wmm ^.. t5*~ \ PROGRESi.^' U -i-JL. ▼ T. REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE CPBUILDIXG OF AMERICAN HOMES AND AMERIC AN INDUSTRIES, rRLINGTON, ALAMANCE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FK IDAY. DECEJIBEK 4, 914 Russians Attjack Cracow Great Fortress Of Australia # ' Should This City Fall, ihe Road to Budapest, Vienna and B«rlin Will Be Thrown Open--Coming^ oC German Reinforcements Stars Anew Grcal Battle in Poland Not Yet Decided*—Nothing But Artillery Duel Along: Western Battle Front. WRITE TO SANTA CLAUS. The columns of this paper are open to the little boys and girls under tea years of age to malce known theiv wants to Dear Old Santa Claus. Just WTite as nice a letter as you can, tell ing ,Santa what all you want for Christmas and mail the letter to The Dispatch, Burlington, N. C. We .vill see that the ietter is delivered, and while we do not guarantee that you will get all you ask fo>’, yet we *ire sure that Dear Santa will bring 5ome of the things you want. Now do not ask loo much, but just ask for the things that you would like most to have him bring you, sign your name in full, and if you do not live in Burl ington, stale in your letter where you live, so that Santa can find you and know where to leave the things ihtit he thinks you ought to have. these things worse than 1 do, please givethese things to them and I will do without. I know you are a dear, and I will be satisfied with what you think I deserve. Fanny Axlegrea.se. O DEATH OF A GOOD WOMAN. Mrs. Emily Minnis, wife of James A. Minnis, died at her home near Au rora Wednesday. Mrs, Minnis has been a gieat sufferer, being paraly>ied for more than a month. She was a Christian woman, a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. She leaves a husband, four children, three ' TIMES ARE GETTING BETTER - Each day you see.in the ne\s"s- papers telling of orders from * * abroad or of mills starting up. *■ Each day the debt we-owe to * * Europe is dimii»ishing and Eu- * rope’s demand for our . goods * grows greater. ' ■ ■ * The seas are open—trade is ex- pandinjf- Now is the time to go * after business not tomorrow hut ^ ^ NOV/. ^ We don’t.have to go to foreign * shores to seek it. There is plen- ty of trade to be had right h^*e-^ * at our own door steps. Now is the time to be aggi'ess- ' ^ ive. GliEATEU N. V. MINSTRELS. James Boiielli, of Price and Bonelli, is very welT known here in our city through his annual visits in former days in th« white face version of Dick son and.Mustard's “Humpty-Dumpty.” He has amused both old and young in many seasons gone by, but iast night he appeared at his topmost suc cess in the grand after piece.follow ing the Miustrel Olio—Humpty- Uumpty in. black face with an entire sotting of special .scecery fi-om Sos- VK TIMS ABOUT HIM, HE PIClvS ( Ills BAXJO. I * Lowe I)ank‘Is> Slayer of Three. I'ncon- ! * cernedly Awaits Arrest rShoots Down rour-~=-Coon Daniels, Ethel Luther and Edgar V arner KMled In stantly; Wife Shot Faltaliy. A.shebo-'o, Nov. 28.