FAtitC fV» iHE TWIGE-A-WEEIi. DISPATCH, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29, »U. SVY TEN MILLION YARDS COTTON CLOTH. OF posts as well as the centers of bus:- , ness activity. Swift & Company, realizing fully Ike position of the Southern furmer, 1 SIGNS OF THE TIMES. h»ve adopted through their large far-'l When the wind comes just a-w-o-o tilizer iraerests in the South a iiew ' lng, rattling doors and window panes; plan to relieve the cotton situation. | when the cows, come just a-m-o-o-o They are certainly doing their share;ing as they frolic up the line; when ing to be grater and to have nvui-o. Smile! hang it! smile! Tell your wife a part of what you! lulow and she will think you are wise; | CHURCH DIRECTORY f ia helping: the South by their Urge eoiisuzbptidn ot cotton cIoUi, Although already large users of cot ton, cotton seed oil, and other South er/i products, tliey are making this yerr a .special effort to increaso the. »se of cotton, goods in alJ depart ments of their numerous plants. Cotton bags, cotton ;^heetlngs, and cotton coverings* for meats are being substituted for other materiaj wher ever possible. An ordinary year’s re- ijuiremonts for this firm amourrs to «ver ten miDion yards, and with iheir j»resent *‘HeIp the South” policy.their consumption of cotton goods wiii be ▼cry largely increased. ■ One item alone, that of usins' c-ot- toii instead of jute. t;:nkage presis aloths, h;i.s added ‘>00,000 yards to the ^>wift .con.sumption. This U *urely a shot iii tha light i?rcction ^ind one the Soutli can fully Appreciate. We hope that their in- iiialive ^'i'! start a movement "which will becojno even n^ore beneficial than >ho *’Buy a Bale of Cotton” propa ganda. We could stand more big corpora tions imbued with the public spirit of & Compijny. MR, BRYAN AND HIS WORK. It is on the administrative side that Ifr. Bryan has proved a sorry dis appointment. He is a poor secretary or state because ho has lost bis ca pacity for hard» plodding, continuous effort. He has lectured and speechi fied and rear-piatXormed and junket ed around for so many years that he is incapahle of chaining himseif to a desk and making himself master of his Job. As secretary of state he is ignorant, and he will not learn. He wouiu rath er argue than work. Much of the official labor of his office is dry and dull and exacting. !fe ha» n ? stom ach for if.. A great secretary of state ii' these times would bo at his dc’sk twelve hours u da>. Mr. Bryan wouui ralh er be in state prison. He uoes not the hogs are thumping, bumping, /neath the floor down at the barn, and horses stop to nicker while ^ting home-raised corn, th^ I know we’ll have. some weather, and thiat snow will surely fly, and I view the piled up w'ood lot with a loving, pridefui eye. When several nations start to fight, there are m^ny kiU^ in battle; Vis time to take to farming right and rai^ more hogs and cattle. This war will never be forgotten* Hwill leave' millions to be few—-what*s the use to hand them cotton when they Ve. want ing meat and bread? 1 know I’ve done the right thing when I pasi^d King Cotton by, and ][ view my crowded hog pens with, a loving^ .prideful eye. When ' I hear a farmer crying.' •‘These times are aw^ful rotlen, I can ^ess without half trying he's b$en. raising too much cottoji. Cutting down my cotion crop was not eaouj;h for me—1 cut the whole darn business ut for hogs and hominy. Now when the cotton farmers have their winter’s food to buy, I view my loaded smoke house with a loving, prideful eye. C. B. Parks, in Southern Ruralist. TREND OF THE TIMES. Smile! for it is Christmas! •Why celebrate Christmas? .