A tOGRESSIVE BEPUBLZCAX NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE LAMSaiJCAS H» ■■ A ' h A \S) JU( A N INKUSTUIES. BURLINGTON, AtiAMANCE COUX’TY,' NORTH ' ?AY, FEBRUARY 12, Wla. iffiUND AND OEBMIMY WlUWED MT INTER' FERINfl WITH II. S. Shsttld Gowana Sink Araerim Shipa or Destroy Amerie»u Uves Grave ijViU Result—British Will Not Be Held Guiltless If Ifcey j Pfenist in MiaiiiriBK SUrs *iid Stripe* Invite Disastrous Results— United States Talks Plainly to Both Powers. ident of fee General Conference of the church and was r«ently elected Washington, N. C., Feb. J.l.“Fttbli* tiatlou tonight by the State ■ D©RRTt- ment cf the texts of notes senV yes- twrday, to Great Britain and Germany, respectively, revealed that botli coun tries had been vitnied in most mphat- 5e terms against menacing the ves-, sels or lives of ^ericiui Citizens tra- i versiiiK the recently procluinied sea ■ of '^r. ■ ■ Germany was a^iaed that the Unit-; ed States “would be constrained to; hold the Imperial Government to J ^h® chuwh-gomg people strict accountability” for any acts of its~5iaval authorities which might re sult in the destruction of VKSsels or the loss of American lives, •ad that if “sucli deplorable situation gene is attena this mectine. O- COUNTY omra WANT MflRyEtP. Bc^utiou' InTroiueed ^'Pasa^ at Last Meeting Recommendii^ Owti- to Pay Extra Help-^SiiotoW Believe Officers—^Sheriff Now Has- to Pay Deputies put of His Salary—Bodfc* keeper Needed by Register of Deeds. At the last meeting of the board provost oS^e University of Maryland’ of County Commissioners a resolution but declined the post on account of was presented and passed recomroead- his long connection with the college, ing that the Legislature be asked to Mo charge is made and no collection pass a bill to increase the pay of the iwill be taken at this meeting, as Dr. county ofScers or to pay for she extra ! Lewis is speaking in the interest of help tiie officers have to hire and pay his college, which has enjoyed re- out of their own salaries. ! markable success under his adminis-' It'is fcnowir that cue present salary system is a hardship on the sheriff, of our who has to pay his deputies thesr f^s toTi'B, as well as all Methodist Pro- and expenses out of his salary, as j AFT^ LOSiq^ST SI^E OK BEC- isalATB ADJOCBNS. aBd.;]QeTCii Miaittt^ to Go Himie.—That R(IS!UAN$ WIN FIEIICEST BAYONET STRtiGGLE IN Alt HiOTY, SAYS iraoem^ Germans Shift Hnhdreds of Thousand a From Poland aiul Hurl Them Up Sides of the Carpatidans—Steel Clashes ^ted Till Ssow Tnrns B«d— Time After Time the Teutons C harge Up the Slopes, GaiB Im AwhOc only to be Pushed Back Through Their Own Blood by the Museorite; Hand-to-Hand Struggles Betwee n. jreat Masse? Last fw Hoars at Soine Points, 'With the ^Idiers of the North pnsl Vktora—^Mwutu* - Sides Are Piled With the Deait; Attack Befwre Warsaw Ceases Bat Terrible Fray lUges in East Prusaa. opportunity there is no provision for their psy In the register cf deeds' should arise,” the American Govern' testants, will havs an American afforded them of hearing such othervinse. a distingui^od educator. The pub- office a similar state of affairs exists, cordially invited to as the system of book-keeping there requires the time of an expert book- SesKw -Mere- P!**^ Noizi* Says in Ex- ■yj^K to Adjom That He i Fffihuster Cannot Be Brok- I Nert ilsve b Ob Gore KIl and ^IF^at l'kils, the Fight May Be Cijptted the Htmae—Insnrgeiit U^iKtersts Hold Ont Olive Branch to.'Talk CoiiBPiomiM; Norris ^yi« Fi^aster ReGc of Barbarism. 'Wl^in^r, Peh. 10.—^Republicanii and fitainoeratie insuxgrents fighting the (ovemmutt ship bill, with the aid Ol sWtors Norris and Kenyon, pr0g;i«sMve Bspabliciitns who have supiMEted the! neasiw ; fon^ Senaite to adjourn tonight, after the j read your ^itorial in a reecnt i.?- longei^i continuous session in its his- your paper in regai*ds to the tery. Debate had lasted fifty-four financial condition of our county with hours and eleven minsttes. intejest and I want to congratulate O you on broad manner in which you I showing ihat the county tfdMorers* A KEEL OVER. bandied the subject. We all know j commission was equal to 12.63 out of Mr. James Foust, one of our clever chanty is badly in debt, and!each |100 spent for superintendence r^r route carriers had the pleasure [^hooves every tax payer, regard- and teaching. The article then named be the claraorings of ^e increa»ng multitudes of Women two years hence for the ballot. — O— Mebane, N. C., Feb. 6, Editor.Dispatch: _ ^ Carolina was $2,703,990.72 «f whiA $44,094.69 was paid county treasDisrs as commissions. In other wMd^ ont of each $100 spent &r niral IS. $1^63 