—Lowe. Daniel.s of the Pi-sgah section of' Randolph. County. today takori from the jail hei'o back lu his home for a proliini- J7ary heariJig on the chaj-go of the 1 & Landis. Truly Donelli ii? a!murder of his sister. Coun Danieis. NOW IS THE TIME TO ADVEU- TISE. Place an ad in The Dispatch, it will bring sure results. SAXAPAHAW ITEMS. Mr. William Lashley and Miss Ai^rie 'voriu beatei' for ■clean cut comedy. We welcome his at the head of his ow'»i Minstrels or in any other productio!!. I Price & Bonelli, Greater New Vcrk •'I Minstrels is a winner and w’ill mak'? * ?rooi befoi-o any audience.—Evan.sville Jshot at th-.‘ snme nme as the other.s. (I'ld.) Democrat. | When oilii-ers, \:i response to ines- Pricr & Bonelli will exhihit here atj^^ages .•^tatin/;- that Daniel? had ma'Ie Ihc; Piednio/it Opera House Soo!:. j his home -i shambles, arrived at hi.? his sister-i.i-law, Ethel Luther, jnd Edgar VaViler,.all three of whom he is said to have shot through the head iat his home last evening. Daniels' wife, who with a crushed shoulder^is thought to he fatally wounded, wa^ -0- . . j , T .1 u • J I Zachary, both of this place, were mar- sisters and two brothers, besides her, '' ‘ ’ j. . j • _ u j * ' Sunday afternoon at the horr>e uf many friends wno mourn her depart-; Esquire .Alson Thompson, w'ho olficiat- ure, Funet*al scrvjces were held at the Methodist Protestant Church at 2:00 Santa o’clock, Tliurshiy, condut'ted by Rev is good and kind heai*ted, and some times thinks that we ask for more than we ought to havo. but he always bj-ings what he can, and besides a great deal depends upon what kind of a boy or girl you are, ii^ you .ar^? ro:il good, and not selfish^ then Santa ai- ^vjiys iiring.s yuu more than he does to bad bs)y'^ afid girls. In lh(.‘se pot ters state your t»gc, iind your iittJe Lrothirs and .«i>lors nwiy join you ii‘ askini; Ihe f’ood ihiugs from Santa. L' mort* liuin in the ;-'.tme family i,t tho ieilv-r, ail rau.sl sign ihcir i.aines to the letier, ibose living ing i.>uriiuglou can hand lhei»‘ letLor;^ in to The Dispatch ofi'u-e if convoni- esit to do si>, liul if n\fi convenit'?*!. then mail iheni lo us, thohe who live in BuiliMf'Joji anti m;iil their lelU-rs r.ced not j.Hit hut a one-C(‘nt .-Lamif U2.on the le'ilef. those who live in the country or other towns will havi- :*i put a two-cciit slump utvon ihcir leL- er. lie s-ure to stamp your ietter and address it as follows. *’Sa?ita C'iaus, Care Slat;* ])ispatch, Burlingtor*, N. C./^ and bel‘.»w we give yo'.i a sample of how to write the letter, but you j (j, L. Curry and Rev. J. B. buii.il at Pine Hill Cemetery, F!KE COMPANV HOLDS MEETING The Burlington Fire (’ompany No. I held their busiiies^^ meeting "Tuesday dght in the Armory, and trarisacted tiieir regular routine bu.sines.. The • unpan.v has .doijo g*>od wcr^; dut’ing ihc yoar a^d with the careful con^id- rf the pt'Ople a r.unii>rr of lire.s could he eliminated.. The iVll'Hviug ndkvrs v.vre J. T. L'.'vc, chief; C-hnrle:^ O. Wahier. .is.;i;ilar!5 rhii’f; CJros'ei' MtjtUf, for*-- ni;:n; J. (’VoeiiiJin. ijssi.'