ’14. : whole length and say “or before they : O i have time to live together in the holy FOUR POSTOFFICE CLERKS CN- i THANKSGIVING SEWICE. Rev. D. H. Tuttle conduct Thanksgiving Services in^S^nfSti'eet Methodist Church on Th^cway,-Nov. 26lh. ISie public generaSly are invit ed. OfferijsJis wll be accepted for the Methodist Orphanage at Sateigh, and also for the “Silent Sufl?erers in Belgium.” Mr. Tuttle oar people to meditate on our great u»r- 8 ^gtion, a.!^ make offi '^c^din^ as God av fferinM Sod^ state of matrimony?’' O— CHAMP CLARK GETS PLEDGES OF SUPPORT. Washington, Nov. 19.—Speaker Champi Clai'k is receiving pledges of support as 'pressing head of the House In the next Congress. Already 165 of the 230 odd Democrats elected to the nesct House, have assured him of their votes and his friends assert ed' tonight his re-e)2ctibn was assur ed. O Bank Teller—This check is al! right but yoii mnet be introduced! Can you bring in hu!)twind 7 Woman—-Who, Jack ? Why, i,f Jacls' thiiui^' Sroo an ' introduction to' me^he’jJfeock your block off. »ER FIRE. Four clerks in the Raleigh ofSce are under fire and their jobs are in jeopardy. These are Messrs. William Brown, Bedford BrowTi, T. B. Creel and.S. W. Eason. It is understood that inspectors re- I cently investigated mat;''rs in cor.nt-c- tioii \vith these employes aiia Uiat they have been given ten d:;i s to maVe aniswer as to why th?y should not be dismissed from the -service. It is un- derstrtod ih.-xc they are charged with vioiuting piistal regulations. Just making room for the healers. A PRETTY FOOT Many a pretty foot ?>we8 its reputation to “QUEEN SiUALFTT" i>hots. To supply grateful ciir«' to a h'^'tneiy f«otand to acc«‘»itiiate t • ose of the pretty oiie is a science that but few e n claim proficiency in. And am ng the first of these stand the makers of “Queen Qius^.'’ Then consider with this, the attract: veness of an economical price (made possible solely by their immense production) and you have a combination quite irresiatable. Filter Siios CoMy §9!* Ateni*. Bnriiettea, M. C. I A'gJri San puf in ieW'j^Sirs accjtffi'- Cattu're.’ ^ that '^£>n*t keep W.' from' sViioring when' she is »slcep. NEW TREATiM FOR COLD mWIBLCS Ts of frrs'h aJr hi tlie nu'.i a ni'oa applicai'oii of ViCK5gS£SSALV£ f.vtr tR® throat and cov«^re2 tiUh a warm flaxme! oloth: knti- 8i*« the Uini> 'W'armth aniJ inhaleil to fh**' af* . |f#*oU*d parts. w> ttWd V>#'Ai«lurl»In8P thr- and $t.OO. f.atnple on Chessk^Al Co., ir«*i-^jKboro, Q,

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