\nd bow ought we keep it, these modern days? We ous'ht to go, every one of uf grown-ups, head foremost into it. It is a chance to enter riv>tously irito the greatest fun-producing game that ev er was in the world, the game o:‘ mak ing other people, and especially )ittle children happy. Whatever makes happine''-. and leaves no after taste of bitterness, is worth while. We ought to observe Christmas be- cau.se it i.s about the best custom this cantankerous old woHld has ever found. Heaven knows there are bad cu^omsi enough; stupid, deadening customs that perpetuate unjunt con ditions simply because they have al ways been; cruel and wicked customS; relontless ghosts of the paj*t that throttU* the present with their hard tell her all youknow Vino'A you are a fool. and she \vill It*s only a short time till we’ri‘ all gone, so why not smile? it’s a pretty wrong and a weedy old world, but there are some ^jlden 1 hearts in it, and perhaps, after all, jSickly the dream of niankind may be right, REFORMED CHURCH, Corner Front and Anderson Streets. that over all is a go;oJ God who will straighten out the crooked and tangled ' , ways some day. ■ And recall the words of Shieter-1 linck; “Tliere. is one thing that can ^ never turn into suffering, and that. is the good we have done.” v'llartit.enric.'^est he blocKl.«ncl builds upthesys- *•'*11. A u««' toniir. For and childresu Rev. D. C. Cox. PRESBYTERIAN CHUKCH. Com OU S«R», OttH Kiiaiaif Urn’t Cut*. The worsstctscs. no matter ot how long standiag, ftre cured by the wondieriul. old reliable Dr. Porter's JLntxBeptic Hrslinf Oih It »2iev'e.> Fain azuS Heals at the same tittiQ. 25c,5Qc. $1.'/ _0. When the man who listens under- ;tands nothing and the man who taik.«f understands as little, theu they arc discussing the cause of the war. {Cabbage Plants riHirrtuuioiM * W MMUMC FIHMT WMir HAKTS Grovu i» tlid op«-rt n«*ld ott mi*- :.irnii «( . Albany, Oh . «i>«l ■OrwnvlU^.‘Pswa Btrlet> Ar *'***!. «• : . I,i mklc* u (IT^liuf^citaiu-e. -,V# cf.ange ourlaodMcb Ipt^aptir, cu«ruui>t« I«Jt vouat. 4t^y«rr. •BdK' uditroiiyr i>Ui>ty. '* V*w. :i«t; Kttrti- lTak>t«td. Cnwl» wdKl^nutcIi i>ruiuUo*a , Fyi«sRWJf.» il.Nptwt Br«'TTirvM.B6t prelpati}. aqo lor ;?n:'iiwetoiooo At zs oer tow* I •0totv6iWat4!.WVfrlll0'J;Xi).«.O6 n£ Md I , wiiion iwiuii* jst *j. str*'ftbrrrjr lr-x..i:i;y v.-u-uU.« ».C ♦a.M PiIJ>MOiii'r PLANT CO. Ai:uny. Cjr, -Mtf fir.wt.itte, S. C. Sunday School every SablMLth ut 9:45 A.M. Preaching every First and ^ird Sab bath at 11:(» A. M. and 7:30 P. M- Mid-Week Service every Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. Everyone Welcome. I-ar.soi;age Corner. Front and linger. Streets. Trol- HOCUTT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH, N««vT XTfttt tad P-.nc i^co (Mtftta J'Im.C* r.-Mdjr Apeii I .1. Writ® for war • full Adanl^. -Avenue and Hall Street. riyli.'O VICK'S pUaui Rev. James W. Rose, Pastor. iPneunioniait FHUrr! FRl fT! FKUIT! FltUIT! Headquarters for fancy eating fruit. 500 barrel.s and iOO bo.xes, idl .selection, 1,000 Jamaica cocoanut.s 5 and 6c. Very nice and cheap. Buy your fruits and confeetionarie.4 from F. J. Stra der, where you can get your money’s worth, both quality and quantity g-uaranteed. Larg-e stock of fruits at ali times. Your i business -will be appreciated, large or small. | Telephone No. 526, F. ,1. STRADER prcachiiiK every Fourth. Sunday at II;00 .A. M. and 7^30 P. M. Sunday Sch.ool every Sunday at ‘J:30 A. M prayer Meeting Wednesday, 7:-!0 P. M. .r.dies .A.id Society First Sunday Af ternoon. Rev. Donald Mclver, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and 7;30 P. M. Sunday, School at 9:45 A. M. B. R. Sellars, Superintenji'ot. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday »t 7:8* P.M. The Public is cordially invited to ail services. BAPTIST C'HUBCH. Rev. M. W. Buck, Pastor. A. M., know what is goit^g on in the staJ.e . , , I old gray hand;;; customs that poison department- iie doe^ not know whatj . . . . ought to l»e going on there. Ho lia no g7'asp of his duties hecauso he hai lost the tiiste for tirudgery, and no man w'ho is unwilling to l,>e a drudge can i)C a satisfactory secretary*^ of 5rt.ate. Neither Jefferson nor John Quincy Adams nor Elihu Root learn ed his tradi' by intuition. They work ed and wurked in one of the thincs that Mr. liryan w^’i not do unless l?y chance he io is on a platfonn w'ith the cheers of the crowd ringing in iiis ecrs An honorrtbie man, an. unright maji, a man with noble ideals of interna tional senice and a noble faith in democratic institutions, he is a hope- ioss failure as secretary of state be- oause he ha.s made himself incapablc •f sustained and systematic intellectU' At 0X611X0:1.