^tant fure- nuin: V. flerilagc, supt'rlnteiider'il ol’ iirc ;ila!-n»; 1’, K. M:?» ron^ sorrel:n y and treasurer; J, Zel- Wallei* W. U. | Selhjs’s, C. K. Love a*:{! .1, T- Love,! __o I MAStiXH' DISnUCT .MKKTENi; 1\| H!';SSU)N * i ed. The groom is the son of Mr. Reuben Lashley, of this place, while the briile is. the daughter of Mr. and Gibhle ® Janies Z;\chury. of near the place. Boih are popular here and they have ' our vt'vy best wishes for a lon.tr ^nd happy life. Mr. Wi!li:ini Lioyti. of (iuilford JCV‘U ]et-'c*. spejjt the Jatler p^rt of (he x/cen he»-e w-ith hi.- mother, Mr.~. Saiali I,loy([. ! ?.Ir. ^»ctjr|,v T. Wtiliuni-on and f;;ni- ■ :5y .'-pent Thsuik.v^ivin;*' in to. ' Thny r;'Li.;iv5otl hcmo .Saturday. 'IT'. #\vh:) uUi'ijdud tilt' r»:L'‘:ic;« -I’lii- ilMthoa CtMiV'J'ii'M whiih was Iseld ir; I Isuriingi Ml !''riday [■) SH!:ii;ty f; t>n‘ ijcre Vtcre: W. IL Kresluvatt'!* '■ pL'rry i.indl.'V. J M:'. (Lind!..'.'; ul' Klti:; ;\d- I »o.v;e, .‘'pent »_•: iiH'’^ >.5 , i;oar her*-. Mr. .luhn Gleny, ]jrine!pal of tiie gradi'd ixi \W\.i phice. -penl h'«(- ‘■.rd::y and Suiiilay in Ri'.'hmond, Va. Mr. ?>I. inidrif^iiajn, nf Hurlingi*- v'i.-iteii !iis broiluM\ M>'. Ja»nes .\, YEGGMEN (JET $15 FOR HARD JOB. Atlanta, Dec. L—The safe at the store of -Alexander Bros., 274 Mari etta Street, was robbed either SaL- urday or Sunday night by yeggs, svho reached the cash by boring and cut ting a hoie through ihf bottom of the safe. There was only $ir> in the safe, and this is the amount of the loot of t.h;.* rol'bors. The p];)U of rering through the boi- len'- i;f a safe w;*s jirst coiK-ei\eI an;! executed by gai-g of yeggs wfio iiu\ .• operated succe.'sfiiHy To?- sevcr^^lli ?nor/i.l!s i:i Memphis. Toiia., :’Ud ih..- j local police iV'e of ihe oj)inio:i :.ba. ! thi; ang has i;-.5hsreni‘! it^ rslie i-j I'oii to .tu:'iua. ;• I:ii.d Can;p)'^i! .• w.^riii.i*!.- on the cafT. ' .‘:'i .LM'AN A' D AKK HrViNC jli. !LCH (XrnON !h : i N»v. *Jf>.—f:i]>;ti>.'.-e , .M ; ;.!'{ CliiK'->e uri: ! fiiU--': h.-ro :;vvcr }n'}'.;re ar..f-ihi.-v ■, \v.; DO VOl U CHRISTMAS SHOP PING NOW. Don’t wait to do your Christ mas shopping—DO. IT NOW. The stores are j^r-rainng in th-^ir fultiess, SUK'ks are new, fresh,, complete. ar>d inviting. home near the Montgomery CouiUy line Daniels was found sitting in tlief house, around him the dead l)odies. I unconcen.ed’y jacking a bimjo an;i ' singing foolish songs. In Jail hore, it is stated Daniels laughed and talk ed incoherenUy, and denied havinj* diunk any:.h»!ig some “still beer.'’ a beverage* -ol noted for its alcoholic intensity. He is >^aid lo hu n “ni'ion-^hiner,” and h«‘is iie'.Ti before the c‘uurt.= more than once, h.wiij^ at n\v ‘.ime .'•eived a >iMite!M''.* fiji’ the illi^al inaiiuraciM'--.* cf liquor. I'ctails e." ihe iragyd\ ;*re jv.eagre, l/'Ji iMforniatiori rceeiv«.nl iiei j tlii: e'Tect ;hat l>ain’c].s v.hj h:;d '-.'I*:! away I’l' m honio Li: thi\ i.