went as ecnctjr ixeasiim^ com missions, rescH^ iu ilH» etniaty getting $98.37 pti|vhasiDg" j«wisr M^ of each $100. T%e amount jiaid for the superintendents and ttaeJaan, (in cluding negroes), was $1,714,147.31, to lafeipiafd American lives and prop erty.” To Great Britain, the United States pointeii out “the measure of respcnsi- bility" which would sseio to be impos ed on the British Government “for tha idss of Americar vessels and 'ives in cue of an attack by a Gertnan naval SHASPE-CGOk. A wedding of exceptional interest in this city and throughout thit sec tion of the state was that cf Miss Jessie Shnrpe and Mr, John M. Cook, whicii t-ook place at the Methodist . keeper, and all this mu&t now be paid by the regist-pr of deeds out of his salary. The law when passed did not con- sucH a state of affaits, as it was put on trial to see if it worked for the advantage of the county, li has proven that it does, but it reacts ® , j ..*• -j by Bsv- D- Tuttle, pastor of the force" if England svnctioned genersl ■' , . i. ^ - ^ . Jy.. «W*^ n«^ ▼ V. 1 T"»- misuse of the American flag, and ^ ‘"«mato friend. iMr c«t donw tqn* tJu* wlid ***"« “ character of neutral maifiia, A IN iSBMOMAM. -~~o~ JAMES WALTER MURRAY. Parsonage Wednesday night at 9:30 o’clock. 'The ceremony was performed jon the oilicers, and reduces their sal« aries, which makes it unjust to the officers. The resolution is printed herewith in order that our readers may see just how they look at the thing and judge for th*m»ely«s if tb® saiaries should be raised or not. , Be is resplyed. JTiat whereas, the Legislature of the State of North Car olina at.ita session in 1911 passed an complete surprise, Mr*. Cook 5a one of the city’s raost popolir young^SHeS,'|(RnBtBently.con- nected in all the societies of the town. S'lie has been connects wJlK the Ala- S'.-!’ .- Sl«pJaauary 15th, 1915. Insurance & Keal Sststo Co., lor the p»!il fc« ysar£. - "Sledp on, beloved, sleep and take thy rest. Lay dawn thy head upon *i>e Savior’s l>reast. We loved thee well, but Jesus Icves thee be-st, SlMp on. Sle«p OB. Sleep on. ORDER OP SERVICE. Kymn, “My Jesus As Thou Wilt,” .. Choir. Responsive Reading of Nintieth Psalm. Kyrie. Scriptures .. .. .. .. Pastor Brown. BlKm, "Peace, Perfect Peaee,” Choir. Address, Paator Brown. Hymn, One Sweetly Solemn Tfeought, .................. Choir. Address .... Hon. E. S, Parker, Jr. Solo, 0 Dry Those Tears, C. J. Boland. Address. Solo, Crossing the Bar Mrs.. P. E. Morrow. Prayers. The Nwte Dimitis. BenedietioiL' “His life was gentle, and the elements. So ssixed in him that nature misht stand up And say to all the world. This was • Mm.” This Memorial Service is to be hdd at the Lutheran Church, at 3:00 P. US.,, Suiiday, February 14, 1916. Floral offerings may be sent to the Mr. Cook has been a-citizen of our jtown for a number of years snd has won quite a lot of populsrity by his ; good nature and bxisiS-S^ I -tr. tlifel ^Sre&S, of carrying a couple of ladies to s paf- party, to do what they can to ty %. few nights past. It known lessen our burdens-. There is no that our roads were in unusual bad campaign on at this time, so that we cohd^ion. Jim was driving along jggjj gj„j (jj^cuss the issues swa^pg the usual pleasantries when ^ business point of view. Theres they struck a mud hole of unusual jg grie in our county but wants tho 17 counties which were under the act of 1913 authorized to aibolish the office of county treasurer. A further examination of the report of Supt, J. y, Joyner will show Qiat the total numher enrolled in the rural di^nsion;, the buggy keeled and conditions bettered wherever pos-1 schools were 4^.1,826 children, while i^[|^iK]g^iscuoasiy upon Mr. Foust which was much of a protection, as Mr, Foust has iSterat dimsnsions. Mr. Foust’s only comment was ihkt ha would not have minded them walking act placing tl.e officers of Alamance around cn his face so much if they County m(?ntion«d in said act on sal- had not got on his nose. AU is well aries (said act being Chapter G17 of that ends weil except Erastus Cook the Public Local Lows of 1911;) and Rcemi! not to have a bit of sympathy said net lias been in force for Jim, he seems it* owupants keeled with ft spillinj gjbje. Our Representative Hon. J. II- its ocf-upant& in the mud. Mr. Fou3t yemon is an sbl® s.ni I believ^* a eon- sapstf the iiicvitaWe coircogi arid with scientious man who pledi^^d to tho hi ■ ottial galiAntry hollowed to hold if electcd to work and vote for U|^1ahd l«t him go firet, «nd pitched measure- that would benefit out the baggy Icerchuf. The yoong county as a whole. If the people of were emptied simttltaneously Atamance will only let their tepreeen- Piodmont Trust Company, and has quite all to think it well c he i-Mtflir Mebane a sufficient time for this board to seo enougr. lur oi.v its operation and effect on the offices with another fellow s girl.