—New York World. 0 THE CURRENT OF CONFiUKNCE. The confidence here reflected is that of observant, thoughtful men the country over. One *'eed not he a temperamental optimist to sense the current of new faith that now tingles through almost every line of industry and trade, ft is recorded at hundreds of different points and is felt in the for this scborest minds. It is a tangible fact. an (xperience broadly verified. Among the larger evidences of re turning prosperity is the steady and truly wonderful growth in .American f^xports. Dunng the last month, this country sold some seventy million dol lars more goods than it bought, an amount that is twenty million dollars above the record fr the average month in recent years. It is estimated by Government officials that within a year the foreign commerce of the Unic- ed Stats v51l increase by five hun dred million dollars. If war conditions continue. The enriching effect of this growth is bound to be felt sooner or later, in every sphere of our practical affairs in agriculture as well as man- ufa^rt^uing and at the farthest out* and .stunt us; customs in war, i.i pol ities, in fashion, in ccononiio.s. in though and even in passion. And when here comes along a sVv’eH and «‘heerful c-ostom. with Mi arms full of laughing chi)droi\ let us fall in. We do :iot have to believe in any of the strange and childish credulities of the ancient Druids nor in the tales of the MiddU‘ Agc^s; but we shoulO be abJe to appreciate the charming tlavoi' of the Christmas legends and put a bst of it into our all too matter-of-fact modern life. We do not need to plunge inia the excesses and extravagances that spoil Christmas. The blessed time doesj not imply sfilnding a million dollars on presents for people who sniff at your gifts because they did isot cost mrore. We do not need any of this fake “gratitude which i£> a lively -ense of favors to yet come.** j What we need is a simple, honest desire to make all those happy whos*^ lives touch ont*s. Of all the pleasures known to men and women none has been discovered comparable to the pleas’jre of giving pleasured -\nd Christma.s is the timr- We are makinjj Some Close Prices on Pianos Now Have 8 Pianos we want to sell before Christmas. Have you seen our $175.00 & $225.00 Pianos? See our $49,00 Organ. Hive you seen that New Machine? “ No Shutde. No Bobbin. ” Put spool thread below and spool on top and "Go to Work.” Simple, isn’t it ’ Ellis Machine & Music Co. BURLINGTON. N. C. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Church of The Holy Comforter. The Johti ijenners Gibble, Ri^ctor, Scrviccji every Sunday, 11:00 A. M. and TraO P. M. Holy Communian; First Sunday, 11:00 A. M., Third Sunday, 7:30 A. M. Holy and Saint’s Days, 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 3:H0 A. M. The public is cordially invited. All Pewfi Free. Fine Vested Choir. Sunday Worsiiip, 11:00 7:36 P. M. Sunday School at S.:iO A. M. J. L. Scott, Superinteiideiit , ^ Praise and l^ayer Servi> es, WediiM- day at 7:30 P. M. Christian Culture Class, Saturday «t d:Of) P. M. f Cnurch Conference,. Wcdns:iday fa«- fore First Sunday of each mosth, 7:S0 }>. M. ObservaJice of Lord't* Supper, . Firat Sunday in each month. Woman's Union, First Monday of each Sfontfi, S:aO P. jf. THE METHODIST PROTESTA>NT . CHURCH. East Davis Street. P. Eev. George L. Curry, Pastor, Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 7:8€ H. Ladies' .4id and Missionary Soeietis* every Monday afternoon after First Sunday in each month. Christian Endeavor Society meeta at 6:30 Every Sunday Evening. Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. J, ’J. Wog- frs, Supsrir.tendent. Good Baraca and Philathea Classei. You are Invited to attend a!! tSuK* services. WHY PAY MORE? When you can buy at these prices. Sugar tic ioose loasted coffee 15c. Arb coffee 20c snowdrift lard 30c. Tiisse are only a fe^r specials, ev- eryihing else just as cheap. Large litxe holidays goods, see us before you Duy. Plain Price Variety Store, Court House Square - - Graliam, N. €. CHRISTIAN CHCRCH. MACRDOMA LUTHERAN CHURCH, Corner Church and Davis Streets. Kev. A, B. Kendall, Pastor. I’reHcbinfcT t vcry Sunday 11:00 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday Srhoul^ A. M. John R, Fc.ster, Superiritendent. Chnstian Kndeavor services Sunday Evenings :it (j:45. Mid-Week I'ray^yr Service, yvery Wed»esday at 7:30 P. M. Ladies’ Aid and Miasionary Society maetii on Monday, after the Second Sunday in each month. A cordial invitation extended to ail. A Church Home for Visitors and foif Strangers. Cut out all thought of getting. Cut out all envy, bitterness and greed. Try genuinely to l>e helpful* Just this once. Awd rememl>ev tba*. the best gift you cjAH make any one is the gift of your own cheer and optimism, ^'’orget your oum aching foot, or aching heart. Forget your failure, your disappoint ment. Forget your enemies and all them that have de^pitefully used you. Forget your wrongs. Foi'get your pov erty. Just lemember you are a human being, and that there aie other hu> man beings you may !iven up a little if you try. Be a real optimist, which means one who is making the of what he is and of what he has, whSl« striv- ?• BMane At aS. msni} a tera ;s rnkfidk Adfanta^ ^ of having an extra pair of cuffs right on the shirt, out of yet always ready, without the bother of attachine or de taching. Simply a turn gives you A C!»o Csf Fc/ a S^y Columbia “Cufnirn” Shirt.s at $1.50 and $2.0&, are made plain or plaited, colors guaran teed. We also carry a full line of Coiucnbia Shirts without the “Cufturti” feature. I'RONT STREET M. K. CHURCH, SOUTK. Rev. D, H. Tuttle Pastor. Peace to those who enter. Blessings to those who go. Pre!»ching every Siinday, 11:90 A. M. and 'CSO P. M. Sacrament of the l^orn's Supper with offering for Church charities. F’rsl Sunday in each month. Sunday School, evsry Sunday, !t:30 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Wedne.sday, 8:00 F M. Board of Stewards meet on Mond-'y 8:00 P. M„ sifter Fourth Sunday i« each month. Woman’s Missionary Society meetc 4:00 P. M-, on Monday, after 1st and 3rd Sundays. J.D.&LB.WHinED The Store of Vaiue - - 318 Main St. VICK*S^S^iSSS SALVE Parsonage, lorner W. Davis and Koke Streets. Pastor’s Telephone, No. 168, Ring—Talk—Hang Up—“Busy." WEBB AVENUE M. 12. CHURCH SOUTH. Rev. P. B. NoWett, Pastor. Prsaehing every first Sunday at lliW A. M., and 7:30 P. M. Second Sun- day at 7:30 P. M, Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 A. H. K.tt. H.V. Moore, Sapcrintendent. Everybody Welcome. Front Street. Rev, T. S. Brown, Pastor. thi Moi’iiingr Service 11:00 A. M. Vespers 7:30 P. M. Services every Sunday except niorninp: of Third Sunaay. .‘^niiday Schoo!, S;4;> A. M, Prof. B. Robertson, Supt. Teachers’ Meeting Wednesday 7;3d i*. M. (Pastor’s Study). Woman’s Missionary .Society, Kiric Thurfsday, Monthly, .1:33 P. M. I.. C. B. Society, Second Thursdajr- Monthly, P. M. Young Ptiople’s Meeting, Second Su^- Uay at S p, M Keep Sowel Havensent Rejfulsr. Dr. King;’a New Life Pill* kmp fitom&ch, live] and kidneys in heatlbj condition. Rid the body of poison* and waste. Improve your completion by fiushtitg the liver and kidneys. “I jot saore reh’af from one !w>x of Or, King’s New Life Pills than any mei^ icine I ever' tried,” «ay T E. HatfSeld of Chicago, ni, 25c„ at your drug. K>*t. } Ntffeft I Wettm ■VOVEMBER 22, 19K. Leave Wins(ait-Sa)en>. 6:30 A. M. daily for Roanoke and in termediate stations. Connect with Memphis Special for South west, also main line trains .Northl.^ East and West with Puiiman Slee-’ers, Oining Cars, 2:0t) P, M. caily for Martinsville, Ro anoke, # the North and Sast. Puilmriri Steel Electric Lighted Sleeper Winston-Salem to Har risburg, Philadelphia, New York, '* Owing Cars North of Roanoke. 5:(H) P. M. daily except Sunday for Martinsville end local stations. Trains arrive Winatoci-Saiem J0:2fl A. M., 1:20 P. M., 9:35 P. M. Trains leave Uarhsm for fcoxljoro, South Boston and Lynchbnrs', 7;,x( A. M., daily, and 5:H0 P. M., daily exce;>t Sunday. ^ W. a. Sevill, P«M. Traff. Mgr.^ ' W. C. Sauniiers, Gen. Pa«. i

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