- ih;ys. ;'.ipjiosediy ir’ I-'r.vid"on rou'ity. i - lurjiiid .Saiutday e\o.diig ani four.i * if you shop now you choo.se at leisure fi'om ample varieties and get the best the markets afford in the »vay of good.s and service, " Ju.^t tu» ‘i to the advertising col- uhins of The Dispatch aiid begin making (\it your Christmsis list. * At no reason of the year will. * you find *.he advertising morehelp- ful—moie .«.aving of your time * and money. * Buv only fronf our .Advertisers. Wirner .'M.'f u^'i • uitii * ic '■ ;w;d K‘\ iii lh-‘ i . nail;-:- • .•!?*»! r,r.- iWf; \\-(*n»:‘ ■■ifi' WhvS! w- - i.i 'ii'-; n ! BURLESON AND SANTA Cl.AUS. Washingloi., Nov. 28.-—Postmavter Burie.«on !i;i- made himself Santa Claus’ chief assistant. By a recent ly prumulgaled fiat postmasters are informed tnat Chrisinuis jroodies. if properly packed may L-e j-ent by p;u- ccj post. Nuts and rulsin, cakes a-v.l cajidic.s a'ld ;;I1 ll».‘ other sweet thing's ,^c* dear t'* Ihe ii-.faaHb-* heart— 1,-ad fr»r ih .~l'>ina(,h‘'—lo 1-o r.*~ fei'ci nl Ji'i i:i the ’« luied i',' uhiWcr. Th^ roccTit fvrdi*.' jroe?' furl.her' still. l.Jcu’- \i :;: ‘l /;i ,;iiii'.n-l ,;i'e- s of fn-i.jpncl-’ry • '•!' lo iid ise. a."' v/ciii as 1* .nr.. a'^d v.'itl Mossr.s. John Lindley tijhI son, Shaw. Ti,... nistrit-i M«tw,rorilK. Oyduv, is 1,1 h.M c today ami j S:Uunh.y. has an interesting program for iMsj evenii:n-.inl toMwlit. .Mr. R.ii j"'ho iiavc vi.sHi.ij; lion. K. M. Gaili. are on iho .>111 | . vetur.ied hor.je Sundr^y. can use your own woi’ds and language | for tonight, whirh will be a rare treat] Vmi tell the different things you want, I for tiuise who art" fortunate enough this sample letter i.s just to .show you hear them. how Lo nuike the be^inraiig. ^ Now' let your letters come, and the; THE MOVIE GIHL sooner you get them in the bettei. - “The Movie Girl," a breezy musicai Do not wait until the last moment, comedy, was plaj-ed last Tuesday the v/eather may get bad and Santa oigVit at the Casino io the largest and will not have lime to get all he thing: that you ask for. WVite early and write real short nice letters. Let them come. Who will be the first? zcthscaCbu,etaoi etaoin ^taoin oinlnn most appreciative audience that has attended the Casino this year. The musical number of the program were very very good, containing 18 oi the latest and most popular songs o the day. Dear Sar.ta Claus: O I am a little boy 7 years old, and HOUSE ROBBED WHILE F.\M!LY live out upon Route No. 2, near Glen- WAS ABSENT, coe Mills. I have nc brothers or sis- Elizabeth City, NOv. 30.—The home ters. I try to be good but Mamma of Cliff Harris, Walnut and Second says I am bad. I wish you would streets, was entered last night by a bring me for Christmas, some candy, burglar in the absence of the family nots, and toys. I would like to have and robbed. The thief carried off a a little drum and a horn. Now if you lady’s gold watch with the letter “M'’ do not think this is toe much for one engraved on the case; an ablong lock- little boy, please bring ito dear, sweet, j et and a dollar in bufTalo nickles. Santa. j Bloodhounds trailed the