- of county treasurer, sheriff and re-, Leader. i gister of deeds, and its effect on th«; Mr. Foust was former editor of Tho “TREV O’ HEARTS, j cleric's office can be, at ithis day, as- Kr.patcrU Eu. - Monday night is tlie last episode o£ ceratained; and whereas, dn the opin-: 0 over this section of the State. . . O dnding of the long drawn cut love af fairs of Allan Law rnd Rose and Judith Trine. The queation causcs the most interest in the picture PROTECT OUR GJHLS. at The Crystal salaries provided for the holders of; To the Editor:-The mtothers of the various offices were to be paid to the girls of North Carolma are in- and received by those officers for their censed^moved with rightwus indig personal services; and it was not con templated or intended that they should be called upon to pay any part of said salary to others for necessary work tho great Gold Seal Univerad picture' iOn of this board is was intended tha; “Trey O’ Hearts,' Theater. In the next and lost epi sode of this picture you will see tho is whid> one of the girls Allan Law will marry, as they both love him. The picturo is a good one, and car ries with it a very interesting theme all the way through from the first connected vntli their office and whieh they could not personally perfana. And whereas, the booklkeeping problem as to certain matters con nected with the sheriff’s office, to wit: As to the fees for sorvine pavsers Manager Coley is to be congratulat-j issued and placed in the bands of ed upon having brought to oux city such a picture.. O THE MASS MEETING. The mftss nw^ting of the Citi7,ens of Burlington to ^scuss the proposed new charter for the city, held a meet ing last night in the Farmers’ Ware house. tative know their wants I feel sure that they will get relief: Tti't con-- dition of our roads ere deplorable. It seems to me tuss ws should mak« Romft^.rf^hanje.-in -thp msinnt^r nf wot-fc-. ing the roads. We certainly could im prove the present system. I have seen the statement that prior to this session of the Legislature there were 16 counties thiit had abolished the ■'>?' f^ounty Treasurer. I have also noticed that quite a few of the cuu:itjcs have introduced bills in the present session of the ]>gtslature to abolish-this ofiicSi giving to the tax, payers ‘.he salary of this useless of ficer. I see that our sister county of Orange has abolished this office effect ive at ths 5xpiraii*'(i of the present term, Dec. 1st, 1916. H other counties are abolishing the office of County Treasurer, why can- After soma considerable discussion w^l be presented to. the !a>e report of the committee appoint- lan-uly after the service. 1 ^ the Tuesday night meeting Q I adopted and the bill sent to the Leg- ATM P CMURCE next MONDAY jislaturo for enactment. After tlia NIGHT. I Mil is enacted by ths legislature it On Monday night, Febn>ary 15, at will have to be vo^ on by theji^ 7:3i> o'dpcfc Dr. T. H. Lewis, D. D., ^ i-t— ■- i- T.T., president of Westein Mary land College, Westminster, Md., will delivar an address in the Methodist Protestant Church at this plac«j Dr. La-wis is one of the biggest laen in the Methodist Protestant church and an educator of nOte, having beer, pisa- oJ WeitWB Maryland CoKege for 30 years. He has also been pres- zensj of the city at an election to be held the last of March, beforo it bc- c!>i3es effective. O- Tia-vcler—Can I get anytinng to eat here? Sambo—Y&s, »a3i. Traveler—Such as titoit* Sambo—Such ae it it, sah.—Boston ’Tranaenpt. deputies, (practiularly deputies requir ed to be appointed by special laws concerning mill -villages in the coim- ty) justices of the peace, ma5ors and officers from other countie.«i, is entire ly di.«pr^prtionate to the fees recetv- ed, and.it is practically impossible for the sheriff to keep correct accounts of these; and whereas, the work in the various offices-has largely increased in recont yfiars, and particularly the "work in ot ih& register of deeds, in tnat since the passage of said salary bill above referred to there has been installed,a system of book keeping and accounting in the office of the register of deeds that requires the continuous service of a coiapstent book-keeper, and all of the ofBces have to keep much more extensive and ac curate bodes than heretofore in order to make ths returns required by said ml&iy hill. Now, therefore, be it resolved; That this hoajrd eii^loy an attorney acd Continued on Pace 4. nation-—that the