burglar to Johnny Jumpup. —0— Dear Santa Claus: R I am a little girl 5 years old, and j •live in West Burlington, near Smith Qualls Store. I w'ould like for you •i'to bring me a doll and some candy the railroad where a freight train had Just left. It is supposed that he took passage on the freight. O Retributive justice has not depart ed from ihe earth. \ press item re cites that ihe wife of the Ben Davis OAKWOOl) ITEMS Miss Sthe) Patterson, v^dio has i>eon sick for several days, is a'lle to at tend school ag:iin. .Mr. Edgar Jones and Miss Stella Patterson look a fiying trip to iib- sonville la.st Sunday afternoon. Prof. S. A. Sharpe spent Thanks giving in Charlotte, where he attend-i ^ I ed the .‘Jlst annual session of the N. C. Teachers* Assembly. Mis.^ Doi*othy Watlington has re- .-r. ri5 Wlill; lj-;d rtfwrteii i-i:.' pri^-i‘ is oijvhy i.-; inidersl'M.., i (' Lv> ceil' It 'U.;v (i-lovl It.* jililCiUir Tor. 1.3 i !' hi- I-iddi:; Wiiii virwially .nd hi'!' i.wis V uni.'ii;’lu. [ushiI. CuJlon i L-ii-fLV ill rci'iMiiiy h s bi-e^ ^ i.:’cni'rul!y lolie\ui il I tiity f;'.r. 1* r.!i!! ' .nv ;'-i^y. 1 h-> ti‘.’!Pl;liiV from iHi order." .... ‘*niy !. su}>p.. . (M'-: I- in 1 riat^nH'/: ';n)' I' • I :i !>Li w- •.-h M . flu". v. n« ! f an un- t'lop-Mi and i* i.s v.'ili be ivduevd El.O.N COi.LIUiE ROl iK i ITEMS.; liaio! KainI The farmers Iv.jve nt>l ‘ Jinished so\''iug wh«.»at in .'■•ei -' liii'!S on ;vccojni i»f the iai:\ Mr. and Mr.-^. Kdd. Christnuoi and; Ms. W. J. i)iamont were visitor.s a; Mr. and Mr.s, ]'»:;niel rhrisimon’s Smvj day evening. Mr. W. Wickere and Mi Lov.'e visited Mr. J, R. Sutlor.V Snn- day. The following were visitors at Mr. •(I t:‘.::i ht.' V,ili be jx-'.uri.- .' ihr • ■ Ivo.i LiiWi* }‘af:ul.-i tiu' (*f Will w.j.i !;•.•»■> j;» Sl.sniv (’ouMiy. 111.' «'l' a l‘;iiuiiy Wi-l'i kiln'.v;; U.i: u'.'nK'-y Tiiai (ii'otln Piolai-es:’.o i.-i ’‘8onV-- .Slii'W." iCKAHAM MUST VW Hie.MKU ra (ks. The Cir.iUan\ telenhoi’.e nuilfer \i*a ihe (.'orpr'ration issued an order Vi h'.ided "■■•i :■ '.•I, I'-.aTiitra;-: .{Ju-:- U-y j:-- -it »"i- lo hitndi e 1 r eSiHNliti' i-h* ; 11;?]!:*- ::i • • .* " { ".vi 11 :'V \ co;i\etus' j IMlift’d i" ■ Tiplii‘>' ai.d esj'*.*,{iti> il'u* i -.-■.iiii:- a : i jiiy -.I i;a!.ks .fiiiiti I'uit riiii * vxs. Nov. The hu-al Hel- •OhV.V.in'*0 ;iMnOL!i1i';-d ihLlI led i!i ipt ions about bi^ue.>7 i'f.niributioii w.ms W- 1. Diamont*s Sunday: ^Irs. D. L. W^illianis and children, Mrs, G. C. i Tickel, Mrs, Lottie Edwards, Miss Lil- U- turned home from Monroe much un- ilian Tickel and Messrs. Clareiice Tick- proved. }el and Zillmoiid Fargis. Messrs. J. Y. Jones, H-. B. TroxSer j Grover Apple, of Greensboro, and their sons took a hunt Thank.;giv- Friday nisht with Mr. D. L. i ing Day and kil!ed a fine lot of game. Williams. Mrr*. Harriet .Apple is very sick a! Jast Friday night. A large crow'd was this lime. Hope ,she v.'I]l soon be able 'present and all had a nice time. a^'ain. Mr, Will Ross had a husking bee J and raisins, but. Dear Santa, if you w'ho originated the apple of that name J think the little Belgium girls need has borne him triplets. The public debate at Gillianfr5 Acad emy on Thanksgiving night was great ly enjoyed by all who attended and there was a large attendance. Mrs. J.' B. Joyce and family arc spending a few days w'ith her moiher, Mrs. J. R, Smith, Misses Alene Bouldin and Kate Faucette visited Miss Bessie Smith last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Vance Swift came home for i 31rs, Polly Gerringer is also sick. Mr. U. S. Lowe and Mr. Fuller spent Saturday with his father, Mr. J N. Ix>we. Mesrs. Jesse and and Claude Shep herd took a flying trip across the coun try Sunday, Mrs. Barbara Williams spent the last week ^vith Mrs. SatUe Rasin, of Gibsonville. The Bras? Band boys of Ossipee are seJiilei yesi‘i\iay by ronimi*ssioii when il ■appr(;vjng rho new stale which he > S;*ulhfV!i Kt'll Tebmhano Co., proposes t;> nut ir.lo effecv in that The matiei ha-: been l>et‘;>re ihe v'onnnis- sion f('r s» .ii* time ar.d )>oth sides have been given a number cf hearing.^. A inisi‘u*>'' house on a siiigie iir.t- will he ch t3'gef .if l per mo.'rth, da{)Je.v: lini\ i-ihgle resilience liue, and duplex line $2 pci* month. These rates are considerably higher tha:i those now ir. effect. The central exchange is iii Bui'lin- itiji where the telephone people claim j they have Kccntly spent $20,00h in improvemeni.. They also chiim to have spent J^r-.OOO in Graham for vm~ provements. I iMii'iiani, jjvja.-. relief 1 it b;;S i‘0)!i;i : The ; made i>y Ii .-.r.cv W. \Valt., who gav*.* ]>. X. l‘!ik-.‘ i::uvc \V. A. ■Ki‘Wi:j The otlu-r contribulions . eaJne io ;-*T>iounjs from up ; to .t'iri. ; Mr, Krwi:'. v,-as a foi-mer resido'ii; of this city \sas noted for his l^ber- ;'lilv to W'»nhy —Ed. -O- Thanksgiving and 1‘emained until ‘Sun-1 along nicely with their music, iday. I Bravo! Boys you will w'in yet! DUMB 2-> YEARS: OPERATION GIVES SPEECH, .San Franeiseo, Cal.. Nov. 2L—Af- ler having been deprived of her pow er of spcocii fo!' 25 years, Mrs. C. ,1. Dial, ;• ..uaithy widow of Orovilie, is abie -pCAk again as a j^snlt of an ope .jn )>erfor;ned at Mt. Zion hos- ipi\.’. The patient, now Cm years old, is 'recovering rapidly from an operation I which is saiil to have been one of Ithe mo.st remarkable of its kind ever Subscribers in both Burlington and' - . , ^ . J performed lie re. O Graham are practically in the same] e'xchange and no additional cost will 1)0 attached for the .service. U js claim ed that nearly every point in Alamance county can I’e reached under the new arrangement without additional co.^t. A rv=" you going to See “Zudora"* Tuesday at The Grotto ? I Of course I r.m. >2 ’V EARS OLD, HAS BROKEN HIS LEG ONLY 37 TIMES. Sedalia. Mo., Nov. 2L—Jesse Wilk inson, 22 years old, has fallen and fractured ais left leg for the thirty- .^yjventh time. The bones in Wilkie- son’s left Ifg rre brittle and it breaks with the least shock, but heals ouick- ly, Otherwis.e his health is good. I PRINT

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