House of Representa tives should so utterly ignore the prc- tection of their own daughters and the not Alamance do the same and sava daughters of those they represent a; the Tax Payers $900.00 a year? to defeat the Brockett bill and put auggrest to the tax payers of Alamance tha clincher on it so it cannot be fur- ' that they let their representative know ther. considered in the. House. It is ^ their wants, and I am sure that ha a matter which calls for pause, cha- «iu do his duty, grin, and sad, awful foreboding. j Let all go to -work for the country Let the fathers and mothers mcdi- that we lova so well, tftte on this thing, and try to think ^ E. WHITE. what it means. Beasrtly, brutish men | O should be held back by he strong arm FOR ABOLISHING OFFICE OF of Uia la.-w from committing such out- j COUNTY TSEASUKEE. rages as the Brockett bill sought to —^>— prevent. Since the House failed per- The Question Raised as to These Be- haps unthoughtedly—^but none the less | ing An Eomomy to The People, woefully in courage and chivalry ta The News and Observer carries the shield the daughters of the mother.' following article: in North Carolina, these same moth- To the Editor:—The recent edito- ers ask if there is not some honorable rial in your paper called attention to member of the Senate brave enough to the fact that so many of the counties lead and enter ‘Jhe breach for the pro-' cf North Carolina are ahoUsHng the tection of the girls and the comfort office of County Treasurer 16ads one to of the mothers of these same garls inquire what motive prompts such against unhallowed passion of -wicked legislation. The people will generally men? If so, let him rise in the right;agree -with practical unanimity upon the average daily attendance wns 274,039, and the treasurer’s commis sions amounted to a tax of 10 per cent, per capita on each child enrolled, or of 16 cents on each child dai'y attend ing the school. The 10 cent item is small in figure, but the aggregate sun is great. T^at report further shows ^at the r.vcrage rural school term in North Caroliiis days,..wMle.:in Uie !oi?n!.tax districts it is .133 days and the average amount paid each whit-i teacher was $1R2.49. If the averagft salary divided by the estimated 110 days average length of term, it wil be seen that the average rural school teacher, in- North Gsreiina received- for each school day. it that; bs multiplied by the 7,556 rural white teachers at that time, it -will be seen that. it would, cost apyoximately SIZ,- 542.1S to pay the rural white teach ers of North Carolina for one day. On that basis the coanty treasurer's cc.'nmissions would have paid the whi^e rural ttaehers’ salary for at least three and one-half days. .The 1912- 1914 report, soon to come from the printers, will show substantially the I i sairie results. If these facts show what can be the saving to the coun ties In the handling of the rural school fund, how much more would be saved to the counties in the handling of their road funds and county general funds under such a plan? Recently the camndssisnc^s sf Wake seunty prepar ed a budget {or the county expenses and road funds, and the amount ap portioned to tJse salary fee fund for the county trea3arer was $2,7S0 and the apportionment from the rural school fund and Raleigh township graded r?hool fund would be in ad dition to this. A. B. ANDREWS, JR. Jaiiiuiry 29, 1915. 0 , Bu'_ then we suppose it Trill be and might of righteousness for tho enactment cf a law that will be a bul wark against such licentiousness. This Legiilat’.’re refused to submit to a vote of the people a law for thi enftanchisement of women whereby thoy might protect themselves in var ious ways. So now let the lords of creations rise to the demands of the hoar. If they do not, greater far will what is the best course under any cir cumstances when the facts are plain ly understood by those deciding- the matter. In. your paper of Febrnaty 15, 1914, you printed an article from the -writer which called attention to the fact that the biennial report /f Supt. J. Y. Joyner for.the year 1910- 1912, showed that, the total expendi ture of the rural school fund o£ North considered gallant and patriotjc by the Demoeratie politicians in turning down Mrs. Aycock, and appointing a ward politician to the Raleigh post- maetership.—If the Republicans had done S7ich a thing the Democratic pa pers and politicians would have howl ed over it for the next 40 years.—^The News Dispatch. ■ I mill I iiigi II — ^ Our idea is that the Turk -will lrr« to tegmt havi^ huttad into an Earo- pean war which up to that tinsft was a thorougMy Chr!sti«n affair. ■|i UNT I I .-a .1. I 1